TJIC O II COOM DAILY JOUIiJUL. IOKTLAND. FRIDAY .EVENING. MAY f. 1811 17 WASHINGTON MEM DEGi.'J L0?.'Q AMERICAN TOUR ON HORESOACK i t till ... W . I Oor M. a. J i tu n lt'M 4 U hiuwtt e4 ft. O- fr. r a.w u ix un tail )HtMlUf (firu M tor .kit. iU tela arr Wt Ml lt .ahtfk, nf kHMf Ultl fr Q- IU l S f ... Kmm, M.W. M W"!l II I l( II1M f IM rL I. I trr eL HUl tm thm t'.u iui4 lwr aia I miu. ar. Joml Ad tn r..tia'iii .iwmwi if num. -if i .Best Creamery Per Roll ..55c Dairy.roU.... ...... ...50c Full Cream Cheese, Lb.' . 20c Ranch Eggs 2 doz. - 45c Best Hams, " 16c Tomorrow It Cbidten Day ,18c - 22c La Grande Creamery ZS4 Yamhill 5L Columbia Fish Co, Wholesale and ReUi FISH DEALERS Special prices to hotels and restaurants. Absolutely the best variety of Fresh Fish in the city. Live Chickens, Ducks, Tur keys, Geese, Pigeons, Squabs, Rabbits and Broilers always in stock and killed to order while you, wait. Complete line of Shellfish. Crabs boiled daily. Skamokawa Butter. Fresh Ranch Eggs.) Third & Ankcny Prompt Auto Delivery. E L HOYT, Mgr. Main 5 A-5556 SAMTEC T W4MD) A.MTCMRJ M,E A Grand Offering of Good Things to Eat We Invite You to Be on Hand Early to Profit Immensely HOME-MADE CANDY Peanut C4ffoai fruit aad Jbi ri$e I ' BUTTER Ctx4 Creamery Waiter " Katra ftncj Creamery S84 Oleomargtrioe ,,,..44 and S04 18 Lbs. $i.oo. BISKtT fBCC link 111) OrrTln Bene I. Snjir Miscellaneous Specials UacW Sam'e Health Food ...tOf Posum, Fit Prune or Gol4. , Grain Granule! SOf 3 (i Com .......!....S8f 3 can String Ucana ..........X5 3 bottles Vinrgar .....(......& 1 bottles CUnup ......... 7 tint Sardines ........ ...... .254 J cast Oysters ..M 1 doien Oysters a4 J cant Shrimps ..; 254 Crone BlackweUs Olive Oil T5 Italian Olive Oil at ......T4, t.0 and 2.15 Largt bottle Sabd Oil f New Oregon Cheese 204 Cotolene 304) 504. I1JS J pkgs. Cla(ina aaf 3 bottles Extract 254 Fancy, Comb Honey ....... ..lSf Peanuts lb. ...104 Regular 2Sc Cilt Edge Shoe Polish 154 3 bars Bon Ami 254 2 cakes Sapolio 154 10c pkg. Corn Starch 54 10c box Ball Bine 8 Large bottle Blueing or Am monia 84 4 pkgt. Ctoas Starch 2S 3 pkgt. Jello 254 3 Iba. Secures R.l.iot 88 All Spices (KutoMg a4 U ace racfptcd) 4 Fancy Cookiei 18 Clager Snape. lb.., 10f 3 pVga, -Mararoni. Spaghetti or Vermicelli 8 1 lb. Bulk Trppef S8 2pkgs- 5-Xlinute Waahing Com- pound 38 2 lbs. Brick Cod Fieh Cod Strip, lb. 104 4 pkg. Bird Seed 8 2 lb. Smoked Salmoa 8 Kippered Salmon lb. ........ 904 Quart jar Strained Honey 80d 1 gallon Honey 81.X5 2 boxes Shiaota ISf SPECIAL SOAP PRICES 6 bars Fe!s Naptfca, anull Ivory or Crystal Whits Sosp ....254 7 bars White Wonder SS 8 bars Mt. Hood Naptha ....88 10 bars People's Savon 884 6 bars Asaorted Toilet Soap.. 284 EGGS 2 sHa Sfrtctty Freah Oregon , Sawh , BEANS S It, ruk. Bayo. Kad or large While tleaas 4 (ba, SmaU Whits Beam IS . COFFEE Try a P1 of Grand Special Co(((e. 88 pound. Yowtl like it &!t Edge C(.e .......... .f i potnd lor Sl.OO M. J. il. Crescent. Wadco. Du mtXtd W. and Royal Oub in tiaa. DRIED FRUITS Faacy Dried Apricota. lb 18 2 lbs. ftntf Dried Apples Fane Italian Pmnea-ib, 104 4 lb. Small Pnanes S8 4 Iba, Black or WWte Figs .... 2 tbe. Dried reache 8f SUGAR CURED JPIChJlC HAMS. 12c LB Fresh and Cured Meals BEEF Short IUU of Beef. Ib 8 Rib Boll Beef 8 Pot Roaat Beef 10M2l,C Rump Rout Beef l-'4? SIrlofrt Steak .12? Round Sicnk 15 Shoulder Steak Bef Stew 8M0t PORK Whole Lfi of Pork 15t Shoulder Koait Pork 15c Loin or Leg Roaet...,...17K Frtah Side Pork 15? Shoulder Pork Chops 15 Loin Pork Crop. ....... .174 Pork Sluoks 1U PickJed Pork 15 Dry Salt Backs Dry Salt Sides VEAL Shoulder Rottt Veal 15? Breast of Vel 12tfSl5 Loin of Lee Roast 17t Shoulder Veal Chops 15? Loin Veal Chops 15 Loin Vesl Chops 17Vif MUTTON Whole ShouUers 8t Bst Cuts Shoulders 10t12? Mutton Shanks it Breast of Mutton. 8 Stewtns; Matton .,..8 Loins of Mutton I2ttc Shoulder Mutton Chops 10 Loin Mutton Chops lZftf SAUSAGE Bolorns. lb 10t Head Cheese 10 Blood Saungs v..... 10t Liver Sauaa(t 10 Polish Ssuaags 15t Knockwurst 154 Home-Made Sausage 12'i VealSausae 15t Link Sausage 12yt LARD AND COMPOUND Na S Lsird 40 No. 5 Lard GOe No. 10 Laud $1.20 Compound (special Saturday) No. S Compound 401 No. 10 Compound ..75t SUGAR CURED HA1VIS lGc LB. SALE OF SYRUPS 1 gallon Pancake DHpa" .,,... 1 gallon Karo dark ........ .88 I gatloei MeUasea ....40 Vi gaUos ana and Maple ....o 1 gailow Cans sad Ut4 .....TBa ) cans hfolaaeea 88f Cottolcnc 30c, COc nnd 01,3f; Miscellaneous Specials trrolar 2ScOtrns or Pealine fowder for i....t04 1 lb. A. A If. Soda 4 4 lbs. Sal Soda 104 10 doien Gothei Pias X0 Mop Sticks 10 Cotton String Mope 1B and 88d 2 glaaaee Chipped Beef d 1 Ib. Shredded Coeoanut 18f Crated Horseradlth in J ra ti lftf, 10a sad 88d 1 quart jr Apple Batter 884 2 bottles Worceiterahim SBe? Snider's Catup 30 2 large cam Mustard Sardines 8d 8 botes Hardvd Toothpicks S8 8 rolls Toilet Paper ZS 1 lb. Royal Baking Powder ..40 4 pkga. Gloas Starch 38f 5 Aaaorted Toilet Soap &4 2 Iba. Tillamook" Full Cream aeeae 8 Del Monte Preeervei tSd1 S Iba. Lentils, Sago or Tapioca 88 3 lbs. Dry Oesea Peas ...... ,tS4 i pkga. Title Salt S8f 23 -of, ran Baking Powder ...04 Large can Wadco Pineappls 88a 1 can Moth rooms .......... .834 Largt can Rips Ollvee t&4 3 bottles Olives 83d 6 pkgs. Yeaat 83a 1 Ib. Chirardetli's Chocolate.. 38a 1 gallon can Applea ...33 1 gallon can Catsup ,...884 1 gallon can Pumpkin ........884 1 gallon can Pcachca 30 I gallon can Apricota 834 S lbs. Broken Macaroni 334 Mrs. Dickinson's Home-Made Jelly in gtaaaes 104 1 doaca Candles .............334 1 lb. Walnate 18 3 loaves Bread .104 1 Ib. Rockwood's Chocolate ..804 Dill Pickles. 1 dosen ...154 EXTRA SPECIAL 10c can Round-Up Qeanecr ...84 2 cans Old Dotch Qeanaer ...164 S lbs. Lulu Qeanaer 384 Fresh Frufills and Vegetables Florida Oranges, dozen 304. 354 Navel Oranges, dosen 154, 204 2 lbs. New Spuds 154 Hot House. Cucumbers, each 10e 2 Iba. Fresh Tomatoes 384 3 Iba. Green Peas 254 2 Head Lettuce 54 3 Hot House Lettuce -. 104 9 lbs. extra fine RhubarJ) ....354 3 Iba. Burmuda Onlona 354 6 lbs. Freah Spinach 354 Aiparagua and Strawberries I 1st. and Lrfl THE ORIGINAL H STORE rbonrs Main 070O. A-1412 fiaola 50c 90c $1.80 HOOF Comet Brand 81.16 Queen ...81.15 barrel ... A.Ad UmatiHa . .f 15 barrel . .M-T5 Morning Clory f 1.25-bbL f 4.T5 Corvallia ..15 barrel ..f5.00 White Satin..fl.40 bbL . 85.40 9-lb. sack Flour 804 CONDENSED MILKS 2 cans Carnation '.7. 184 2 cans Pioneer 184 4 cans Jersey Milk 354 6 small eans Milk .384 Eagle Milk ..........154 Cereal Specials 2 pkga. Violet Osts ..........854 4 pkga. Corn Flakes 354 9-lb. sack Farina ..404 9-lb. aack Olympic Pan Cake Flour 404 Rolled Oats, in sacks, for 354, 404 and 454 9-lb. ssck Yellow or White Com Meal .Z3f 2 pkga. Puffed Wheat or Rice 254 3 pkga. Violet Wheat. ....... .354 lOO -Pound Sack of Spuds Saturday S1.90 Fancy Dressed Chickens Every Saturday Common Sense Will tench all houaewlvwa to ba economical and to tak. advantase of every opportunity to cut down expense. RyanGroceryCo. Wlah to have vnu lnnk aver their ad each week and give them a trial. Matlaractlon la given with each and every article sola at tnl atore. Sugar Look Sugar Jn order to sat cheap rates on "Sugar we do not compel you to overstock yourself. As an Induce ment to our advertising column vvo are offering this week for oaah 9 LBS extra dry Granulated Sugar 504 with orders. 19 LBS. extra dry Granulated Sugar .81.00 with f 3.00 order. i t US. extra dry Granulated Sugar 85.75 oash. POTATOES 100 Iba. fancy Bur banks for $1.80. B TJTTXa B est Creamery, In rolls only, 604 roll t EGOS Fresh Ranch Bgga, 204 and 254 dosen. 3TXOTJBV 60 Iba. best grades, for K$1.25, 81.35 and fl.45. TEA Gun Powder and English Breakfast, 354 pound. When you send' In your order don't forget we have a full line of f rulta and vegetables. . More Bargains for Tomorrow 7 pkga. Nox-Em-AU Washing Powder 254 S pkgs. Gloas Staroh ..154 1 pkg; Corn' Staroh .......... 6f 1 larg. pkg. Gold Dust or Pear ' line ........ .v. ...... .....204 t cans Lye, Red Seal ..254 S cans. Old Dutch Cleanser, .254 s bare Fair? or Naptha Soap 354' 1 large bottle Blueing-.... ....54 S cans Corn or Tomatoes. . . .254 3 bottles Cider Ylnegar ....,254 S Iba. Sago or Tapioca..... .,154 4 lbs. Small White Beana... 254 5 lbs. Mexican Beana ......25c 1 bottle Snyder's Catsup. .. . .204 I pkg. Jello, any flavor. .....254 5 pkga. Corn Flakes 154 It oane Carnation Milk . 1...904 13 cana Mount Vernon or Pioneer ' Milk - ... 4 ... .,..' 854 13 cans Jersey Queen.. ...... 754 small cana Milk. .........254 3 large boxes Matches'. ...... 25 3 pkga. Raisins 1 .254 4 gaX keg'DIll Pickles.... 1.25 -Stt gal. keg Sour Pickles.... 854 1 gaL Peeled Peara, in tins. ,354 -1 gal.' peeled peaches, ln.tina 354' , 1 gal. J'lums, in tins. .. ......304 1 gat" Apples,- in tins . nw.SO"" 1 gaL Best Cider Vinegar. , j. 304 6 gals. Best Coal Oil...... ..6O4 These prioes are for Cash amS Saturday Only, . ... , RyanGro ryi cervio; i - Padae tain TTM, A-8844. ; ' - alntB aaa vvnm, wear. ana. WASHINGTON PUBLIC MARKET Corner First and Washington Streets BUTTER. EGGS. ETC Oregon Mist Butter. v fresh churned, 2 lb. roll. . .. v60s Skamokowa Butter, special, Z lbs. for .60s Golden Crown, 2 lbs. 60f) Wild Rose, 2 lbs 55f) Oakdale Best, 2 lbs.. . . . .60f Jersey, fresh churned. . ..55e Dairy Butter 50d Fresh Oregon Ranch Eggs, 2 doz. for 45t Golden Rod Butter, 2 lbs.. 60c? State Brand Butter, 2 lbs. Q0 Elgin Butter , 60e? Laurelwood Butter 55 Ranch Ecrrs. 25d per dozen 2 dozen for 45e? Limburgef Cheese, 2 lbs..35f Fresh Oregon Cheese, 2 lbs. at only i 457 Tillamook Cheese, 2 lbs. 45t Prlmost Cheese, 2 lbs.. . .35i CoIbergs Fancy Imp., Ib. 40 Wild Tillamook Cheese, 20f DEUCATESSEN 50c bottle of Olives.. . .35? Extra fine Summer Sausage, the pound JUf? New stock of Swedish and Nor wegian Anchovies. . -Dry Sliced Beef, 2 lbs.. . .65 Box Lunches. . .10$ and 15 Home Cooking of all varieties Salads, Roasts Etc. -Bulk OUves and Pickles. - : COFFEE Hoffman House? Coffee, ' 30r Rose City Coffee, lb..... i35( 5 .o'Clock Tea, Ib........50t Regular 10c and 15 Spices 5 Mission Extracts, 2 for. ,.25 40c Coffee 35for S lbs $1.00 35c Coffee, special, lbl;.. .30tt 30c Coffee, special, IK. . ..25 MEATS Roast Beef, lb. 10? Pot Roast Beef, Ib 10 Steak, lb. 10$ Best Boil Beet 8 Eastern Sugar Cured Bacon, the pound 15f Roast Veal. Ib 12xAt Lean SugarCured A-l Bacon, per pound let? Country Sausage Meat, the pound 1254 Heavy Bacon, lb 15? Dry Salt Pork, lb lis Picnic Ham. Ib.. . . . . . . .12 Roast Veal, per Ib. 12K and .15e Roast Lamb, per Ib 10tt Roast Mutton, per lb.....l5 Hams, per lb 17 Lard. 5 lb. palls.... G5f Pot Roast, Ib. 10 to 1254f Pickled Pork, per lb.. ... 12Hf Corn Beef, per Ib. ..10f FISH HaUbut, 3 lbs.. ...25f Columbia River Cfiinook Sal mon, lb. .15t? Fresh Herring, 3 lbs.. . . . .25f Columbia River Smelt, IK 5 Shad, lb, ... . ........ . ..10 Fresh killed Chickens every day. ' ; " CANDIESr Home Made Candies. Chocolate Creams, lb.; . . .40? TurHsh Nougat, lb.. ... . .300 Log Cabin Creams, lb... .30c Taffy, lb. . . .', ... . ... . ..200 Plain Mixed 150. 2 Iba. 250 BAKING GOODS ompernickel .... J . : . . . 100 German Rye Bread 50. 100 Swedish Rye Bread. .... .100 English Muffins, dozen. .150 Van Deusen Mocher Layer Cakes, at .... i'.V. . . 1 fas Butter Cup Doughnuts, made S in market, tlozen... . V ..150 Home Made Bread '50, 100 GROCERIES 18 lbs. Sugar $1.00 Fancy Head Rice, y lbs. 250 Fancy Broken Rice, 5 lbs. 250 White and Colored Beans, lb for 250 Corn Meal, 9 lbs .300 Best Washing Soaps, 6 bars for 250 Corn Meal, 9 lbs 300 Best Washing Soap, 6 brs. 250 Strawbeiires, 2 cans 250 Walker's or Welch's Grape Juice, pints 200 10c Shinola. special 50 10c 5 Minute Washing Pow der 50 1 lb. pkg. English Currants or Raisins, 3 pkgs. ...... .250 3 cans Corn . . . , 250 3 cans Tomatoes 250 Karo Syrup, per can 80 Pure Oregon Honey. 1 comb for .....150 Pure Strained Honey. 7 Ib. pail for .....lOO Honey Candied Blocks, 2 lbs, for 250 Pioneer Milk. 2 cans. . . . .150 Libby's Milk, 2 cans . . . . : 150 Yeloban Milk, 4 cans. ... .250 VEGETABLES ' '. Peas, 100 ; 3 for ..... 250 New Spuds, per lb.. 50 Rhubarb, 3 lbs. . . ....... 100 Radishes, 4 bunches. . , . . . .50 Lettuce, 3 heads . . . . . . . . 100 Asparagus, per lb.. ........ 50 Spuds, 12 lbs. . . . . . . . .. . .250 Spinach, 3 lbs. ,100 . FRUITS Strawberries. 2 boxes. . . .35a Apples, 2 dozen. . . . 250 Fancy Bananas, per dozen 150 Navel Oranges. 2 dozen 250 mmes, per id... ... ....iAUC Peaches, per lb.; ... v. 100 Mission Firt. 2 Ibs......il5. Persian Dates, 3 lbs-..;,; .250 Strawberries, per box. . . .100 Lemons, 2 aozen. ........ isas English 1 Walnuts, 2 lbs. 350 19 lbs. Extra Fine Dry Grannlated Sugar $1 Wrm 53.00 GROCERY ORDERS (EXCLUSIVE OF SUGAR) 1000 10c Cans of Rainier Milk Special tbe Can 5c CASE OF FORTY-EIGHT CANS, SPECIAL $2.25, EVERY CAN GUARANTEED Boiling Onions, 3 Dm, 10c Fancy Head Lettuce, 3 for 10c Lemons, 1 doz. 15c Extra Sweet Oranges, 15 for ...... 15c Seeded Raisins, 2 pkgs. . . . Vi . . . . . ,15c Loose Muscatel Raisins, 2 lbs. . ... .15c txtra Large Italian Prunes, perlD .10c New Potatoes, 5 lbs. for ..... ... .25c Extra Fancy Large Smooth finrbank Potatoes 100 Ib. Sack $1.85 A Bottle of Choice California Port FREE TO EVERY CUSTOMER Calling at my main store 66 Grand Aye. Saturday. Grand Opening Specials for Saturday MONOGRAM WHISKEY Full quarts, reg. $1.00, special ......70c Gallon, reg. $3.50, special .$2.50 OAK HILL BOURBON i Full quart, reg. $1.00, special ,..w. . . . .70c Gallon, ree. $&50,, special .$20 OLD BARBEE (7-year-old) Full quart, reg. $1.25, special 95c . rA - e . 4k ea4Si oanon, tcz. joa speaai RECEPTION PORT Gallon, reg, $1,00, special pnly .... . . . . . . ,60c - i (Including Jug) V- THE NEW BEER tGaisc3cle tiger" y Ol-PO; Pcr Dozcn ; ' (BOTTLES EXCHANGED) Delivered Free to Your Home Together With Your -: -fl Grocery, Order Groceries sold at immense reduction in price every day in the week. Liquors. sold at Main Store wonly. . ; 12 tbs. Potatoes . . .25c , Best Table Butter, lb. 30c Per roU ........ ..55c Snowdrift Flour, sack $1.35 : 45c Steel Cut Coffee, special. 354 Chow Chow, 1 quart il5 Table Salt, 10 lbs............. 0j ' Pepper or Mustard, ; 10c , tins, j.'; 2 fOl ' mi . . a l . White Laundry Soap, 7 large . bars for ...... ...'... ...... 254 Naptha Soap, 7 bars ...,25 , , Large package Pearline ..... .204 Gloss Starch, 10c pkg.v2 for ;.15 9-lb. aack Farina Special i . .354 9-lb. aack Com Meal ........ .30 . 10 lbs. Whole Wheat or Graham Pkmr for V..,...U;t....;.8 6 Iba Rolled Oats ........... 25e 5 Iba Extra Cream Oats 25 Macaroni, Noodles or Spaghetti, 2 packages 15 Jn bulk, per lb Se 50c Gunpowder Tea, per lb....351 ' ' 40c English TBreakfast .Tea.. 'p(efv. pound t . I X . I .25 '. ' Corn Starth, 10c pkg for Baking Soda, 10c pkg., for ,ii.54 Round-Up Cleanser, per can , -5e Ground Chocolate. 1 lb. 254 - POULTRY FEED aick Ivood, 10 Iba .7304 - - 100 lbs. ... . ;..:. . . 2. T5 Scratch Food, 10 Iba, 304 V 100 lbs. V. . ;:: ; : .2.50 'Grita,' 10 Iba. 5100 Iba 1.0O Ground Bone,' 10 lbs.. ...... ..334 100 Iba. 3.00 Ground Shell. 10 Iba. .1&4 100 Iba. .........f 1.0O Charcoal, lb.... 5 6 lbs. ,..25 . The above grocery prices will also ba in effect at my branch atorea: ' Montarilla Branch 75th and Gliaan streets. Phone Tabor 875. Mt Scott Branch 5409 73d street; Millard Sta tion. Phcne Tabor .5S72. ' T-'. ' THE MAIN STORE, 66 GRAND AVENUE, Is located right In the heart of the East Side Business District and a easily accessible by aU carllnea. Free deliveries to all parts of the citr. IF YOU QMTT COUE. PHONE EAST 1744 . ' ;: Y. " ..- . EAST X320, B-3221 i ! A. WEn 64 and 66 GRAND AVE. ' Bet! E. Stark and E. Oak ft. Gl rr! CI C V 'D