The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 02, 1912, Page 8, Image 8

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'FT4 17 TiOT ir XT AT "' aa
i lliv IWWiVlXJkJkJ li rriLJ la I r.-u l
ia oftflkhlal trrtB.
, Ike ft fur r fat, I
ft .' kk0t U -ta-J for-
ayr ..... . --. - - - r w v . v , --
.."l ZL,77Z 't t' iir cfi4a.
,, jf I -- j l "' it i t arar
f "' t jw f n r j Till! WV
m n. -- ia
: IT 7T
l'"fl at tlttj rt. IllI
. ik. ,a.i -. J XIX
'""'m IMHIIIIH iiriia""-I ..
--.'. A l, - .iU f JCOtl
- f i lion
"- TaM r Mil a aa e j B1'
im lnH i- M.ak
.. . .. ft I O-a ...
ball V tff t Shf .
ft ft I Am - .
Mm !.
Hwf fa nr. l)iill flea
rr wtal lky a; II ft
T Ih4 ft fatim
DECAIHE Salem aaneaed all th
In port ad t county office In th
II lata nominating prtmarlr.
thr Is ft small revolution with
ota pro ml a of flreworka in Mar
ios county. It la volcad by th
Woodbora Independent, th 6U mer
lon Appeal,, th Wcxxlbura 'Trtbaoa.
nJ otber ont-or-6alm publlcaUona.
All ara dtacualju( tba naana bj
btrh 8aleia gathered lo all the
plrnna. Oo aara there la a Blta
' rlna that did 1L ' Another saya there
$ a vbUker rtnr that did It. A
third avera that there la a Ug potlt
lral boas In Salem who concocted the
' So far, all seen to bar overlooked
th diabolical Democrats, No doubt,
the Democratic Imp of Iniquity
did IL
. Ara v not told that th Demo
crat nominated Lafferty? Are w
not -told that It waa th pestilential
Democrata that beat Taf and car
ried Oregon for RooeTelt? Ar we
not told that everything that goes
wrong In 'Oregon Is the pernicious
work of Democrata?
Absolutely nothing but Demecrat
k villainy can account for -the way'
balera hogged all th Republican
'nominations In Marlon county.
"r-VThf not get an Dff-hand opinion
from Attorney General Crawford
and see If th whole Democratic gen
eration, of riper cannot be de
ported? .
K. PARKISOV oatkt ael I
fctftitiy file a atteaaare lor re
aoltJatUf ike ?iie aalrity
aad lk. Hiaift Acrteulteral
(rotlege NoU-1r tbould fh teed
Into curt a utieavcr. It U
l&(Ur tor haeie. It U iv t
tktiig lo etirtiiiebt with. It '. IM
larr aa anterj rl ta llch lo trutl
lo lurk.
Th Uuorblog of oe neafare will
men the laaarklng of another
Tkr fuisbt U three. The aole
arttem of higher education la the
tale would t pat on heli. The
whole thing would he plaared Into
join Ira. and In reaaequenc one of
(he blxit-at atcruta la U hl(or
ould burat oer the aiaie
There euld he pajtatoa and bit
feraeee. There would be aa aefal
fight. Ttr would b agitation and
educational aareat. ' Th whole 4a-
ftfeaate aiift !H et f tke Ifl
ike. Tcattittg limt Vi 49,
)ora!Wta . rti(Vo.s k t.
aaa arirutvr eel,,!!, . Aa4 Uai
ta Mtaaea. a eiate f f !( tr
Aeeag tke II? koa
tnethlag, atrial rir T. aH
II, art fw ferta l. aJle
I ta tkeaa ar and da
t(U aaaf atei aad !
lag aa a vee(Wa l
cm ia itfxi I aiRr
;Ma4aia, H Uiit!(Ui aa it
tarr ei.i t nakie fer
latkr I faaiia tee ag-
rtratttral lair :. J a44Hia,
it-ef UI U k aaaaJ rUr lee-.
tr gad dme&rtreite for t!
dwlrttg e UtkaU! wort.
. Agrfaaltare ta iMlr4 t L
eath k3 arrade of th gre.
. emu. Ottuaw,
m wai awa Uei4it
4i4 t
a m4 lwu
II af ell;
llettyCrtea aoJCIucao
ea Leu4
Th Wmm- tf aa
ia rii wiia in
--- " ,T"I tt. ku- a a k time .i f - IK. auM
aaar Ktoai. h,i if tka taaxker Us kJa I uLLli . J tVTii!! H 'I udui ef im nr.
m kaeetWg f Ike IWi. Ue ta
IfurUo U trfu trior a.J kiMlM. 1 aay
ula U Hrfaari.r, a.4 a.tater.LTrf I UTVZ
'a Tie teacher ! Nb4r-
.4. .r'ik .)ert..tU H b ajVlU'a.V.G.r:;
K4r (l Hi ttoia ai4ii
iie . a uatarr
itiau r hminiin ta Urfvlf a
" er i4i. a i etuu(e
rational Intereat wuld b lunged
lato (he throve of a conflict from
which It weald not recover ta tea
8tat education Is not a thing for
mere tinkering. tircat changea
ought not .to be attempted with a
measure baaod on what on maa or
a few men think about It itr. 1'ark
Ison'a purpoera may be splendid,
hat his viewpoint might BolJtJfTr
fertly balanced. IDs measure might
be an earlleu( one, but .'t might b
very bad. Tnero ta. In any haaty
movement. (h clement of chance,
and great chance, wita almost Infi
nite opportunity for barn to atate
Back of It all I th fundamental
tari that th two Institutions belong
In widely separated fields. They do
not oeiong tojremer any more than
doctor' college and a lawyer
college. The attempt to unit them
HI almost certainly eventual Into
effort to kill on or the other. It
certain cenreqoenee. will be to crip
ple one or the other. If not both
If we want to kill either, we ougkf
not to be Cowardly. If we do not
want th Agricultural , college, we
i should vote It out of eilstence and
I let the university alone. If we do
not want the university, wa should
kill It without amotherlng th col
In any event. If there Is to be vot
ing on tn subject, let there be a
wise, deliberate, painstaking, ex
haustive Investigation by the ablest
body of men the atate can muster.
A !! freffeuj ef lkje am
da ar wetsiag Ifcdr way lrik I
colUf. la wkela or la frart NWIrl1
all eir i ra their ftiiaf ilaietftated
ken iker ka m4 tkraefh Ike I Ta rolteg t asaklag a ! 1
alrrtty. leffert I eoopvr1 ' Ik gvaeral
lr. Vlareal Wrt! thia aa ikltUatara net .meat among fta
mo.1 roiapleie aaiiU of itodcra t-i it iaratorif ana Ita la-
aonbft of AtuerUa lka kss ever (aaslaaaa from wtvk the tcheria. .,...
i . . . i . . 01 in uai a ran m aiij.rfuin Ik.
nuu.. x.jlji,m mn in a I C V( i y ( 1 lurk M ! (tlM m4.
tiuiM lint NT Ttl iKMhtrviir lefirti. irw:"" " MHMwr ica
. I Hoards of sdacatioa, raty !
N KJ )er f Aineflcaa aallolal! Mrtatdrts. (Iltieaa aad Iter fe-1 a a) k ke ef
I 111. ih.M K. I l.l fM.M la a.ta.1 I . . . . . I '"" . ! t lft-
. - . i.ii ai am awi MV p--f !! I ca.u(a(ral 111) lf.
third term candidal for lhajih airtcultur taught ia lh grvj
live Mat (1 fM
.tajyi r aa at in ai.
Irrlnlerr 1 TW IniImn
rifw KH-itui I f"i I k ftw
kaktiif Minia.,1 ,aJ -i)i mi r( ta
I) I to
Ta a.ate4 ha i i: I t um. ia. a
U M HI . I t.aWaa llamK - - - I La - - - (
r jw Lojv" ti ii iv4 U
u w4 rxva Im.l4.l m
-iAi IW aj, ft pti ad
M M m rr. f.r auta
r lt f4 u ia .!... :l4
CaUa. tke miiUka MHif w4
ia- immi . J4 k-.a aa4 i
Ma I, wtia a kaar i.M-a ai
(- xon aa iai wi -l
Wku 11 Mm! nJB AM a4
vj ta ( i-HtJir d w
fMa ta ei, r4
I U air i.Uir. l( wtit
Ml)r i a Mn alieelak a4
I iafrttr um4 baei f e (
I. W wM) us - 14 ew.
! mar ackoela ts real agrteQtfar.
rttdntlr. ataaaechueette kaa a I
. ... ... i . . . , . an.. I rnimii mi arM MMiii hi
nq men m ia eeighl or rmaMii f.rmrr. iJl.f Iilt. kui .Mil -f fr
The fir aa Oraat. la III, oae
of lh f ra( military rbUfiala of all
world-wj popularity. He bad Juttvn( er 'ae (( a, whole waalkiaa a4 ehA.
ralnmaa mm a iHa m. A ikafltrati t A Taft ha a xlarallfv I
wortd. ending wit a srrtae!arwe!.3e. but - tha eight 4tIgaUa alaiur iLiui w.ila
com at Han rranrtam. aad Irian. I larg. piecgea to HOoeerell. wr I lAieaa a wul
nhal tonr arrraaa thai VultaA Kiaraa IchOMO. Horn rrfra!Ll lawa ara I ...
' - ' - - - ' - ' ' I - - " ' ' I RMutflll til a - - - auiaaa. mmm
Tb other is Theodora RoovelL I pr-'erwiai D urCoaTrt.
tn. t-i-M. t.i.. .k... ii. . I law AKArsev rtaaral rra a fnrvl i " w
lfl,F,u IUR',1 IB( ,1 ! Vinvill I ' ' ' ' ' ' -
th reatrary aotwiinataadlng, per-
Ceiuae, Qieve eaital: T. Ta
rH lime My II I B" Mva
Jffaiaaia Wa mmh lh M-urw
duimMt ta t"4ia uwv wiraiC oar
real wa UMttlMl
AtUav fKM-Mtrraii all mHi mt AU
Kanr araa-laft' la4!ly a 4 'lr
i.lf, ImI h a an -!. aa well a
in, ana nana i"ia iaioa c ,
caiaa i. aa wrii a4$iu
aia in name.
Mai Oar-fl Oarlr fewalt ka
Ua. la arklri. II a albsua raein frua al Ihraa miu (
I I.a I .urin will a.rt. ua anil HIM W lMrlB al rarva. II
aatllia I nave (na4 iiai ar awar a.
mHE conulatlon In 1910 of Ore-
I gon waa t7a,765, aa compared!10 the nd that ,f tna PP'
... with 317,704 In 1800. Of thl!'01' inpy "" TO,e Ior P'n
45. per cent resided In dtles
and Incorporated towns In 1910 as
compared with 32.2 ter rent in 1900.
'"In 1909 there were 224 manufac- Intelligently.
turlng establishments, an Increase of
40.2 per cent In five years. Persons
engaged In manufacture were 34.722
In J909, an increase of 67.7 per cent,'
la five years.. Wage earners werej
28.750... .V ' ; I
that Oregon wisdom and Judgment
can present.
If we must tinker, let us tinker
la PenaarlvBata and Illinois wake It
eeie (hat bM t tmtnatbd. -Urant
also had heavy aapport from
tltltiols and I'riinsylranta la th con
vention of lttO. but he failed of
nomination, lie had 21 of tb 41
delegate from Illinois, and 12 of tb
tS from Pennsylvania. He had. ta
addition. SI of th 70 delegate
from New To'rk. with ??oro Conk-
ling aa their chairman.
E Grant had 21 of th 10 delegate
from Missouri. II had also nearly
all of th eoathern delegate.
There war 74 delegate la tb
convention, and 279 were necessary
to nominal. Oa th first ballot
Grant received 904. and on th thirty-sixth
ballot -308. In spit of
Orant'a unparalleled popnlsrlty, and
In spite of the matchlea eloquence
of Conkllng. the followers of Grant
could not break dowa th third-term
luaUa rrb. folai.i ..
py ta eariy news. Tan aa
!loetIt am to have aecured a
rjnaj number af delegate la th
Maaaachaatta primaries. Evidently
th prealdent should have stripped
aad gone to slagging arllr
Lwtter From the People
AHIel m4 auaaUon for Ihl pajra
houl4 k wrtlUs oa only on I4 ft
lh rPr and tx acompaafa br th
nun aama, Ta nam will no! b
publUbxt. but I lr4 aa aa Isdt-
(ailoo or to4 fallh.
Will the IWIi. Gala.
rertlao. April ?S. To lh IMIlr of
in journal r. I?1 la Th Jour
nai or lh Ilth lnt. ralae th que-
ne a i in u- r voiiac frr son.
ucian mno will not kp (heir p Ixl lea.
any will
not v ftcr lo Ihla but
f ball w caji go Tn rurlhar and aah
Wliat mtlOA It aan.. i. a a .la
. . . . T- ta . . I . .7 " - " w
n Air. imwi-t-u oouiq only piayiinat eouia b tcfjitod to konrattr rarrv
ven with Mr. Taft In th Maaaacha-I cut th f"11 pro 4' am of th R.pubiican
setts prlmarle. can h aueceed In . -noree rrrair That la.
i".mTu uwiivik wwui in ma
breaking down in 1912 tb third-
terra tradition that th frlenda of a
great popular hero could not break
down In 1880?
OW1IERE are domestic
more closely knit, than
Jewish families.
TO... t A 1 a.
.niiT" ,!te.da-, JXZrZZl' Abandon the deck of the
figure covering t50;552,000 tor ma- Ti h
terlala; $19,902,000 for wages. 4 .- Z L t Jn. T i T the,depart
047.000 for aalaries. and T.623,000!,B
-ror-ratecallaneona - expenses. The JI S,A th.e
valne of the product, wa. $93,005, S
000 end f fhl li 4K9 tinn w -"' uau juur-
.aa-a k t -I '' .:. Jl "i neve( by side
or lh rommon pople. working man,
farmr. lrk and pmfiona man,
sain ta fcla dally llf hi working eon
ditlona, kia pay and what it will bur.
opportunity fqr hla children, and eafaty
from worry and porrty. In alcknoaa or
oia an. i nra ar in 11T vllaj qoa
tlon that com hom to ua all and
Uu Canadian cousins recognls I tD,'r T onM w want nnswarad.
th alna nt ttMlni I. -7. Of what benefit la It to ua to 'buat-
" a ' th tmata? Would a ma-s of amall on
.inrricnu conaui i nor conern pnxluca as cbaaply aa a
at V ictoria, Vancouver Island. I 'art organisation? would not the
MMirf, av a , aw. rv . i k. a.. a. 1 aama ttroaaaa nf Mmnat I f Inn irlliina.
i -f" i vuai. mi jirinaa v-oiarn uiiri .. - . -- . -
rrovlnHnl rn..n,m.hi k.. a Lh Weaker and building up dominant
. . "-a I ngarea. go on aa ta tha paatt
n.. ii. inomson ror twenty-two I Wbat would w gala by regulating
yeara city engineer of Seattle, and I Pr,ce an prorita. vn if thy wer
later harbor engineer there to an-1 0D tni .flu! tnBt? .f wt,,r.
. . . , and were actually lowered? It would
perlntend tha laying out aad devel- only taka a llttl longar for our ln-
opment or the Stratbeona park, on duatrlal rulara to acrap togather what
klof u raaa.a. prf- Oo4
buI taava a prfet pivraery.
nkat aa unhraval tkara Kaa txaan
iilMlua 4aiU4r.ilai nanaii
ana oa a raa or ill out of
iu -
Taf I aad rtoe!!. prvaldent and
prilni. attacking and aeynalng rq
nihar butrrlr ia no i aa iriM ape-
Aa vi ktMehuatla aa 1U g tha
rn'ailon-prhap' al a MaaaA
ehulia tnn will think Ihla should b
lh raaa. ,
Sm 4-lirala will b much tila4
lo diarovcr lUal lb rny tat for whom
lhr ar bound to vol ai lone aa ha haa
a vbaara, baa n longer any ehanca. I
andabla than bal. tanking a praftl
ftbl crop anaualir, rnin vf aama,
w a
klnnllor aomapAad Woodbur In-
flpa4l; Aa artaaiaa wall ban jaai
bn dfillad an A. Ilaaaon a pUtr. It
J f Ml 4 lb walar pl
al fast ftb Iba aurfaa aad run It
gnllaea ft tnlnuia. Tn Wlr I o(i.
. .
Jaekaotirtlla Post? With h ntnpl.
lien of our wair r(tn in iti aa
a awr r1ra loomlag us- II ama lb
lima I about rip to l-t n
ridBia. Aa a reioniiai lowa Jaca.
nnvilla ja far ahead ef any plar ta lb
U'r " .1
nrotmsTni Ttmae; 'Al effort should
b mail wllhntii laly. o t avrar a
modern '. planlsg mill fur flrownavin.
Tnr la a'daotand for oaa.
mllL ahlch la now a Ihlng o
ronialnad loo mrb ld wer out
ehlnry I pay. t
Mrrtta Crk Mail: II 6om net mat
tar who gta lb nomination for lh
proaldeney Ihl year klrTt! Craak nt
a eannarr. TPr i a vry larorani
pmpt-l for a big fruit crop, and with
out a cannery many dollar will b lot
10 Ibo poopla of Ihla paction.
Tho klorr
of tho pat.
"From GreenlaaiTa Ic.MoMtalna."
.log product less expenses rave $10.
,881.000 by the use of $89,082,000
capital and, as above shown, $82,-
.12 4, OPOL expenses.
The Industries have been ar
rangod, in order of value of products.
' The ten leading industries are' these:
1 Lumber, 713 establishment pro-
irfnMnn t9A Art AAA Vl... j
000, 3-aiaughtering and meat)! fnCat 8h,P 8 f1 the? V
packing; -14 establishments yielded 1 I lD"
$5,880,000. 4-PrInting and Dub- tr?JdZeh . '.
kn.i, ' ,u uio laiesi iew xonc inaenen-
tlll the great
crisis, and she deliberately chose the
waves for a winding sheet, in pref
erence to life without the man to
whom she had pledged her Joys, her
sorrows and her future. ....
The devotion of this wife is ono
of the compensations of the Titanic
All have recounted the deeds of
their heroes, Astor. Butt, the brave
Vancouver Island, which cover 48
square miles. Th engagement la I
for five, years, at a salary of $15,000
a year.
From tha same source we hear
waa left If w raduca tha coat of
neceaarls of llftrwhll leaving to our
maater th buatneaa of supplying them,
our wage will fall correspondingly.
Waga generally approximate tha cont
of living. They wlU vary with tha
u , , . . . ...... . . .iaiiuuu v. nsuua jiu uu ciaa ui, v4 ritvona dm oi- worker and with tho number of un
fered A. II. Dimock, the present city employed. Tb unemployed ar wllllna-
engineer or Seattle, an engagement 10 woni Ior Ju,t enough on which to
aa citv engineer of Victoria ar tTKnn "u "P"ru wui. gei dui
mt ia more.
a vear- I What would w gain by forcing dowa
These facta are Included in a ren- ,he Prlc of land? win cheap land
eral statement of progress in al
I most all industries on Vancouver
Island, embracing docks, wharves,
llshliig; 324 establishments produced
$5,041,000. 5 Butter, cheese and
condensed milk; 95 establishments
' .Tho tuL i...f-i,.- . ... 1 canrtot 've thee, husband
-" ...o muuoura in rcBUHB; arm
range from $3,207,000 for canning Enfolded. I am afe from all alarm,
and preserving to $1,629,000 for j If . God-hath wMcd.that we should pans,
VrJ6rdn ,15 ,Dtrmed,f ta ! t'he'darfwator, to Eternal UghV
ones are: 7 Foundry and machine ; Oh, let un thank Him with our lateat
bdops. 8-uread and other bakery j
products. 9 Malt liquors. 10 ,or
Leather goods. Low-down In the! t -
nt, Solomon Soils Cohen character-
b the act of Mrs. Straus in these
lines i
In thine
wedded llf and undivided death.
coiuenes, nyaro - electric power
plants, which 1b most remarkable.
Employment of a largely Increased
send us all back to tha farm? At tha
preaent day farming demands a larger
and larger outlay of capital for equip
ment. It alao needs thorough training
for the work. - What fltneee haa lh
average tnduatrlal worker for aclentlflo
farmingT Are our averaga farmer,
tnoaa or tha preaent and younger gen-
list come woolen and worsted goods
relt goods, and wool hats. .Onlyi
eight establishments are listed, -with j
product amounting to $929,000. j
There Is a total of 34,722 ner-i
T the University of Minnesota
canvass has been made of 1340
students, Demg all those who
nova ncif ' Af ' . ' - a, xi
Of 7hT oT c1 '" stage of electing their places to com
ur these 31,849 are male ; . .... .
onH 9R73 fml A n .v. . """'""J curo 111 me
v m , six- colleges of law, medicine, engineer-
SSJST ?ytL ing,agr,cu,ture, literature a,? arts,
""-J" nmcuu or fbAOfhPTdmal or wlinM.
number of workmen is Involved, and eratlon who have had to buy or rnt
of the outlay of Immense sums In ine'r. ","a- n?1" more tnan tney
Tiianto rf oil bi.. - need? Would they welcome) a couple of
plants or an Kinas. million more farmers to their ranks?
Two causes are plainly operating Would farming be hotter paying with
at high pressure, the construction of the ,ncreaed number lhMhe field?
the now transcontinental railroads, ,'Aw.i!tL'fiha!!tnen'r
and the approaching completion of adminutered by thoa who work, with
the lull value of their labor in return,
and no tribute to those who do nothing
dui own wnetner tney own toy having
accumulated former profits.- by Bpecu
latlon, by dishonest means, or -simply
through Inheritance. W need no Idljre
whether rich or poor, no aristocracy,
either political Or industrial. W. M,
the Panama canal. ' From financial
reports in London .we learn that Im
mense sums of British capital are
available for these enterprises.
Reginald llab- was one of tn treat-
t of Rngllah hymn wrltere, and "From
Oraealand'a Icy Mountain la tha moat
popular of hla many eoinpoaltlon of
thl character, which Inetuda Py Cool
FUoenV Shady W1P and TSrlghUat
aad Bat of th Bona ef th Horning."
Th elreumataneea ondar which thla
wall known mlaalonary hymn waa
written tn 111 ar wall authenticated.
Mr. Hbr waa vlaltlng hla father-In
law. ron Uhlrley. Vicar of Wreaham,
uat befor Whit Sunday, on which par
ticular day oHertlona war to ba mad
In tha churcbaa. In compliance with
royal riuet. tn bahalf ef th BocUty
for th Propagation of tha QopL Mr,
Shirley aakad hla on-ln-law. with
who poetic faculty h wa of coura
familiar, to pre par iitmi veraea to b
aung nit day at tha rloaa of th morn
Ing aervlca. Ootng over to a window
of th vicarage Mr. Ileber sat down
there, and In a Short Urn handed Mr.
Shirley th mantiacripl of thla hymn
al! except tha llnea beginning. "Wart,
waft, re wind a, hla atory," and he
were added Immediately, afterward
ktr. Heher was Indeed dlspoaed to atlll
further Increaaa th llnea. but Mr. Shir
ley thought tha aena and harmony of
th poem now complete, with tha addi
tion, and that anything mora would pa
detrimental. So tha copy was allowed
etand- a - written, except that
"heathen" wa subatituted for "aavaga"
natlona, and In this shape It went to
the printer. Th manuscript waa pre-
aerved. and aulta likely ia atlll In ex
latenca, Ita laat known owner being
Rev. Vr. Raffle of Liverpool. It waa
on exhibition at tha London World'a
Fair in list. Bain a clear and beau
tlful bit of pan work, Mr. Hughes of
Wrexham llthogfaphd It a a memo
rial of Ita original production In Wrex
ham church on Whlt Sunday, IBIS.
Th tun "Mlaalonary Hymn" to
which this plec la universally sung In
America, was composed by Dr. Lowell
Maaon.- The history of Jta composition
la In Ilk measure romantic. It aeems
that a lady residing In Savannah, Oa.,
had In aom way becom pead
a copy of tha word ant to thl country
from England. Thla wa In III!. Sh
wa tmprad by th beauty of tb
poatry and It posalblllty aa a hymn.
She attempted to find tun that would
fit th measure. She had been told of
a young clerk In a bank, Lowell Maaon
by nam. Juat a few doer dowa lh
atraaL It waa said that ka had th
gift of making beautiful songs. 6h
aant a boy to thl genlu la mualo and
In a half hour s Mm h relumed with
th eompoaltlon. Llk th hymn It
voice. It waa don at a stroke, but It
will' laat through tb In spit f
th effort that ha ba mad many
time to bav It eliminated from th
In 1111 Rev. Heber wa made btahop
of Calcutta, whera three year later be
died f apoplexy while la th barn tu
waa found dead by a servant. Hi dis
tinction was th outgrowth ef heredity,
environment and education. AH his
Ufa ha waa -surrounded by culture, and
refinement. Hla father, Rev. Reginald
Heber of Malpaa, after whom the author
waa named, waa a man or wealth and
learning, and co-rector of Malpaa with
Dr. Townson. Richard Hber. his elder
brother, was so fond of books that fce
had accumulated 1(0,000 of them, and
while on wonder what he could really
want with ao many, and is quit oertain
that neither ha nor Reginald could maa
ter mora than a "comparatlw-fw-f
them. It shows tha literary atmosphere
In which ths Heber lived. At Oxford,
In 1800, young Heber took first pric
for beat Latin poem, first prla for
English poftry and on graduation third
price for English pro. Following hla
ractorahln or Honnat. 1S07 to iizs, no
preached during tha latter year at Lin
coin's Inn, London, going from there
year later to India, lit was born at
Malpaa. which Is In Cbeahlre. April 11,
1788. and throughout hi ministerial
career wa noted for hi mlaalonary
seal. . '
fwil. wfcaj t tt tka! tke aatlUag
P f - wuT a Mr far, at Ita
ri f I . be Aaauaa. 4 IL
bMtit tbra tat in-
Uy. tka aala aad peirtlaaa e4
tartaia alia. rir4 fr lb a
iiwra af in ty of Cbkhago, aa
cu vuia mt lla labatallaala; lb waalt
biM!iBg aaaiilla ai allacXtag I
ft lucaliiy. vapai ar aacial arwwta
aa Ia4il4al aatafpriaa Kaaeiita
cwl4 traal Ihl valva, Abuadrad tea'
aa la a la tataagw wa BaraUlr
woctkUaa. Ufi4 -Miala a atr
ilk aacial n i a, aaa4. wbat a ii
Mr. Urvaa giva ta cbaag far lb
M4.H9 pr aaasaat Imply aad tair
r-rtnlt; aa armal la aiaad ai
aa allow aa Industry a ckaaa i -vli
I aoadaai a bualaaa aa
rrrta f a er f Ian, that waa kaa
kafor aha wa bora, aad will r
otaia a attar ah kaa pa, away.
Aonordlng tb Jul law f a-
change, af rvta for aarvW. tb a-r
atant appar rtltla ana lda4, l"n
vale ewnerahlp r poaaaaalea f la4 ta
fUfded --)-- aallal lot.lU kwl
vlopraaal: kt wbaa w I n aH -MaaH-
warahip t Include, a at aly raauJta
from Individual effort, bat al ta re
sult ef eommunal atrpria a walL
Im It a appear thai w g far la
ward eaadonlng a vlolalkoa f lb
Igbth aommaadoiaat ?
atlae weallb rpraal prediMMt
kurnaa ff art, t dlvaal aoolal weallb
from Ii lataadad a natural pmrp ef
supplying aooLal aead from the larger
number of cittseaa. I tb mailer
lUtndowatng) number of clilaao: aad
tba t lvy a lag upon Industry t .
offaal Ihl loaa, -ns tb bight f
A a rasnlt of thl policy f placing
lh tax burden upon Industry instead
of land value, lb conaumar baa the
eot of - llvtag enhanced about I . per
cant.' and tha land la put bayand the
reach of th unemployed. by a aparula
lira figure. Dy thla mtbod of concen
tration, the good Popl of thl land of
th free, and the home of the brave, ara
naturally and Inevitably differentiat
ing Into tramp and mllltonalraa Tha
census of 10 revealed th fact that
110.231 persona poaeaaeed MT.000.000.onO
out of a total wealth of tl,ooe.o,ooo,
or. In other worda, that three tenth of
1 per cent of our population poeaaeaed
TI per cent of th nation's wealth.
With th land withheld from the
maaao. bcau of a flctltlou pric-,
and th natural profit of Industry large
ly taken to pay governmental ipna.
I It any wonder that capital and In heir
ara continually fighting over th fw
rrumba remaining that th landowner
have not absorbed; that Involuntary
poverty la forced upon u. and that de
grading poverty devalopa Into criminality?
It I poaalbl that net all our char
itable Institutions would prove unnec
essary f our tax methods allowed th
renaumer to retain In hl, own pocket
what la now diverted from him; but
their number would certainly be mate
lially reduced.
It 1 aald that Mr. Aator. now a Frit-
Ish subject, demands a tribute of Sit.
000,000 every year for allowing Amer
ican clUsena to transact business on
Manhattan ialand.
Br Miles
Tomorrow 'Onward,
dlera." ' .
Christian Sol
This vessel started en hsr trial trip
from th Thames September S, 1869,
but met with an accident and returned
to port She started again on June ii,
180, and arrived at ,ew xpnc on me
28th. During 1861 aha made numerous
trips across th Atlantic, au proving
financial failures. From 1884 to 18
she was connected with the Atlantic
Telegraph apd with other cable enter
prises until 18V wnen sno Decamp a
coal hullf at Gibraltar. - Was broken up
In 1887. She wa never In th Paclflo
ocean. V ' , ' " .
years old are returned.
For the great majority of wage
earner in Oregon the usual hours
Of labor range from 54 to 60 hours
.a weekt:Jaclusive. Only 14,5 per
cent of the total, artf employed where
fesa than 64 hours a week prevailed.
Only .S per cent were employed
wher more than 60 hours per week
ara called for.
Of the 1340 there were 476 men
and 864 women. Here are some of
the results. ,
Nine tenths of all have chosen
their life-wort Two thirds of these
say that they decided while Ift high
school. Only 'one fourth of the
men intend following" the-Vocations
of their fathers. Parents of 190 stti-
rionto aa Ana..AJ a- , .
-d in printing. SL
the Wage I follow In thpir father.' ..n.'
and publishing most of
earner work where prevailing hours
, are 48 perjreek or less, 'in the lum
ber Industry, 91.4 per cent worked
.'here prevailing hours were 60 per
. yeek. ; j- -. r--. ,.f .:,:i -
The population of Portland was
507.214 bjrth 110 census. In
1909 tha wage earner In PorUand
numbered 12.J14. The value of
product la Portland , la that year
was 148,860,707. This wa an in
crease from 1904 to 1909 of 6J.6
ler cent In value of product and
"49.5 per cent In nam be? of 'waga
earners, . ' " - ' ; '
.Not .OEly has thcr been no check.
The parents of 490 are engaged in
business, in the usual sense, and' of
208 more the parent are classified
under finance of same kind. Teach
era- have-104 -childrenJn colleger
rarents or 97 follow some trade,
such af carpenters, masons, machin
ists, and ao on. Lawyers answer for
76,' th medical profession for 61,
engineer for 46.' - '
" Beartnt ta mind's thoae ' divisions
of rjareiijjgtf it la , remarkable that
about one half of the male atudenta
express treferencea for law or medi-clne--2S
per (cent for law" and 20
I cejft for medicine. Business andi
.ii, a
HAVE gono blind, doctor.
Won t you come to rae? This
, J is Miss Hiltncr."
She is a telephone girl. She
worked at Atlantic City. The quiet
message to the doctor told all, and,
irahapplly, the doctor sayst her ali
ment Is likely to be permanent.
Miss Hlltrier's home 4s In Phila-
(trVilnU moa f Va r 1 -4- A aarlilk ajkt
delphla, and she worked at telephony could dock m ihe United States. She
to help support. a large family. She! was used afterward for taring, cables
had been warned by her oculist that
the flitting lights on the switch
board were a menace to hor Injpaired
vision. She was told that even a
few days' rest would help save, her
Think Story Untrue,
rvnirai Point.Tor.. April 28. To the
Editor of The Journal On page 10 of
, r vour-AnrU 28 Issue I find this news
rwiiana. -Apm in ,aor - wl. Bunday. two
or -n journal in me tsunaay iue or , tvne who were
tnndiv nrncinlmlne on a crowded street
car their joy over the'. death' of men of
wealth and distinction m me i"
mranlr anclallv -. nOBlini ' over im
deaths of Astor, Straus and Major Butt,
n attacked and severely thrashed by
B. W. 6tone, an Investment broker." '
Aa a soolAlist I denounce thla Item as
an absolute falsehood, probnWy invented
in an effort to bring contempt upon the
Socialist movement. Every-- Socialist
tnn.,. ih.i if pvm nrnn of wealth In
the. United States were killed" we would
h. mat as. far front Bociansm as we
are today. i".y '::;.""'-,-ft- :--
The, Socialist movements-jsturccusu
The Great Eastern.
Hie Journal you answered the ques
tion of Mrs: S. II. J. of Gaston, Or.,
as to whether the Great 10a stern was
ever In Portland. You say no. , I say
The writer was on board the Great
Eastern when she was in Portland,
lri the Atlantic. - She proved useful In
that business for many years. -
("Reader" is , mistaken. - The Great
intern never vtsited Portland, nor en-
lerea ne uoiumDia river. fronaDiy
the correspondent has In mind the Great
bar furnished ' good ground, , but they
hay been working at home to earn
money to pay taxes and to provide for
tn necessities oi meir iamuiesi ana
riust her. Is where the political i boss
gets In his work and furnishes the tim
ber, too knotty .and crooked to put Into
any , building. Then the enemies criti
cise, not because they wish to relieve or
benefit the people, but because they
wish t get back to the old boss or con
vention method. The people need wak
ing up to the Implied contract Just as
sacred as Statement No. 1, or tha direct
primary to select candidates. -vr-What
good :1s it to have the direct primary
and . let the political boss furnish the
candidate? Then we have to stay at
homo on election day or vote for
man we do not like. In either case,
wbat good 1 the direot primary T , We
must live up to the implied contract to
furnish the candidate and elect him, or
th direct primary, will be a failure,
Thla can be done Just as easily as to
circulate a petition; -."What- i every
one's business is no one's business," Is
Just about true if we are going to keep
on letting the boss elect candidates.
The people have been neglectful. But
they will wake up and work" while the
boss works, and begin work when ha
begfn,:w------A ..UBSCBJBERw..
One time I bought a aet of books: I
bought 'em from a set of crooks.
Who told me I could pay "some" down
and then pay "sum" a week,
Th books were useful every day; the
agent said ao, anyway.
And so I paid him "something" down,
a tribute to hi cheek.
I never looked inside tha book; I
sought no quiet, shady nooka
In which to loaf and read th tale
that took my weekly cash;
I had to labor at my Job Ilka any tbr
working -slob- - - -
To pay th blamed 'Installments and
to buy my dally hash.
I worked for balf a dosan yeara, despite
my neignDor oruei Jeera,
And still I owed four dollars on tha
literary Junk:
And then I found on fatal day that
since mv boss, bad run away
- And took the cash box with him.
was. sby th weekly plunk.
The agent came, thre lawyers, too; a
oonstabi rmea out tne crewt -They
took my books and frightened
me until my nerve was gona;
And now my six years' work is lost b-
inm i nM ta nnv in, m,r-
That's why I shoot book agent lonef '
HIV BOanyu v.
I aMlnat conditions, not men. We SOclnl
' But the Easter rush came on. and which plied between San Francisco and list know that men of wealthier not
I . . . -. I. : j t aw AAn-1tllAnci that aTl r
Portland in the '70s and was "finally responsible for the conditions tnat exist
wrecked on Sand island at the mouth today, nut are mereiy -creaium
of -the Co)umt-la--Aprll,49a879. riMrVT Tnsanr and cruet -tnouiinai n
George H. Himes of the Oregon Hlstor- I that if Uiosa at the top were all killed
ical society is authority tfff the follow-j others would take their place and things
ing statement: The Great Republic waa would go on mucn me sam
launched at Orecnpprt, . Long Island. N. I The person Who wrote thi Item prob-
in November. i6. She was-a side-1 ably Imagined that every-.on no mex
wheel, bark-rigged ocean steamer 378 L was a Socialist Of the 'red' type (what-
Tha .human honrt la mnm ik.j leet ions, if reei oeam and 30 feet ev?r that l r, how cqaia i msnieu
- . v .w Ul VI I, I ri II I'l I . J e i - - .......
388 x tons. She arrived in PorUand on la Prohibitlohist or a Democrat or a Re-
her first trip from 8an Frsnclscoaon I nublican on a crowded street carl reo.
una 19, 1878. She was built orlgfn- pie as a rule don't go around, shouting
ally, for. the China trade, .but after a I what their polltloa ar.
tew years was roughly handled and re-j rvom the spirit of fairness you. have
urea irom inai iraue. ana in 1B7S was
she wanted to make permanent herl
place wlth the company. She re-j
mained too long at' her poBt, and
At , 1 . . .. . 1
more iuuowea ner patnetlc mes-l
Bage. J Have gone blind, .doctor.
Won't you come to me?"
The race is better than It seems.
tnan we usually account it. A mil
lion men and women, If they had
only known, would have hurried to
salvage this girl from the toll- that
closed the beau tlful world to her
eyes rorever. -We
should all try to know.
T least one teacher from each
grammar acnooi and each high
school In Oregon ought to at
tend -the coming Summer
school at the Agricultural edllege. :
For the first time, tha college will
open ita.. freshman and sophomore
bought" by "Is. BV Cornwall of rSan" Fran
cisco for a small sum and put on th
northern route, on the date given above, i
On her last trip she lef t-gan Francisco
April .16, 18.9. with 898 passengers,
and arriv4-j5f f the -mouth, of the Co-J
lumbla at mtrtTileht on April, li and In-1
stead of waiting; for dayHghlhaoep-
tain -eonsldered N tha -conditions no fa
vorable that, he attempted to cross the
bar, but ran ant of the channel and
was grounded on Sand island on the
morning of April : IS. No lives ' were
lost. . The, Great Eastern ;- was I com-
ipenced In JS54 and, finished la 18e.
manifested In tha past, I trust you will
publish this letter. E. E. WALUEN,
; " JThe Implied Contract. ;
Portland, April !9. To th Editor of
Tha Journal I wish to call attention
to the sacred trust -,and obligation 1m-Dosed-cm
the-people by the direct pri
mary which the" peopl have failed to
se In )uite a numlVer of lustances," in
making nomination? When the' people
voted tha direct primary In exlstance it
was a solemn promise, that they would
furnish tha ground and lh timber to
bulla,, th hew political Structure. They ha
i?"' Captains Are Supreme,
Nor'h Bend, Or., April 28 To the
Editor of Tha journal -Please answer
th following questions in your valua-
oie paper:; ,. . , . - : . ,.- v
Can tha captain of a steamer compel
tne' enginaeT-to-Tutrtrut of a safe-: har
bor and nver a rough and dangerous
bar? If the engineer refuses to do so
on account of It's being extremely dan
geroua, can the' captain discharge - the
engineer for refusing; to , go without
first landing him on a dock or In port?
?.t ;., . . , JOHN MacNAuUHTON.
(According to. marine men. the cap
tain : Is supreme on board th boat and
his' Cjrders-tnusv tn- obeyed. Th - n
glneer's place is with his engines and
his duty Is ta rtiu them when so or
dered. H is not supposed to know any
thing, regarding what is going on out
side - the engine rdorn. Should he rc-.
fuse to obey orders it would be mutiny
and h would be subject to treatment
as "mutineer. "heMptaiircnuldr-de-cido
- what dlspeattlon should be mad
of him while h Is on board ship.) - .
'- ' ' C, Always' Something:. ; ;V r, .
From the Houston Post.:'.
"If t didn't have such a I ante fam
ily I could save a little nontf."
"Don l ca too sore or iu If
Pointed Pararapli
a bold man Isn't necessarily
No laundry should charge stiff ptio
for unatarched work, ' t
: " '" ' ' '-.;'
. Walt for somethlnr to turn op, and
It's a safe bat you'll find yourself un
derneath when It doe turn. .
i ., v. ... a
Buying ribbons for hi typewriter t
now . a patent meaicme aimanae joke.
but It Is still capable of arousing the
Jealousy of many a man' wife. . ,
Jn't have. larg family you might
v an auto." v . .
f Oontrlbotna to Th Jonrnal br Walt Maana.
th famona JCaams poet. HI pnaa-poem ar
ruoiar feator of U1 column la Th Dalit
Journal.) . ,
Vnma VHW llttla "Mar iaa ' tha,
AnHntr mnthan ' 'T haiH ihAiit tKMa-i
quarts, of Jute to put upon your bead.
sea the neighbors' daughter go to
school,- fixed up so fine, and I won't
have it said, my dear, that you ara not
in line; so let me kalsomine your fan
with pigment rich, and rare, and put
some red paint on your lips, and cook
and curl your hair, and push you In -a
narrow r skirt -that shows- your -very
curve, so you will get from rubber-"'
neis Lite yuu iewrvo. . Ana you
must wear your snowy shoe that ad
vertise your feet, and eka the crasy hat
that scares the horses on tha street, for
won t nava tne neignmora say that
my dear little maid 1 not . a rood as
ny or a stylishly arrayed. Of course
you don't look like a - child . with all-
your paint and curls, but you're uphol
stered Just as well as any other girls;
of course you -cannot run. or play, as
children used to do, hut w must show
the neighbors' girl they have no edge
on you: of cours you're like a monkey,
dear, of course it Is a shame; but since
th neighbors turn out apes. I bar to
do tn. samel
Coprrtflit, lll. thy ''
Scors WtltbfW lAdaBH.