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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 2, 1912)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. THURSDAY CVENINQ. MAY t. 1011 SIWWKS MCUSEOiMER Dorr, Held for Killing Million aire Soap Manufacturer, Is Physical Wreck. BH D IB BOOTH OF EUGENE Three Appointments of Meth odists Prominent Here' Announced. ' I t kllaa ra I turn t ti I A. lt. a tM.iaa h (!(, .. I f. . tmit it J i4til.(- 1I riWal of i,r.i fii !.. ki.. ) ) U ltll f.if I! l.-i. f f UM(l - Malar.. .!!, .- , a, fat Ufa r. t'Aofhl bajol Jul) 4 Xtrtn thla mare it g n a iu .f t, , tiia. , Th -llOfr raa a.i t. ! Tlfhl II. HHnl:ni i, m( laCtaoaa Ur.ufa - i.'t fa.. : I. tip Bor u a ciiiiimiii.ii) lh .'luii i ASKS IF MEXICO'S MOVE MEANS OPEN DEFIANCE H a.iai aup ft aWaa.1- tva al44 !ilwl4 f ... a k.a 4 utU It wi,lia 'a la- tt i imhUu if ii u .1 klitu II la (H I r.t( r til raaM I Mtl.k li 14 lwiiknt a4 II .itii iii Iim ia m la nl t.a if IK. 4t.a H I la. 4 I I . fl!!.- (Ml'lf lUIMM l Wtl. 14 W 4,lai a at I JIMMY BRITT WILL , W TO COME BACK J a-M(val Waal 4 4 tata Itaatl. llariaAalt, W I Attar . . f Ma ta.a ft Mrtf I' . a af!- 1 Wal I. lla.!M IMva iai MtMv4 JlMuay 4 bitll U la llClkf ft fiaM A Iim. tit! b4. 4 (.ia- ll fx a M-! l- 4 I aa twin 4 Kt.l li tafai la, ataatiawa ciaa II Imi May If, auai ail rutl .( ay twill. ! a 4 t-a (ratal Ml. MINERS NOT SATISFIED WITH WAGE AGREEMENT Ilatia4 Ht Ui l h Iwt. U l'mil)Hi IJ im af Ika t,tkrkBitla .. 4 t 1 uk I lii h( n7.ll M It Haifa aJ tala illvi f IL :U..-li C"l (Kid III x. ar iuiu f ta folal 44 . i CvakMtllUa t la MIX ao-1 taU.4 ILla af1ikwa T Ibiaa ta.l lodav l IU llalal tadiaalaav t t iwla4 tfeal a gft-aitr cvanaaioa I baa r In lwJ4 la ih liai af m tial auaktamlaa. a4rl a tallauanca ui III Aaluril aatalug la r4r Hl ottUmr. n kava a i-a Ih ral alnra Arrll T, may b a o wrlunllr of txlri l-reacat. Irr llarntr rrnlndl thai h blB htl llhoul vtrranl. Tl dXrtcl aiioraar Ka chri) htm il beta 4V fu1Ua from luailra ' Caaair llaaita rflrr KnJHr ra- Mn4 Itkal lrr ha4 b rfuln4j ftxvl a bbyalratlr In a pad vir. Oa t raeemnaadalloej lha prlaonar taaaa to u boiitai and plac4 ui4r naro, f3iag fnMiiiw SPOKANE ATTORNEY WOULD BE GOVERNOR tCall4 rria Lm4 Wlr I (pokana. WaktL. Mar I I- r. Ch- lar. ona of lha baal known allaraar of V(Haaoa. lo Jar nnouiv! hi ranJIdacy .for ;omor of Waahlnslon on Ih Dnocrllo Urkat. Ford Isftf IUitroMl Work. Iftparl! la TW Jcaraal I RucQ, ur.. Uay S A chn In Ih nanarvmcel of lha loral line af th r or I la ixl. fc,U4To aV hUalern KaJlarar rorapur took plica ylrdr with JKa rraltnaqon of Uor W. Ford. Ki ptobabla thai Ocor n. O'Connor, s-n-ral oparliitandent. of th eompaqr Jin, will b rcturniwd to Eun fyora Corral li and will maoata U locafaya-Irrx 7. rr uomca BoUleof In. II ilt. M(ialJl . Cfrt TII klithUo i Iff ...(Hutl.. lt 11 4Mb ( 4 h,m' !) j.-aM..fcl lllulUn, lit LJoi.Ik.i tl I h 1 1 1 u I . talw III I Klo JrM 'I t )' .lu.sU lit l. .'It ihim! i:iaUila'-r af bfaarh- la. Mlxla. !-, 1 . 3 T .) aaauai ullrl af faralaa mlaalun. 1 1. . Aanoal aart af baa nla alof. 1 1. Muada' abe( aaal'-a, I.IH,- ua4ar 'haal aabri a4 f flrf. ITI Annual aublUhlaa ! l..t. for line's Cold" Stops Coughs Cures Colds Qa.a U Wa Tm CaOaraa trallad rra) liinl T I Wlnnaapolla. War I Tbraa xlal mania of Mathodtata promlsnl oa lha l-arlflo rol 10 ataaJl( rommlll of lha auatrBtilal aonfrranr of Iba Mtthodlat 'r!Kil church br wr annftunrad at lodar'a aaaaloa of Iba rnnfaranra. THr at' It A llnolh, Kutaoa. Or, chairman of Ih ravlalon cmmllla. C K. IrAna. run rranrlatt acr(ar r of lha daonnaa com mil laa. Albart J. Waliara. lo Arl, cbalr- man of Ih lal of church commlllw. A for la I cotnmlltaa prnld la h cinfcrcnc a rporl. prepared afUr four ar of work, covarlac a proiram f o liorov liln "chara that lha church I not Ld rCrU with th poor paopla." Among lha rftrttnn4at!ona ara: Abolition afR-hltd labor. Ilductloa ? working hour to th lowtkl praxtlcabla olnL Hareguardlng ih oondltloa of ton for WWll. KqultahJ dlrlalon of th profit of Induilrr. - Protection af workra from Ih r!ka of enforced unemploymtnt. Prorialona for old and tajurod worker. TWO OREGON CITY FISHERMEN MAKE BIG SALMON CATCH (Hpaelal 10 Tb luuraal.) Oregon City. May I Auk Smith and B. Tnjcott. ""young men of thla city, laat night rowed to th mlddl of th Wil lamette and at midnight landed 1140 worth of aalmon, a ton of th flah. Thla I th flahlng record at the fall of th Wil lamette. Th men bad only ona net. but both ar xprlencd flahermen. a-jd-uo- Drug Co., laia Btor 151 3d t. Branch Btor, Jlorrlion and W Park rts. Standard Oil Ralar Price. New York. May 2. Th Standard Oil company today advanced all grade of refined petroleum SO point, making re fined In ra, 10.60 cent pr gallon; tandard white In barrel f.0 cant, and in bulk 6 cent. V Z-iS 111 Xn.'. - isi v A f n ' . 1 Ji Im 1 1 1 A i lit 11 ih 11 j n IH 1 y. !. . m Ifi tt Ih . ; if III Ih . 111. t. ..' i'lU in -.,,7. u 11.1 I Ww ,,fBr a H , , Sale of 300$20 to $30 Suits, Coats .Dresses EaiDj th moat lov ponant mJ ol man tailored r m n t held 71 thJi eon All colors and aiiea. And i aik you to look at th bct jou can find injrwher. e! for 20 to 30. and then to coma her and better Itrmcnu for $11.95. a1 Scree, mix tu ret, rorttedj. diijonar in the tulta. Dresses In silk and Coats in worsteds and mixture. $10 & $12.50 Dresses while they last $5.95 A wonderful chance to get more int lets, if you juit come here Friday and Saturday. Dresses in foulards, in fine French serge. livery one designed with distinc tion. Every one mide Perfectly. This is vour onnor- tunity to stock your summer wardrobe with pretty but inexpensive dresses. And such another opportunity will not come. Sold on $3.50 Silk (?i 7r Petticoats $1.1 o Fine Petticoats that are val ued conservatively at $3-50 on sale, Friday (Jl fJfT and Saturday D14 D 100 Novelty Suits Id everywhere from $35 00 to $37.50 Friday and Saturday C?2 )Q We also make Suits to Order from $25.00 up Standard Cloak & Suit Co. 415 Washington Street. Corner 11th. " : : WT- . cT too 1 W : ejM PO . : : J I C! m The Yeon building is ' ij : f lhe nihet structure in' Too " jM 'm the cily Portland, i : $& f! U k n EatmoreIand is y fM$H if, 8 ( & still higher than the I I : ' iW 3 Yeon building.', From M j4Wm the magnient:eleva- I I ' ' - ' MfflW$ - ' ' t, inspiring vieiir of the - XZZ )S I rr immW nvaledpnlybythetre- :J .S-vi-- $&2Sfe! Mt- :r V mendous landscape out- . I r -J ,---vJfpgiv K 1 5 C Afra. A9rioeuuw'f, - jZftmim ...... "liW?- H. ' f car leave Firet and i II orwnw Mfift . - Wpra I. JfflkjS '(S l M5 Alder .treets dafly al ' I r ' - " :z - . .aa a a 1 aaaaa a III A careful study- of this ffiaeram. showinsr comDarative elevations in Ihd rlfv nf Pnrtlanrl gives a very satisfactory conception of the view to be had from the heights of Eastmoreland I N CLARIC, SELLING AGENT. 818-823 SPALDING BUILDING PORTLAND OREGON YOUR CHILDREN NEED GOUD iilMi Not just meat, but meit vou KNOW tn be fresli healthy and wholesome. The Government is spending millions annu ally to insure you ood meat bv Inspect ing it for you and rejecting ail that Is not strictly wholesome and absolutely healthy. You pay for the best, and you ought to have it. All approved, inspected meat bears the Government stamp. You will have It if you buy with the Government stamp. 138 INSIST rem J! ahawlar r illiln II Q O OorsajratvsrT Braktr all mau hW Ifs r 0 UawtU ftaaa's (armAU olaUaa, tWk wtic ta. UNION MEAT COMPANY rtoiica rACatuu or- i rActrso 1W Moore Investment Company DEALERS IN FARM LANDS EXCLUSIVELY Some of the best farm barai.. in "the Northwest the farms that pay handsome returns to the purchaser are to be found on our list. The following examples are proof of this statement. 4000 ACRES in Eastern Oregon, 7 miles from railroad, ood buildings, fine spring water in 4 or 5 places; 64o acres in good fall wheat, about 2000 acres tillable, bal ance fine pasture land; 28 horses and harness, 12 cattle, 42 hogs, 5 wagons, new grain drill, half interest in i header, a lot of plows, harrows and other machinery, j This is the best combination grain and stock farm we , know of. Price . . : $12 PER ACRE $10,000 cash, balance long time at 6 per cent. Or Read the following carefully: This place can h handled without any cash if buyer can secure first pay- , ment, all owner wants is to know paper is good. 640 ACRES Washington, 400 acres in fall wheat; owner gets - Ttv. Renter will keep place 5 years if he can This is a fine piece of wheat land, and the owner will con exchange for other property. Price j25 PER ACRE get it. sider now 800 ACRES in Sherman county, 300 acres buildings on easy terms. Our price in fall wheat, fair $22 PER ACRE 640 ACRES She "run county, 200 acres ao en prR ACRF i in fall wheat, fair building. . rci ftunx, This One Is an Investment That Can't Be Beat 1920 ACRES in 9iI,iam .countv. one ."jle railroad, all -aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa f Wire ICnCIHg, gOOO DUUOingS, line Water; 1JUU acres of the best looking fall grain in Oregon, 500 acres all well sum mer fallowed, ready for a crop next year. Owner gets H of the crop at railroad free of all cost. There should be 35,000 bushels of wheat on place this year. Trice, including crop, cash, balance on easy terms 4fi0 ACRES all in i Owner gets Va of crop terms Others Large or Small Equal Bargains , WE HANDLE NOTHING BUT STOCK AND GRAIN FARMS WE OFFER NOTHING BUT BARGAINS Moore Investment Company 41 Third Street Multnomah Hotel Building $25 PER ACRE fall wheat but 40 acres. r Dtro A rnr HOOD RIVER VALLEY Waits Your Coming to the Annual "Blossom Festival" May 2, 3, 4- and When the entire valley is garlanded with flowers, and the Bloom of apple and orchard trees, Scent of clover and hum of bees Makes you glad you're alive and able to enjoy na ture's beauties. ' , 5 H A delightful program for visitors has been arranged by the Hood R4ver jCommercial Club. An . auto ride of 2yi hours through the most beautiful section of the valley is one feature, including the crest of Van Horn Butte, from Which point may be seen the entire valley. Then to Egger mont, overlooking the gorge, and back across Hood River to the west side, thence over the" macadam roads to: town.--One dollar will be the charge. -T Portland to Hood River : .. - and Return Children Half Fare Trains leave "Portland 7;50 and Id A. M. . River 3:00. and 5:42 P. TICKETS ON SALE AT REDUCED RATES MAY 3 AND 4 .City Ticket Office, Third and Washington Streets, Portland, Ore.. . $2.55 1)2.55 Returningesve .Hood