The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 02, 1912, Page 12, Image 12

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. -I
Look Who's Here! Man With Straw Hat Arrives With Smile
Temporary Chairman Beach
Calls County Central Mem
. bers Tocethen Field Tosses
Coin In Tie Cases.
n l-a k ii4 : imii ataa'a l kln
r.aA kai't r k. i.
riim l4 t4
.laa. Al Ik aaaaava It. H ..! I
tf fc4arltg IK eMlt rWfil.u
Uk aMUtnalaJ el ' '
UlM WUI k ll efcll ni.I laeea
. A NII f M tvfcll.a t
(r I I H Will M ka.l, !
a iw4Mti thai rut a a
1eltaV tllf'MMi CBaHtl Cl I
cud it t4 r-M
k aret4 r.Brenll Th Wt'
"1 - XT. ,. . . ?
j ! ... .l s - n 1 ) if jj(y
V" . I i- i .. WVigT
' 3
! Industrial Voriers Accused of Tablet Is Unveiled to Com
Issuing Misleading Strike
' Statements.
mcmorate Transnrtssion of
Initial Nine."
kM, Wl HtlraMIt Uw4 l
r iki ik Mini u u.
tloil a TV
limt K. Y. Mar llfttk lnlr.
Mil attirlM I) braMar
tedkirwl flkrtto.J ii
f4 r iiMtuiiM r ru4
Tttrft jTtia,wi 4 W V4
tMWIl l4lK4 f h flll lt
i irw k.t tHd e(.A4 claw in front of Mulioomtb bo(l.
.it ( t"
Ml airw tla !! l ' rnm
liL4iia mhA from Iks hni k I r1 ft 7
l Vfr lrt4 uM ' 1145 ''lTfc lf bt lv
ffi oa ta llapwklMa ,allaMia laif n4 hral IMd Hh
ainktri iaK-H ! rm-tmetm. .I.taad annlfc.r aumm.ra lunililM
lrer Lxai: l. mrlt tTaaror. li. J
.ad: 1 rail Maiarhaa; I. l'
tff, llr UtaKaiM. I. A. W.
na. L J It iiaii. r.
il.rtich lh ai4 af aani lrw aal
ia4lr. Olhr wr hold In Ibalr
Ttr r nota airaw hala at Ut
A4 club lunrhana la mat quit aa
afprait- of tmpalHcnaaa aa tha ar-
r ut al lh tMa "rln lhm
llirmrur Mar I In . PnrtlaaA fca I aalnmeetl la I IM.
efrtcUl Ira- hal dar. nl. H.I
noune4. la lilp tha ahp aa murk a
U adrrlia Ikal Portland on Xltr 1
haa alratr hat arlhr.
W Wiim vara Ma4 aarr ''laiarklc Irtl kfilii Hit. aaTl!a4
. a aniaimuaa r It I i. li at. fioaa la. rit tail'
Hilar dar aa aa4 af Ik rltuaaa. 1,4 m i.ia ataa. k'aj a
ar IkiritliM ra flfMiaar tit LIil.. kU.. T.. ikal It a ful
W. W. rraaa ikal una hliia kiaa I t.rhi iar ! kf ."KaU
raauaa rafldlr M M k- I kliaot Ikk Nlimr ial-H'l-
'tir1... . luM-L
Tk tMl (armarila laa
la ef kroa aa4 a d'a4 r
Owarl Kark f N Vfk cur. Il 1
It f klk ky lkra tH Ikrva lrk
Ida. aa4 rl !. Tk) im kaa
UkM hk Ik UI4M Mil aa ail4
rrean ll.a Harrim ll. a4
itiaa ky Vlra. KL tl lUrrlmaa, Tka at
(arai ronirlkulof I th f4 A-
dra rara.ala. a h eaaaa llrak
ftarmior hn k aji I ( r I4 aa4
ho la aa4 U Ut ( ' nr ii-
Wlikla lao mii -fc aaill ka4
rra ir tka lhra iaaia Bio
ra Idla kra Ik aim bar a r
md I W W. Iadr kava, Wllk
Ik aca41o mt aa ka Iari0aate4
la Jaava lk kToai ar Ik at ak
rafoaa la !lqia. Ilqalam a4ul4
iva f Ihtm, Tkra and piara. la aa
adtr lha
lha prartta of nHtipelllBa; lrtlmn
lllfl I. CV H Kim. II. J. U llnard.
I. f. K. ktl; J- !; a.
.a Ui i.rf ra a ITI.r : la
1. K. fbhardl; ta. r i- Wff; It.
k. C Kama: II. A. r MtPuoaic.
ama A Kliri . " - iw".
( rori W. Ilatraauk. il. r. A. Raaca.
I. O. Joava: II. J r. llnrtr; !
ViUlaia J. CUfk. HI. IUkrl ABdraaa.
p. rr4 U Olaoa; HI. U. M. rrr4.
a. 11 B. kluirnai III. a. T
alllag: HI. IL I. Mlll; Hi. JOB"
I. kiaoa: tllte. w. il i-aai; ill. war.
.a Krlr: 111. r. I. Croaky; Hi. A
1 Cootxri lit. Kdaar Markham: lit
r. U- ttockrodl: III.
ma 8. 0liicklr:
IH. IX V. lUrt: HI,
knkur Lanxruth. HI. W. a rcklmr.
Tka DaoktrraUe prlB commit!
L)b alel4 by loam In a coin
foJIOWi. I. II. aa. MUf
IL J. a Millar; II H. J. A.
ha: II. E. c wni; si; t. j.
kmdr: 41. Tom rnjr; II. Tkomaa
l urfy; a G Whlttaa: I. L. w.
(umrhryi; II. R. A. Miiir; ti.
r;ori W. RuiBrrorn: g, ri near-
) 1B1 ' w BB BB lUUr: 1 Bfl a . A. Jki. a . . . . .....
1- " i'.n .:. ., T H r- JfP-Pr. r.irN win killing
df UU V kka A . a Rb' - "
larrott: 111. Owia I. Bmnn; ill.
la vtU verr lar la Ik ""
la kad moaik ou. o ovarlooklna; ihi
farl thai Ibly ar allomr4 H daya a
raUoo k yar. aark a bardahlp en
lha palrotmco aM drputra ibvir ram
Itlaa ot lh fanipanlonaMp to which
Ihmy ar nttll4. and N-Ilna; that a
ond pol r dstr ltl l dna and aa
failbful arlc parformad If tha mam
kara ar allo4 lao daya off arh
moaik. undr tl rrrBrd
lam. ala-rly pllllaa Ida konorabl
marar and city ictuncil la acl favorably
oa lb ardloanra now befora you, wMrb
pravlil for lao days rarallan arh
month for patrolmen, without raoulr
to work 10 houra evartlma
li. A. Rubla: lit. I...
f J1' .Nofi1 lUid tntrnrala ta mak up for Ui
W. D. Soon; HI. Itlaa Cff.-
Pral wltnaa caJlad by tba 4a-
fnaa la tha raaa agalnat Krnaal Oattn-
E. W. MntcR. taatiflad thli tnornlBf b-
;.ma Moirhr! ItL Oaorta It. Tbomai: fora Judi Oant.obln that MuUh u
t. W. It. rayna: . T. W. Ckrby: 111.
pr. B. Briatow; 117 Ramoil Downlag;
T, John Hlertt; ItT. H. kt EaUrty.
fn tha
to do n
tng In
I. Portland patrolman ar petitioning
tha city council for two day off aach
rionth under a no art t igntin that pro
idM that Infraction of police ralea
hall b punlahabl by tb denial ef
fh "flkyi off T Vkder the preaent aya
jam vry patrolman work! seven dayi
week, month In and month out, wltli
the esoeptlon ot IS day Vkoatlon. In
addition to the eight hour apent dally
the beats, patrolmen ar required
much extra duty, auok aa appear
n co art. drllllna. Daradlna on faav
five oecailons and aaalatlng In handling
rrowd, all with no extra remuneration
fvr overtlaia. .
aUnder th"propoaed arrangement an
overlapping of beats wlll-reault In the
(ity being protected aa thoroughly vUh
two or thre' men of each- relief aa at
freaent and with no mora men needed.
Members of . tb police force ask that
"very cltlxen who has not already
feigned petitions that the patrolmen are
circulating In their own behalf, sign
In attached petition and mall It at
once to Patrolman Ed Burke, nolle
headquartera, and If possible, communl-
aia witn ma. councilman of their ward
arging favorable action on tha ordi
nance now before the council:
To the honorable mayor and ci
3 "The undersigned Uxpayer. believing 1
very quarrelsome whan drinking, and
was generally knowp as a fighting mas.
Charlea If ark them, a Jongahoreman, told
of having trouble with the man. and
it pea aae eooastea waa forced to defend
hlmeelf. He also aald that Mutch had
trouble frequently among the longshore
men. Oeorge Qulnlan, clerk of the jus
tice court, told of having trouble with
Mutch In the BUmaixk cafe at the
Lewis and Clark exposition, whereupon
Mutch threatened him with bodily harm,
to Day. city detective, told of meeting
Mutch on the day of the killing,-wherein
the man roughly Insisted that Day
have a drink. i
Police officers yesterday afternoon
teatlfled they examined the Merchants
saloon, In which place Mutcb was shot.
the day following the tragedy and foud
evidence that the body had been drag-ged
from In front of the bar to the rear
door. Oetlnger claims Much came be
hind the bar and threatened him. Oet
lngr says he ahot In aelf defense. The
Indictment la for second degree mur
der. Many longshoremen are attending
the trial, as the dead man was a mem-
hber of that craft.
- d ftwny. b4 of the tax collect-
ii 1 titan meal, called upon Attorney
t. It Vttr. who rprte th com.
ln. and aaked him for the laa meey.
Attorney Wbtr again akd for mora
lime to allow lh rkarklng. adding inai
th comi-aoy would pay the amount
wba th (as ciacullon la lu.
which will be lai this afternoon or
mday morning.
HhmiUt Marrti declares h will close
There t so etnk bar, aae kaa then
be elnc Ik raaa kcaa I go bark
I work, maids f ( , W, W.
that ikalr rgnlsatJa t raeegalas hk, (f,B fd n lh f,aM),aal
or that l eema k 44iela4 frra ralrtM4 , n,ubutf (. nil.
aw a Aark sat A Si kaB auMal ki arakai I k.' I
bbj ff(w awi vi a. . BW .
fa wve never ttiad la I W, Vf
mefllnga eaaaof k lally hll In say
kali within tka rlty lire"
ProbabiylOO Will Take Ad
vantage of Excursion to'
Hood River, The Dalles,
trw! hiM la4 rtr t
Pari a, rnnr. Mar I A child ad I
up in ouaineaa or tn company aa Booni,hrr yar. Ilrlng near FaJnl IV. haa a
ss me d'etrict attorney haa the x"U- I head welching 41 pourMts. Its body
lion reaay. ir m txk is ia are noi welgha but nine pound. "The Infant
paid Enough deputy sheriffs will ke a parfeet health end Ike physician
held ready to carry out th order of aay nothing can be done. The head la
the eherlff thla evening. The taie 0f hldua ehapa, covered with ar
are au ror in yre i9f-lo. in. cvltie and give the child th appear-
ciuaive. ror aaaeaamania on - money, i ance of a rooaater.
notta and accounts. The company rw- I
Prosecution Closes In Foote
Murder Trial at Coquille,
in Coos County.
., . . v.. I matt accoiDu. i n company rw
Eighty rearvatlons have been made w o- th-- .fihough
r the Commercial elub excursion that J(aJ(J ,Mt year circuit and atate
laavee the Union depot at 1:15 tomor
row morning for The Dallee and lloodldu th county,
Rlvr. ICooush will probably be man
during the day to bring tb number up
to an evau hundred.
from Tha PaJlea and Hood River
comes word that the excursionists will
be wall taken care of and everything
til be done to make their visit in
terest Ins. Tbla I fruit blonom time
1A. Ik 4ttrlr olLTba Dallas and Hood
River and ir t natd that to see the
orchards la full bloom as they now sra
beyond the power of Imagination.
O. F. Johnson, chairman of th Com
mercial club's-promotion committee, s
Chairman of the excursion committee.
end sssoclated with him are J. P.
O'Brien. T. 8. Stanley. W.- P. Jones, A.
H. Averlll. John B. Yeon, Frank It.
Kerr and A. M. Shannon.
Following have signed for th trip!
F. Johnson, J. D. Farrell, J, P.
O'Brien, H. L. Plttock, C. C Chapman,
N. Flelschner, F 8. Stanley, A. H.
Averlll, R. W. Bchmeer, Mrs. 8chmer,
a. Davidson, U. C. McAllister, C. A.
Jboeuf, F. W. Hild, J. A. Currey,
Dwlght Edwards, Otto Bray man, W. P.
Jones, John H. Burgard. John B. Yeon,
David T. Honeyman. B. L. Baucom. Mrs.
Foarral rWTtre) for Bntt.
up rem courts have held the money la
Members of Two Famines
Held for; Complicity In
Killing of Girt.
Augusta, Gs. May I. With building
draped In crap and all flags at half
mast In memory of Major Archibald
Butt, late military side to President
(WM kt Tke Jitb.LI
Markhflald. Or, May I. That W. R.
Foote waa not mentally responsible
when ha shot and killed Chart Wll
cog la lha defense which hut ettornere
ar making In lb murdr trial la the
"Oregon will hive the flneet site st
the Penuns-Paclfc exposition,
Vice President and General Manager
C. Calvin of the Southern Pacific,
I think Governor West should bs con
gratulated for his farslghtednees In
making the selection. It was difficult
to tell at first which would be the
most desirable spot, but bow as things
Srogreaa, it Is readily apparent thai
regon haa tha Ideal location."
Mr. Calvin arrived In. Portland last
night from headquarters in Ban Fran-
claco and aaya he is on on of hi oo-
caalonal tours of Inspection.
Taft. who wsa one of the heroea of ctrull oourt In Ooqullla. Lrg crowd
tb Tltanle disaster. Augusta today wore r .IUnaln(r ,h, trial. , a much sltn
a mournful aspect, on the j1"'0" of ton DM btn directed l th case. Th
in J7"- i"v oiiir. ' .,1 rancher Is surrounded by II chll-
dent Taft arrived this morning to at- anJ pf relatlvea. Ht
tend in aervicee at n. " " ,how, of br0..B h,.,h.
chief speaker. The PlJt ; Th. prsOon haa loiM 4U case. with Mayor Brrett and In jBlroduced evidence" I eatabll.h
the afternoon attended a reception at rooU .hM w.
n.,.r---lT. .mLi, .u.ond. b.. wt ro.4itia.Ur for th local
aid Buelnee waa entirely suspended be- ' , . . .,,,,.- re
tween 10 snd I oclork, practically the r5,,",r ' ,mfTl1SL,l ?
' entire popuUtton Pld tribute to Major M'Bf 1,Vt,2T41 .T'.V. .
nd But t's memory. which Is claimed la auch th.t .ny ex-
The opera house, where th orseiules
were held, waa parked to me aoors.
President Taft paid an eloquent tribute
to the memory of Ms lata aide.
So nil kt Astor Funeral.
It'altrd Pre Leaaed Wtn.l
New York, May I. Arrangements
were completed today to bold the fu
neral of Colonel John Jacob Astor, vie-;
He will Itlm of th Titanic at Rhlnebeck-on-tbe-
remain here probably a week to diacuaa I Hudson Ssturday. The body will be oon-
cttement make htm mentally Irreepon
The wife and son of the accused also
told of Foote's excited' condition on th
day h ki!ld Wilcox. Testimony will
be Introduced to show that KVxtte'a ex
citement waa due to the fact that hi
had learned Wilcox had wronged bis
eldest daughter and sought the ruin of
a younger child.
Itaartal k TV I
Ha4e'tli. N. t' May I lij-
rauee are kalag saeAe far Ik trial mt
k 4afe4aki la Ike Myrtl Itaaklaa
aaardar r al Ike Mar leaea ef Ik
I U .' uaiy aoktiip eurt. wkvu
la atawl t ria Tk inl I e.
lai4 I solve a airy thai ka
a,iai4 iki autkarlitea rd fxiblis ef
kia lr tie) er elite Ik kd
f Hly It r.e eld Myrtle llaarhiaa
e4 fauad (lelig la Lake tteewla last
Tk inrial 4fa4aals la lha ra a
ar Akaer kt."!!. hi alfa. Iwliu Mr
Ceil sad (1mii U?41r. eark f he u
l uhdr ladlnipetil oa a rherse ft aaor.
dar la addnloa, "Itoaer' Kradicjr. a
bro. f Urarg tlr4ly, I chaif J
with klng a arreaaory bafar the fart.
and ! Mrt'ail, father of Mra. lira a 1 1.
e rkarg allk baHng an acry aflar
h fa l.
The twty or Mia ll.wkln was rund
Lake fWeela en Bflcnbe II Of
last year la a badly 4ooipe4 oa4i-llow.
Thar were no bmleea ) lb body
apparently, but there, was eideaoa that
death tnigbt have reultd fresa ekler.
form. A a raault ef tka afflelal In.
tlg.Non a phyelrlaa .a fon4 la Aah.
villa wk Ideatined a photegrepfc mt
Mts Itawklna a klng lhat of a girt
who bad railed al hi ff )at Jmb
retard I having aa op ratio a par.
famed. Iter Ike name phyalct.n
partially ldallfld "Boaey Bradley,
one of Ik defeadaata la th rasa, aa a
maa wbo had railed a hire In referaac
to the earn matter.
Mlsa Hawkins' death rsm almost on
th eve f her -wedding day. She was
n raced I Hal Cooper, a yooag basl-
Bes man of Johnson City, Tsnn.
rtparlel a Tka laarait
Medford. Or.. May 1. A II.a tl
and concrete bridge waa ordarad lo b
ronstraded la Ike pleoe f tha old
bridge aeroes Beard creek la thle elty
by tb county court yesterday. Of th
total smonnt Medford Is to pay 111.600
and agrees to keep the same la repair
The work will be aooompllahed undr
th aupervlslon of tha city engineer and
from plans made by a reliable bridge
engineer. Th old brtdga, while never
condemned by the city, waa Inadequate
for the traffic of the main thorough
fare. Ins trad for Baldwin.
(tnlt4 Pea Ua4 Wtre.1
RridaeoorL' Conn.. May I. The
Democrat! stats convention hers todsy
Instructed four delegates at Urge and
ten district delegatee for Governor
Baldwin of Connecticut for president.
The Clark men urged that Clark b
named aa second choice, but the con
vention refused.
Journal Want Ada bring results.
Baucom,' A. B. OaHoway. Hugh Hume, I lnt,r w,tn General soperintendent D. j veyed to Rhlnebeck Friday on a special
The following statements of campaign
expenses were filed today with the
county clerk:
Oeorge W. Caldwell, state representa
tive, 175.73: John K. Cronan, candidate
for county commissioner, ISO; Harry C
McAllister, candidate for county sheriff,
1675.10; Q. A. Johnson, justice of the
peace, 1260.06; W. F. KUneman, justlcs
of the peace for Lents district, $8.26;
A. L. Sauvle, state representative 126.25.
Rubbers -and
First Days of May
Double Discount Sale
Friday and Saturday
kT "
500 Superb Double-Service All-Weather
-b i r
kava. 30 to 40 pwceat
dxnxs aji EKG-xosa
Men's and Women's
English Slip-ons, art
plaid interlined ; spe
cially priced
at $10.00
Men's and Women's
English Slip-ons, sin
gle and double textures,
priced at
$15 and. .
c textures,
The New English Gab
erdines for men and
women i
317.50 and
: rrv,..
! f""a,
h. ci.:-...'.
n. 7. risks, LeRoy r.rk. Frank IL
Kerr. R. B. MlUer, William McMurray,
n H Mnnr. Phil Mataxh.n Ip r
E. A. Pierce. Mra. Pierce. A. H. ' Abelj I position grounds,
J. B. Clernence, C. B. Woodruff, E. H.
Ooudy, J. C, Hill. C. D. Joelyn. A.. X
Klngsley, O. M. Plummer, ' Frank C3.
Savage, C, C. Colt. Lewis I. Thompson. Southern Pacific Mr. Calvin aald that
W. Campbsll and other" company offlo-I train. The pallbearers have not been
lals hers. I announced.
'They have started work on tha ax- I "Nearer. My Ood, lo Thee," the hymn
Mr. Calvin explained. I sung by those standing on tha Tltanlo
"and nine states snd four foreign eoun- I sa she went down, will b rindered at
tries have selected sites already. I tha services.
In discussing 'Oregon projects of the
F. W. Graves. J. M. Letter. M. L. Klin
F. II. Page, A. M Shannon, Mra. A. M.
any announcement In regard to develop
ments in thla district will naturally
British Open Titanic Inquiry.
rrnttmt Praaa leaaed Wlr.l
London. May t. The British court of
Shannon, C. H. Williame. j. L. Wicket corn from neral Superintendent I inquiry today opened Us investigation
v.ainpueii, uui n inumaica mat UB I into the Tlt.nio oleaster, iora jaersey,
public is pretty well Infonned ss to I who Is presiding, annoaneed tha inves
the company'a program In this state for I ligation would ba sweeping, and every
me present, ins re.xure ot wnicn is tnaiaffort made to determine wnetner neg
sham, C. 8. Samuel, T. I. Potter, H. O.
Reed. L. 11. Rose, C. R. Wensel, F. A.
Spencer, E O Rauh. O H. Schwerdt-
mann, H. S. Tuthia Mrs. TuthllL C.
Wentx, Fred Lockley -Mark Lew' electrification of th west side system I ngencs was responsible for the catastro-
' I and nlana a atnflt t $ y af Tnak Sl I ,
W. J. Lyons, George A. Peaeter, H. C,
Rita. A. ftallnr v. T. v. r
Hopwood, George T.' Moore. Mrs. Moore, e,t ia frgn daPot tracks,
a. a. Morse, a. B. Bain. E. C. Herlow,
G. S. Crego. Mrs. Crero. Mrs. C. C.
Chapman. J. W. Vogan, William F. Ross,
Mrs. Ross, R. M. Irvine.
and plans for electrification of the eaat
side system and the building of the
A 10-foot model of the Tltanlo has
bsen installed In the Inquiry room. .
The juvenile court - yesterday took
charge of the two small children de
serted by Mrs. Lucy Walters, 8 Grand
avenue, because she waa tired cf taking th- itra"tn under which h haa labored
Ismay Under Doctor's Care.
(ratted Pre hum d Wlra.a
New York, May I. J. Bruc Ismay,
president of tha I nl .national Mercan
tile Marine company, today is under the
care of physicians her at th Rita-Carl-ton
hoteL Hi la 1p a stati of nervous
collapse, physicians say, aa a raault of
care of them. The hosband. Claude ,Ince the tinung of tha Tltanlo.
waiiers, aaaea me court to neip mm
care for them until , further provision
could be made. When he returned ' to
his home Wednesday noon he' found
FVirther trouble for Patrolmen H. A.
Foster and Floyd A. White was reported
early thla morning to Captain Keller
of the second night relief, to the effect
lhat early this week, both Foster and
White left their, beats in Albertkand
went in an automobile to a road house
where they had several drinks, after
Sea Regulations to Ba Considered.
(United Press Laaaed Wire.! . J
Tendon Mar 1. Sidney Buxton,
them alone, with the following: note on president of the board of trade, today
toe laoie: -.-wen, UJauaet i guess 1 1 has promised to consider .tne-augges-wlli
leave you because It Is too much J tlon that England and America, akould
work to car for these kids. - I ami going I agree that ocean liners ahould travel
far away and workv -i win be getting within easy reacn or eacn omer woen
more money, too. Good bye, Lucy." iceberg Are anown 10 o moving.
Mission Oak $1 j 35
Morris Chair X
Retailer's $0O
usual price
Walters told the court Officers that his
wife has often threatened to leave, be-
whlch they returned to their posts of) cause he could not furnish her with
Ladiea' Pop
lin S li pony
C o a t a spe
cially priced
t only
, One Door Above Seventh.
That Nl fry
Tan Rubber .
S 1 1 p o n for ,
m n - a n d
women. 000-
I dally, priced .
The first Intimation that the captain
had of the affair was a telephone mes
sage, but when Foster and White re
ported off thla morning they were called
aside and charged with leaving; their
posts. Foster declared there waa noth
ing; to the charges and loudly asserted
clothes as good as she wished.
The case of Lew Whltlock, charged
Mini Hub 15 Bodies.
MUnlled Press T-eaaed Wire.) ' '
Halifax, N. . B.. May 3. A wireless
message received -here today from the
captain of the cableshlp ,Mlnia stated
that the vessel had found . no other
bodies of Tltanlo victim -except the U
previously reported. The .Mlnla Is due
to reach Halifax Monday. s;,v , i
fF we could not make and Bell
J j Mission Furniture for less than
I the retailer we would not
be in business very long. We are
-the strongest competitors the retail--ers
have, for we make our own fur
niture and sell on a small margin
direct , to the consumer. The price
we ask? you is the same we would
charge 4 large retailer if we allowed
him to handle our line. It pays you
and pays you big to buy
Direct from factory to home
Peters Manuf acturingCo.
Salesroom 389 Alder Street, Opposite Olds, Wortmin A: King
Harriet Bellair,, a daughter of the dead
woman. Whltlock claims the mother
objected to their marriage, . He also
goes by the nami of Lew Tprjbet.
. ' JKUla- Dog; Pay $80. r r-
' Though tha animal waa by no means
that both Cantaln Kaiiar mnA a.Lt I wiui tuning. Mrs. Margaret Uellalr last
BUhl were hounding him. When White Friday at her home. 433 Stark street,
was interviewed, however, laboring; un- i" be,or th county grand Jury today,
der. the impression that Keljer knew ThAt ',r,t degree murder Indiotment
mora of the Incident than he did, he con- wU1 b returned Is th opinion of those
f eased the entire affair. When Foster Interested in tha. case, hltlock, who
was told of White's confession ha b-, ls 18 yeara old, j was a .suitor of - Miss
came reticent and stated that he had
nothing more to sa,y. Both men wer
today suspended by Chief Slover.
Foster Is already under firv eharges
having been filed agalnsf him several
weeks ago by a baker on 'Foster's beat
to the effect that lie had been In the
nami 01 neipmg nimseir to cooxies ana I worth the money." innen xwald .was
other delicacies in the bakery, without I compelled to pky a 60 fin for having
paying ror rnem and his hearing; has I shot a doar belonging to F. 8. Reese,
been set for this week. j residing near Hillsdale, Oregon, by Joa-
Foster and White were each on the I tlce of the Peace Olson yesterday.
carpet some time ago, Foster charged I Zwald works nights and sleeps In the
with . sleeping in an automobile and daytime. Hi stated that the doei of
White with loitering in a bakery ,and the neighborhood were accustomed to
calling Foster when time to report making much -noise which kept him
Both men were fined On this occsslon. awake and that he shot at th dog to
Charges on the last offense will be scare and not with the Intention of kill-
nieo Dy cnier Biover with a slight rec- in It.
ommenoaiion xor leniency in whitens
case for having confessed his part rnlRaM rnnntrvmnn Threatened Him.
the affair. Thla will be the third time I "
that charges have been made aaam.t l."a "T "I" "n. """VJ?1
I Foster and Whit with a recommenda- i.r!at" wn?B Jr:!Inif!
tlorl each Km. that th.v K dl.n.l..4 oieiano uimam, iwuioiiiuw )uui wur
rronr the force,- but each of the other
times, the menshave slipped, through on
soma technicality. -. , -
to a complaint before Justice of the
Peace Olson and waa arrested today -at
tha Marquam Hill quarry. Th threat.
cma as th result of a quarrel. ,
ft -, Engeno Druggist Dies,, :7fr,
BirlaJ' te Tk Joaroal.a ;;
Eugene, Or.,' May 1.- Oeorge Tiring-
ton. a nrominent Enamm drua-rlsL dlad
Deputy. District 'Attorney Fltxrerald I resterdav at tha aaa of 60 veara Ma
1. this .rtemoon preparing an execu-l had been ill for six months, first suffer
Uon.acalast th Marshall-Wells Hard-ling from typhoid fever and afterwards
war company, which will be served I contracting tuberculosla. ' He .cam -to
by,: Sheriff Steven; to collect th bark I cugene 21 yeara ago and had been In th I
taxes-amounUng to III. OSS. 7. The drug business since. Ha was aingl and
company stated yeaterday It would pay leaves no relatlvea on thts eoaat. Ha
the amount as noon as tha tax col- waa prominent In musical. circles and
lector'- figures ootid checked over, belrtnred to the local lodge. of Knlgbta
iBim morning eneri .elevens ana ta-'oT i'ytnja.. : f
yr--:; L li .a.. ... . i. : - .... "-"ll
is now and always the most acces
sible of Oregon's sea shore resorU
' AQEARHART we have as an existing reality the Im
..iprovements and utilities-r that go to make up a, high
grade resort. - - ' ' - - 1 '
WATER LIGHTS.. Electricity for liphting and pure,,
j cold mountain water, delivered to each lov y vH? 1
ALL THE COMFOBTS of home .can be enjoyed at Gear-r
Pacific Coast resort. -y"; , '-, i r::.y '.;' 'i
PRICES ON LOTS $180 and up. Easy payments, with
a liberal reduction to builders of cottages.
? v.
Reliable builders on the ground will complete' your cottage in time for this season. Select
yourirot now ana taisc ; aayanidge i ui i.i - . v
PHONES Main 1293, A-726S