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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 1, 1912)
THE. OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. TORTLAND. WEDNESDAY EVENING. MAY I.. Jill HILL INTERESTS "BID PiTY BICII; OCEAN SEPARATES BUT COUPLE TOWED I not wM "Saae of East Auroraw Wins Applause In lecturt; Wo- man Man's Peer. Southern Pacifio May Lose Valuable Water Power to 1 behave la 4a fw 4 fey a eairwh r . h.l ta beip Ike wan'ia. but 10 balg) Ike Haa aloa Competing Unes; Filing Fee . Must Be Paid by May 6. are ru; aioae are nr." 4 cliM ttberf Hubbard drtag ka Sffl 10 BE BEHIND . HEIIZIE PROJECT nnnnnji ruuii UHii luim lure na4r tha aeuc of lb A4 riwb Y - tUUm af TV iwwll Baleav tr. May t,-Wkil la bettered U U a fsftt bl, Ik IttU ml lUr- rtmaa railroad laureate I get eotttreJ f h a4lr f la MeKesst ttte far power itulopmMi purpo dw t4 la lb ef(V f la ut alaeer If th M'Keaal Valley Irrtgetloaj A rer tfnn jr row tr rent fit wtta a fM f I net, whuk la required for fit . lo mi lf sufficient la eloo . scrwr, before May a, (bla compear wut be prior right ever th mint mad a fw weh are by l Souther Peel ft eempaay aa lb aam tlrun far ta hfM af developing ll.ltt hot- pwr, .kSl rWret Sary. It la believed that tb ItiU latere! afa rpret4 by th MchUaate Valley Irrt alio A Jor onpay, aad are eealag or port unity for developing po ar required l operate their line la ihU aula, and la Block the project propoeed f iba Bo u liters racifw eoaipeajr. ' wkrt iba filing waa made by lha Souther Pacific company aa iba wlr at Iba McKaatl and Clr take, which la tha aaarea of lha at re as. lha com paay'a rvpraotltve were Informal by tha ataia engineer that application bad already b mat) for th waters. but Iba filing had not ba computed. Tha Southern Paelflo company bad Ita ma pa and data raady aad without dalay omplated Ita filing. 114, Sett Iswaea. Tha original application wa made by J. A. Toanccraaa of Springfield, who recently aaalgnad hi right lo tha bfcKaaal ValUy .Irrigation 6 Powr company, Under tha law tha filing must ba completed wllbla It day a aftar re- calpt of aaUca from tha engineer of flea that tha application baa baaa filed. Out whan appllcailona for flllaga for Una powar projacla ara received by lha aula engineer It baa baaa cuatomary for hta offlca to hold up tha aendlng of a none la tha applicant for aeveral month to giro him lima lo complata bla mapa and data. Thie waa being dona la tha case of tha application by Young groan. Maria J. Llefmin and M. PI men tel. Boaton Maaa.. May 1. afoaaa PI- mantal baa rorelvad word from hla awoatbaart. Maria Johanna LJefmaa, In Holland, that Quaaa WUhelmlna haa aanotlonad their plan of wadding by a aoon aa ma rwnnarn cmc nuag prosyt mni fh, unQU, caremony will waa made, SUta Engineer Lowle Irani- Uka place aa aoon aa tha bride and oiaiaiy out ma uauai none to cna I groom have completed arrangement. McKangle Valley Irrigation Power I Although marriage by proxy I not al- eoinpany, giving tha eompaJiy IS day In I lowed In tha United Statea. legal atep which ta complata Ita filing. Kapa Are rile. hare been taken and Plmental la con fident that tha Immigration authorities Mr. Tounggreen preaented to the elate J1 "I " '"!?".nI ?J"V',IZ engineer Tueaday afternoon the mapa I ,""u'm'1"" ""f ,,7; l Iba ttwitgaltfw ibaaua Ua atabC He furtkar. al4 IHal aaar Ike enaa be eVoe a gteal work eaa be found a greet imih; Ibat a world af sale ran nr artwanaltah ea thing Uailaa; thai Ike valuable al4 la lha aarrt4 au.j Ibal faoiiabaeae eoeaial la a luaa'a 4raylag laa w. maa aa Ma lalllcfel r, aa4 thai aa 41 to a-IMeiiy ae aay la Ik anaa. Ibe women aa4 Ika eaild. All of Ibia waa la a laelar aa M4 a Uu.!," at land 4 by a throag Pt Irilan4 pocpla who rrow44 lb theatre. Ta amm! vonaptewoaa 4ora ito w.a a bo hung waa Voia for Hm" banaar. la wbkr aevaral of Ik local equal eeffrage lao4r aat aad applauded llwbbarora ulleeaac. nT tUa," Inlrodaoed by relJt A. O. Clerk of Ibe Ad elub, who offered I abare aufririanl of fh wo office) recetpta ta buy tonaorlal aitentloaa for Ike fbtlle Itae with a reaultaal redaetlea la hi I blreule adorn man I, Hubbard waaderad wittily. epigraaimailcally. eeeaalrte ally, Utroutb Ibe ana of phUoaophy boology. a harp praeiira. Idiocy and wie dunt from the tlmo of Juliwa Caeear la the reign of the utg mirk. Kvery ttm be 1 bought lh opporta nlly right be uead figure of apeerh aad tluatra aplthel with which le "eoek h big alfc-h and Ita ewner. II kept a proinlaa made la aa Inter- lew ycatrrday to defend big bu.loeaa. but what hedvo-atd waa big boalneae regulated, aaylng I bat In the rommer lal world are thre pertla to the ao- clal and economic alrurture Ihe or ganisation, the people and tha state. fur th benefit of lb : or more aalaaman aent by tbalr flrma to baar Hubbard he a aid that th eacret uf modern bualneaa auccca la ta make frland of rrery boyer. - "We do bualneaa with our fiienda.1 ha averred. "The worst calamity in bu.lnraa la lo mk aa enemy of a pur char. Hence It le a calamity to awll anything for mora than It la worth or to aell aayona anything be doeaa'l want" Baps Doctor, Lawyer, Ptwaekaa. Hubbard railed oherectertetlcally a the learned profeealona praaohlng. lit' I gating and medicating. He aald. "Law. yer and doctor take all you have; preacher all they cn gat. He had aereral word of commenda tion for the railroads and for the Standard 011 company. Ho mentioned the brave way) In which John r Jacob Astor died after all the fun poked at him because of hla money. Bald he: Ood pity the rich; the poor can work" and be wis applauded for th. and data to preserve the McKensle com party' right In Clear lake for atoraga of water for Irrigation purpose. Th company ba until May f to pay the fee of SHOO which will . complata tha filing for power purposea, aad will pre vent the Southern Paclflo from 'going ahead with Ita proposed project. It ta understood her that th company will not forfeit Its right by failing to pay th fee. It la also understood that the Hill in terests are behind the condemnation proceeding recently started In the cir cuit' court for Marlon county, to get right of way for a canal and reservoir He on the north fork of the fiantlam river to develop 10.200 horsepower. STRAWBERRY CULTURE FOR UPPER VALLEY tSpeclal to.Tbe Journal.! Hood River, Or., May 1. A iararc num ber of cltisena of jthe upper Hood River valley gathered at the Parlcdal hall last night for the purpose of consider ing the subject of strawberry raising. It haa been conceded that tha upper valley grow the beat berries In tha Hood River section, and tha yield 1 the largest. It is expected that a very large acreage will be set this season. Charleu T. Early, representative of the Mount Hood railroad, waa preaent at the mooting, and assured the growers that if the company could ba assured th bualnea of (hipping th berriea that an extra effort would be made to give th very best train aervica. The Upper Valley Improvement association Is a very large organization, and Is actively engaged in development of the upper valley resource. WIS BESIDE BODY IL POLICE ME He predicted that nnleaa half the people In tha land get oa tha farma the nation will not be aafa. Ha pleaded with every man to spend half hi time working In the eolL "Unlea you lira Ilka tha peer n matter bow much money you ' have It locomotor 'a-taxl-cab' for you and tb bug college for your children." He uaed another expreaal6n to deecrfbe his feelings toward the cultured who are not useful: A highbrow Is one who knows ev erything but tha obvious and can do ev It's what you get that counts. You always pay $15 for a Moyer $15 suit, and you get from it good looks, long service, and the satisfaction of knowing that you , have made the besfpossible use of your money. Year by year, Moyer $15 suits keep getting better and better, , and you continue to get more and more for your investment We have never offered anything- that excels these $15 Spring suits, and now's the time to buy them. Service with satisfaction in every one of them good, honest woolens, reliable linings and trimmings, and thorough tailoringthat's all you can put into a suit of clothes. When, you see it in our ad, it's so. First and Morrison MOYEJR Second and Morrison First and Yamhill FIVE STORES Third and Oak 87 and 89 Third OREGON HOTELS Dl'SCharOed Fmnlnve SlaVS erytmng except make a living." T. Hubbard and hla secretary went on lieOrOe Ken inatOn. Mfl- Sen Francisco, last night. w . - if - - '7 sonic Officer 30-Years." CONFERENCE S BEGUN BY FE METHODISTS BOURNE'S CAMPAIGN EXPENSES TOTAL $2700 (galem Bureau of Hi Journal) ; Balem, Or., May 1. Statement were filed today by W. S. U'Ren, ahowlng that he had apent $120.97 In behalf of senator Bourn in tha recent, primary lection, and by Senator Bourne, show ing that ha had apent 1983.44. Previous ly, a statement waa filed by Dan Kella her and others, ahowlng th expendi ture of 19.26 for Bourne's campaign. This bring the total apent In behalf -of Senator Bourn up to 12700.17. Clyde B. Altohlaon, successful candi date for tha Republican nomination for railroad commissioner for tha Second district, spent 1566.64 for campaign ex penses, according to a statement filed by him. " . TUCKS SLAPPING HUBBY UNDER ARM, HIKES ON A J"'.; ,r... ; I i.l , S ' " fTTnltad Preu Laaacd Wirm. I L New "i'orlc. Ma y . 1 Xuckln g h er 1 1 5- pouna nuinuui jjco, unuer ner arm, i-year-old Teresa! - Marcus, who admit S60 pounds, and looks SO0, carried him, kicking and - squirming, k to a police court and demanded hi prosecution for battery.- ' : . "She - promised to take treatment to reduce her weight when 1 married her, and now she won't do It," walled tha lushand. - jf "He slapped my face," responded the weighty bride. . - "You are a brava man," responded trie court, "but don't tempt providence again. Go home and - see if you cant patch It up." ....':,::;'-;-:-.rtT::.vt jv I Ungton died In a few minutes. NORTH YAKIMA GIVES WOMAN "POLICEMAN" FIRST REGULAR BEAT (United Press Lcnxxl Wire.) North Yakima, Wash.. May 8. Mrs. Myrtle D. Roberts today entered upon her duties aa the first "policeman" with special Jurisdiction over dance halls "and young boy and girla In the streets. ,: She wears a blue tal loired suit with a star under the lapel of th jacket r - ftTlllt4 Prmmm tMmm Wlnl San Francisco. May 1. Oeorre Pen- ungton, secretary of the Odd Fellowa' Cemetery asaociation for 26 years, and ror 30 yeara secretary of the Paclflo LiOdge or Masons, Is dead her today, tha victim of a bullet of a discharged employe. Penllngton waa 71 yeara old. Tha annual meeting of the Oregon Edward W. Stansbury, the slayer, left conference of the Free Methodist church in vine or in association when dla. I ODened thin afternoon at Z o'clock with charged, with a threat to "get" Pen- Blehop W. T. Ilogue of Bvaneton. 111.. Ungton. He returned three hours later. I presiding. Bishop Hogue is at present Whipped OUt a revolver and tirtA twlm Inn hla annual tnur nt the PacI'lA unlit """is losing errect in fenllngton's conferences and la holding maetlnga In ooay. men stansbury sat calmlv ilnm nuh. U ham 1nr flnlh1 mutlnn m t m mwii me arrival oi tn police. Pan- St. John and Everett In Waahlngton ana wui open tiie newiy createa soutn ern Oregon conference next Wednesday at Med ford. This conference waa formed at the last general meeting of th de nomination. The Oregon conference number about 40 member and lay delegates of th am number will be in attendance. Th meeting will be held In" . the Central Free Methodist church at Eaat Fifty- fifth and Flandera streets. Business sea slons will be held each morning; from 8:30 to 11:20 and religious meetings will begin at 2:20 in the afternoon and 7:80 in the evening. The conference will close Sunday night. une or tne moat important matter will be the appointment of tha minis ters of the conference to the circuit they are to hold during the coming year. These appointments will be . announced In all probability Saturday everting; On Sunday ordination services will be held. Two district elders will be elected dur ing. the conference. i Bishop Hogue la one of the vice presl dents of the Second Worlds Christian Citizenship conference and while her will do a great deal toward aiding in completing the arrangements for the conference which is to ba held In this city next summer. H will speak during the present meeting on the significance and arrangements for the great conven tion. .-J---r:-"V - . Other visitor who will attend th present meeting are: President Alex ander Beer's, of the Seattle seminary! Rev. M. C Clark, missionary to India, and Rev W. F. Matthewaon, missionary to.'Japuu'J - .. . , .- In eaa tuj juul OREOOX HOTELS The Hotel Bowers Eleventh and Stark EtOTnder New Management offer all tha convenience of a high claaa hu tel. with all tha eomforta of a horn. Europeaa plan. Il.eo per day up. American plan, too. Famoua for ft grill, a la cart and table d'hote service at rtaeonable prices. Special ratea to permanent guaala. F. P. WILLIAMS, MANAGER OREGON HOTELS OREGON HOTELS NEW PERKINS 1 Ififth nd Washington Street. A Hotet in the Very Heart of Portland' Bualnea Activity. MODERN IN EVERY RESPECT Electric Auto' Bus. Car to and from Union Depot every few minute. L. Q. SWETLAND, Mgr. HOTEL MULTNOMAH VfZfiZ 7 IUNlJI In sis, appointments, service and fireproof quality of the building the leading hotel In Portland, the Multnomah, offers to th discriminating traveler .every comfort and convenience found only In the beat hotel of the eaat Nine atorlea of steel and ooncret, with 72S room a and aultea tialatlallr furnished, with ratea from $1.60 to 15 per day, European plan. Motor 'busses m t all train and teamera. X. O. BO'WXXS, Xanagav. j. k Biovnu, Asst. tan. New Bishop of Ogdensburg. ! .tBpeelal to The Joaraal.) '. wgaen6urg. N. T.. May 1. In tha preaenoa or many high dignitaries of the Roman Catholic church and practically u uie ciergy. or; tne diocese, Rf. Rev. aagr. w-onroy wa today conaecratml but uiary ounop or Ogdensburg , in St. marys catnearai.- Cardinal Farley of New York officiated, aaslsted K1 h rtr vitun ui xtunauo ana uisnop uabrlels of Ogdensburg. The sermon was preacnea oy uisnop Hlckey of Roch. ester, t.- . i - j- New Head of Wilson College. ' ttinlted Prew Ijaaard Wire.) unamnersburg. Pa.. May 1. In n presence . of . a noUbi . gathering of Ajnnen . eoucator, ur. , Anna J. Ho- Keag, formerly of th Wellealey col mcuiiy, waa installed today aa president of Wilson College. 1 The prin cipal aaaress at tne inauguration esr. else was delivered by President Elian nix f enaieton ot Wellesley : r Bloose Hold CarnlraL . ,' I-os Anaeiea. Mav 1. visiting members of the Moos lodge Angeics tooay for a week's celebration and carnival i Festivities wer opened last evening with a parade """- me viaicmg loagemaa marched jom Angeies moos. diixgoDlife I ihftHDnlyl Life Insurance Company Exclusively Oregon ha It entire operating plant In Oregon,, make all of H Inveet ment In .Orefron securitlee only, haa an unmatched record of auc- jrrdrMnrb'V Best forOresonianarr.,hb JLJ MILLS j L RAMUKI, CLARKNCE 8. 8AMUEI president I CBerai Xa-nagar ' - Assistant. Manager DISALLOW BOARD BILL OF W. COOPER MORRIS The Portland Hotel SIXTH, SEWE1TTH, KOSBXSOaT AID TaaXKTT.I. 8T8UBBTS POSSSSSBS of every oonvealenoa aad every lturury. and oocnpylng aa n tlr block in the most convenient location In th atlr dty, Th Portland Kotl will give you a hospitable wal. coma. Passenger motor meet every train and steamer. ' 6. ' J. XJkVTMUJm. Manager. " Hotel Oregon Portland, Oregon. Wright & Dickinson Hotel Co Prop. Hotel Seattle ' Seattle, Wash. ''' Wright & Dickinson Hotet Co, Props. Both hotels centrally located, modern in every respect and icon ducted on the European plan. . i W 2' 1 a ! sill THE IMPERIAL Oregon's Grestest Hotel ISO ROOMS. 104 SUITES V With Private Baths NEW FIREPROOF BUIL0XNO UODERATE RATES PHIL METSCHAN & SONS. Prop Another bill for th board of W Cooper -Morris, convicted banker, waa dlBallowed yesterday by th 1 county eoaro oi commissionera. This bill was presented by-Mrs.. A. T. Craemer, who furnished Morris with board and lodg ing SS days' durina ttt recent trial nf Louis J. Wilde, who was discharged by th Judg upon submlaeion of the State' evidence, In refusing the bill of Mrs. Craemar. the county board took the earn stand that It did on the former bill submlttMl by th Carlton hotel In that no arrance- ments had been made with th board ror the accommodations ' of Morria. I3irrtftt ''ittnfflMbf1DIM.Mll M-mt-. nrougnt irom prison to Portland for T'k.a. w -. . Ihe Wilde trial BrrmrM Inr hlm in i Mr OSICr CC KlCISCP board With Mrs. Craemer and nothing aald to the county ofnclau.,, H-r bill is 5I.T&, which Is the rat of 11.74 a day. 'The Carlton hotel bill, which was disallowed, was at the rateiof 813 a day.. uian-ict Attorney Cameron Placed hla afproTH upon pota bus. of the Better Kind Chargw Account Solicit ad . 405 WasMnsrtofi Strwet. at 10tr Hi "s - High Grade Commercial nod Electm ttb ad' aaal svarett Sta, I C- 0 ss Ban AlUl 5-lSai Oregon Humane Society Offlcls Citv Halt Main 198: A-TCS. Human Officer, Sergeant K.' L. Crate. ReaidenceiS E. 24lh N., Kaat 477. Roree ambulance corner of 6th and Tay lor. Veterinary in charge Marshall too. Animals' Rescue Home. Northrop Aerea.! HOOD RIVER VMM Waits Your Coming to the Annual ifBIossom May 2, 3, 4 and 5 Wheiuthe entire valley is garlanded with flowers, and the . - - Bioorn of apple and orchard frees, " Scent of clover and hum of .bees ' Makes you glad you're alive and able to-enjoy na ture's beauties. . . . .;:::v;v:. " -.-.vvv"?ff A delightful program for visitors has been arranged by the Hood River Commercial Club. An auto ride of 2x hours through the most beautiful section of the valley is one feature, including the crest of Van Horn Butte, from which point may be seen the entire valley. Then to Egger mont, overlooking the gorge, and back across Hood River to the west side, thence over the macadam roads to town. One dollar will be the charge. $2.55 Portland to Hooc! River and Return Children Half Fare Train leave Portland 7:50 and 10 A. M. Krturrmijr, !-avr I! : , , "River :(0 and 5:42 P.-M. TICKETS ON SALE AT rmUCED T.AT7Z !'" - " " City Ticket Office. Third a-i V.'a: : . ; Xfcoma A, fort, SuxU A-SS17. 1 rlcg t