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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 1, 1912)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL; PORTLAND. WEDNESDAY EVENING. MAY I. 111 IS runt au orrifu Factory tor Bent ft e . h tit H4 4 i . ft-4 mm ! i u .. ltl4 ' ! tws rw . .,, A. U frkta Al lUtt IUST W 1 k.tauM VU. l.i! l Mk. ' UT rr "ar I1H m (r 'k i i i m. i ( a . - - --. . - TrX"lilV - ."Ti.U i. fattnallMi tt t f l r f wh Horses, Wagons & Harness for Sm or Rent W a ka4 akil It l k f krM f ail alaa I of ! al.iJa 4 afk tark Aay kar aui la kvlc 'f ra- ta r k'M I fl aaiurarltaa, IIAWTIIOKNK TAH1A. tt) Hkwlhr a- CrjTM"W-i r " ! ac iam af fcf ikif Its, mv laraaat a4 iu tkar I la at fi ha4 ef iar an hfM aa.rMxf ! bIHi all in4 air.fia aj .Hib!. vu fanii rrf !" faNt Mat ink at, 1 blwk MaalJtarna a - HORSESTHTl k.Ws. Madison stables, 1851-2 Madison St., at bridge, west side. bat am r borara, araiga J tig Ika.. good ira fH-r plar. iarn-a ana farm wagon. V. teJ !-. r. Illk al and lrd Taka Voo4 a look car l 4 of Ilk or .hon Halt- 775k: Im iiora. aalxht lUCt. aound good worker. Ill; on attaa gait lUlnga, !, lll(! pavrmrnl aoi. !; on 1171; on a tan iraar-o4 -c!llng wrliht ll4 Mar akia. ira rront. a. .' - r aa i staoies, ibd waaison St., at bridge, west side. WAlTrtlA 14 lior aa. mut U klack .A vruh not ukdar lit! nor ovar 1274; nuit ta krok aingl kn4 o trton 4 kn4 1 year I4- Apply Kramrg rU- ititt arhoul, Iflh and jrrrrraon. Fl.NR blark ranch tram, ong of tlig baat pmitt a town; maka a flna laun 4ry or d:ivrr tram. Will tak good 11 tfO or I1H lb. boraa in aichangk 14 t'nion gvrM rrr Aah. tlf. HUVK good loam, tnara and bora. weigh JS0 Iba.; good workara any ' elaco. Thatr hkrnaaa and a farm wagon. 711 Inalry av. TaKa Hllwood car. FXSTTJRE for atock. LaJda Canyon farm. Canyon Road; ratea lOo par day. ' Phona Mara ha I) 1174. No buBtnaaa on Sundaya. J. A. Putnay. Bu p t. aUKtk.M and buggica or renF by day. aek and month, gpaclal rata-i I buaiorcg bouara. ttb aod Hawtjoroa. Eaat It. 00OO livery barn and buaineaa and property; 13 head horaeg; Ball r ronablg. Transfer livery barn. Ores- liaro. Arthur Ltlanfl, proprftor. I KAVK a light farm watron rigged up lor a ramp, outnt, compiet. i mountain biiargy. Phono Wood'n &0. KuH riALfci La rk brown mars 4 years old; gentle:; 0 lba.; food traveler; 116. g983 i2d t.. 8. K. I'OH BALE 20 heuJ. 00 to 1476, iom rood delivery, teanm. must be sold. InTilrg 861 2d. Phil Huetlrr. ,. JLoT qilii work; must sell trams, weight 2700, nound, good condition ltd K. ISth st. Woodstock csr. HORSES, all kinds. MadiHon a tables. 186 5 Madison sl., at bridge, west side. LARGE gray team, welshing 8600 lbs.; coming 4 and 7. Woodlawn 1491. Tibbe A Hon, K. 21st and Alberta. idUST sell at once, good farm team. 14 t.'nion are., cor Ann. iWanTISD Small buggy for Shetland pony, van at in. bhi sc. IRON GRAY team, city broke, aix years old. 603 E. 4th st. Hellwood 1 69. IJVTCSTOCK 30 FOK BALK On account of moving away, 10 to la rresn aairy cows, large milker and gentle; rang from 3 tp. 1 years in age; price v to tst apiece, with 1 their calves. Inquire of J. M. BrlsrgH, Delias, Polk county. Phone 1443. tUK bale Devonsnire fresh cow. heavy milker, cheap. M-V car. 183 K. Irvln" st. GOOD family Jersey cow for sale cheep if taken soon. 1429 Mears Bt., oppo site mill, l'.asi bi. jonns. f"OR BALE Vearlln" hltfh-grade Jersey bull: price very reasonable. Address FOR SALE Saddle pony, very nice. 70 i E. 29h North. East 6027. TWO fresh cowg, youns; and gentle, givea ncn mim. jyti r.agt itn St. IN. JERSEY cow to exchange for concrete :, ! work. 70t, E. 29th North. East 6027. POULTRY 87 FOK SALE Carneaux pig-eons, squabs over pound apiece and breed as fast or faster than the Homer; red plumage, splashed with white, a L. Hazen, The Italian, Or.. R. F. D. 2. FOR. BALK Thoroughbred White Orn- ington eg kb, II per setting; of 14. pen. isio GOOD chicken wheat, 1.76 jer sack; li ttla chick feed 11 sack. Phone Ta bor 799. 6. C. BROWN Leghorn eggs, heavy lay er. 18 per 100;, any quantity. Jas. Ire. Isnd. Main 4128. 14 Spa Ming bldg. THOROUGHBRED Barred Rock eggs, baby chicks; rates for 100. Bell. 1835. lOgS AypHOySEHOLD PETS 46 BOYD the dog man, all popular breeds for kale. Boarding. 647 Front. A-8S04 nal. FOB . SifaLftnSCELLAyEOUS 19 FOR BALE er rant. Logging; Hoisting Engine, Rails, Cars, Locomotives, . nanway riuiimvu ui., it jet at. "JEWEL" wood range, nearly new. sell v." r ui m., 42. jrnone Tabor 11. ' " . CAPITAL JUNK CO dealers In Iron. mafal anihhr a. r Ir macKlnar v1a tool, job lots. 47 N. 1st st Mar. 3819. GAB range, steel rang, -water heatoi. ivuiBi ami aov mikwo, viv . vvit ' Hems av. FOR SALE Cheap, freah goat, .wagon and harness, broke, to drive. , 431 Al yberta at., cor, 16th. - OOU saw for sala cheap. In good re ' rair, 6 hors power, for Information phone FoHwnod 13. . ' - . -' ALL kind, liousa rurnieolngs bought, old and exchanged, fttar Fwrnitur : Co l Hawthorne ave. East 104T. cCiLl'MblA phonograplu in excellent ' order and on 4oxe& ordg, $10. 2 III, ilntivnal - tr'-' CA I ir"s-' tlc el running order. ith good tires, in fine C-114. JournaJ. II tun u uK-.Mittrt.i4U un ni iti t-KM Mwa ua 4 si i'ihi t .' u , ar tyaa..el T -- r- i ai if LI KE It A BAR.1A1K It..... ( It fMB) kM4ll j . ll . IB" ? ti ji n it u Wk e"i aa !. IMMint aet sw lA mlt kilt M, at tali 44 ev ! lt ei 4 Ik r-a If 4 l Man .(.all iil K .eali.,a I Ikila lb .waauei Imt IM.g, t1 1. w ' rrJtT' tf T.'r.tit 1M4 tll t Jlla4 f 4 . klaia . 'Mt. tl rvn r iiifi l la ! alia ! ItUa, t'f. Illk k4 ) fi I i'IaL a;""l ifg'kii""v'a4 ! c ma. hi air bartt.aal OtH IM ljnnTlT' iaia. riaiil raiUIW. 'nMlln aalaa. I k.A an J aa4 Tka fr1f lr f.ftF7I'lTf I rt'a !. U. Irk" W I II rrttitf II. (Win . rna.ra taJfatl ( rang. 4lthrm, klrha .Hi mnr ellirr rtiraa i t. aan. ! kiarr lakt. fUlag rI haAtar. lt,na r. 11 a. Mtrma. ntiitwuai aalaad: U"'lB glJ. Ar - .H km ItlU W'.aMnaloa . ZL J.JZ -'w yl 1 1 T r !V lit k, moiorcrnaa .rnaim.nla ror rhauialla. luaibaia. ate. kTyf-H aaahln ilara. rrtal e.M. 14 marklnaa. 1 Marrlao U',ATa IIM1iLI-A.MCOl a KOTH1S TO MOVKHA. I anl o lir kit lh !4 h4 fur - alt.- alovra -v4 roga tnai can art In tb kt l daya. all w ask la an epunity l make yea a raak offrr ' -a K l IvK buy jaak ar.d aarand hn4 marhln-. arr or every daacriptlon. ('alt for our huy.r Ualn ll. A-H44. U. lUrde A Bona tlHl Front at The bous of are IM I w h rtklna WaN1F:I Wopla of Irlan4 know - People of P the hleheet iksl I pay lha liignaat raaa pnr ror hand bouehol4 gonda. .v. aa. kea.r. Ml rtnae!l ra lilt. uant Kue for 4 months or longer. from nHvat party, have gilt edga noia, payable ! per monlh for aa cnrlte. 1141 Woo4ward va. r-XvYIiUr"i r.ooS' ifiWR Cl-OTHINO A.N1 rtrKNITURB Pay lha M-het pii-a for rrthlag; rail Main " J 1r. toWO; HRnrflJnK a comaiis- BION CO. Pays the best prlc for aaeoad band faraltura, carpels and store J4 lal Main 1911 . BAROKHS' Al'CTION HOl'BE-III-J Jo K. Morrlaon sl K. lilt. II4J1 worth of "od fumllur al once. WXSrfl:5 Man to make window screens In exchange ror new rrapna- phorta outfit. Bell wood II II, WE pay highest prlcea for Id hand clothes, shoea. tools. I VI rronu wain 1 1?. f buy cash register, eralee. eheeae gut ler. coffee mill, credit resistor and meat alWr. Cstl Msrahall 4144. bK WIMK; get n.ura for your ewcond hand furnllur by re'.lng It to Ford Auction Co. ?ll lt. Main ri, a-hb. WANTED Old buildings to tear- down; I will par for lumber If good. John I Vlercke, l.ents, Or, WANTt3 To buy speciai policeman beat. C-lll. Journal. WaKT):D Two rarlosds of second hand fumtturn Phon Enst toot. WANTKD Moving; plrtur outfit, fold ing chairs, etc. v-3?. Journal. WJ.M'IliU 2u Uand furniture. iatlU4 141 Howthorna tvt Beater tt Martin. CASH paid for household goods. C. M. PenneiP CO., Mar. izss. its nrsi. WE pay highest prices Id hsnd clothes, I shoes, tools. 171 Front. M. 4101. WAXTKD t'frnlture, toola and cloth- Ing, highest price paid Marshall ion. AUTOMOBILES-MOTORCYCLES 44 Slightly Used Automobiles If you wish to buy. we have the car you want at the right price. If you wish to sell, ws will pay you spot cash. Call or write for prices. We are exclusive dealer of usd au tomobiles. Oregon Auto Exchange 49S-455 Alder st . ROTAL TOURTST, 7 passenger, fully equipped. 45 h. p., just the CRr for stage line; owner sick, must have money this week; will sell to highest bidder. Oregon Auto Exchange New location, 493-496 Alder at. GARAGE for rale or trade for farms or acreage, city of 3000. close to Port land, good roads, main highway to the coast towns, paying Business, z me dian leu. M-7". Journal. FOR bargain tn used car nee us first. Writ for list. We ouy and sell. CUSTOM HOUSE AUTO CO. Cor. E 13th end Hnwthorne Av, HH MB 'gum Springs guwranteed. 22 N. 16th st equipped; speeuometer. norn ana Tun set of tools; 180. Addreag Dan Botte-I,.01"1 vlu I7B00. O. J. Brookg, 918 miller. Rldgefield, Wash., R No. 2. FIVE passenger Chalmers, 82.60 hourly, including cnauneur. Kex Auto Co., S60 Alder. Main 6896, A-3277. AUTd tires, all sizes, slightly used. is to 120 each. Auto Tire Co.. zoa Madison st. AUTO repairing and storage work guaranteed, all experienced help. The Powell Garage. 87th and Hawthorne. Tabor 1147. FOR WALE A high gradS auto cheat). Party needs money. D-119, journal. WANTED 1907 Franklin, part payment on 'my 6 passenger 40. 1Z7I rg E. Taylor. MUSICAL rXSTBUIUJSNTS ON account of illneps am compelled to sacrifice my mahogany case Mauet jlxi vis piano, just year 01 a; cost u-zkh. journal. BRUSH runabout equipped with wind shield, top, new timer and new car buretor for sale or trade.. C-l 16. Jour AM leaving for eaat. and must sell an almost new Voa St Sons plane: will sell at a bargain. N-289, Journal. KIMBALL piano, gale at a barge In, siightlr used. for N-231. Journal. liAUNCHES AND BOATS 64 FOR SALE Launch Dainty, 18 ft. by 4 ft. 8 in, Amos boathouse, Madison bridge. ' . FUPaXITUKE FOK SALE 65 HARTZELL FURNITURE CO. For sale,., stoves, range, furnitrjr. ta w pay blghest cash prlc for be-sa noity awwt, tit-tsi lat. Marshall Zt7k jfUKiMHUKE for 9 room house, new, for aale or trade for city property; no agents. Marshall 4940, mornings. . ctnl LOSTr AND rOUND 21 LOST Pear shaped, tan colored ribbon agst watch- charm. Call SeUwood 744; reward. - . LOST Tuesday aftemoom gtring lmita? . l. "Peri. reward. Telephone Home A-6264. . . . , . it Utef AMI IWJIO (vi TiKiBW r i.ik. iH mim ! Mai tUU at I UrS.iiintiW 4 K..b I .ik .4. ( It Ink M . tUat ? Il'f ,., , ... ,,lttr,-i i"t m i.,;i.a'g"i,"i OTICaC wawp iax! kmririi log I Mat r lr Ik kv ll f Mk l4 ill i4i rwr lib im fcrk loratiM witt k f ! I Ik T A RIMEIIABT, 0I Ij ftl.l. BEAKER kiJ wCl k rJ4 It Ik ijiia VKiil k. Wda kif 14, llit, far rbA(tn I. um if.F. miM I)rif1rll ra k al Ik Arm " ' r rrr4 r. ( rjai, It kf. tf 1 tawt jumm ity ji.. 'jjras MAtMi'At, r.ra kf Ik talaat lurJ kaaiie aa4kda. laelain r4MiM. ail laelrlrai curtaMla. Ilgkla. kaat, krauon. raaiatl, !( Ka. wtaaaaga aa uall and tnitltaliwha . mai -kAaia, flBM.1 mtult'p94 fraia c tl k a a (ffvfna, a Magieina, a araiina. r ) irai4 i-adwila ao kal aik vklla unoar ur ear; MI k fla4 ! rButl allk 4 fra of rkarg. " W K klailar fl iolKrhll4 fcU uriirriujrt7.i.;j i-i.Hi.T? guaraala m gral jm ifteaihlf rm4r aafrlr rvllav o or lh akai m pa ( cbiltnal abnor mal raft in 1 I i diva, aa harm. MI'i or Inla-rfarattra with wark: mall II 14 r I lill airaagf h, , Tit. C V. koolhlug I K,WeJ'r . Kanaaa CUy. Mo, I . . . w,-r. a " . . ...n rn ana .-, I riaarlanr. kaal tttrnC9; r Biaaaagaa and kalha; Iralnad ura la allandanea. I8 Hotladar forir OKUatil; I' car. Kl ll. C Ull. Dr. A. C, Burroughs a!a apartalt t r mora thag Kaa ma I ouartat rnlurv tha traatmaiit of rhao mallam. neuralgia, lumbaao and all dia- ease of lha alotnarh. Call of flea. t-4-T North weat bMe. 4lh and Waah rn. Ai.iris a. I'nirr rnniiaar sn vnn b ana fe.1 LI ma wa removad Ialayella bldg. Illvg Aashlrgton St. want ona raee of birthmark (naaeual for free ireal- ment . ale one of rplthalloma. New method for akin dlaeaaea. isa'.g'nK. 'a RaP- " 'ji ll.e perauna wuo viinfawj auu- mobile aocldenl on Tenth and Wash ington, Friday. April :. Plraa send their nam - and address rare of c-lis. Journal. 1H Wat-KtH. apeciallai; quickly euros d Incases of men. blood and akin die- essea, eore , ulcera awoller- glsnria kid ney, bladder anj pllaa, ill Flrsi sU Porthand U1LLINERT for sale and remaking. trimming, reasonable. Just anything an yold material, 217 Vk Wash., near Jd. suite f 11. gWFRENCII HASn LAUS'bRT All work guaranteed; dyeing, cleaning gnd pressing all kinds of flna washing. 478 Williams ra. East 1347. tKXOID Marvelous curs for weakness in men, by mall 1 1 per boi; money re turned tl it falls. Dr. Pierce Re tardy Co.. 148 Morrlaon. fcA.VPKRHON CO. Savin and Cotton Root Pills sura remedy for delayed periods, 1 bog or I boxes for St, by mall. T. J. Pierce, 'a'ISVs Morrison. ACTUM A t r heart trouble; wish to rj i i iivin aaa tha case I can't cur. ruwr.i is i. HI TJnlon av. N Portland. Or. A. A. AU8P1.UNIX of women and surgery. Bi llons fre. lit Merchant Trust th snd Wsshlngton. Main 4047. MRS. SOPHIA U. BKIP Mental and spiritual scientist. SOI Aliskjr bldg. Question meeting Wednesday and Pri- I day. 8 p. in. Main 4824. STUM. POTTKR, Chiropodist. formerly 4th and Washington. 606 Northwest bldg.. 6tli and lyashlngton. fcUSSIAN Turkish baths, r .Immlng pool connected. Ladle and gentlemen's de psrtments. 69 iront, m car south, LORENZ Nerve Tonlo Tableta reator loat vitality; soo oox; aoxea 11.24. Btlpe-Taylor Drug Co.. 29 Morrison at. WOMEN Um remotas wnen others fan. Sold and guaranteed by tha Ausplund Drug store, 110 N. th at. Main 1104. GIRLS. Learn our business; Sanitary Beauty Parlors. 400-411 Pekom bldg. SPIRITUAL advice, also mental science treatments. 666 Morrison. A-6404. BALM of Figs, remedy for disease af ' women. 682 Davis st. Main 921. 100 linen visiting cards, 76c. Welch Prlnt- ing Co.. 224 Alder. Main or A-4147. SAVE 12 to 110 by buying your trunk or suitcase at 632 Wash., ror. 17th at. flair work made from combings; switch es a specialty. 632 Marlon ave Blw'd MADAME ESTKLLE. mental spiritual scientist. 144 lltn. Main nasi. MLLE. ROBERGE. physical culture. 860 V, Alder st.. 3d floor. Suit 29. FTNACTAli Sl CASH PAID FOR MORTGAGES Or seller's equity in contract of sal on reat estate tn Washington or Oregon. H. E. Noble, Lumbermen s bldg.. Loan. HAVE note for 1135. necuied oy first mortgage, win discount 10 Der cent. E-114. Journal. LOANS WANTED 80 WANTED 42500 on good lncom prop erty, close in. Address H., Box 239, ciiy, e"y anii, o per oojil, on rm, Chamber of Commerce. WANTED 1260 to 1800 Immediately, on personal property; uoerai conua or oommission. l-iiw, journal. WILL pay 8 per cenr, on 31200 for SJ yrs, on 34500 property. Bi-l 112, J'QTirnal. MONEY. TO XOAN . 45? CHATTELS, SALARIES $1 to $100 Advance on furniture. Dianog. watohes. diamonds. Jewelry, wagons, automobiles, warehouse -receipts, salaries and plain notes. OUR MOTTO: Quick, reasonable and confidential. El by Company ar ,. Exchange, 2d 320 Lumber and Stark Sd floor. ,6 T0 Drake's Easy Money 10 ' Furnished salaried peorile "without ge tsnrlty. Indorsement,' delay, deception or extortion: cheapest rates, best and most private terms In Portland. S07 Spalding bldg. Successor to IfTIT'f OX CREDTT CO MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLH Women keeping house and oter fur niehed without security, cheapest rates, easiest payments. Com and get money when you want It, and pay -as you can. Offices in all principal cities. IX H. To I man, 117 Lumber Exchange. SEE FRANK LANE for. a. loan on pienos. household goods, autos, livestock, storage receipts, mort gagea, anything of value; it will cost yoti leas, ;all and get our price. 609 S wet land bldr.. 6tf. and Washington. r - -' MONEY IN ANY AMOUNT. ' Contracts, mortgagee, equities, chat., tale, diamonds and real ' ecurttr: . ap- Bervlcn vendretl. LAW SO N- B RQ W N INVESTMENT CO,' . uvr j eon oiog. 1 ei. m. r. MONEY sold oh Installment: confldan tlal to aaiarieVl peoplai . F. A. New. rem bib fierry Biog. MONET to loan on piano, auto, fjrnl- tur,- livestock.- Lane, 414 ' A blng too bldg. ' , ..- ' , - " . ' ' - ' -" LOAN for th aiHnr, enJary or chat- tL Th Loan C, 414 pekum bldg. tl M i K If kl . fc k . k K f , A(aky 1js Ar ixokf. t iu Im. iMmaMt lUlu la riMtiiti 4 Ml (I I ImU'!wiI w( I ; riJ ta :.! if 4k4 ta iiLt.Jl ..... J I ai ftf b.uiki la 4wMii, AM luM la vmw iMMkl a4a, k i4r v rvrvlkta lrtltf rt4IUI y kav ia for ta 1 ia aa alv Uw, f aratiar. , VUlcltr af i4Ual aai M aWtaf a, kl. klaM.A, kAg ti,.-,, in .-a- r, J; . t ,-.T,., woxur to inxH n I I I I I I .1 tAjak UOAXw ag ImtaWtaialy aaa llaJlr mm i taloa lltixk. aiarag ri?k. Kg kauaa al all fclr. f arm. U. A UltAl. t HTATK UnnkfcllAUtttXi. ill HaBlHa Hi4g, alala ! Ill Is ktta, . I I I I I 1 ! ! ! Wbnev to Loan On raal aaiale In amouaia from 111 al 4. f, I par pr sansnv a as J. E. Nichols IU Vaon kldf t77! win loan your moo y for ya Va cauaa a (can money a lmprw4 elly property. If you bar II I loan, bring ti in. If you want la barrow, roma In, '( iriC TITl.R A TfLT C. fapl It 7 tl.ambr of iViWrt, giMiuna floor. : ffyJT'tiTTitt. 111 al r cant. l;oo al t war rant. Illgg at 1 rr rani; !. ai f w rant, ft, N. Tl-'r-rOKP A t ear Pialdirtg Ndg . klarahall tf. A-l' uoey lo Itaan in auma ranging; , M0 TO I J HAltltOLT RtAI.Tr CO 111 1T lais l Ag. cor tth and Oak. Main lQ4 ' 1141 gill on roort -. rliy . ar farm property, fir Inauranr MrKensi m C. uriingr aid. 14 ea4 Alder. ilti7?fil kaiHIng loa suranr. w M f : tTJaTJ KTo. Ir tt.ruvrd prirly; Kaser, 7II-75S iron nil t !OKTOaOK ioene. on rlty and farm 1 pmperty; mortcagaa purrhaeed. Henry 1 T. prodhomma Co.. Wllrok bldg ' lit' riA&' loaniTl and T Dff raal. 4oula Halomoa A Co. lis mark e , 1 skY'TI-OaN OS RRaV STATIC j a H. HAWl'fN 111 Clumber of Cons. iatSKTiMKTCoAKsr ii4xniti;p: av nitrnnvuv ni m rrTT or any Interaat I rr rent rabor 771. SoSKT 10 loan, 4 to g per cent W. It Belts A Co III "spldlng bldg. grTOk lonna on ail aecurltle. tf. W. King. 41 Wishlngtok bldg. Msln 414. WoKKV lo loan on Improved rial eatat. L L While. 741 Belling bMg, WJLI, loan 130,000 or leaa real rata I a. Farrlngton, 411 Commsrcial Club bid A BUSINESS DIRECTORY AOOOTJaTTAaTTS FTTAI.I0. COLL18, BERHIlOK A THOMPSON. 114 Worcester Bldg. Main 464T. AABATM A PROEBP'l KU aasayera, an. lyticai cnamista, ioih with, m, isss MONTANA assay office, laboratory, or taatlng. Marshall till. Ill Morriaoa. AVTCarTTB A. B. COOPER, Attorney at Law. 0n eral practice: abstracts examined. 1424-1423 Yeon 1 idg. Main 171; A-807L KORNEGAY, KHEELEY HILLIU8. Lawyers. Abstracts a amtnad. oollo tlona. 621 Chamber of Commerce. Mosessohn & Mosessohn. lawyers; b- atracts examined: sneak Qer.. French, Hussian. 714-711-711 inam. or com. UHTSt OPH ERSON A MATTHEW? general practic. I-417 I eon Plug. W. J. ENGLISH, xkmined. 406- gen. practice, abstract g Kenton bldg. M. null. BIOTOZaB BZPAZmZirO NEW hlcyolgs, 126: second hand bicy ole 110 up. 181 Madison, near bridge. BZaAATX SOOX MAXIkl HOWE, DAVIS COMPANY, 141 3d at Rlank Vook n 1'f g. : agenta for Jon at) pro red Loose-Leaf Ledger; aee tn kew Eureka leuf. A -11 18. Matn 111. BUSIVESS CAJLDS WARREN CONSTRUCTION CO. Street navlng. aldawalka and crossings. 117 neoK DIOg. THE BARBER ASPHALT PAVING CO.. Portland office. 005 K'.ectrlo bldg. OAKEHAS HXCHASQES. KODAKS, cameras, wanted. Camera exchange. Z45 Morrison. Mam 840g. CARPET CI.rjAWlNO JOYCE BROS., Electric Cleaning Works, carpets cleaned and laid, refitting our specialty. E. 440, B-19S3. 204 E. 10th N. CARPET W-AVX-P NORTHWEST RUG WORKS, rugs from old carpets, rag rugs, carpet cleaning. 158 union ave., near e. Morrison COLONIAL art squares, rag carpet and rugs. 1618 Patton ave. Woodlawn 2685. CHIBOFODISTS t) DR. OLIVER O. FLETCHER Lady Expert Assistant. 305 AHsky bldg. 8d and Morrison. Main 8763. Treats all ills of the foot, without danger of Infection. Corns, bunions, In growing and atrophied nails, flat foot and bunions a specialty. DR. MARGUERITE CRAWFORD,wdhl ropodirt. Formerly" flth nd Wash in g ton. B14 Dekum blag, ' DR. V. B. G. i.nd Mrs. Fletcher, Painlesi tt u. b. . Mrs. netcher, Falnlee chiropodists. Over Haselwood. M-8711, CHxacPRAcnc PHYKtciAir HAVE riven thousands of adjustments: $2.60 week: Bath office 2d and Wash. CHINESE DOCTORS DR. AV MRS. S. K. CHAN, Chinese medi cine cures men and women, new lock tlon. 183 1st, cof. Alder. JING WO CHINESE, MED. CO. curia men end women. New location 185 H Morrison at., near bridge. DR. J. L. LONG MEDICAL CO., phy- slclan for men. women. Z63Mt Alder. COZ.I.ECTIOSrS WELLS MERC. AGY, EST. 1908. CTTR RENT, DELINQUENT ACCTS.' COL LrX;TED. M. 8776. 701 BO -- PHYSICIANS' & Dentists' acct, general collections. 201 Medical bldg. M. 6167. CONTRACTORS AID BTJTXJJERS LET Treacy save you . money. A. 8. Treacy. contractor and builder, gen eral jobbing. Satisfaction guaranteed. Res. .84 Taggart st Phon ' Tabor 3449. r . - ' IH0IHE8T grade carpenter and cabinet work -'T T.ank;, stores and homes. O. H. Hammond. 185 Madison. in. Urge eoana eeeiailr. a ala llnne Alain Til J. na; luweal rac; fir- ' C, n i vTT ai iim" 1 1 rlYlI'M VkooL ill O lieck. Ill 111 railing. . ,,, ., .... ...... aVi..k and ana on Itrvrove.l or unlAllaky Vlda. td and MorrUorrf fancy. f.lian A JlAItRX ii Stanford,, designs, bill Ms, v- modern, styilsn, convenient homes, any terms. Office- X 3fQU, Morrison. WILLIAM FISHBECK, Carpenter and builder. Jobbing and contracting. 204 Ith st. Main 4241. . E. GEORGEFF, carpenter, builder, ator rront ana store rixtures especially, glr-fng. ; 291Hf Anlte-y. Marshall 2851. OOAXa AJTP WOQl Yamato Wood and Coal Co. ka"t ei. b-hbt. BTANDARDj WOOD CO.. box planer and corawooa. j j47 c isterk. et rile; B-I5. t3 - -- - SEGHER'3 VOOD CO 7 --. A t. k. 1 - 1 IThl 111, Prop, et pr'c, A-1411. I ora. otLic. arn. gierwoci. (ioi 11th sad Vaughn. Mala 4353 OAk Ak italic? kijil V,w fJJ T'pD nit'M.wuiu.MMi k " i ltM ., ' t' . a4 -; k M4 IIWIh gr M ! m1 katag - C.ak " ' .ft k fr !! m1 koatag a'ft-k, a Tic-rcniiEd s!abwco4 WM lilt OTSfliitr. Fuel Co. Ir&v VTf fir k arj - ROCK SPftlNdSCOAL mvt ic:a.;;pTit""i 1 1 ran Uaig 4 1 1 I l II Ik tflll BORING WOOD 6 COAL CO tt llt Cwawiry auk Takaa U ltl ttk aa-l faiA H i!l ITa-4 a i-4 i A I I9 mm-A. Iaa4 a Vaiar al tMaa ilarf. Wl P.i.tla.ra IV.Win TAhfa. Plr. aa. aak alakwoaai aad l Wialaia tk 4 Uilaan. Mat 114. (Iraaaj alakaanA big 4 ganail flwa wm. t!atr mm fa, ripn VlTl V'l lut au4 g.oth I 1 om -1 ti lur tl I lr (ore air af Iwl Kkarr, 4 kWba . aoulk 4 lluaac.l atallo iVe;kt Or Al-IINA ITEL CO. Alt kla ar area aag dry iwi li. ipnag aa4 Maa ala o. fkwTn rjmlfit A 'A rt""rJ o'MJ fcolB? rail r wnu ta Ik lldUfaaA ) C. raal lei, tllll Watag at llit M.t a am a a l,a:iIVini t XiaVn i.l VI atVrJIT. K Cwrry al. tOAranJa. VUo. It "wa47 ka llolgaia ruel C . kellwood ! UlTT l Alt Kt T Wo4 f a tl C 1 4 14 and Clay. Mat III! A-44II gkAUCniw rrtOr Wll. VVIUHINU linrln krhaot lona W: walla, larw-alep er lhreBlcp guaraala4 In one leaoni trial Iraaon tr Tha beat la al ways ll.e rhaaial. lilage oaarlnf d all vaudeville aa ta laugbl quukiy. Moral lataga and aortal dancing taught dally; waits and two-step guaraMJ in (our Icaaona Class Monday and Krldajr v nlngs st le Id sl. Teone He. DzrrxoTiYa unci INTKRNATIONAt. Ieletlv Areooy, male a nl fmle; slrlnly confide Hal. rnnaultallon free Office 111 al lium bldg Main 4414. PACTfic I'livpeligallon llureau. aH c-laarrs Invcallgationa: terma reaaon able Main 1111. ft Portland Trust bldf. SO AMD HOkVBk 0TA BROWN imog., 144 Waah. Matn 4111. A-4JII. IIB. K Uth. ki II4. H-I1IT. DBJESkMAKX-O BCHOOIa VALENTIN r systara f eulltag, tat. lonog an oressttung laugai. s as EMorrtaea, SKAJkXATXO mUORENCES IIOFKMAN Kmerwaa ay, tarn of e-vpreaalon drsrratlo art. atage. piatiortn Marehtll my American Apia. ISXJlCTaUO kfOTOM BOUGHT. old. rented, repaired. B-I1T. Walker 14'ka.nsl El. Wka, 111 Union. rSTCATZOaTAX. LIP READING taught per aona hard of hearing- defects of speech corrected; successful method. Miss Kathertn King. 604 Chetopa annex. Main I74f. BTUDIO of elocution 401 Ellers bldg Main 3386. HZCATATZaO AID OKASIVO. All klnda of grading, excavating, ss tlmates given; reasonabl coat BT. Hart. 624 Thurman. Main 3644. rOOT BrXOXAXXST DR. IVEY cures corns, bunions; feat dlseates; pnlnless meth'd, 246 H Mor, rUAMlTUAll BEFAXKI-a ART3 and Craft ahop. furniture r paired, reftnlshed, peeked, upholster ing, mir. gyna. 7m una nnnasrs. Mti. OA80UTB xsraxns STATIONARY and marina, alectrlo. equipment; launches, accessor!. whoiewale and retail: enaine reoaliina. Relrson MacMilery OS.. !4 Morrlaon. GOODS FEB VET to HANEBUT, Leading wlar and toune makers: finest stock of human hair gooda; hair dreaslng. manicuring, face and aoalp treatments. 147 7th. near Mor. M. 144. mat fj-oBAjmra T.AnrTrfl' o-Ar. t-hali cleaned. blocked. Panamas bleached without in jurious chemicals. Clesners, tailors take notice. Our worK means traae ror- you. Out of town orders carefully attended. Royal Hat works. ,223 1st. Main M42. HORSES BOUGHT AJTD SOZaD All kinds of hprses bought, sold, ex changed. 247 E. atth. East 3Z7S. PHONE usi about your fire insurance. Main 4398. Mallory & Co.. Inc., CIO wiicox Bldg. JAS. Mcl. WOOD A CO.. all kinds Insur ance, surety Ponds. Railway Ex. Bldg. PACIFIC STATES Fire Ins. Co.. home office Portland, Or.. Ch. -of com, bldg, McCAltGAtt. Kates Lively. il Vtvin bldg. Every form of insursnce. bonds. JOHN KER Insurance, surety bonds, mtge loans. 1823 Yeon hldg. M. 9836. KODAK DBVEi.OPrTt ROLLS developed free; prints. 80 up; mall orders solicited. 205 Marohanl Trust bldg. ; - - LU1EEI AJTD rjDXa0 CHAS. I MA STICK CO, 74 Front Leather of every " description; tan manufacturers, findings. .' kCACHraxsT B. TR-ENKMAN -4k Co., hydrauHp and special pipe, smoke stacks, oil tanks, mining machinery, all repairs. 104 N. 4th. . . MOTOSOYCX.E XSEPAIR11TO REPAIRS of kit kinds; also bicycle sup pllB and repairing. 189 Burnslda. asrsrsio teaohebb E THIELHORN. violin teacher; pupil Sevclh, 900 Msrqsm. A-4140. Mar. 1411 APBAPATH. WEAKNESS IN MEN CURED. Men, why naffer -with enlarged veins and nervous debility? We guarantee to cure with our new treatment. Examina tion free. Hypereme Institute, 405-9 Northwest bldg., cor. 6th and Washing ton. - .... --. , -'" OBTEQPA-HIO HT ISXA3FB DR Catherin C. Gates, 11 jraara expert. eiicn threktlng nervous and cbronta diseases. 10V Abtngton bldg. Mar. 1141. Hre. 16 a. m. to 6 p. m. UK. t.i LL.KBKLI.E PATTERSON, spe clallst on nerves, acute and chronic dijeano. 208 Fen ton hldg. Main 8911. Dr. Smith, graduate Kirksvlle, Mo 1898. postg-sduate 1107. 1123 Helling bldg. vaxbt, on. Aura oiu(a Tt. EL PEACH ft CO- Pioneer Paint Co, 184 First at. Main 1114. A-7041. RAM UbKfc.N A CO High Btanunrd f. paint, ne. cor. 3d A Taylor. M.. A-1771. i-Biiitt w 1111 1 1 u a i it i niari ana JPAISTZJta AMD PAVEBXerS 1 E. H. PICKARD; pmting, tintin- ra pertn g ; satisfactory work. East 13j6. TOlt BE8T avork, prtcea rsghH. call p. A loaa leg Union ave. East 194. TINTING 12 rtom up; painting, papr- hangtflg. c. A. Barnea Main 1314. f at aAiata.4 co. :j.:d:iJWtt fka. Uil Iim ll h4 of fr4e Hig "U. C WEIGHT, I. & e4 f-al rf ) ar.aaA a 44 l-.S.oa. rAWatkBOKAB I'Jv- lJi Mktf rn ci4.ATrHAl, han; I f war Ik jMW aal t Ct M al 41 ru.o TVl rtirt JACOtk)J. aJeat laalag, l nri hiRTMMI Wowd rip c r4r aav aitric, 111a no far aaaia eaaa. FLATOiA Willi Wll 1-AMrmt lallna Works. 11 Ilk. tM ahj jfulla' lc M. t 1 1 A- 1 k taOOriAO, FAlAltBd. KFAlaUA4 TIN rafag repAlrla pa t l-e II, 1 1 1 Jajfjefe.. apspaf - k .aiiaaiB. v w en petetleg, lakklag. Mala lilt kDiiu kraaaa-k in kALA ri ... 114 and fnr auuewer. p ami Man iaa. ill nar alaia iter. JlAnos, n, Ii.m rtnta. kreaa Asa, ein, '.ie ytt , 1 1 s s. ss ar i e i Tlt kll I.C1I a fa Co. Ill 14 St. Bafe I I aeiuey P Ka; repair ie.ani kargaln I nana aaiaaa AXdWOAkEkt AaTB HXTITUI TMR JAMrg I. M1KIIU1X MFO. CO, aas an aid aiwnaaM, raoinets, a. or a4 aflK rislureai III IWaaek. At I IBS, IMSWCXtCd e . ry ee f p llaek, Va a a. bar 4 ator nsturwa snaa w ree The luike Mfa Cev how 1 a I ota. Prompt deurwrf. gala gel 14. Wlaler Umbaf Cv IXU9LU UrBT I Port la a A Ml v a ala glea at- k I Ollhwrt, miMM AUTO OWOAJU FDgTBM A ataJtiaER 4flgngi tn seat 4n nfmaker la the a eel h west. a Ttk aaJ IC jcvsreit el. lal lltnt H-II14 rrOTS aVXFAZBXBO T1IR ACME r lean a, adjuata, repair or connects your ga rug, waier ni a, etc. 401 K Morrlaon. Cast till. TAXbOaX BCmOt CHltXAQO Ladles' Tkllortng Coll eg, 1 antral nag. icaene tataat an Ism ladles' tailoring, drafting, d reign ing, fiitln-- 49 days' full 00 urea, ejual iriea intelligent pupil ror good poea- kl I b Ladio' rallorloa college, I ra dreasmsking. tailoring. 1IIH 1'tk TAXLOMXaTO) ALFRED OOILBXK, 119 Lkbb bldg. td and Washington. Fulls to order. RO H T HWf BTTAlMfUlwrOR LApITjpj AND f.tNTT.KMKN. k N. ITH BT. row!. sTtrrnvT CLEAN towels dally, comb, bm sk. oa. Towl Bupplr Co., Ith and Couch ala, II par month. Portland Laundry Co, Phonee Main 41. A-4411. TmAaTBrBB ABTO BTOaVAOB C O. PICK Transfer A Btorar O-. flc and commodious 4 story prick arahnuaa with aanarala Iron roomg and fireproof vault for aluabl. R W cor. td and Pin st. Piano and furnl- I tor moved nd paekad for anipping. Bneclal txt mad on good In out through cars to all domewtT and foreign potnta. Mam III. A-19M, PORTLAND Van and Storag Co, Ino.. cor. 11th and Everett ats : moat mod em storage warehouse In city; our low fire insurance rata proof or thi rr tracktge; moving, packing, ahlpplng: reduced freight rates on household goods in through earn to and from th east. Mam e40. a-hzo. Oregon Transfer Co, Estsbllshed 187. Transfer and forwarding agsatA Rtnn Li.n t re tracks r. Offlea and ntoragav474 Ollsak trC corner lltn and aiisan. Phone. Matn 49. A-llll. CITY Hall Transfer A Storag Co. Ex pert furniture and piano moving. J trunk 60c each, additional 25c. M. 7011, A-1724 ' NORTHWESTERN Trannfer Cu 14-li Front. General transfer and storag. Main 446, A-4441. PORTtiAND TRAN IKER & DELIVERY CO., 106 Wash. Stores:, piano, furn. movlnr Main 410. A-1864. BAGGAGE A Omnlbue Transfer Co. Es. tabllshed 18S3. Phones M. 6180. A-bsh PROMPT deliveries all parts city. JT A-S714. 14 Taylor. Dawson Main 7IR1 W. JOHNSON, express, baggage. 838 Morris st. C-31R8. Stsrd th ft coucn. irFXWalTMl ALL makes rented, repaired, sold. Cun nlngham Co.. 231 Stark. Matn 1407. TYPEWRITER Supplies Co. Rebuilt. la r.ann. nzv w st wr. eia. "A TJPKOI.8TBBXIBB CARTWRIGHT ft CO., 188 Madison, up. holstering, rurniture repaering an mattresses; work guaranteed Main 6386. VACTTTTM Q,SAlgXBB Golden Rod Vacuum Cleaners. 116 Com. monweaith bdg.L.A.AmicK, Mgr.M.iusv IJyT EMMS FOR UlEATIENT within ths reach of alL 1 will not accept your esse If I knnot our you. J will give you an absolute guarantee to cur you or not charge you on .cent, for .my, gervlces. ... The reason hundreds of men' tookY r dis couraged is because they have given no car to whom they entrusted their case, their pre cious health. They 00 not consider the Abil ity, professional standing and reputation of the physician or specialist of whom they took treatment, but have considered far more the fact that by, not going to a specialist of abil ity they could get cheaper treatment. Such Is rot the case, because it requires ability and skill to cure any one of the ailments to which I devote my full time and attention, and the 'specialist who posses ses the ability to cure gets all the business he can attend to. If you are today discour aged because you have not been cured it. la your own. fault. You have no one else1 to Dlama but yourself, if you hava sought treat ment and are not cured, it is simply because of the fact that you hay not thought enough of your health, your life, to pay the price of k competent, reliable specialist, who possesses the ability nepessary to cure you. ' The one tiffing for any man to "consider is slmpTy this': "I want to get cured. I .must get the ailment conquered before it conquers me." - If you-look at this matter from this standpoint, : valuing as you must do your fu.. tura health and' happiness, you will consult at once the BEST and MOST R E L I A B LE spe cialist, one whom, you know .from his perma nently and long-eetaMiehed ' reputation to be the best, and if your case Is placed with- him the cure will follow in short order. LASTLY. REMEMBER, there Is no man who really desires to be cured who cannot place his case with me, BECAUSE I always arrangs my terms so that any man can- recenve expert attention and care at my hands. , ' J -Offer Free-Consultation and 'AWcc'"' I Invlte-you to come to my office. - I will explain to you my treatment for enlarged veins, hydrocele, hernia, nervous - debility, blood - disorders, piles, fistula, bladder, kidney and all men's- disorders snd give you a FREE xaaV Inatjon. . . . - .." '- j , ; If you cannot call,-write me Immediately," 'giving me a ' description ot your case in your own words. Br return mair I. will send you, absolutely free, a diagnosis, of your ease and my best professional advice ks to how. to proceed In order to correct your trouble. II y office Is open all'siay from It. m, to 8 p. m.and Sunday from 19 to 11 only. . BK-G. IrlOtSMAN- rTkaMkAAIAal- sU'l'tha seieelkarr kMHt III K. tlk. r ureal tea, aava at. Waa4 SA J't t If B a a ra-1 t yt. 1 4 L . WkOUIlUI gwkkXk V,ihi A CastaaauU. aewiwa a4 aiLM raat.u.ia It giw4 leaiaaa. t f ae alei Ifk - U" titti At A r '" wiriuit'f j- f riMM cioai . rmiuaii uia. vwmrT'V 'm ' Jkaf a. tr a4 lata t al. kneaaa ialMi a4 Mai, ltlxyr iTxMii isJkiiTl K I publish say rklagapk, pa(st. t aantlutl Bag m.. kg ray lfu nd kv a avanao. Ilea) wllfc any other ptaelioa, I aau legally auailfted I kraa.Ur Say prfeie la aiaiea er U r e g a n. aablagloa, Ca.lfer kl a4 Nevalk rrae lie Uraiiad la the gal. ' , Mllfll lrelmet f apwctal ailmeela Jtvery ansa aaluag at any olffg Is keeured f any pai aopaJ and Indlvlrt. ial Iraalmaail until our la ef. reel, it ure la oaau4l m be fore irwaiief slsawhara, mew st. Am am hiaimT ron BLOOD POISON Mr Mstk4 Of Admlnlslrtk g Ab aoluieiy Mafa. Coma t ra If vo hava an t ika fallawlBff d i eorder Si Enlarged Veins, Pimple. Nervoua tetllllyt Narva, jtlood and kkU IMaordera, Kladdsr Troubles, Uiood Iolaona, - Cruptina, t'leera, Special Allmsata, Pile sr m T t fWJyt s)odar IIML fti a m I n a 1 1 on 4 vac FT. J. J. KBEFE, PH. G. M. D. Rooms 11-11 I .a ft, yet t tldgc. I1IW WAHHINOTON 41T- CWlt ltg pORTLANa Oft lElAMfOIEffi Don't fall t 00 -ult with tka Modem Specialists First ek Alder Btk Phona Main 4416. Kntrarvo!!! Aldtr OohsuiUug 8plaJlgf. Mn and Women Cored V I kJs ak VtattU Wf 133JFlrstSt 111 H Aider it. Dr. aa. aa. Chan Mr. Dr. voaa Th reliable Chinees Doctor. 8. K. Chan with thlr harmlsaa Chlnsa medlcinaa of barb and root, can wonderfully our all kinds of Internal and external kick, nsssa when other falL - Chronlo all aTIONR Kxamlnatlon for ladle by Mr a. or, Chan, call or writ to B. K. CHAN CHINESE! MEDICINE CO.. 113 V 1st SL. N. W. corner Alder. Portland, Or. LT.YEE& 8069S Tha Old. eminent Chines doctor spent a uretime atudy of herbs, and grad ated from several unlver-,. sines in unina. cures an diseases of men and women successfully. No matter (V(Vwiii naa xaiiea, 1 gutraniet t..' ours vurauio. van ui Wwrit to L. T. TJEB aV SONS MEDICINE CO., . 384V4 Yamhill. 8. E. cor. 2d street f : Portland. Or. BING CHORG Chinese Doctor, His Chinese herbs aid root medicines cure blood troubles and all lungs, liver, stomach, kidneys. When1 others have given you -up, wo. suit or write Blng Chong, 233 H Wash., corner 2d. .1 B'R.OILI .,. Olvea Prompt and Effectual Rallef . , without Inconvanienca, in ths MOST, OBSTINATE CASES Noethartrsatstsal raqulrad. SOLA BY ALA. DWUQCIST3. TP C. K. HOLSMAN, M. D. ' The photograph - which I tiubllsh above Is a perfect likeness of me. I do not ii Ida under a false nam nor publish a false picture' -nor make a false statement of any kind. 221 4 Morrison Street PORTLAND.' OREOON. Corner Flret St OR. Mm aU4 I -j, 4v.l J - t, j f 1 T ' j IK 1 Kt f.