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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 30, 1912)
i f tiii: okz:coj; daily journal ioktland, tuhsday Kvr.NU.a. ai-jul i int. '-i.4 WJUUItU s UGH i FRANCHISE People Reminded That They Have Been Deluded In (he Past; Up. Before Council; Lombard's View. . PetUVAl t T l eUHer Jlrw Mntir, erprii aria! I vi4r the ua of the eiet af aeaiag. lea, b-ee MvK I he city eeit etf tfcta "if f eiUfJle d ftAtfptle fnMktM (inag m4 eorfxrrs.HMi a val uable fra ela foe the tfcauitalle aM teik ef lisht. Km I 4 er ere- etty fix Urm of l year. TUa free. We U la b roastdered fey the elraet 1 1 Im of the MMIMll el t- a, nuter. May a. III. After betas l"4 upon Or (ha Urea eoenaaltte II III h faerre bar. l the fwoacll M lr Iheea la the aaeoellv board for ap i rtlMnui aM valualloa. II UI IKoK l returned lb rtiy roem-lt, ed by i ha tele ef II enesiber and lha preval f the an for III heroine a Jaw. II la la lha Uteres! ef wary Uaparer la IMa city la himi carefully oemeider lha I arm a ad eoodllUme af Ihta free- Ma before II la ftalljr granted, W , Kara eea freorMata a4 rtghta of a Milmabla value avid far a eong; a have be IrWaed anl deleoed lata g1v. Ig Valuable rraaehlea with lha Ma thai nHnpaililo weald reatilt; compel ! i io did not aali, a4 emphatically we hae la gauge tha futgr by Iba past a4 coeaidar end hesltat Meat thor oughly before granting a franchise af l Me naieie Calling aiiaatloa la a fear vlil feature af Ibia franchise a In troduced, we a: la n U 04 Falthr on s if is i hp mm II Dlnkeliplcf Christmas ts . Scream"; Little Lord Rob ert Strong Feature, PUIIIIHI OF LANGERS AT BID Every Night for 100 Years ReflimentaJ Bad Ha$ Played 5 Hymns, Tba Gar at Uumj eaae the faetught la b .. wbc "f" 114 aele ac4le4 la .laaheUe4'a itMUlasaa" a I . Ike tkraAaata Ikia veek. Taa akll la aa af lka be4 aWr(k- ke thai utbenkila Ke aWye4 far ilma. tlke-baire4. raM4 a4 aa(be(lr "Uiat" taake4a4e a4 rN Ixaaeleutel. a llllla l4w, u(l aa atir but raiKar aiitbMr. baa Hea4 A lrtelea vale me la Iba ehaa af a knarrUfa lireoee foe ibetr Ur L-aule. wka la aaetAag boaa after ! yeata abaa. a4 bla farmer eeelkrL laaia baa lM(1ecie4 la tell Na af bla ife a4 babr. Iaia4tac lea ikeca a Cbrieimaa eurprle. t hey e ar4 baby aavaa Iba ef. lals (xxaraseciel traveler, an4 blame, bla ife, eic karate alrL be ire a Uu cebuUry that la a acreaa. Ta alter ax t -divide lha Iaa4 ra. UliU lxr4 Kobart m4 bl Ua. leaba. The tfimlnallva earaedlaa. Ia b patinda aM lewerlaf 14 tsjubea aver Iba foul 11 f bla. Ha denied, aaaf n4 io!4 alert a 10 lha 4eliht of Iba a i4 lea re 4m1 eoaclude4 by aa avvrlBC aaeailana IrnBramMtt aeked hlm tXjf ineinbara af Iba audleor, Dm eaked him ir b ul4 meet Jack jabaaaw la balila. Quirk aa a flaati ba ajuwerad. Il-albi4 rVeia ! t. baakr. pU It. Tba Talflb Rel laaaar. mmw auilaaad bear bere, ara loebiaf forward wllh kwb aalUfacltaa la Ike a4 af lha 1M year Malahae IikbomJ uaa lha railBMl w iiib. la thai year 4une im war wuh Pla. Iba Uweii braba ai aa4 eier-raiad a taaaalerf Mhea lha (Htha af Welllaitaa 'beard ar I e larldMl. ha 4xre4 thai far IM eae, aa aa eiMallaa. lha realmaalal baad knuei ra4e every alh at It ruck a4 play five hrwne-lKe bpaa. lab aalianal aalhen. tba Haaalaa aa tlaaal aaihem, I he eeer byasa, Iba frimr a Wale- hra aa4 (ha Km tub MiiartaJ amhem. er alaca tba araer aaa an fklihfully carried Ml CHARGED WITH USING $200 FOR A MATE III i n' nrcrnTurn lllULLULOLU hUt Buildino Wrteler Aecrsti Pro- posal, pockets Money and Deserts. ABUSIVE um E Further charae vera filed eaaterda -If ba IU trala 4ew la ray welfht1 ,h raunlrlpaj free ampleymant bu- "Tba ItavraatUaa Klxbieacale." I5 ajei ua eeoreiary. John a. XI lie. rteffoteeha la kaewa. waa ealle I "-hroelr. Jr. la a letter eubmllled la baeb far fraqueat aneoraa far her ball-1 Ruehlltht. Tha chart ara thai llke-V(4re and blih nalea ara clear and I lh cUr ha uaad abuelve laatniM la nwl Tha ataee salllne aivl har awn I Pelrona Of lha bureau and to aeekera gyaay dree-a add M tba baaatv af lhe"ri,r work, that ba haa Uppe4 tba aaL Ja aliiklBtr tba Aara everead by fl' rnornla delivery af mall la tba Braa-a aba playa bar awn aceampanlmeal aaa mat tna wont or tba bureau ea tba violin. Twa aoaa la Enlleh, I atanatr4 aa a cofieaquenca. Tba Laat Itoaa af Hummer and thai "'r Ruabllcht, upoo receipt af tba alei Starr Ever Tald. wara aapac- '"wir, Inatrurted City Attor- tally well received. Urant to prepare a formal complain! Tbla week'a bill apeaa with one af -nroeuer. i iia mayor will rue ivmpnim in m riir auauore IValied I ixil WW I Xew Varft. AaeU na Me tab baa awilkarte4 Sa, Kaau Al 0rara. ba nati abt ad vert lead far a baeba4 wba waad teeert ber aa ha they were aaarrled. la kerv Mtlea by publicatlaa af ber Uk U ajuial marrUje. hire. Brewa aa marrUd la lUrvey Drn. a prafeaaiaaal buillin raoher a Waehlbf , Cw4oter II, tilt. Tha girl Uamed that tba eaaet laarry be fore a certata ala la order la labertl a feriuna tram a Uerwtaa re4atlva Sae advarttaed thai aba waa wllltag la pay UM to a maa wha wald aaarry bar aa-reelag ta leer her teemed U I el y after tha eeremoay, llqMradi arrlled, a4 from their a van ber tba girt pbrhed et Hroaa, wba married ber, per bated tba lift and dlaappearad. . LOCAL TRAIN SERVICE AT EUGENE IMPROVED i I an ... a e k. a ah.- aaa- a. - a a . I t K dk f PAPI dradi t dbrhdrfft I H AT gtatl f halt Kdk fl riafl M I I Sihm rttw tar a ii. hi Kt I Europea Bavelty arrcbata. In which "curoeaer aeriare1 y eater day that ha S runt for i i.rm it Zl Tnf mn ihVbrotrrera glvea a woaderful "Id appaal ! lha city civil aervloa Jr r'ol. Tor a trm of l veara. Tha mon-I - , . commlaalon for relnatatamant an hardly ba eipect'd la be adequate .mmmirt,. ,ka w t. p.lof the bureau. Med tha charrea. which or cammeneurau with lha value of tha i.-- mmtm rr hi. u.u.i line of I are unelgned by the third member af "m rapid flra Uugh-producera awl ende the Bureau. w. ii. McMonlea. Kecond. thai he rorporatloa la only wltli a clever character akeuh. Tha t"rb Bchroadar aaya ha la being p'- obligate to eprnd I !. on thla plant. Mahlne Brothera and nobby ahow aomo cuted. Ha la of tha opinion that tha of which only muat ba epent Infclrvtr tumbling and acrobatlo work and compUInt made againat him waa inatl- th la cllv. The uil.r ImnAulhlllt v of one r.t the rlaeereet arrohalla Aamm itl-1 "7 '"e ni. i. r.. i nniim. enneiruriing a plant which will give good aervlce. aa well aa tha much de aired competition, for any auch aura aa ITIA.aat. ahouM be apparent to tha molt raeual ohaerver. t.0.J hardly be evfflclent, and tha prpoaed expenditure of only :i.00 4oea not look Ilka good faith. Third, no provlalon la made which will Inaura competition. tVe . do not want a repetition of the Mount Hood flaaco. and tha realiictlona and regula tion! to that end ahould be eo atrong and well defined that there can ba no poealblllty of any aate lo the praaent monopoly. Knurl h. that tha maximum ratea par mlttrd under tha propoaed franchlaa would naturally he tha minimum ratea, and aa tha franchlaa now reada tha council doca not retain the right to reg ulate ratea. a comparlaoa of tha ratea propoaed In thla fraochta with ratea Bobby aeema to underataad with who Schrooder bellva. aaplraa human intelligence and wban aome ".nip. funny atunt la pulled It la eaay to Im agine that ha la enjoying the humor. would topr and ftoblnaon, colored corned tana. give tna raggy. oaray meiooiea ano humor which intra made their raoa fam oua aa entertalnera. t ordered lha mall not to ba deliv ered earlier than o'clock," aald Mr. Kohroeder, "beoauae Chrieteneeei waa In the habit of coming down to tha office before that time and opening all tha mall hlmeelf. . Owing to thla fact. I never raw aome of tha let t era." aerial he rv ieaeal. Eugene, or, April -Tovnorrow tba Souther Faeifla eompaay win Inauf u ral b taw train aervtc oa tba aeveral branch out af Eugene, la enable lb paopla af Iba towaa along? tba braaebaa I vlalt lCugen al mora oaavaalaal houra tha heretofore. A ae-w miaad train will ba run from Cobarf W Oak- ridge, at tba termloue af tba Natraa etlenaion. leaving notxirg aacb mam- ing at T o'clock and preceding ta Oak ridge by way at Hprtng field. Peen- gera from Coburg to Kugeaa will take tha Inlerurban electric care at Spring field. Tha train will return to Coburg about 4:J la lha afternoon, giving the people of that town greater part of the day ta Eugene. Tha Eugene-Wendllng train will mab two round tripe each day, leaving Eu gene at 1 o'clock In tha morning, re turning at t:tO,'and again leaving at 1 o'clock In tha afternoon, giving people at Wendllng and Intervening etatlona eeveraJ houra In thla city. The laat train from Wendllng will arrive In Eu gene at 4:11 p. m. IHrecl connection are made at the Springfield a tat Ion be tween ha nw Oakrldg train and the V? Wafllltln train etvlna- th. ftaA. plo living at Oakrldge knd way atatlona good aerrlc. Tba Roeeburg local, on lha main Una, will leave JCugene at II a. m. tweleed af 12:10 p. m. Thla arrangement will al low Eugene people to reach Newport and tha waat aide atatlona without the wait of aeveral boura In Albany. llomt Jourru! Pattrroi lOcand 15 b. " -aT 4 . J JT .jW-e,. eV Homt Jouma Mgjxina 15c NEW FOULARD SILKS SPE CIALLY PRICED AT, A YARD Over 100 bolts of new Foulard Silks just received. They come full 20 Inches wide and are shown in an endless assortment of pretty new designs In dots, stripes, rins and small figures, all choice color ing In every wanted shade. New Silko--at Attract ive Prices ! 'New Silk Poplin 75c Yard A heavy, durable, washable Silk that will not slip or break. Comes In beautiful self-colored Jacquard over- deslrns In neat, small fijrures. Shown In all wanted shades, including cream and black. Full 25 Ins. wide. FuO 45-inch Black Mescaline SOk, $1.50 Quality. $1.19 An elegantly finished, firmly woven, pure-dye Black Silk that will not slip, break or pull. Comes in a soft, rraceful weave that drapes beautifully. A silk that Is extra wide (45 inches) and always sold at t? 1 fl $i Jo a yard. Priced for this sale at 0 1 1 V 50c Full 23-in. $1.00 Crepea H Chine at S5c This extremely fashionable silk Is shown here In all the best staple and evening shades, including cream and black. It is a beautiful silk of very soft weave that Is guaranteed to wear satisfactorily. Our best $1.00 quality priced for this Q re sale at OuC f err 1 w vatvr f CJaj VV K? eTAi a-a A J.I I Make the Clothes that Mark the Man that Sets the Style rsl Blue Serge Silk Lined Throughout Made to Order A guaranteetj serge, fast color, Spring and Summer weight. Lined with silk, heavy- and guaranteed. REGULAR $50.00 SUIT Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday; 4 il:8'i75 In other coaat cltlea where tha phyalcal conditions ara practically equal, ahowa that tha ratea la tbla city are exorbi tant Fifth, a rata of S cent per K. W. hour la offered to the city for electricity to be uaed In lighting tha city. Private consumer In tha city of Portland today ara receiving from tha present mo nopoly a rata only slightly In exceas of I cant per K. W. hour, and thla1 fact ahowrthet tha propoaed t cent rate per K. W. hour to tha city l In no way a partial consideration for tha proposed t raaehhi . Sedoctioas Draw. Tha foregoing atatemanta would seem to warrant the following deductions: First, that no franchise should ba given except under aatlsfactory guar anteea to tha effect that tha amount guaranteed to be expended in tha con struction and Installation of tha plant 1 entirely adequate to provide a com plete modem competitive plant. Any amount under 11,000,000 would surely ba inadequate. Second, that tba poealblllty of tha sale of the plant or franchise to any com peting company at any future time ahould ba abaolutaly eliminated. Third, that tha maximum ratea to ba charged to tha public be reduced to tha level of the rate current In other cities whore tha physical conditions are sim ilar, and tha right specifically to regu late rates ba left In tho hands of tha council, aa la tha caa In San Francisco. Otherwise wby grant a franchiser Fourth, that the comnanv furnish a certain amount of electricity free to tha city, charging for any excess at a rate not over one cent per K. W. hour. If the taxpayer of , thla city show no interest in this matter, are aoqulescent and Indifferent, and the franchise, is granted essentially in the shape it is now in, then tha clear and positive re sult will be that another burden of wa tered stocks and capitalised franchises wilt be laid upon the already suffering taxpayers of thla city. Grant the pro posed franchise and in a short time to come the Portland Railway, Light" & Power company will" be issuing bonds and stocks against tho same, and the dividends thereon will be paid by you and me with no resulting good. OAT LOMBARD. , Twelve Lots to Chooio From, Undcrprlcod as Follows: , All $1.00 27-inch Flouncing Em- JOn broidery price! at. .TcOL All $1.50 27-inch Flouncing Em- A Or broidery priced at UO All $1.00 45-inch Flouncing &n- OQr broidery priced at ,Oy y All $1.25 45-inch Flouncing Em- CO- broidery priced at r....V.0y All $2.50 45-inch Flouncing Qf A Embroidery priced at Z)1 ! y All $1.25 24 to 36-inch Allover Cftr All 25c l8-inch Corset Cover Embroidery priced at All 35c 18-in. Corset Cover Em broidery priced at All 45c 18-in. Corset Cover Em broidery priced at All 75c 18-in. Corset Cover Em broidery priced at All 5oc 27-inch Flouncing Em broidery priced at , All 75c 27-inch Flouncing Em broidery priced at 2Ac 1 8c 23c 33c 23c 33c :Embroidery priced at Absolutely Pure HAKES II0L1E DAKITIG EASY Light Biscuit Delicious Cake Dciinty Pastries Fine Puddings Flaky Crusts , The only Baldng Powder made from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar WHY WEAR HAND-ME-DOWNS?, Toixialladhar NORTHWEST s BUILDING Zlerator to Third noor. v Sixth and Washington - , Zater at 837M Wseljlnrto t-, ' :, NEW'PASTOR WILL BE ; ' INSTALLED TONIGHT The Installation services of the Rev, William J. Spira a pastor of the Mar shall Street Presbyterian cXurch will take place this evening at 7:3d. Or. J. P. McGaw, D. D., presiding officer, will propound the constitutional questions. The Rev. T. H. Walker, bastor of the Calvary - Presbyterian church, will preach the sermon. ' Tho Rev. C. W. Hays, Sunday school missionary of the PortUnd presbytery, will deliver the charge to the people, and the Rev. O. W, Moore, D. Dl, pastor of-Mount Tabor Presbyterian church, will deliver the charge to , tho pastor. The " Rev. Mr. Spire was formerly pastor of the Trin ity Presbyterian church of this city. having built the new Trinity church on the - corner- of " Nebraska and Virginia streets, during; tne summer or 1911. Lyle Wiiw at Ball, v - (Soeclal te Tb. Jonraal.t Stevenson, Wash., April 30. A really good amateur game of ball was played here Sunday between the Lyle Tigers and the Stevenson club, resulting in 10 to -9 victory for the borne team. The Tigers defeated ThoJDallea team a week agoj and landed here w(th great confl. dene of an easy victory. The' noma team had an. uphill Ight. At the third inning- the score stood t to 2 in favor of tha visitors. Canadian Pacific Now in Their New Quarters -' The Canadian Paciflo paaaenirer and freignt aepartments are now located at Third and Pine (Multnomah Hotel building.) ; : - e And Only Five Cents QualltV, quality, nothing" but quality "Sam Sloan" clgar. e oenta,. . -. Every Man Should early in life to gave money. To save means succeas not to save means future dependence npon others. . !. Savings Banks, such as the Hibcrnia Savings Bank, place every facility at the disposal of those desiring to save. ' It receives- deposits of $1.00 or more, pays 4 interest and pro tects deposits with its Capital and Surphis. Decide now to be successful begin at once to save.- , t. Comxnercl-d accounts also received. J , "A CONSERVATIVE CUSTODIAN - Second and Washington Sts. Open Saturday Evenings from 0 to 8 An Out-of-tho-Oiliiiry Salo of Women's Neclrwoar LATEST SPRING AND SUMMER STYLES JABOTS, BOWS, TABS, f Cn STOCKS, DUTCH COLLARS, ETC, SELLING REG. UP TO 75c AT I An immense purchase of over 2500 dozen Women's Neckpieces from an overstocked manufacturer makes this offering possible. Neckwear combining quality and style in a measure that will find instant favor with the most critical. The lot includes Ja bots, Bows, Stocks, Side Ruffles, Tabs, Dutch Collars and Cascades, shown in plain white, also colors and combinations of colors. Over 500 dainty patterns f Cr to choose from. Regular values to 75c each tomorrow at .............. 1 0 Draperies and Curtain Materials Right at ousedeaning" time conies this Important sale of Draperies and Cur tain Materials, and the prudent housekeeper won't let this unusual opportunity slip by without profiting. (Ih our Basement) CURTAIN MADRAS, OUR 122c Aw GRADE SPECIALLY PRICED AT y C Fancy Colored Curtain Madras, full 36 inches wide, shown in a large assortment of neat and attractive designs. All are bright, new goods, considerably- under priced. CURTAIN SCRIM, OUR REG. Cn 20c GRADE ON SALE ONLY i OC Fancy Colored Curtain Scrim,' full 36 inches wide, shown in a great variety of pretty styles in all the best colorings. Our regular lines on sale at a worthy re ORIENTAL STRIPED TAPESTRY, the kind most suitable for door drapes, curtains and furniture coverings. Comes full 40 inches wide and shown in the most wanted colors. The kind sold regularly at 29 cents a yard specially priced for this sale at only ............ . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... ; . aw1 It CURTAIN ETAMINE, REGU- 7ft LAR 35c GRADE ON SALE AT yC One of the most popular. Curtainings fancy colored Etamme. Comes full 40 inches wide and shown in choice' designs and colorings. Our regular 35c OQy grade reduced to, yard, LyK BUNGALOWNETS, REGULAR n 25c GRADE SPECIAL ONLY 1 C White and Ecru Bungalow1 Curtain Nets from 36 to 42 inches wide, hown.,m a large assortment of pretty designs Ih the best colorings. Keg. 20c and 25c 1 n lines on sale at yard 1 C Women's Thread Silk Hose, Best 75c Grade This Sale Only 60c Pair fe m teB roa that ft baa befned ber e trieiKbaadiitlbtetUuagaewef. EVERYONE KNOWS 60SV-it Whatsse fcamre abeat 6088 ferrnianlliw s ta tb, eld tian piov-ai rhasantkw teJy W the North wet. re, rwiaiahr iaakitt tr whu'f ti " LIliL J JCaUISCal CCatTTTZIITa SwImI Pfcll MiiHI We werefortunate in securing 500 dozen pairs of Wom- en's Pure Thread Silk Stockings at one third below the re?u lar wholesale cost, and at-this sale you may buy them the mmmm.m je at same way. i nese are made run seamless, witn aouDie.neei, m sole and toe and heavy garter top, and are shown in the new 15 a m .a, m a ashwa afha, . . snades or tan, : ciue, , pinic, s gray; etc.,; as wen as black. All sizes. Best 75c quality at, A PAIR xmimr . FINE LISLE; VESTS; FOR WOMEN, OUR REGULAR 35c GRADE, OZA SPECIAL FOR THIS SALE AT U), A . special -underpriced sale of Women's Fine Lisle Vests of seasonable weight and in -;all sizes. They come in : low-neck styles, in V or square shapes, lace trim'd and sleeveless. !; A large variety to choose from. Regular 35c grade spe- In ciall priced at SILK LISLE HOSE FOR CHILDREN, SPECIALLY PRICED THREE PAIRS , FOR $1.00, . J0g PAIR O O 0 A speciaF sale of Children's Fine Ribbed Silk Lisle Stockings, made full seamless and With double heel and toe. - Shown in all sizes from 5 to 9lA and guaranf fast black. Priced for this sab at f pairs for one dollar, or the r " only ........... -1