THE ORCCON' DAILY JOURNAL, POUTLAWD.' TUESDAY r.VCfINO. AMUL SO. 1812. 75.C0 BJTERED IH : Jl) 1' SOES J. 0. IMV 'PfiOGRflM READY . GflRDEH CONTEST WILL SHOOT US IFI Supreme Court AIIoas r1e Coys ard Girls A?l Over State! "Sage of East Aurora" Gives Prepares to Institute Proceed Inos Against Oceanic Com. pany and Officers Oregon Agricultural College to La FoIIette Says He Will Coin 6 I'OFIET till ROOSEVaT COLOHEL SCORED CHINESE SLAVERY CASE UNCOVHREO MODIREO BY COURT . AS Gi Mil Portland Woman Aids In Suc cessful Search for Lest iTaiud fHM I t Wwat Mpeaaae, Wa., a ml I 'Tkrexigh Participate In Athletic Empty Phrases If He Is Taking Keen Interest in the Work. View on Polities; Lectures Tonight. Assessment for Street Improvements. Events Elected. ; " I tvia ..u IHIM ! II- I r irti' . i t.. V , ttlti'lrf l rx .(! rsr M r : f t. t" " ! tfcaa It. .i .! ii tt riijr rt-l t h ' - trie. Idtollf l ' I lt 1 I ' f twl. and ! !., J ' PMU-,. J : wtlH IV, ' lr t .' r . b tlwtv ,. i. ' (4 I'HUIK' l'.lt !! .1 t Wthrr ' f ' " ' I i, C I ' I .inMB.- I lit tstt i!f M.e xuI' if 4 irri. " Oi. II ftn lr d'r l K! Wrd, rhlf tfMl'1 l !' I fg ,frtlO'-l trrrftra '! "Half tf urn. time (i.- -kl wvflt,g !. to'.' I Ti. ia .1 I ' al the r f '.:uii i. 1 i;ii Of Ih I cultivate It -il M and brlns ahauf li.a rtulutlon of the ra.- Friii lb ualhlnklnf la th I h, ,4 t.I fu I. I mm tr kUlfar.l ft Ih -ru' r." 'Hubbard II4 df'll t'f ..ftl- of ll fly f rlerie-. y ..!, (1) lirr,l re ilri-M.. eiyrtw)! Idea . ( I hla ll ttr laUghir.S I'd a.UiiJlr.g A! t! rail it (Kiiosiitil fctmeHf a "deal. W In ncofxt band ihink. ' rWcrrtng ! tirr tf plUr m triad -int ilm. f .,' .'He rliMI h cmiM r be a.tm1ll-1. however, l lb AnvtUui lub Imo-mum ll la full. thl he could only lw lh nine liat. H.r art n of th -iirm h ".! .oday: j. "V arc tallinc unArr rall orilrra. and our lif"i nif ur .i Mrtin. "II la foolUli to inj ilgf In lf piiy felly I hoa rbo livf la llr llh .u V 'IVniiSd la th fit) of Uia aiteti6Mly Olconlrtilad. , i Jlith pro ara bn to Ujr i.i, Ill I " J i:ilrt llul.l.ard i ' , A . W . n.. ' n h A Jinn t!oa of f 10 by lTl(1ll II H. Jatwltn r fi lVnlnl Railway. Utht 'w r cowraoy, for I h aupport of lh sr ta coaur. -worV. Mltdra ahuwn llloairallnc lb irardrn work In I'orl lanJ. Ralph C. lloutla-a aervxl a chairman and rtinnatulaied by Iet4nt Frank C iUc on Iht et ertlonal -quality of th program pr pard. John H. Ilarto. rlmlrman of th Roba Fratlval tax -omniltle, pre anld ttie plan for financing th f. tVval 1)7 a mall lax. thua makir the annual fratlval permanent. Autlmrlty glvon for tha appointlitc of a mm mlttM ljrrprpnt tha Rotary club In th la movement. BILL AT LYRIC IS - A LAUGH PRODUCER if ."aa - 1 , Tha "Runaway'.flonfj-mooncra." which openen ai .J-ii" iyric yrmwoajr ior n Mk'i ran, U entirely different In Itt balua from lh previous romwllca pre- anted, ahd la on of the beat acted and moat enjoyable of any of the produc tion riven atrtre the eeueon opened. Kvery person In the company la aen good advantage, everr the honey rlria" chorua. The highly amuslna; comedy role of "Boay !ay." the handy man where, la In toe hands or Edward H. Allen, Jeannle Fletcher playa th-jpart j, of a daahina; widow, while Euirenle Te Blanc. . aa her daughter. Is fitted to the part aa If made especially for her. lialph fieVan. bk the lawyer who lias a woman rlient about to marry, la full f life from start lo finish and with llarrr Burgfas in the role of hfa father . and Alien aa the trouble maker, eauso more fan than one could Imaidne. There re sons numbers pnlorf, some 11 bcins on the. program' and when Uic-re la not a.rompllcailug situation arlblng. soma of the popular motnbrrs are rendering: a pleasing ditty or dance. The same pro duction will hold the boarda all week, with daily matinees. Tomorrow after ' noon and for the remainder of the week moving: pictures of the nrrlval of the TJtanlc survivors and the steamer Car pathla lit- New York will be shown after very 'performance. T InlrrvlfW la houlj h like l ii, .u.lirr. .uMiclL KINorl lluK. naid. of Kat Aurora." arrl'd In fvrtland tl.l marnli. tearing the (il-l of tiuBter frfnrm. lhf Id the lncnntroertible r, I. travel tn rMinlr Ilka. Ita InnelUait. unlqueat figure. am a personality peculiar to niysHf.,' he dlalmel. Tlelng fiotn hi tralchttiarkf chair with ih ItnpuUH vigor of prlnlilv man. and landing Ms dirk, gleaming rrea. augur like, on hla Interviewer. Aa a matter of ft-- Elberl Ifubbwrd". the modern t'hlta tine, .Ued tlir-eomrrel rateh known to boya as "three ol" cat" with g plump, ladylike, lndr hncrliall Ills playmates were In secretary and hi Interviewer. The staff photographer waa trying to gr a picture. I believe In big buslneia." he con tinued without 'a rtianae In Inflection. 'I believe In trusts. We are a great nation because of Ih great combina tions of capital No one can be wlae aa to say when the combinations ceaae to be beneficent and commence to be predatory and mendacious. rear Kooeerelt. ."I sm afraid of man (pointing at a campaign Hthogriiph of Roosevelt). He would shoot us nil up. Who do I want for president? Well. I would like to elect Jim Hill. Not that I think there la a chunce for him. and beta-een Teddy and Tuft I would llko to' see Taft elected. By th way, wiTVou for?" A modest partiality for Woodrow Wil son was expressed. ' "WcM. this Is lo be a Democratic year, and Woodjow Wilton Is a man of !arts. of great parts," agreed the versa. tilo Royorofter. "A between Champ Clark and Wilson I e.onalder Wilson the more substantial. In fact I feel very friendly toward Wilson. My remarks concerning Taft and Roosevelt were meant, of course, only to refer to the Republican situation. "And, by the way, the west will have a grent Influence in the election. No, I am not Just sure what the Influence will be. but It will be ii great influ ence. "tecttira Tonig-ht. These, nre advance notices of Hub bard s lecture under the auspices of the Ad club at the Bungalow tonight. Hub bard mid so, as he went on his way to the Plain blocks to continue his ball game with his secretary. He says that by playing Indoor baseball outdoor he keeps In fighting trim and jt aids him In the manufacture of epigrams and soliloquies. Hubbard came Jn from Seattle, this morning at 7 o'clock. He was met by ,aari fx tmmrnt l ( tr, s 1 f.' ef tA M. !, ft Btaa OMl la Ik, ... ,ewt,Ml Ultart t .' 1 1 .m It it t , 1. 1 t. nl f tmf i. . i lull !( la . f in r I lit,! . r0S4.tihl!f f I, k K arista gaJal .K .vtri U .-! ixU !j r iM llrl' aillfc ,'t la ' I i -l I "fll f t 1 Jlll I! dill i - I I 141 ! . .(.in. I in" f' il let. (,.-!. !. fcw ia e (((!. 'f Ik4 v Mlln.l4 al l llmfl I L lltal if IS rQIrlcl4 ' v.. o(. la Jlli Jil-t UIHii hchl -I (tmimoil fr in IihIhhI i tuJ1 etiUti .Jclitn ! .' I ! aitn (; rfnttaJMi lltai ib i . 4 ' 1 a rtRiai I'li.n oeltitiii: htmtrj lata laktay rl full.. II lllluai W, I. ltmt l l. lltaala, fmm tlooj Hlver, af flowed, cult tt fa'lh,4 ! of fl Ml I ( Karl K rltron Waggl K. ghrt. rrl (. frwt JarhlR raMiatr: alt (at dltli. ttiadlflvd aa I da I df4 anl fl an lairml la ronsmually prt. etly Mail II 4 al Ft4 i llUkrlry 11. ar-llal frntn JrktMi ouni) . ut to ("in m th eJuMaM iMnrtl a' n,4ec In con tf art for lit Mile u inlng fftr Mxllfld, ) ilniiMiirtUf far Ih to af I. 11 I Hmr, a.rllnt. r II B Hrstlle. sbrrirf of l.lrkama county. Irorrt CUtkama coutiiy; action to re- tot er daiiagr. Arriroiea. Ik. E- Krau aad J. K. Krauaa v. Oeurge I. tlrtrrlUld and I-aun R. Drrcnfl Ut. apiwjlanta. from Multnemali . ount). actin ' to r rr munty; af firmed (I Ml men va U Trasamer t al. appel- lnl. from klultneraah county; motlow to cllaml appeal allowed. J. P. Jaeger. appaat. a Adolph W. ft rr from Multnomah county, action to reovc 4ft, part pay meal on l"r.rl- d property, affirmed. hlorey Itrocher .va. Jlurtietl. rrom Lane county: affirmed. 1 1 . rtim liiwl b Makial4k. Al I A I f i (ii mii rt vitae' r of it Tilaaar ai. .-ai . ildri ! alt I hH. 4j f lieltt HuIm U. I Hm Il i'vlunel Jot a Air, l-Aik f t.u, tfK4 txfk I lklltt ,rneKl las la Ik t ailed '( mt W MI ll Ih tWklT lllllll lottfix MUM'nr of it lkirh lkl kliii Ut f xn ay -t l ) riianir Juiil I uf II owil ef It f l r t. I ef t uljtni-ia I .-! ut a, fer J Hru.a lia 1 orfiret Koihall j(kitti sad 4rrlrh flwl 1 Tieiai. l..iol a r bfr lal km)ai ylM' ('( tniln. I ton Th ! IM' Mm4 ' In lrrT'l4 ( lh rit'"d illoi here aa lit ) i-jI lo ik Mala for S. Vtxfe ."1 rd wllti jbe Tna lhr ntrtv l.e r. bide4 lb I rata an) aiart4 foe N, tork This er I !. allorr-eys f -r Ura M-bina rlard, l lt "i la eueiemft of court MANY BUY SEATS TO SE'CIPMIOT RAISINS GIVEN AWAY TO CELEBRATE DAY ft'al(4 tint Ll Wire.) Han Francisco. April J Twenty thousand pound of ralslna are llng given saay here today, on the occaalon of "Ralaln day." Th feature of the celebration was an automobile parad of booatera from th Pan Joaquin vaU ley, who glided through th bo a I eat streets, throwing packagea of ralalng to the crowds. Celebrations are being held In a num ber of California cities today and ev erywhere California raisins form the chief article on thouaanda of rnenua al hotels. In restaurants, family tables and at banquets. In eastern cities exiled California.!! are getting together to hold raialn banquets. Th custom of holding a "Raisin' day each year to boost the California prod uct was' Inaugurated several year ago In Fresno, the chief raisin district of the stale, and haa been steadily growing. Thought It Was Spanish Flag. ( United Pre ld Wlro.l Is Angeles, April 30. "Thought It win. n Hpanish flag." explained John Hullln when Inllceman Rallabach caught him tenrliig down Shrlner decorations of red and yellow in Spring street, lie whs released with nn apology. Tir kl far the "Caanpu Mmiwi ' were In draand yrtrdy when lb sale of frrala opvned and rrowa filled lb lobby and elrt .near th llelllg boa offlr for hour Heldam I It ttl local tal ent performance areas alin Ine mag netlsra that Ihla benefit ha, and prr I leal I r evrry seat at the ehow for thl evening he already been taken.. for tomorrow Mayday matlne Ih aal l ba also been unusually heavy and It la probable that all of the eeat will be taken long before the curtain rlkea. The youth and maiden who are to take part are ready for th curtain call and th algnal will be given promptly al 1:11 At lomorroWa performance a almllar rule haa been mad and those who ere not present at I Ik will ml part of th how. Ml Oerrlh. who has trained Ih performer, ha been vry insistent that everything go with clocklike perrlklnri and the tracing has shown eicellent re u It . Th plot and specialties of the show revolve about college affairs and the title character, Professor Catty, fur nishes the rauae Of the amuaement. The proceeds of th performance are to go to make up the nuclcua of a fund for the purchase of a permanent home for Fruit and Flower mission. Tk Jtt I'aKeikii f twgv, taittk Or. A 4 II 1 JMn at rapJot foe a fjvratia mt Jjahx h4 Mr ! aaa 11. I a aaa4 gal day al th t,'iliiy ttt t !. The 4aiag of tract ana laa orga Agttui lur euiugs rf a tract al la laae pis al t-ua a lb afteeaaoa af Kla. May 1. bwaa Ike l big lal ectwHtia failela a pm ran al' rtlf rled wtlh alhlell ereala it VT.IhrMai and Thuraday lav u -r hu game m-I n Irani nf Ih I miiiiM( ef fon and M'aa'ilngTo Kll mlteg ar krheduied tin Thuf -al aing lb junior fttatortrala alll a Ih attraclioa taq Friday, kna aa I'Mvsrell day. Ih aori.lbg alll be rbpled la wwklng on the rarapue, Ih mn uadrtakmg Ih aerfnlitnl af and partng n labuval plckW I u noli ht.h at noon will m ervd lo all The prugraiu of lit aflernooa alll rooaiat of the dual Ira. k ann belaeea I rie t:nJvrlty and l Agrleullural college. aa lntrrholiic aiualle to!, a no cartiltkl, and a leaela lournasseBl blwa Ih worn af th Ualvaralty af Wahltclot aad Ih Ualvvrallf af pra- goa. The altractloei af the evening alll be Ih anaual draiaatle club play al the Fugene tbralra Kelurvlay la th date of Ih Interachol aallo as!. The prellmlnarlea will take pier In Ih morning aad Ih finale In the a Iter noon Thirty schools have al ready actvpted Invitation to partici pate IHtrlng Ih day, also will occur a lnnl tournament between th I'nlver 11) and I he Multnomah club. In Ih early evening William 1. Wayward. Ore- ton trainer, will give an Illustrated lertur on track training Then there alll be Ih annual Junior prom In the Cnlverelly gymnasium and a monster rally In Vlllard hall, where college and high school yelle. song and other alrang noise will b heard. The Mouthern Pacific haa made or and a third round trip ratea for the week-end on th certificate plan. It I eiprted that fully 100 out of town peo ple will be gueata of the university. Oraaa Par. Cat, AeH ." A kt lgai4 tKliuuD wha araulg trade petaclalea la ia a arel4eavy.' la in rhafaelettaatiaa aft tt fiaaaevatt left laday with Its pl f tmsaa Park by laatr Ia Fellella. L Fat. Idle 4 id ol aalar areed In hi Kim ear la lb lrmr pUL tltg 4 auactattoa waa hl aad. lo in potn t. aad h latlinal4 that 11 aoulj ba roallkuod durtkg the rain4er af Ma Califeraia trip '1 !! rtAet.- h J. 1 an adrtur. Iteaid hint lb Itlngltag ar l a avarkar FuMbartnat. I rtoavli la elected r1Jnt h prb- ahly wilt avaln ataay ahtaa coii lag Ih dotage ef great ewmbieataeae ef Capital, but I doubt much If I phreaea will be effVaeieue la bringing down prlc. lUoalnr La Follefta Ihea paid Ma ra- pacta ta lb California erealdeaiial prfernre primary law. breeding It aa hasty legtelatlon. He advorat4 ehaaga In this measure that will permit Ih rater to atale hla party affiliation the day before hla ballot for hla pral dentlal choice la cast. poached at 0 telle, IUt Monica and Oeeea Park proved a buoy erenlng for the senator. At each point be ad dressed large audience. Hnator and Mr La FoIIette egrhanged platforma after speech her aad at Venice THEOSOPHISTS HAVE NEW HEADQUARTERS SUES MONEY LENDER FflRRCTIIRNflF IMS J VII llkl Ulll VI WVMV H FLYING BELT KILLS PASCO RANCH HAND (Reectal In The Journal s raaco. Wash.. April 10. William Kot Ike was killed at the Cot ranch eight mlleg from paw-o last evening. Kotlke, who was II years of age, was caring for the gaaollne engine which Is used lo pump water from the Columbia river for Irrigation. While putting soap on the belt, his hand waa caught and drawn through the pulley, throwing him to the rocka and fracturing hla akull. He died In about three hours. Kottk livsd with hla aged mother In thla city and waa her only aupport.' Harmon Hrlraa Postmaster, Washington. P. C, April o. Arthur W. Harmon haa been appointed post master at Selena, Joaephln count, vie R. C. Churchill. . - ; il'alt pre te4 trtre.l m Angelas, Cat., April 10. New Thoophlat headquarters are estab lished today at "Kretonla.-" in the aub urba nf !oe Angelr near Hollywood. The organiatlon behind Hi new col ony Is presided ever by Mr. Annt Beeant. who haa announced Ita object aa atudy and theoaophlcal reaearch. The cult, which la aald to have Ita home la Inda, probably will establish several center In America under the direction of A. B. Warrington, a theo sophist lecturer and student. ..... - . . . . 'i Ih eflNwle f Mr W. L II H af Par Uad a4 Ma fi af Haa Fa. cik) aa alleged pi la aate l eg tlag. a l.yr-14 Chla gtrt, we dioeced be laAay. Af Ilea a la feresaiiaa faalb4 by Mr. 1UII a4 Miaa Beak, ffir loah a aeareh for I he ei.ilj. flMiaa he la a darfceaeg ron. hf h4r frd wlta bruieea a4 her aa akaa4 abe ekit4 hardly her lha apea la ine auattgfcL Visa llea. a rtiae th errt- rr aueetioned la r-eaectioa with la klla1 nlavtng af in 'girl. aeere ta child ta hie dagMr.- Tea affieut y tney believe tbta la aaa af abate of talnee Urry eaea asd as, aeteei la mahe a aambef ef rreeta la coanarlina with ll. The Information thai I'ag Tlag aaa held raptlve rare la Mr. )ll aad Mlea lunk la aa aaoayeaanta Utter. In which ll wee tat4 thai lb girl would b gtva hv llberlf an prmal of IT COSTS MAN $30 JUST TO WARM UP I wa cold 04 wanted 19 warm up a little." eiplstaed Thorn Carroll to p- Irolmaa Crane at I o'clock thla room ing, when Crane found him In Ih be- enent af a boue at M lrk street, with fire burning on lha floor. That ex planation, however, did not aatlkfy the patrolman, who declare that tba boue waa la danger of being burned down If Ihla fir spread and Carroll waa taken lo police headquarter on an after hour charge Thl morning Judge Taw.U fined the man til. On the Ag of m He. iL'aJUd rre ImmI VTkral fl 1...U. Inrll 1 A It I W aha ! Mil.,' U..W hen 10 days to lay on egg. she la I ire old. Thla waa eipert teatlmony In th raae of A. Okautnl va. J. llodgen. from whom ha bought ft worth of hens. He claims fraud. INFORMATION FOR TRAVELERS Monay baing- arary travflert' firat necetaity it la ctlremcry important that hia funda be in a form which ia at onca th aafett. moat available, convenient and economical. American Bankera' Aaaociation Travalera' Chequea fulfill all the raquirementa. Banking inatitutiona, hotels, railroads, ateamahip companies, ahopa, etc- throughout the world uni versally accept these checka at full face value. They can be purchased at the SECURITY SAVINGS & TRUST COMPANY Morrison at Fifth Street Portland, Oregon President Frank (.. Rlgga and Phil 8. Rates, of the Rotary club; President A. (J. Clark and A. C. Black, of th Ad club. He talked on "Earth Education" at tho Rotary club luncheon in tho Im perial hotel today. Ilia address . on "Modem Business" at the Bungalow to night will be followed by hla departure at 1 :30 a. m. for San Francisco. He says he Is very happy, to get back to Portland, that he thinks It one ,of th finest towns In the United States, with s'ome of tho best people, all of whom he hopes to greet tonight. taag8TWs ui iiiiminiu Tr'Bn " " thMMmk Specially vJ All the Latest Sty ties While Buck Tan Buff on Boots Black Velvet Boots Patent Button Boots . . ..... Also a Nice Assortment of Pumps for Summer Wear Colored Evening Slippers a Upstairs Means Low Rent YOU S AVE From SI io 322 2C0 DEKUM DLDG. Take Ilevator i Two Stores In Portland . 211 orlhwest fenll-Ing Entrance 121 h lYasbing'o I'p Sta!rs-Takc Elcfaior After paying 11.(0 Intereat on 111! borrowed from the "Uncle Joe" Ixtan Agency, on Third street near Ankeny, January 27, 1911. until the November following, when the Interest amounted to 125, M. W. Peterson refused to pay further, and 140 worth of goods held aa security are atlll held for the pay ment of the 19.50 principal and Intereat from November until the present amounting to 112.50. "Uncle Joe" de clared ha would not settle for less than 120, and Peterson began suit yesterday In justice court to recover the goods. When Peterson received tho 19.50 he signed a note for $12 carrying interest st 12.50 per month. The gooda consisted of a shotgun, a rifle, a hunting suit, shells, a pair of high topped men's shoes and a pWlr of high topped -women's sboes. Were Peterson to pay tho amount demanded the 19.50 borrowed IB months ago wouia rosiNjim ij.du wnen ne naa paid Interest, premium rami principal The Interest "Uncle Joe" demanded and received amounted to lis per cent a year. CANDIDATES MS T TO GET ACQUAINTED Republican candidates to the number of about 20 gathered at the Multnomah hotel last night on call of F. E. Beacn temporary head of the county commit tee.. They were invited to get ac quainted with eacb. other,: called on for brief talks; and gently reminded that a little later on the committee will need funds. Mr. Beach presided .Among those at tending were Ben Glcott, candidate for secretary of state; J. D. Mickla, for dairy and food commissioner; Ben Sell ing, for united States senator; Henry B. Reed, for assessor; John B. Coffey, for county clerk, and several candi dates for the legislature. or, LEAWEXS- V V East Side's Largest Clothiers TRUNKS GET MIXED; RESULTS IN ARREST -. ... f . At mix up" lt trunks, one owned by Edw'ln and Mildred Fox and the other by Ethel W. Elder, resulted in the ar rest of the Fox family on a larceny charge yesterday, .when Mrs. Elder dis covered. she had been given a check for Fox s trunk and that they had so cured her trunk., -The two trunks, which ar almost Identical In appearance, were mixed- while being checked at the union depot and the mistake was not din- covered until Fox opened the trunk be longing to Mrs. Elder. Then he de cided to hold that trunk until the rail road company delivered him his own. Mrs. Elder was on her way from ,?end to Madras and It waa while being trans ferred her that tho mix-up Recurred. The hearing; of tna case " hef Qra- Judge Taiwell thl morning "resulted in a dis missal 'of the' larceny charge against Fox and his wife. ... Wfv if''? 'V: - 1 jtfnvC&&- "' -v - - CfVwlVMAr doctor l"1 .'ilJIII I jaVB t 4 NOTENdUGrtFOOD FOR ; ALL; 'ATTEMPTS SUICIDE (United Press Leand Wlr.)"" V . . San Francisco, -April 80. "There waa sot ' enough food to go around,' and J wanted mother to have my share," waa the explf action nwrJoheij, :by- filgrid pretty 2a-year-dld girl, who sought to end her life today by taking: polsosi She .-wilt recoverr". i f i, 'Mjr father. she said, "has ben mh abl la tb get emplorraent; and X -. have I - -s ' in., i ill" iiiiiai i ai ""nr,Trr IIT a ll in i ia ispW ' "i. : 'raywfWifMvvyrfT:,::: ;t..; thie7Utvi - - n 1 ""m b ' i (: i ft v,- a. a a : j tM .' , ..::' :: ?,: r ye t ; . . y t i i-p it, i " i jl if w - hi ' mm. . irf Tilt Slii i u , i u Ji : : w ' - I f - tmKvmmmm "mmL r, - ; "5 . . - - - --"I. - , ,":-v. " --rJ -.V'.;-"' "V '; ' ' ' -V"- ' -i K ;v . " " - ...---,';--'.- 3 .-.-- j.--.'- r l2adePT6mbrrd '. ' ? V- .;;.;,.v ' - v. r ' -, . . ' .- ' been