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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 30, 1912)
THE. OREGON DAILY. JOURNAL, TOHTLANa TUESDAY - EVENING. APRIL IX 1311 EL!GJDLF 0 0 CE UNDER THE HEW CHARTER Members of Fair Sex Over 21 r May Be Named Heads of Municipal Departments i Election of Mayor. ffell. l be etei'iae! l a ri.- j i r, cvkii.- r ereaie , . ' g '.ajave4 r ik4b iha off- ' .Mleg Ik LmU U.I ! I I T"k g1taW4 irt ileal I! ! r lie - eeefj af U tui a ad ib ldctitaity nle lb Jler .K4 IS Ihel kate Ik irt. l ivnnrifdomi) it4ge l-al Ht.imi rer color ee k(4. are H i. r t l 1 lb cll rell r tpmtfm -f net .a- Ittui I'll A.tM.t UiiiIM ere4 IImiI f Ik. wrte ul IX ceemnleaJon '! rHarwr H uli le tnMrr Ulo Ue duel ef iixMtMr reco.! to ' fl4 eaeeiat ftllrre gret4 for . f. eWi INb forgo! lea .Ad tr kurb. leje.e ef uelHpl etnr r eon 'tnue4 lueeflkltelr . II U Ibe rlea of Ihe efflri.1 charter ,! kneie kerl-e)aul pblke announce .( la IK Wndunr report et only ol til fraarliles granted, fcul ef all per- vita er apart! rctvllegca. VaMl e4 XUftate. , Aa If la ecctarwe of Iha argument ' that equal auffreg la laavllabla an4 ,la prepare far It. iba a charier af pftriii far Iha appetallag of woruea vee II )mii af age lo poaitlone .head af municipal department under s b rsinmlMl'it of fir member. II " wa argue taat nlgnt thai tha age qua) inoatkm ha II came lo temin would a dirrw-ult, but Iba argument aa el , leered by Iha kua-fe.lkut that oma , bow do not reaae It have Nrthdave mill lhar hava pael II, and that ihla ,tel la aJeo du. to (ha equal gufrrag glutton. Herao iba abeenre of Cllf Allaraar i Frank H. Clraal aa a marobar of tha ' board ftravanlrd a full allaadanca Iha Claputrd Uua aa la tha appointing ar ' rlartlnf of varloua 4apartmnt haada UM a Wit, 4 Tw H4ii. WUUa r HJk'4. H H Maata. I. U Miuu w i', tk. w . (a 1m aV ria aMia nh affaJi. ft Mt. pkn hiI, rH. aa4 ki:. wlllilU-a74 h- tlnliM aa. iiui i a. rt wmiJMi'i a'a itii4 la wtxt lvk iwmi li n Mr a Ik.r iil.i. ik WatltHa. taitlM fpurt a4llw(, wiImi, l l M . ! iaHl, lfMr, IIK Ul l oJ t Para ckikhlHiatel U la i. !. ir r fcd r.fini:li lo IL 4Aukl tof HKhll b t if-ittkt 4 r-4ittbika ef Wm ko. i. aill wri ittir laa jrrai. II ba- I r 4M.I a'lh la rnniioi lMlii cm lira k.l II rw IK a. If II blft -f (itiMk anai-atxl iNal all flta lall l. .lo. lo4 al ka tlwUI toimlMl. ia 4oiioa ! II l bat "to r b !..i.l allkla IKim manlh Atr af 1rikiliiirkl baa't ! 4lktot l,r th tnitlkluii tit a M ! Hord ff rtuM Hi) Ibrir .f flll4 CIA ID BE RBT NAT ON TO ACCEPT SOCIALIST if: I Efl Sun Yat Sen Diclarts Com plete Pacification of New Republic h Near; Rail roads His First Plan. CRUISERS HND TREE MARKED 40 YRS. AGO under iha femmlntlon wu only rfrrd la bad dafarrad until allnln mambari .ara prnL Mayor Buahllght praaldad In riata Una, atk ba IJ tram Iba rll aaWa rula under ablr 1 1 r mlo) (rilltmili' alll cf. OrfUlaJ Havaaapa. s.l4 of an afTVUI g I la uull tx boa af la raaitloa romml loa ornnl. Ihr lll I an of ft la I aaoafeprr. In arhtrb munli I f-a I 1 t1laml ahall ho lnant. ibat afal adrtlln, aurb aa a fraru-blaaa or far M4. nay la Inaariad la oibr puhllrallon biamnara ef Iha bair dlffara4 aa la lb aTlaabllllr af aubmlllln all fraa rhlaaa ta pOlar vol, lhar i tbauabl fhat Iba rommlli wMhln afT fined HotlUtlana tnifbl rant rarlala kind of franhle Tha lat provlaln ronalderad Ut nlgbt la for an mill limitation on Iba aerel lai, I mUl mar ba la ml bontf4 dhl; 4-l of a mill for alnhlag fund and .-it of a mill far a hrtdga and gireat filling? fund, the ilp ulallon being that no eontrari for brldg of fill la to be paid out of Ihla fund thai .ball be laaa tha. 1 1 1.004. lomu ctnura u lo to go bats The Paris Martlrin ro. tii Ptnr alraal Hu IMJla, Ho, manufacturer uf Illative Utomo uulnlna, bar a ni and wendrfal dlaooverv, OHOVri 0A NARK Cl'TIH. which ther guaraatea la cur any raaa of X'ZEMA, no mailer of how long atandlag. la la lo J daya and III refund money If It falla. lilUJVFTH HA-MAKK TTIH la perfortly clean anj doea not ataln. If your drugglat baaa't t. aend ua no in (lamp and It will be aant by malL "Want" ada will be received over the phone only fmm the whoa nam ar Haled In either or lh ttlapbona dlrec- loiiaa. ii iio roo 1. 1 l i i bi kgti Aiii I - -Ti.i tina will will l- lit. fli.l K'tinlr) in th. oru la 4of.f O' 1 . ' ! . f .hd tf t H9 crn pUI -.rf!, oll'i of In )oW ruUiU? i fckl. i1Ioim bf l nun ) l ft.n II ln.ll.slo uf II. ililn. rvluUe kiJ fur oo of 0lu forwi.u.i progt..oi " W (If aufk mm l' rlulk Mid t'f "Thkl I orrarKplllb! China I going lo be lb first roualr lo aJof-l korUll.m tUl refurte, I lay Uf aorfc frm now on Th p . niut flrt t-. rnabled It ll. I rt ul rial 4t elopin.nt will have to lat Hallroatl rimno. ling lite Inl.rlor pro ltr with lb porta and alaamabla llaoa ar tli liiilitl r-ulrianl All Induktrtal nlrprla will ba atarled with prlal fund, tiul kfur a ri lvl af year will he turnod o r IOx ll government Uti win be framed la accordant with tola plan. "Tt.e raluli'n la romplata Th oouniry will boon be pacified. Thar I reactionary movement Th dl lurbanr here and ther ar only eporadlc. a few euldlere gelling out of hand. Oilneo abroad ar aiiilnu lo employ Ihelr wealth In hoen enler prlaea. now fhaf they may hav th protection ahlrh lb MancMi govern men I nvr afforded " RIPE STRAWBERRIES SERVED AT ROSEBURG I la Tb AeaeaaLI Roaeburg, Or.. April It. Pouglaa county atrawbrr1a.a)waya Iha flrat Oregon berrlea In th market ar ripe. IVllrtoua atfawberrlea grown by U C. Hill of North Roaeburg, were aarved to Roaeburg bualneea men Monday In rec ognition of the opening of the Oregon Ira w berry eeaenn. Tb early ripening of tba berrlea Inaurea the euceeaa of the rtoaehurg Ktrawberry Carnival, which will be held May It. 17 and It. r.Mlke ta Tb Jr4. Atl It I ef ry frea Haaataaa. U lag k-e w Ukb tioe h4 Iea4 a I aaataai aa kae auitoi k b II rear aA la Mrfl inttue .a4e lb f a big rrc ire. ba iv:M id fe. II Mew) a akwbai ia- U tMtMt. be l-a4 t lr r 14 atalia- If i 1I Hrkan l llaW. aMtki i!.t.J by Iba gefaa and M a bofera tm latel( Ilea ba ta fa In II t. aav4 r kll I im It' 1, It ' b.lae Ibe tend wee ai 14 fvf 4UkL If gaia.oa aervey waa 4a b roaiied aag lb rvw w .re aet r-.f 1 it via r m (r .re aaaibed. ueiel y wtaiblkg u)g lie. Ie Ihti i ewu eiii. la I I It Mi Ibey aeut4 glw kief aAd bkal v. 'v w and V ken l. eelltere cee kl ef Ibee (oiai ral4 Ml be fad, a4 lle aal- l!( eelabllebe! bl riM.lll WKi II aoeenad bi. Many of Ibaae are fd If cra tday, aaf Ml luurbMta Out tf eigbi aecliea reenara. Mr. Moviehaue J 11 fuvnd oal oh rer rex'. f ireea gearbad fr Ibaee eigl.t corner la ll!l, my aa tad ear- j vived the ! TMa aa 1 lb! bad keen fl nbee la dlajoelel I wben marked, but grown la ba It II Imbee in dlamelar The blaae waa per felly bMied over, and II waa aty aflae opanlng ui U lo I Inch thai Iha flgjir wera found aa Iba erlgtnaJ field noire preeortbad. Land owner ebould get government fleM koleei uf Ihelr teaptle keel 1 00. ay Mr. MooreboMaa. and verify thai r I llun rprnera whaaever puaelbl. Wo Aro Demon.trnUni Hass Island Cntnwbit Crape Julco A Vino Tonlo-A Food and Mcdlclno--A Frco Trial it Xou'U Call 'w w 5 ' t ir ' 1 J Removal Prices $8.50 at $625 Si-lnch Suit CaAri la tvolid VettHgr; rivttcd framet, doublt ction locks and bolts; iruld bhut fold. A suit Cate worth every penny of H M. Removal fx let, only $0,115. OiiSultcases.Traveling Bags,Tniiiks Our entire line of Wicker, Reed and Bamboo Suit Ceues will be diapoeed of at once; quick action on your part means money saved on an excellent piece of be f face; reductions of one-fourth, . $4.00 czamond Suitcases $2.19 Si-inch Waterproof Pegamond Suit Cases,' re inforced and riveted corners, r;ood lock and bolts; leather handle, Juit limited number on hand. These Suit Cases made to retail at M.00, while they last, your choice at fU.ID A Few 'Special for Wednesday Economical Buyers H.50 Ripe Olives, while they Int. Cal. .91.10 Tit. for tired feet, now 18 80c to f 1 Dujfy Sponges, assorted, each 35c Mc nrVood-Lark" Plant Food. Introduction price only 20 FeUows Syrup with Hypophoephites. .151.17 50c Rubber Sprinkler, for house plants.. 23e 11.00 Cooper's Sarsaparilla, the best blood med- iaa uuiutii mup, none ao popiuax. . , ,uf u icine ana opruif tome on tne marker, ope 11.23 Travelers Alcohol Stove, to close 20c a cial at 73 Sal Hepatica selling at only 15 lftc Washing Ammonia, bottle 7 II. 00 Dustless Mop. none so popular... .70 STUDENTS AND ALUMNI WIN FIGHT FOR CO-EDS' Ifklleg Pne leaked WW I x Angelra, April l - blwdeota and alumni of Occidental college today ar celebrating their victory 'la a fight la maintain a coeducwtlooaJ tlAAdard at the Inaiitutlon. the loeera In Iha ronte.1 telng lrldnl J. W. ftaer and aup- porting member or the board of true- e - Id by the eo-eda of tb college and reinforced by the alumni organ and tha mnen'a rtuba of aoulhem California. ha battle waa waged eo fiercely that the president and truelee eurrendvred and reeclnded their action driving wo. men from th collage. An Extraordinary Picture Offer Art Students, Teachers and other, your special attention Is called to this lot of pictures 1000 picture only handsome sepia prints, artistically framed In pretty brown mouldings; among -the lot will be found such popular subject as End of Day.Heedinf From Homer," "Christ in the Temple," "Sir Oslahad," "Good Shepherd and others. These pictures were made to sell at 60c our price, while they last, only 15e. Sam Sloan Stands Alone Every reaource of tha manufacturer haji been ei tended lo create tha "Sam Hloan" So rlgwr. e New Line of Sporting Goods We are manufacturers' agents for Draper & Maynard cele brated sporting goods and have a complete line of Baseballs, r Bats. Catchers' Mitts, Masks, Tennis Bali and Racket. See us oeiore you ouy. Woodard, Clarke & Co. ' e MAY SALE EXTRAORDINARY Suits iCosits Dresses Sellincr Resrular . 1 I u ScllintT u Regular $19.50 to $27.50 Suits Coats Dresses Tomorrow Opens the Greatest Sale of Suits, Coats and Dresses aToruana w omen ver tSeheld and at buch an Opportune 1 ime A mnsf Hfrilrinor acoaawiltlacviA -f x u i. ttt r r-r cfcnnV liYnn 27-50 offered at the uniform price of $14.75. Women well knowlwe have always saved them JbO.UU to S15.00.on everv crarmpnf m-nA Viio tiUr t x . atx : i x v , i V .i MAncijr cuuiuuiiucxiicxib iiicaita Kicaicx aviiiKc xto a HiiiKie garment Has been DUrchaserl for tnp mimnco n-f "otaooI fl.iafl " tl:- 1 j i r !x- F.. regular stock made to our order conforming in every respect to those standards of excellence which constitute our renutation and roon xvili w.varvfhine no nMri o v.;n cnc.M The Goats $14.75 The Suits $14.7S ' The Dresses $14 75 ' 4i r ,T .. Truthfully; here's the greatest surprise of the season. You'll marvel A1V V i 9 Never before has such a smart lot of Coats been sold at this price. They are really wonderful no woman can help admire them. ' There is a style for every taste, whether it be a plain man-tailored coat or one more fancy with large, picturesque collar you'll find it here, in series of navy, tan black or white; novelty mixtures and diagonals; in pretty (fl i HZ grays, tans or blue. A bargain without equal at I 4. O ll llltlllgl Tff . ill mi in tfij (2a ar l"ama autg A Sale of $2.75 to $3.50 Sweaters Only at tneir worth and style, lor no such suits were, ever placed on sale at such a low price. We expect great crowds for these, so come early; In addition to a goodly supply of the favored jiavy serges we include very handsome weaves in homespuns, tweeds; worsteds and diagonals in mixtures and plain shades of grays and tans. ' Don't, by all-means, let this great bargain pass. An extraordinary value at. A j g f-' the suit............. $14.75 $1.75 to $2.00 House Dresses on Sale at No woman can afford to undertake the,, making of dresses when such values" asT these are obtainable. This sal will surpass anvthinsr orevious. Thev're very -prettily made in percales, heavy V lawns and chambravs - 12 distinct styles for your selection. Every color, every size Bargain :at $1.19. lib mm - vm mmA v,m V II; What could be more timely than this announcement, just when you are preparing for your Summer needs? Here's an opportunity you will long remember: Beautiful new Dresses of wool challies, rich taffetas, messa lines and serges, in pretty tans,-grays, navy 01 white. .Unusually smart styles, every one., . It will be interesting to you to see these A H r dresses at only. . . . ................. . . . ... ....... jVlTr.t) a B II J o $1.25 to $1.75 lingerie and Tailored Waists Prepare for the, outing days, the beach, 'the. moun- tains 4n fact, they're always useful. These sweat- yrl me 9fr- best wool yarns, ; well-knitted in navy tasiblaclv irayj'lxed or white, .for a quick .cleanups;? ' . T 'A. . - mm I Cloak and Suit Department J Entire Second Rdo-V:.,.,-v. " wVi mum 126 Sixth Street ear Washington A Waist'offering that is worth a trip alone. Dozens of verv dainty styles in soft, sheer lawns and hatl'tc Tailrtrrt dvI if li'non ' madras: or triped percales. 4: Yoiivvvill want to supply your needs for months when youlzTV 'seeihenx: V-''-:-''-:.-!,; ;i. ' r. Special Sale rajuun A