IS Tlin OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. rOKTLAND. TUESDAY EVKNIf.'O. AI'KIL ZX 1111. 1.1 si at-" t tiort-tttr t le t'JI irf . .iAJ vJ b 6aL af'w I V K fW aj),a 1 ll lfta if t-t, v- fci4 m .t-3 -, k-atwaaai len a M ktarttawi feftaga. 1 -1 t-e el4 taa ' , .;a. aU ul t-e 6 eaaara Uiw, IU a a. .!.- . " 4t4 "a." .. IM ItIM lta IS ! 4. 4 Oa Vjaa 2U Oil IUU. Oi I i. I OH AL1 liOtlii: . "The Acreage Man" ct'AA.vrri: nrt'i.T LUT .OtM rM, CITT mortnTt. kxtal. rrc WITH V HIVDLB ALL xixpt or ackcao. iumu- . IKU, HKNTAlA BCSINMS ClfAKCJE. BTT. NO AUENT. 1(4 RAILWAY KX. MJD. , H. A. Dryer most t; a nit ron balk norma $200 Down, $20 and Interest Per Month on Either of the ' Following: ' room etrtnly modern kiM ' HMfinc rrh; llawa,here dllrr4. 13 It I room buagelow; a fl r nent would romldrr trade en lUW, real lot t timber. H-I4V. ' WO tallf.l I taB I iaa tlll'l. Mt 1W. ! I' ftatakaal la eaaaaavi 1 eaaaal iJ ( lala I1M alaa. .! ki a.a.aa- . ItltlM, U I rat.a 4.i aiaai-iad ; fall ' MMiuix - - aiaala.aal UMintn rua ' 4ate. i Ilea iml eel M"-a ! r rar. f (MM aMa la Imcmmmmi la ; kx ! Uaa iui, aa f !. tat ra laa l aaata. kJa4 fU-ara rtii to uk tiaia. aa IU i..a kl tUlM liana. f4 alea. ! ! ra kM U hM 111V -ar, rtM la rat unrti) U( 1M; l- ta) raaaaal ail, aa. tkM 4 llaltaa. W lit A -?. S3160 BAlftK&E OJiE .EST Ka tfouMr aatairwl4 4 room boa- al, ratvH'A ln. iirfara. raara. anaJrJ dlnl"tT rtt,m tuttml. Dulrh allfHan I MraMil (laa ball- vom, lai hatail cacil !"'. UunJry Irajra !. U'K ". iMriii an4 ail aMhar riaca. All lr(. iniprDttmnll aM . artaoga rrnt is toll Tanor anp SSIO Down, Balance Terms KHSS 24250 Baltra raaa kvawaa, a l- M a I. ak Ifata. Iflcr nla aa4 aKaUa, Uf litla IMS. (lit Uti. boo' rtKi aKl cual cIomI. (all a awal Milrro . 1a dialaf lout fcaa Ua laf frt aa4 fi4 tajiifc. ailia ! IwMml Ml (imM Mom iia aa4 ailialt fi4rMia fiaiabami la ajtill tnaa4 a4 Cainnlr ralal itllt. Miss Powell, Owner TUi HIT. ram eoliaia and foexJ it . Sacrifice Oara tavtlag i-a, a'l aaa M la 1 klin f. I tiui f)a 4. t" 4t ta; pmtj l aaaaa I AtltilUK T I0 ToU ajaa, mum n-tf ttaaua, U iiavi a itj w i.a itiiuvr ai aa um ! a a unitaJl tMao awx ri'a rtH fVHUiiJ aKaia laa aa laa Ji a !, h flai.iaa aa wi'ilaa' a mii1i4 ki all U iaM r Ika dalrv Laol a( Tllla. natua ruvHl. Kia ta a ka a aa laf If.a k r tot. aiaia ika kaaaliful ta.alaaa fivaa ay ,r 4 If f a a. ii I ha aa, futll Actouoa I run 4i.js rAima IT "8l-27crcs. $4400 Calaf mnA truck aatlaa taaJ. 4 liauaa, raralaKaai: k bUraa fraa ala llua. II Ittltitila frtwu haarl af rliri all rny aaia.-a; cr atary (alaalaa. If Tiu naa ouainraa, aaa jk.SNf.SUJl -1 - i fc M-AL KaTTATa I'AK 1. Orcoa Olf tlifla Lin. OfflM ! niaiion Cheap Land, Investlgato a ad It arra Iraria. It la 111 aa arr a, on ata: daan, Ir4 a hoi aoll; Wall Kirai rur rruiL mouiim, - i dairln cuiriia raiaiaf; rtaa la ui'. r, na MUM k,. fcV,?; '..r JV.h'i" rloaa la cr la - Jahna: lll Ith and Oai ala fhona raal l lid . hr I rm modam hawaa. l-rira air llt; nM Ha lhaa lit IMrr monlh and T far caul loiar'. Ill caab lor a rooaa Von a tew. IMla II worlh mr mi. oi lhaa l par noaln and T par ral In l arr t l rvwt rartf- r. 4. BTKlNalKTZ. Oamar. Owllmtf Mdf., Id atd Aldar. IRVIKOTOS FrTJS'OA!XW. ' l. t rtKMSB, fir plan, full e mant baaamasl ; furnat-a; alartrle .and aa nura; far wa,: Bann aa I titfh; Irapravatnan aa waal: bank 44 fat ma all la, hi 10. Colon a.: Waal rar rtlAr-ka trunk aarvinai ia iba ellv: blorka from Inr Ilnaloa arbool; brat t tarma. I'non Main ITll. 10x)M .IM'-naw T room flnlahad doarnalaJn; apac for I biff womt up atajra; aJI built In ronvanlanc: anap at Itllt, flna rah: bat III montHly. Krom ovmar. , Alain 1044. Woodlaa-n 60S. ONLY' 1400 WORTH t0f. Mjr rooaa raodara houar, t full lota, locatad corner 70lh and Kandr boul ard; obllfrM to aoll on account of alcknata. . tHIS IS A BAROAIN WELL, WORTH . INVKHTIQATlNa. Call at tha hoitaa nt ba ehown. Tarma. Beautiful Hawthorne Homo A aaar I room alrlotlr wodam b u Bra in ar hulll fr homa, Aoubla rontlmel 4 aad flRalf flnlahad lbrtut.ut. a flnof a. flna rlraplaoay bulll-la Ixtuki-ataa. anatlav al. foil rloat, panrlod din- ln raom. Nmr4 raHlnf. Aamlaoma DVl ll lnilrh kllrbaa) llh ruolar and taiaa aupplr of rupboarda ale.; f flna padranraa, Terr a-ooa c a, wnn a amalrd balK. laraa fl oorad aul-. run ram an I haaamaal. aaajr I arm a. Muat a- rlrlre. o prw, IIOUT ITKUMyi.lII, fTona Tabor ll; wlwa Tabor lall Homes on Easy Payments f room bunralo artth all modern ronrailanv; alraat lmprovmnl all In; I b'ock to car; )l mlnutaa to city; I room beaaa, modarn; 100 faat to car; lot aOtlOO; aioallanl nalsbborhood. ( room bunnlow, mo4arn, with all hallt In ronraniancaa; fumaca: I block a from rar, naar flna arhool: faa. alao Irlcltr. etrrat ImproTamatila paid; -callaot tlin; 1127k. 4 rooma In rsratlrnt auburb. raatrlo tlnria; nil built In convantanraa. tarra llvlnit room with pantla. flsturaa and tlntlnr. rimvinKNT Tiirnr, Frcond floor Hrlling bl Main 100. A-H41. room a and la I k In Traraool I'ark, Oood neldhborhoooV llaa larva room aad (rood baaamaal. Lot 46a 1 10 : till 4 rwoaa bungalow on ! ai . cloaa to crt arjr na,4. aoo1 lot; III. 4 room couaa-. itth and Kolgata; lot 4IH1T; III. A room bunniow. North Mount Tabor dial r let; Ilea. I room bungalow, eleaa to Piedmont ear barna. (rood lot: IMM. ft room bungalow. Itilt lot; raodam In all raapecla, cloaa ta Keoton bank 1110. other oo one. J, R. Henderson L Co. M PDaldtnc bid. Maratiall 141 A-4114 Acreape Aiwlliaf a aaw vri alraal atair, ailr I I a-a lfaa a ?a.4 MtMiki. witn avaw aa a f ala ta) fwaalklai aaWaai lla mu ' Iri a f fcaii. fol kiaxta U.d l lata iv mo la ft m aa, k. iar. aaaaa lluW aa4 aat '" (inlag walar. laa wat gta4a4 4a w aail liaclj Waal ata ai 4 tiM lax. fin al al i tK 4 .aBa alla4r I'a a4 A laa4 lat aa Laif arr hi al lit to ! pa aire a axiaiklf UalaUmatia. pwpaa 4lecual fa (Ml UfM) pa aalU The Shaw-Fear Co. ! It Ml rirtk 91, A IIM Y?n BALE Tva a,Ja aw.1 1 I ara place, fa garaaiaa4 nulne baa war aiKl KM. aa. raa-J'g iitt kaliatti aiaar arailli valaaau Ike fla aal aotl oa aailk, aa4 price oal j tljafr. par arra. 1 kaa t arra farm ulilaie4L aod bullllnga, ai a. I Mia. alau l4 rtn aali. rr 1 !.. - 1 acta fart, po allr a earlk, far luh ami i uM, It priaa J g .lf ) ana af rait r a a It , i a.:!a 1 1 f.tlai. f - kv.a, Wa I Lavaaa laUJik ail Ma, aa) la Mai. aa laawllf MKa4a. a UolaJt. liar al la l- r la 4aali IC-. a. i 4-aa a I aaa, k.vaaa.a.4 I aa aa e4 all aawaij ia-i 14 !a4 , lr I ratfcH f"J ail aa.J aaia a ' . pa4i.lN all aJ la, p'" ,if f a-A a.M, Icrtua Hw ait I Irwil aO a.gauUa laa.4 A3i, tk jaa 114. rut. 1 f I l.liaXr.4t,llr la : fcagaWw. t-at, aa ftaw'l.ftc, .( a ala mi l I LHO.r a.a. 1 ! UM.Ua r. ia 1 ai.i laa. gal-aaa--". i a a r tva I I.Mtti, m. ak I1U4. lr e.4 lMiaa ag la aai( wal . . aap a.aaaga.. I l.0OWAaat lHt,M UO I aa-4 liaau, ia a. ia4 . ! MH. Wawl af gaualala.a I t lltV-A la lalaiaal la M aa4 . IsM-kax aa rwHlUiniMl aia iLua Kmm I ll acrae liable CUrka . I I I a aw-g ...m. lla.1 a...l k.aa $ 1 10 r(sr Aero i ia-i. ".:; h.m; It BMI. frvaa rVarlUiU. IH allea arA a, kl.allaM.11ia. ..!. frM elartrte H- tt aiali-aTlllW -. ...... fa ll al w.aa l4W I ee ia iilaha. 4 aa laa. II.Mk.w auk tHtflaual auat baiaa. la llaabar. a t tuU4iaa. au4 Waal A I falw , aaart- U !" a-.-lag far III pe - . a... f !" .f"" I n J " l' A. I t.lltK.W aM latl4ar la r I n II .J - P. f j. n. nenuenvon u uu T Ppaldtaa bug Wiralall lilt W Ae;YlV.r)?f Y." f.RlM V wiitUf irmK. rrivir lusviir It le tl aciaa, III la ll per aHw 1 raaaa j(iiMn.s.ii.mri'R k v t4 lfWi rf "MiarT bHlg I I 1 1.1 1 inJiTTiiiinrtlin " arvrl4 4ialrit, wa1gg I laa a. a aal f .iim afMili. A-4 1 ft 1 1 4 ita aal ur la. cuaat-taa, ag tat. M l Imi ; will lake kl p I !;. kaiaiK aangage a rwa I l.a I lul. iriaaaar liaignia. liacta. I a; aal aaigg'a ar ca taxti4 rAitna a j. nrritrif fXV. lit 1 K.oiWr of t'MniMfrt HiMl PA Hal WAKTEU Itara parckaar far t l lit arr IfaraM, aaar fall aa4 ! iraaapaita ll-Ha, Muat kae raaalno atra rAHkld puW, TltAlitt trim tJKTI-AKD raiiaa, aeua II a. ra. u n luwn. all la ralilraiiaa. ana. wrruoru. m III gaa I arra borne. Il4t; terra Kara 1 1 00. II arra piara It per arra I arra I rax-1 a aa tear I arena 14 rick lar4 cioae 1 lowa. Haal i fur itkrlaJaf. -anietail I ' , i. "T' ' mm fine turtbar Iraf ta. aaf I arm. I ia . Wriig i I'. M. i'niir4ca, llubuard, lr. - - nouaf-Ai " ' " I in pair ar Tf.ia nuiwuf .. 1 . .7 ,1: 1 kern, I route t ikkkta kouaaaV tlae. arraa bouae, bar. fk. tatal. I IT Afftr wltb Orrgon riertHa arroaa ranlar; la rlraraxi ; Tual atin rtrar arroaa romar; ihig ia a rorrad aJe la ctoae bankruptcy matter make ma an offer. f. A. RIIAW, Trualaa, -Main II, A-IIOt. Itt 4th L 10t DOWN and lit par month. I large rooma lul Mi 114. half Mock from gooil rarllne Mount Kooil Prtr I lit. Twrlva hundred and fifty dnllare. Muat 11 ror pueinaaa raaaona. rMrniiara ror aala al bargain, a I bo. Call at llolal (iragon bri an It and I o'clock. Aak for klra. Taylor, owner. 20 Acres $600 Fare youn money, buy ;4 acrea of fieh tanrt. far from luitland. near town, rlnea lo arhool. cluae oalgbbora, lra bret and rhraprat farm land ever put on the market. Wa bate SO l-arra farm a iuat aurreyed ouL Inquire about It llto caart. balanna rey tarma. CLAIM CUlJt. Tit Chamber of C"mmrct rHreKifiniAK'tii 4 arr, 4 block a to rar, It mlnutaa ant. a lea anode, rloaa lo river; aleo tract fur 1471, 110 raah. IT month; have pwelleal I acrea you ever aaw Ttile tract la caah, im tarma. I am In nwnrr Call IVedneaday and Thura day, after It o'clock; own evening llll o clock Pmlln,' :ol Lrumber bx change Mdg I CVCft A L amaU irarU af I I II arrra each. with bulUiaga. Tkaaa are luralad 40 mlaalea Waal of cuy with la car lle, eextt. ntulete' ral It 10 par aaoain. Throe proportiee range frony 1 1 Itt to !. each. Aume of Iheta mar be rem ad . Main II. lit 4th HI. A ll. mm UlXIkl w w, mi i iMiaaai. ' 1 1 !,' fur c laa r I'artia J1 ,"?T,f,U"Ji a.'a' l ilbtly rwJ ntarvw twwww row a w , f w www 2, -ffla tMd Oil. I 1 I 9Q la Uraaon, Waahiat tun a .Meko. Ti. AinEe above aiU maar bar l a d da la l rax? l a rrem i aa una iw v. t. . t a. raw- laaOa aura and all arer t . t . . . a a awa vipb www r rnaaa aaafar barf orrnara Trana ine ceiaoraiao i rou . f,. . ftS&Z dmim roa.tViJ &&KrZ& i ISSLtt CO. f ran berry bog ia llateaai conniy aaar I a a a u , w . a.ia iwi .ai Aaiorla. I ' '. . ' . 1 f ACtriC TITLK m TRI'aTT TO, nert- I I Oiambec of Comniarre. ground floor. end for lllaetraied booklet af the Ealaeada frwil aarllon. Wbera lb Or IUI IllvaU. 10 . ... t . i rwiiaf, fvuta, vara, t a'."" limber. g.oJ bjil ll. Host la lrl tar 4. baUare terme. 1M a. i a a. la holler. U benck land. aa. old bwltnlnga. limber. Trio Had, !. barn. more wa have Prooertr. All are goua eiacxM ana vary riteg $150 Down I acrea. In high alate of rultlv. tlnn and rloaa lo foriland. handy to eler-trto atallon. We will viva you employmtat If yoa purrhaaa a tract from ua. IIM par acre, very ay torma. The Westlyn Trust Co. lltl Teoo btdf. aa I agon Agricultural collage malaiala 'K'r I ar acreage.. "Good Live Trades II acre farm for at orb at grorwrtea, t room paw bungalow for arraaga. Itt arr farm, aiorkad aad iuipped will take Hot eliy property, IJIM caah, balance tarma. It room apanmaai POuae ror limber iperlmenial arrhard. It ml lee f rora I We city or roriiant K ST A CAD A UJUHEHCIAL II.I.H. Eaiacwda. Oragon. HOMKtiTK.il9 47 I room rooming houaa, for what hav yoaT Acreaga. pouaa or lota for automobile. Valuo for Value Douglas 11 rtoerd of Trade fetdg. Cloea la atallon. cent rar far; all on Ralem Electrl. Ill In cultivation; tl ROOMbuiiiralcw, with alrrpfng porch. In Olmateed Park. Rooma are large. Kl replace, buffet, hardwood floora. mod . am onvenlncca, furnaoo, 4 block to hroadway car, 11000; tarma. Provident Truat Co.. Zd floor Pel ling Md. Main 140(1. A-tftl. " liT owner, alrictly modern bnuae, Juat - completed, lit fret from Rone City car, on K. 0th; reception hall, living room, dining room and - Irutctt kitchen downatalra, hardwood ' floora, I bed room, but h, alerplng porch upatalra; term. Sal wood 111. ' . LAURKLHURHT HOME, III MONTHLY. . - T rooma, reception ball, den. I fire place, beam celling and all built-in convenience; only 1150 raah required. National Realty Truat Co., Til Cbara her of Commerce. M'w till. .WEST BIDE HOME C60. ' - A beautiful view lot and 4 room ahark, habitable; can be mad into a good looking home at amall espenae; remember thla la on the went aid; - half cash will handle. Fred W, German, ' 121 Bumeld. M. or A-2771. Laurelhurst 14000. t;o Down. fit per month. Attractive new 7 room houee, 1 block from rar and full 10x100 lot: reception Jieli with mirror dnnr. hall aeat. paneled atalr raac. large living room, fireplace, i laaamed celling In dlnlnir room, nuiit In buffat.' oak noorg, cahlnet kitchen, acrrened back porch, I large bedroom with eloaota. full baaement. furnace and laundry Iraya. Will take good building lol aa part rayment J, R, Henderson & Co. tT Bpaldlng bldg. Marahall Slt. A-4114. CJ1KH !ASH Look. I honaea and lia lflf.101 each. all joining, for price of On prppertr, 11710, ,60 down and Ilk per month handle all. Take Mt. Hrott car lo (iraya Croaalng. Inquire for Kllae, at elore. FOR SALE LOTn 14 (On the Kenton Carllne.) Near High School, Qrammar School, Park, Playgroand, Roaa Oar. dene. Btorc and Factorlee. Graded iStrrcta, Cement Rldrwalka, Building Raetrlctlona. House and Lota on Inatall-mente. CTIAB. K. 8HORT. ??B Timher Kchange Never Lied In My Life 11 DOWN, II i'ER WKEK. Wl entitle yu to a lot In Port land; no taxea, no Intereat. It will be worth your while tn RKK A MAN WHO NEVER TOLD A LIE In hi life. If he eaya thla ta the greataat opportunity yciti have ever had to OWN YOUR OWN HOME, After you have Inveatlgated and It.Aa not aa rapreaahled, then you will have the pleasure of telling him HE HAS LIED. 1X7 Corbott bldg. A-ttlT. - , A Cosy Home " In Bunnyslde, on 13d and Taylor ta., only 13000. All street Improvement In and paid. S room, modem, only 111 'per month. Phone Tabor 118". .NOTHING DOWN. " t brand new ft room bungalows, Al herU district. I1S60 and 11400; also I room modern 3 atory house, 21th at., just monthly payments. La Barre, 209 v Commercial blk. ' NEW modern 7 room house In Beau v j- mont; hardwood floora. paneled dining room, beamed colling, china closet, book " cane, Dutch kitchen, fireplace and fur nace, all improvements in. I will aell ,et a bargain. Owner. Hellwtod 118. WiFSacrlTice This Rose City Park Bungalow. S rooma, oak floors, cement baeement, with cement floor, fireplace, bullt-ln buffet every modem convenience, lot BOxlOO. m blocks from carllne. Thla house recently eold for 4!00 and tt Is a rare bargain at 13300. Must raise 11000 cash. T. C. BRYANT A CO., - Suite 1017. . CHAMBER OP COMMERCE. 1 ROOM houHe, modern, lot 100x100, ,., beautiful view of valley and moun tains, west side, to minutes from post office, 11800, Provident Trust Co.. 2d floor gelling bldg. Main 1800.. A-6261. BARGAIN from owner. Six room arid r. ' bath cottage on Portland Heights; nice grounds, 100x81); 13000; small cash payment. Balance like rent. Phone Mar shall 1 17. UNINCUMBERED lota taken in pay. 1UU inent of my equity In corner lot BA ROANS IN SMALL HOI'HES B room, modern, Mrland, H700. 4 room. Alberta, 11100. 3 room, modern, Vernon, 11600 4 room modern, Alberta, 11850. 6 room modern, Alberta, I17B0, 4 room ' furnished, Lents, 11660. 4 room, N. Mt. Tabor. 1.150. 3 room, Lents, corner. 700. 4 room, modern, Anabel, 11850, 4 room, Ianta. corner, 11100. 4 room, Firland. extra large lot, $1050. HIGGINS & BOYER. 608 Northwest bldg. Main 4400. LOTS FOR SALE. Comer lot 60x112 with II foot, almy, 1 blocks to car, 115: 26 down, 19.76 monthly with 8 per cent Interest. This. Is a buy. BEE M. LEONARD. 82 4th street. You Can't Beat It 4 acre farm. II mllea from Portland, 4 to 1C R., deep, rich aoll. half cleared, water. 1 acra orchard. I alfalfa, boat landing, ator and school 4 mile: 1000: will take 11000 city home. 11600 raah. balance tlm. Krom owner. Mala 104. or Woodlawn til. K DO K vVtDlV)TrLTWT R A f'-f A! The finest chicken proposition ever offrred la now being prevented to the public. Coma In inif Inquire about our plan. I will anrely please you If yoa want a small farm or chicken ranch. F.DOKWOOD POl'LTRT CO.. &ri Beck hultdlng. clly. CHICKEN AND rRUIT RANCHES NEAR PORTLAND, t acrea, 1400 per tract; 110 acrea, 1600; 20 acrea, 800; 40 acrea, 11200; 10 acrea, 11000. A new subdivision, bant aoll. free wood, spring water, easy tarma. FRANK M FARLANU RKAIiTT CO, oi icon noin., fortiana. MOMEJTTKADB fuat rmlaad, rood Und and limber, aa rood ruad. ola farm, level praliia, good home, near Port land. Borne valuable rellnqulehmenia. One rlaJm all In wheat: ran give dead. Anm,wk ii. a Jyiih A cina nnMriunii I ree fiaht. 247 Oak. rwei 11. to aecure a home. lTTEAftS' eurvey work i(5roa; Jo. Afrhlcrtn Xi Allorl (hviiiovm va nni.ii in R mw bulldlnr iio: water,, III Qerllnger bldg. I , 4th at. Mala 774. A-llll. Ml to 4'. room In locality eutlable tr FOR SAI.E !o or 10 acre, near nIa. ll6uUitatATd for aala; fin farming r0?" or bo.rdlng bouaa bualneaa up urn Mar mtlL Addraaa K00. Journal I ai.ia aaawl. to nluw. faaar Arllnalon. I to 110. Frad U . Oermaa lit Burn- ofrii-a Viamonr Wash. I a L. Araaa A Jonaa Arllnarfon. Or. I aide. M. or A.ITIS. .... .. . . , . , ... ' ' i mx 10 acra a all in crop ror aaia. tn per arr. Call aad are th owner. Room II. 2tT Oak t. r - , -, it rrr w 1 It acre. 1 1 -room houaa, large bai srela bou-1 and narrverwaa outbulldlni Imnlamanta. Icvo I a. waaona. no atock: W acrea bearing orchard; place worlh 1110: ran deliver for 1 1 1.000 on rata you on lit acrea rich Und. on I tarma of llt down, balance I ta It R R. now building. 1 1 10; water, timber, I yeera, ar will take a houee of from FOR SALE FAIUW IT wap coLnnt r-5 Cheap but Good 10 acres, 1360; 36 cash, balanca at par cent; bent or soil; life mllea from rnllrond and boat landing; aouth slope, well drained, springs; excellent for fruit, vegetables, etc 11. 11. Farnham, 1201 leon King. WA NTEDrl hav. tl.a cash to pay' for an acrewge nome near fortiand. Must ba modern, -not lee than 6 roomer not more than 3 blocks from depot and 10c carfare. No inflated valuea. If It is not a bargain do not answer. Give all particulars In first letter. Address J. O. Allen, 1I8H 2d at., city. Only 12 Lots Left Cross Park v Lots $10 Down, $5.a Month FOR HOMES AND INVESTMENT. Bui'. Run . water, electric light, phones, close to school, 2 blocks to car. ieat service in the city. J. K. koss, Iaairelwood; Mt Scott car. bor 20. Phon Ta Your Interests Demand That you sen about our last lot on E.. 6th st. North, Fine for residence pur poses, but better still aa an investment. 50x100, and only $900. BRONG-MANARY CO.. Main 1743. 287,4 Oak St. A-1743. 280 ACRES fruit land In Rogue river valley, suitable for apples or pear or general farming, a great bargain at iou per acre lor pari or whole, easy terms or will conrlder part trade for Poalland property. Oliver B. Brown, Medford hotel. Portland. RARK opportunity in acreage home; on account of leaving city 1200 caah, balance $876. 126 per month: must be qold by Sunday. Sea owner at 324 12th st. Property at Garden Home, 25 minutes out on Oregon Electric. CHOICE ACREAGE. 5 and 10 acre tracts in high state of cultivation; near station on Salem Electric; very fine soil, running water, easy terms. La Barre, 209 Commercial hldlf. . . . .. . . TOE DULY PMJOF IS T SEE W hav only a few good buys, and thla la one of the beat: 21 arrea of fine land with 16 acre under high atata of cultivation. 7 acrea very easy to finish clearing and now good pa a tyre. I acrea of clover and timothy, ft acrea of fruit, conalallng of 1 Acre of fin young- orchard In full bearing, 1 acre of old orchard, good for family uaa: 1 acre of 2-year-old apple treear- ftn room houee. coat about 11800: nice lawn and rosea; good new barn, chicken houses and parka; fine well and water plant that coat 11000: land Ilea nn Has Lin road and I fin for subdivision, soil Is A-l. Per - -eonal property: nFIa mare, excel lent milch cow, wagon haraeaa, buggy, plow, harrow, disc, culti vator, 8 ton a of hay. all tools, etc. This Is a Haae Line bargain and cannot be beat for an Investment for a good home and a money maker. Very good terms. Call and see. X)Il 8ALR TWtBKIl TWO million feat yellow fir a lower Columbia river, eioa in river, goon logging change, only 11100. F. C Bry. ant a t o., auite in . namoer or i "ra nt a ree. KXCHAXGK KEAL KMTATE S4) Some Dandy Trades 12 acre at electric atallon. finest Und In tha valley, all In cultivation. For a good rooming house or rortlanJ ornnert v. ka . mA Inlnlnv laaa a4 aepa I tract a, beat or land; ror Portland real dene. J. E. NirHOIS CO.. lt Teon niog, fit! FIRST mortggg ta trade for first rlaa dlamonda; muat b a bargain and reasonable. L-lOt. Journal. I WILL, trade diamond ring . for rod eanoa Apply 101 Oerunger bldg. Main 194 WAXTKI) IUCAL ESTATE 81 I HAVE a client who want 21 to 41 acrea with Improvementa. 60 to loo mllea: om alock preferred but not neceaaary: have o4 Income property on car Una, also several goo! lota: will exchange all or pM. We will do business quickly. Ask for Mr. Hogmer, 131 Yeon bldg. Mar shall 110. Kl k DBYEB r he Acreage Man" . zvi nanway mag. Phono Main 12(4. Phone A-2111. itcarPltheuiu South Mt. Tabor ProDertv bam. outbuilding, family orchard. Thla See F. C. Beach, Tabor 2163 equipment go with it. for $00t. Will End of Hawthorne Carline trade for grocery tore. liU-rfcis Tn ptiv-n.i.l. .A. r,a tax ttoari ' Tr.H. Rutldtn I bullde'ra for residences built in Port 105 Board of Trade. HullflTny un&. i writing ap. lfy tha dlacount for I hlC IC It leash. uive location, sue 01 101 ana. IIIIO Id II I number of house, also amount unpaid Will sell or trade 2 house of 8 on contract. H-101. Journal. rooms each for screage. or lota up toijj.n.i , , ' v I- . ..A1 a I AAA ICAA o. UAA .k "' n. JUU U1 I . I . a .mm.A IIKAA anH Ijrtnfl' Ii ' I .III, iidk , . i r..n v v u w v " . . Think of It! . Double constructed, lo cated on Columbia viewr owner. PHONE WOODLAWN 1180. house and lot BRASHEM. 121 Marahall 44)41. to aell: pleaa Lumbermen bldg. WILL trade good pisno a first pay ment on modern bungalow. Sea Ham- $10 PER month; 4 acres, 1 mile from city limits; all under cultivation; fine location: fenced; on crushed rock road. only 2 blocks to electric car; eldewalked. Price 13400: $60t caali will handle. Neels ft Wellw, 633 Hamilton bldg. x!00 and nice bungalow; price $2800; balanc $1500 115 monthly and inter est. Owner. 630 Worcester block. GOOD I room house, furnished, 4 blocks from Car, with beautiful lot, all for $960: $100 down; balance eay payment. Klllott Johnson Co., Mt. Scott car. Kern iJsrK station 1100 DOWN. - 115 per month, buya a 6 room modern cottage, 60x100 lot in RoBe City rark, from A, L. Dundas, attorney, 638 Rall wsv Ex.. Marshall 8987. IDEAL chicken yard. 100x100, on east v ; 63d St., 1 blocks from car, with new moriarn a room hnnaa Tr1ta iitllMi li. -ah. .Be Elliott Johnson- Co., 6701i I rosier roaa, B,era r-arK station. Killingsworth Avenue Fine 8 room modern house on Kill ingsworth ave., just 100 feet from Union ave. The lot Is extra large and facts two street. The now carline will soon run by the door and there are five car Ilnea now within 100 feet of the house. Price only $4000; $600 cash, - balance easy terms. Look this up today. DE YOUNG & JOHNSON. . 614 Chamber of Commerce bldg, Rose City Park Snap 50x100 in one of the best neighbor hoods in this beautiful residence sec tion: street imnrovemenla all . nalrt for. Do Young & Johnson, 514 Chamber of uommerce mug. . $150 Down and $1.5 Per Mo. Buys dandy little 5 room bungalow in Richmond district, sewer, water, gas. electricity, full cement basement, light fixtures In and every modern Improve ment; lot 41x118. This Is really a good buy.--- - - F. C. BRYANT & CO., C'TTT rr"TL 111" CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. NEW 6 room bungalow, $1750. $200 caah, ; $10 month; corner lot, cement -sidewalk, street graded. Improvements all paid for, nice lawn, roses., etc. In- H -111 v u w nn V I Ml LH pi. Ti , i OUR. large rooms, with beautiful lot, fine fruity -cement walks, price 4950; 1500 cash, balance to nuit. Tbla Is a nnap. Elliott Johnson Co, Mt. Scott car. J em far station IF sold beforMay 1-wlll take $500 be-' low market yaiue ror mv new bun galow on 19th at., half blocleto car; easy trms or will take lot aa first pay. mrnt. Main 594. $1100 Small bungalow, fine garden and lawn. Very - attractive, near Arleta. Owner leaving city. Terms. Jeaelaon, 416 ALBERTA HOME, 1'fiOO fi room house. S blocks from Alberta car line; 8 rooma above and below; handy to church and stores; first house south of 998 E. 19th st. N. Wo are the owner; best of term given. Main 3712. . OOWEN-1DB TRUST CO. m 2, Lumbermens Diag. Rogn NEW, modern 6 room bungalow. No. 840 E. . 25th at- Extra well built, has sewer, water, shades, light fixtures, buf fet, laundry trays, cement steps and walk, full cement basement. Cannot be duplicated for less than $3500. My price $2900. All street improvements paid. $300 cash, 126 per month. E. A. Mc Grath, 331 Chamber of Commerce. ONE modertt' room bungalow, new, on 1121 Rodney , on fi room bunga low, 1276 Willlama ave. Owner. Inaulr i;76 Willlama ave. Phone C-1489. ALL FOR 12450 EASY TERMS. -i room modern bungalow, full ce 'ment floor basement, laundry trays, bullt-ln buffet, 60 foot lot, sewer, ce ment walks and street improvements Said for. C. P. Bush, llll Avon street, ilehmond car 4 let street. Other bar-ga-tna Tabor 8861. : ' " Lot Bargain 60x100, 2 blocks,' 6c fare, 15 minutes out. Thla Is a anap; price $325; some term. J. E. NICHOLS CO., 615 Yeon bldg. HAVK paid $96 on $300 lot near Reed Institute. Will sell mv eoultv for just what I've paid In. Lota across the street sell for $00. This Is a snap for somebody. Phone Tabor 1216 after 4) p. m. - - - - AM compelled to sell 2 choice lota at once, una bixiuo and one 50x100 cor ner, improvements all In and all kinds of fruit. Both near Alberta car. Will sen cneap. uail at 371 Fremont at. 126 CASH AND 110 PER MONTH. Buys a beautiful reeldenoo lot in the Piedmont district near Williams ave. Don't delay if you want something good on easy terms. Price only $700. BKU0-MAAK CO.. Main 1743. 267 Oak et. A-1743- WE OFFER you a 10 acre chicken tract for $1000, on easy terms, or will ex change for a 6 room cottage and as sume mortgage if not too 'large. Ad- dress, R-104, Journal. 6 AND 10 acre home tracts, good local ity, near Vancouver, spme cleared, food aoll. no gravel, close to car line, 200 to $250 per acre. Owner. Charles W. Bnell, R. 6, Vancouver. Wash. BEAUTIFUL half acre. In clover, fine nil .rat.n nlnAil m.vaa.m C fare, 28 minutes by car, near Eastm'orc land. Why not make a home on thla? Call Marshall 2872. 16 Miles to Portland Croos all In. atock on the place, a bargain; 12 acrea, 10 acre in crop, all LllinUJa, Ilea IUW, IJI ar uuijuuiar. good orchard, 1H miles to town and noat lanainr. to bcuooi. ueat ni bum, 8 ' fine' Jersey cows; good -team,- 86 chickens, 160 chicks, buggy, wagon and all farm tools, making 114.60 per week with cows and hen; only $4500, term. A SMALL euilern Oregon ranch, clo ,.,' w(tn K c. Bryant A Co.. suit I jui II I ii mwvt iiiiivtiti ymtf ivir, r ta aiuuii- dance of runnlnff water In tha dryest i times. Hlh. ulchtly and hralthy. A .aal.-l .k...a M. afaamlaw TU III li-Mitnj tiiauvn ivi tiiirij ipiiiiiiipi, inn - .... iimi-I exchange a all or part Payment for east or south of Portland. Portland property, box 1Z7. ireanam. Or. TEN acres, good soil, ft tn cultivation CALL at 410H Hoyt atreet for ,vlua ble Information. If you have for aal 10, IS, 20 or 16 acrea within 26 miles ROOMING HOUSES S3 80 acres. 18 mile to Portland, 8 to town and R. R.. 85 acres in cultivation, balance fine timber, fine spring, best of soli, fair building, young orcnara, an tillable, some maohlnery, only $6000, terms. .. , MUST SELL at once 240 acres of "good land in Clark county, Washington, or will divide in smaller tracts. Phone Marshall 8292. $10 DOWN, $5 per month, handles 86x 260 feet. 30 minutes from 1st and Alder. Ask for Marsten or Hale. 202 Wilcox bldg. SACRIFICE ray, two fine lots east 20th and Pacific sta., facing east; cor ner JiUU, insiue flUUU, J. B. PARSON& Owner. 902 Wells-Fargo bldg. Phone Mar. 4500, A BARGAIN SO. V, block 4 Villa Hill 88 E. Bumslde. 2 blocks from Mt. Hood R. R. W. J. Henderson, 1 N. Front st. BY owners, cheap I new t room, house on E. Sfth between Francis and Glad atone aves.; Inquire on the ground or pnone reuwooa ira. " FIVE 'room modern house, 3 lots, IS minutes out, east ' side. 2 car lines; snap at 13000, some terms.' Phon owa er. Sell wood 114, after 6 p. m. S v W modern 4 room bungalow on Woodstock Una: full lot, alghtly view; If you want a good horn look me up. Owner, Kellwood tit. "' - . 5 iTTTJ.B room "houer; plaetered and flni lavhed ; 60 raspberrfear. ft fruit treesj Dice yard and ehade trees. Terms. I. .Klira 6 E. 9th t.. N.. cltyl I j ? f-1 ca.h huja room modern home." ANkf WlT. 1714. C-240S. cf -'. r va a' i nn, TO INSURE AGAINST FIR- Near Alberta Street Fin 6 room bungalow, all modern, close in on the Alberta carline. Thla bouse cost the owner $3000, but ah will aell thla week for $2500; $200 caah, balance monthly. De Young & Johnson, 14 Chamber of commerce, $160 and $16 a month buys a brand pew bungalow, an atreet worn . aown ana paid for. - 20 Railway Ex. bldg-. 4 ROOM houee near Union .ave.- and Alberta: price $1609. $200 rash, bal ance to suit. 38 Kaiiway t-xenanre. ( ROOM cottage on 60x60 in Multno- man addition, usuw; easy terms, uwn- er. V-106. Journal. ---- . PIEDMONT eecrifTce. New, Swell Two pusmeas iota, zdxiuu each, on Kenton car line and" Minnesota. Price ror both, $760. j? w. Reus. 998 W11 I lams ave. LOT id clii), 3 room house,- plastered and imisnec; cnicxen coop and fence; fine lawra) ea7 terms. Anquir 95 E. tn sr, w.; t-ity. $10 DOWN, $5 per month, handles 85x 250 feet. 10 minutes from 1st and Alder. Ask for Marsten or Hale. 2(J wiicox mag. 20 ACRES Beaverton district, some Im- . provements, living water, near school and R. F. D., for mortgage of vacant lots, owner, 18H Market. room, strictly' modern' house. 1262 riatrnt. 1380 ' ' MUST $300. ell equity. In 6 room modern bungalow. No agerits Tabor 2124.- HOtJSK and ground. 300 N. 24th t. W C. Thomaa,. owner, 400 Cham, of Cora. BELLE CREST Will sell 1360 equity in Belle. Crest lot cheap. Bug Aj-rookiyn sr. . KEK L Jolr aV Co. for waot eit property, exclusive dealers in Weat side realty. 817 Chamber of Commerc. FOR SALE CHEAP Lota 14 and IS, block 6, Norma ndal addition. O. Tapper. 2602 W. 3d et.. Dnluth. Minn. FOR SALE: Two lota Rose Citv Park. '8 block to carline; a bargain. N 108. Joiirnal. c , , $600 NICE lot near car and school; $l STEAMER FARE TO FRISCO PAID. California Electric Farms, $70 acre, $100 cash. 639 Hamilton bldg. " BY OWNER 2 acres close in. near car $1 80O. -Call 1861 K, 13th et. Phone Sell wood 424. - FOR SALE? Acreage, 12 miles west of Portland, part E. Flanders. timber. Owner, 124 FOR SALE: Easy terms, 10 acres. Own er. 1296 Campbell st. Win. 624. Abe Martin ? WMTlSfiTrrri WITHOUT I bet ern Pacific, 12 mllea out, to trade for equity in Dungaiow in naro surrace Dis trict. Carlock A Muelllmtipt. 102$ Cham. Com. TRADES - I have some Portland lota and cash to trade for rooming house, restaurant, au tomobile, confectionery or furniture. Peters. 16 N. 6th st. A-T720. Main 6177. 80 acres. 8 In cultivation. IS slashed. 1 10 acres of fine land, close to good balanca timber, fair building, fine I small town, all Improved, on Salem creek, 1 miles to store, church and I Electric, will trade for anything unln mllL 300 yards to school, finest soil. I cumbered, might consider small Incumb- only $8000, terms or trade. ranee; Portland lota preferred. Addreaa V-67, Journal. -60 acres' 14 miles to Portland 2 tt to TWO lots, new 4 room house, furnished, good town and R. R.. on good road. 86 trirlAnd. Mount Krtntt ear. nun acres in high state of cultivation, 7 I flowers, and garden out. 11800. part caah acres hops, fair buildings, . creek and I or lots free o Incumbrance, balance well, finest soil, crop in and dirt cheap 1115 per montn, interest I per cent, . Z- k.?nm In m Heart of the City Clears $200 per month, good lee, rent only $100. This I a snap at $2000; unn half cash bandies. Fred Lenhart W'th F. C. BRYANT ft CO.. , Suite 1017, ( CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. at $6500, very easy terms. "Compare these with others, then coma In and see pictures. W, H, Seitz &Co. 810 Spalding bldg. Main 8584. i00,: Journal TWO acrea at L land: Z lot in New York city, . automobile to ex change for 40 acres or more. 15 to 20 miles out up to $10,000. Main 8407. .32 Rooms Owner's Sacrifice Right down town, well furnished, good lease. This Is a first class tran sient house and a money maker: best reasons for selling. If you want a money maker at a sacrifice see owner, 606 Swetland bldg. 33 Rooms 33 - Good lease. ' all large, 'light and al i-i . i . -' rooms, good furniture: always foil; a .".'r ' T?,-.V-8lio-lntFtot" PrC if "ak" 0nC- i800: 400 dW ' '".Sr l?SS&-J IV. PETERS, 16 N. 6th St, EXCHANGE 80 acres of unimproved nlshed: lease, v iA'T FJTSEriZ? P'tv- Rt ll. icom $350 month. A beautiful 14 acre farm. nil "'';rTAi VaTum" oum roa; t&uu; mooern. auo teon ouig. from Clackamas, 10 miles from P. O. of I faidav are "' ROOMING house, $250 Down: Price $500 38 rooms, good building, well fur- xremenaous opportu- A RARE BARGAIN. O .All . -. i Him i., u iivii.-c w w inn, -an iiwunn- Portland: fine automobile road, level U . ,..',., 'yfarm "' . keeping, modem, well fuMtshed, nice lana.Ticn son; za acres m cultivation; iV.rV. kZ;i- j,T,7,i" kVi J,T- location; a nargain; must leave city; good bulldlnga, family orchardi-can be ,.f5rJf-or(.'nln,h0 lease;, rent 135- Call owner Marehali divided into 8 to 6 fine homesltes. Prlc fades. Suite 1017, Chamber of Com- 4480 - only $300 per acre: term. Land sur- "lerce- ; 4 n n 'in rounding, $400 to $500per acre. F. W. 40 ACRES Lower -Columbia river; will Q nOOmS lb If nesr;.Uv428 Lurabr Exchange. Phone 'w.nialf" ""'On Washington St.; leaae, cheap rent Main 7493. with F. C. Bryant & Co., suite 1017, rMHr nao Prlea If oM t.hiJ i...k rhamh," or , n,nmTV-. ... I .... 9. . . . . . . . . . . . , mTXTtr otiw oivru . JC , VV-. A.-. I, U, . -- ii ill Some 6 or -6 acres cultivated. 180 280 ACRES of fruit land nome o or -o acres euiuvatea, uj Ajtrjo oi imn uw. n. nosu. ?i w -u- Rnniwa Imhb' lisnn oriraS acres fenced, outside range for hundreds river valley for Portland real estate. zlfV house andot- no 'mortaaai as! of enttia. 2nn non t,t of atandina- tim. I Address Oliver B. Brown, Medford -ho. I ?a noH?"a . E, a0,"1 beri: nice reol "on piacif" I natural tel. Portland. ..;...:;. -!"- ?.wr:,:: .r9T-" w 9- $400. Peters, 15 North 6th st. S.te g2JryL "? SK WANT to exchange new-T room Jrous gULf koMAH Rooming House Co.. ho: see owner at 1.05 H Grand ave.-r- IrrX rvmr"... ntn. 1 ; o- """ 0 - , " : t, . ;,' room rooming 294 Williams Tn the heart of Willamette valley. 180 Vtf i "ye.- Call after . m or pnone East acres in cultivation, 10 acres timber: , ttu-e- r, 1't ' 1 sold in. next 10 days will take $80 per i8 I'vLi? bU8t"iTced of hiring belpv Be owner at 18. acre: good terms: 808 McKay bldg. I ness. 605 Teon bldg. - lTjrth 23d. - - v '"-- , r klTZCTtZn- r I oUMUi oas,n ana line city lots to trade Li nlCnOIS L0i - - , . ' 'or grocery store or rooming bouse. CIS Yeon bide. . , 1 auo ieon dioj. TO LEASE. 21 rooms, new building, ' centrally lo- . .A r . . 1 u . .Mnn We have a large list of farm land, all EXCHANGE with us what you have for particulars 310 Henry bldg ' - - sixes and prices, for sale and exchange.) - what -you want. O. J. Brooks A Co., r ,. . d n" ' r ' i ri " "' ' ' " ' Give ti a calL- Will be glad to submit 1 116 Chamber of Commerce. 3 nOOmS-" I O some bargalna. 1 I tw von ur l mt Tn aiPf.t. nrrv ro ,, ij - l.vov duio law murea gouu laiw-willll ' a. jvnju'.n,. oaia onvojuAA.n 111 y, wu.i l-wayB lull. - ATlce aZOU. v timber, also 100x200 foot lot In small 1 124 HENRY BLDG. - MAIN 4465. ' , PKTERS. IS M Kth St. r?,Wnn,.blL,,,i,jS!!::n ?.r0"-K,Tllhr, KJ? A Norton county, .Kansas, for f 7. rooms, cenler west side, good f urn i- ens' SSttiW.W 825- fl'o'MKa; V 9UuSVtXiW. Mdg. mlnl"?4gt-- te' CU TRADE anything, .anywhere, only ex- 37 rooma, new furniture.' 3 year leased 10 ARfcB Jl50 cash. , is mil., from . - ?.' ' . ' ' , . r '.. X. VI " ' v -I c earing 176 a , montn, -io. i Portland. flna-'solL soma clear"' hii. L J a.u...rr . cash, 11 Henry bldg. kncT'easIly cfead: rnlngter J1? JZUfZ WZMJ? COUNTRY hotel, f urnlabeA, t i F-84, Journal. ' -- - Price $1100, essr terms at par cent. tj. m. bakkh. 6ii uornett Tiidg. OS'E to, acre piece, i 2 mile -aouth of ooble. Write - terma and description. T; i-funter. onie, ur. Wbafs become V'th' girl they ued down, $16 month. Woodlawn 202.' OJVE-THIKjU ACHE, chedpeet and beet l awumm " in . gin mey-usea 'buy Jnf Portland. Call Marshall 172. J f .have t .lead V to" altar T Mies Fawn SEE FRANK u. M"GUTRE I L,ippincTiti nes oroppea eiocuuon r TO LN3URB AGAINST FIRS. tudy tt tariff. H. N., SWANK: SELLS AND 1 308 Ablngtoa B-iildin. , RENTS FARMS. - ? mile DALA. EIGHTY acres partly improved from F.Ik ay. $1100. Q. G. TO A T271W artar rTaL. r. i rv i v, x.'i 120 ACRES 111 par aere, a anap; hi caah required. Marshall 2171. . or sale: In a thriving country town, aeat Port land. Marshall 1388. - It acre of good California land to RO0.Ul3 ousn' bargain, 664 Johnson; trad , for Portland property, t 1117 1 f-T. ' r,,.ni,.'.. .ih: Chamber of Commerce. " - I iraHa mr lo'tar -no Mar. 4940. sals; rand FOR - SALE: or exchapgiL 2 lota In Se- SEVEN, housekeeping rooma for i attle. Address 8618 63d t 8.4E. r fi.uh. h.,.,m H'u n l: vvi ULt Duy, sen or .trade, anytllng. I avenue go tun H. F. Lee. 917 Board of Trade bldi. lrT "tr A-O Intm t Irada fair rnflminr bonBA. TO TRADE for automohile, two loU I i Lenhart, ault 10.17 Chamber of Com- in ewinton. Aaoress, v-s4. journal. I merce. FOR SALS OR EXCHANGE? rRanch mill ROOM house for $400; terms; by I Montana, Mala I40T. . ' I owner. 160 h 1st st .. r