Till! OUtGQH DAILY JOUiWAt, I'Ol'TLAN.i. TUESDAY llVL'NING. 191t 11 r f .mm I. iaa.r Wi,ut tl l kr. ' t y l llt'ix ia V 'If (tiylL 1 -e i ta.., CiUta .-a. tlut fttt-4 i a Saa al I la4 tlL alj a.J-a.. l4 1 APRIL'S EXPORTS HAVE URGE GAIN; mimMMig ,1 IK Doht Vessels Clear for Off. thorc Points; Value of Ex- ports. 5571.142- 22 Ships Clear in Lumber Trade. WWtWw.W'WWWWWW'a'".' i , M xtwu Aeete M CeAa.VeHL aesj ea ar f.eaa ft " ... ti .L.M.f.4 i. ia4 UkU aa Ik.. ..MeSkbtft Mr I". 1 a... 41 lilt WkU. Ika J.MMM a4taker ITereaa If. i. a a. aw ft, way kit t-a it aa- IhIii .! aka Uel laa el aW ftaa-Ml.a. Ik. tag It. I MI Imw l tltw A4 M yaalat.y MAlUK MtTTJ A.t.rta Alrtl II V. at a. be. tlanrr lulu, lea Millet Ar.i.ad .1 6 e-4 left ee el tl-M ?l aa. toyae. AfC la, WMi, nun li'liti near. i '. ! Umui, llll.ltl fl.,.. Teiwa. Ill lr.,, !. a r.ifki .....t.. tm.i him im.ui Wasarta. AscU, mmmt WkMV ! fc...... "I II.IYI bar. MJM UnWi, I.HI.IH fl.... 4.19 Total velae ill.l AnitaA .1 a si ltd a ! a, eoataar tenae. rtM ar ihmix. if i- 1 1. 4 At"! l A.Vt.ad. "' . f-ll IfM fall l. ad. HMIMl tbHiM ( I'tnaetMe Mte. ftaJlad, (iMi.tr Uk w tlJar. rr I , l.mrtl a art I lt.4miM ! I ttcinrr O.k.'.l ttvbberd, frate are. Ai'4 Sad ..ft .1 I I. a- ev, slteinar Ceealsr, Ireis) A. . uulvi A Mil II Ar1M 1 M. tlMBM XlllHI OIF. ffM M Artl t P m . .lM.r IWr, from fsni.tU .1 m. m-. !" iwiiil f ih. l mi"0. il.r: 11 ft. Mi IH . Ml l f li .tc4it f4 IM . nil (m it. an ftirf i.i t l ftwls Mka.MMi kw44 Ui rli U 14-. I. (i iBti 4 tvr i i Htll ifil, ak. Mf IIl iwii I. Ill III A I to.i h ( ft4 1. iIA AfcM lM IM (mUl mi. I l l I.itl m)m -i. .1 IA ari rv .1. l flaf! IM l" -M mm IMI tllll. M Mkff4 wits IUI.IM if r.f ik. ni im mib i lilt tk. tart. i.imi W HI M M II rL n.l Mint ir.Mf f Ik. ftftik ir ftia i ftMMir n..fi Building Permits 4K, A, t V.i, Urn S ( Ih. MrW I. IK. fcui.ry .f m7iJ, - ft4 Aa( A. M- 4 I li lia, nir a. k-.i-i Ilia. aa-.A, . a k-4. f lull a..a i 1 . . . Iatl 4. ixa iut a A. 4 A4., W, J. lit. - A. IL KtM.H 'tf( au .4 a t .! 4a4 k4.4 Aim aa t. M tin.r. t .a a., audi a.wa I .! ft4 iltll, frtU4. A. M, O.l.aa I " a. a lV ftlaMrleaJ airf.. fw b-.lia l. . .1 1 a wm la. aa lwf i II. a. JaAa tj4. l ! .la. fa. . . j . . . . . a.a. U. It kiMl CUSTOMS INSPECTOR DIES ATAURORA - -JnJi12;f a-aaajjjB-iMiaii , la .1 j I I.I . .11 II . I.I tl I It l.t II f. . .44 t. 4 ..I .It I W 1 W I 1 "I1 IT . .14 I !. yI.IOft Rlp.ru Imalllla Il.rrt.burf AIMIIf . . . H.l.m . . . Wltaonvtll. fortland . Rl.lns. ar aaaa4 H IWUC (KM e( b MM (Ul Ul y " .....a. . - ui . taal ra laa. tloa la H)ojrta ft fcali.r iim - M lumbr. ft U'l imH T.. la k aaaiU luretx-r-trK. aAil. ti.ala war. crl.r IttAS or ri.M vaa.u elaataA frfloa TCfU'l for pff.hor rft r1af ApMU l-ir rrfoi ar.Ua liri.ni. rompoMA af whaal. flanr. Iuab.f, tal low and -.a.r.1 (ral.hl. tvt f.e. M llfl.ll.. a t , i.. . . aa fnllowa: a. TBI Baa IM IIIHIDbT. If f IV. ajvtvw tarr-Ia Hour. tlll0; .nra4 fr. lot. I aalua 1101.141. Anrii ft Dr. aa. Tail. Irl ftrla. in aa. lumbar. vaJua 111. IT! 'abVii llMr .a. iBT.rtlp. Ad.laMa. 1 Tit 111 fai lumbar: ralu. 111.142. April IT llr. . "rahbU. M.lbouroa. l.tM4i fal lumbar. II !.:. mm II rr. bh. ri.rra Iott Qu Inwa ar ralmoulh. 111.410 bu.b.la whaal. IIOS.IOS. April J& rr. bk. Euna Bchnaldar. Quarnatown or Falmouth. 111.141 buah cla !(, 10,ll April 17- Pr. M. 0A" Vnnarch. fa.naaa. 110.000 fact lumber. 11441. and 111 barr.lt tallow. 111.140. April JT Nor. aa. J. .on. WanMnlllo. II. til bu.h.la. 141.114.10. OorU Z. ok bar riatt, In tha coaaul lumbar fla.t thwa w.rt 11 v..a.la that clrar4 from Portland durln April, cartrln ft toUl of II.- tio.ooo fart, whlla for tha aama month laat year th. thlpm.nta w.ra 1,110.111 fret, aceordlnf to flturat of tht Mr rhanla Exchanga. Tht lumbr thlp menta coa.twla. for March of thla year wart amall.r by 10.000 f.et than for thta month, tht total amount aet afloat then belna- 14.410.000. Tht carjoaa l4 ft4 aa.rt. la M ra (eaalar IfcAft laaia. aa yaar aa. I'm Ik. ' lt tfctpajiatU aai.klA II.. MIM faal immi4 Ilk lllllul tin ttl AMU rrlr all 1 lata luant- aa rai a4 la t'alir.waia anil Aft lartaaaa tl ar H bar raal waj aaoa la far.lcn ftr tMpwi.ela far Ifta aMtaft( RMNiih 4 aari.ta wr. aa. arfa. Ml. fa lh. aama aaaaiAt ftar ao II III brr.it left tait arc ar i ..ea raai .r mat bar wat htppad faraifM Ihia wta.ift la ait tf ut ra.a af ArtiL till. SAYS COMPANY CANT MODIFY SEWER BIOS ViMart Oaaft. tia.a aitaa. ft tai.4, 4 Ik. ttMtl ir fi.ta. k-uJt... . aaA lai. HI. air Ifera aar allaal M.w. . i k. ti4. faaalr Ik la. elvff aa Mwikaa. t ft ImU4 ll'.i Haa ft4 Ah. WlM I alii. a mi. la. Mtra ln(.4la(t ftaMa ft4 ftialft fltaata bi...r. J. a. twa, lit. C A Mair. i. aad k.lf fy (noil 4aiilaa. lka. Oaa .Kaal ba4aaa tklflr.alalk ui rw.tv.lilal. waliArfa. Ila4ir A tilth., iaa U kl Junto. aa aaa aa4 aa tail tiary fraot. aw.tiin . Ta.Mr-fu.t Ifaal IwXwaaa Klftckllal aaA B'.Wll.. aaitoara. rar.ar a) L.an'4, 1 1 . foniati (iaa Coaa Oa. ra-l K alar firaarauf taci.i. Uilkliaa. Aae. a tiral aaiwaaa k.ar aaA rvaa M Otatf. Wf Ml lt cla. l t-aa-lia.4. aA t. aknaa4 l 4 a tu. al tMk Mif aa Djiw at aaaj aaaatka. Tka fajamat anfci l:l lake fiaaa al Ibt iaia. af ait f.ta, I, at.m Uwi. Httmlil artarMaa al I a--. aa4 talarmaai .1 Ik. Aara tm iiarf. atr. aa4 Uiar lft ftUA4 U W. . ... aa.4 ttaMtl aawal lka avaalM I. ta'raa. k-vl M t.w alaaA. jif a4 Ik. r faiarftaa la Aarwa ft l.a are. la ba ftaar laU faaaUy. Tk. tni.nl U tara4 by AU wltft kit falkM tft4 Htaiaar. Ir. aa4 bi'ft Martta O ai. Iaa be4ftaa, t. L r. Ulaay aa4 Orate, til..? af Arafa a4 a IMM, kJia Kfta Mfakbataey afj to a. W i a ti raa.i.l will ba b.td by la Aa ew. fiiiua !.. af ahlrft Ike . .aaa4 . a aumkir -ar tji.. a. ka ka.aa !"! Ma a.aaiaiaa t.r. w.t ba tl At''. Jaaa 4. HTI. aad eatwaj iaa aa- laiht aaf.av. aa J.auary 4. lilt. II. a. kaola4 la Ike alllaa af cbl.f laaaaa la llll by tallarlo J 1. ii.oa, .aA waa r.iala.4 la tkal .11 iaa by t'altecter ki.Uolav rr txmix FACTORY BUILDING FOR RENT Two floors In new brfck butU- Inc just complfled at Hood inJ Baker streets. South Port Urul. t-onr lease, low rental. nuiUine Is well lighted and will make an Ideal location for manufacturing plant. A. L FISH. Cato of Joum-J n S. P. OBJECTS TO COMMON USER ON In aa oplnlaa tHibaiitiaA la Iba ally eierutle boa today. Olr Allamay aab A. Qraal adviaaa that b4y Ih.l li c.dboi prmlt (ha far If M firtda Pf la madiry Ma bid f.r Iba atrucnaa af iba two branrhva of iba eWlllrio t CVlrn etr. Tha ellr al tora.y furthar adtltat rht bears that it ahauld adopt a rule haraaflar prohibit tnc any bid frawi balnc chaftfed after II la oar. opanad. Tbt 1'arlrla Bndaa aotnaaav waa lb. .. .. - . awaai bldd.r on txHb braacba af tht aw.r. but Ita bid. CAatampUlad tha con. met Ion of tha oondulla with brlrk Invarta J.rr.ry A; Buffloa ware tha ll.lt lOW.at bM.lara Thla ar. f.ra. liow.r.r. war. for etotia blorb In-I4 "aot: builder. tarta Kith.r tVBa kt Invert la Mraila. I ;r. ri-r.-r.k.r pacific university lf.V.v'l-rJ. thfti rr- TRACK TEAM STRONG Mtuiuin k ina cpiniua. Tna i-arino Brtd rompany. after tht blda had bean opaned. of farad o conalmrt tht ttwara wltir .tnn. block lov.ru for In. aam. prlra It had made t ankra t AUlaax:. Al Ik. ret-ular maatbty aaiiaa af Iba Weenaa'a AltUara af Iba t'ailarlta ft; bolid.fa. tludayataaua cvmaaaf, I rh.pal. laatoffow afleraaoa al '(taUL. Ikllaa liean.lla at met win aia a I K. artar. erarl aaa aad aaa b.lf I . . . .... .aa .hii... ar kl ra ".IlL " . I?ff ?J" I ttarrtat IbakM iawa. AU IMaraateJ builder. U II Iw.iaw. 11.40 MeuHt aod ttKwiiia cwapaay. .ri lw alory bulldin.. uurlfi alreat Iwaaa ftlarb. and Ma.hleriaa: trU I Id r a. aiatbiaoa AM'itot: . Ill.tea A. IxrU, . .feet oat aad aa. half alory rratsa da.lRnf, a.eaatft afraa bat wean llowe aad Alnaaonb, builder. lienry r. iaii. it. Mr. J. Ik rr.aar. elartrlral wiring ror we miorr rrama dwetllag III O.y treai. aoribweat raraer Vliteenth bulldera. lotl.r kUarl rlo company: lit klra Anna aaerhreet. erert oaa and ana hair alory frame dwelllag, I 1 nirty-aaventb el feat balwaea ev-Muer U. l-oat: 1 1 let. I. Iattad to be praaeai. a abating wiu pa b.ld at 1 fcl. bualnaaa rb. nniiiiTf niniirp ineana ; rniVMlL. niUniiJ ror awen with brick Invtrta. Could thla offer ba aapttd tht city would aavt 110.000. Tha city attorney adrl.ra tha csaeuttva board to reject all blda and rradrertlae for other blda. If it (Continued Prom Pact On a) tbt object of (reeling a common veer on tht Jefftraon atreet connection un-1 deema tht aton. block Invert tha dealr- leaa all tha reet of tha line ahould be I able one. and tht prtct made by J.ff.ry aiihlect ta tha aam. DrOTlalon. Council- - nn. aant coaatwtae thla month were Ve.ael Destination. Ptr. Daley Fraenian. 8an Tadro t'buriartiKiabflan I'edro . , l ." hboahoTit, tin JTanclaco. .... Northland. Ban Pedro , fuaro, 8an Franclaoo t a riot, ban jrranriew Klamath. Kan Tadro Vellowatone, San Pedro Olympic, fan Pedro Joh.n poul.en, San Franclaoo. Tainalpala, ixa Angalta C'arloa, Kan Krancl.co C'oronado, Loa Angelea i)aley Oadiiby, San Pedro Kho.hone, Man plego ... Jaly Mitchell. San Franclaco. Qulnault. San Franclaco...... Ca.oo, San Franoleoo. . . ; 6c h. Honolpu, Honolpu ........ Htr. Tamalpala, Ia Angelet.. Inlay Oadby. San Ptdro Olympic, Ban i'ouru Feet. 780,000 o.too 4 1 5,000 100.000 140.000 400.000 1,000.000 100,000 710.000 400.000 610.000 100,000 800,000 1,000,000 700,000 700.000 630,000 .35,000 610.000 KG0.000 960.000 760.000 I Total .14.690,000 PORT WAIVES CLAIM WiU Not Seek PamK From the Steamer Kansas City. At a apeclal meeting of the Port of Tortland cominlttlon yteterday after noon It waa decided to walva the clalma of the Port against tha San Franclaco & Portland Steamship company for dam age to the fuel conveyor of the dredge Columbia when Captain Wlllla Snow, one of the Columbia river pilots, who waa In charge of the Kansas City at the time, tald tht steamer waa not exceea men 8rhmer and Alaculre were of the same opinion. Tht committee took no definite action on thla point, but re ferred tt with many othera to the city attorney. Tht Is.ut will bt threshed out after the ordinance again reechrt the committee after being revlaed and after tht city attorney wrltet an opin ion outlining tht council's powers. The committee agreed upon a number of minor change.. In both tht franchisee. On. of these la an amendment limiting the length of trains to 100 feet. Superintendent Campbell. In stating the company's attitude on tht common user question, declared that ha thought It unjust to txpect tha Southern Pa cific company to grant any common rlghta to competitors over tha com pany's own property. "Other roads have tha aama privil ege wa had and they can buy their own rlghta of way." ht aald. The east .Ida delegation also brought up the question of tha right of tha com pany to bt granted a franchise with a common user on one track of tha Fourth atreet line, while leaving tht deter mination of whether the other one shall have tha sama provision to the decision of tha Ifnlted States auprema court. City Attorney Grant has been asked to glva an opinion aa to the legality of this Una of action. Both franchises are now In the city attorneys hands, and ht hat been given an Indefinite period In which to make a report to tha committee. COOL AND INDIFFERENT, ISMAY TAKES STAND , AGAIN. IN INQUIRY (Continued From Pagt One.) Hugh Woolner, a passenger, testified of the Straus couple's fata. Ha said ht believed all the women except Mrs Straus left tha Titanic. 'Twice I tried to get Mrs. Straus to enter' tTie boat," ho aald. AUT0IST IN COLLISION, MAY DIE OF INJURIES Wallace McKay. 11 years old. of 111 Pine street. Ilea In the St Vin cent's hospital today In a practriou. condition aa a result of Injurlea sus tained late last night when a touring car In which he waa riding was atruck by an automobile driven by W. A, Cad well, a real estate dealer of (17 Board of Trade. The collision occurred at Fifth and Morrison streets, immedi ately after the accident tha Injured man waa ruthtd to tht hospital where he waa operated upon by City Physician Zlegler. - The machine In which McKay wat a paeeenger waa driven by W. C. Wilson, who haa a atand near Sixth and Morri son atreet s. Shortly after 12 o'clock the two men took the car and atarted down Morrison towards Fifth street Nearlng tha corner of Morrison, the car waa slowed down and the horn tooted. It had gone nearly across tht intersec tion of tht two streets when lt was struck by Cadwell's -machine, which was going up" Fifth street at a very rap Id rate of speed, lt la asserted. So great was the force of the Impact that mcivay waa tnrown out Into tha street Tht car In which ht had been riding waa pushed across the street Into a tel egraph pole on tha aoutheast corner and almost demolished. Neither Wilson nor Cadwell nor any of hi. party were In jured. Cadwell's machine, though badly bat tered, was not seriously damaged. OLD LIBEL SUIT IS DISMISSED BY BEAN (BaaH.1 la Tfca Jaara.1 I Parlfle Cnlv.ralty, Forest Orov. Or.. April 10 Pacific's flrat outdoor track meet of the season will be held tomor row with wiUam.tt. university at 8a lam. Since tht annual fl.ld day h.ld laat whi a number or point winning man have been d.v.lopad. thua making Pa cific's team stronger by ' far than th. t.ama of tbt three prevtoue years, in tha sprints will ba nryant and r.rrln and In tha long.r dl.tanr.a will b. Austin, Tuppar and Murla. Th. w.ight eventa, of which tna hammer throw has baen eliminated by Willamette, will be strong with Shaver and Mayfleld. R. Bryant la looked upon aa a winner In the high hurdles, and Ferrln In the pole vault. Tht low hurdle, will bt run by Mayfleld and Frrrln. The relay team will bt picked from Mayfleld. B. Bryant K. Bryant Shaver and Auatln. M I LUON DOLLAR DEPOT PROMISED AT TACOMA (Unltaa Praat Umil Wtra.) Tacoma, April 10. Bualne.a condi tions In Tacoma are bullish today fol lowing the announcement by President A. J. Earllng of tha Milwaukee system that work would shortly begin on a big passenger depot here. The depot Is reported to ba planned on a million dol lar scale (lUaeae Had Op! man. far bating eatttai preearad far amok la la b'a poaaaatten. Ah llong waa ar raaiad Ibla morning and place uivdir llltboada Tba Informal ton waa tlgaad by It FaMoltalb. lolled Ulslee cue- lame la.parlor Tells Consumptives How He Got Well Tubarculo.l. la .aid to ba curable by Imply living In h. open air and taking aa .bundam. of fr..n sga and milk. I ndoubtadly. some persona ar. b.n.rnao In tMi way; but th. appropriate remedy for Coneumptlon la Kckman'a Alterative. J ko all you boe.lbly can to add ta iran.th and Incr.a.e weighl. eat whoLeome. nourishing food, and breath, tha rlaanaat and pur.t air then, to the re.rntlal thing, of right living add the tonic and curative . tract, or teaman a Alterative Head what It did In this mm: 401 West Btrat Wilmington, tei. "U.ntlem.n: In January. 1101. I Wat taken with h.morrhasaa of the lunge, klv nhvatcl.n one of II. a l.adlns practi tioner, eaid that It waa lung troubla I took .sea and milk In qoanlitiea, but I gut very in l era bam aad a-aae a. aJ llPOo I a. la I a kaaAAtaa aa! eft A rij&.3irii ii ai mii i kaacftf el gtksl Tea, eed Llatel laanaek aaa Iaa Cfce'a,. r'abTal e4eaae. V bel H baa aa traaft- s1 at". Saai'kaj itl.it la. I awl eases: aliaJ lttiitt mewt e-su. Portland ll.lcbt. a treat patad aad saw far. raebetrueted tiaw er dir. walking dl.ianre. priced far lauwadiala aaJa. Jll.stt; llttt n. larortnaiioa. al orrict only. llf tMeartment ru raJiB a. JAooaa co. Ill lib at la effavi at.tt 4. un At. rr.viot a itAits awnijii lAill Al'Vka nr ais) a ttf ftaaaay. . Iltaaa at l Itaa. -aaMe Uakaa. It Sat U k-a U tatiiaav I er i a. araltta Ita.ta f. k a-ania ta I Aaa.ta.a eaw Xe ad araaaiaJ far Uaa tkaa 1 Uaae Ik. ataa yaia aa.ly la Hi. T Ctr aad ail ar .iaaalf h.liwa ... fjM auaaliaaa ViaaUA. le bxat eat biiaatkaae Waatae. Ta Vaal ul Wu4 Ta Raal a la titartaau. aJ llat.ia aacaalati. ti- raa as. a .ar liaa ia aeeatttaa, ta bar lia aa. k .laa-j aaal tkaarttaa. Wa ad i.ka far iaa. iV.a II. . fHAh.lK AlVtJriaA.AltTtv t llaaa. Ifta ear liaa wkiwtUM llaaae. aa ear na a ear laa.rt laa t er aaa aaa.. rati ta tlai.a. M ear I a. t-tr laa.rt iaa Tka inn ratae ae.rv la "Tt.w Tatar aad ai eveer riaaa.ft- a I laa a. aara I ailaaiiaa. tfaalaA. Ta ftaat aad tvaaiaa la SVaal - a 4a aiiw.llaAe Wiaitt, Te R.al aa Waatad la ft.ni al. f A rarlmtal. aU Haiti, aaxaaiadi the rata la la tar liaa a In.tMtan. Ho ad ck.reed far leae Ibee tare llaaa ar llr. raaira.l rata, apaa a ft lira I laa, A Lban. rail will bring ft aollrar if iiman- w , ri.i, - - a-i i m,.aaiata 41 At-LkTTl.VU .tUTICLS A A. 1 X L at NOfll.m M.ka your raaarralioae f" lA A la. Hf-ertal Train laavat Tfci.rw.jr, May f. II 41 n ta I'aloa Aanat tti'riia W A II laa, ITtM. 44 M . or l.l.pbaae him.' Main 1114 er A.IMJ. Watttvala u nirii.n in .ft.r Wadnaa.tar nowa, tt ordar ef bot.au la u, u. vilTICIlul'Bl Baordar. A Or haa. O.rap. ataaia jrt eae.Ailaby kalt n aad Marr aaa. UAIUUAGK UCKNSIU EAST GLISAN ST. BUSINESS LOT Cen eel you corner near lanlhur.i 111 feel Of front.. a on a tlllaaa al .lira, rttaaofi.oi. iirai. snap. b rAttlUl, let Spalding Portland Heights Baay Teraaa. a.- SO' Sot wtleex Salldiar. kept on working tore aald I won I I KKAL EST ATX LOAX8 Javenlle Court Maj Oomft Salem, Or April SO. Mayor iAch mund today appointed W. H. Rindle, a young attorney, as probation officer, tha aalary to be paid by tht Municipal league. Tha appointment la of special Importance aa Salem citlxens anticipate It is tha first step toward a Juvenile court weak, and I n tha atore. Tha aoct not gain In weight aa long aa I stayed In the alora. hut 1 kept on working and preyed each day that I might get well. I believe mv prayers were anawered. for Mr. :. A. l.lpplncott. my employer (Up- Mncntt m Co.. I'epartment mora, sua to ill Market .treat Wilmington. Iel. tiad learned of a remedy called luckman'a Alterative that had none irreat gooa. ana upon hla recommendation I began taking It at once Thla was about June, I0. I continued faithfully, ualng no other remedy, and finally noticed the clearing of tha lungs which appeared to be old chunks of blood coming up. I now have no trouble with my lunge 1 firmly be- llevt Echman's Alterative ssved my life. I sent my spittle later to the State Hoard of Health to be examined ror tu berculosis bacilli, and none were found. "My mother died from Consumption when I wsa about two yeara old. "I make this statement ao that others mav learn of the wonderful merits of Kckman's Alterative. I regard my re covery ts being miraculous.' tHIaned Affidavit) J A 8. SQt'IBKS. Kckman'a Alterative la effective In Bronrhltla. Asthma. Hay Fever. Throat and I.ung Troubles, and In upbuilding the system. loes not contain poiaons. opiates or habit-forming drugs. For sale by The Owl Drug Co., and other leading druggists. Ask for booklet of cured cases and write to F.ckman labor atory, Philadelphia, Pa., for additional evidence, MORTGAGE LOANS 5 Ok JOHN L CfiONAJ. TOU v aoe saidiaa bias-. V treat. Carl rraderlck. jm JMorrtaoa eiree.', l. and Jtnnle Pateraon . li. . laa!on, 4,, Ymt TMrtaeata etraai 11. and Krallv r.i... ta Weldamar Bamd. Ill barond all ".."i naroiiae FAImail. 14. John emit.. Y. at. C A- It aaf Kath.rlna King. la. --.. William Walaoa. 191 Portland bOulft. verd 1 and Carrla Wataoe tl. Malcolm Meragor. Ill Tklrteeeth at r eat. li, and Belma McOragor. la. Maryan Vukelevie. 91 Htenton a treat 34 and Andaa Work. 11. , w. H. rammer a. Siokaae, Waab-. 19. and Bin e rllmmona. it. W. G. Smith L Co. 7X8 cZ Waablngtow Bldgoor. 4lh aa Wash law. W EIjOJNO Invitation a. ramtrkably good and reaaonabl. In price. Beat tie Ar llnfminfi. 104 Stark at. bBris aulte for real, all elaae. (Jaioue Tallorinr Co. lt Htarb at Clark e Bros. aad floral daalgna 19 flee flow are , Monrteoa at fiWTIU REAL ESTATE TKANgFEIW CERTIFICATES of title mad. by the Title at Truat comoanr Lawla blda. 4th end Oak. CRAY HAIRS QUICKLY BANISHED; DANDRUFF, FALLING HAIR STOPPED steadily refused. Once I approached Mr. Straus and said: 7 am sure nobody would object to an old gentleman like Libel to the amount of $1600 asked by Meyer, Wilson & Co. against the French bark Babin Chevave waa de- "but aha nled "! the 'suit dismissed yesterday ing six mnesau ur """ - you getting In where there Is plenty cf the dredge. The conveyor -was maged J, H M,d. .T won.t J0 before k a a. e? Nwi' last March while the Kansas City was nnenlnir the dredge at Postofflce bar lie on htr way up me rivtr neavuy laden. Several matters In regard to the new steel dredge being built for the port by the Willamette Iron & Steel Works came ur before the commission yester day, and the suggestion of J. B. C. Lock wood the designing engineer, that six Instead of five anchors be purchased for the -digger was adopted. As the pon toons for the pipeline of the new dredge have been completed, permission was given to store them at the drydock at St. Johns on the understanding that this was not to be taken as a formal ac ceptance of them by the commission. ALONG THE WATERFRONT The watchman on the steel bridge,' who was attacked with a knife and cut in ih. arm hv a hobo night before last wan unable to return to his work last night Laden with railroad ties for Guaymas, the schooner Resolute was towed down from Rainier for the sea last night.. To complete her cargo of flour for the orient, the British steamer Clan " Maclver was ' shifted from the Crown flour mills to the O.-W. R. & N. Al- L .blna dock at 6 last night, . a- ' tvIAra I. in room on tn Port of Portland drydock it is expected that tht other men.' " Harold Bride, the Titanlc's wireless operator, testified that Captain Smith went "overboard three minutes before I did. . He did not wear a life preserver.". Bride said he had received 11000 for his story of the disaster. AT rOUNTAlNSrHOrrtStOR CLSfWHCRI '. ' - ' Get the Tf . . Original and Genuine 'i iMALTED MILK The Food Drink for AM Age uch tux. kuii oaoi lima, n rftvvi Not in aiiy 'ftmfc XZT liisftoii''nORLICK-S - Take a pecks je horn . WOMEN INTUITIVELY FELT THAT -TITANIC WOULD HAVE ACCIDENT (United Pratt Treated W(r.) San Francisco, Cel., April 30. 'Ner voua from their experiences aboard the wrecked liner Tltanio, arxl on the res cue ihip Carpathla, Dr. Washington Dodge, assessor of, San Francisco, Mrs. Dodge and their- little son- ere- home again today after a trip overland from New York. . The anxiety of the Dodges is Increased by the serious -Hlness of the son, who contracted a severe cold during the ex posure in the Titanlc's lifeboats. Dr.. Dodge declared that-Mra. Dodge did not wish to sail on the Tltanio, say ing that aht did not like a maiden voy age; but that he Insisted. . He said many husbands told mm their wives objected to the liner, but he believed their worn' an 1 intuition had warned them against the Titanic. When asked If ha believed the whole sale condemnation of J. Brue Is may was Justified, Dr. Dodge stated that there wa a- difference of opinion re gardlng this as lemay was in the last boat to leave, and many did not believe it necessarily hla duty to star and go down with the captain because he owned part of the ship. . - Dr.. Dodge tald that at' first ht did not want his wlfa and son to leave in a life boats thinking the Titanic safer.. When he did finally puf them off, he waited until one -of the last boats left,, and then , rejoined them In the. dining room, of. the Carpathian ; INDUSTRIAL GAIN r MARKED FEATURE ; DURING APRIL '12 J .-. -. r .-,- . ...... ' , i , ' ' (Continued From. Page One months ending with today of 1I1J art well above 1200.000.000 - and by Federal Judge Bean on the ground tnai -perns or tne aea" precluded dam age and that the contention of the com pany that the boat had been Improperly loaded' and was unseaworthy was un founded. The suit la an old one and Is over damage to a cargo of cement and iron, damaged In 1909 during a trip from Antwerp to Portland, amounting to 12600. Testimony showed that the vessel had been properly loaded and that she was seaworthy, but had been wrenched, by storms until she leaked and the damage was due to leakage. MORE CANDIDATES FILE EXPENSE STATEMENTS . i Statements of campaign candidates In the recent primaries filed today with the county clerk are as follows: H. C. King, candidate for state repre sentative, S8; John N. McKernan, can didate for sheriff. 934; J. W. Bell, can didate for Justice of jhe peace. 1349.71; Fred W. Prasp, candidate for county clerk, $303.40; A. W. Lawrence, candfd ate for legislature, $71.25; Dan Kella her, candidate for state senate, IJ4, and J. R. Rogers filed a statement show tag he spent $226.75 in the interest of W. C. North, candidate for sheriff. ' . Oplam Destroyed. 7 One thousand dollars waa the value of a cast of opium delivered at the city crematory yesterday, by the United States customs office. ' The opium was confiscated by the federal officials and by their order destroyed at the Incin Remedy Made From Garden Sage and Sulphur Restores Color to Gray Hair. A feeling of sadness accompanies the discovery of the first gray haira which unfortunately are looked upon as her alds of advancing age Gray hair, how ever handsome It may be, makes a per son look old. We all know the ad vantages of being young. Aside from the good Impression a youthful appear ance makes on others, simply knowing that you are "looking fit" gives one courage to undertake and. accomplish things. So why suffer the handicap of looking old on account of gray hairs, when a simple remedy will give your hair youthful color and beauty in a few daya' timet Alameda Land Co. to Mlnnla Worrell, lot 11, block 7, A nicua i-ari . . Almlra W. Holt to C. 17. Ma. derla. lota t and 10. block 1. Stanley addition ... Portland Paclfto In ve.t merit Co. to Maud I. Oig.r, lot 12, block 1. Dana . F. W. liutchcroft and wife to J W. Hutchcroft et al. 60x66 feet beginning at nortbweet corner of lot 1. block 1. I In. Inn Lurlm H. Addlton and huBband, to jnnrR-irci r. najnor, ioi 1, DIOcJC A J e au in fi ki K-HJVft V 1VW. ....... . R, W. Fisher and wife to Alexan der Gelt man, lot 16. block 1, Fishers Subdivision of lot 2. O lan wood Park ... ' Edith F. Ooode to Security Sav- inga at Truat Co., lot 6, block "R." Coucha addition ... Johann Zlegler and wlfa to Heln- rich dingier, lota 6 and 7. block 6. F.urera addition Johann Zlegler to Amelia Fox. diock it, mmmons addition. With axcentlona Catherine A. Arthur to Kasten J-acka, 60 acres In section 17. Town 1 south, ran re 1 aaat... B. A. DeTarmond to J. L. Hart- man, et al, Tr.. lots 3 and 4. block 1. Rtddell Hal aht. W. Blanche Brown and husband to James L. Duffy, lots 11. 12, 13, block 3, Maplewood addition J. L. Woodland and wife to John Horn, lota 1 to 6, block 6, Ray burn Park Frank O. Glass to Benjamin L. KUIott, lots 40, 41. block 7. Stanley No. 3 C H. Bush and wife to Ada Mat thews, lot 10, block 60, Vernon 911 900 ,700 2500 370 .400 10 1000 3000 600 250 OR ANT To Mr. and Mra. John Grant 604 Forty-ninth atreet April 54. a ffiWERS To Mr. and Mra. Felix Pow. era. tii Forty-fifth street. April 3S. boy. PAUL To Mr. and Mrs. B. A. PauL Millard avenue end Savant r.aecond atreet, April 17, girl. ADAMS To Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Adams, urn r oriy-mira atreet. April . 29. a hoy. HALE To Mr. and Mra C Darwin Hale, Sixtieth avtnoe and Blxty-a.v-rnth street, April 16. a boy. ... RATTY To Mr. and Mra Harry Ratty, 4427 Blxty-flrst street, April 30. a pd-FTER' To Mr. and Mrs. Charles Pot. ter. 790 Divlalog. street,. April 94.. a, MITERS To Mr. and Mrs. Frank My ers lit Hanaoa a treat April 19, a boy. . HATER To Mr. and Mra. llano Hayer. 616 Mllwaukle avenue, April II, a bov. . 0KAT1IS , AJTD XKBAUi 1,000 Most people know that common gar den sage acta aa a color restorer and scalp tonlo at well. Our grandmothers used a "'Sage Tea" for keeping their hair dark, soft and luxuriant In Wyeth'a Sage and Sulphur Hair Rem' edy we have an ideal preparation of I en rr Turner to' Andrew iK Kndoa Sage combined with Sulphur and other I lot 6. block 14, Katharine 2000 valuabla remedies for riandraff 'Itchlna Mary J. Kart.n to LMll B. Walk scalp and thin, weak hair that is split at fj' ..l0""1 0 I0.1 7- f the ends or constantly coming out. A krichaai u.nrn tn rvnthi. rhV.V few applications of this valuuablt rem- idt 14, block 2, subdivision of edy will bring back the color, and in a worm Et Johns short time It will remove everv trace of Gettlleb Gorr and wife, to Mar- -.- - J . . 1 A . . k 1 1 U D juiiicuin rurx auiiox ana nunn BANCROFT In this city. April 21, st his late residence. 391 Grand avenue. Fred A. Bancroft, aged 63 years. The funeral eervic.s will be held it Fin- ley's parlora at 2 p. m., Wednesday. May 1. Services at cemetery under auspices of Willamette lode No. 3, A. F. and A. M. Friends invited. Interment Lone Kir cemetery. KAHRS A t Oet render. Wash.. ' AprTI "" 26, Herman Kahrs. aged 28 years, 2 months, 27 days. Tht funeral services will be held tomorrow, Wednesday, ilay . 1. 1912. at 2 p. m., from Pearsons par lora, 169-271 Ruasell st Friends snd acquaintances respectfully Invited to at- 1 tend. Interment Rose City, cemetery. efMary J. ry J. tieer. at her rest- 3,001 l.OOt 1,600 800 360 BEER Tht funeral aired 68 vears. who died dence. 1110 East Alder street, will be held tomorrow, May 1st, st 2 p. m. - In terment at Mount Scott cemetery. LVKK C'harlea Dyer, 142 E. .Thirty .: fourth st, April 29, age 41. BANCROFT Fred Bancroft 9it Grand avenue North, age 62, .. SMITH William Smith. 96 T East Thlr- orth Fifth teenth street April 27, age 60, VIZ .w the dandruff ; and greatly Improve growth and appearance of the hair, Get a fifty cent bottle from your druggist today, and notice the differ enee in your hair after a few days' treat mcnt. All druggists sell It under guar. antee that the money will be refunded If the remedy Is not exactly as repre sented. Agent. Owl Drug Co, 14 feet, of lot 16, block 1. North Trvlna-ton 2.800 W. R. HAIZLIP CO., Ina. Abstractors, BOB Qerllnger bldg.. Zrt ana Alder sts. LONG Andrew Long. atreet April n. age 7... : EICK Ruth Eick, 501 East .Thirty- third street, April 27, age J!4. 8TROMER Pearlle Stromer. 701 . Ma- rlon avenue April 25, age 20. 1 ; " MAX M. SMITH, florist 141 H 6th St.. in Selling bldg. Main 7215. FUNERAL DIRECTOR . ' J. P. Flnley & Son ? . Third and Midlson. Ladv attendant ' Main . A-1IJ9. Dunning & McEntee v ndertaaers Modern la Msla 430. PORTLAND REALTY DEALERS BRONG-ilANART COMPANY. Ground Floor Lewis Bid. M. and A-1748. I 603 BRUBAKER McKay Bldg. BENEDICT. Main 549. SajB, Dalrv tTiuaaltarv. 'City Milk Chemist E, C Calloway In his report for April recommends that the city health board revoke the license ' of . Mike Tannler to operate a dairy at 1634 Mallory avenue, The chemist aava tht dairy is unsanitary and dirty. " . . Object to Name of Ismay. '" (United Praar LmwI Wire Houston, Texas, April 30. Israay Is j the same of a town In Jackson county.' The citizens are petitioning to have the ) name changed to Liowe, after the of ficer who "cussed the White Slar mag nate out -of one of the Titanlc's life-1 boata.-: . - ' . '-j-. 'Bad Cigars Slow Suicide BmaJUng bad cigars 4s slow suicide. No occasion for It, when "6am Eloan" sella for 9e. - "''.- - - " AiictionSale I WILL SELL TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER, FOR CASH OR BANKABLE PAPER, BEGINNING AT 10 O'CLOCK A. M. SATURDAY May 4, 1912 The following chattels of the late bankrupt firm of RECTOR & DALY, to-wit: , 5 head of Draft Horses. 25 sets of Double Harness.! : 3 sets Single Harness. . Grading ;TooIs, consisting of " wneeiers, rresnoes and Slips. ' .'..; 1 Elevator and Gravel Screen aijd Bunkers. -V v: . 1 Elevator and Trap; Lot Dump Beds. - 4 Dump Wagons.' 7 Farm Wagons. Lot Coal Beds. ' - , 3 Buggies. 1 Sprinkling Wagon; suitable for small city. , t Watery Tank and other .tools. Place of Sale, 210 East Fifth Street, Vancouver. W. S. , WOOD, Auctioneer. Ji-.M. SPEER, Owner CHAPIN A HER LOW. 183 Chamber of Commerce. "Main 1662. KNAPP & MACKEY. 212-18 Board of Trade. M. and A-3010. every detail. 7th and Pine A-ttog. unf assistant - MR. EPWAR1 HOLMAN. the leadina funeral director and undertaker, 22o 3d st, cor. Salmon; lady asslwta-t Un d er taker. Lad y. a ssu. la n t B-1888 K.-78L El Cth-Alder. LERCH Pearson Co. ttrVEUtin Ml: AV R. ZELLER CO. B.Uwp'hoV ERICS0N Undertaking 8183, A-2286. Ca Main Lady aaa't OREGON RKAT. ESTATE CO. THE Grand ave. and Mult. E. 67. C-1703. SHIELDS, J. H, 205 Oerlinrer Bldg. Main 8480. The Oregon Law on Advertising Any person, who In s J I Dewipaner or other :ai, or In public adterutenient er ny or circular, kaoaingly makes or dla. Mmloates any ttatement or aaiertlon concern ing tie ooaatlty or quality, tb. vain., tbe price, tb. method of producing' or mamifao or. of hi. mercbaadlat or Drofea.lo.al work. or the manner or aun ret of porebaa. of ncb mercbandlt.. or tbe motiT. or Dorpoa. of any ale which Is antrse or calculated to misled. thall be d.med gnllty of a mlademeaaor, ' aad on conviction thereof than bt ponlabed by a no af not let. tbaa 810 nor mora thta ISu oe by I m prison men t in tbe eonnty Jail sot et. eeadlng 20 day., or by both eucb fine aad lm prtmom.nt (U 1909, c. 104, p. 1S4). . Tht attention of advtrtlMr., who utt "Th. Journal," aa well a. that or tn. patille, it at reetod to tb. .bore tectloa from the Oregot Cofle coterlDff adverttaiBg; "The Journal" make. th. aim. rate, oe dfev play advertttlbg to all .drertlwra, to propoe tVm ta tb . .paea . oard. and eoea sot ak. n.b of oot" adrartlaer and "fleab of an. ether," baliarlng one data, or profeatloB, ra elvtdnU. or corpora tloa ha. "aqnal rl(thtav M .oterata .. ra otner i.iaga, ana aaoaio aa as ea tb. Mate terms and eandltlooa. . ; ' -Tb. Joaroai" ocurna mat .it tie ae en ma a .ataruaa. j : - - Beadere of Tb. Jon rati." anawertng mrtar. tittment. appaarlng tn this paper, ant ra. Qoeated ta rtport la writing aay fallurt oa tbt Bart of tha .dvartbMr to do aa a. advarUaM, and If tbe complaint ts wall foandaA, that aft- vartlaer will ba denied tc..t to tkeae eclomnt,. . has beea dona tn th. p. ft. and lt th. ad. tartiaer'e acta are In rtoltnoe f tb. law b. will be aaeject ta aroaeeatloa. There sr. a. .dtertlaer. lnf tbea. eolnmnt itals.t wtMSt omplal.tt bate tiara atada bt or rt.oert, .ad vm emnoialnta ar. milt, eraajpt .tteotVm will be 't" thni. -- c. a Jackson. Pubu.ker. i EAST SID.1-; funeral directors, succeaa. . or to F. 8. Dunning, Ina, E. 82. Blllt. HEMSTOCK. 1687 E. 18th. Sell. 71. B 1122; and TJnlvera. Park. Col 8I4-39S. CKMJ2TERIKS it. sra m man . The CEMETERY Beautiful . LARQEl PERMANENT t PORTLAND'S ONLY' . . MODERN CEMBTERY T: v WITH PBBPGTUAli ' CARE. :k;: r. of all burtal biota without ' attra charge Provided with a carman. nt a Irreducible Maintenance Fund. Lo- cat ina ideal; lust outside the city llmht on north and watt slopes ef Mount Steott. oontalnlng 816 acre. Equipped with every modern coo- Tsoiaaea. PRICKS TO UTTIT ALU SERVICE THIS BE3T. ONE MILE SOUTH OF LENTS. REGULAR Al'TOMOBILE 8ERV. 1CK FREa BSTHtEN Lent n d t h . cxmktery. . a a a a t i t t t CTTT OmCR. 920-I11 . TFV BUILDING. MAIN 12. A-7tf"; CEMETEHT OFFICE, TAflOK HOMH3 PHONE. HI Nil , 11-1111, t, ....... THTtal CALL LOCAL 416 I. liO.MMD'IS .otto e."! r v. works, l.j.t .1 r ' A t are- I -