THE OnrOOW DAILY JOURNAL. rORTLANl). TUUSDAY irnflrVO. ATML Z Ml 11 STORAGE OPERATIONS !f EGG MARKET HERE UNUSUALLY HEAVY Total Mortar Ia4a lireaUrr Tlaa lallra happllra vt Abj lUwl Yeari latal-Tw l"' Hera this rWaau. rOa Waalaeal . 4 l4H f t(t 4 Ckkttt MlM ) 1 treated Nl . iia ate ueirea. MKtt trJ iull ) Maf l'iHUii Ml. ') vlmta Beaaua la af A K-ialae kery nulel PACKERS TO PAV IE HALF CENT ADVANCE FOR SMALL SALMON VW.iW Sm m waa Sm4 lf ( ra It Valaa lal f W Sara's t kMi 1 iJa'IJ Meia fiinnri iniiiiiAP ntiir AT NORTH PORT TOPS GO UP TO 58.50 hmm U Mci Taara ara of By KUtrra aad VaJe tier Ara htaww lag? It kder larraaea Oter IHW Part r Iba tWatry. ftioreaaNaawrallaa I bar ar al ill le i ever kaaw a oeilv la Jiiaeaal " alrtil Into t. hipvm uauauail- . el ' Hon la data ata ! ' u.. a teel, W eil ( l li, .1 tia already baaa pwt r tr ti-aa lb lHl alra v( ay Hlm aialcftarnle are baiug recalkad train efte larhl polnla ! ' rail. Tha unusually Mgn i,r. that a ruld I dale al aira , ,rl.r lata aaan acarwl loi.r and ua r-ault la thai only a amall MMlltxt af lit uaual toeevy lote a(ix k la ae yet accauutrd for. W hila itIita af ease oar ara very heavy al lala Uma. Ui walk, ta r ' f.-tieg a lair ton. BaUa "C candled lok ara allll brtng mada aa hisli :ie a dosea. hick mean a irvm o ;ikr fee caaa cwunl. ttttf II for lha dravr alorka that ara talng ruabnl lulu atoraia tr aa ira p aara lo ara aiorlna bra Inatrad ol olnia I ha oibrr atria of iha Itoehr mottaialna. Ibara ta lull ctul lltal Iba fraanl tm would Ik abawlna; aalra a loar aa i a CHF.lK MAIIKKT STK.1PV Hlfdlnaa ronllnut-a ' In Iha local clo markL Tha tr:ca la balng nialn- laincd at I to a poun.l ror rial" aim lac fur Iba llmlltNi offfliDga of Young Air.Tlcaa. . IJtTTKR 1KLNI IS GOt)l An axcallpnl demand la ahoalng In tha hollar market, and auppliaa ara cleaning op halter than anyone had aa-td-lpaled. - Even country -eeanery la nun cleaning op around 2a?3c a pound, according to reputation brand. DKLSKI) JIEATH ARE HOLDING Y L Hiia aau av 'M Uala axal M l Mic ll a " tm aia Id la HMMwa vtmtwm . . . Mill t a b . il a I l.tha la. oif t-.l l"ncl thai !'. a 111 1 . " I fa rteh i i"l uwl4 l'k i a noil mIhmhi at4 I Hr f ' ''. i.a'a mii tr (innii unMa H fr eailBetr flah a4 ia lt II.. klolaaa l"tl, ar l!hcl la tea la ala I t l da M tliat r e a My II. f.iahar 4 l .f r.aa'rr fiab," M)i Hutxtl l Karro.t "t l.'Wf la mm kta In tay " a rtra aa4 by Iha unlun a4 H. pawkcra U l ! Iba fia aal 4c fialt !! iM iba Molng day of tha aaaaon I la aalaO lhal tha III ba rwnal4 rrabla ofalluna In canalbg r'vr lhaa libera iab " par a iu Ih anllr im lanar praaijti ill llkaly epaa at bc pa' dan. pruhablr Iba lallar figura Tha rail nr upllra la a aurpla lo farbrra PRICE OF PRODUCE la iba gfaayajaa. KoMh tvrilaad tlaga l higiM-r, tallla alraag. abaaa alaadf. Kaaaaa l"n bi. rauia aad abaap aliwog CbMaga - llaga, abaap airuag rallla aad bWulb OovabawJlaga ll l IM lar, rallia alaadr la alraag, tawy Iba blgbar. ALONG THE COAS T I'rlrea In Iha dreaaed meat market are liolding tUe aanie aa on Katurdar Th market ihowt aa guod a demand aa orrartn Juat now, an thera la oo In- t-liDttion to cnanga quoiaiiona. K.PKCT LiMl BTB-VBKnRIFS invlna: to Iha raina In California, ad- vlra from there eay that ahlpmenta of I wtrawberriea will oecraaae witnin in next law diya. Tim market here la aiaady at t3.2bt.t0 for la pound era tea of Jraalra and IJOetrJ.Ja for Dollara. V'.LITTLB IHTATO DKMAM) ' While ona car' of notatoea was our- rhaned hT a local ahlpoar at a country point during the paat 24 houra, tha mar ket continue. atagnant. Tha price paid $1.16 per cental for fancy atock. Kxtra ranry would prODbDiy Drlng dime above tbla. Pan rraisnac. April t Wheal allfimla club. lll; do mlllina. tlrsrlH: nortnern wheat blue- alam lOfl rluh. lottl!!a: Turner rd. ll 0lt; red Itaaalan, II lUtiry l-aefl. mnoa IO cnolra. II f f I JV. xxr tu fair, II IJOI IIH Ktf a California freah. Including raaea, eilraa. Jlc; firala, HSac; aac onda, llltr: eelact ptillata, lie. Hutler I'allfornla fraah eklraa. tlUe: flrala. :jt Cheeaa New California rata. ItHCl He: Vouna Amarira. laUwUc: Or. gn fancy, lc; do Young America, Ic; ' New Vork, Sic. t latn-e. per rental Hurhanke. .1 (fill: Karly Rom, II Ti 3 00: awaala. It It fl S.00. new polatbaa, par pound. HJltTLAND UVIiilTtai'K Mt'N. Ho. a l ain, t alt.a gbaap CHlCKei LIKELV 111 METIS TO REMAIN A SLOW CALL CANADIAN OATS MAY 1 (CONVENTIONS MUST BE IMPORTED HERE SETTLE CONTESTS ' MHHOraCTlY feff4ar (Wr4e4 He al Uk HH Ara NHaM4 U Mag Mkawll fi V-mU Ar !'(, Nil Vtm Ar raaia( IVraard. a tut ituift aa Ui:a a-V4 baa l ti. i . .a Uii l.iiif -4 IVal .a a4ai a--. -a ka laaU a i-a ii ! ika i. n pnospEcnvEJunons NOW IU OETIKQER CASE ri. ft bat mm aiaaia4 M WUM raa ta iba a (ta4 . i,a-i TuU) . . bl iMIiU , . . haluiilay . , I M.U . . . . Tbutaday , Valaaaiay It aaH ago. . il kit II I ll k II II II I II III III 1)1 llll all 111 - Fori land hog prieca ware adaaad I Imiay. palling lotat la I k .a. awaial ealra w.ra na4 al lt-a( figure during Iha day'e Irada. 1 beta waa a fair rua (or IU da, but biilaia waia gmloua rmaia, a4 looH bold rather uwlrkly. Kro Iba hcatl.r atuff aold at It. II tunag lie early part af Iba day. Tola la altbia a law fracilone of iba e.trama lop alaaahara Hun of huge for Iha day at North tortland totaled 111 bead, compared with Ike laal Thuraday. Al Clilragu tbare waa a atrong tone In I'M awina trade, with a run of ll.l head, eoinparad with It.eae a year ago. Topa aold thereat II Ibia morning Hun of hoga at leading American packing cenlara waa tuucb greater tha a a ear ago. Kanaaa (lly abewed alratiglh for hoga today witn a run or M.eee head. noulb Omaha hoaa ware ahawlng wraknaae Ihla morning. I'ricee ware off I l loc, with lope al 17.11. Hun 10 to lwaJ 1 I 1 ilog ahtppera: . J. Brown. Dakar, load. K K Walker. Iwylon, Waali., fomtror, w aan.. inlona. par rental Yellow Oregon, t load, ham Carter. lead. North lortland hog prlcea Heal medium blocker IiiiaiU n.rmiida '!(! eai i Medium light bo. tin lie. 1.J00,1waod f'?.v, oranaea. per hoi Na vela. fancy. I 'ouf " ma heavy HSflfrloo: o choice. Unonlll: do tlocera irtandard. II.MHI.H. I Cattla Market ta Oooa. While no aaiea or caitie were mad I II III i :t Mlffll. .7 ;ij i Seattle), r.farket. at North I'urtland aa high a the rcc- Hcatlle. April JO Butler Waahlng. m,,v i-rC demand. Tha market waa ton creamery Drat, :7c; California, 21 ..r-n-ni ahana and the orr.rin.a WJ-- , . were quickly anapued up. Heat aocka Kg loce ranch. I1K. 'available a..ld at 17.10 during tha t hfeaaw-Tlllarnook. lc; rream S: , morning; aevcral loada going at tlile ovp ry . nr. h'huui "'i r" latron i nrfi ' inir.llw.i7. uia gTr-e a.ek r"' """"Inga of cattle for ,the day ''n.,on, w.",J".:al" rr e" . were 110 head campared with but Zl , 2 itn prr ,on; head laal Tueaday and 111 head a year ?. : ao prlcea Tte U tittle tadtcelta ef bay a pewtaaaaal la It.e rblcbea aari duf lag the tel weak wa'La a Mattel iiuhI ef alk baa h,- raffled ltxtl balurday 4 It U weuaily Iba iau 1-m a aiall anaf kal la Ua a beak baa auriia ara carried la mh ea la bar. a ll. met da a af I be araeeal eab tbare waa ararraly aa daaMaad fa ebbkeftb. laitcy baaa afe Ultutad bl Ike a paHibd, aad lie le iie aa lAa. Mblk that la uile a fair eel tar frtte fee mt lba are rawuiag aad ll.e tt..rb.l i eaaiaally auuled at fer.ftl.M.. fiauraav A fa an. all kola ef aprlng duefcg are ermieg liial are nedieg a gwa caii, but rxH aatmgh a lock la ebuwlag to gle aa acurala iaoalu pUra ar MHttlaaUy uuot'" I Ma Ilea al it a iM....l laiu rili. ka are arrlvlba lib tb mark. I limited bruund lee le I tr rur Iba firat lime la weeka there ere auppllaa of geee offering along Iba elraat Imiay. 1 bet a la aarcaij aay aamaad for the, but pfK are IMimtnally ruallaued al 10 I lie a pound A rVoiit alrral houae eand out Iha folloaieg circular regarding Iba poul try inarkal, ,-Ai Leal re-alpta of here and large nrlng rooetara hare reached a point that fompelied m drop ta Iha price and frum lie they declined la lie. and la a few caeea aalaw were iuad Saturday at Its. 1 f eaert rbbkaua will bring from le ta le advance over lite. 11 roller aad fryer are atlll In firm demand al llll ta II per KaML or about le per pound. alive They aliould none ef ham o leae man ll ar it pounaa a Iba dn W gel In eoine that will not wetah over 11 pounda to the doien. but Ihev are too a matt.' and while wa nave eoia en eucit iniia iar. inr? win i &.w.M l. unulikU Tlnu ill frrtm 11 to I pound a are In beat demand, t'ueka ar firm at 11 llc fur old. and large oung tnune of Icaa than 1 pounda wealed at all I will bring aa much aa lie. Old geaee, lie; lie. and large young geee ehnuM bring Mtllr Old turkaya. nominal. fVir live hen lurkeya we gal nolle, but toma are pour and aell (or Iraa money. Heal dreeead t"r key will bring SlllSic. If prime. Wa look (or prlcea on poultry for thla week to b about aa outlined above." raaalaeeit lawej Grwia Der K-at TK4 OejUedai Btmtt MtU IVa e-Nj. 4 iHii4T l MamaUl klexlg U tM .arlhwew4 BUUba Daily Mixed Conditions In Waxhlngton, a I wuk 1 Va a a t fae eawedae .f K. K. Malt. UJa UaalaaWaia rtal e.n al II aiaa f ketiag eeieagb - - r- n tbe til ml U be taiaiel at atkamg ffaaa Iba etbr raeak TWa laJkliMal ckufte liiagr wng eb-Miag Mala el k W'kil frtiaeaV l"l4 HI mm. mm ba wleM ef Jeawaiy , TV e (waa te aa4l defeat aa. gn r fate lagUe, lttl. Kaa. ahiI II My farater Mieaaege wag ralaer lew favarabla. tuttf le par rat ar Iba acreage la rtall. Kkewa. (lark aad Mead gauatiae) letal ea. I prr seal la goad gad lag be l bee thla aad epollad- j-A-a-iL. at -j-xau..jLi mj.uijiiig 0VERBECK&C00KECO. WHEAT CAKOOCd riRM. aamg A krlt tl aw aaaai sak ae firm. Walla k alia for ehltrfneal Ike M. I rwiatlaa. Iba bJigtleb and fetb cvwaity barble berg bv bald Ibelr pna. Uattad rvwat leaaad kaa eVaatlle. Wktb. April Ibi4 bat 11 Iba elate raaieatkaa aaaal wl Iba rkuea eeateata a-rteaaa) h iaall aad Taft la Iba Heablaaa arty gad taw laeea taa Clara aad Waadrair Mil aa la I he I raike -a'y be teiee iaaat la aat ef Iba e-avail, b delegalaa bata wed yal baa rbataa. la kiag rauety. Iba leigeel ta the elala. Ibera will ta eaaiaetlag dalagaliaata kk bile lag prag raalt al Ua artaataa :i'zr:. ill direct private wires traaalr reavebifa beat gatwraey. Ihel TO ALL EXCHANGES kecTttlJkg reaaMMtle ef Ike taaaty ra I Hal raeaauiiea 'baaabl.kad' III d4a I Meaabeea Cbleaga Saajd ef Ttad gated aetaa Hmg aga ITafre aad I Cerraeaaageal) e Lag a a Bryeg la'frei.l Cbtoege, Vew Tett kanaa. eVeaka, eaaa, CaHMa OraU. tr. la-glf ea ad rtedg Baii4Ua ft IHJRTUANl) UltAIN RIXiarTal tare Wheal Harlay rieur Oala llay Man. Tuea. ... Tr. ago.. eaa lo date . .11.111 Vr. age .11.111 I 41 II 111 11 11 I II lilt 111 ll I reaaotiablr aafe ta ftaoaatelt will earry baoka galea aad lha be prebabl port lea ef fierce gueal galea Couallag rtpakaae a eotaa, Iteoae. kill baa II weoatealed delegedaa, ae follow: Kerry taunt y I. W ha I coat 11. W hiimaa fttlll. gpokaaa IU Tift baa II unonteet kl. ad delegalaa. aa follewe: Ct.ebaJI II, Whitman, H Taklma II, larlfM 11 rtfieea ef Wbatcani'a II detegataa will mvmm to saos Oaunrs. are win ae a aray ar mm a peaaeiKa raiMiad aa ara ala la iin u la la lb irtee af Mty aewaakarT Wtlat i h.Ua aad 111 tm King. Ma raualy Wa ak.. aaaa wi. mm wia all Hal aal f-Uclaal italeaalaa aafe beate al im gad prtav at tig par I paaaa. Iaaraaatg- aaaka la flvwa aa tbe J.C.WILS0N&C0. MtWItU SW TOIK BToca llClltll Saw toil corrwaf iicmul caiOkoo louo r tiki fa BTtrCK 1D IOID ACJIaJ(S aVAal raVAblCUbCO Mbtg OfrVeaMUl Blag, la fiaaaHew avraaeb) Offlaae Yea , gealUat, aruaad, Lae dtfaleb gag Okage, Caraaade Baeaa. roiTLAgD ernoi aVaaaa a, Uattrwu Baab Batlalag keaa i. axaaau llbta. A -41 IT. g j , a . - n j x. it v m SHORT INTERESTS READING HIT MARKET laal corporation earalaga made pae lla today abewed $lT39eVt73 fc tbe leet gaaner. Beeralar alvldead war da lared upoa both oommoa aad prafarrad aharaa. I ago. ' ai rill. ,m 1 1 1, were held New York. April 10 While lyndon waa a heavy eeller of alcel tmlay and waa weak, and lower for all American aharra. th market at home waa unite Thai there ar oaly nam In I eiocfeg f wheat remaining la the lactfle norlbweet la tbe ronrluaien of A. Coha, he well knowa local buyer, who haa ual relumed from an i tended trip hrough iha lalouee and Ulg Hand eec- tlone. "tltocka of oal are hard to find la the Interior," aay a Mr. Colin, 'and I do not believe that we will be able to get along during ine remainder of the aeaaoo without Importing a aupply from Can ada for local conaumptlon. "Wheat la alee vary ararce la the In terlor and about tha onlv alorka of Im portance in the north weat are bald 1a Whitman and Walla Walla countlee." Wheat market locally I very quiet III) no change In bide from yeeUrday. Tha aame le true rrgardlng the market for oala California eonllnuea a bidder for mlllfeeda but only a email amount of bualnea la cloaed berauaa miller eay thev hav not enough for tha home trade. MAY hl!OIlT8 VNDKil (WKR cob mi UPHELD BY COUR TmAJrsyoaTATiov tniTTdO o Washington's Public Service Commission Has Power to Control Railways. T A JLM nrxrtuu itcamciu tx Sin FmicUco and Los Angeles WITIt"UTOUitOt 1 B. B. maaa Oil. a. em. May a. ITba aa rraaeieaa raruaad-aV aV Oa, vtefeet Off kee ig Third a. rbeaee Mala tog aad A-leOdL MarkH Not Only Krgaln Krlj Loaa J bul CUmrm With an Advance. Chicago. April II. May wheat aua talned her reputation In the pit today by Bearing the aliorl until there wa another elamped U cover. While the nark at fur thai riellverv nnaned With a loaa of c for the day. It cloaed that rail connectlone with olher railroada ax rruxCTScn. tos anoelxs AXD BAH DIEOO DIIUXT nn Ficmo a. m. oo. . a. atoAjiesai aad a. a. uou un Bary Wednaadae. altamataty, at I a. av Ttcfeet af flea Til Third, Bear iUat, raeena Mata llll, Alll. MAR TIM J. WinrjCT, Pa. A real. W. tL HUJaarK. rralgbt Ageal. . COOS BAY LINE miBallT SmVlAKWATXa. Sella front Alaawaelb look, fortlaad. t a. m.. Mar I I. II. It, II aad 11; June , T It if ft mil If a-relaht eecalved at Alnawor'th dork dally op to I p. in. laaaaaaer far flret riaaa 110. aecotxl Important victory in having the conatl- j riaaa 17. Including berth and meela, tutlonallty of Iha public; eervlca rora-1 Ticket office A I na worth, dock. Phone mlaetan law upheld. The commlaalon I Main HOP. A-Tlll. (paetal ta The laaraal.1 Olympla. Wild, April II. Attorney General Tanner today eipreaeed blmlf aa entirely aatlafled with tha declalon of the aupreine court of the United Hiatea announced yeeterday In the ra-ae of the a tat a public eervlre commlaalon agaJnat Ih Oregon Railroad A Naviga tion rotnpgnr. According ta Tanner. while the raae la decided In favor of the railroad, eo far aa the epeclflo evi dence le concerned, the atate gained nn mrum better than veaterdav. Inferred wheat optiona were affected by the better crop newa that liaa come a . a mult of the ralna weat or tne NOKTH WKMT HANK HTATKMKXT ' .trou. will, offlng. of 1500 head. So wrt..Valn ...-". wUh frVclVonil Tu'l, afirtedsTc" To'weT and clod ! KaUlliaiJI Clt AT V ( IIBUU data al aa al, amIf Clearlnaa. today I1.73l.1ll.0l. tt,a Tear ago i.lb0.9S3.lo n,e y cattle vatuea held Intact with a run of 1000 head. thouah e run waa heavier than expected Ixaa today I Ralancea today Year ago Taooma Baaka. Clenrlnga today I Balance today salna a a rule. Heading waa drpreaaed and loat two polnla for the day. Owing to the heavy nlvn n.'j. In flila aeciirltw racenllv. milte re wa- no dlapoaltton lo adversely . u,rg ahort Interest la eald to have accumulated. Considerable attention la being paid today to the primary election returns from Mssssrhuaetts. I ,1 in I iiun, llt.TRT.kl Huuth Omaha cattla waa steady to beat RIPE DAXAXAfl OFFKHIXG Market la now fairly well aupplled - with ripe banana at me to 6c a oound. Anrtther train load la due to arrive here Friday. Tha demand la the . greatest known. FORECAST FOR 8HIPPKRS IzU'Jfi i; atrong with top" steers ti ll and i:s,513.5;co.., and heifera 17.60. ! Cattle shlppera: Thomaa Glover, 117.33100 Hanson, Idaho. 1 loada; !. J. Hrown. i,.-,.ini i Hakrr. 1 load; K. Claltxirne, Hanson, '. Idaho, I load; K. C. Ciuydt, Pomeruy. Jloii-y and Kxclianpe. I wn, l ia,i catti. ;aivra and hogs rt Nni-I h avibarl I a nil -gt I I I ah tirlnakal ' a T.ZU Ranee of New York prices furnished by Clverheck A Cook Co. fllglil Uw Bid Lieacrlptlor JOjien I lxndon. April so. tronnois. iB'i: fa , u,.,l v fancv ver, : S-l; bank rate, aw per cent. ' l-,..: tt,,ra Choice ateer NlW York. April 30. Kterllna ex- I I'nmiimn ateera change, long. 4.85; short, 1.17 U; silver j Feeder atenrs . nuilion, ll . I rspeynd lielfers - Fancy heifera . Ban rranciaco, jtprn .hi. nirriniK , Fancy cows Auial. t'op. Co... 3 Weather bureau sends out the follow ing notice to shippers: "Protect shipments sa far north as .Seattle arnlnat minimum temperatures ' of about 38 degrees; northeast to Spo ' Kane, 20 d-er-s: southeast to Boise, 26 lr-ere: pouth to Slsklvou. 20 degrees. Minimum temnerature at Portland to- night, about 10 degrees." ' rORTLAND. JOBBUfO TRICES. 4.83: slKht. 4. HIS I Ordlnarv cowa doc. 4.85. Transfers, telegraphic, 2 Fancy light calves exchange, 60 days, doc. 4.86 '4. Tran premium: sight, par. Xew Vork Col ton Market Onen. HIch. Low. Close. January i Medium light calves (Heavy calves t Ordinary calves . . . Common bulls Aral, yionf and BTae 1 Theae prlcea ara '.hoae at which whole- : atlera sen to reta:iera, except aa other- vte etared- ; WHEAT Nominal Producers' price. nrimlnal. tracK aenvery. cuin jl.oo; bluerlem, 11.06 red Russian 98c; Wil lamette valley. $1. BART-iO Prooiicera price llll Feed. 136.00: rolled. 131.00; brewing. noeru.tjn. MlLiLHTCaTTR- -PeIMn- price Rran. 1144 March 1151 May 1117 .Tune 1130 July 1134 August .... 1135 September... 1131 October . 1144 November. . 1149 December. .. 1 161 1152 1180 1126 1140 1140 1143 1134 1150 1150 1160 1137 1145 1107 112S 1122 1 125 11.15 1132 1147 1143 115Uil2 1168(8-59 11 24 iff 25 11!WH 1 1S8(fr40 114043 114143 U4fSa 1 16053 1169ti0 Am. c at r., r. 7.06 M 7. JO Am. an. c 7.00 do pfd .6.2506.76 Am. Cot. O. c. . 6.004 6.25 I Am. Loco., c... . I.25f 6.36 ( Am. Hugar, c... a.Zo I am. omen, c... 6.25 I do pfd 5.S0O6.0U Ana. Mining Co. I.76&8.85 I Am. Woolen, c. 8.00 1 Atchison, c .4.5096.00 do pfd.: .4.00)4.15 I H. A O. c .1.760 4.00 Beet Sugar h. nap. Transit. 6014 Safe Ilk MWI 3sl k3U 61 . ! 60 60 '4 18S 37U 37W lli116lll hut a fraction hlaher than thla. Beo- leti.ber loat a half cent at the start, I connectlone Ordered were not necessary. closing kc down. reuuircu me u. n. n. 10 maa cenain l.n.nnn llllr rTf" I llClltnC is Anunuri unir. oicMmoniro raster Washington adjaoent to Its I NEW YOIIK. IXINPONDERRT AND tracks. The supreme court, while ua-1 GLASGOW. NKW YORK. PALXnMO talnlng the right of the commission to make such orders when traffic so de manded, held that in tha case at bar the at Minneapolis with millers a Ec lb; 1911 bark, carlots 6H06c less carlo is 6 lb. Hioea Dry niuea. goe; green. Q 10c: salted hides. lOUffllle: bulls arraen salt. 8c: kips. 11c: calves, dry. lo: calf skine, ssltrd oe grean. J7- green aides, joi hc leas man aaitea: sneen $24.00; middlings. $31.00; shorts. $26.00. pelts, salted Novamber. 90o: December. OATS producers price--Nominal I si: fry. iim,cid. Track No. 1, spot delivery, while 139. TALLOW Prime, per 16.. let No. I ara V JSX.SO. I ana grcsee. jiti io. FLonn Selllnr nrlce Patent. Meats, rish aad Proeraloas. 15.10- Willamette. 15.10: local atralehf. I nBPSSEn MKAT fr,'Bt .ir..i- ' $4.50i bakers'. 4.905.10; export grades, I Tings, fancy, 10V411e; ordlnarv, 10c"; a a a j a a aa 1 rr r .,a a aaw a It M.iuwt.iv. i Heavy, vc: iancy veai, nnyi.c; or- HAT Profjncera ortca iit cron I iin.irv lltic: noor. 10c: lambs. 10c: mm- t aiiey iimoinj, ittiuj, iH.nviti oral-( ten. fc; Roais, zwnc; oetri. OKfwe, SIhaan asaekat Wolitlnev ... .z - i . i ,j. I Canadian 1'ac. c mneh lietter lhan exnerted and I V;?ni. janer, c. tlons In the North Portland yards this morning were practically on the earn basis as yesterday, Sheared wethers sold around 16.60. . .At Chicago there was a firmer tone in the mutton trade and prices hell Htiffer. Run was 18,000 head. Kansas City sheep market was firm with a run or iz.unu neaci. Hheen market was better with an al most genersl advance of 10c over yes terday. Top lambs sold st 110.10. year- Chl. & O. W.. c do Dfd. C. M. AS. P. . . Chi. & N. W., o Chen. & Ohio.. Cola F. A 1 c. Colo. South., jj. do 2d pfd. . . . do 1st pfd... Cons. Uas Corn Products, c do pfd liiiKS 18.60. weathers 17.35 and ud-on HAMS. BACON. ETC. Hams. 16U ITUe: breakfast bacon. 144f224U.e: boiled ham, 26c; picnics. 11 c;. cottage W)C. , ., LARD Tierces, i v 'ac id.; compound. tlareea 0'iC Per lb. uk A"; Paehtna: housa Rtaee Mo i nary. I13iQ14: eastern Oregon, $16,000 17: Idaho. IHOIT; mixed $11914; elo- ver,- iinm; wneat,; cneet, I11911E0; alfalfa. 112.K0O1S; oats. Ill W H. ou. - .- Batt1:. Urrs sad faaitrr : miT'l .TH Film eeeamarv n.hia anil tubs, 26c; prints, 24rJ27c: dairy. 19lstock, HHc; cows. No. 1 stock, "lo u, 20c. . lie; ewes, 10s: wethers. HHo; lambs. su n nii r "Tomiwre nric- w. I Horn joiim, iw h PnrllanI nap IK ma91f I trraHT Nominal -Rock corf. In, Ik ryuLTHi r ancy nens, ibc; Droiierg. I riounaers, ec; - nanuuv, ifw: srnpea snejceese. idik nve vounr duckn. I htm soc: cnrrisn. uaiiHC salmon. 25c: old ducks, 1518c: turkeys, alive, 1 1616c lb.: soles, 7c per lb.; ahrimpa, nomlnaL 20r21c: dressed. 25c: nlreons. I IlUe lb.: perch. 7$c; tomeod. 8c: lob- old. $1; young, $2.0002.40. I sters, 25c; herrings, 66c: blsck bass. jfitius .anaiea "extras, zic dozen: I roc; sturgeon, i ;.r auver smelt, ID.; P1BCH rati, I7C grwBtu snau, 7c; ewes 17 6) 7.85, Sheep shippers today: L. E. West, Oakland. Z loads; Hugh cunimlngs. Hal Hey, 2 loads direct to the Union Meat company. Sheep prices today: Fancy spring lambs $ 7.60 Oruinary springs lambs 7.00 Host sheared yearlings 6.76 Ordinary sheared yearlings . . 6.60 Old wethers, sheared , Kuncy ewes, sheared Ordinary ewes, sheared "Wod stock about 75c higher. ... Tuesday's Livestock Market. STEERS. Av. Lbs V. A R. Q.. c. do prd Erie, c no Zd P'a. do 1st pfd General Electric Gt. N. Ore Lands Ot. Nortn., pru. Ice Securities.. Illinois Cent... 64 Si I 64U 44HI 44 4. 1301304h 8oVt 4l 42VI 42 iosiios'ikiioii 10314 103 Vi 110 llll1 70V4 70a 83 83 263 1634 27 27 19 19 HOTk 143 794 .30 44 6.00 4.76 uncandled, 20 20c; spot buying: price, J 8c !0!4e f. o. b. Portland. CHEF8F5 Nominal: fresh Oregon fney.- full cream, triplets and daisies. 19c;j, young Americas. 20c. ' Pi-nits and Tesetatilea. POTATOES Selling price: Extra thoice. $I.51.75; choice. $1.65; ordl- roe shad. 10c; ahad roa. tOo lb.: Cdum. bla smelt f-) per bo. OTRTEKf fnoaiwarer Day, per aal- Jon f); per 100 lb. sack ( Olym pis. per gallon. $!: per iOO lb. sack. 19; canned eastern, 55c can., $6.60 dosan; eastern U shell, fi.76ffj.oo per 190: VII wivd, W--a- a-"" vtiviw, a i . u W UIUI I ataiataaaabar ti nary. $1.50 cental. Buying price, extra j r"r ?lam-- ZjT.nn.-.?f rancy vaoie siock, i-oa; ex tr4 c holce, $ 1.26 seed choice. $1.40 $1.20 OFOOOeFUaaL SUGAR Cube, $6.46; powdered. $6.15; per cental f. o. b. country shipping I fruit or berry. $6.06; beet, mJhi6j , drs point-; wests. $4.00. New potatoes. I granulated, 05;. D yellow, $6.78; Hono F orlda-itc pounaa caiirornia. 46c per 1 lu'u punwuun iiuuiai, COWS. CALVES. 27 steers 22 steers 94 steers 22 cows . 6 calves 1 calf .......... 1 calf SHEEP, 70 sheared wethera . . 173 sheared wethers . . . ' .HOGS. 90 hogs 70 hogs 18 hogs t. 77 hogs 42 hogs -..... 21 hogs .............. 1 hog 2 hogs 2 hogs 1 hog .1164 ,.1141 ..1040 .,1017 . 135 . 890 . 290 . 110 . 108 .191 .4124 . 192 . 192 . 140 .330 ..386 . 430 , 420 Price $7.10 7.40 7.10 $4.78 6.60 $6.60 6.60 $8.60 8.60 ' 8.60 8.60 8.60 8.60 7.75 7.60 7.60 7.25 65 169 41 132 .. rinnnil. VEGETABLES Turnip. $1.00 per sack; beets $l.o0 sack: carrots. $1 1.25; cabbage," l.004.00. Mexican- tomatoes. .4 T E ' Ka.M. 1 Jk IK rr- . I 30o dos. bunches-.uepperu. bell. 25c lb.; una iriiuit. ij '(p: crate: notuouae 11.00 box:. -radishes. 17Uc doz. bunches- celerj". $6 crate; egg plant, 80c lb; peas. loc; cauuriower. local. 11.26 per aox,; aaperaeTiB. oir-'fli.zo per doten hunches: Walla Walla. $1.26 box; Cali fornia faccy, 12.25; spinach. 60c 011.01 box. - ' ONIONS Jobbinr prlca. Oregon: Tel tow. No. 1, $4. 00; No. 2, $3.002.2S; red, $2.50. New -rop, le lb.; garlic, 7tt08c FRF.S1I FRIITS Orange;. i.. S 00: bananas. 40 6e lb.; lemons, $4.50!l 00; llraea. case; grapefruit, 1161 . t1.60: pineapple, le Ib.l aranbar nea. $9:' strawberries. Florin, $2.26 S.25 per It lb. crate; Los Angeles, $1.75 per 7 S lb crate. . APPLFt $1.76I. Ffi, kainot a. a xe-T, HOP Prodncera- prrce H eena, le;- 1IX contracts, 26c; 1911 and 4114. 17c. - ' ' -' -. . - - WOOT t-rfutireer rre Nmla,L U; Wlllametta valley, 16011c; aast m Oregon. 11 !. -MOHIIR-U.191X J4CJ5HC according to l'lMtr, , i ' CHITTIM-OR CA r ARA BARK j llll nominal, carlo! a llc, leas carlota leas. (Above quota tiona ara 30 daya net CRICE Japan style. Na'l.'iueite: No. 2. 4 He; New Orleane head, 6?. 7c; Creo1e.-6Ue. . ; . ' . HALT c oerse. nair aronnas 'ubb b.5 - an. ta nn- tahla italev sn i. 110a. llV. bales.' $2.20; extra fine barrels, fa. 5s and 10a, $401.; lump rock. $20 60 per ton. - BEANS Small white. $4.90; large white. $4.88: pink. $4.26: bayou. $4.71; Llmas $7; reda $.. HONE" Nw. - 7 ner eaaa, Palata. Ooa on. Xto. LINSEKO OIL Baw. bbls SOc gaL; kettle boi led. bbk, 82c; raw. In cases, 85c; boiled. In cases. 87c; gai. lota af 150 gailona, le leaa; on cake meat, 144 r :r ton.- - WHITE USA1 Ton Iota. e oar ffc2 too. lb. lota. 8c par lb.; leas lota. He par id. 1 '1 ROPE Manila. IHe: alaal'lHe. ' . OA SOLI N B Red crown aad oietoe. 11022c gallon; 86 graaolina, 2I0IIH gallow; V. M. A P, oapbtha. 111IH gallon. .- .- . TERPENTINE In eaaea. Tie: araod barrel a. 70 He: Iron barrela, lie par rat ios i ease loia.yuo. , RF.NZl.NE r Itrrma. eaaea tlUn gallon; Iron bb!a 21Hc pet gallon. COAL OIL Caeea: pearl. lIHe; Star, JHPer gallon; water white, balk. 90 ll He per gaHon; special water white, II01IO, OMAHA SHEEP HIGHER 5.256.50 I inter. Harvester. 1IIICI. -iTICI., ...... do ma.. ...... Lehigh Valley... Louis. & Nash. . Mex. Nat., 2d. . . M. S. P. A 8.8. M Al., K. A T., C. . do Pfd Mo. Pacific National Lead Nevada Cons. . . . N. Y. Central . . . tt. Y.. O. AW.,. $8.50 I North American. 6.80 North, pac., e. . . Pac. M. S. S. Co.. Pa. Railway P. Ql. L. A C. Co. P. Steel Car, c... rt n nfri ........ Reading, c...... 177 do zd pia... ... . ivu . do 1st ofd. . . . Rep. I. & B; c do Dfd Rock Island, o... do nrd. S. 1. 8. F. 1 Pfd St 1, X, S W. : e. South. Pac, c... 113 i S0Hth..,Ry., c... 28 Texas & i'acuic. T.,6. L. A W.i c Union Pacific, c 23 37 Vi 66 169H m Tdtnalia UmcIi 81(1 til In Ml. .,.- I IT. 8. Rubber, C. -" "- fU. S. Steel Co.. c I'Mraci. , 1 Utah Copper. south Omaha, April 30. Cattle 6200; I Vir. Chera.; market ateadv to stronir- ateera t7 cnif I Wabash, c. 8.25; cows and heifers, $5.60 7.60 W. U. Telegraph . Hogs 9000; market 6c and 10c lower j Westlnghouse El at iy.du v.d, . .. . wis, uentrat,' c tsneep ao; marKet steady to strong. ferniiug", aa.ivua.ov; weiners, ft.iiiii 65; lambs. $9.60 16.10; ewes, 7.00 l.oa. ' CHICAGO SHEEP STRONG Hogg 44 68 21 120 118 178 101 24 81 29 67 eo 113 Z9 174 80 71 63 52 8 79 59 44 144 115 19 67 169 159 30 140 29 19 18 'I he raah situation wss reiorted strong good buyers. leans, of Chicago pricea furnished by Overbeck A Cooke Co. WHEAT. Open. High. Uw. Close. May 11 ! Ilk nz4 Ufa July .... Ill 112 liml 111 Sept 108 109 107 108 CORN. Msy 79 80 79 80 Julv .... 76 78- 77 78 Sept. .... 76 74 76 76 OATS. Mir 56 67 56 66 July .... 54 64 .68 63 A Kept 44 45 44 V. 44 A PORK. Mv 1925 1937 1910 1917 July ....I960 1970 1940 1947 Sept 1966 1986 1955 1970 LARD. May ....1092 1091 1080 1085 July 1H'2 1110 1100 1102 Sept 1126 1132 1117 1122 RIBS. - ..1010 1020 1010 1015 ..1037 1040 1030 1037 ...1067 1063 1067. 1057 .77 77 14 172 6 71 63 67 8 Total sales. 655,300 shares. Atchison ex dlv, 1-per cent. Call money, 2 per cent. 80 28 78 n 3U May July Sept. 31 COUNTIES INDORSE INDUSTRIAL FAIR IDEA Oregon Agricultural College, Corv.l lls, April 30. Preparations for the chil dren's industrial falra throughout the state are going on rapidly, according to the report made by O, -C. Thomaaon, traveling extension organiser of the Oregon Agricultural college. The plans have been completed In 81 or the 34 counties In Oregon, and the Other three isolated counties will be heard from in a very short time. Mr. Thomason, In his travels in March, addressed 6000 people in different localities and sent 3495 pieces of literature. In February ha spoke to 7600 people, and Bent 2000 lctjrers, all relating to extension work. Two counties, Curry and Coos, have planned to cooperate in the fate work by joining forces. Douglas county will hold separate fairs In different sections of the county, beside entering In the regular county and state fairs. The Chemawa Indian school and Oregon State Training school have, started the industrial fair movement Ministers in 960 churches have been asked to preach sermons on the subject. KAVANAUGH'S DECISION REVERSES CONDITIONS By the decision yesterday of Presid ing judge Kavanaugh of the circuit court, the purchaser of lsnd upon a special warranty deed, which later proven there was no land or the money paid under a mistake of facts, the. pur chaser can recover his money. This was the ruling in the case ef John Jons against William Reldt. The latter sold a fractional part of a lot to Joos for $86. "It later developed that there was no such fractional lot. Joos started suit through his attorneys, Woerndle A liaas. to recover the money paid. The rule has been that a person could sell whatever title he held In the land by giving a special warranty deed. In such a case no title could be given, the AND NAPLES. Attractive rat fa for ticket a between New York and all Scotch. Engllah, Irtih, Con tinental and Mediterranean polnla. Bw parlor AaeaauaedaUaaa, Baealleat OaU i else, Bf fLoJeat garvlo. Apply Braatptly for itaaarratloa to local agent of Anchor Una or HENDERSON BROS, Oenaral A (ant a. Chicago, 111. Dorsey B. Smith OaBsral fteamahrp Agent, AXXi XVTjrZ$3 AX2. COTOTBrif Experienced Information about Travel 9 nm ST.,- POBTX.AVD. OBXOOV rnone Marshall l7t: a-llll. COLUMBIA RIVER ROUTE O.-W. R. A N. steamer "Tisrvait Queen" leavea Portland, Ash Street dock, dally except Saturday at I p. m., arriv ing Astoria 4:10 a., m.. connecting with str. Nshcotta for Megler and all North Beach polnta Returning leavea Astoria at 6:10 am.. arriving Portland p. m. Call at city tlcget oirice. an and Washington sts.. or Ash street dock. Trade Takes Hold Eager; and Cattle Holding. Chicago, April 30. Run: IIogs,I9000; xaffl. SHAH' ahUon 1 B AAA . ' Hogs, strong; lefi over, 6300; receipts a year aa-o jz.vvv. i ixeo, lt.40ifS.QQ; roujn, uini, i.tuCT l.yu. ; Cattle Strong. Sheep Strong. . . . . , IMETZGER GETS POOL OF no HAIR KANSAS CITV LIVESTOCK r Kansas City. - April - 10. Hoai ceipca. it.oou: maraer, strong. auie Keceipta vooo; market strong., PheenRecelDts. - 12.009: . market atrong. ., .- . .,.,:,.. !. , ..,SL . ,'Th . Hillsboro .mohair pool -wa- sold this afternoon to Her- a a man Metigeri of this city at a a 14c per poulid. The offerings . 4 mciudta aooui ooo pounda. - a d .- - i - 1 - -t- d GAWLEY ARRESTED ON CHARGE OF POLYGAMY James E. Gawley, of 1080 East drant street who was arrested last night by Patrolmen Gustafson and Wylte, on a charge of polygamy, and held under 1600 bonds thla morning,- waived exam ination before Judge Taawell and waa bound over to appear before the grand ury. When the patrolmen went to his home last night to make the arrest he attempted to hide in the basement of a neighbor's home but? was found there and taken to police headquarters. He explained that he feared he would not be able -to raise the necessary bonda last night for his release and would be held In Jail over night H denies the charges against him and claims that ha anticipated they would b made. rllS Bank is desirous of getting. acquainted with the man who saves his money against the day of need and opportunity. It is our business and our pleasure to help him with our advice and our facilities. Under Government Supervision. Founded in 1886. ' Now at Washington and Fourth Streets. ' r Other Boata Await Ordera. San Diego, Cat, April 30. The tor pedo destroyers Preble and Perry, which left Sunday,, are In Magdalen Bay to day, according to unofficial reports here. The remainder of tbe' torpedo flotilla is hourly expecting orders to Steam to sea. Where the vessels ara to be sent no ona In authority will aay. . I' y" 'J-wr V--saJf . mi -' Mrs. Hazzard Contlnncg Fast, -v-Seattle, April 30 Dr. IJnd, BurOeld Hazzard, the fast specialist, today com pleted the fifth week of her faat. She seems to be In good health and proposes to aontlnue the fast for 14 days longer. Her weight has dropped from 131 pounds to 167. ..r . 1 - ESTABLISHED 1859 j: ???ii,ooo,ooaoo SiiiplusandUnfJividecl ProfiU $860,000.00 COMMERCIAL AND SAVINGS ACCOUNTS Letters of credit, drafts and travelers checks Issued, available in all parts of the world v Cor net Thif id an3 Wathington S I r e e t FIRST NATIONAL BANK " , '-f - - '- CAPITAL $1,500,000 . . ' ! SURPLUS - $850,000 OLDEST NATIONAL BANK WEST OF, THE v ROCKY MOUNTAINS v: 7 v.