THi: 01:1X0!. DAILY JOUKHAL. rOUTLANI). TUESDAY UVKNIKO. AT'KIL S3,' iSJL i: VANCOUVER TAKES iME LA I FIRST M S Crown's Beaver Gather Fast Came Off East ley In the Ninth Frame. - ' : vkNi.r. mi c. Aixrti ft.e-.rt r Jt4 (kail klf ftll (ltM mi IM 104 arj4e iLey ''" ee-4 ware tear Itit r t two a ft. ta fee. a4 llvelr tr tf i it i ' e4 l!,- r I !l e4 lb (joorg tUtgt a.4 Ik Hit ff le teraie. ttv.o U.Jftg oal Ivt.l (o IM tadl" lilt ! ittb tenia-. k. V 114 Ik mki 4 rtaaJ't waa ia lb eialb. . ffc l'4ie 4 la IM fil. mw) a4 imii iMt mi n imi ru H14 rwilaM to. Tk. ! ! aal ia im ftrei Ujav iui k fa44 Tonwifc, wee Ml herd eJ toe U1U4 r e.4 14 TOSSETIS ARE OUT IM allld fvf lb trU Ja lU biaib wit iwa do a, IM lx rL rh4 IN wiMbla) ,Te ; ivr.Ti.AHn. ah it ii tn a (-., Knee. if. lb 4 4 I t lUifla. r 1(11! klbUe, 2b I I rultrln. a (lit Tunrtoa. a I 1 p I 1 ad. n. ii m a U4.f. b I , laaO. f I f J 4 Vi. tt i 4 I i Miall. If. 4 Cefvin latest to Feel Wand of League Baseball Dir. ectors. 1TI ME OREGOri ATHLETES BATTLE TONIGHT OFF TO CALIFORNIA VALKER BEATS TVO MULTnOIVIAHGRAPS Winner May Be Possible Chal fencer for Ad Wolcast's r.tie. fUifb rVlrta, OO of Jeff KUWft. Va b Mrr4 froaa Uttag ta IM airabol.titf tbi la for im rwi of ibl i Tm r ff 4Uln. II I vav4U U l beaft!. C4l I IM (Vert l I M av44 Ikte Ml ('i im lkl f M four play-. niiuii m4 im wimt firti ToUU II t VANCOUVER All R II m r.u. ir i i Hmmii, ft Hraar. lb,. 4 i.h. if. 4 Kirvtu ef 4 JtfflM, b. iro . . Knti. p.. TMI . I I I I I 4 t l 4 I IT 4 II II U t To out wtM 4nnlnf rua wcorA. uctmr. BT INKINU. VaiiMum I Portland 1MIIIM I St'MMAIir. Runa CtlM baoncll, am, Ila, Maor. Marti a.J Kibhl ttlolan tiaaaa Krlra. hacr fir lill Hrwo. Iim. Klbbla. To Kaa hlta Hr. afirr 1. tnl. Ll. Tonmon. ! 1111, lnnlm j.llrhl TOIirOB ,i ran I, hlla 4. Kaallry 4. Mina 1. hit . Ia on itiii 'uii r.npiw . " ....... on 1. off rjtailar J firurb on t H r ko l a, bjr Tunnaaoa 1. L'mpir Morati. lb MM1 fea4r4 blr TI IUimmi Maala af Ih INxiUtt a-4 ar . falrar rlawo af IM lJ cta bi t.l aiaa aa Cbtxata llr af M iVIuniMa KBI vai r nta4 Ilaa4 Kaa l4 fr la cMm! alfeUlk. abll 'UM barf4 a arrant at af fraiial play lag aa4 alaalca Mmaa f Ma Mr ! a aa ca clt f I aoa aa alii M fall lar )aa aay alba bca h Iba avttoM C lb Uarola laajav MaaUa aMvar al lr aa lb . A. laam abM lb Iefll4 a ffl 4al llaywwKT plc ea IM (a4u abi irm la takaa by f hiaa. blla Will Irvla rll fill Col via ba al Jaffaraee - Irvlaa. li la aaia, ulJ b appolalaJ fit al raleMr later la lha aaaaoa, but aaw Ka alii lump laia Thuraiar gam b4aaa JaffMaoa aa4 Ulacoja. Irvlu Ka m uffriBg from a b4 lg. btjl 11 alll b la fin abapa bp Tbar4air aflvraaoft llroa'a plar aa lb Uarala lnj III M nil4 tt aa af Iba folloalng Ptrr: Hllf. Tbauhar ar aVbula. TbatrMr (a4a lb bl cfeaaea af ting t.ia poaiiioa. ll la aak IMI arvrral tbr plrr ar uDalr lb jra of lb laagu tf racltra for plrng atiuld Mil and nay M aapad4 if tby ar found out. ( a Ira rain ltiirtfrca Ihla aflarnoon Ih iMrtland aradamy and lllll ktllltary aradfmy alnag will nlay tbalr poal aonad gamaa. TM gain atartaj tail rtldy but wm alepfvad la lha third Inning en account af rain. Ho(h laaaia alll put lha aajn Una up la lb fl14 Ihla afiamooa with ona arapllon. Junaa, lha third baarman of Ih lllll tram, will do out of tha gam ItVaHal to Tb laaraal I e baataMa, ApU Wllb Jack hriliaa aim f tiling i II I I faa1t, bath t-al M, b bairr. aa4 tUlllaa. Iba Cbloag light a-aJgbl. darlrd Umcl fin taajr far lb.l f rauad Waal laalgbL Oa tag a ItlMaa. Jack MI will ba Mbi ta r'wM im eoauai aa aca4 uImI. aa4 tOdl Itaajwa. IM rcna bi, ba few 4gra4 aaoa aa lb ibutf Mn la ib nag Tb fight Will M Mr'a O'hitl f a ura rrawd. If ba wuu ia algal ba will ba lb ia far good mairbaa. If KlMo plaa M will laau a cbaltaaga la rhamplon Ad Walgaal Ta prailialMriaa will pratad Ih gaala vl KUui la Hwt lMlloa Agai. Il'allo INaat laaarl Wt t Kaw Yoia. April 14, bana bar laday ar lovblng forward ta lbra mtdata alghl Iwiiu lo b bald bar during- lb k. Tb chlaf Inlaraal rantara la lb bout bala-aen rranh Klau aad Jack IMJIoa. Iba Utlar of wha clalata b waa rvbbad In hla rcni Id round bout lib XUua la tun rrpanaoa. Mob Muha aad WcKlnaon wlU nil tonight. Tb tblrd bou a III ba a "aoiaabaek affair batwava Billy l-gpha ad UiUy Ijaitch. formar pollorman and maiaur champion. l-'IU lo Trfb Carl lorrU. it'altad frM I at Wlra I New York. Ainl I That Carl 14or- rl. lha glanl Oklahoma beitr, I to ba lakrQ in hand by Bob Fltaaimmoa and mad Into a rral ahU hop I an nounrrd har today. Morrl la lrtmg and allllng. abl to taka any amount af punlahment. and ran hit hard when ba ran bit at all. Kipart arciar thai if Ijinky Boh" ran teach Monia aore of ih clevarneva that made th Cor- ulahtnan ao formldabl It year ago, Morrl may yrt b an opponent for Jack Johnann. Haywartfa Quintet Expected to Vancouver Wins Every Wrest- Make Good Showing at Berkeley. ling Bout In Canadian Mat Championships OREGON TO MEET THE AGGIES IN CORVALUS IVparlal tw Ta txaaraatl L'nlverally of Oregon. Kugrn. Or., April 14. Th ftrat ball game between O. A. C. and orrgon wll l played at Coryallla or Kugen a waa originally planned. Manager Oeary maale arrangement for,th game to Lx on.grcoum of a aore ankl. Wlaiaion will tab hla plar. I Kr Th game will alart at J o clock. Will lilrr VIerlrr (lianrr. (failed Pnaae lain! W Ira I fan rranriaco. April 10. I'realilent Baum of th t'oaat league branded thla afternoon absolutely fala a report from Lo Angele that he had decided lo dlepne with Umpire Urorg Wheeler. "I ronaldrr Wherlrr a good umpire. aald Baum. "and evrn If 1 did not think ao 1 would not get rid of him before giving film a fair trial. I have received no complaint from anyone regarding Wheeler' work, which I conalder good played on th Kugen campu Thursday when you flgur th ahort time he hi and Friday. However, on aocount or been working. I hav received bo word mlllUry Inapacllon. It wa found nec- whatever from Henry Malrr of Vernon, enaary to ahlfl th arene or th) gam to. nor hla pronal representative, Happy Corvallla. The dale waa changed to liogan, who waa her all laat week and i rlday and Saturday. .who aald nothing: to n about Wheeler. Th continued rain have made prao- f - tloa Impoaalbl on th Oregon diamond, i 'the battrrle a gym" but other a long rial. n aquad JwiXl make the Corvallla trla that maa I lie rrornti trip io nairiii The ar Captain Jnmlaoii. I'eet. and Welch, pltchejra; Cobb and itotachen-. bHClier, catcher; Kenton, flrot br; , Newland. second baac; Hoberta, short- j stop: Annuaacn. third baae, Chandler. left field; Mount. cnttT rlrld and Bar bur. right field. !;Sr.' ATHLETES ' BACK FROM BERKELEY Krne After Carivrnter. H'aM rraaa Laiaal Wlre.1 New York. April 14 Frank Crn. formrr lightweight puglllat I on hi way in France today, wher In Paris h will try lo Induce Oeorg ("arpentler. the aensatlonal French middleweight champion, tojeome to th I'nlted Htatea and meet soma of the present crop of mlddlewelgbts. Krne started Carpentler on hi" career, ana reels sure mat n will be able to Indue th champion to return with him. Johnaon Is Klnrrrr. It'allad Prra. law! Wlra. I Milwaukee, April 10. That Jack John son declaration that ha win retire from th ring Heptrmber 1 I no fake waa given added force her yesterday when Johnson told T. 8. Andrews, th American representative or Hugh Mo Intoeh. that he would not accept Mcin tosh' rffer of ftO.OOO for a champion- ahlp battle with 8am Langford In Aus tralia within aiz months. Andrews re ceived today a table from Mcintosh and at once telephoned Johnapn, who flatly refused to consider the match. BATTING AVERAGES Portland's high school athletes who .took part In the sacond annus) Pacific Coast Interscholastic track and field I meet laat weak at Berkeley, Cat., re- ! turned home yesterday afternoon and rnn TUC CCDICP . wer greeted at me depot oy me waali run inc. Ot-lllUO Ington high achool band. I Coach Veatch of th Washington hlg 4 : scliool expressed hlmaelf an perfcctl i i aatlsfled with the Waahlngton squad' I Hhowlng and predicts that his nun wll tf win tha Interst'holustic meet, which will 4jb held at Ofegon at the junior week 'end. 4 Oolts Ona Oust. Ab. Jl. I. C. Menaor 4 o .voo 4 Hpeaa U U OitO 4 Fries S 1 .200 Strait 4 0 .000 Williams 4 1 .250 4 Harris 4 1 .I'fiu 4 Kibble 2 .000 4 t'oltrln 4 : .Soo 4 Tonneson ...... 3 1 .S33 4 Eaatley 1 1 .000 .13 7 .212 4,t . a Amateur Baseball j 4 4 4 4 44444 4 4 4 4 4 4 Ilain at Kokanr Spokane, Wash., April 30. Yester day's gam between the locals and th Taooma Tigers waa postponed on ac count of rain. Dallas, Or.. April 30 The local high achool team defeated the Sheridan team last Saturday by the score of 11 to 1 Barhani struck out 18 of the Sheridan batters and allowed but three hits. This makes three straight victories for the local team. The line-up of the Dallas team Is He no k, catcher; Barham. pitcher; Onrd ner, first base; Boydston, second base Woods, shortstop; Htestand, third base Cadle. left field; Matheny, center field and Campbell, sight field. Th Brooklyn Grays defeated the Orenco team Sunday by the acore of to 3. The Grays would like to arrange a g-am for next Sunday. For a frail ff ments telephone H. J. Sherrett, East 234 or write 264 East Sixteenth street. How Long Could You Stand walking up to the top of a twenty story buUding once t day? Not many days. Rich, heavy, black Havana cigars have the same depressing effect on your heart a3 that exertion;. Be sensible when you smoke. A light, domestic cigar will give you the pleasure of the Havana without its dangers. The Beeehersr averaging- 14 years old, defeated the Highland Tigers Sunday by the gcore of I to 2. The came was featured by heavy hitting- on the part of LiOdell. and Brady of the Beechera and Anderson of the Tigers. The Beechers would like to hear from other team averaging 1 years of age, Tor games telephone Duke, Wood lawn 1028, ' or writ "Happy" Brady, 795 Minnesota avenue. . The Jonesmore baseball team would like to arrange Sunday games with am ateur teams, local or out of town. H. R, Thompson, Tabor 1340, Is the manager. The Country club team defeated the Hop Gold team Sunday by the score of 13 tO'12 in an 11 , inning game. Tho Country club team would like to ar range other games. Telephone BUI Dodd, Tabor 63. . Arthur Cigar 10c and 3 for 25c Mild M. A. Qunst VCo- Inc. The Baltimore Dairy Lunch team desires game with any fast nut of town teams for .May 6, .Way. 30 and June Zi. For games write Reuben Ka aofsky, manager, care Pioneer Station' er company, Buchanan building,' Port land, or phone Marshall 4871, . ' . - . Orunmar School Games. Tha game between the Holms a and Shaver teams of. th Grammar School league was . postponed on account of rain. . The two' teams will If&ely play this afternoon.-, - ;; . The Ladd and Lents teams will play Thursday -afternoon, probably on 'the Jefferson -High school field. ; Jess Dmj Challenge. paial to Tb Journal. Marshfleld. Or.. April SO. Jess Day. the local prise fighter who has offered a challenge to anyone in the unites states of his own weight, has arranged for two fights to be held In this county next month. On May 11 he will fight Frank Street of Chehalls. Wash. It will he a 20 round bout and will be held In Marshfleld. This Is the first time that May and Street have met. On May 26 at Bandon. Day will fight Billy Mc Kaddrn of Vancouver. B. C. In a 10 round bout. Day has also signed up to go to Klamath Falls June 16 and fight Jack Linkenbach of that place. Later In th summer Day expects to go to California to fight some of his own class lrt that state. laWojl ta TVa aWaaU I VBtVrlir of tJtaavM. ., lit April l Aaaraia4 by Trauuf ll.y (, fit t BlTvfallv ( alb latao t.rt tiuf. ikU afi.twoo far tbl.y, ei mm tk.y will Ufc tn ia lb A II '! baoat. lUabiaa. McCluro. llvggtM. KoJL aa4 Jaaa a aaaaiaat lb wtp. Tb aaaw will agalMl aibUlaa froaa lb talor of Coiifotal. Wsakiagloa aad ka. vaaa. wabiagt biat coU.g. bt farw liaivriiy, a4 ih. Uaitvtaal of ouiMm Coiifotata. Hbii lb tiull bwaabor af ib trgo) Irorb la an sal Vie lory etaaeel lakMaaaiU. II ta saw erally biiov4 IMI ib Utga ma will glv soo aavowal of IbaanMlvoo, llawkiaa will m ptiiott agaiaat i a4 krtlm af Catiforaia. Haa.i falo4 lUoklM laai eer la 14 1-4. Howavar, b ba a not bo ruaniag lb. burdl. Ihla caoa la forta. du lo la Jurtoa. Ilia item mat Kd MrClla. Iboagb. suaal 14 I In Utrawtl Blabford Cailforal aaawl. llawktM wm er4 Hod wltb lb world roeord llano of 161 BatMrtfay la IM Ottgoo-Muliaonvab raoot, MeOlaa and llaokIM both hav boen crdital with 21-1 in th low fcurd lo. Tw Mm U PUiaa.a. blcClur aiod lltigglna will com Ml a in lb dlBtaaee for Oregon, MrOure will probably lk care ef lb mil and tha half, whll th two mil will M left lo lluggtna The sou (hern eollegt bar itaral iwo tvong dlctaac ma far lb aoll in Woo.1. th California ronn.r, and Murray of Ml an ford la Iba at Hiaa ford-Calif mki moat lb mil wnl lo Fletcher of Stanford In ! I t. Murray and Wood prood hlra r local y sad mad Iba dlalanr under 4 II. McCtur mad th mil laat hat- urday In Ih Msltaomah maot In lha fast time ef 4:17, whll lluggins eov rod tb dlstanr. on the alow Columbia Indoor dirt track In 4.11 1-6. Nell la picked aa a 1 moat a euro w I n n r In Ih javelin throw. H ba won flr.t place in thla event In vry mart la hlch he haa rompetad. and la now holder of the eoaat collegia! rcord of 67 feet. John ha been rounding Into shape rath.r slowly Ihla aeaaort In Ih quarter. However, If h I right for Ih Berkeley meat he should b hl to he gotlat the distance In about 60. 1-6. OoatBoi la Otk.r Bv.sta Bealdes Ihes rntrlra Hayward wilt probably start Johns In th hundred and th furlong. Nell will enter th weight events and Hawkins will com pel in th juith- It Is difficult to measure the ability of lluggins In th two mil event. First plac her I generally conceded to Karl Crabb of California, who now ho Ida the record of 4:65 S-S. lluggins, however, haa a fair chance to snnex second place In thla event. The team will work out on the Cali fornia oval Thursday and Friday In order to gat familiar with the differ ent conditions. The hurdlers and sprint ers especially will have to get used to the sharp turns on the six lap track at Berkeley. After the, meet they will re. turn Immediately to Eugene In order to get into. shape for the Oregon -O. A. C. dual meet which is to b pulled off on tho 10th. Wnder-the leadership of Captain Boy len tha Freshmen team will meet th Eugene High school team In a dual meet Saturday. The High achool has an unusually strong team this season and should give a good race to the freshmen for first honors. ifoMad fVaa laaaad Worn I Vaacaaiai, It C. A"l Aft IM g (( wtiUoj Mole sg 4 al le1 lijal. graooler war lag M oim4 -V f Ika VtMu,f AlkUtko tlwb ar4 IM TakUltt lilt ia ary ! al lb big b Ual aigbt Tb 4-tggaal wrrtM af Im a.iag mhmm taMg Walker wwa lb CaMaHe bralbl IHI froati ll049vvi ef IM btyllaniaiMib A. C Of ttl4 Uaaa M4 brvaiMaly wrMU4 UoaMg bl4 aitay. aloo of im Moa Clly, r in u4lwoigbl baa. or, iwilng fi.r Ka4 luaai lunmiaii. Ill Muod rlsM Itaa Ifwiborlaavl. V. A. . oa fruot W M,iaat, V A. C. Flaal-Iu HillbaXaaJ. V A C wo ay dafaull freui J, Millar of Torn arte 114 pound cUaa I tlaar Tbuanioua. V. A. C. waa front ClaroaM'o Italeb, V. A. C llarrr lUUb, V A. C. dafaalod rrad hkrhareaon Vlclatla FimI Harry Haleh. V. A. C ! 'mImI M. Thwopaaa, V. A. (. 114 pound claao Jameo Wblla, aw. allachod. woa frn W WrigbL tinai UrhaU. -yd Smilb V A. C. d.faailad ' W. Matin. V. A I Jark Talt. J. Ii. A A. woa from J. W. Wblla. unattached ftaml VlnaJ red Hrnllh, V. A. C. woa from J. TalL J. a A. A. Final -Krod rtmllh. V. A. C dfal4 JaiBM Whll, UMIUchad .146 pound rtaaa Al ItaUh. V. A. C, won from Norm a a (Joarta. HMllofeod. Frod Umllh. V. A.' C. da fa tad Tora Hop. llralalcka Y. M. C A. Final At lUlch. V. A. I' tfafoalo4 FTod Mmllh. V. A. C Mlddlawalght Uoorg Mc4'rthr. Multnomab A C. won from Al Hatch, V. A. C. Final Ja-irf. Walker. V. A. C.. won from George McCarthy, Multnomah A C lloavywelaht ioorg Walker V. A. C, def-alad Mai Martin, V. A. C. Final George Walk.r. V. A. C de feated N lavlaoourt. Multnomab A. C m id m - HERE FOR BATTLE Vemon Leader Say. He Will Duplicate Work of Other Leaders. Harr Hea I Hb T o 14. rMtbl II, IM aoaa 44) ' M a MW I a af aafc lilow la. Ibl awaaiag IM Ia4 of bi M-o (Moar a4 aorlaroe be will 4. latOI IM f bl lIMlarcaMli Moblar aod faro. I. a, via IM aorta frees IM tUaaora I la ft f lo a full bar Ijt ! .li'f.a !,. v M b g-4 11 l-v. l.l a. 4 a . liO M ba.4) aaatl '. ..I at a . 44 to aaaa. I' I . I t..l Itie g-aaawr, Mr aaao t a.4 a 1 1 f 4 Ia) I aa 6.1 I Uul U ' will rwa4 Mr i wtu4 I ba-OO IM Mllt t fomt IVr a a tatealUHr a oaaaa waiMe ttb I, foil wiaM o la. wi... woe afa4 ao4 IMI t ok, a 4ivt- I mm Ma t gaaao. to lb t-eie , hi Mlto atao. Will aaaa p f,r U. Mf aa Ike iaaaoa I voo,'" Jooata IM f4 ltl V la4 I fat ta ia roar kiatiw Mroat m i k toe lag a tiff Orro ge It ia wb Mral fcaauair Oa4ay IMI la ioyod battio I jt a bwr. tl lag IMI M Ma Ml la um otam . I lalak IMI oar Ma ba goat ie mM II elfMa." aa.14 Me. 'J (roe aww oo a fell bia to Jiaa tly IM Foairlb of Jttly I Ml I ill M oo i egaia, a4 If a M lUa o JU MVf b. of orJ. a a btartb auoa MlN I fcoeooa. " -Jeal 141 aoy o!4 friaoal IMI w Jaaraal Waal A4a brta rooolt. TweotJ-flre la Climb, I'aaadena. Cal., April Jo Twenty- five conlestanla will ronipela In th fifth annual Mount W II eon hill climb tomor row The i our 7.71 mile long, nearly two third of a nil la longer than laat year. Nearly every prominent long dlatanc runner In the enuth Is entered, bealdre aaveral from lha east. Two of the contestant are over 70 year old. A Five-Cent Delight A whole lot of people hav an Idea that all 6c clgara ar alike. If you want to find on that' different, buy a Ham Hloan " The Perforated Hone Comes to Portland Journal Want Ada bring results. It's the bluest shaving aid a a a . a . O man ever had. it solves tne problem of easy shaving. Makes it possible for YOU to hone your own razor as easily and quickly as the best barber. "ITS ALL IN THE HOLES Those perforations in the hone absolutely prevent wire edge. Thousands of enthusiastic users. It means shaving comfort for the rest of your life. See the demonstrations at Wood ard, Clarke Si Co.'s window. Bring your razor and have it honed without charge. Take a Perforated Hone with you and try it t month FREE. - The Perforated Hone telU for $1.00 at the best, drug and hardware stores, or by mail, postpaid, on re ceipt of price, from The Perforated Done Co. Portland Branch Phoenix Building Portland, Oregon n " Hayes Heats Brock. Youngstown. Ohio, April 30, Grov er Hayes of (lumbus, although no de cision was rendered, is admitted herd today to have clearly proved his su periority over Phil Brock of Cleveland In their bout here. Hayes won at out fighting and easily outgeneraled Brock all the way. MRS. R. KOEHLER WILL PLAY MRS. PETER KERR Mrs. Peter Kerr and Mrs. R. Koehler will meet tomorrow In the finals of the ladles' golf competition on the Wavrly golf grounds. Mrs. Kerr and Mrs. Koehler were winners in the semi-final round yesterday afternoon.' Mrs. Kerr defeated Miss Lewis 3 up and 2 to play, while Mrs. Koehler won her match ovr Mrs. .J. J. Morrow 4 up and 3 to play. Both games in the semi final round Were interesting. No Footballs Duty Free. Stanford University, Cal., April 30. President Jordan has lost his fight to have a shipment of footballs from Eu rope brought In duty free. Collector Stratton held they were not part of th university's educational equipment and the treasury department sustained him. VENICE WOMAN IS ONLY ONE TO BOWL 300 SCORE t 4 ! (United Pre. Leaaed Wire.) a Venice, Cel., April 30. The $ only woman west of the Missis- 4 slppl who ever howled a perfect. tenpln score. 300, Mrs. George 4 Watklns, ts being showered with 4) congratulations today. By 4 throwing 12 successive strike 4 balls on an alley here last night, 4b she established a record that 4 cannot be beaten, and which surpassed her own southern California record for women, 46 280 pins. 4 STANDING - OF THE TEAMS Northwijstern League. . Won. Lost. Victoria 7 6 Spokane'. ................ - -6 Portland .7 6 Vancouver 7 6 Tacoma . . 6 7 Seattle 6 8 American League. ' Won. Lost. Chicago'. . , ...10 3 Hoston . ... . . ".i ... . . . . ; it Washington 7 , 5 Philadelphia.:......... 7 6 .Cleveland " tit. Jouis o b Detroit . . . . ... ..... .,, . i. 5 9 New York 2 "10 concm soap mm stick For Tender Faces Indispensable for those subject to red ness, roughness, and other irritations of the kin. A having luxury. No mug," no soggy soap, no germs, no waste of timeor money. In nickeled box, 25c, at tores or by mall. liberal sample free. Address MCuUcu,w Dept. 28. Boston. if ffrf I Hf is IJTICI Huns nan i S2A The Low. Rates East . , . Canffdlan Pacific make tow Cincinnati . . New York . . Boston Chicago'. . .. Pittdburg . . . Philadelphia . St. Louts t.. Brooklyn .- . . Ail - games National League. , Won. Lost postponed league; rain or wet grounds. American LeMtgne Garnet. At Wash'lna-ton R. H. E. New York ;;.l0 6 3, Washington...... .13 3 0' Batteries vaugnn and Street; John son and Ainsworth. TMTsrTsTrM,aWm Arrow SHIRTS ' A Rn.4r.n T It tf. K Boston ..............1 7 S Philadelphia ..T 12 . 1 Batteries O'Brien, Bushelmaa, Ha- german and Kanmaker; Plank and Thomas. . J F?r- M E OYfcn MEN . round trip rateg to eastern points. Ticket office. Third and Pin (Multnomah Hotel building).- - i . .. . l .' - ' - 'a. ... ' f ITMf ads will be received over the phone only from those whose names are J listed, in either of tbetelepaona dlr. I tor to , ' . . . - Tirretron-rTJeTrett-teaoTkina4' I . , - t , " -r i puaipunroi rain, , -.-. . I. . - m r A - j . At Clei-eland .. Cleveland-St. Louis ' game, postponed; wet grounds. - . . . . - ft i .ii i - a C A.I- . ninnim i nraiiiia. la I Poet tie. -Wash.. April 30. The Ee-' attle-Victoria game was .pogtponed on I Will prove as good in every way as the V COLLARS that bear the same name.'' $1.60 and $2.00 CLUETT, PEABODT & CXJ. MAKERS V TROY, N. Y. 4 : - W as. W.,o W of aa a a aa ) 5lo ftafmort cAtesil -0g(fsHWcJ Xioffteiul Investigation will show you that the majority of this city's best-dressed men are wearing Schloss Baltimore Clothes There's a reason it's a good one: They are getting Amer ica's best clothes at prices no higher than the ordinary ilM Hals b2i2d Sthhu JflaWf rscftteari B!Hmctt 15 to $4 . . . ' - .1 V -l 1 j..J - .':-- Straw Hats Are Due Wednesday lafllioaivf bU.l f Mbsl fittUmm kCksTtef Bthlmpn IL Getter JStlUmon Sikh fitttlmon . SiBtaortj SaffaoM OOolBMy ! Nafc J It's been officially decreed that all men" bein wearing Straw Hats Wednesday, May 1. Well, we're ready, for you with the most complete" and absolutely correct line in the city. There are Rough tBraids, Fish-Scale Braids, Sunset Yachts, . Milan Snap Brims and Panamas. Prices range from $2.00 to $5.00. Best values, of course. - - - . Fourth aad fitter Skttts rnn a : rs .OWf r a' . .aO I ' a 1 r fc.rf I 'ft V V Mht$ ttltlmm ttWmot CMhtf X. Schtam Bs'Mmeit I rill! mo,' j Grant Pbefrr. Uamser ; 4 .- V v accouni or u V . ) .