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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 30, 1912)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. F'OUTLAK'I). TUESDAY EVENING. At KlL :i 11. STRIKE HOLDS UP (I II II I U'oiilJ Cross Atlantic in on Aeroplane mm Officials of Orcaon Electric , Confer. on Plan to Con trol Situation. tUbai I t k.rll tuftllrliMtKl af .!." H fc !.' ktr.ia. atkl l fWrt Ik.' laJaofcl; iut ;.4 em. ii l IM1 l I4 lb. ll IIM. laM l 11 i'li llw !... 1 IW kM if lTl lnat. k .llibel. lb a t : al li , laa u4 tnl4i an. t at Ic te" ! 7.y at Kin,. JtMr akl tt ll'i iKIMrl IV Yt al f4 l l 1 1 i of ell Iba lffbU, h-M awa kut Hal k I i la bWirtn aM ..! t ti, Alkita f,fttfl ( II ft tl, iiiiHi ' kl iUc'. laJ.r k tat hJ su mi til k laln ftbOut h ( lk .it l hH Until I altwl l-afrj ra if--t nul4 b imI la ul iu iara la oik. aa II lmatk. irurrtd y fir gtreaaal eaah icnkxt. MOTION IS FILED TO . QUASH DEPOSITIONS ' 1 1. .Vo-tb.rn I'ar ! f w fUat ion, njr ftlM m Ptvtloa I lb fractal itxltl llite Riortiihg I qua. lx.Hon lake ta I . ! af Cha'laa Jud and J . JtH UrttatUr la tf.e f Judfr itfg Nortl.tra ". Ifl. Railaa I rempaay far CI. for lha dlh of a trained monkey iMh lima in In a bag. ' e tar bhlt raula front Portland lu th aaaiML lha bwllon la caked ejn I he (Touihla lhal lh hat la M-h I ha monkey waa rralMt mod aliUh ibe rum I'tnr clalmii la malrrUI pix r ! ilttir a Ha artiia. a a ilurarJ lo h plalnlirr t nd bjr l.lm uktn frani lha Jut tatnlon of lha caurl Tl'a company i-lalma llinl Ina bof aa lurnrd 0 rt lu jja by Iba drpvlr roraul b. for a t.ucn ilia dappaltlona mti laktn R)uut au . thorny. Tba clanicrS ar rlalma4 an II. cruun4 that iha ntonkay'a draih uuM by lha turalns oa af lh alrata beat N lha car by rotpkora and lha ina menkay aa lliarally roaaud to .draih. Tha ronipany clatma the tttanhry lico of dlafaaa. ;N0 WORK DONE ON OIL ' LAND; SAYS WITNESS Thai thara ao tfnlllna marhlnary tor warte tn prorreaa'on California land j rr praam tad to ba rich In oil and and brlociiaa- to (ba Laka Oil. Gaa dt l"lpa Ltna eompany waa tha taaiimony tbia mornliiK of O. T. Klly. a lorator. hrfor Jurte Morrow In tha rase aaalnat W. It MtiHtakrr. who la rharvM with obi aJ nln tha aUnatgra of a drrd by falaa repraaantatlon. Tha deed waa 'Klvtn by Mra. Mary' A. Cola nd Emm i Smith. Arrordlnc u tha proapactua pra ,iareij by Whlttaker, tha California land iwi axraadintlr rich la tAl arid vaa. It its tlir,rxu. by tha auto that upon auch t rrprrantatlon deada wra civan by tba women for atok In tha company. w hlttakar haa returned tha dead in tba two nomen. and now charg-ra Thon aa Ruady with batnr raponalb!e for it ha proaacutlnn. Ha accuaaa Ruody with 'promoting aotno of the'aama California 'land for whtrh Rordy haa mada a con-' . tract with the womaa. to laka atork la ;tna una. . v ... 'SMOKE FROM STACKS'. r" . IS PUBLIC NUISANCE ' The city council haa nmpla authority to raaa an ordlnanca prohibiting tha Kmok nuliuncc. In the opinion of City ! Attorney Frank 8. Grant, aubmltted to the ctty auditor today. r- ' , ; 'The amlaalon of dena. black or jray arrioke.from atacka and hlmnaya," rcada Lite opinion, "can undoubtedly be de clared a ptiblln nuliance, under the po lice powera of the city, aa the amoke j contaminate the atmosphere, la Injur I loua to clothea and otherwise annoying j Ifl TeaMenta." i. AccompanyinK the oplnioa la an-ordJ-( nance drafted by the city, attorney for . introduction IH the council.. This pro ! vMea a penalty of IJ50 fine, or 90 day a" ' imprleonmenL. . or both, , for violation. (Xhe ordinance applied to all chtmneya I but those in realdencea. a ( . ; ; , ' , ' n . S - I 1 - 1 " i : . . . . I 1 - - . . , .Jt , I v ' f :- V .vt ..v.uf-. ,51.-7 , 1 1 Harry wood- I'flCII INTERESTS NOT SOLD TO S. P. SI&MHr FOUND Oil 80DIES COVER.MtENT OPENS D10S FOR HAY, GRAIN eVal(Je, I 4 jat Ikt'- a aa h4'lii aa ! la JM aa.W ' aav4aia r . Promoter of Portland, Eugene Colonel Astor'i Pockets Con & Eastern R'y Denies Re port of Consolidation. tained $2500 In Cash; Son Hasn't Seen Corpse. I tMaliia nr. ktMMiaf W la pill A rlk,l tialifaa. W, ft. AWtl l-U ft Nl4. iMa aM . .... .e. tti a mm ...... S I a, af laa MM aLIM TUaaU ia la r It. IW.aa- AarlrHat I itir iai i v4i ! ika I lxi fiM iiawwa, Ttaa a 1 1 II imIIm ovaliaa la I kal a):Malaaaal la lnuiMt la k im il ( a rfaiwbtaaltatatite aJ frta af le tUliaaa - la la dout-t. rk lnt-4 af ' i lfc.ia4 U n laa a laadiaf I lak m m4 !. I it aaatgaa la IM aaa iai aaatr aa- aii af ikt tny, aarf ! aa frt atava la I aaaa aiW aa raiiatad aay. ua.k triMKlMt r a4UlktaJ rei I Tfsa boakra af tWaa.l Ae aM 14 laVura atraata. W bl raaa aaxl la a a waaartabat la lUi lb alluatla. Hr uu day b farai ar b-artat. Ucl.k aH.iltaal iba llr Me laa, atr tl ba uim I Kaw a IMiay aa la bUdioa f mtfrti "t at.kt Viakt Air a4a aa al ia iHia allay. II aiei4 laal taa !" i,aa ut ata fataera ad. laaUia I land, Kwa'a fcaala baa at ba-ca I HabaMa. M for yaaia baa twajaaada4 a.4 ii.a wiiwi ini.r. p -...(K Ul ailJiBi(e a aiaa yarbt. aa I .p. let, aiMl a lar a be ka . llaU rbarae af Iba rael a- Una will aM h I Tba af farla fa a a M Cat- farlftr ar lb iw Mawlrlr. .llbar . Aarfr-. bat baaa I raaa. 'Ila nJa Ihaaa alalamaaia wllb I rYa4 la Iba aaalddr af Mwlalu Ilia. ampnaai. piii..r ., . I aba wa aaiare aliaraay ft bf lk-a a a4 '(. f rrataAJM bar aa r k aa t HmMl iw4 la tba t"bt ilftwa Ma aaad ba a a awa aa It. fia aria b-atag aba4iat4 Will ba fa44 la aJ.Mli w a taa. Imim r4Mia at (aa VUi h a'ita. S v liataAa, Taa. laaa Ka I llaaalka bl. al II II bv4A Hwf, Uilfaad 4 (V. AaUiai f alaalU lf. biAaar'a alkaa) af allbr ala t tab laabaa) a Itaaow. H C. la. U. VaaAaaa U'aia iakiF. aWl j Ila, baaa aala. IIIU II I r4 aata II . w lt Miiiii at II lit r-" t.kJll. aiaat aWi m, k-A,-taki.i aala. !. bal al ilt a .v.k.4a A t-M fejata re btiuiaa wiHi, t laa f a: bl It r b aUiliaiy a(va Lh I, lt- , ALBANY COLLEGE PLANS ' MAY DAY CELEBRATION Ibjirtil a Vba taaa t Atbaay. im, Att lalbaay alv a will b44 Iba aaaaal biay eVay aa taa laaMMfwar ) lb ttu earn, Miaa b.Utb Vaa Ibbta baa b fbaa-aa tr It lw4eet b4y a ba lb aaa ar war May f Mtuf a 111 ba aAlad tba Mar laiatfaMoa tbia r. , bran made ' abilM I ffalla iba fraaiblar h aaala a Iba irwuBal rae4ala lrdaaa 4arlara4 lbl ahar lhal )IM a rath waa faaad la ' . JTr .J " ... a a ina I ia raaa waa raaaa ia l..t 1,1. .am pan la a part af iviaa Aaioa rbalhlM . AM4bar Hftt- ha. alrradr aar.fal llaaa aa Iba h f h f.HML a at reel of thi eilr Bffait ta U AbarVra. Ur. aald lhal ba had at eaa lltu affrrad bia rallaay for aaja la lha Kuuthtru fatific. atvd a laa i tha Oraiuii Utxlrtc. and aoaelbly bru liU prlc aaa laa hlah-ha did 0t baow af any olhrr raoi tba deal ao mad. IHnre ha b had baaa eaccaaav fal in bondlaa hi company, ba bald, and h It slad ailhrr of the propoaed aala ware nuida. Hulh Mr. Watch aad Mae mi Oaora O. Ol'oaner etatrd. era- phalcally lhal t;alr praaaal actlrtly la airatahl bualaaM aad lhal tha nty atreeliar ytnit of Canaille will ba uiiuiletMl aa nuk-hly aa p"a'hla It l hair eallntala thai rara will ba run : nlna on an Boraa atreat. from lha i tmainaae cantar to tha collrfa. la t (ilai ' Thnrmldlna or Iba irti taiareaia, ao Mr. Watch ataled. era In A Iba ay. orlllf. Cugene and Balam. The Una from Cofvellla to Monro, already built, but operated aa a ataam road, will ba electrified at one, and Ihta Una will then be puahed on to f.uaene, Tha en llre Una from Eugene to Salem will ba CaaaaarrrUI tlab a4 v. . f- I aiaad ah,, tear laa a. (I ta give a DoaJL IIM.UI a Tba ImkmI I A rara. ur, April Tba aoUrprta- lag people af lMtaal4 hare f alad raanatarrlal rlaa la boual . Ibabr alartar bate Aaclded relabralkoa and barbecv. la which la what allay will be tavtled. Tha fallowing war rboaaa' aa affl- rata: ratdaal. O O. rteenaaa; lc praaldeal. J J Myea; aa-rery. K. Mi. Halea: lraurr, B B. Qulaa: Irueleaa. J r. raMer. U. A. Coee aad L W. MaU lory No Acctanilid or Injurious Drug in Ccl-so. Removes Headache and Stomach Troubles byremoving the cause 3150 eaaba a I ataif I aWa. Al aeaa, -4 f-aai CWm. !. taa. (18 O; Ka wiiii II IUwwir Ojxralloa. 1 la Yka llMkl Cenlralla. Weeh- April ll Tha Ba cede aawmlll. oparalad by fltokea. ford A Knight, raeucned oparalloa ihla mora- Ing. after having baaa cloaad for a year. Tba tnarhlaery waa gtvaa a thorough tryaut yeaterday. -and found ta ba In gooq ronaiiion. . f iBf u. lri:'-nlo. ujm.aa wAvtffi aM mmIHii. Jamaa .troyer to follow him In an attempt to f bul 'M"' ?lJ r 'J' ' TB Oarrtch. Pbata kawl HIT. Ill K. Mor. r::1" " ro,;.,, acroaa the Atlantic, j 'Jlill.' ,2. Ilrf of Henry Alwoad, the Jaring vla lor who flew from Roaton lo New York laat aurjimrr. that Jit will be auctennfiil In hla rejumt lo the atala deiartment to and a evoul crulaer or lorpedo do- 1 1 . it ,1 ii i h.- h h ,'H'uJii lo make Ihla iwmmir. Aiaooda route will be from Ituaton ta Ht. Johrif. S. B.,' and thence over the water. MEXICANS SEIZE ID ARMS f Wallowa High Wins Debate. t ' (8ecl to TL Journal.) Wallowa, Or.. Aprjl SO. Wallowa high aehool 1 dtudenta won In both contest t of tha Wallowa County Debating league t ftattirday' night In debating on oovennor j wen prison reiorm policy. Thirty Rifles Taken By Cap ital Police; Later Returned Without Explanation.' r (Sparlil la Tb JoarnaLI Mexico city. Max., April 10. The Mexico city police yeaterday eelicd 30 of the 100 rlflea ahtpped b tha United State gortmmentSo member of the American colony. I-ater the Vlflea were returned to United PlateaXtiibaaaailor Wilson, with, out explanation. ' Reporta of scattered fighting over the north tame in' today. Orders have heen issued from "Wash ington, according to a telegram re ceived by Ambassador Wilson, for the torpedo destroyer Prebl and Perry to Intercept the gunboat Torktown and in struct her not to stop at any Mexican port for real. Fi ISHGIIELLS TITANIC WRECK Survivor Has Dramatic Tale of Night. of Horror on the . - . kDeep. . - Por company, the Bylleaby corpora tion, under a -I year contract. Whan eaked of Iba report lhal ha latenda to build a Una from Corvaltla to-ftiira- niath, Mr. Weh h ataled that a Una wllf ba built to that point at tha arlia data poaalbla. but ne atatement waa mad aa to the-probabl data that Una will ba finished. rtiw atraaC ama 1 1 . - i 4)f Chick Life Insurances, Tntarc the life anf healih of jrour thick t by' feeding Routlrdt' High Quality Chick- Feed, tht moat profitable and convenient food you can get a - . Drop in and gel copy of CON KEY'S 50c POULTRY BOOK-FREE Inl Heats at McMIonvlllc. " (Bjirlil t.i Th. Jmironl.) McMlnnvllle. Or., April - JO. Beveral large real estate deals have been closed In Yamhill county in the last few days, the largest being the Brsly tract ad joining McMlnnvllle. consisting of 431 acres. This tract was bought by 11. I Archer o"f Minneapolis. Mr. Archer also bought the 8. H. Rohison farm of J20 acrea southeast of McMlnnvllle for 16,- 000. The c. E. Conn, place of 50 acxes has been bought by W. H. White of Boise, Idaho, for $6B00. : Thin placs Is four miles north of McMlnnvllle. (United Pleat Laaeed Wire.) Tacoma. Wash., April JO Mlaa Anna SJoblom, 18. Finnish girl, who arrived In Tacoma last night, haa told the most dramatic tale yet of tha Tltanlo nor- back ror. The girl snuddera and grow pale vet aa aha thlnVa n II TCI IK mA. I road ticket and a little money sewed In a bag at her throat, the girl waa asleep when the crash came and had to fight her way to the upper decks, through a flood of water. Once ahe gave up, but i an orricer or tha boat helped her. Bhe got In the last lifeboat. It waa loaded three deep to a seat Aa th boat pulled out a man leaped Into It, nearly break ing the girl's neck. One young woman fell out of our boat." said Miss SJoblorn. "Her husband pulled her back in. but aha collapsed and died 4here before our eye,- And the SHORT CHANGER BEATS MERCHANTS OF TACOMA " (TJalted Prate It 4 Wire.) Tacoma. Wash., April 10. Tha police are looking for a 'emooth bunco artist today. Hera ia hla echam: "Can you glv me a 110 bill for this I email change." he would aay. hauling oat a bunch of silver and an addreeaed letter. "1 -want t aend Jt to -my felka. He was dreaaed Ilka a wwrklngtneo. The . merchant - oaantad the -nlla of change. It waa 86 centa any. "Well. I'll have to run around the comir to my room and get It. I live at Mra. Burke'e." He laid down tba envelope. with the merchant'a 110 tn Iti preaura ably, and went out. Ha did not come ck The envelope was empty. "He's got any alelght of hand hrtlst her body. On board the Carpathla the man djed, too. , "I shall never forget the screams and the groans, If I live to be 100," said the girl. T aver saw beaten, one merchant la me-tlted." 1 was watching tha bIH every minute and was sure he put It In the envelope." MEN ON ELECTION BOARD IN MALHEUR COUNTY FAIL TO VOTE Ontario, Or., Apfll SO. The, vote of Barren Valley precinct, which came in a week late, did not change the results boat was so full that we had to leavefln either of he close contests aa waa I km ($3.00 ; 3GODMAN5 Shoes for Men FROM THE FACTORY TO YOU SAVE YOU THAT DOLLAR!!! OXFORD OR HIGH SHOES ... Tan or Black Button or Lace EVERY PAIR FACTORY "GUARANTEED Snappy Styles b. $4.00 VIOLA SCHOOL TEACHER WINS FIGHT FOR PLACE 8ielai to Ibe Jonraal.k Oregon ..Cltys Or,, April . 30. County Supeitntondent of Schools Gary, has de cided that tha directors of the Viola school made a mistake when they dis missed Thomas B. Lovplace, the teacher. The directory, will appeal to State Su perintendent Alderman. Lovelace, sev eral weeks ago, waa attacked by F. B. Cockerllne, ono of the directors, and severely beaten. Cockerllne'a father was janitor of the school and ' was , accused of not keeping the building In a cleanly condition. Lovelace will' demand his sal ary for the full time and If reftmed by the board of directors will appeal to the circuit couit. - - . , - reported it would. Tnare were only three votes cast, instead of 12, as waa reported. There were five men on the election board and only three voted. It Is surmised that tba reaaon the other two did not vote waa because they were not registered and there were not enough freeholders present to awear in the votes. The three votea cast , were Republican. The count on Republican candidates for assessor did not change Hill'a lead of ' three over Zuta. Only two votes were east for assessor and they were both for Kendall, the other candidate in the race. wmm m Knw that almnsf twrvhaA te buvlnc 2 nlaver nfanol the Questions nafurallv come up: Where shall I purchase? . What make shall I buy? What are the'requi- ' sites" of a ood player piano? . What service should one get with a player piano? ' - In short, What should I get for, what-1. pay?,' ; v c ."-V - We believe we cpn answer these questions to your advantage better than any other piano house in America and we will gWt you our reasons. . IN-THE THIRD PLACE, AFTER YOU HAVE B e tveen Stark and Oak Streets I Oppoiite Chamber of Commerce ; . . i Will Test Fishing Iw. (Soeplsl to Tba JauraaU Oregon City, Or.. April 80. The grand lury Is expected , to 'return i an indict ment agalnHt Councilman. John F. AU brlkht and Nick Story, Who were arrest ed by Deputy Fish Warden Noonan and H. Sandstrom, while . fishing ; with nets below the suspension bridge. Albright and Story declare they fished for sal mon wijh nets In .violation, of tha rul ing of The. flyh and game ' commission, to test the validity, of the ., order; In a statement Councilman Albright aays an attorney was consulted before the order Of tha commission was violated and he contends that Una -net. fisherman- has as much right to Sish for almon s has the line fisherman. ?. SLAYER PICKS HANGING INSTEAD OF SHOOTING ITJnltM Piw teaied Wlra.l ; Salt Iake City, Utah. ApHl 0.Wlth- out a quaver In his voice" as he urged! the officers to be i quick about their i Vork, J. J. Morris, convicted murderer was, by hla own choice, hanged at the state prison htirearly'today.'-,'He-waa pronounced dead nine minutes after the drop fell. Morris, who shot and killed J. Wilter Axtell In an effort to escape after he had robbed a pawnshop, se lected hanging In. preference; to. shoot ing, a choice seldom mads in this state. Although Morria aent a written invi tation to Axtell's father to witness th hanging, the .latter . did . not accept.;; :. . ; --, : IN THE FIRST PLACE, we-handle not merely more styles, but MORE 'MAKES of player pianos than any other house in the West more different makes where the con struction is wholly differ ent, so that you get the a- f- . . advantage of comparing them, point by point side by-side, going from one to the other and seeing for yourself where THIS one excels and where THAT one excels. IN THE SECOND PLACE,, each make is shown in several differ ent styles and sizes r you can get the style you like in the make you like. You have a wide range of choice if isn't a case of taking ONE make or ONE style or NOTHING. We bring the best styles and best makes of player pianos togeth er side by side, so that you can select not only easily, but intelligently. BOUGHT, your purchase is backed up by SERVICE. There are our "coachers" or "teachers," who goto your home and coach you in all the little fine points of tempo, ex pression, phrasing, accenting, etc. Back of them is a com petent staff of tuners, tone regulators and player-action men to do. the little thing that you yourself could do if - Bu only knew WHAT and OW to do it We guaran tee satisfaction after the deal is closed. It's a service which can only be given by a house . like ours. SITE FOR OPERA HOUSE ; PURCHASED AT ALBANY -'(Special lift Joaraal.) : Albany, . Or.? April Sp.jAn important real estate deal was closed here yes terday when Al Sternberg and George Rolf, both of thla city, purchased from J. A. K, Weatherford the corner prop erty on Lyon and First streets for 115, 000, This property Is In the bualnesa heart of the city and haa a frontage on First street of 114 feet. .' r It ia underatood tha object of the purchase Is to erect ' modem opera Jiqus and; buslaeaa block, " .". COMMISSION WILL ' " " STUDY CONSOLIDATION - (fale in nrean of The Joornsl.r - Salem, Or., April 30. Governor West announced today that he would, within 10 days, appoint a commission to make a thorough investigation of the advisa bility of consolidating the State uni versity and the State Agricultural col lege. He said -he had : also .' called a meeting of the board ..of regents ; of both institutions for May. (, to. be held In hla office, to , discuss the. Interests of both-schools, The commission will be appointed in compliance with a resiv lutlon passed at Dallas, at a meeting of the Portland " buslneaa men'e excursion, en rout to ?orvallla. ... v ' Racramcnto XewGunboat. Washington. April 30. The tiavy de partment today haa drawn and signed specif icatlona for a new gunboat to be known aa. the Sacramento. :Phe veaael. ,luiilv tf .una miA mrmnr. la In 100,000. Slda axe to b opanad Jul !. t uallficatiooa for Jurora. SoclaJlsU lit Session. " - San FronciBeo, CaLT April .SO. Direct legislative meaauree are occupying-the attention of the delegates to the state conetttutionaL convention of the Social ist .party, in session here; today., The following direct - legislation measures hiv been ' endorsed for Incorporation n tha aaw constitution: - ThaTlght to work bill; bill abolish Ing" the California national guard; biir providing for enfranchlaement of ml gratory workera: bill raising the work ing age of minora to ti and the achoo. age to IS Tears; bill abolishing proper- Let us make it plain that these points are very essential To be able to com pare many different makes of player pianos side by side is . the only way the un initiated can buy a player piano; intelligently, while it is a fact.that many a repu table old-line piano house is today letting their player piano customers flounder around on the breakers of inexperience" and can give jou as good, as no player piano; service at all, after. jou have boughj ; Harditian. Packard. Knabe Fischer, Krakaucr Emerson, Ludwig, Hobart M. Cable, Harring ton, Price & Teejplef Milton; and The Angelns Here isa list of the world-famous pianos (with the exception of the Mason & Hamlin, which is the costliest piano in the worldthere aren't half 4 dozen other , pianos in the: whole world with such great reputations), each with a player built within itand you can examine' them side by side. In showing player pianos, we Invariably make it a rule to take the instruments apart. This gives you the ad- " vantage of comparison. You can see what each part is for, what it performs and what it is expected to pertorm. , You learn in this way the "why and wherefore" of the instrument. You learn how a certain effect is produced, and you see and hear the .result. - . - , Come to our store tomorrow, Come and see the splendid collection ' of trfe ! latest types of. player pianos we have here. - Learn in one hour's time what has..: 'Built up the: unparalleled popularity- Of, theplayer piano within a few short years. ; EASY, PAYMENTS MAY BE ARRANGED IF. YOU DECIDE TO PURCHASE : Victor r Victrolas and Records . . MORRISON STREET AT SEVENTH Victor Victrolas ' and Records