Tin: o;:::co.: daily joukj.'ai, ioktij.'d. Monday i:vi:.....a. am:il i isa QTATF riQ i Km mm vm mw r 11 FOUNDER OFNEWCULT a miik el .- t aavd aa It aa-Me f a, ill Af a araa. f I ttv 4ln baaJaa aa aa lua l4l ai'.b bt j,te aad atb4 axwMt af 14 teaMi?, t bef a-wUa4 JW4r I ba aeaMal ta lk. ef Tae t-ulta. ktuly ta ike le ba .ae la iK.,ia .-my a4 aa vi-a V-tr farm abre a ia aaraAr af bi bfa fwti.taa' btr A era bee i'a aad far awtba aa4 ft.a H-r ht H l-rua4, af fUaaaata, ta af K. later 1 Ivar Agaa ead l&a M '-a -.mu i.i ltd ila t IV. !... (. v, i i mt Si',.,.. W a. 1 . . , . miui a4 rw. rt.k . . t-wttl.o-1 H. t' iM 4 I. ( mlt mt t . t. a ikf, u i, . lln ate liti ttt, ur i- ra. T Asaf V , 1 , , aad litiM Aa af bl,M:i.i.t, 1SI BE STRICT ON IMHMMS BILL Will BE INSTIGATED rtiel mim4 aar M ti:aaIUa it, . . la bte early a4. t-4r u baai af im ta lua ataia. Jaaa Aaaa waa aa fcr cm hp? II1LUL UUIUULU . lOHTBEIilOZZlEB S Congress Adopts Policy Pro posed Two Years Aqo by -Bourne. Muto at TVt ftit Ti ... i AHU i e aa rr4aUkj ti la l..ir aaleral a-..!. r.a4e, ff ba ut-t4 l.iUU,a 4wf a 4 I year a b Mixr tnru. r"te I eia Iuimi ii waa ia r I Ua f ea--a ( wk a-rti t. IW ruft b.irk.rua lifcowl My w4uiw ewaunraiio. a eiafe, (V. rieL.r f Uee la Mif . .leiee .re rf tea aad Ifc f 94 e eaepiubed tr la b.i fa He. en.e ae.ea br .. flbleg Wblcb kr(aaa4 ealeeiBlaellae, imi be ee rbtirt.a of the (oil ' mill. ee futveruay lour. sere ihie wiur eBaeuUeabl etavfr aad lara.il, gallon iu Ibe reault f t.t he proposed Ml a atprrtalaa .' 14 ba mad fee- le mm l to af baicaertea ia iuui abet reaaeaehl prelection 14 ate! pro vided, Ttila ( Ibe appraval af lb b-areea af riab.rU and pew all bin aaaroaalaitaf meae? far itriam . be ub arte carry (ha foUaataf eaadi Uet . ' , "rTrrlded, Tiuif fearer aay final atep afcaJl have be labea for the OB. atntctloa af a ruh-cuiiarat elatwa la ermroaara wtih lata bill iba U(a af Mlrtaeeata. threqih appropriate e-tsle ' lira actio, aha it atoor4 la Iba Vailed Sutee eavB.eajoe.er af fuharua. an 4 at duly eatnartaed a-ta U rlbl la readeet flab batching and ail oeeratloa caaaacca4 ifearalife la aay auur a ad at aar Um laat iaay.br Una ba ooo aidarai Mcmvy a ad pro par. aur flab ary laa of tba atata ta Iba contrary atwttttarwj!nf: And prondad furth er. Tbat tba aparaltoaa af aa!4 batebary aaay aa aupadd by Iba aacratarjr ar aaaimara ad labor wbanavar. la fcla Jodrmaai, lha lava and rarulalloaa af faettac iba rubaa ealUvatad ara aliowad ia racnala aa laada,aata aa U bnatr tha affuJncy af aaJd batcbary." Tba adopUoa af tbla policy U I raaaa lha ultimata aavtoc af asUllona af dol lar by Iba eanaarraliaa af flab In aaaay taiaa vbtra datrvcuoa waa rormarly aarmltladL If m14V af Tia l-M-i t litoilii JaM WlLa. aata !'(- Ifcal. 11 KHt aakaadatraia. Iiulf lTaU Ula a but. Itla. aii aM I j 't-aaa. iaa aaiar baa ltta la Uaaa Waal akl ' bta ! aa Iba tuttt 1 t.a but aiaUa f adluataoaal af tba laiaa af ! atalaa a4 lardlria la Uaaa tit.?a Ifca haltoaal rvrvaia. by aalruaf aa aaclvaaca af aaib laad fur ab la4a af lifca auatity aad tataa. Cwamaaauac aa I Ha bill . arry HfliM abjaeia Ibal II taa firi liowa aaJuaa far Iba atata laada bub lha d-arnta iral4 Kaa la aaaat4r la aaaklaf ba aarbaaaa. vtraa Ibaugb lair alaa vara wacb laa Tba aariary. alar aeaaaiir rata ar fuJr. adOai "1 aamd uat Ibal ail aflar Iba ward Vravldad la Uaa 11 aaaa aa atrtck.a awl aad Ibal la la taaraaf iba folulB ba laaarlad Tbt as-o aaailaiua af iba aacbaaaa Iba laa1a rttaialb4. ra-naya4. af aaaJaaa4 aa baaa laivda aithln tha tarlor trouadarlaa of Katlonal foraaia Halt laaanadlalaly braaaa a part af lb Katlaaal faraata althia wbl.b Ibay ara lloatd.'" m . Serve Notice cn RfDubh'can Government That They Won't Obey Gag Laws. 17,000 PARCELS IN TAX CENTRAL OREGON STAR ROUTE ASKED BY BOURNE ItiablU mt nit ImhII Waablna ton, April 11 In aa afarl la baeara jauali naadad wall oanaaeiloaa acraaa la tart or Oraaoa, aenalor Huri baa baaa arctaa tba aatabllahmaat af a alar roota from Uurna la Ie4 aad from Caaraa City la friaavtUa. rf aaany yaara tba ration bataraaa tbaa ctUaa waa aa Utnly aalUad that tbara araa Hula roral aaad far (nail a--k-a and Iba InhablUnU af county aaata la Oraat aad.lUmay countlaa bad llltla aaeaato la aaad mall la ar raealva II front Crook eounty. Now, feawavar. raiiraada ara bvlldina' aeraa Iba - la lartor aad maaaa of ulracl oomraunlca- tlon ara ImaortaaL Aa iba diataacaa ara arraat. tba coal af alar roula aervtoa ta baary aad foa daaartmaat baailataa la aaUbilab Iba aaw mall tinea. Castral Oraron la at ill aa of tba lartaat ragloaa aarrad with ma Li carrtad by aUja. . MEDFORD BANKS GAIN - $130,066 IN 58 DAYS 4rb4 r laa Vwi KlkAMbal, AjtU I l-Tba anaaa(1a( baard of taa aatla Cbiaaaa fraaa aaa- aiailaa baa aaa ward fra Ua Vad uarlcra bara la Iba Nankla tavara Htaat Ibal If Ua laiiar tbtafea tba Chi aaaa raira ara lf la pay aay atiaaiioa ia iba aaw ra laa put liabad by Iba dapartaaaat f baata af falra, II la badly ahiaiafca. Tba eiaaaa la wbub aaaarlat aiaaa Uaj ta tahaa la laat if ary rwanora ad araa ta iba rrputUcaa (a vara man I ar1 any arcuwaat aaaiaai Iaa raixibltraa form af aavaramanl ba publiahad. ao( aly will aubltraliaai ba atoppad. but tba lutllaba bad cocapttara will.ba pua- Uhad. , . A'baa thara la aa law anaelad far paraoaa ba eomrall at ar mtird.r." rotnmanta iba pra aaocUllen'a aaaa' aalnc baard, ta Ha inaaaaca la iba Kaa blec vaaaramaai. wby alveuld a araaa law ba awaciadf It la alaapiy ta follow tba asaaapla af Iba daavaila .Maacba (oTaraanaai. Tba praaa will aal accapr ar raoaa-araa auch a law.? ITaltad raaat IjiiiI (In I OLUaa4i AU II ivaf, raa.b T Oralkv, araaala aad fawadar af a baar ralttaa aal I. baa baaaj artaalad aad ill ba bald vfclla Iba aaiUa twvnait gala ctaaa abwa U-ay aar ara a-a aaaUM-al Ibaa Ibaaa bval a-wi I La rui af fcxlya Artbar bUa aad aa. raln Ibaa an f tba aaaay ai Ibal bara aaad aJte artltny, la Uib la a4 by AUkaf badars aui.t. aba luid la-a auatiaa llval ba tarad tba -TaM C ta Orarti a fai Iaa ara, bat lafl It "a aa ba Waraad af Iba aabt(a af tba ult A ' aba tba lua Uaraad baa ttad ta tba Im Oratb fUL aatd bal bar baabaaa bad hMaad iba rK Vt bad It duaaal. a Urafa, wiiami laid tba a-attaa. clataaad U ba ta dirart aa a a a Ua I Iaa lib 0-t la waatd roaJt atr aa la yarn bla rait aad It a aaid ba la- laadad la aaUbilab failaa ta a ral riila. ) bad aaaa aad la aaa (lutla aarh bila aa atibadas Carta- I urn ta aa aloiaaa and Walartaa, awa aad St. JMaf.b. M. - PASCO BUSINESS MEN FAVOR. PUBLIC DOCKS ti-UI ta Tba JWaalt Paaoa. ab . April It. Tba faaca Oi amber af Coairaarca baa appolalad Robart Jabnka aa chairraaa af a com- Itlaa'ta wait upon tba ally couactl and rra tba acquirement af a alta and lha conetructlon af municipal docka. Th la -ma l tar baa baaa under aonaldara tloa for aotaa tlma by Iba council, and added Interval -waa arooaed when Oo arnor Ilay vrfad tba aaoaaalty af Im mediate action, on tba accaaloa of Ma addraaa at tba Opaa Rlrar rally ba. qnet. It CcrtaiaJy Would. (Caltad raa Lin I WTra.1 Stanford Unlveralty. Cat. April 11 Klaalna aa aa art la tba eu elect af tha Chaparral, tha comio paper iaeued by co-ade. Tba adltor dedicatee tha Bum bled ford. Or April 11. Aa aa lodes I T io"a much needed rtfortn." hoping DELINQUENCY MUDDLE of tha proa parity af tbla dry la tba bank autamanta . mad - Tburaday, which ahow that there la depcttttd In tba local bank f 1.141. lit. a'ala-of IIIO.OI In II daya, or IJ141 gala par I day, it will "bring th man and woman Stanford cloaar together.' of CATCHES THIEF ON FISH HOOKS, BUT HE ESCAPES rarri H. IV. April It. TriB tha laat few daya A thief baa atalaa mar than III wartb af lebacoa and elgard from a local cigar atora, aaeardiag ta report given tba pollca. Tba proprietor eat A trap for Iba thief. At tba bottom af a aancrota coal cbat laadiag ta tba baawmafit. where tha aaaa ret aoaaacfa lib a waodaa aAdittaa, ba aallad alb atoat flab book a, tba polnta faetag aa ward, Inraallf tiloa bad lad blm la b lieva that tba tblef entered ibraagb tba ehnta, ' Early ana momlBg arte) af pala brought tba mercrtaat la tba baaemant Tba thief bad fled, but potiloaa af bla t rose era and three bant rtakTbeoba ra- maiaed. Thra flab hooka bad disap peared with tba thief. Tba proprietor aayti na u attuned. DOUGLAS CO. PIONEER. AGED 73, PASSES AWAY laaartal te Iaa Jaaraelt Roaabarg. Or April tl John A gee. member of ena of Oregon'a ploa famlllea and a raaldent af Douglaa county for 4f year. d!d at bla bora la Garden ValUy. April II. Mr. Am waa (bpartel ta Tba !waL) ftpokana, Waab., April !. Ownara of 17.000 parrale of city property, valued at from 14.100.000 lo $1,000,000. Included In th Us aale made by tba municipality of Hpokane In Jill, but never foreclosed, hare hopoa today of effecting a cora promloa by paying 10 per cent of tha Intrrmt dua A. M. Craven, corpora tlon counacl. baa glvan an opinion that the rlly could properly authorise a set tlemrnt of the taxea for lea than tba amount dua. The record were found In tha city treasurers aafa by II. 1. Dunphy, aa alstant corporation counael, who aub mlttrd a reaolution to tha eommiaiaanera suthoriilng tha treaaurer to ' damand payment of tha full amount. Including Interest at 20 per cent a year, an pro vlded In tha delinquent certificate, also that th city take possession of all prop erties upon which tha Uxo and penal ties, estimated at from 155.000 to 1100,. " 000. are not (aid. Under thla Interpretation tha delin quent owrjra would have to pay Inter est amounting to 400 per cent, on tha basis fit to per cent a year, to redeem their properties. Robert Falrloy, com mUsioner of flnancea. and other mem bers of tha council ar opposed to ar bitrary action and seem favorably dis posed toward a compromise measure or waiving part of tha 20 par cent Interest penalty. There la a local precedent for thla,1 tha administration of 1009, headed by C Herbert Moore, having paaaed a reao- lutlon permitting delinquent owner to redeem their certificate on a baala of 50 per cant of the amount due, If paid .before a certain date. Only a few availed themselves of the offer at that time. ' . Mr. C-nphy doea not believe thla com promise waa legal, holding that the property could not be. cleared of tha lien without payment In full. Mean while, the council la awaiting a commit . taa'a report. : ,, WOULD RECLAIM INDIAN : LANDS NEAR KLAMATH Fishermen to Lose No Time. Stevenaon, Ween.. ,Aprll It, The Cliff brothers have a force--clearing .ground of anaga, erecting bulldlnga aad put ting- everything In a ha pa ready to be hn fishing at tha atroke of II o'clock on May 1. Two crews and two aelnea will ba used thla aeaeon to cover the ground. Laat season waa the first trial by tha Cliffs on these grounda. aa they have alwaya been considered "Jonahs" and fishermen bav paaaed them up.' At tha beginning of laat eea aon the Cllffa loat their first net by "anas-ring." A new gear waa aupplled and tha ground cleared and tba aeaaon continued at a large profit, . i ' - Buys CTIand'a Birthplace. Catdwan. Jf.-JVApril ?. -The Praaby. bytertan manee of tha First Presbyteri an church here, the birthplace of G rover Cleveland, has been purchased for the Cleveland Memorial association which will hold It aa a memorial to the former preaident. The purchase price la 20,-00. The Perfect Laxative ; For Elderly People Are Tiaa Ita attraction no leas then outh in a more aeren and auleter life. it la thla vary life of rest without sufficient exercise that bringe with It those disorders that arise from In. activity. Chief of thaaa ara a cbronlo. persistant constipation. Most elderly oeonle are troubled In thla way, with accompanying symptoms of belching, drowalnees after eating, headaches and general lassitude. Fre quently tnere-is airricuity or digesting even light food. Much mental trouble ensue, aa It I nard to find a aultabl remedy, first of all lha advlea may- be given that elderly people ahould not uae salts, cathartic pills or powders, watera or any of tha more violent purgatives. What they need, women aa well aa men. ia a mild laxative tonic, one that Is pleasant to take and yet acta with out griping. Tha remedy that fllla all these re quirements, and haa In addition tonlol froperttee that atrenrthen the stomach, Iver and bowel, la Dr. Caldwell syr up Papain, which tbouaanda of elderly people uaa. to the eaclualon of all other remedies. Trustworthy people like Mr. H. W. Hoffmen. Ask fa, ft. hi, and W. D. 'Jordan, 700 Tth BL. Glen wood Springe, Cuta, aay that they take It at regular Interval and In that way not only maintain general good health, but that they have not hi year felt aa good aa they do now. . Tou will do well to alwaya have a bottle or It la the houaa. it la good for all tba fan liy. ' " ; Anyone wishing to make a trial of in is remedy Derore. baying It In the regular wav of a druggiat at fifty cents or one dollar a larae bottle ffamllr else) can have a sample bottle aent to tha. home rree of charge by almply addrenainr Dr. W. B. CaJdwelL iol Waahlncton St. Monticello. 111. Tour name and addreaa on a costal card will do. 4 A. a a VV C7rv (rib tk Wfiv tins man, cj Ytell at b .a O Nature, must baro new garb; Mature fiimiiKst her ovra, but a man must go to rm dotKisr for his raiment We know that we an pleiw you In this world's exhibit of men's dothinj; you'll see here the finest fabrics, fashioned Into per fect models. Perfect In tailoring as velL No tailor can ..excel the splendid workmanship displayed In every carefully chosen garment. Come in and slip on a lot of them; you are assured of courteous attention. MEN'S SUITS . $20 to $35 JefaV Sk a Mml ft The young man's stock In trade Is his youth, his optimism and his. good clothes; let us show you the clothes these we have here for young men will make an optimist of any one. ' Colorings and fabrics woven especially for the younj man"; shapes that please the eye. Modest in price, $20 to $31 Ymumg Mtm'a Ship, S .& Flr TT , E at 1 faw... i V m t ata m 1 tk S -jv Mr- a- m i ' fXfA aa, I, AT i . f J J r . . ' 1 I W aV-r-a ,1 " J F miff. r S ' ' I ilil - J Idl ; or rii.fi I u mil a . IP: na- La2a4DIHG CLOTHIER Qxrimm Stereeft aft FoOTftlb Call Mo Eexly Straw Hal Day ; " - 1 iin r 1 " 1 1 1 " 1 1 ' . ' - ht fl AWlfilfW( TMs 'Sfeom Hf i-T ..II .ii 'iiiin.iiiiiiiin n MiiMmiinH'"p , '.i .. n L 1 tioi I : I - 111 11 OSy-F3 10 --i,. 111! -"rUatff , jj fti -i.fcH f b,e. 1 - GhOOSe t Ilk vif ... M iMFm0 Klamath Falls, Or., April J9. Work on a proposed reclamation project on ndlan lands near Modoc Point, 20 miles north of Klamath Falls, la expected to be started this summer, according to a report following the . return here of A. Xj. Hill, an engineer of the United. States Indian service. Mr., Hill made a thorough inspection of the project i and It Is believed that he waa favorably J impressed with It, ' ; V Fifty thousand dollars watt appropri ated at the last aession of congress to carry , on, ine -worn tarn projoei.- r.o-cordlng- to mon Interested In the project this money la to be released almost at once and work can beaut without much further delay. Under the plan 8000 acres of dry land on the fHit near Mo doc Point will be irrigated and 1000 acre of swamp land reclaimed. elecTrTc OFFICIAL DIES WHEN AUTO TIRE BLOWS New York,, April 29. Hlndfll Par sons, attorney and vice president of the General Electric company, la dead here I today as a result of an automobile acci dent. Paraons, who was noted for hi fearless -driving, and -held a number- of Hpeed record between New-" Tork and Albany, was driving his new fouring car at a speed computed at 75 miles an hour, when a rear tire exploded, up-end ing the can Fareona waa thrown into the tonneau and Instantly killed. - - 11 j it 1 The new plan- high-grade, fully warranted pianos, such wonderfully little prices, and pay ments so easy that ever home can have pleasures and benefits of a fine, new piano now Holds your sock as smooth as your skin iwonaiuons . Seven leading manufacturers join with us in this plan, by which 518 Oregon homes are to receive elegant picinos. Bring a dollar tomorrow and pick out one of the pianos here shown or one of thirty-six other styles, or Write us. Remember you buy at wholesale. The volume of this trmsaction and quick; distribution a k e s these low prices possible. : " - 7 - .And you pay only $1 a week; it's easier than it sounds. Almost anybody can do it No fuss or red tape. No 'task to be perfohned. No waiting. The big auto brings the piano the same day you order it. Come first thing tomorrow, for more than half are now sold. ' Remember, these are high-grade vms to AND A WEE lar catalog styles such as a mansion would be proud to own a credit to any home. How much happier, brighter, better home is where there is music. And now only a dollar a. week does it, or equivalent by the month, if you prefer. ' , 40 STORES - Tha Nation's " . Largest Music House . Horn of ' ' THE CraCKERIWO : che Acrorujro ' - THE EBIBALL 7th and Alder V