The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, April 29, 1912, Page 13, Image 13

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TO w lower p;:
TV C.lkutk 0. C. A.
a ia.. a av eaa& w4
kr hute4 ! u , waa Vm
I- j Uwuk Ilk a MM
a4 kf Hm4 Ara.41 aa.
et e4 ky.ta,,. A
.Steamer Opland Will toad
000,000 Feet at this port;
Europa Mam Also to.Load
(or China.
v hhi M1J 1 M 1 mjjai
u ute ig ui f kie (tr im
rtanl I ik fwra.aiaa ar CH-
Wad. . kse ! cKara4 l i fcrla b.t kiay II.
IM Cfclee nfOfl t tpert LuanWf tr ).J frve VsafU foe llaa
Wma.1 )tr(wi IkJkMH rMlU4t J
lK t'eaaeia.
Tt f alls Iff Wkty tM ta.j
IM aA .4tUoa f tmmU
I u w iMiMtt rt
Oiaa ktl An4 NnltM A mi I
It. la In4 f ra i'otmt,i fl if.
f iici-Arrta4 kwailj frast Ml.
Lai lrr-Daa el Ves-a var ft i
JttA May 14; I Mil Imi Ik lNl wau
t fee MMiti yrt eMui ta
Ich ii4 ttm tatU fey Y.
fcjH Arm ji
,. rfU; t Mil fram IM.
I bound lf all fa alar Mtaalal
mnii m4 teraMr fr c i.itwa. Tfc
ItitL imr la only ill le !
Wl ase III lek oat aavol l.tee.M
ImI el IttMtltar we UK f ported
a Aaa J, jwae CHfaB, kr
fc arrived aa Warv k ft from lUliaa
Ct aha I Mt-4 U rrlv bat
la.akwel If Aajr I ) UUt
Arming vaalat 4f from lUkodst
. April II.
l'tt,la At Vta). , .
aa M arrtva.
flir. Hraaaaaiar. tia
mr. Iiaaaoaa. aa -4f
If. Har, ln H4r,,, ,
at Adufw-A
Vila aa uu.lir U.fa aa t at g , 1 ilT' JI ! IL-lC!' " il" I
Harvard. Am, aa, Aaa rran
t JCurr Maru, talaia W- T .
iaa alaraarfta al K IWaflUl dock
lata af r&ooa a4 aaoa aa a ha
rtattia4 aha will oa ft aara Of O ra
ff oa fir for Caiea far ftacouat at lb
Cbiaa Iapori A ttiaart LuMnbar ooav.
tir. liar Ua4 aarra raaalala of
III elaeaa Of oak, oolaiataf Utll.tH
faal af luanVar 4 U oaaiio4 It IM
raclfla Uimbrr A MaBttfaeiurtni eon
raajr. K Kako, rairaaaUac Uunno
alra A Co. af Tokia. aanara of I ha
aiaaaacr, mad I ha ayf ovar from
Our. 0b carru a craw of I.
CapUla Taaaka Nfl thai I ha antlr
vr of II r ocroaa Iha Pmrtfio
aa aioratr aa4 that lh f uat two wtaJ ,
oul iha ataomr balllad llb a uoca-
aloa af haary gala) during bUb Urn
kr 4rka war contlnoaJIr rroni
lh iftal aaaa thai krok ovar Mr.. la
apiia of lk graal thai ba iook
ard eoatlnuoualr. oho ouaiaiaad no
aaaaga u4 lbro r no accldaala on
Iha vayaga.
..Aarll It
Tal. Ara. aa. from aa a-taa. . . . Ma v i
Jlr. Jrw,.f Cooa liay. .. .April
Htr. I Imora. TlMamooli .:Aril It
&3-MU Wind t North IIa1 IUi
for TortUad Toalght, TacaxUy.
Btonn warning were ordr4 out at
I 4t this morning for All autlon la
Ihla district, by iXalrict Forrraalar C
A. Ilaala. who Mr that (orm of
markxl nrgy ta central thl morning
rar Vancourer lalaild. In fact. tl
torm had tart4 last Btgbt, M ahowo
by wlrlaa mcaaaga to th wcathar
burau from th alramvr Alllanc. aTid
at an aarlr hour thla morning tho wind
wu blowing at th rata of 61 mile an
hour at N'Srth I load. A loU In th
torm wa ahown In th tnornlog " t
port from North Head, whn th va
locltr wa II mile from th south. Th
torm la designated by DUtrtct For
raatr Real aa A regular winter one,
which pprr on th coast very two
or thra yeara tho Utter part of April
or early In May. 11 doe not expact
It to b felt much In th Interior, al
though th prediction for Portland and
vicinity I rain tonight and Tuesday
nd brisk, gusty south shifting to south
west winds. Tho wireless from tho Al
liance is as follows:
S. B. Alliance at sea, I p. m, April
It (VI North Head:) Seren mile
south Cipe Blanco; strong south gala.'
tr. TUUsnook, riorjnr Alay I
jir, riwaausa, pan i. ! liay
ir. to cuy, Uigo.,.,..May
Kir. y.lllanca, Eurka ....! r
ir. tr. Man rJro May
Nir, Ooo. W, tider, tie a Plego.. May
Oral Teaaar Ba avaa.
A an Urea. rr. bt. JicUea
'"'"si, i. enip. iij.aa rrajirl
u..u.t. rr. i. nil Juiii
Ia ferouaa, Fr. bkA Itll Hblid
Marx-bal UooUtol. fr. blu. Itll. Antafog,
MiMellaaeeaa rorelg-a U Arrive.
AUne. Am, ach.. Tit Kan i'.tM
Artemis. Nor. str. 0I...Kaa Krnclaca
iMinayra. Mr. ship. 1014... Van rranclaro
IV r r"n. nr. sir, I !. Ktrc
Uakal Maru. No. t. Jap aa....4.Ja
Tea! u
Bo ton. U. 8. a fir asm
Crown of .ndla Br. ah. .AU.k.
Clan Maclver. Br aa. Cron mills" rr bk"i Oaaanlc
f"1". Oerman ach, Kaappioa
J. C Merara. Am. bktn Astoria
J?,lr-wm- f N,r, "
Klrkrudbrlahtahlra. hr u u.t..i
Iliermlia. rr. bk i uV.
S"?." J-onareh. Br. sa. I.lnnion
Melnbek. Jar. ah. Llnnm
. ' ' acn on way down
Itoaa t.ltr Am. sa. Atnaworth
Yoroppa, Jap, aa. Hanf leld f
i a Vaj r-r i J I .f jl vrr rf jrj".' . a i- v.. v: aVWfti. a j
1 1 a 1-1 -r s n a . n a i i t i i
r "n JLCa.f iiU- w-U- CA'KAfi V ? 'Xi Ll-
f j aa . . --Tasa "Vat - aJ ' . , ' V 1 f. .I.--" Wl at J r - I M W I
v at v ww j- jjr a.. vk f 7 " Vat 4a a i . i i u--r" . fa s I
l-v ?jL,ft M -4
w Tie
auviri Ai tut: i
la f arH l Mil
ALL -rtrvwi a Hitr r1 tlljr..
lall A1V. flai. kltf j .
fwtlf f t.Wtar.
rtaaa t- Mr iiha.
iXMttllit lUa, ft see la m la
. I auaaa l! luee, r-er ''
T w T.
r . . i il.V:ii:iL ss. i. .
ucicnse in mc uniiuii wurucr f-r .
Ta - lf ta
i:ti K ini inn Mnin r an umu. wi
waaw IMM wvi.l a,,,,.,, aav t ! " a I
Men Arc Irresponsible. il.VM.alt'-'.Mr t.
Wki,4 la a la A lra.L
ia.rtl la TV. Awtaatl
CaaitUi. ur. A i.r II J -hallolis
J alW Ue 14 M aalvaai la Ala caair
Mr be l alli kle UMi I I
aa (ttailaa l4a arr 114 w af lUvir , I
blaa )al.r4a. klla IM Iva lb. a I .
j (aulas', iaf stUa. Aaul ekar- J
Iff im la KS 4l ai4 Ike laraUg f '
b:a key la Ii 4M,r ru4 ka iir
i a AA.--,''.V It - 'I
lt,i r-lJ. la-a rmt.a ,
e fwr no laMi tkav
t p.r laaa'aatrk llmMl UnVavv
4 !. !-t laa ll
tiUhiia AfVtLWrtatvklk.raV
lima. ae Ha
"" ulltf IISMS, M I lav M
T aaora '"auU UaMaV b pay tlM
I r ttaiuav
Ike raiaa ettr la "Mrw T4r
4 all klhar t aai'1rtloa. eae-att
BB4 taa-t II lluu(la IS dralal ' ' H.luallM' Mllll. la t a aaiai
fruaii lalkia Katia aiar4 kit al ' waaiaj i n a4a
lh aii I fall... I he jailor aM ahlie .!,,,lM., 04
ilk. ,ailr .-.. uf .. a .VIT .T. .ITfTliTZL. ul
laikallle tua4, rMjlag a baaa-J ham.. .
Mlr -,M r ( r.insrfc; Xo ad cKaf4 far tM Uk ! la4) la U. a44i.a4 I hi trvilwr , "r lie
I UiIii. ba lay k.4 la a call Uuu C'uairaei rla hfxM arr-llrltaa, A
1 feat rrwta rlaorga rati i M' rU wlil kflw a
0arg tl4 Otarles. aer4IBf la th ' " " LJ
t;t Vl.Zt-'Z :i.uJ.! I The Oregon Law on Advertising
ralona rr4ra a rauri rial vj Ida r
I'karls al4 k Old al hrutw lival girl
aa laklag fean all b aair wiw) ks
foffiad lu Another Tvngu, 'or he
would r kave mi4 ao mua Uorga
told Lhrt.e ba had ha. a afraid ba
OUld I. II and a ban rrsld triad la
gl word to him U kMp his mouth hul
but bafora Iha word rMched him h
'bad laid vryhtag lhal Is (rue and
hoie lot of thiage (hat a noi
bWveral altoa. vera InlmOaoad by
lh a fen a la prove that iore and
Charlea llumuhrsr wr of dull man
laliiy, lhal they ara simple minded and
Inrapabla of carrying oul eitenalve and
belnoue rrimai, such aa the murder of
Mr. Urirrilh. So woman are In I he
rourt room today, the story of the eon
fraetons Haturday evidently rauatng
tbem I fear to ret am.
A.r a.a. M I a m.9
f. Itrai. m la yaaii wnSiawl, af
bia 1 rtaraiar. a-rat if aM a
1 1 ailsaiaa ear mui mm i ntmrn aaaa'-
lf IM aMWHf a '. (aa mW. is
(rla. la. aMaa af a4 aria' a swaarav
at a sl ntr ss laa a 'naaaaaai .wl,
a a snaarr a ena a rtm cavk.
am.awav af Ik eaailM a aaraaaa T saf
ale vawa ia aaWae sr NkaUM a faWl
saalt ka kH (all)- a4 alai a i . sa4
MrtrtlN laa Mai M Mala kf
rtM af e4 laaa I aaa fia M a r lhaa V
e kf la-triaiisaaal la Ik aWf tall a4
"MW aar. kr kxa xk Ca aa4 la
yr. anal. iU law. a. toA, y. 141.
Ta. allallaa ( e.ntaai .at aaa e
lwt,al -' aa vll a Iks I a rka aakilav k 4-
1 1 n . aL.
Imply to fttghtao ronervtlv mem
raUr rill SafMiad.
Th commlttM further voted to elim
inate Broadway bridge franchise and
It connection from consideration at
thl Mm. That franchise will ba ub-
mlttad separately. If th city icu-
Among th 1100 ton of rargo which
the steamer Rose City. -Tact sin Maann
will I tska nouth on her next trip will r Uv board and th trtcr rompiny
inc. oV0" :znA&Jtt;.Zg: - ET" fLr
of the "Big- I- fleet will go to Ban ,ht br,d tb frnehJsa will ba granted
rranrisco. i later ana oevenia trei win o aouble-
in tow or th steamer Ocklahama. the I tracked from th bride to Salmon
!,"lUerWwlp. " UJt,n 10 lh- r- "rt, th company being given th
When ah arrived Uat nis-ht n tempt wag mad by. Vic Jrel-
Ban Diego, via Loa Angelea and San I dent Fuller of th company to have the
Francisco, the Steamer Roanoka fan. I commltee recommend th aTlmlna t Inn r
ln.Puinfton h,d 149 PAkooofoni and th proposed Stark etrMt connection
rh ,! tf."n,rmI f1e,ght frora conilderatlon. but thlwaa de
Th ItghthOUM tender Ilaalkar ..11. I t t-i,. vi.. m '
rrflm A.tnrl. tMaw . t u . u . i . . I ..... . . . 7
:.,'",; " ' ' I originally, ror ma construction or
matertal for the Destruction Island fog track from Washington street on Thlr-
. v V f. 8h wl11 ,BO ProvUlon teanth to Bumsld and. for a common
tha lightship and then Drocaiut in a I n si.rk em T.irf...ik ni
,i'?Ink.WhJfh 5.'c "h- WI" convoy street Tha United Railway already
It At M ak r I .1 arn tea K In XIa tk ja I a a . ... ... .
v, h..v aaar haromatar heavv ZZLC . "'r.TL.r " w ."""ur opermiao una on Biarg Drwen ihos
. A,;.,VE. I rauiaoa nv. Tno latter will two Dolnta.
r. OBV"e io com na men re
lieve No. 7 on Umatilla Reef.
The II
rain squalls.
Crow of Stanley Dollar Dine on Fly
lag Flah That Land on Vessel.
Firing flh composed the-dlet of th
officers and crew of the Callfornla-At
lantio steamer 6 Unity Dollar. Captain
Thwtng. after she passed through, th
Santa Barbara straiu. off th Callfor
nU coast, aa several of the largest spec
imens that thy bad ever oecn were
blown aboard th steamer and killed.
according to th officers.
Th Stanley Dollar arrived from Bai
boa at 7:10 yesterday morning laden
with 2300 tons of general freight from
New York, among which was 1600 ton
of steel for the new addition to the
Oregon hotel. Th officer report
strong, northwest weather from Cape
Ban Lucas, Lower California, right up
to th Columbia river. She made the
run up from Panama In 20 days.
For her outward cargo the Stanley
Dollar will load 1600 ton of wheat
nd a dcckload of lumber for San Fran
cleco. '
Craft Without Adequate Fire App
ratus Taken by Customs Patrol.
Five launches operating on the river
were apprehended yesterday by tha
Vepustoms patrol launch H. W. Scott for
T)ot belngf equipped with adequate fire
extinguishing apparatus and complaints
have been filed against tha owners with
the United States district attorney by
customs officials. Those apprehended
Astoria, April JI. Arrived at' 1MB
and left up at 10 a. m., steamer Ttm
plco. from San Francisco. Arrived
t? at ?'4? "i m" Norwegian steamer
Xi'PI- Arrived st 10 snd left up at
10:60 a. m., steamer Falcon, frora San
Coos Bay. April 18. Sailed at 11
m., steamer Alliance, for Ruk
Astoria. Anrll iiirriv.ii . u
nigni ana lert up at 1 a. m., steamer
Breakwater, from Coos Bsy. Arrived
down at 10:30 a m.. and Balled at noon.
Hrltlsh steamer Dcan e.
Swansea Via San FVancI
3 and left up at p. m steamer Roan
oke, from San Diego and way ports.
Arrived at 3:16 n. m smt l.ff ,.n
steamer Klmore, from Tillamook.
Ban Francisco. April IS, Sailed at t
a. m., steamer Geo. . W. Eldor. for San
San Pedro, April 28. Arrived, steam.
er Yosemitr from Columbia river and
sailed for San Dtego. Sailed, steamer
Kansas City, for San Francisco: steam
er KUmath, for Portland.
Astoria. April 19. Condition af fhu
mouth of the river it I l m . rnno-h-
wind south 26 miles; weather, ralnlna;.
i iaes ai Astoria Tuesday High
water. 0:30 a. m., 7.8 feet; low water,
:25 a. m., 0.1 feet; 6:29 p. m.. 3.0 feet.
(Continued From Psg One.)
Fourth: north on Fourth to Oak; wrat
on Oak to Sixth; south on Sixth to Tarn
bill and disband.
Governor West notified President C
T. Prall of tho highway association this
morning that as admiral of th good
roadj squadron ho would accept th In
vitation to head th parade.
Bom of th Banner.
J'Bad roads, your nam 1 mud sign
the petitions." .
"Gat out of th rut Vote 'for good
. "Flg'ht th mudholes Boost for th
appointed to gt algsatar
today follow:
Ad club
Kolary club t. II
I teal It board II
frogtsMlv Buslna Men ttO
Aaotber Spaaker Sacarwd.
Th good road aquadro will m
at noon lumorrow In Lb a Commerrlal
club. Final preparatlona for tha Wed
neavday pared a, 1 1:20 . m. to 1 p. n
will be mad. Report of th commit
tees on banners and mualc will ba made.
Sub-committees of the speaker com
mlttM will be named by the chairman
J. Fred Larson. Mr. Larson today se
cured a list of Improvement organise
llona, with place and Umaa of niMtlng,
which h will um la making aaalgn
tnants. AutomobllM will b provided
for th commltteaa.
Praaldent Prall of tha Oood Road
association aanounoed today th adil
tlon of Hugh Hum, publiaher of the
Spectator, aa a masibar of th good
road aquadron pakar oommltte.
Mr. Huma nam bad ba IsAvdvarUnU
ly omitted from tho first announcement
of commlttM appointments, saia air.
"All planning to furnish cars or othsr
vahlelM for Ui wadneaoay paraaa
should send them to tha plac of forma
tlon filled." announced Frank C Rlggs,
chlrman of the parade committee, after
tha meeting thl morning. Tboa wno
wish to Join th parade and haven't
cara will ba provided for. There will
be two band and ail aorta of appropri
ate banners. Attention will be called
affectively to th need of good roads
and th beginning; of th two weeks
8 a.
Palljr River Reading-.
m., 120 meridian time.
ni 1 1 ni i"
i !
lavs' I i ti;
i iTrsTiiii liiiliil!
!! ! B i ilii ii tli't'S
It takes over
two years of
and ageing to
give Holbrook's
Sauce it's full,
rich, mellow.
flavor. . : '
liuugene ...
Albany .....
tsaiem ....
Wilson vlUe
Portland . .
roaas ouis. brother, Ptr, also take part
These are som of th banner title ... n' w. .v.-. .r, w
decided upon this morning. Charles IL
Lehman was made chairman of th com.
mlttee on banners to work with James
J. Bayer. Tho Portland Sign company
contributed six and Foster & Klelser six.
A new feature of tho campaign 1 th
contest between business clubs to see
which can securr- the greater number
of signatures. Reports will bo received
and announced dally from the good
roads headquarters. Tho Ad club today
Is in tho lead with tha Progressive
Business Men's club looking like the
Portland bail team after tho first thre
Each club has a- committee
24 5.81 6: 2"
SO- 8.i 0.2
26 8.8 0.1
10 6.4 0.8
16 2.0 0
20 4.10.1
20 3.6 0
87 6.8 0
16 8.1 0.
is Your
Portland today house a champion of
the world with flv records. H I Otto
Watsei NowenlelakI, who began his en
gagement at the Orpbeum thl after
noon in an act wherein he displays his
muscular development and " exhibits
feat of strength that hav won laurels
for him throughout th world. Ill
In tha
act. On the stage they are known as
th Arco brother. ,
At Athena In HOC Otto Arco wa ad-
Judged to bo champion amateur wrestler
of th world, winning that distinction
by defeating all comer In the Olympic
game. In Pari In 1807 he Was- pro
claimed champion over all profession
als who competed with him In a great
wrestling tournament Before winning
these honors he won the belt aa cham
pion wrestler of Bavaria. .Th cham
pion is a schoolmate of the noted Zbysz-
ko and they are close friends.
Otto Arco also ha two other unde
feated mark to his credit. He holds
the world' record for one handed snatch
weight lifting, a distinction won in Lon
don and none has defeated his prowess in
lifting weights1 over his head In a two
nanaea cling- int. 'J. no auiiets has med
al and certificate to sustain bis cham
pionship boasts. .
Ban Francisco. April II. Howard Mor
row, tha Chicago middleweight, whom
Tommy Rysa says will soma flay ba th
middleweight champion, I matched to
day to mMt Jack FlUgerald of Omaha
la a four round bout her next Friday
night Morrow rarantly heated Kid
Ovorge la a It round go and made good
witn local fans. Sevan other bout com
plet tho card, fallow:
Manuel Vlarra vs. Lm Johnson; Willie
MMhaa and Al Bennett; Tommy Vic Faj--
tano ana loung waieon: tvillle l urteJI
and Barney Rlchter; Rufe Williams and
(Apartsl la T. Jaajrasl)
Lakevtew. r, April ! Another gold
mining strike near Paisley, on lbs
Slav daylord Mtat, hss caused rausA
aiclt.mant around lhal nart of iha
county and men r staking oat claims I Brtc Burgess and two "curtain raUera.
on what la apparently the same vela or
lode Tb new working are a conttno- Dayton, WaalL, April II. Dayton won
atlon of som that have been goo over I ytrdsy on tha horn diamond ovar
In a dMultory tnannar for 31 years by I Waltaburg. 7 to I. It wa a cIom gam
tha UI Btev Gaylord. who had much I ana wsJtaburg wa leading throughout
faith In Iha mineral wealth of the the flrat part Ratter! Dayton, Phll-
aeven claims that be had located, and
spsot all th money that he could urn
on th.m. At hla death the estate was
placed In the hands of Judge El M. Brat
Uln as admtnstrator, but as there wer
no fund to go ahead with, tha Utter
contracted with L. F. Kllppal end C. E.
Campbell to participate In tha expense
of development, the (state retaining on
third Interest
During th naxt two or three wek
a carload of sacked ore win be a&lppad
from hare to one of th Nevada malt-
era, for actual result from th mlfL
Th plac where ' th ven Gaylord
claim ar located wa evidently proa
PcUd by tho aarly Spanish gold seek
ers, for there wer Indications of such
when Oaylord commenced work.
Hp and Walte; Waltsburg. Balemaa and
Cox, Yesterday gam placM Dayton
in second plac In th Touchet Valley
loagu series.
Tha Lents, Archer Wiggins- team d
feated th Lents Independent by th
cor of 8 to 1. Richard Maxmeyer
pitched for th losers.
(pacta! I Tb JooraaLI
Hoqulam, Wash., April II. Three
carloads of oyster sed, for the West
port Oyster compsny, will arrive thla
week to be planted on the company'
bed a More than 10 car In all will
be punted by various firms this year.
The oyster Industry on Grays harbor
is In Its Infancy, but mora thsn 120,000 I An Instrument has been perfected by
worth of blvalvea were taken from the I German electrician for accurately
various beds during the fall, winter and measuring the voltage of high tension
spring months. I currents up to l& volts.
The Portland Cubs did not play yes
terdajr on aMBt of Iha -vsitnr - Ttnry
ware scheduled to meet th Vancouver
Lincoln Roasts T. It.
(Ipeelal I1 TV Jnarmal
Newark, N. J, April It. While here
last night President Tsft made publlo
a letter rrom T. Lincoln, son or ths
late president condemning Theodora
Among other thing Mr. Lincoln
' "My personal feeling ar unimport
ant, but I am not only impatient but
Indignant that President Lincoln's
words and plsin views should be per
verted and misapplied before trusting
people Into support of doctrines which
I believe he would abhor.
Cfcrt. awlu tltarlMu.
"Tka Jawraal" IM ftf aje ta
far fatlal k. B aSaartlaat, I il m
a Is IM taua MrA. e4 aaa Ml taak
"rwk f "' fimriin s4 fVafe 4 aa.
UN." Wllevta aaa Haaa. mr pgifiiii av k
n4al. a ranarailaa kaa ntk' I
Swilaa aa la MW Ikias. an4 ikaald A
aa ra . aaaa kn aa4 aaoattilaas. ,
TV. Jaanal kalavraa CMI HUM STtM
k .Snrtlaa.
KaaOna mt Tk Xaarasl. sawlag .
Ila.aiials spfwarta I nils pafav. aoa kb.
emlv4 U ras-rt In arlita- say fallar IM
Mri 4 M sdvarrtaar ka aa a ka i.nki .
a4 If tk aManlalal k wall t aaa.4. Ifcal a.
vvrtlaar aril! M Aaalad ta fk -aa antaataa.
. ka. ka Som la IM . a4 If lw 4
wtlaar' irti ara la vkalattna 4 Ik k M
win ba akrt to nmaaralloa).
Tkr ar a adaartlaar aalag tkaas tahsw
SSklsat Mas matrlalsta ka.. kre kmao kf
aar raaoara, in Wa aafapkilats sr
pi IUaltM tll M rl- a rkaam.
c. iirnnoi, r.iaii.e.
ANBWIOtfi to claMtrted dvrllmaot
which appeared In Th Journal await
tho poMalng artlfloatr for the fol
lowing numbers:
. A ISO, 871, r. 7I. 177. HI. 8011.
Tl 1?. 371.' III. III. 7. Ill, III,-
172, 37. 390. . . .
r iti. I7. I7. 7, iti. mi
D tit, 86. 810, 142, IT6, ITt.
E III. thl, 840, If I. lit. 173, 874. 171,
38J, 31 395 '
F 161 86. Itt. 814. Itl. 176. 171.
811. 816.
T 864. 871. 384. 387. 313.
1114. 111. ICt. 371 868. 818. 1ST.
J ll.'lll. 16. 142. STL 173. 171. Sit.
63. - . r a
K 333. 823. 828. 311. ITS. SIT, SIS.
1161. 861, 170. 171, 111, Its I7. tit
N It. III. Til. 147. ISO. 841. It. 171. 1
S74. 378. 371. 387.
O 11. . 230. 17. ; 354. S65, lit, " ITT,
- IB, -ay T, TJS -TM.' ITT.'
R 31 . 364. 367. lit. 3(3. 371. 880.
883. 314. SI7.
8147. 341. 362. 164. SIT. SIS. STT.
878. 184. S86. '.
T tin. Iff, J7. 7I, 8 ft. III. lit.
XT 179. . ' .
V 353. SIT. 879, 886 888.
W 358. 859. 870. 376, 381. 314.
X 127. 143. 851. 354, 870. 871.
Y 101. 171, S78, 171, 18. III. 80L
A-B-C 380. 283. 384. 386. 890. 398.
A. A. O. N. M. 0. .
NOBLES. Make . your
-reservsiions ror lm An-
feles Special. Train leave
hursdav, May I. 11:46
p. m.. Union depot "Write
Noble A. H. Lea, 370 Vi 3d
st, or telephone him.
Main 1686 or A-4047.
PosltlVelv no raaervatlona
made after Wednesday noon. By order
of potentate, , B. O., WHITEHOU8E,
Keeorner. .
R. N. A. Ore.
BRYCE MAY BE MADE You will tone ud vour
hUKtlliN bhUnclAnT system and feel better for
Roaa Carno.
v., Allaky hall. II and Morrison,
meet FrU
() rising-.
t i
Continued From Page On,)
. t a
menta contemplated by th nronosed
franchise If the council Insists on th
faro regulation clause.
Great pressure has been tirnnrhi in
bear upon the councllmen by people llv-lheld to dispose of shopworn or shod
Ing In the suburbs, -who fear that the dy merchandise, but that is not the
Right now is the time to look into
the player piano proposition. If you
ever intend; getting one it will pay
you to call and see the Dargains tnat
are being offered at the money-sav
ing piano store on Burnsiae street
Every one who has looked has bought,
sO there must be a reason.
This sale is unique, inasmuch as
nothing but strictly high-grade new
players are included in the list ot in
struments offered. Usually a sale is
company wily abandon Its Intention of
putting in seven miles of extensions
unless the council complies with Its de
mands. ThU pressure has been . espe
cially strong- on Councllmen Joy and
eenmeer, wno represent ward In which
much of tha new trackage Is proposed
to b put in. :
. vrai T nrht to oouca
"I shall take this firfht before tha
council,- asserted Councilman, Monk
after th committee had adopted ' th
amendment "I am firmly ' convinced
that w will be making a mistake if wa
cut out or the franchise th elauM giv
ing us ma rigm to regulate fares on
the lines affected by it The franchise
arrectg not only the eeven mile of new
yllnea proposed, but alobout 13 miles
-a.i wu.wi an stirvaajr in opera
tion and over the validity of Which a
question hss been raised. Some of these
old line hav been operated for JO
years. . I don't think th 3 cent far agi
tation enter into thl controversy at
alt T . . . a. a . . i
case in this instance. We are offering
our regular line of player! pianos, all
88 note, up-to-date, and the very '.lat
est case designs in beautiful mahog
any oak and walnut cases, and some
in mission designs. No matter wheth
er you want a player of the highest
possible type or one of the more rea
sonably priced ones, it here for yon
and at a big saving.
If you have a silent piano in your
home, it is al! the more reason you
should insider if player -piano. You
can have music in. your home with
just a little more investment Come
in and let us make you a proposition
to take your piano In exchange. We
will allow you liberally for . it .Fif-1
teen, different makes of players to se
lect from. Prices from $377.50 up.
Reed-French Piano Mfjj, Co.
Vancouver, B. C, April 89. The Ca
nadian wrestling championships will
be held tonight in the dub house of
the Vancouver Athletic club. The en
try list is large and several hard bouts
are expected.
The Multnomah club of Portland has
two grapplers Davlscourt and McCar
thy entered and both of them are con
fident of winning irr their respective
. On of the feature bouts of the eve
ning is .expected between George Walker
of Vancouver and McCatthy cf Portland.
McCarthy is considered to be on of the
best middleweight In the P. N. A.
thla season and Walker will have a hard
time holding ths title,
(United Press Leased Wlrt.l
Washington, April 28. That James
Bryce, ambansador of Great Britain to
the United States, who Is now en route
from Washington to London via San
Francisco and th far eust, Is to accept
a position in the British cabinet and
will not return to his post here, is ru
mored today In diplomatic circles.
It Is said that Bryce Is to be pro
moted to the office of foreign minister
of Great Britain, succeeding Sir Ed
ward Grey.
(Bpecl.l to Tha Journal.!
Chicago, April 29. A heavy rainfall
over' Kansas and other grain sections
broi .Tht forth a stampede to sell wheat
In the .Chicago market today. The
market opened 2 to 2Vi cents a bushel
lower for the next crop deliveries and
closed 1 to lftc lower than on Sat
M. D. Spencer Everett Wash- 11. and '
taaltJnf,fotl.emO D jMScabmon, S5S Commeroial '
street, and Mary Cohen, 19. -
Walter Sleber. 6038 East Fiftyvflrst
street, 26, and Mary Batter, 18.
Charles Ola. 793 Montana avenue. 81. V
and Jennie Berg, 27.
Charles Edmonson. 1089 Bast Twenty-
fourth street north. 29, and Mattle B.
Wood, 21. .
Charles C. Charles, tho Leasdale
apartments, 24, and Marguerite Ioy, 24. '
Martin Schmitt 876 Mallory trt,
21. and Adella Liner, 24.
Lltt Hoffman. 814 Patton road. ST.
and Florence Grossmayer, 87.
Alex Gettmann. 269 Tenth street 24.
and Marguerite Griffith, 1 8. . ,
norrat iiarrison, wooasioca, (jr., xu,
Beat Remedy lor
;alHA.. I
(tlaltad. Press Lessed Win.) .
SeatUe, ..Wash., April, 28. President
Taft was defeated In jiie primary elec
tion in Kins; county Saturday, in which
about 10,000 voter participated, by a
It to 1 vote. Roosevelt led Taft bv
almoat eight to one, and La . Folletu
by nearly two to one. Roosevelt and
Taft have clubs hero: La Foilette's-
bowing is th surprise of the election,
ror- no nao no orajanization whatever.
Wood row Wilson led Champ- Clark in
the Democratic primaries by almost
three to one. Harmon yot wa negli
gible. William J. Bryan, whose name
did not appear on thabaliot getting
more, than the Ohio candidate. , . i
,4 - ui i . -
In Germany a government engineer
has devised a new system of canal trac
tion, rails laid on the bottom of a canal
engaging rollers on the bottcnx of a
boat, which can be driven by either
steam or electricity.
Around My,, Heart
Z wOl bnlid and tease
epofblo tenant a bnUding
my quarter block
at East Tenthi
and L I n o o I n.
suiuble fos laun-l
dry. m a o h 1 n e
anon, stable.
manuraoi unng
or storage. The
lot hss no track
age, but has sood
streets and Is
o 1 e s e In. In-.
a re-l
las; on
tun 604 Oeioill Bail 4-1
ing, oomai ana anazk
""Willamette Realty com
Krnest u. Hall, lot 2,
Bnllfl Croat
Chas. H. Sbelhamer and wife to
3. U. Wanner, lot 13, block '.J. Park
addition to Alblna
W. R. HAIZUP CO, Inc.. Abftcactora,
605 Gerllnger bids., 2d and Alder efts.
Couldn't breathe, many people say.
No more, choking or anxiety like that
if you will take Baalmann's Gas-Tab
lets for a few days,
Baalmann's Gas-Tablets ar prepared
distinctly and especially for Stomach
Gas, and particularly for all th bad
effect ' coming from gas pressure
against your most vital organ your
heart '". -- ,
Mft'Joseph-Aronstehv 66 Avenue de
rilyppodrome, Bruxelles, writes:. "En-voyei-mol
d suit par poste une dou-
sln de Baalmann's Gas . Tablets. Ces
tablettes sont 1 mellleur remede dont
Je m suis Jamais servls pour mon
estomac." ' ".':'",.--.'.-.
These peculiar tablet-are sold for
SOo a bottle by nearly every druggist
If. not in stOlk tell him to get them- for
you irora nu wnwieaaier, sr no sue in i r ,ti KiiOJi HfcAL ESTA1 K O
liver, .uiuipi vt money wruer a J. I Or an
' I eoa naldlaa- Bids- V
CERTIFICATES 'Of tin made by tha
- Titl Trust eompany, . lwi niog.
tn ann uaa.
Ground Floor Lewis Bid. M. snd A-1T4I.
601 McKay Bide.
IU Chamber of Commerce. Main 14BS.
211-13 Board of Trade. M. and A-2010.
Even a woman never learns to enaeze wtaalmann Co. 336 Sutter" txet San 1
aafil1l. . . . .-- . I .'. :" . 1 .-... . 'I
id ave. and MnIL E. 47.
T I J I-.
and Edvtho Nelson. 23.
S. W. svlter. Newberr. Or.: If. and
Lottie Slyter. 33.
Elmer Corhan. 808 East Burton street
26, and Ogda Rengstrand, 21. -Chester
Bash. 1886 East Thirteenth
street, 26. and-Laura Pugh, 20. .
John Reynolds. SooVk - Washington
' street 28 and Mary O'Leary, 17. ..
Harry Greisen, Woodland. ..Wash., 2S. .
and Grace Wallaoe, 20.
Fred ErtcKson. Columbia city. ut..
! 27. and Ida Bjork, 26.
F. B. Daren, mil hotel. II. and Anna
1 Ptreibtg, 18. -; ;
W. G, Smith & Co, 7 1
I Washington Bid., cor. 4th on Wasn'ton.
WEDDING " Invitations, remarkably ,
eood and reasonable In price, Beattis -
& Hofmann. 204 Stark St.
DRESS-suits for rent, all sUas, Unique . -,
Tailoring Co., 309 Btsrk st j ; i
CLARKE BROS., florjata, flna flotr
and riorai deslgna 2 Morrison mu
' ' t ' '
-v-; ? -. .v, BIRTHS .yik ffff?
JOHNSON To Mr.; and Mrs. FredcHck .
Johnson.-371 Hassalo su April 26 a
boy. '"' "'',
M'CONNELL To Mr. and Mrs. Frank
McConneH. 6849 . 63d st, April 19, A "
boy. ' ' ' ' '
COOP To Mr. and Mrs. IIas;n Clop.
- K. 42d and Alnsworth iL, AptU :o, a -
foHNSON To Mr. and ' Mrs. Carlos
Johnsdn. 68 i tveJoy st, AprU 26. a
'"l, V --;-' - : 1 1' 1 1 '
DTER In this city. April 28, st th
' family roanl.-ncf , 142 l ast 2U.1 at..
Charlea Franklin Dyer, aire .41 yeMri;, 0
months. 2S ilaya. Tinls lnvju- t
attend funeral erV1re. whlpft wlil I.
held at Homan s runeral parlor si i
? m.f tomorrow, 'ruemiay, prii in.
erment. River View cwf t.ry.
DIAS Bu'i-t''Tiaa.'si l:-gene st, A;i
25. mvft 48; hnmorrbiijf .
LAW Walter Law. 23 1 ,t d'wlr. ; r.l
25. are 2: drt-e-i
cent's rr:tai, Apr:f ., si n, r
siiiFU i: j. i!
ro l "c
iw : "
-rtta I.
. , .. -.1 '
i has been precipitated Into thl debate
Sixth and Burnside Sts.
gracefully. I
1 Sit Gerllnger BWg. .
K!a UIJ.
Li f-..
. l ,-i'