illl! OKiXON DAILY JOUKHAU I'OIiTLAND. MONDAY UVKNU.'O, AVUlU 15, 1311 r REFUGEES ASSERT iinomu START MASSACRE Fearjhat Some Other Power May TaVe Hand In Mexico Causes Americans and Eno lish to.Leave Country. trrilAL tf Do Or IRAI o tftMt fM WfW.1 l tt. Af'U I Bfttf If Am a till 04 tMlU e-b aba lw fUWag fl VIU, ffl f IM f ( IUMI IM bu.1 -) fl4 ff tst liee) la re IM (itt4 aM lalir. w eetaf italic Jaatve, t h iiir.4, e-l4 M fi fcee iaar-. iM tt.0 a.tauag W4 f ear trow II Mn(,f le bUlteea r!Ul Mr ! 4ltl Yb My lunwtilM I4I1m4 Iba frvg oa Ibal imm, 04 l W!M ! aw e4 U tl IMI If tbie eo.rr4 WMaf of II (Mm U aleavr oeaU gar to Crteia Baa ! Bar. Tha Mir ri 4eagr hUh e pta4 by Mr Of IM fvriy, freaa e4y fcolieta, ae ttaJergeae by Iba lata &aguea gfto, bO I cbat of aiiM at Uaaie turago. TVa t f ea mf4 of K. I- tJ e4 !( a&4 C I. IeKl4 ran4iihm rb4 rruie ai lie In, range Mrl waaka ago, a4 last tbay were fer4 14 ct fcw Ik anise a4 l hUfaiiao. Ma e14 tbay anaaa the whole eigbl arr in tveraafeaxh. aaH at m um sacuira4 A M4 ai Tt K.nili.h r'if look la tha kltla a4 rMnaiaa4 MMa la rr)ra for dr m4 DlfbL uatil t rbala k4 rJ o. Tha tarir thro proc4a4 lo Matadam ! thr rmi4 aaul tha Uafiiio Juari aila4 rtray aailata KUI T SiMtalAa- of tha aiiuailoo la MaMl- Ua. twaa ai4 ltir waa a flhl livara laiaa Iba lamirrveioa and fdria bout te waa afo, la which (hara war paoata IUIIa4. ! bf atrajr buJ !. Ua ul4 (ha only dasgar to any f orl(Ara durtnf Iba aafacaanaAt aa thai Jtbay mlf t( b ct4aiiUUr ! lla ioJ4 ef on brawarjf drtr who waa Making o pari la I ha fthl. but bo waa abot Iron hla waxoa a4 k II lad. Ilal4r aatd lhat iba fight la ilaaal Ian could not ba called a battla, a tha conlrailng pa rile would go about lha tru In bndrr ii or l. ana worn triy Mw a lona eaamy would taka out after him. ahootln lato Iho atr nd rrrlng, "Vl 1 Ma4ror or tha cry ft (ha Inaurractoa. Thar waro alwayo carvful that thry 414 not roaat a baod of opponentav t 4 mw riM aa f m.. a 4a Ui l4tr , ta ! t4 wul aww4 a4l K-4 M l;ia 4,iMMUva4 14 - . t Tlfa-1- BUI! Jlll . ifM4 (w .! . t a.a. AM ll-IMl ! TvaJLa, 1-mm fawl IkUu aiav aaiiao. m 4 ta Mtl4 by ka lJkw ba alia . 11 f a icl ba4, Iho 1 Hrf f M Wy U taaaig t .- at.4 T"a4a a h lata Ut ui.4.r, rai4 a 4iabaa of J4aaa aa4 ki:l4 f4Mt avatal ( fta. . l4MLfkM lr ala or (Ml Call. eaa bat otiaiir U14 waa la by uMt. 4 ikat to i4m1 ar lrtg Ibal - . . IrUa4 IWaf rflalo4. ..ti - - i alii tnl IU t"al, Arnl 1 1 tfco oruiaar SPOUT FOR ORATORY THROUGH BAY STATE Tafta Roosevelt and Repre sentatlv&s cf Wilson . and Clark Tour Massachusetts, Hooiaa. AMtt I . ( iba iaII a4 of f:U4 irvlava. tYoaidrftl Tafl. iloa4 K" aaaal t a4 M tall of Oaor Woo4roj vnw a4 Cbaaif t'Ufb. iMltr ara a44ig tor Iba ri Of btaoaaehblto oro a Iba Mflil bnatai to bo 44 ikrwfbMl tha otolo laaaorrow. Oloo4 Itowaotalt toft aao ooily today to ataha rbiUo4. M -a4 Wo, o lohtao- oo M UiMiMM at a awonboo of rlUao o4 aoro Imtof, Allbamfb Iho ofnoaao or I loo oa Ilia flrol OoaeH waa an4o at iho M4Mi wimiM Ual Iba rrwir !Uw rrMti , iar blaifaroa or hla lo lo ooil t lUol hlawic Mro4ahlar. Icor. Ho waa roortve4 wHh aalhual. IHO artl.llr oaj baf4 l4laU thai Joona. -Vi4aot Tafl la Ctaa Iho routo rllewa4 by Clul ltuorll iaat urdor I" lha bot- of 4olaa ooano af lha worn aocaf4loho4 by Ibo roraoar aaoi4at. tvrootor w, il array croao a4 w chur luulotvaata. Cf roavamaa- Waaba and Oar4or, aro 14 y imbta a wta4 II la twhalf of To". Atthuugh thay aioaaa4 eon4c4 that lctary would ho wllb Ibo prol4nt, aach ooae4a4 Iba poooihllur of Colonal Hooaarfll carry-1 log oavaroj cBgrooalanol 41atncio. froo4al Tafl ojuUo hla flrol opooea at Aiiiahorw be for a a crowd wblra porha4 tho grounda al Iho otalloa. lla rofarra4 lo Itllor oubllohod br nob- Ulri Tr!,-l llrthrtW 5tflA T- I-lacolo whbrh d.r.oocl Colo-1 iiift,ii iiivmmui vjhv.w waaj Boooayoit rtot wrrilng an4 mio I aiu DAnnlriViry Phut rfl PPrlrg" tho worJo or.4 vtowa of hla tun iimuuii'fe I faihar. Abraham UrJfcolB. Connection Among Lines. b oo opti4 at WASHINGTON'S FIGHT IPIIMCTDHMU Ml I AVO 0 1101 (MILUfilOI0 mm boomig N OKLAHOMA; i) DEAD Ot'.aAAOO C114. . Ati V.-, aUlQ roioraro tuy avow ut t t II rao wra biU4 4 mm thoa IM tajhtrw taj iba oraloooo whktl 004 lbi iwa haiatoar o4 ttoAav. n. o 04 tr4 aacaw. Tbjrwo 04rmo Olrwcb 04 ati4 oacfltfoo a gala fwa44r, fr'l iroia raaua at a or4 woo blow h Cka ti,-a lEborf, oa- fl 4no .k4 Wth oai oa aawtkaA 44 ! i HOQUIAM MAYOnALTY CONTEST UP TO CAUCUS bo tV bnamat I ftattobojo. Moo.. AU tho arf of laag o OJ-lilo 10 faiMi tlar. tj rv.4v aart 4 ltHM ahoa II lo rMtl to Cbrto KoaoU I A rifWlrw b Jkuh. onaawa. t )- Mmf It Ml. Jmm l--bay a-k-4 a f bkU. tUflMlt!4 10 Kit, vm Iboo a4 bM( iao at bro btag o bo Ibo Ularwat UbaO b U 0MH4M b SCORCHED Pi BED WHEN WINO BLOWS OOWM PIPE Vta4 tao l i. VUa.1 WbJlo,v tlbt, Aril t oVaho4 oowaoo hoO IM ooiioA oWaoa ooa,ta U. b4o whw b! U4 b iiio fog th orrvo bao oo4 aa M'oaMBkoat to ob4Ao br lb 4 . of iko Tho aa.!! ga too or bwlaf Jio hlr a. bo boo aotl lb aUAoloo aro W. ht Xaro wa TbMkaO K 4- 4v AM a o7'r oM o4 fuo lo tho , ytf Aaoto. a. to iouur lw twooy, a4 hoc 00 root a44 hbf bwiaav ba offg orWO tolotta tr1,ir. hiro. tt L Aakh. who woo Cfy with MitWa at Iho liaaa, waaawa-waawowaBaBaBwaaBwavBanwwaaaaaaBwna rh.i ti ti lit-rtu'g I rtaar Oi.4 r lt . - W4A l4 IH1 y 1,, TiWtMawA tiaualaj- a4 !, VaA Wooh, At4 itr"UA. b tuna) Araoa oa-i Wm oal-a-4 f ty I f'OUt tvr Talf iO araf tv I HatUwiM of haw t-o b.t j togr wa bioiad ol'a laoitau:r a . rotelof tho BW htaawaH .) t I bU4if will ho of ao4 hua. ( f-t ha oia wuh Clt ba.iw.i l. ij Ul ho aoago4 lbcokAt la a aaot to 4aio oaoaaoo. to oKt. IO - tho taaaoboato wail Oo4 of ri. . aoovro) wttl ho rotAa4 for aa or ! arrveo of tha Waoiacw t'ohaav aiu at rl h an ofwo ot tho ita 4-a, Tomorrow's Charge Purchases W Go on Your May BUI VJhkh It Payable June First Standard and 0. VI. & K. Sewing Machines Sold on the $1.00 a Week Club Plan JMbWaWjaBBBBBBBajBBJBMb Telephone Marshall , mo HIGH OUR T tPallad rtaaa Ut4 Wlra.) Waahlagiaa. A or II 41 y a 4adaloa of tho Uaiiod (too miaram oouii to day tho ctlUaao of tho a la la of waab- lag ton woa ibair fight lo compel ad )acal railroada to eoanaet with llnao running through thoir ototo. Tba do- cuioa upheld tho cooatltirtlortollty or Ibo otaio law aalherlalag tho lata railrood eammlaalooara of Waahlng ton to aaforco ouch pbyalcal oonnoctlona. Tho court added, howavar. that tha commlaaloo'a order la Iho prooont coao FALL SUITS WILL GIVE CLUE TO rniArS NSIDE (UbI 14 Freae toaa4 Wlra.1 Toledo, Ohio. April : Fall alylaofor women ware arbltraeJly aattle4 hero to day by tho National Cloak. Bull 4t kln hianufocturerof aaooclatlon In aerol- War VramcJa oa Secret Jlioaloa. I Called rrf LmM Wbra. Fan Dlrgo. Cal.. April If. Steaming ooulh on a aecrel mlaalon. tho torpedo boat deetroyaro Porry and Preble aro today nrarlng Magdalana bay. Lower California, where bra led orders, received lato Sunday, will bo -opened. Where tho little fighting craft wUI proceed .. w . I .t ..4. H..iu.. aa.tta a..lkaj au4ll I waa made oa inaurridant evidence, im oefaida thai order, which affeeta albtit now a raaicoj moraoae in leagm. eltleo la Washington. I approilmataly II Incheo predominating. I no nnea oi ina ouna win do augnuy IWUIT-r oil linil nntn non impm, roiueim tot iudduiii m linilC OMUmUIV nUMU the figure. Novelty faalureo will eon- WORK IS PROGRESSING w'a, 'UmS? II itVSht Mni ThJ allehtlv ralaed walot lino with Inaldo I "P"' m hii ibjiiiinra will continue In favor. " " I c .... . - .m a. I .-A ! Eet-ln oloovea. KMrkltal. Waah April 1 M-tlii mC h mmA fmm White I (' .... .,.. .. cut on atmlght llnoa. r-omnl.ted la th. Die Klickitat river. "' buttonina; offecta aro to f.atura all Tbo pIoji la to follow near that river "cparata coata. to tho Junotlon of tho Columbia, thence by tho auto road bo White Salmon. "LOST" DIAMOND RING Taklmo. and Klickitat atockmoo aro P 1 Mj". V. . elated over tbo proopect of the early HAIISFS PAN H DN TKAIN . .. .4 h& hi W . . . TaYfc.wI Wav v v waa 0 r a a w wgr wot a w !!"mlrwI!.,!";V.I",:UCKn " Milwaukee Wto, April l.-Launont :". . . " .! r. .1.. I n' tha looa of hot diamond rln. a fflfi'.? route aa now I Chicago created a aenaatlon among; tho ' I waa immedla.tlv notified af tha mn. I poaed theft and, with too aid of . an I operative of tho road'a oooret aexvlco who happened to be on tho train, began a ayatematlc aearch of tho car la the hope of finding- tbo loot place of Jew elry. Tho colored porter waa at once placed under auaplclon and big linen closet and ho himself moat carefully and thoroughly searched. Tbo ring waa not found. Ton other women bealdea tho one who lost her ring were passengers with her on the Pullman car and, , feeling that they alao were under auaplclon, demanded that they bo searched In order to prove their Innocence. .t , A Few of the MAY LIST Favorite Concert Waltzes By Prince's Orchestra A 8371 WEDDING OF THE WINDS Walti. (Hall.) , Prlnee'a Or- LUNA WALXZ from "Lady Luna." (t,lnoky Prlnco'a Or chestra." ' A 8374 NOCTURNE IN B FLAT. Chopin.) . rftlllfit. Ornhnstra acromnanlmont. DBEAM OF LOVE. (Llebestraum.) fLlsgt) Max Drogt vlolon- Max Drore. violoncellist Orchestra accompaniment. A 1W1 BEAUTIFUL ISLB OF SOMEWHERE,' ' (Fearlg.) Harold Jarvls. tenor. Orchestra accompaniment. WHERE 'IS HBAVKNT (Marti.) . Harold Jarvls, tonor. Orchestra accompaniment ,1 1141 TAKE MB BACK TO THH3 OARDKN OF LOVB. (Osbonia.) Charles W. Harrison, tenor, and Columbia Oil art et. IT'S A LONG LANE THAT HAS NO TURNING, from tha New York Hippodrome production "Around the .World.' A 8373 IT CAME WITH THE MERRY MAY, LOVE. (Tostl.) Mar in t. Margaret o-Q rat ir.v.a VnntrnHn Arch at ra nmmninlmwir Keyes, contralto. DEAR. Orchestra- accompaniment. AJHT0 AT IkASV " KING CHANTICLEXR AT TOTTB KXABEST DEAXEB, AWB Columbia Phonograph Co. 371 WASHUfOTOir 0TXZZT. Tha conductor at first demurred. Thai owner of tho ring, however, lndloated plainly that she suspected two . women who had been In tho wash-room after she had been there. The ring, she said. worth about izso. Tha owner of the ring waa traveling I with her mother, who had resumed her I seat in section 3, in despair.. , Tho de tective began searching; around tho seat! with the aid of the mother. Suddenly when ho pulled back tho seat cushion ho saw the unmistakable sparkle of a largo diamond. t "Hero it Is!" he exclaimed, The ring had slipped down behind the seat cushion and was reposing there all the time. The passengers crowded around the finder and congratulated him. . .-,. i . ', 1 .-aw-!- i :iWiMra i STRIKE IS DECLARED AGAINST SHIP'S COOK ftlnttfd Pre Leased "Wlra.t ! New York, April 29. The liner Co mancne or tho Clyde una was held hero for several hours Saturday after noon because of a strlka of tho firemen, who claimed the negro cook aboard doled out bad food and furthermore that h I was "a dangerous Individual.' -': On her voyagw to Now York the fire men, complained about the food. - Tho cook heard about It and, according to I tha firemen, appeared in the dining I room brandishing a carving knlle and I threatening to "out the heart out of any white man who saya I ain't no good I cook.' The sight of tho knife sllonood I complaint until the firemen got ashore. Then they made formal complaint to tho Clyde lino people, who promised to discharge the Cook. ' However; when tho ship was weighing anchor this afternoon the firemen dis covered; the same cook aboard. They bundled their togs and loft. Tbo ahip sailed for Jacksonville, with substitute firemen-' .; ; SS. "ROSE CITY" SAILS 9 A. M., THURSDAY, MAY 2 ! Daylight Ride Down the Columbia. 45 Hours to San Francises - San francisco. . . . . . . .lit class $10, $12, $15; 2d class $6 ; Los Angeles 1st cL $21.50, $23.50, $26.50; 2d class $1135 s (Two Days' Sightseeing: at San Francisco, with Meals and Berth -Frce en - ; route to Lob Aneeles.) .-..-. t. TICKET OFFICE, 142 THIKD ST. . , PH O NES-i-M AIN 2605. A-1402 CONTEST OVER MARSH ESTATE IS IMMINENT Halted Pre leaaed Wlra.1' Stockton. CaL, April 29. . Alden Marsh. L.nepb.w;r : of .:,.Goorge E. Marsh, tho millionaire soap manufacturer, for whoso Murder William A. Dorr Is being held here, arrived hero today from Lynn, Mass. Marsh la said to. have come west . to contest tho claims of Miss" Orpha Marsh, tho adopted daugh ter of the lato, James Marsh, to tha es tate t which ' the murdered man waa trustee. Marsh refused to discuss tho object of his visit. He aald he expect ed officers would arrive with extradl tloa papers for Dorr la a few. days. Bikerr Dpt. fourth floor Olds, Wortman & King Occupflng tntht Cllf Block, Bounded by Morrison, Alder, Tenth nd Wett Pirk Home Telephone A 6231 CroceryDpt fourth floor Wednesday Will Be Men's "Straw Hat Day" Every Porllander Will Wear a Straw Hal Rain or Sftfne Sale Lace' Curtains, Curtain Nets, Curtain Rods, Etc. $3.25 lace Curtains $2.35 Drapery Department Tnird Floor . A sale of Nottingham Lace Curtains in the mo.t attractive new desirowe have bhown this Ma son. AH the best-known laces are reproduced in these Tine machine-made curtains, which are priced at a mere fraction of what the originals sell for. Regular $2.50 grades on sale f nf at 91.85 and regular $3.25 grades at L0D Curtain Nets on Sale at Halt A sale of new Curtain Nets, full 45 inches wide, very popular for small windows and doors and sash curtains. Many attractive designs in white and ivory color. All to be sold at half 1 U ftt price 40c grade at 20S $2 grade at Va? Ul J "V- 51.25 Curtains at Only 85c Drapery Department Third Floor In the Drapery Store, Third Floor, tomorrow, we will specialize a line of pretty White Net Curtains with Battenberg lace edges and in sertion. Regular width curtains, full Qf 2$ yards long, $1.25 values, per pair ODC 51.75 Draperies at $l.i9 Imported "Sundowns' in fapcy checked de signs for window draperies. Colors are blue, gold, garnet, green and rose. Extra fine qual- -itr, silk-finished, 50 inches wide, A f f regularly $1.75 a yard, special only 1 , X f Sale of Corded Arabian Lace Curtains $3.75 Grades $2.85 57.50 Grades $5.65 Perfect reproductions of the fine, hand-made laces the most durable curtains made. Every pair is full 50 inches wide and 3 yards long;. Tor this sale we've marked them at the following prices: $5.50 Lace Curtains, pr. $4.15 II $7.00 Lace Curtains, pr. $5.25 $6.50 Lace Curtains, pr. $4.85 $7-50 Lace Curtains, p$'5Tfe $3.75 Lace Curtains, pr. $2.85 $5.00 Lace Curtains, pr. $3.75 CURTAIN RODS-Best quality brass rods, yi-inch tubes. They extend from 48 to 78 Inches. Complete with' fancy brass ends and brackets. Regular 65c grades specially priced at only 40 Great Sale of Blankets and Bedding f:; fJm 'Mm tm mi f 1 IBl $7.00 Blankets at $5.25 In the Bedding Department, Third Floor, a sale of fine White Wool Blankets with pink or blue borders, large sire. Regular $7.50 val- Af n ues specially priced for this sale, pair $uid $6.00 Blankets at $4.95 Plaid Wool Blankets in all the best wanted shades, large size, suitable for bedding, for top throws, for robes, etc. Our regular $6 4 m qj values specially priced for this sale at tSfreiD $12.00 Mattresses at $7 J5 Felted Cotton Mattresses, made with heavy roll edge ai ticking, edge and covered with plajn or fancy 17 nr $12.00 values, special D a f J Reg. Household Needs $3.75 Garbage Cans at Only $3.00 Extra Heavy Watertight Garbage Cans, very strongly made. Specialized for, the day only. Regular 50c Floor Brush at Only 35c Good Grade Floor Brushes, with long handles. Regular hOc Floor Mop for Only 25c Best Cotton Floor Mop and Mop Handle on sale. Bargain Circle Mam Floor Women's Aprons 25c, 59c, 73c On the Bargain Circle, between the ele vators, a sale of Women's Coverall Aprons, made of good quality gingham, with large pockets, long sleeves. Special for the day at this price f uC Princess Style Aprons or Bib Aprons, with fitted skirtfmade of dark per- PA cale. Special price for the day is OeC Bib ; Style Apronst made ! of good grade per cale in light and dark colors, dot- r ted, checked and striped patterns LoCj Regular $2.25 Plllovts at Only $1A5 Good quality Feather-Filled Pillows, covered with art ticking, standard size. n if Regular $2.25 grades special, a pair OlonrC) Regular $7,00 Pillows Only $5.15. Live Goose-Feather-Filled Pillows, covered with best ticking, sizes 23x23 ins., ff f splendid $7.00 values, special, pair ) ) Regular $2.00 Comforts Only $1.65 Good grade Cotton-Filled Comforts, covered with good quality silkoline, double bed size. Regular $1.65 grades at $1.25 rt 1t and regular $2.00 grades at only J) 1,03 Very Low Priced $2.25 Family Scales at Only $1.75 Good grade - Family Scales, with scoop, cor rect weighers. Telephone us your order. Regular 35c Mail Boxes Only 25c Japanned-Finish Mail Boxes, on Third Floor. A Sale df Automatic Refrigerators Big stock House Paints, Varnishes, Enamels. , '. 1 Raisin Day Tuesday, April 30th Tomorrow will be Raisin Day throughout the United States. Everybody will eat raisins, the most healthful, the most nour ishing oi all goods: In dining cars, note's, restaurants - and private homes they will, be served in every manner. Every person should eat at least one pound of this delicious food. See window display of Mow- at s Raisins, special to morrow, 3 packages for Fancy Seeded Raisins, three packages for only Muscatel Raisins off the stalk, three pounds for Sultana Raisins, 2 lbs. tomorrow at this price Center Circle Main Floor 35c Embroidery Only 17c $1.50 Embroidery at 79c Tomorrow, on Center Aisle, 1st floor, 5000 yards will go in this disposal. Swiss, nainsook, and cambric materials in a vast selection of the most pleasing patterns in edges, insertions, galloons, bands, corset covers, allovers and 27 inch f louncings etc, suitable for every purpose. Our regular 35c grades go for 1 76, ' our 75c grades f orn A VaV, and our $1,50 grades for uCj oarga 25c 25c 25c 25c Raisin Bread 5c a Loaf On sale in Bakery Department on the Fourth Floor. Deliv ered only with other goods. - ' f in urcie in Basement $2, $2.50, $3 Hat Shapes 98c On the Basement Bargain Circle tomor row we will specialize 6Q0 splendid new Dress Hat Shapes for women, misses and children. Scores of the season's latest and best styles, made of all the popular braids, such as milans, hemps, azures, chips, etc., in . black, white . and colors. Small, medium and large. They come in an endless variety of regular $2.00f $2.50 and $3.00 grades and -are specially Art priced for this sale at, each; only uOCj REHEARING OF COTTON CORNER CASE ORDERED (tJnite4 Frees Usee Wtre.) --T Washington. April The United States supreme court today ordered a rehearing .on October 11 of tho case wherein James Patten of Chicago and New York cotton brokers face prosecu tion under-tho term i of the Sherman anti-trust act for oornsrlng tho cotton market ; 42c Day in the 'Basement Underprice Store WOMEN'S UNION SUITS ON SALE AT, 4ZC A sale-of Women's Fine Lisle Fleeced Union Suits extra close weave sleeveless and loose' knee, Ther are trimmed with fine lace, A regular full fashioned garment and sold for 50ci . Special low price A nTj for this selling only friaiC WOMEN'S . MUSLIN M 1 PANTS ON SALE AT LC A sale - of Women's Muslin Pants'made. of fine, soft mus lin, cut; extra full trimmed with dainty embroidery ex cellent 50c quality. 'We place f Htm on sale for tomorrow at this very extraordinary a y fcnfr special price, each fiiCC NEGLIGEE : SHIRTS iH FOR BOYS, SPECIAL LC A sale of Boys'-Negligeerand Golf Shirts. - These splendid shirts are all new Spring styles and patterns. Come with or without collars plain or neat stripe patterns. Sizes 12)4 . to 14. Best 60c quality at the epeciar low pnee of 42c CHILD'S WHITE At SKIRTS ON SALE LC A sale of Children's White Skirts . of good quality cam bric and muslin trimmed with fine Swiss embroidery excel lent qualities that sell regu larly at 75c and 'We. &zt 2 to 12 vears. We r.-ri-e o them special at or.' i a-