-J . 4 " THE WEATHER m COAST TTAUTJUTURLS litis) U!M etd TcUaV. tiiuk, iy Ik ( ! l I4, !- --- 4 i fa BaVs--4 MIIIMMMMM 4 1 fc aw- fc. VOL. XL NO. 43. , PORTLAND, ORCCON, MONDAY KVUNINO. APRIL tl, ,,M2. EJOJITEUN PACES. TRICE TWO CUNTS tlti II Stat 4laa- tita tit it. I! f 1 1 I A A j jI i A O. r i i ( r w ii. . w v "w - v II " . w wr s UNCLE SAM B!) 1INGS LIFE HE SAVED AS chit m niccnnc mm nnnu OUII IU, UIOOULVL 1 IIUH1LII UI1UI TRUSl I TORI Mm I LU lli'l Department of Justice An? With Hf$ Hair Graying and nounces That It Will File Shoulders Stooped, Ismay Action Tomorrow Against Is on Verge of Nervous Field Machinery Combine, Collapse.'' MEMS UNDER SHOWER OF SHOTS AS 2 BANDITS DIE 'Babe's Parents Go Down on Titanic Mother Will Not Desert Her Husband TAFT AND WICKERSHAM THREATENING LETTERS COME TO DECISION POUR IN UPON DIRECTOR Army of Paris Police Held Off by Auto Murderers Until Refuge of Desperadoes Is Dynamited. tUby AUlwft'a tmnUrr, falbe aa4 aiatar wrwt dowa with H TicaaU. Mr, .tllUe t mot liri K titling rn w If boat Ke haUaai, i Rat lb clU4 tavtf (. TUtf it rwrr frniw (Ifrltanl. THOUGH HEART PIERCED DARING CHIEF FIGHTS ON Proceedings Will Be Begun In Continually' Harassed by Ca United States Court at St Paul. blegrams From Hysterical Wife; Is Guarded. (rtlri Im Vm4 rir. I I Cat 14 tfm Iti.ii VWi Trhlnion. April 1 Th dir. I Wuhlnian, April If. H14 btr (nn( e)ullAt snnoancl tUf Ih.l jtHchd with irr, !! for.hM4 rur. row In lh Unltad eoortj.l V "no iirue i. rul. Minn. mr- lh bMd cf ,b Whlu ir lla. Prldot Tafl and Allomer 0nrl J rf of viiplU brAlowa Whimbin. It U BUtad. decided at ?r lnUr a raull of ln avaUorA , ronferenca held hara yaatardar to I ?" "c hi?h ara paurtii In upon lnt lb 1araur lruL 1 r conniin 10 m aavaa rrom ina wrxi or ilia im.r TKantc lamar noida 'blmaair pfaooar In nla nom la a hold bra. rvfualoi to njont axcari l. A. 8. rrankllo. rlca prtaijnt cr lta Una. lla baa atad and Captured, Dying Leader Is Beaten by Frenzied Mob of Thousands. I tha action afalna 'jT Tha flrat boi f of tha harvaatar KOTrrnm.at lovaallf at o& combination took placa In 1107, whlla Thaodor Rooaavalt fil cr.aldrnt Tha avliianra arorkad ill by W. B. Townaand. apaclal rorernmant lacoie in lima mora than a proaarutor. who la wall known In Or. I wrf". rrlanda ftar far hit Jiaaltli ton forraa bohaa handlad hara. It wit I "'I aaolty If rrlticlan tonttou.a. Tha by rrealdent Ilooaavclta ordar. It haa lucklaaa nanastu director la bairf bn drclarad. that tha proeeculion of " aoonjrmoua and Ihraatan- tha harvaator truat waa not carried I ") 'attara from ralativaa of tba Titanic on at that lima I v'c,,"". taded to which aa num. rout Tha hanreater truat waa tha reeult craina from bia wlfa In Iondon. of action of the McCormlck harreater "ra"a; aim to come to ber, which romiimnv ahnnt in unhiniii iik I ' and torment him. tha laraaat manufartnrara farm tna. i Thnucb ha la eoetetantlr e-uarded. la rhlnerjr In tha country. Relentlaaa I my VQt ouhl the prolan ion of competition with flrma not taken into I . t011.- or Plle. but ha will do eo the comblua drove moat of tliera from I threataalnc lettera ceaaa. the field. I '" laat act waa to advance tba The combine would not handle Its I fT" m day ech on tlwlr sooda through dwilera. but eetabllabed 1 7 L " w,r out of 'unda. Nor am bar II. 1111. Mardarad m cbauffear and eiole au.lomablle al Cnalelet on llrta IWambar . IIIU ttala automobile of M. Norma at I to. loan Hur a.ioa. Iamer SI. Ill I Altavptad murd.r of I lank Mauaniw Caby. In Hue Ordenar. Iarle. Janaary II. I MI. Robbed bank Maeaanxer lallla( of lit.. e in l-erte. January II. III! Wounded two men and robbad frif !& Hon at Lem Aubraia. Kabruary IT. Ilt Shot Io llrcman naml.r.. who tried to atop bandita' fllcht In Paiia. February IT. III. rMught ra. volver battle with police and killed one at Angedvtlla. Slayer rum mil Lad aulclda. Kctruary If. 11 Attempted to rob office of Notary Tuliant at Iontolae. March 10. If II Attempted to rob a garage at Chaton. March It. H1I. Murdered agenrlea In tha principal cltlea. TTleae I Dd ,th! "nu a arrange-1 chauffeur named Mathltle and agenta were competed to maintain certain fixed price. Thla la the flrat time tha case will have coma Into tha courta. Denlca Morgan Behind Him. (Unltrd rraa lmmA U lr. I V.. Ynrlt I nril 50 li-AV-. VL- 1. I . .w, st ..nil. cvmnilUM in. fc.2r.nW tPar'h3rg7ru.tNd.r1r::t1 SVL but menu for their needa. UqnU May Be Oloawl Sooa, That tba TJtanlo Investigation may be cioaea quicmy ana Ita report preaenttd to congreaa at tha aaHleat poaalbla mo ment, ao that remedial legtalatlon may oa iniroouceu. in aenata committee in- iruai aireo-1 . . . :: ' 1 r tor and former partner of J. P. Mor- I " ccorajng to an- w tan. haa laaued a atatement deny ln K,, , wwrmin j that Morcan la behind him In hla bud. WlUtam Aldan Smith. .Wlreleae Oper- port of Roosevelt. Ho charged Taft I to7. "ro,1 BrW of tha Titanic and I with aelfiahneaa UwubllibtofW. J wniiam Marconi, head of tha Marconi J "harveater truat correspondence" at thla I Wlrelaaa company, arrived bare early I time. I today, leading to tha belief that tha I are to be recalled to testify before tha committee. Marconi waa the flrat wltnesa before SPED INGTi RAIN TuRNS a atole hla car at Moat Oeron. e March II, lfll Robbad fto. e elate Oenerale bank at Chantllly a of 110.000. killing two clerks. a April II. lfll.KJIlad Assist. ant Police Superintendent Jouln e and wounded Chief Inspector a Colmar in a revolver duel In Paris. April II. If 11. Ronnott. de mon chauffeur," and Dubola, fa mous anarchist, dynamited and shot by aoldler and deteetlreg oeiore a orowa or If, 009 people In a garage at Cholay Larol on e) un ouiaairxa or raria. ? m 2 SERIOUSLY HURT tha committee today. Hi corrected hla prevloua testimony, atatlng that ha aent a message to tha Carpatbla rquea-tlng (Vallad Preee leased Wbe.1 Parla. April If. With tha alarlne? of juiea Bonnot, tha "demon chauffeur. (TTnlted Preee Leased Wire.) Crittenden, Ky.. April If. Two paa aengera wera seriously Inured and four others suffered minor hurts when the entire train of tha Carolina special No, 10 on the Cincinnati, New Orleans A Texas Paclflo call road waa overturned half a mile south of here today while running at hlfrh speed. Tha accident waa dua to spreading rails.- Rlchesoh Says He May Become Priest (United Preea Leaatd Wlre.l Boston, April 19. That the Rev. C V. T. Rlcheson, under sentence to die for the murder of his 19 year old sweet heart, Avis Llnnell, by cyanide poison i !ng and declared by his attorneys to i be insane, told the prison officers that I lie may become a Catholic priest, was - declared here today by a former fellow ' prisoner of the once Cambridge pastor. I The man said that he had visited Rlche ' son 20 times recently. Rlcheson is said f V t be extremely nervous and smokes constantly. tha wlreleas operator aboard that vessel I of th "Phntn death car." and Du to wire him diapatchea telllna tha n I tol th world famous anarchist by of tha Tltanlo wreck Immediately, or P,lc " detectlvea here, the reign of to state why tha Carpathian captain I terror ' notorloua automobile ban would, not allow newa to be aent He d,U ln and about 1rl believed to- received no answer to thla m.u " testified. rrodncas Slieaf of Messages. - The wltnesa produced a sheaf of aero. grams which had been sent out by hla company to various roast stations urg ing them to get information regarding the Titanic at once". These messagaa showed Inquiries as to whether Colonel Astor, Major Butt. Charles M. Hays, Isldor Straus or Benjamin Guggenheim were aboard tha Carpathla. Marconi testified that his inability to reach tha Carpathla with his messages was due to tha fact that the operators aboard the liner were too busy sending messages to relatives and friends of the survivors. Chief Engineer Sammis of the Mar coni system, testified that the message t6 Operators Bride of the Titanic and Cottam of the Carpathla, telling them to hold-their atorles for money In four I (Continued on Page Nine.) T r outlaws, woo naa committed a series of daring Crimea extending- over a penc-o. 01 aix montns, and Invariably eluded the police several times after nana to nana ligota, wera run to earth in 1 small garaga at Cholay Larol, on tha outskirts of Paris, where ahey ware killed after their lair had bean wrecked by dynamite.-- - rira Drives Back Officers. Hundreds of policemen and armed clt. (sens surrounded tha building, being; re peatedly driven back by a fusillade from a small window, whlla 10.000 persona watched from outalde the danger aona. Finally a cart waa .igged up with pro tecting mattresses and a venturesome officer applied two chargea of dynamite to one cornr of the garage. When the building; was shattered In clouda of smoke, the poi'ca rushed In over the wreckage. As they entered a man arose from the ruins of an automobile tonneau and fired. It waa Dubola. and he waa (Continued on Page Four.) rim. 2 r!,V-V ;.f. 7raV 'V-N: . : vy ii I vx: g- (Copyright Itll. by laternatlonal NewsNC " A n'lAAII I PTA rrPAPrtPIIT I III i 'tl III I T I II R Ml III I I IV I II II Ml III HI I ' III I i fill el- - -'.II r i "1 III I Aaaajk.a a.aa v. iMMml I 111' r I t II I I UUUIlinUI I nnU IIILuLul I .'-jf ill DDDDARf V QAlPQ IIFC I inuunuLi uhilu liili i ktv III I Ml V III 4 III ' v III I III " III i in in i I in in I it , 1ENGTHY PARADE WILL MARK BEGINNING OF : SIGNATURE CAMPAIGN RIGHT TO REGULATE STREET CAR FARES TO BE ELIMINATED Street Committee Adopts an Amendment Favoring Blan ket Franchise of P. R- L it P. With Clause Cut Out. ACTION OF COMMITTEE COMES AS SURPRISE Gives Railway Company De cided Advantage Over City; Long Fought Battle. Accepts Invitation to Wait Upon Successor in France and Qancels Titanic Trip. Vedrines Lives After Fall of 700 Feet With Plane Ship Cm mple While Racing atlOOMilesanHour AN OPERAT ION BY SIX PHYSICIANS GIVES HIM CHANCE FOR HIS LIFE Sustains; Compound- Fracture of Skull at Its Base and I Op. ; .-Vv -;? (TTnlted frees Leaaed wra.i . - Paris, April 29. Falling 700 feet through th air while flying at the rate of 100 miles an hour, today, Jules Vedrines, France'a -.. foremost aviator, r lies at death's door vith a compound fracture of the skulrt Physicians say . he has but slight chance .of -recovery.. Vedrtnes was endeavoring to create a new record for a flight from Poual to Madrid. ' . . s. . ' i j - While racing through the air - his aeroptane suddenly - collapsed, burling hhn to the ground. He struck ln front of the Eplnay railway station, from whence be waa hurried to tha Aerl . Bolaere hospital. Hera It was found . that be bad auatalned a compound frac ture of tha skull, at Ita base and top, bealdes lnternsl injuries." . . ' ' Six surgeons operated- upon the In jured man, and announced that the pa tient bad rallied slightly jand bad some chance to '-live. -, .Ih, 'v , The accident is attributed to reckleaa nraa on tha part ct Vedrines, He ra- (rallad Preas taeaad Wlral New York. April 29. The shattering of diplomatic precedent aaved Robert Bacon, retiring American ambassador to France, bis wlfa and daughter, from sailing on the Tltanlo and perhaps saved their Uvea. Parmaiee , Harrlck. jion of the new ambasaador, Myron T. Herrlck. of Ohio, was responsible for the changing of plans. Bacon had booked? his passage 'for himself, wife and daughter on the Titanic and bad actually sent part of their baggage aboard. Parmalee Herrlck and bis wife visited the embassy and agreed to 'dine wttb tha Baoons on tha eve of tbeir de parture. "I wish I could greet my friend Her rlck before I go,' said Bacon. "Father wishes the same," said Parmalee Her rlck. "Why not stay and see hlmT" - "It would make too much trouble un less your father Is coming her direct," said Bacon.. "You know thla houae now belongs to him." "Oh, bother trouble." said the younger Herrlck. "Father is good natured, and if that la all the excuse you have, dad will never pardon you for leaving." "But precedent necessitates my va cating' before the arrival of my suc cessor" insisted Bacon, "and in diplo macy precedent Is all powerful." But father would say 'darn prece dent in tins instance,', said Farmalee. Bacon finally agreed : to smash the precedent. As a result he cancelled hla hooking on the Titanic, bad his bag- gaga removed, remained to exchange greetings with Ambassador Herrlck and la now. enroute to America on the new French liner LuFrance. Afl.r a l-ettle af many months' dura tion, ika Porilaad Railway. Ught aj Powar Co. ltJa cslnad a darldad e.4- aataga star tha city, whaa tba etrwat commute of the rllr round L by a vote af I to J. adopted aa lavMUm.al It- the company's propod blanket a I real car franrhlaa eliminating a rlaus hereby the conitill had rear4 tha expraa irht to ragulate far over If rnlire of irartloa llnaa The action of the roinmltlra was a great surprUa, aa a prevloua attempt to atrlka out tna rare regulation rlaua laat Tbaraday artarnoon raaullad In a tie vote. The committee at that lima Blood evenly llvl4d on th qua. (Ion. Council men Hurgard. Bskrr and Dunning being la favor of th amendment to atrlk out and Councilman Monka, Joy and ttclimaar balnt .ipoael to It. Councilman James A. Marulra, tba aeventli m.tiiUar of th committee, waa a barn t at Thursday' aeaalon. lie waa counted upon, however, to cast his bal lot In favor of lha councils reserving tha specific authority to regulate far. Two mavera Their Totea. Councilman Magulr did not disap point hla frlenda when the question waa put to a vote tbls morning, but Council man, Allen R. Joy of th Seventh ward and Councilman William 8chmr of th Eighth ward reversed their votes and, t-k amendment waa carried. Councilman Tom N. Monka or tna Flrat ward held out to the laat for th retention of the regulatory provision. He waa strongly supported by Council man Magulre. These two councllmen wUI submit a minority report to tha council next Wednesday. Thar la llttl doubt, thouch. that tba lawmakers win adopt the report or tne majoniy. ana will order the franchise sent to tba city executive board for valuation. The clause reserving 10 me council w raculata farea on the Unas Included in tba proposed franchise was written inio that document by City Attorney inns S. Grant as an additional safeguard of tha interests of the public. The cur attorney contends that the council has tha power to regulate rares reaaonaoiy van without so reaervlng the author ity, but to make the cltys position all tha stronger he thought it best to Insert tha apeclal provision which haa been so stubbornly fought by the street car company. acuob pressure Brought to Bear. Officials of the company have de dared that It would not accept a fran ehlsa with the mooted provision. They make tha assertion that they can not Induce capital to invest In the improve' ESPEE MAY HAVE BOUGHT WELCH'S ELECTRIC LIS Salem Strtetcar System and Many Interurtan Lines In Willamette Valley Included in the Deal. , . TRANSFER MAY BE CLOSED TOMORROW Advantage of These Lines to S. P. Found In Furnishing Feeders to Main Une. It la ft port 4 ao what err-ar f - ; Minority I hat tba aWWa rwclflcsaa toughl the A. Welch elarlrie lla the Willamette e!lr. latlixUsa It. Mai, airaat car ya(aa af th r. land Hallway. UfM Fewer tora ). on wbU-b Mr. Welch acura4 aa lt laat wak BJd watt traaafar It la W. deratood wilt b rUU loeuorrow. Mr. Welch, whoa erpcaa la thla cwr re la the Yeoa balldiag. wna slrt Car syateote la Albany, Lug aa and lam. the tatter to a snergad with that for whkh b la oow aagotlatiag tu th rortland hallway. Llgbt a. Fowrr company. II baa rourd a Iraarhta fot a ayalvra at Corvallla a ad la la that city today aeaktag som anaaodmanis giving righu to buUd oa a44luoaal raia la thus original I y Baked far. Ur. Welch atoo own and operates an Internrbaa alectrlo Ilea blwea Kugana and Springfield, which Una It IS Intandett to extend to CorvaJlis at one. It it reported that all and cross lla hav been orfl.rad and that actual" construc tion will begin la Corvallla la a few daya. . . It la pointed out that tha advantage to tha Southern Parlflo la owning the Welch properties will bo found la eon. necllng up with the main system that Is now to b electrified, thua giving the company a number of valuable feeder at one stroke. ... It waa Impossible today to aerut -verification of aeneral Superintendent D. W. Campbell of tha Bouthent Paclflo company, but Mr, Campbell haa an nounced aeveral tlroea recently that the Houthem Paclflo Is planning a very complete leolrio rslrway system In the entlr Willamette Valley. Mr. Welch's operations In tba Wlllam. etta valley are under tha Rama of tha Portland. Eugene Eastern Railway , company, and ln many Instance I; has been evident that be has worked In very cloaa harmony with tha Southern reel. TAFT'S CAMPAIGN IN (Continued on Page Thirteen.) SWIFT, PROGRESS! IS ELECTED MEMBER OF STATE DELEGATION OREGON COTS M E THAN ALL OPPON E Combined Expenditures j)f AJ Presidential Candidates Ex cept Taft, $3,878.12. Wednesday at 11:30 A, M. Good Roads Squadron Will Start Circulating Petitions. (Salem Bor-iu of The Journal. I Salem, Or., April 29. Mora , money was spent in behalf of President Taft ln the Oregon primary campaign than was expended for all other presidential candidates. Including both political par. ties. This is shown by campaign ex pense statements filed" today. C. H. Wllllama, Oregon ; publicity manager for Taft, makes the statement DIES WHILE PREACHING UPON DIVINE HEA L Jules Vedrines, Famous French Atlator. Wbo Was Badly injured by Fall ' Witli Aeroplane. ; ; t; , A-'-T : ' : . : ' cently said that, havinr' -atuined yalrjevtr b-atiified again wttb a Jowcr paea ot 199 muea an hour, he would Upeti t - , i. , ll'nltrd Prern laaed Wlrat San llgo, Cal.. April J. Awaiting word from relatives, believed to live ln Portland, Or.'.w the body of Dr.. HT J. Plersotr Is held here. An inquest 'waa neio touay. .; - - : , Pr, Plerson waa preaching to 100 per sona In a local church 'on. divine healing- by the lajingieaJi. banda,. when he was stricken with 4k malady whose nature lias not been determined. He sank to t m floor with a groan and died in a few seconds. DROPS WITH PARACHUTE ; 2600 FEET FROM PLANE . ,'y-..- - , -. '-- ,?.,,.- (United Preaa Leuad '!.-. J - Venice, .April 29. A parachute drop of 1600 feet from an aeroplane whizzing through, tha 'air at 30 miles, an hour is the f eat acerefltted loday to William Morton, professional aeronaut: ' Morton claims his performance to be the first of tts Kind on record. 1 . ' He was taken aloft by Aviator Phil Parmalee; who circled graeaf uify about hint as be daacended. The Une of march for the good roads parade Wednesday was decided upon by the parade committee at ameeting this morning. The starting of th pa rade at 11:30 o'clock Wednesday morn ing will signalize the beginning of the two weeks; whirlwind campaign to get signatures for the six harmony high way petitions. The line of inarch is as follows: Form at Thirteenth, Stark and Burn slda Intersection. South on Twelfth to Morrison; east on Morrison over bridge to Grand avenue: 'north on Grand nvc- nuo to Ka&t Burnslde; west over bridge on Burnaide to Third; south on Third to, Washington, west on Washington to . .ii p r I manager ior iHit, iniiei ine siaienian Raker County Man Wins Over that presidents campaign in or V I nA.a AMQ 9 s7wa..ra.l'a .aaaa. mm. I A , I I VII ViVPl aj-aaaw 7.. w js a. a Metscnan and Appiegate by paign expenses, a stated by f.w.ui w I !-,. . Very Small Margin. key, amount to 11524.65, while those of Senator Lai Follette, as stated b Thomas McCusker, amounted to 1 1,- 298.72.. . . With returns complete from .11 coun- J d'r s foUow Woodr'vv ties in the state, A. W. Swift, a BakerJwtls0 J506.81: Champ - Hark. $884; county-4rgressive. Is assured of elec- Judson Harmon, $163.78. s lion as a member p,f the Oregon delega. According; to these figures, the - x-, tlon fo the SaplkbW national coareh- Tm" 'TXeded SJlVi. tion. Ha has finally taken a narrow lother candld.t1lfcJ;.J. , . lead of 10 votes over O. C. Applegate of 1 A ttment waa filed todav bv Dun Klamath and 17 over . Phil Metschan of I Kellfiher, J. Frank Slnnott and Georg Portland, with whom he has been see-1 m. Orton. showing' expenditures of II. sawing ever since the primaries. I 996.21 for Jonathan - Bourne's cam- On the final returns, ofritially ra I nalan. George Ij. - Cochran, candidate ported from alj counties, Swift has 2296, for congressman In tha Second district AnnUmta S2t arid Metschan 2279. The I spent $1278.17. - John D. Mlckle, suc- only chance for change' in these figures fcessful candidate ? for , th Bepublican is that errbrs liava been made In trans-1 nomination for dairy and food commit. Continued on Pav; Thirteen.) HENSSEEXITTr-THEN HAPPILY CACKLE 12 ; ?; CHEERFUL WHITE LAYS d Twelve hens from the coun- 4 d try enjojed freedom in the city . 4 for the brief space of 24 hours 4 4 and In gratitude presented a 4 4 Front street house with a dozen - 4 d large white egga. 4 Saturday afternoon Frank 4 Templeton received a coop con- 4 talning 1 chlckena. Thinking 4 4 of tha morrow, he opened the 4 4 coop and after weighlng.'ono' 4 4 fowl took It home -for Sunday. 4 4 dinner. Tha coop waa kcuident- 4 4 ly left open, in tna meantime 4 4 the chickens escaped Into the. 4 4 house. This morning when th 4 4 commission - hous ' waa opened' ' 4 4 Jhei-a in front of tha coop laid 4 4 13 of tha prettiest eggs seen for 4 4 soma days. " . - ; - 4 4 But Front street did not show 4 4 its gratitude. ' Th " chlckena 4 4 , Were again sentenced to tnelr 4 4 ' coop and later sold to a killer, 4 4' j ' ' : ' . 4 4 .1 mission of the official figures. Claim are. rivade by the friends of Swift that hla advantage will be Increased by the checking up process In tha secretary of atate's office. XanteJ- Blonr. spent 1291.60. '7.7PoiltcilBoi"'lBi"lxg Angeles. .' (TJDltad Prem teased Wlre.l ' Loa Anaelea. . ADrll . 28. With Gov. allow rtm tvithn9r-JohnsonjLereto,speak ror t-oio. the progressives in organizing the dele J a; roHott. to appear 8""' . r'ii?" I tn and around I representing tne Koosevell-i toilette tha interest of hi own candidacy. sentiment on the national committee nd waiter Houser. . Ia Follette s catn- and on the platform committee ln the paign manager, dividing overflow in- national-convention, uoya a auiiuae is l teres t with Jdediil Mccprnuca- or in doubt, and should be act wfthv the 1 09 an T.o Anaelea today Is the capital recognized Tart men. tee delegation will I of political activity on tne coaai. be a tie between progressive and stand-1 La Follett- returned early toosv patters . ' i i , - j from 8an Diego, where heapent 8unda r. u.nrv Waldo Cnf, In H11 iinunHll rest. Ha was-scheduled to sddre. over the election of Swift, and t ears th Women's City club at noon and p. that an attempt mar yet ba made to put T ? at Oceaa Park, anta Monica anj Applegat. or M.tacban ,abead of th. CoverT, ?k.eP "U"e mti inw viiiv.su. u.i,;.Hwia flimJ0 TM TX'-A mmAa mr at Kan ltrg.-'. -A. . 1 j ' s.. lrSIl. AirsVt -waJ-w a " Swirt e. wa sneau., - - :' Uino 'Tharadav at SanU -Ana. Kridav It . seems strange that tha vot fori h..j.,...;j .inia Licht at (SWiri. na seen mv wu( jflrainj id.. ne 1 jeDg Beach. these counuea. ana tact that Swift tsl r-,it. cnAr.i.l -A ...I uravv.t.ov.vi. - waa probawy a temptation to count him I oaklamt. Cal., April 1, secer 1 otit. J I trial af Harry-Precott for tha mitr-i. Thla thbag is not over yet, I believe, 0f KalDh' Thompson was set this m If they try to count hjra out tbey wlJllins; for May SI. His bail was f 1 t find u on th Job, and w will male ez-1 lie. 009 an l lt i believed h ' 1 ample or soma election orleers wstabl to aacur bia reaa ty 1 know about. 1 'maana V