The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, April 28, 1912, Page 48, Image 48

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. laPAcns
Clubsf find Muolo
Begimiing Tomorrow!
of Talks on the :racti:'Use of Our Specialty Lines
Including the "New. Idea" Gas Range, "Wear-ever Aluminum Ware,
"Free" Sewing Machines,"Leonard Cleanable" Refrigerator, and Vacuum Cleaners
Thoroughly expert and practical demonstrations with Interesting and Instructive talks con- Even if you have no thought of buying, come In anyway for the sake of an hour's prof
eemln each of the special lines controlled exclusively by : POWERS will be jiven daily, itable entertainment. You are just as welcome as can be. We know that you will en
Thc superiority of these lines will be clearly in4 convincinujely proven. joy it and will o away strongly Impressed and pleased with what you have seen.
jdeaw&Mtary (Gas Range
Made in 32 Different Sizes The Largest as Well as
the Smallest in the Market, and All Intermediate Styles
Over a Carload of "New Ideas" Distributed by Us in Portland Monthly
vou the 1912 models of this wonderful range,
y represent all that is ideal with their ample J
The "New dea" is so named because it features
striking improvements on all other Gas Ranges,
not- only in construction and operation, but in
appearance and finish. It is rendered absolutely
sanitary by the base, "which stands high from the
floor, white enamel cleanout trays and broiler,
removable sectional top plates and burners, all
of which may be taken out and washed like a dish.
Unlike other Gas Ranges, it is not necessary
to keen water away from it on account of rust,
in?. On the contrary, the lavish use of soap
and water keeps it spick and span and shining
just like neV. The secret of this feature of
the "Sew Idea" lies in the special finitsh of
two coats of black enamel prepared by a secret
formula and welded on by heat.
Only Sanitary Gas Range Made Saves Gas and Labor Prices from$13.50 to $125
Let us show
They certain!
oven capacity, large top cooking surface, handsome and
efficient canopies for carrying off the fumes from the
oven, extra wide shelves, new removable ovens, white
tile back and heavy asbestos linings. In fact, every point
involving beauty, economy of gas and labor-saving de
vices has been covered in these latest designs.
IWt rxywtJLraur y
The Ease, Speed and Accuracy of the 'Tree" Sewing Machine Seems Marvelous
But the Secret of Its Superiority
Features Which We Will
Lies in Special New Patented
Gladly Explain to You
We could not in this limited space make you appreciate the mechanical perfection of the
"FREE." and furthermore we prefer that you SEE rather than READ about it. Te
"rotoscillo" movement planned and patented by Mr. Free after years of study, i iTrfelf a
point which puzzled all sewing machine builders for years, and eliminated In the "FREE"
all of the imperfections which other machines cannot overcome. And there are many,
many other, which seem simple enough once we have explained them to you. -
The Stitcri Made by Uie "Free" IsTerfect
This is the strongest appeal the FREE makes to woman. .'The stitch is always
straight and uniform and the knot of each stitch is tied in the center of the goods.
Because the FREE tensions are so perfect the "thread is never tighter than the
texture of the cloth.
Which it better? The Machine that lag with slow-moving, hard working treadle, literacy
grinding out the task, or the one that softly hums through the day's work, never a miss, never
a skip, and goes the route day in and day out like coasting down hill. The latter is the FREE.
There's no poorly designed mechanism here, no rasping of ill-fitting, badly turned parts, no
rattle, or unnecessary friction to try one's nervea and temper. Our demonstrator will prove
these facts this week.
What "Free" Insurance Means
Those who perhaps have not appreciated the genuineness of the five-year insurance policy of
fered by the Free Company with every machine told, will be interested in the fact that W. M.
Hansen, of 39 Aspen Street, who purchased Free Machine No. 861432 of us in November, and
whose home and contents were destroyed by fire last week, is to be furnished with another
machine absolutely free of charge. You are entitled to the same Sewing Machine protection.
$3 Yum Yum
Springs ,
No other store can meet this price on
the popular Yum Yum spring. It is
covered with highest quality woven
wire fabric; has heavy metal ends
and three rows ot
' coil supports. Ex
tra special for this
sale tomorrow ......
Clothes Racks
$1.00 Value
Made of oak, golden finished, with 8
steel hooks, for hanging hats or wraps.
We have only -a limited number, and
confine the 6ales to one to each cus
tomer for t
. ill' '
Will Neither Wear Nor Rust Out
Special Demonstration All This Week
Mrs. F. H. Strong, an expert in the use of kitchen utensils, will spend
the week here.- She will show you the practical use of Aluminum
ware of the "Wearever" grade. She will prove to yon that if food
burns in "Wearever ware the utensils are not damaged.
She will show why it takes less heat to cook in aluminum utensils
She will prove to you that the most economical way in the long run
is to use aluminum ware. Come jUiand pay us a visit some time dur
ing the week. We are offering two special values to make your visit
doubly attractive.
SEE Tomatoes burned to a charred
mass without damaging the utcn-
su done in a Wearever.
SEE Pancakes baked without grase; they have a bet
. ter flavor and are lighter. No smoke, no odor.
SEE Milk cooked doWn from one quart to one-half
pint without stirring or scorching.
40c 1 quart. Aluminum Sauce
Pan, special
60c lj-quart Aluminum Sauce
Pan, at
A Trial Offer
We arranged with iLc manu
facturer for a limited number of
Wearever utensils in 'he two
sizes shown to be sold at a special price, about' naif
the regular price.
The sauce pans are the 1-quart and lj-quart size.
They are made of best sheet aluminum with riveted
handle and will be put to every test to prove their in
destructibility. ONE TO EACH CUSTOMER
-.A- Splendid
Meat Safe
Made of-fir, and "finished golden
Measures 30 inches high, 16 inches
wide and 13 inches deep, with shelf in
the center. Covered with best wire
screening. Has door with lock!
Bathroom Stool
White Enameled
Made of hardwood and measures 18
inches high. Has best
white enamel finish. Is
strongly constructed and
will give . good service
for years ..............
3 Specials in Room-Size Wilton, Body
Brussels andf l apes
Regular $45 9x12 Wilton Rugs, in beautiful new Oriental, and con- 0 7C
ventional designs,, small effects arid, soft colors at $OD f 0
Regular $27.50 Body Brussels Rugs, woven on the looms of thedo Qf
best makers in America. Large line of patterns and colors, .... . . . 0JOD
Regular $20 Tapestry Brussels Rugs, extra good quality at the price, A n
patterns .suitable for parlor or bedroom. .... . . . . . t0,lt)OtS
If You Want a Perfect Bed You'll Find It in the
4 Marshall Ventilated Matt
Felt Covered V- Li..' Hair Covered
HSX W M- WW-".'- atws- JSW- ft 4
Study the Cut Above It Gives Tou an Interesting Inside
v : : ' Glimpse of. the Marshall V Ventilated 1 : 7 r;
The Marshall Ventilated Mattress is made" on tbe greatesf,; Sanrtary ' principle . that ... wai, - ever'
uhiuhu. - ocij uivrc niiKa iuu(( me nivie auu cnu i at: j ,are orass air iuDes tnai go into me
core. The body, of these mattresses contain over thousand tiny steel springs, encased in
-podcets snd Covered top , and .bottom . with best black hair.. Best quality ticking is used. .
Cleanest, Most' Hygienic, Most Comfortable Mattress Made
ypu JDon't Realize How Dirty
a Vatuum Cleaner
,No modern home is complete without a Vacuum
? Cleaner.- .All, the furnishings of the house, car
pets, hangings, etc.. can be given a cleaning and
airing to be obtained no other way. Stale odors
and every particle of dust is df awn, out.
1 We Are Portland Agents for the
Famous Over the United States
Also for the PlMIER
Specially, Pricea at $30 .
We Offer You a Complete Gut-s 11
fit for Your Home on Credit for 4? 4
Springtime is the time or newly married couples and newly established homes and for the
benefit of those young people who wish to st?rt housekeeping in. a, home of their own, we
make an exceptionally attractive offer to prove our n-eadiness to be genuinely helpful. For
9127 we will furnish three nice rooms,, kitchen, dining room and bedroom. Below we list
the articles for each room. ' ;' " ' '
6-foot Oak Dining Table. 6 Oak
Chairs. 1 Sideboard,'
1 Rug. .
1 Bed. Spring, 1 Mattress, 1 Rug,.
1 Dresser, 2 Chairs,!
Arm Rocker.
.' KITCHEN- : ;
6-Hole. Steel Range, . 1
Kitchen Queen, .
; 2-Chairs.
erator rays tori
Itself in the Ice It Saves .
That's a strong statement, but nevertheless true.
There are families right here in Portland who- have
used a Leonard Cleanable for years and can tcs-:
tify to the fact. i '
Ask the "Ice Man" next" time you get a chance what
he thinki of the Leonard Cleanable. He'll tell tou .
that it requires less ice than any other box in town.'.'
This is only one point in its favor there are many -
others, including convenient arrangement, sanitation .
All Porcelain Lined Not
Just White Enamel Painted
(mm) )