The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, April 28, 1912, Page 43, Image 43

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    iMlEStffil i
With Arrival of Spring He Puts!
In His "Best UcksH to Get
. Business.
Bu,er of Car Has Mortgace on:
Outdoor pleasure of the
to tu
Van ! W. "
. ... ....... I 4- l-... !.
luatir Im ..e4
Hrr)ll M " 4
.ts alfWl aueeJe ,r
att-bite "
S nhkh I'4 "'m ' '
l k UU'" "f f ""bu
leUva ftaalh vt le "
... 1. 1 k
lase aaaaaa f'""" ' ,
.,M a M liel
Mm. n. '
k.i ' irtu ?
Tm 10 tom forth J -K-f
a!.".. TM '.'
fh. ierVr. ff rale b. ta ""'
4 aariua Mm. .
-Afiw yHi ha.e baaa l'ad
.r broaa ldf wlib ".aw lo'M
aaa!.' vu ar Kama-if "
.aaVa. If . If "bart
from lean, e4 of Kuraa
aa4 a boot !. fo"lbl
ar laiar. he wilt b '
for yoa aas reeseiabartng tha
! i. kr m turns In with Urr1ly.
on-t T thlnlit Of oourw, Ita ilr
tnltM Of VrT nrt ! ttf T
Wlil M rldln aoB lirwn in jwi
cr, er Uklot ! fn"r ,h
Mntt-" h cH,r' c' f f
lbM pt-ar Iripn wkn of "
voub nta heald hrtn to P. P1"
r-r Jud,m.M of
u It l-d-t f w "uM
rrbblr t wkl fdln i in
crvd4 cr."
Portland Office of Forest Ser-
--vice Completes
wimp' . ... imtii'i
E. It
M-M "" ?-K K Tbo"!
h Antral ""I"""
hi. Ilf. dod.ibf ll.r,..r. 2
ftuto rrr.
Tlonu. mtor
h, h.. .ff .- k'''r'"
hue r4 u4b. -
Greater Part of Assembled Car
Now Made in Individual
Thm FortUad offlca of th. fort rr
te bu r!ntly eompUtd study of
iha roduetkMi of pulp u PWor U th
rseiflo nortbwMt, which ohowo th. 1m
portaaeo of thla rlon In IU prvMDt
and proapoeUr rolatloa to tbo mu
faetaro ot All fradM of commerrlal and other pulp product. Thla
work wu oonductod by tho branch of
products of thi foraot eerr1r. which
nlnatloa of tha moat aultabla and prob
ablo iimi of TUioua wood of tho coun
try.' . Th raaul to Of tha study ahow
that many of tho apaclaa pulla to
tha taclflo northwest aro satisfactory
for pulp manufacture.
. Th. nriiutiiwl nuln BDaolns aiDDloyed
fcy mills In Oregon and Washing-ton Is
th wastern hemlock, for maily years
considered a moat Inferior apeclaa. This
wood la reduced to excellent pulp form
by th sulphite or mechanical proaeaaea,
th two principal mana of pulp pro
duction In th manufacture of aewa
print and similar paper.
TldaUad Vprnoa, Etc
i In addition to weatern hemlock. It
was found that tldeland apruca, black
cottonwood, white fir and Douglaa fir
are eonaumed in Quantities at all
mills. ' , . .
In 1810 the United States Imported
1,000,841 cords of pulp wood from Can
ada to supply eastern paper mills. In
addition, a total of 847,440,76 pounds
ot wood pulp already reduced was Im
ported Into the United States ror paper
manufacture. These Imports approxi
mated 118,000,000 in values. Forest
acrrlce officials believe that the vast
Quantity of western hemlock, white fir
and other woods used for pulp produc
tion In the Pacific northwest will ulti
mately supply a large part of the paper
for consumption of the country.
In connection with these lnvestiga
"tlons of the commercial development of
tha pulp Industry in various reRlona, the
fflrest service Is constantly conducting
experiments at Its laboratories at Madl-
J .it. . 1 1 H nt ar-
SOn ana wausau, viauvw, ...
mine the suitability of various processes
f reduction when applied to numerous
I the plentiful timber species of the
United States. '
ji Aiding Indnatrl. .
A a rule the efforts of this branch
of th government servic ara to deter
uln tha suitability of such species of
. i.i.. fn, inmhar T)Ur
' poses, and the results of these Investi
gations have already shown that num
bers of such species are suitable for
, pulp- of -arlous grades and the processes
of reduction have been determined.
The Interest of the forest service in
matters of this kind lies chiefly in Its
desire to render aid to the Industries
which depend upon the foiest resources
f the country for their raw material
" and future development. It is the pur
nosa Of the Portland office of the for
est service to make information of the
results of experiments and nvMtlga-
ii.v.i tn interested oarties, a.nd
daVa on problems of forest utilisation is
lurnlshed the public through this otflce. I
tCaKrd Ttt tawed Wlr.
- lindoIC A?ril J7.-The first lap In.
tha race for 60me rule has been won
nv tha Scottish members or parliament,
.f . a If they never gt any further.
rndeterrad by oa trtk- whlcn
, .used tha postponement of the rovern
fiat's Introduction of - the Irish Home
. Tula bllkthey have gotte. "?
fiu the caienoar ----
non ThU btll'esUbUshes a Scot.h
.nt" t deal exclusively with
SSBVw It leave, the
Mecutlv power la th erown. admln-
n"u?if tn. Scottish privy council.
' r..pan.lbl. diractly to th ScottUh par
llnment. Tba Utter Is to hav authority
to fmpoa taxe; other than th custom
..nd rscls.- fSvprema tegislatlvaow
rrs ara reserve4 1 tha Imperial parTla-
I.l.t t. ' ' - '. . C . ', '
-In lb rly y of th moxtr c,r
Industry many talrlea war merely i
saanbllng Pl.nta Motors. a lea.
tranamlasion. bodl.a. topa. B,i'f,,(1
wheal and almost .vary other part of
. KumhuMl from pari
tnakara and merely put tog.thtr by th
company which gav Its nam to th.
finished ear.- says a wi '',. Mr
Th graat contrast batwaea tb car
of that day and th. er'
Mnpl. U du largely to th fact thai
aHhough. th part. In ttM
many cases war. axoalleiit, they had th
sarloua waakneaa of having baeo da
Tgned as s.p.raf part, wlthaut r.fer
nc to th unity of th car la which
tbey w.ra finally to b. uaed.
"In th. blgheet typ. of modern rar
every Item la planned with rtttrrw
to th other parts and th car aa th
WlTh sis and strength of v.ry Prt
Is in some measure determined by the
weight and sis. of other parts, and the
exterior apVsranc. of each unit is so
planned that its lines ana cowrmM
fit Into the whole. To attain that re
sult It haa been necessary that more
and mor. parts should be mada In . th
maker's own factory, until today It la
tba ascatMian rath.r l-
. ...,.kii MBufarlarlng tn-
L' .v.. i7 ot maklag tha graalav
portion ot tb
ow. faetary Of coar. ''
ram af aa aitnsblU that eaa ba
ullt by or f"" r1 "mW.t!
much amall.r raat ta the maauf.e-
f.rar .haa lb. sT .ill
maintain s d-rartm.M for "'
f.atar at his own factory; therefore
IhV Mil car la practically built under
one roof."
Knlhualasm over the automobile on
Iha part of hi. htghnaea. Ih. Maharajah
....-.. haa caused tradi
tion of parhapa hundrada of ;
be aat aawa in in. uii. ----prtneas
slat aqulpag. by a naw aeir-
atartlng American made auiomonii- o.
which h ha juat oam-
N.wa was rlvad today that th
Maharajah of Huthwa la on of th
first of th natlv Indian prlncaa to Uka
South America Offers Good
Field for the American
a Skaay KaJa af la
...Ml sa suia t laa aal '
- a. saa af i-ay
a.i. a '
tt. iaaa -la Jrfl. a j
raaii. .l-aaa rf ' .
..ulr ik;M. a atir- Cail4
Siaua a a-ial -n abriat thaas t
Hm Wl 1 1.. I Ik
f. IM M1K ..
a ! T,. ( a.a rKMMj
MM f JS aaKMe. f- !.
af af uikat ti af laaUv
Ma' ' f ka-a.
by t la hi .tata af afe
UMi wklh l!a . jl-ail. Kas a
ilil Wa rar la
fx aala lha, ha ari
a,,, a.i..h la lm a'.a. Kill,
clla.U tad-i.t-'a rw.a SIHJ aa
f.aih. Thra ae aumfu aaau
rartata' who baa a.1 4.t.r '
atla. Iha aet U'a af a car bsl aa M
IkaU ro l ! baa aaei. It lajipaa 1
HI. ta d.l.roilha ta.lly ham ms a.
rar la I -d fa. Tile rowapaalea ,
aiiinaiM Iha aaaual .lwaga f
molar rar aba! aallaav ai4 I
laacb IMi total It la nar-ery far I,
Var I b. aaM raa.araW. la JaaHag ,
ad rorrraillr I .. Jadgiag
,n tbtt a rar I Hat ha raa aver,
! has a ibaatlcal anilaag of a
-ft hwt.aa af tU4c a I Waa)iag
la teaana a a aiaar
yaar af III! la lal .aftMla fa the
lailad fiat.a aaMala4 I
II, TV. atghaai tear la a
fmr Has -
teeS -. . -
. lawttta - a
a.VJ. v a... trr:
i.MiiM a iv. Kse -
rvi el Iba
i,r Twa J
! af " wW"
ra. - ' ' 2.
"waaia afaa a h4 fvs
I, AIMta M.
M.a ta ba .aa attM4 lana
a4 saaea faaa M.iav a
ear. aU a nul Ui taw.
mi laW. aaf aa aH. ata.
M( ifce d.t rirl f aaiaaaa ta
Lua iH'K ha a-4iM.aa. -a.ia
r awiatr ia r rrta U a
la, a4 wiiaia iaa Uat Uaa
haa aaea a taaiartal M ta ia
a Iia4a C Iha asaay. ataal af
Ikls, aaa, baa aa alUlta4 a
Mmh baa -
. . .-.a is llia Aaaaftaa
k gala4 f II' thraaga IH solaaaaa
f tae Aa.wa taa tVaaa
m atS " awr
ia aa . a-a -'" - '
n. a4 ai4 IMaa. .at.
t.ia aMrta aa a r hMa
fn,-t iua a a., ta U
lwitiut ta ch a4 U a4 U Ui. -Ma I Mai
ft4 Aria-- -
, Aaaas taartaal laaa.Ula n
Ikl aa ta a saaa al 0A4
aa. la Walaa Taa aa l!f . I
a., , U
ataaaatw 4itaa aaawa ta saa4a,
aaaaa aaUOA. ka- dutaaa. ai aaA
laU .14 Wl fca.. a
laaa M ta Tba . mI b.
IT fW wUa aa4 aa aa. aat
4it.aa laal wt; rwJt al l'na aaaa
la aaa staaa al ! ''
a!wa.4iag ta tha AStraa Al aaJ
aaaxctaitaaj aw.tataa a '
Ul Si saarraws a -
ggqaaagBBaaBasBBBSBaassBaBBwaBaaBSSBSvasmsjavajn-iB. . m.
Why Not Portland?.
...... sj - . " ' ' .
'The Sensible Siimal Law"
Now Iking Adopted ia All Principal Citici
ia iha Awaa aaiaasablla Ha al.
uiaa a rtty raa at C altia as well
la bis afflclai pal Muthaa. oa j
tea ml Iaa dlstaat aa batwaaa thaa j
twa raaal raallaweaa bla car I today j
hi conver- ' w.
On babalf af tha rrlwa eanslderabla
invaatisatloa af baib BuroDaaa and,
Am.rUan aataanaaiiaa was
is aald that Ua elmplleliy of the motor
rar be eboaa was one af the deciding
'"indU has ealdrahl waaJth and It
road, la many aaraioaa ara sseallaat.
for tbay hav baaa built for hundred af
year. Tba worth of tha motor car to
the wealthy elaaaa of India can ecaroa
y ba aatlmatad. for Ih cllmala I daad
ly to horeea.
nall.e. Tavas, Is Iha latest town to
make a bid for tb nt Vandarbllt cup
raoa Among tha argum.nta advanced
for Pallaa la tha eltm chanca of having
to postpona tba raca on account f bad
w.ather Tacosnaj Weah.. also ha
asked for the start of Ih (Hidden tour,
and Portland. Or, went t b Ih ter
minal polat-
Beauty, Endurance
Power, Speed,
Low cost of operation .4
and maintenance.
Equipped with a Self-Starter
that itarta, and
to look after yon, gives
you the best possible investment
to be had in a motor car.
Tt,. rar that, established the world1
..nrit ' (r- nnn.stnn. runnin&r more
than 12,000 miles without an adjust
ment, is a regular stock W AKKitW
The car that holds the road record
r ? iiM,rc i minutes a runninjr time
between San Francisco and Fresno,
r5i ?m mi fs. is a regular stocKrr
Vnn nwr it to vourself to consider
the WARREN when selecting your
car for this season.
O. B.
: Demonstration on Request
AskAbout Warren Service
- (J. E.-Maxoa, Mgr.) '
'C i ;,Mai6 1565' A 2103 V '".
at SI 000
What It IsWorA
Sells for
Model Brunawlclc. VMUt,0feT.tFrI nno
hSly Wlppad. laclsdiaa- to nd wlndahield. 510OO
THF PAIGE is a thousand-dollar car. We
have reton for telling you is worth two
ousand or three thousand or five thousand
dollars. ,
We have no desire to sell the Paige by such
assertions. It sells .last enough on the strength
of plain old-fashioned truth.
The Paige is worth $1000, and the price is
SIOOO If it were worth two thousand dollars
Sa'the price we would ask. And so Would the
otter manufacturers whOu want you to.tlunk
they're giving you anywhere from one to four
SouSicTdollaVs' worth of automobile and leave
it to vou to figure out how they can do it l ney
n'tZ tdont And when they ;try tc jseUon,
such a basis it naturally leaves a t lot ot real
doubt in your mind as to the actual fiownnght, ;
honest-to-goodness value of their product -.
The Paige is not a $2000 car. .It isjust the best auto-'
mobik T youS Tbiiy anywhere for a thousand dollars, a
wdlSsimeTwell-built car-comfortable, speedy ,and
endulKdfSequipped. We honestiy believe that
ySu'll hfve to par at least two fSiSSSi
more to get as god value in most,of the other cars.
M Don't buy your new car until you have gone all over
the Paige-itaied it in ever? detail of constructw-
comparfd it carefully .Jf S:.
prices. . Bringan expert with you--if you n
pert yourselO The more a man knows about automo
biles the more he appreciates the Paige. , ,
Arrange for .demonstration at once. Six snap, sryhilbod
-4 and 5-pasaertger touring cars, roadster, aurry tyg .nd Taceabout
all built on tJe one Paige chassis and with one Paige unit power
plant WceaW and llOMw -Hie beautiful La Marquise Coupe, $1600
Top arid Single-Vwion Windshield
- --i -fc Oamna7earatoi teri toola, lack and Mr repair owtflt
. T "JVT wiia. i tlra irons. 915. Sanaa aqaUpsaant
, SJJDV.1 .,.-, V-..
-r.ary. aaaiar vilcl T saaiarryala
whlia ba4ns aaad ala lb. atr-aja l a j
) and aubUo aleca of ht eltv
1 raU4 wilh a aailabla ball. Wa
it iih.r s cnal dalca. a4 U ehsU b
unUarul lor any prae la aaa any
4.lra wM. h will a prvdaea aa .bruvl
anad .ffwlanlly la ia aavra mm ...
aauai warairs
TA t ual.arul fr mmf paraoa apaf
shall o "" . T Zn 1 i -
una aay snaior v.nina mr
' k. hid. an ua.
ia imii mr " - j - . -.
or eintr phi - a
a me aacapt aa a waraiag af aaagar.
THIS practical ordinanrt-alrc idy in ucce.(ul opar
ation in Chkage it rapidly coming to h rtcc-g-rUied
genarally iht one logical JuU oJ the
warring signal problem.
By making compulsory an adequate algnal and prohib
iting it unnfC..T u. thi. ordinance proida iKe
maiiroum of aaety with iht minimum of poise.
By dalming aa adaauaie algnal aa one producing an
aprcpt note, sufficir ntly loud to be heard nd.r all condi
uom ot traffic, thla ordinance definitely decree agamit.
the notorioualy inadequate bulb-horn.
THE wimuif gigrul of tody-ncJ of the futurw--U the Klaxon
invariably certain of.operallon; sufficiently loud to be
always hertj, sufficiently abrupt and impelling to be always hedeA
"The Public Safety Signal"
Sold By
Ghanslor & Lyon Motor Supply Co.
Mar. 1018 627 Washington Street A-7633
PhonesMarshair 1915;,: 3 690 Washington St.
d limer Tubes
oaledged Best by a Large Majority tffagfo
'otorists Throughout the World
picmaini Kimm Co.
71 -Seventh Street
, II uv
Triompli for Excelsior Speed and Reliability
This Time it is "Martie" Graves and Don Johns who made them say
the)work of a single man.
NorrVExcelsior records made .by freak. racing machines that would
run on the road.' The rnotor design of all Excelsior racers is Not
One Kt dlff from the Stock Machines.! am showing in my store.
Thesfindividual machines stood the terrible strain of ctsni-nang--
: Smce IsMt July without being overhauled. You -cannot afford not.
518 Union Avenue, N. ,
Phone East 1394 Portland Oregon