The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, April 28, 1912, Page 4, Image 4

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fat ANn rranii wmmwi rc taft jm -n u kfr
I III I II If Ul VilfllUIIVilll IV I IMl I HI
Bright Eyed and Gay, Slayer After Week in County Jail For. Responds toToanat Banquet
Consul Sends Last Entreaty
of Architect Holds Levee In mer Seattle Police Chief of Union League Club His
to State Department for
Court--Case Is Set for May
Will Go, to Penitentiary at Hoarseness
Wana Walla. Advisers In
j Worrying His
Protection Refuoecs Ar
rive on German Steamer.
Iti Ik ll irtimil Neva Ban
Lm Aetata. ArU t.artg ale-
rkicl la IM ! .j- ! fn
ll4 Slat OwtU Vwuaa A. Alt
' U tb aeeareataal n tA tw
f AMTlMM lk
f Maafe. blaja Cert V ltaewaarff f
L am1m r frwa lk Uartaa
MMM Afcraelala la L Ai .
bar itvu aftarseoa l ta er.t
crl a afftoa.
Tb Aareatat rwM r with
II imku . we 4 abtldraa
wb fl4 Imu4 lk lHMf at
la stay eg Unplovw tba
eaptaia I save th frwa mr.
Major fe4rff tla lal Cl
AJfvr nt aa , aereaat proal appeal
, 10 Waahlagiaa e praaaae cx a
: warehtp la lake ear ef 1 aprUta4
thea diaseuaed Major Itr4orff aa
Ua AbyetU la a tart Seaparat effort
a rearb tka r ear a Wm(iIb"
eaadlag fraaa aa Aanrias
Mtt T1a alary by Major I'etar-
k 4rff AS trrbrel4 tr T ether
trxtsbar f the rfg aa board the
Ahyeelaia daaertbe the wad eeeat of
M extra aa hat eg la tka rt)4et tt f
acbch4 anarchy. Mara la a IM
Aawtoai ara marooaad at alasaUaa
, aaxbl ta vt away. Major rtra4orf f
tataa thai th ool laat fori to
hla were:
Thr ta no ether bop but tntar
vmUob. . It mutt eoma ta protect tka
lira af theueand af Amarloaaa Mti
Deacrfbtng tka atrocltle prptrt4
by tka Mexicea heaaiU Major fUr-
4orff eaid:
"A abort tlma ego, a. bead of lot
rebel 14 by Pilar Qnlatar ootor4
tka town of CoaaJo. soar whioh my
talalna prortlo aro lctd. Tky
oamplataiy tfaatroya. tha Iowa, tnur
. ar4 tba majority of mala lnkabltaat
ac outrafad ovary woman an4 utu
rirt tn tba city, mm CoaaJo tka rob
, ! wara a4raetnff on Maaatlaa,
trOlva dtataat. whn I fan. r
"Qulataro aAd kia turn uaad ayna
jnlta bomkfl la wrackinf Coaato. t bara
aloea laanad thty 'rpaJ4 tba pr
fonnaaoo at OuMacaL Wtno I Jaft
tba Amarlaana at Maaktlaa ha4 pi
enrad all tha armi they could gat and
at vark throwtnr op braaat
work la aa affort to protact than
alvaa or 41a.
"MaratUa la brotaetad by about 101
aoMUara loyal to Uadaro, but tbalr lor
alty la irararlns with, tha adraaca of
lb raboia."
" : .: A - j -
' r : r x l . , --; ..
, .-if ;V;v:Vv - vN
. j j- . . . , v iy'
U1 f . -v.. 4,.4
. 1 -,V i'f '--t
t -'it' t" - . -
- - , -v . v t
w ' X
i , .......
u.t ?, f ,' f
. , , , ,.,. I
.. ,. 1
. ., ii . ,. r ' .. --1 . I
r ,; - .... ... I
tw kMU Vrb. Afnl lT
fl J h la. All it
f tka I'kWi Uau
i lay lt4i i.
I m4 aa A4fM
Mill, 4tm af .-ai w. waa.
llarry K. Thaw, aiarar of tfiaafai4 Uirta, farmr hlf af ! of a. I Taft vaa IM (
j iu, raa ana4 M iaa MiXf at u
Kaak la ckaatbra la aaaiksr f lU i ihu inwu m k. a.uilaufct- Ta tm!
I k rr4 frvta atatlaawaa, br lliktf M . .Mk b a m alkul wa4a a ta aiKa. Tt..
S"" w I raatovad to WaiU WaUa by tka a I afctkariag rwtly ! i&a raia..i
ra Ta amaraaa vaa a a n I ...,- iflB u.i for all laak aao ! t C4a.l
I RvM'a ail. bl k bad omh
aaraaoa tai4 a ad Ik t4r amH.t U y. MT.yl"f lf la Ika r.i
llaa klai ta tk MallanUar aa f "i r rro hmchvuki
rwinim HK.nrr llur tn .nl oui uiwa rr ar waa m m. -'
. k. ....i I arwiarai awa w ia iri
wM.u.ln ... uivioiMi r ki. I rp4 tal lk firal iui bt b a I
rK-lv4 a bb of llt from Claraae I -v '"
OaraM a ad Oldaoa Tuft r, aba owaad
two af tka ait mMorta rort la tk
rairUi4 duirlot durtna tba Oil! ad-
' . ; . i .
af babaaa raraua.
Txlra hanra vaa biiaf
J. aVkaara. Tkava atlaraay .aialvd thai
Tbaar a aot Invan and lhal Ma r
laaa votttd nut t a publio maoae.
It w aaf4 annf 04al tk Ui
vattr hould await tba Juctiea'a ca
alac aad tha raa wa aeoordleaSy
at far May I al Wbiia ftajaa.
It vaa Iba rtrat lima la lhra roar
that Thaw had ba out of th acq-
flao af Malta, Ma baa lakaa en
ooeatdarabta walabt aad hi full ebka
aaaia to dlmlaUk th aroroloaar af hi
araa lpli bta i !. bla tfy
till a4 rnarkably krlfbl.
Wbaa ha rachd tb court room b
vaa rrt4 by hia mot bar, hi ataitr
Allr. formarly lb Countaaa of Tr- Hcftr (Mara of Iltiabura.
Wbn Thaw taba Into oourt ba
bald a orl of !. II wu faalla
ftaa aad md pvUoularly f lad to
b la tb opo atala.
"Mow much da you walfb aowf
torn on aakad.
Tntm ill to 117.- ba rpl)l
Ha aamad wllllnc lo talk a lot bat
Mr. fbaarn a Id ha thought It would
not b wall for blm to aay mack at
thla lima.
Tb krlf aourt haartna ovr. Thaw
aad hta party atartad back to Mattaa-
aged mm
!avtti4 Into drawing MM,
avlng of a llfailma, from tha baak, 3ult. jnodl. a
ta aurchaa tb rlaaa from tha Inaaaa I aielolltng ,blaalf It la
aaylum of hi aphw, Jo Trrrtw, by
bUig told that a bloody low! diaplayad
to him bad aororad bla aphwa
wound, aad than lurvd Into a Carrlag
aad drtvaa lata tha coo airy, from
which trip ha haa aot raturaad. waa th
rata of J. B. Berry, ag4 71, a plooaar
lUllaboro ranebar yvatarday.
ni(M r-r dunag tha aing li
414 at bad ba aaeha wtlk rp'"
ffort tn atahtag klmlf kar4
Tka aWldaa haroM I girtag m
advtaaraaeaia ooaaara. la w f th
fr!draVa ltad4 "laat wvrd tn
Maaachuatt Maaday. It la rrt i
aa 1 ta Taft a oampalga that ba
la tha Maaaacbaaatla 4tgatloa an 4
hla aytnd trip lata tha aiai wttbia a
wJi i idif tk praatdaafa awa aoa-
wra i.r Tuaadaya pfimartaa.
Tb I'nloa Ur elub a ataanbaa.
moaUr fUpukUcaaa a mad t think
Taft Bifant oma aaa ala wbaa ba aald
af OanaraJ Or ant at tb vary a4 of
thb!a atoa-pot!t!oJ apaaeh;
h. Qult. jnodral. ar laiklng. imr
plaaaur lo
uch a charactor aa OraaL"
nur omu lunu iti tmutno
Thlg photograph waa ttkon b(oro tha great veaaol aailod from England on bar Journer of daata.
Ajnerlcaa rianter filaia.
Ik tha Ularaatloaal Mm IhIm
Ban Francisco, April 17. Additional
anaeaea or tha peril confronting Ameri
oaaa la Mexico waa learned tonight.
-when tha ateemaf Newport arrived from
porta ta Wtra Mexico, bringing tha
dotaiia or the brutal 'murder of
The ambltlona of at laaat 11 physl-
an I Clan of Portland and many other proml-
Ametioaa plantar 'named 'White by enafnent People of the city to b charter
ar th aumaroua outlaw baada which I membara of a brand new aecrat aociety
lafrat tha entire country. . that waa to be nationwide In Ita acop
- Although tha murder waa committed I wer rudely ahattared yeaterday after-
aaarly three waeka ago, tha new did noon when Detective Hellyer and How-not-reach
Acapuloo until a fw haitra an arraated Qeorg W. Wllon. allaa
before tbateaiiier aallad. The naaaar oeorge Walker, the OrganJtar and aelf
la which White waa murdered la ona of m. k.. th. w.t.m.1 nr.
th moat repulalre told alnea the trouble I .' v,.,k a i. . ...
j t ..v..i . - . i uwi VI Viavu v va aaa ivw waa
'ww Hiiifliwrini rvvuvuu iwriwiL I . . Mm . . w nm
White waa auppowd to hare a large V.? J."' L'irvrir"" ,f
y In hla poaaeaaion on i V."..T"r
own liiTBumi.
um of money In hla poaaeaaion
plantation altuated near tha Sanborn
ranch,' about 100 mllea from Acapulca
in tha atate of Ourrero-a-"bcame
known to lhhj4trt" paaalng near tha
placea-ne plantation waa raided
Ml6 taJten pnaonar.
When ba refuaed to aurrender hia
wealth Or reveal Ha whoreabouta tha
Amerloaa waa auspended abov tha
rround, with barely tha tlpa of hla toea
. touching.
When tha prlaoner continued to defy
. bla tormentor they truaaed him still
higher and faatened hla hand and feet
"about, tha tree, and then proceeded to
torture their helpleaa victim by prick
ing blm with bayonet.
" t " 1 "
Annie Molina, aged 17 yeara, recently
from Kelao, Angellne Tantela, aged It
years, and Iuclle LaBarge, aged 2H
years, were arrested yesterday after
boon by Detectives fiwennesa and Ma
loney, on a charge of , stealing dresa
good and wearing apparel from the
Meier & Frank store. The L&Bartre wo.
man la said to have taught the otheH
two girls how to ateat and to have au
perviaed their alleged criminal opera
tlona. The two younger girls have
bean given into th custody of the Juve
nile court and the LaBarge woman la
held at the city Jail. Two brothera of
thf ljaBarg rroman are now in the pen
itentiary, one for burglary and the other
for highway robbery, it la alleged.
Albany College Debaters Witt.
Albany, Or., April 27. The champlon
Bhlp debate of the Intercollegiate De
' bating litftfiit of 6fegon wai held last
- night-at -"tha Presbyterian church be
tween Pacific college and the Albany
- .college, which resulted In a victory for
tha latter.
The Question debated was, "Resolved.
imi svaraa or arouraiion with com
pulsory powers Bhould be created to
aettl Industrial dispute arising in the
United Statea between employers and
- employes."
Tha Albany team defended the af
firmative. It consisted of Mis E. Tel
ford, Arthur Hodge and Alexander Mc
Lean. While th Pacific debaters war
W H. Wilson, ft. S. Langwortny and
O. CUHadley."
- Th Judge were Profeaaor H. C Pe
terson of O. A. C, E. EL DeCou, pro-
, f esaor of the University, of Oreeon. and
Professor E. K. Barnea at Harrisburg.
Two ' af tba three Judges decided that
the Albany college debater had don
baora akiUul work..
wjui- and a man named n K.
Thompson, who waa engaged by Wilson,
ara tha only officer of th new "or
der" and their operations In the past
week In Portland have reaulted in en
snaring many people Into paying from
IS to fit for membership into a frater
nity that does not exist except as WU
on haa manufactured It.
The victims as far a ara known in
clude Dr. B. Earl Smith, Dr. 8. at
Rosenthal, Dr. A. N. Creadtck, a Dr.
Johnson, and Dr. E. H. Anthony, but
on th list of intended victims whom
Wilaon purposed to visit next week ara
the names of Dr. Harry Lane, Walter
H. Evans, Judge R. O Morrow, Consta
ble Andy Weinberger and John B. Cof
fey. None of these men have aa yet
been visited.
Wilaon waa selling charter member
ships for 110, and Dr. B. Earl Smith
had been -selected as medical examiner.
A packagn of 2000 membership applica
tion primed in Portland, an elaborate
seal and certificate of membership were
among the things found on Wilson and
include the entire outfit of lodge be
longings, according to his confession.
The Wife, last evening, appeared at
detective headquarters and asked to see
her husband and she was interviewed
at some length in an effort to determln
some of the man's former operations,
but the Woman refused to throw any
light on their previous fields of en
deavor. Wilaon claims to have been
pugilist, a carpenter and contractor, but
declares that in recent years he has en
gaged in (lodge organization work. A
charge of obtaining money under false
pretenses may be filed against him.
. 0. 0. F. HALL
(ocetal t Ta faaraaLI
Toledo, Or., April 17. Tha large I.
O. O. F. ball recently built in thla city
waa formally dedicated thla evening,
Orand Manager A. B. Boworsox of Al
bany, doing th honor. After th dedi
cation xrclaea a banquet waa eerved,
feeding about 100 or more Odd Fel
low aad abkaha About 40 Odd Fal
Iowa were In attendance from Albany,
Lcorvallla and King Valley. Newport
and Elk City ita full
New York, April 17. In a latter de
claring that J. Bruce Iamay, aa re
sponsible official for the Titanloa lack
of lifeboat, ahould have been the laat
man to have left the vessel. Rear Ad
miral A. T. Mahan today aanailed the director of the Oregon Experimental ata-
clalm of Ismay'a friend that he waa
llr tb lstHMl aw )
Sallna Crva, Cal, April ITTbra
A a roault ef the affair. Sheriff Man-1 china wara hilled aad a fourth waa
cock of IIMlaboro, haa lnatltuta a I mortally wounded tonight by flv vnl-
aaarch for tha atrangr and the 'ot J dentlfled highbinder who arrived from
man. aad haa at lnqulrla to all tha I out of towa tn automobile and da-
near by polire department and town I cndrd oa Chtnatowa. firing at every
marahala to b en th lookout for th I member of tha Hop Bleg long they n-
couple. I countered. Mora than I aaote war
According to th veralon of tha affair I fired by th aasasalDa, wha oovered
now in poaaaion or the anertrr at i their retreat wltb a rualiiade from
tanM-ui t. ra. iwuii I ciiuevoro, is usiaiuiiu vuwe I tn4r weefne imui isey reacn in.
Oregon City, Or., April 17. Virtually I appeared at HUlaboro yeaterday morn- awaiting automobiiaa and made their
the entire population of Clackamaa I Ing. inquired at th poatoffioe aa tlaeap. A poaaa of polio ar la pur-
county and hundred of paraona from I the reeldence Of Berry and oa bla ar-1 suit.
other part f tha iU( were la Oregon rival at the farm, dlaplayed tha biooay
aty today attending the annual booster I towel and declared that Fryrler waa tba lirniATnRC UAIT PflB
day celebration. Tha attendance waa I object of horrible abuse by aaylum at- mCUlM I UnO ilMI I run
much larger than lt year. Main tendanta. Ita farther explained that for
treat waa lined with Industrial ex- IfiOO. tha releaae of tha nephew could
itiui ... .iiu pvuury atmoaiirmuoD am iivuria wiu ww ith uiwtw . vAv , .i mm - - - - - -
car of the Oregon Agricultural college town, where Berry aecured the money. the Tallroad managera laatad o
waa a center of attraction. Tha bunoo maa then Invited Berry Into fca M apt0,nlnMmt w t,,. wltn
The celebration eterted at I o'olook hla carrlag and tha w drove away. th meutor, could not b kpt, Juffke
wun a airi concen oy me uregon ana mat la uie iumi wi.i. uaa ua mwcu , t-hor nommlaaloner Nelll
city Dana or so pieoea. after which the I or heard or Berry. ww. UB,ble to make any progteaa today
uaa urove uinr oana piayea. Tin Tb locaj pouca aenecurea ware ua )n tner efforta to adjuat their dlrf"C-
damonatratlon train arrived at 10 laat night to ascertain u poaainia, it .-- between the (0 eaatern railroad
o'clock. The none parade atart4 at 10 I the rig, a description or wnicrt was rum-1 th, locomotive engineer who de-
o'olock and aoon after the ball game lahed, had been rented in rortlana, ana hnand higher wagea. They will try
between the Fountain Hose company a reaueat haa ben made that u ua I lnin 0n Monday.
man, whoa description u aiao given, ti
found, ha b held.
and tha Oreenpolnt Hose company be
After the judging of the horse Dare
devil Minor slid from tha western ap.
proaoh of the suspension bridge, and
gave exhibltiona of wire walking, head
balancing, etc. Dr. James Wlthycomba,
A child rocking horse moved by an.
electric motor haa been patented by a
New York man.
Bogl Man Oe4 Him."
Albany. Or, April J7.WhH PlArlna
oa th bank: of the , Wilimmette , M ver
lata yaataraay erternoon, u lb so a arav
ham, the t-year-old eon of Mr. and Mr.
A H. Orahaaa, ; f ell off. tha bank and
waa drawnad. The, child was playing
with a young girt about th earn ag
and being missed by th mother ah
went to look for th baby and found
tha yean girt looking down la th
watery L'poa asking wnre Olbaoa waa.
tba baby id; -Bgi roaa gfrblm."
Th body waa revered an hoof later
e funeral will b held tomorrow
! i tb', family rpideneai -
(By the InWnatJonul New Service.)
New York,. April 27. An interview
with Charles C. Binns. a former bed
room steward under Captain Smith on
the Baltic, seems to bear out the gen
eral oeiier that orders were issued by
Ismay or some member of the White
Star company to Captain Smith to make
all possible speed, despite the condi
Blnns said today that Smith was the
most careful commander he had ever
worked under, always looking out for
tne sarety or his ship and passenger,
"Why I have known him to be on
the bridge for two days at a time with
out eieep, during a foggy spell," he
said. ab for drink, he never did, at
ieaBt ai sea. He would not stand any
of hla crew taking a drink either. He
would discharge him immediately he
heard of it."
Aa bedroom steward on th. Baltic,
Binns had full charge of the. captain'
quarters whenever the latter waa on thjt
bridge He claima be never found
llauor of any kind In Captain Smlth'a
a "mere paaaenarer. r
"Iamay waa not responsible for th
collision," says the noted American na
val officer, "but when the collision had
occurred he waa responsible and not
the captain for a elnklng vassal without
adequate provision for saving life. I
hold that, under the conditions, ao long
as there waa a soul that could have
been saved, the obligation lay upon Mr.
Ismay that that one person and not he.
should have been In the boat
"The reports say that of the rescued
women B7 were widowed by the accident
and the lack Of boats. Their husbands
were quite as indispensable to them
as Mr. Ismay to the company."
tlon. delivered an address at the court
house. Mayor Dlmick aiao apoka.
Postmaster at Timber.
(Wiirtiinrton Bnreaa of The Joiinul.)
Washington, D. C, April 27. Nicho.
las Bangs has been appointed post
master at Timber, Waahlngton county,
vice C. I Brand.
.jj'jimaiu swim
: One Drovma, One Fall Dead,
ajioqularn. Wash , April "17. Two Caa-ttalltle-
occurred he last ailgbt When
lh'Il Chapman. aJp 17, loat-hla Ufa
in Elk river, and FaW KlWe, an aged
cfUaen, dropped ,de4 from apoplexy.
Chapmaa attetnptedlto croes' th irivet
by walking on taal logo uod . fell to
hla death. He waa , nephew of a C.
Flowtra, tha WaU y own l&trrer.
' V 7" " ' S;"?
' falffeav. .... .: . it.
miff &
- . . v.. . a. , .-'. - - .. . " ",.
Arthur Woolcott of Cottage Grore, Or., and Marldn Wrlffht, who hT
J nt beeft wedded In New York, accordlni to " schedule. In aplte of
the fact that the bride-waa a ptsgenrer on the Bunkeo Titanic,
Lacklly she was placed in a lifeboat Jjy one of the heroic officer
who weat down with his ship and arrived in New York on the Car
path la. Woolcott; who la theowner of an apple orchardjn Oregon,
traveled fron hla wewtern home to New York to meet his brlde-to-bW
ad" for sjareral dayg after the arrival of the" Carpathla ko
4eaf(itied the I capitals and hotels for his aweetheaxt and finally
located her at tl4 noma of frlenda , -
(HpecUI to The Jenrnal.)
HoqUlam, Wash., April T. In tha
foothills of the Olympic mountain,
within four miles of where he mur
dered Deputy Sheriffs Colin McKensle
and Al Elmer, a posse has found th
camp of John Turnow, th alleged
slayer of six men.- The camping place
or the wild hermit of the Wynoochee
waa discovered several days ago when
member of the posse saw a tiny curl
or smoke arising through the trees.
From now on a waiting game will be
played. It may last for weeks and
may end quickly, this being simply
a matter of conjecture, but one thing
is certain, the posse is well supplied
with food, while the outlaw will have
to depend on hunting for food.
: i t- 'I'. .
Wandering: tha streets for half the
night in the rain, wheeling a baby car
riage containing a baby lea than a
year old, Mrs. 1. Henderson, who eaya
she resldee at Linntany was found at
tha upper end of -Washington Street
last; night at midnight by Patrolman
Welwhv The' woman stated that she
didn't know where 'aha was and that
atie waiited to' g?et 4o" the homo of Ut.
Maybell White, avt.198. eff oraon street.
Bhe was taken to the police atation
where the babyi cooihg and crowing,
waa warmed Gleefully It' played, with
the various patrolmen at the station, de
spite tha fact that it waa cold and had
been exposed to the rain and, weather I
for many houra. Tha woman and her
babe were taken to; the -Whit horn In
the police patrol. , ,
- ; ' ..'.-'.TT' '
Resenting an insult that had been
hurled at a friend. Charles B. Mitchell.
capitalist, 81 Marshall street, yes
terday arternoon, tooa e. P. ' Morris.
former ; manager -6f :- the '"Cornelius, to
task, and aa a result of the wordy bat
tle, Morris attempted to assault Mitch
ell, it. la alleged. 'Mitchell, after part
ing from Morris at Sixth and Stark
street where the argument took place.
hastened to una ueputy District Attbr
ney Hennessey and secured a warrant
for hi arreat. Later in the evening.
Detective Vaa Ovem and Lltherlantl
arrested Morrta - who waa - released on
MOO baljU , ' ; . . . , .
' tflpeelat to tba iattml.
lioqulam. Wash, April 17. Engineer
for the Oregoa-Washington Railroad A
Navigation company today began mak
ing the preliminary aurvey of It ex
tension from .tne south side of tha
ChehaJi t Monteeano. Th Improve
ment will tout lt 7.000 and will give
Montaaano two anaae . tranacoaaaatai
railroad ta ita mill. m
While riding up Ankeny atreat on
hla motorcycle at 3:45 o'clock yeaterday
afternoon, 8. V. Van Neae, tt yeara
old, an employe of the Red-French
Piano company, who resldee at 129
Tenth street, collided with United
States mail wagon No. 4, and austalned
serious injuries. His arms and head
were severely burned by the exploding
nf th. vasollne tank of the machine.
He wa ruahed to the Bt. Vincent's hoe
pital, wher h waa attended by Dr. J.
B. Fenton. Although his lnjurlea may
prove fatal, ha- waa reatlng eaally last
niaht. The wagon was driven by Qua
Nelson, of 8J7 Flanders atreat.
According- to eye-witnesses, van jes
waa rldlnr very rapiuiy ajibu
street and failed to see the mail wagon,
which waa comlnar down Bixtn street
The wagon was going rattier iai an
Nelson was On hia way to eaten a train
with a load of mail. Before van Nees
oouiil ston he ran Into Nelson'a horse,
knocking the animal to the ground and
breaking parts of the harness. The
horse was cut on the leg and shoulder,
nl had to ba taken to the barn. The
motorcycle wa badly damaged.. . .
Motorcyclist's Injury Ghastly.
H.i.m Rtipain of The Journal. V
Salem, Or., April 27.Sam Oleason,
an employe In tha office or the city
engineer, waa seriously injured yea-
tnrdav afternoon when he ran into
a street car on hi motorcycle. He re
oeived a -emiircuaar scaip wouna
which laid bare nearly six inches or
bone. Dr. W. Carlton Hmitn, wno at
tended him. aays he does not think the
Injury will prove ra tai aa ne nas not
discovered any fracture of the skull.
Vancouver Officers Shifted.
tWaebinstou Bureau ot The JoartoaU
Washinicton. D. C, April 27. First
iJiutenant Frank H. Wolven has been
relieved from duty at Vancouver Bar
rack and haa been assigned to Fort
McDowell, Colo, Firat Lieutenant Ray
mond E. Inealls of Fort Douglas, Utah,
has been assigned to Vanoouver Bar
racks for duty.
Rainy Day
the tim comes when you must
sacrifice your glasses or your
umbrella unless you wear Shur
On Eyeglass or Spectacle
mountings. When adjusted by
us Shur-Ons hold on In all kinds
of weather.
If you have never worn glasses,
see us. If you have suffered the
disadvantages of ordinary
glasses, see us. If you would
see better, see us.
209-10-11 CORBETT BLDQ.
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