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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 28, 1912)
THE OREGON SUNDAY JOUTWAU rOHTLAND. SUNDAY HORNING, APKIL C3, 1911 !2 HICIL WOULD BE MADETOFEELTAX STEVENSON COUPLE WED 0 ED SECOND TIME HOT EXHIBIT IS BY PROPOSED LAW Graduated Increasing Scale as Valuation Increases, Pro , psscd In Initiative Petition io Be Circulated. A dirett U( a . fraathiee aad la4 bJlaeeaaeaad tbf llltta ac lra, araduelad ee looraaalag eeal a tka talaetkaa liwm t4 laHiallre pt)llte ttreu Lt4 wttb a ufMMta la lb ptfl l l Niaf eiaeUa. tuglaatag Ub U af It MM eeeb llltt ebeve II Mtt. wblth ta edJHlae I All MkN IUH the ret ta?rte ll II aa t ! reached tiMi the vJatls of ike prep. rtr !. f tawre, T vt.ll V I ptaoe heavy additloaal taa a Ik large puktle earvto efpra- tlee aad .th ea!g UM eat ir aa-wara ttrtk I r mere. The epanaor for the wlmiil ere L 1 j. MUUKItr. W. . VIW, w. u. fc-gi-oA. Oeerga M. On. 1L IX waa too. It J. rarbtao. A. IX Crtdge r. K. Cvaiier. Ilory Addl. A. M. Maae, Har ry Yaekwleh ul othere, t (wen are proentneat la Ua Uil .tax e- Tfae areaoead im4dimI ale pra- vtda tor uMipdu af bom awaera frera taxation t the amoaat af lite. allow any persoa awn lag Uad t ta choc a bom ail aad eeore lb MM amount of MinpUN for two year t riot la erecting a soma, "d exipl permanent farm or ercaara imprT- taonta on raw laaa ror iw year. Another eeetlea. atar providing that all aeeaasmeata ahaU be o full value, dclara all land aad natural resource arc bald eubjerl to tha rlfH M IM pub!U ta ba takaa ar for pnblla aaa at prhro otiuaj to tba aaaaoanoat, P It Mr east. ' rn tha fraachlaa and Una tax. It U I prla waa rtvan to Mr. and Mrs. John ropoa4 to atari tba-apootno tax at I Wacatar of naar thU city roeoaUy by 124 0 aacn IlfSI MyoM Ill.ffV DP bmi oi intnai wno naawniDifa ( mair to I10.0, IncraaaUifl to tl oab I boma load ad with allvarwara and baa 11001 from llMOt to 111.001. IT.SI on I kata, tho onoalon balng tha twenty aacb lltot trom tlt.04 to l,ooa, no nnn anniTtraary oc toair wirnof. ma on each $100 from llMOl to IIO.OtA, bouso waa ooon eloarod nod tAblaa oot tlllt on aacb l0t from M.00 to for 199 raaata, Colonol A. R. Oraan 119.000. Ill on each I1000 from 0.000 mablnf tha preaajitation fpaoctk Tba to irooeo. aa -aacb tlOOt from eouplo t ban took tbolr plac at tba 178 una ta lio.toB. tJO on ooch lltOt I bood of tbt tabla, and waro Diarrlad from fl0,00 to 110,001, !l on oachlonca mora by tha Bay. Cbarlaa Nallor, II Ott from 111,080 t II ,, aaa Mr, nooniar waariBw aar isrroar wa- flt on aacb 11000 orar 1100.000. , dlnf r b way vnior rowon aaparata. la tho old cedar obaat. aloe tba. artnt '" . . . of 1117 t Danvar. Colo... ., '"a-m"n " ; "1 I -Undo John- Wht.. to thl. LA.VTm m, i.V.flon and tha country Anotrla In 1141, Inn dlnf In HTllr irtb. oonatld t" a2 ow Tori, April .it,, took oat hi. natur- . . nf.i ub.,i nirunii nran I " - bo aaaooaed aeparataly from tho land. if"" ' ;:n ""in Iji:- j HIGHLY PRAISED NEW LETTEB CARRIER . FOR PORTLAND OFFICE A tam trim WitUu yr ty aMaM aa .lnim t a-iW Ut 0a4rt to I t-a Hual Hniri tor oa klr k. Aa fa (a aaa. t ii mf1" "1 t-a a'il la ! aa4 a ajrrr oiatMMk IW1 ltl M trw H ota bo oaoa ary laal oaf kavao k attaiWad aa4 k -llt wlia 'iar. a Uiv of ua a i-t ta Im, tiao a Ma to a atoaJad taal aw.tkaa II tta as b JiaiL taa r Oaa taa laal a nU b U a Ikat la nnt MM aiuat !4&a. Tka ri.ii-4 a mw. ly aiafa4 li M iia. Wbo a dUtU4 U rt wmI4 lk aMl iiiwr wt.w u al4 at tira. Il aa a a aa a4uw rl aa aiaU atll W bajU:4 aaaaM tbfwMia taa aTt, - tWai I taa I ta T tato4 r t mil WW I Iaa Ai, AwU H, -f ia a ratty Crtlaa of laa .traal Ct Miti k4tll a: , I ta WI l4ay f a iiai t- t I41U4 twa at ta laa af &a Nftkaa!ra Im( wa. il a a aaira4 twt tva Uat ! mii f a kai a4 iva ItMiwa Aaakau, Al la a4 f ut aaa tu waa4 aim ta Ik t-l!tikia lla T fM-Haa MM k'.a la LauiaiUla, tkaa. aiub lra4 kl0 la awJWMtia 83 Finished Palntinos and Sketches; 15 Painter Represented. air. And Mr. John Wachter. IRearttl ta TV J.trmit t " Btaywnaon. Waalu, April IT. A tor .a iTM.7mr. n. land ara to 1,IT- Mr. WachtaCo birthday, and arty and lrnproY.raanta m0Td to kkamanla county tn 1M0. ra- uro of tba pnaan :law la tUiut.Umj- 6rl ttrM beyB of U..dlyt M(1 , I iVt Wl la, la Thai h-. M, Wh bMn toV ?. ,;r,t.i!TIJrfI 7ha or of tha H.ndrtckaon ,w..ry.tor ameodmant U declared aalf oparatlng, and all prortalona , of . tha constitution In conflict, with It repeaiaa. It of Portland for th past ' tbra year. Mr. and Mr.. Waehtar arc both active . . ... L. u k. " ry f .1. la avldantly tho purpose Of . tbt .v.. .n, ...r. .. group -proposm .this to - -,'",. rttana It baXor tba people uair ---- - " , .. v. h.- placa amendment to the amendments directed to b submitted by tha last lesislature, under which, lha power of countlea to lerlalata for . tbemsetyea In - taxation niattera would be taken away. tba Odd Fellows' lodge, of wblck he baa been a member for II year. A sun shade that can be adjusted to. any angle on its handle is an English invention designed for automoblllsts. v tlT Waltltf Keakw A8 Uaawrtaal a4iaiaa mt ta4n xaiatlaaa. .rl!r by aftiaia waa aw aaae taiil.naa taau buBa, baa ba bwik la turtle tT K. K. Mlaaa af baa rraaciac aa4 yUnat aa aalUM. Ua al nk liiae, iy. al laa aar af Taata aad Altar fria- Tbare are- 01 IteuM aaJauaae. aaalde ae akatabai. au4 la Ike ote:Ua It art ut a at rtraM(4- Tba gaiai aiatMlMd la U4ir UgK a ad lover of .art, wbti.r picture barea or a. ar raeamtaeaJad at t Urn laa por laaltr. Tba aembare bgia wtia u ar orea- Ul ftadaaood a Tki atlat bie I atadiaa at the liopkiee Art laaiiauta la Maa kieeelaoa. ul feiawad feia art U farta aadar tlaajamia Ceataat aa Jaaa faul Laareaa. Tbaa ar all Call-I fortila aletaraa, and eaoat ar I nam Ull I af tba taue and id ef recta ta aaa tkiae aad tnaoaUgbi mi are a ad tua rraaotaea bay aad aa tba aaarby foot killa. Tba tea ta vary -leader aad a a. ebtrvslva, aaeept wbea tba areata af tba papal aplaabaa Laa flalda wlik Its dasa lnaitna color. frobably th meat Important aablbttar la Carl (wear Sorg. a Swediah taiater bam U 111, wba stadjad la t'paala. I London. Madrid aad lioma. I la I wea ble spura already, aad baa alevaa pictures baaglat. tbts spring, ta tba eaJena af BL rtarturg. Home aad Van lea. Four of kla mast act be paeeed by. Ha. II la "Tbt fishermen.1 where the Bet la balag drawn tbroagfc water tbat la wt, and tbt atmoepberto . aff act la vary real N. II ta kU Cerro," where mf wnifiy awwwr wwm i dragged up the etoep bora bill, past a tronaiy modeled' group af solid ptaea, aad tba early tvealng miala aloud all diataat outline. Many would call thla picture the gem af the exhibition. No. It ta la tba Cathedral Oardan," and Na, II. "The Old fountain," are al wall worth study. Of thoee numb red II, 14 aad II. by Plasaoai, aad It, 17, Ik, it aad tt, bf Moiiby Dal Mue, probably 11, Tw. j light,1' and II. la tba Open." wUl eatak the eye . The en, 41 to II, ar flgur draww Inga by Joseph RaphaaL at wbiob tba firat a girl drinking, was the moat pleaalng. Of tba five eahlblted by Otto Wis., the "Morning an tha Marsh" la the I most striking, with th bright gleam of J tbt whit aunJIcbt on the reddish arrays of the marsh land. - raeelag groupa of pictures by Jonnevold. rodcbarinkorr. Adam and Hag run. we muat atay to I admire two of liagerup's coartaea Tbe Sprays aad "On the Coekt af Calif erala." But we have left to tba last . the Oatheritia Baaweed." No. It. by Wil liam RltchaL for a last notice, for thU Is one that laavas, of all. tha stroagoat ImpreasloQ on tha entlo. The Dig carta and lumbering horaea on tha ooay a ho re are strong features oti a picture where landscape n. figures are. combined. Whoso visits this exhibition expecting the brilliant and bliarr. color of tba Impraaalontat school will be disappoint- ad. Is It too much ta say that la the generally harmonious greys and browns, lighted with aooaaloaai aunablne, or -the orange of th poppy, one sees -a sort of family , likeness, telling af outdoor stndlea ta tha misty ainnate of .the California coast v -i European' factor! aa that make Imita tion butter with ooooanwtrotl as a base turn out 11,000,000 pounds of tha pro-I duct, a wek. About . the good points in Moyer $15'Buits, be cause we want you o know about them. Moyer $15 suits are thoroughly tailored from good woolens; reliable linings and trimmings are always used in them. They are not cheap suits they are good suits at a low price. Our stock is so' compre hensive in fabrics and in models that we can please anyone. Our buying and selling power is equal to that of five ordinary stores a power that we use for the benefit of our customers. When you buy Moyer $15 suits it naturally follows that you save money, because they are the best that can be made at the price. May Day Wednesday, May 1 Is Straw. Hat Day We Have 'em iM : . When ' J you I eo Wii-t ' our EwWf it's First and Morrison First and YamhiU FIVE STORES Third and Oak Second and Morrison 87 and 89 Third CLUB ISPLANNING1912 BLOSSOM EXCURSION TT Freparallons ara 'tiBdar-viiy,'for. the next Commrrclafclub excursion. This time It: win be the "191J Blossom Ex cursion to The Dallas and Hood River." The -dates are 'May J and 4. It la ex pected that about 71 will algn up for this junket. : 1 - ' ' The- traln'-:wfll - consist -of Pullman sleepers and an observation car and the rate for tba "entire trip will be 111.60. Ladles aro Invited to 'participate. Tha Itinerary will be: Leave Port land at 1:45 a. 'ra., tfriaax; May ; ar rive The Dalles ft:l,a. m.; serenade - business bouse 11:10 a. m.; luncheon 11:30 p. m.; automobile tour of orchard, vineyard and garden . district, 1 p. m.; ' Baturday, May 4, leave The Dalles I a. tn.!. arrive Hood-Blver 9:15 a. m.; leave via Mount Hood railroad 18 a. m., arrive parkdale 11:16 a. m.; luncheon. II m. leave Parkdale 1:10 p. ra.; various stops anroute knd arrive Hood River i;30 psit open house Hood River Com. merclal club, banquet 4:10 p. m.; leave , Hood River t:30 p. arrive Portland ll:S0 p. m.: .. . It is reported : from The Dalles and Hood River that on the dates of the - excursion the orchards will be in their very glory of beauty and that the pic ture, therefore, that will be up before the eye of the visitors, will be one purpose will Ib0 ot to get acquainted. KW '' ' '''' 1 11 1 11 'JTr' 11,1 dl 1 ' . w, ! ' ' ' ' ' ' " ' . ' W",l,l,H t-gjplwlla "'" i : -Wpl i" TMs Mmti lie Way! H - . -.J - i! ttt I tea- :i i al . 1 ' RAILS ORDERED CORvALLIS STREETS? Corrallls. 'Or, April IT. George D. CCouner, -manager of the Portland. Eugene and Eastern ' railroad, which corporation was granted a franchise to operate a street car system over cer tain streets- of CorvaUls at tha last meeting of i tha city council, gave out the statement thl morning that the steel has been ordered, and will be tn Corvallla next' week. Ties ar in readi- - nesa and. work 4 of laying track will bejrln at one. " - - . The franchise specifies that the track .on all streets over which . the line la' to- extend will be . single, but rumor is afloat today that at an early meet ing of the council permission 'will be asked to double' track Second street. ' which la the mala business street - of the city. ( ' ' '. ' A. Welch, promoter of. th Portland- Eu frene Eastern, ' will come to Cor vallla on Monday. It la known that thla ecrporatioa t baa Interest ia ' Albany, fal.m and other place between Corval lla end Portland aad It 1 believed here that It Is the Intention to build the line through lo . Portland. .WJth tha eleotrinoatlon of tba west aida. of the Southern Pacific and the building of the t rrrtTr Etertrto and th Welch line from l-'ugene to Portland. JCorvallta 'will have three lBterurbaa electric lines. ' Styles to Chootse From No Mystifying Conditions UM- : Iliin It II mm . mum. WMmn "WWM i a. t TTie new planhigh-grade, fully warranted pianos, such wonderfully little prices, and pay ments so easy that eyerylhome can have pleasures and benefits of a fine, new piano now $1 f)wn and' $: Seven leading manufacturers join with us in this plan, by which 518 Oregon homes are to receive elegant pianos. Bring a? dollar tomorrow and pick out bne of:the pianos here shown or one of thirty-six other styles, pr write us. Remember you buy at wholesale. The volume of this transaction and quick distribution makes these low prices possible. And you pay only $1 a week; it's easier than it sounds. Almost anybody can do it No Tuss or red tape. No task to be performed. No waiting. The big auto brings the piano the same day yo tcmorrow, these are hi lar cataloge styles such as a mansion would be proud to own a credit to any home. How much happier, brighter, better home is where there is music.; And liow only a, dollar a week does it, or equivalent by the month, if you prefer. 40 STORES The.NationV Largest MusIcHouse f Hom of THE OIICKERINa , - . THK AtTOPIAXO ,' J TUB KDBAUti 7th and Alder SI J -.