THE OnUGQH SUNDAY JOURNAL. roUTLAND, SUNDAY MOJUIINCl. AVML 1!, 15.1, ii UNDEFEATED CHOULIS HIGH SCHOOL BASEBALL TEAM : 0. OF P. ATHLETES If HAMS HEAVES UNBEATABLE BAIL Too Much Hawaiian Class Net Good for Ancels; Sena tors Hit Ball Hard. CONTEST FOR COLTS WIN ANNUAL MEET With Score Tied Former White Veasey, Li First Start, AL'ows Penru Runners Win Relay Sock Puts Ban Over One Hit, Gut Mlsplay the Fence. ' Cause. Defeat, Championships of America From Princeton's Team. HUM'S 4 BASE DRIVE WINS GAME IE BOOTS LOSE W 1 a eie4 K,' i Mr r IWrr 11 tHwMH, kd h, J Mala IM " c M M ,k rtgM Hal 4 I. TM aaiikt M IM mik Mn. ku IM a ia kilt Mia Uuw ui Ur pHcklag Maleekip Mil. twt IM Mif 1.1 la M I, gaaa H . I 14 Ik way it '" mnr. ,m 44 ik """W "liUM U4 M4Im M r. . ik a rtfui.r an. hw barrlag 4 uUimi I bo III WU4. Praia ,1mm 04 ai I Ik -. n f MaiM. M fi U U la if Kb4 t.a. 4 ui m cvu4 m r nuM Mart yAn.r asm fa, tkal kimi. 11 vr4 ru t i im N-ttk aHri l. 4 ik Imm Mikn I ... kei ik, Tr ( j Ml if fcU MM Mfer a4 aiW ( fm lung, mi iu ia-- fuUM lr4 ik ut. K.i f.ij UfNk.i ui iui, kk 4 ik Kit !. M 4 Obmm ptiee4 far IM lcJ M w Ik44 f fl MfW el li 4Vl 11 l4 mtt alt mm wail ka. v.r. uau!, Ik, rut mm U IM IIUtN'l Mill. Ml IM 4 IwUV T ftm luin Hi u iry fwi keg Ik Mux mt lk MfikMl "r ui. en ilt M Me ai4 lM Uiu m MUi 4 tat l b. A M 4 Mil U4l4 Um4 Of mt IM On. wfcU l ffVV4 l Uto fll4 Ml jt fik mJ f fcU74 f IM CWI mi etwn riMw 1 rtu4 mm iu utiy u u uih II Wm IM rwrtk UklM iW IM I tola M4 It MM4 Kfc IM CMU k4 mimnmm jrtklM. it III Jukmmm, I eJ f wUW um U IM TlclfT w r u U4 ar rataa .!. I ajaui Vttt Ora Ubb4 M kimaWt U I ttauofi ik ka4 Mnfa arrw f Ctib MlMr MtUUr (akiav It aai ikilUalM'l U lkw m lat tallra MM r4 I mil kOJ U kla m anaaiof ariMay aaUo 4r4 IL mt4 tmptr XoOrMvy, 4 JkcMo Uu4 t aioe4 vttMtil My ao. tlo Ui fray )aaB4 mt lUratoaw lioiaa, wim r) mt hayf'aaaaa IraJllac I U rtU Arrdln l lUp. IM Mjy lka IMI th amplra eoold call ta e: ( tfe k cldat vaa a Mtl. ko4 tM eaiUag of mji wm tbrfer eoaira rr I IM Uloia. H M rmUd. owvar. Afur Jo 04on ha4 pul hlinlf ul with a triric, tMl nt Ta Bill roa4 t UIM, Cor Ma kll ft ligbl o 4own I lloap, wba Ihraw to im hem Jack too, but Drown and Jkckaon oer4. Iiarrjr 4rouad4 out, ndloc Corb&a to acood. Than up earn rraak Miliar wlUt a Ml to lafl field for lw Ma, and Corhan oerd. M It want aioac till lh alilh. whao Mr. Pallaraoa pal IM bU orar tb rlf hi flald faca. Boor I to I, And bar It atood till lb Ut half of ih Min ' Innloc only, wlirn Hoy Corhan followed Mr. rattaraoo'a maid ('I and acorvd hi bom run. Tb oorai VIRNOM. AB. R. It PO. A. E. lilt oown i tioap, m ' pUt I ealch 4rpp4 tb ball f ' Iir rv 4trAiiblaM tMU Ullr. vwrtbUff waal alaa, 1U 4 raan4 lfefe fM IM NIcM IIU MalkM M4 Vaar (krt4 Is U m vbicb I4 KvaM im ao rrf U I- lUf. Cllrl) plr4 rkr M raaa I Ih ahort palok 4 14 Oil MUUldaa MMIM 0 IMMM Ml bIU Mt t n war (aLkar4 br lb T1inr aardarL Tb Oil m4 Tt4r will pUr U uat imi f lb Mriu IkU inwuon u4 tolt IMr will 4prt for Vaa uvr. B. C, wbar thr will ant Ikik firw'a Tlffar I waakT a aria. Tb aoorat Tae( MMbJl plari mto b4 in 44 4 rMt rord la iblf 4ctios 4f th eonntrr. Ftn Ift to rlf lit ihf 4rrLppr rov Cocb WrUhl; MUbl. Uft flJd 4il mn L rollttt, flrt bM; Coff. (lubtrj BntBJtc, rit field 4o4 sJtcbr. MM6! row Ucott. pltc&ir; Nlcholioa. tbortklop; Lorr. cup ula, 444 t44w L-or row kllaMD, plUbr; Hmdtrvoa, third b4M; M!l4, ft fll4; Drli, eubr. THE DAILY SPORTING STORY BY LLOYD KEXYQXJ0SE3 Mnor. KtraiL rf Malha, lb liarrt. , Krlbbl, tb (-olid, a VaaMf, p . TolAla v lb i f I r 1 l er 4 t 1 j f to miotiaia. h rf I t I roatda of HumtM t I 14 It Cantata, cf. . ia-tcaa. U. .. I'at tenon, lb. Braahear, tb. Htlnaon. rf. . lloap. aa. . . . . Hurt. 11. tb. . Hrown. e. ... l. ray. p McDonnell . t 0M Teh, lb Mil. X .. Abbott. If N.lKhbora, rf Moria, ,a Lrneh. cf Cameron, lb A Srlttanden, e " ordon, p ToUli IT TACOMA. Aa n. it kx a. e. 4 111 4 4 4 1 1 I I 4 4 1 4 1 Totala BAN Mclver. rf. . Aleman. aa. Knft.ry. cf. Hartley, If. Jackson, lb, Oedeon, tb. Corhan, lb. Berry, o, .. Miller, p. .. tl I 14 IS I FRANCISCO. All R. H. PO. A. E. 1 0 1 0 4 0 1 t 1 II 14 I 1 IT 14 BOORE BT INNTNOS. Portland 0 4144144- Taoom 4 4 0 4 I 4 4 BUM MART. Left en baa.a Portland 4. Taooma T. Stolen Mae Bp a, Frl, Toha. Double pur Mors to Mill to Cameron. Ab bott to Mil. Struck out Br Oordon I, by Veaaey I. Baea on Mil Off Veaaay 4. off Oordon I. Umpire Van Ualtran. Baseball Notes Total 14 I T IT II SCORE BT INNINGS. Vernon 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 Kits 1 0 I 4 I 0 0 Ban Krsnolaco ....00110004 Hits 1 10 1110 1 7 41 14 Batted for Gray In ninth. SUMMARY. Horn run Patterson, Corhan. Two base nits Carllala. Baylaaa, Miller. Raltery. Hartley. Sacrifice bit Alt. man. Oedeon, Gray. Bases on balls Off Gray t, off Millar . Struck out By Gray I, by Miller t. Hit by pitcher Mclver. Double plays Braahcar to Patterson. Faaaed ball Berry. Wild pitch G-y. Baiit way. Time, 1:06. Umpires McOrvy and Martea. AMERICAN LEAGUE Napa Beat Brown. St. Louis, April 17. Manager Davis mad a ahlft in th Cleveland Una up today, playing La Jol at first base, and took the first (am of th series . with., th Browns, I to 1. Score: R, H," E, Cleveland ...0 0 0 0 0 0 1.08 8 I St. Louie ..00100100 oa 7 I Batteries Kalar and O'Neill; Powell and Krlchell. Umpires Egan and Evana. Groom Invincible. Washington, April 27. Groom was Invincible today and Washington ahut out th Yankees. Caldwell was knocked out of the box In the fifth. Score: R. H E New York ..4 4000000 40 1 6 Waahfngton 00000600 x 6 8 0 Batteries Caldwell, Hoff and Flih r: Groom and Henry. Umpires Connolly and Hart Walsh Pitches Shutout. Detroit, April 17. Th Whit Sox de- tk (9 Pitcher Walter Johneon. of th Wash Ington team, looks to be tb asm old demon with th fast ahootera. . a Pitcher Oeo rg Mullln, of th Tlgara, la out to beat Cy Toung's roord for years of major leagu pitching. e Th Bt Louis Brown took away a barrel of money, from Chicago aa their share of th gat of th opening series, e The major league clnbs ar not giv ing out th attendance thla aeason, o it la now up to th aenbea to make a- tlmates. Manager Jack O'Connor of the Cleve land team In th Unltd Stat league, has signed Jo Delehanty, th former Toronto player. Manager Cantlllon, of th Minneapolis club, has appointed Dan Bweener, th old Louisville player, custodian 'of th Miller' clubhouse. a " " Th Iron-Copper Country league will open th season May 18. Calumet, Mar quette, isnpeming ana Negaune form th circuit 01 th leagu. . Tb Philadelphia Nationals have had mora man out of th gam on account of Injuries, so far thla eeason, than Any other club In th major leagues e e Captain Anson, th famous old CM' cago player, has tied up with th new United States league, which win assign him to one . of Its sight eluba later In th season. e e Shortstop Hauser, of th St. Louis Cardinals, put on over on Jim Bheck- TS tmt brook thai mML' "Mm ajr oat aaa bam mar go. mi go forever," never bad any 1 king a Chain plon Prank A. Ooteh. Praak. aaocd at lb wheel Of ehug wagoa. Is lh human lhanderbolt lie eaa oc tbrooga pina inai ab for a spit ball He ha bllatrd up the umbotflt eeonty uatll thoe kin. rds are raw and red ta a pot a Tb day thai Oolrb lnjact.4 palpita tion f th heart lot Ia MeLeod. Dunoaa MeMUlao, and ICmll Klaak was ea f tho of which th poet sings. If I hould Uv a IbotiMBd yeara. aever wouJd forget Thy war spinning over lb glad rearheo of Iowa, taking rnr ea lw wheel, and discoursing on little Inel deal of tha-ptat la bygon day. Prank," MeLeod whecaed. "1 ala't aueh" a kcta guy pe4. Jrp ei oa lb lew for a wnue. 1 m geitin- arlad on nr stomach." Aw. I bavent given yea a eample of pe4 yet." Ooton answered. "Watoh that speedometer thing up In front, and when It hits II. I'll take a corner. I've don It many time." Don't try it." Daa pleaded. "Io fact. Prank, you fallow go ahead. I prefer to walk." But Daa aian t nav any c nance to walk, vlotch kept on toaelng th J ale tnte the cylinder until the eihauat ilk th purring of a tiger cat Dan watched tb hand erep around th dial. His aye war bulging and bis throat was dry. Tb others were aot ticked to death about It and by th Urn they were going 10 mil aa bour Ootch waa th only on who had any conversation left "a, I nad a good motaer, muttered McMillan. "I wonder whet my family will aay. Klank sighed, as ha recalled that up th pit about II saconds, was a cross rosds. tfera on. Frank, eut out that speed staff Dan groaned. "Slow down. Be raaaonaJbla." ' . Hana- on tight!" Frank ehouUd. Th motor vii stirring along th landscape at nearly 10 miles an hour. tieava, ho!" Frank called; aa be menu with Mvaral gam laur la ti aaaaeiv local team for Whooper-'or-l f .Gotrh, the Moiotist. leaned far vr, with rh approach ef th comer. Dan squawked and began to climb out of th tonne. Klank and Me Mlllan anchored him In. "Die like a brav manP Klank nrgad. Then waa 1 alight twist In th path of th ear and tb wrestlers cloaed their aye. Klank could htmaelf lying dead and mangled oat among th dalatea. MeLeod wondered what would happen to all th Scotch high ball when he abould have eeaaed to be. They waited for th Impact but It didn t arrlv. Than on after th ether they took by alanta at their surroundings. Th fatal corner lay a mil behind. Th car waa atlll traversing the same road It had Men all the time and Ootch waa laughing till thi tears spattered back like Niagara's spray over tb Table Rock. "Thank heaven!" Dan moanad. Then he took In a long breath. "Say, Frank," he finally managed to gup. , "I must either have a drink or go to erroi"ch.'ut thw ielt "thing would b for all of us to man handle yon only, w don't Ilk to spoil a ehamplonl" Prtco" Edward will try ut for a pontic) with th K era tone learn, ao eordlng I report ta th amaUur eir ele. BBBaaawaaai Th llolladay aeoonA laaja waa 4. faaud by th Bhattuck team by tb acr of I to t. A wild throw I ilolla- daya third Maeman by tb ktcher In io oinia inning ajiowad tbUBlag nut I M scored. Any laaast wishing game with tb llolladar II, all taat 41 and Wuilim Dtiaa. . Tb Balttmor Lunch team will nlav lh Trouldale, Or., team today. Tb Haltlmor would lib to hear from any faat out f town team a for Sunday, May I and Decoration day, May 14. For game 41r Reuben Kaaoftkr. uucoanaa biog, or phone Marshall 4171. BATTING AVERAGES ' FOR THE SERIES PkJU4.:rrt. imtn IT. -.TV t,lv Ity f raMylai woa IM reef aait ! rM ckalMltp of Aaatfca, Ik falur vvl'l Ike ibtih aa. aval r4r carnival MI4 m FtaakU lri: Itt afltraeva. .MaCW4r. the fl luh a rtr PaaaeilvMUk, rv lb UM flv i4 ta fueal f rUlakit If MMtUjta. Tm mm aa4 II aatsalai aM II imU r-rtr(a dfai4 ravarlvaai la Ike mmm axil, ,kaMiKbP 4 ! mil frKea (iiwMaeUla rtaiirl- VaaU 4rlt rrM4 tmt IM w mil relay CMiipleW.I ta Ike aaan ipwiKuUr r f tk 4r. Tw, ami eiu. rir e aaa pie a M p. wm by L atvfn r ar Paay1vaala. PnaoeiM aecmd, MlaaeMta fhlrA. TUat it 1.4. Pel vault won by War. Tela 1 fl I Unfce; Murphy, llllneta. 4 Wrt,Kt lrtmiilb. aa4 Uarde Tal. UM Mr third. High Turn, we br EwHibt Dan Math Hurdles, Pnaylvaaia, a mi end. Tkerra Carl u I, third. Height flv f4 II lnMV Mile, fteahmii otU relay eham pioaahlp of AnMrtoa, woa Jy Prti toa; rennaytvaala. aacead. Tim I It. Mil eollag relay cMapiahtn,"woai by gyracua. IlUaol, aaawnd; Cbteago, iniro. -Tim 11 4-4. Runalng broad lump woa) by Cutler. soa. vermeai, 14 ret tneh; Waaaoa, Motr Mm. MoM: liabeook. Calaow out, lairq. Hammer throw, , woa by Simpson, ""ri'Mis if, re( I lack wniw. Taj, Mooa4i Nardaeta, Dart- Bfiot put. woa bp PhiibrMB, Ktr iama, reetSbtohlar. MlcbJgaa aoood; Whitney. Dartmouth, thin Dlaeua throw, woa by phllbrook. Ketr Dam. Ill ft m toehea; Whitney, ao. nd; Narad.n, third. Four mil eollag relay, wm by Pna. '"""i nicnigaa eoood. Tim 11:14 JACK TAUCHER WITH TILLAMOOK BALL NINE ( Vk lilawiSliiiU 0 4rMt L iMtMh .ai. AU If. 1 Beaver rotur Oames, felted the Tiger In th opening ard, of the Cuba, th other day, when game 01 tneir series nere today by a score of 3 to 0. Walsh was In fine form and very tight In the pinches. Score: R. H. E. Chicago ....0 0 11 40 0 0 01 8 4 Detroit ; . . ; .0 0 4 0 4 4 0 00 i I Batteries Walah and Block; Coving- ion, Lfuoug anu cianaio. Umpires Dineen and Perrin. ; Ballr VVlna Game. " T Boston, April IT. In another list ditch rally, the Red Sox nosed out the champion Athletics by -a 4 to 5 scora Score: R. H. B. Philadelphia 0 I I 1 1 0 0 0 08 7 8 Boaton vuwioaoi "hidden ball" gag on he worked the old Jones. . ' e ThereUa atlll "hop for th Highland era Only a few years ago a Boston team started off the seasoik with nine straight defeats, and yet-It won the championship. " a e .. The Minnesota-Wisconsin leagu will nav but lour clubs thla season. Wi nona, La Cross. Eau Clair, and Roch ester form the circuit that will start to do business May 14. e Hugh Bradley, of the Boston Red Sox, anrana th folio win a "daffrr" on Eddie X 8 11 1 I PI1V th. ntVi.T Amv "If a tin.. Han VunarTk WD n1 Thomas; Wood Uant on a strike, would the drum atlckT" Answer: -no, n would bat It" , and Nunamaker, Umpires O'Loughllni and- Westerralt FIFTH RACE CAPTURED BY A LONG SHOT OREGON DEFEATS THE ; WILLAMETTE T0SSERS AMATEUR BASEBALL Local amateur fana will b plasd to know that Bobby Hewitt la doing well with th Pendleton team and will likely atlck with Jess Oarrett Hewitt pitched four Innings agatnat the Pilot Rock team last Sunday and did not al low a hit in the time he was on the mound. Mountain, another on, of Gar rett's recruits, allowed one hit In flv lnnlnxa. Hewlt fanned seven men In th four innings and three were whiffed by Mountain. Hewitt walked but one batter. Petnbrook, Lodeil ana Menaor war aome of the local playera that took part In the game. f The Wlnton Six baaeball team de feated the Clatskanle, Or., team laati Sunday by the score of 1 to 0. Hagen pitched for Clatskanle and allowed flv hita Four hits were maaa oir w nel son e, the Wlnton pitcher. There wer no errors. The two teams will meet in i a return game June 10. tery work. Joe Turk, former O. A. C player, will be on aecond base for the snoemen. ' Ah, 1L P. C. Chad bourn .... it 4 .111 4 Lindsay it ( .til BuUer it .oo 4 Krueger 14 4 .140 Rappa 14 1 ,B00 4 Joan 11 1 .H7 Rodgtra II 4 .147 Howley 14 1 .lit Bancroft ...... 4 0 .000 Tempt 1 1 ,7 4 LaLong 1 0 .000 Henderson .... 1 0 .000 Btelger 1 1 1.000 4 Ollllgaa I 0 .000 4 Koaatner 4 I .400 Totala ......itl . It ,117. Oolt Five Omit. Ab. 1L P.C. Menaor 14 .jgj Speai 17 S .194 Strait It 4 .147 4 Frlei i ,411 4 Math 14 t .11$ William t 1 .131 Harria 14 I .JJT Moor, . . 0 .Q0Q Kibbl '. It . ".J21 Coltrta it 4 Jll 4 Tonneaon 4 1 .160 Bloomfleld .... 4 1 .250 EastUy 4 0 .000 Klein 4 0 .000 Veasey I 0 .000 Totala .......158 II. ul . 1 JI ta Tke hnill Tiuamook, or, April II Th, TUla- mooa oaaeoaii team will opaa lu aaaion uub aii. moon axajnat the Kahalam nlna TUlamook la itrongar than it baa bean for sm tlni jack nnutur wnv piayia witn in ppokan jadians Uat season, will bold down abort for th local clnb. Th Tillamook crab has arranged gam with o-W. R. A N, HUlaboro, Pqrtlnd Cuba, Maroona, Wlnton. Co lumbua elub and avra thr looai taama They ar uil walUng U hair from Red Koperfs nlna Th Tillamook Un-up lit Attn bra atr, catcher; Webb-or King, pitcher; Ara- spigsr, rirst baae: F. Eberman, Mcond beat; Peteraon.. third Mae: Tanachar. AaM. .al. Atl II. Tk alt,tag ImlMi Maktalu4 4 ft I 4kbla m IM Ikalalaa All la Hi rM- , gaaaa THfkjT VII. ltaa ha4 hi -aMa ftr tke pstUki kel mt tm aaMataUe aa4 bit tM Algal ba aaiM! -Trvm M Mig l tM real .ka. tar mt IK 4 ula Me aJ)e4 Ml tl laretl ia4 lie idtUfM 1 a aleig tMl n.rry at mt M4 a Mm li mmm g l IM riaita, II was a mt Um tuwaiiai alaaa. Tw f rUW' etaaaJaat 1 Wall BlagU M Jak Italia. tenl4 I eoeaMl IM ttmH mt To Horn Wu- J Itaaa. la wa Ma4 M mttt- mily IMI k waa rr4 l Mil' ale I Ike dab Ma. Hail tan4 mrtU ' 4 IllpMd M tmf IMI IM i4iver 1 U4l" did mh uaik It rwU wkUi Ii yaih Mm mm4 wait aa sain tua- . lag UmMr. . Th vtiltar kaaar4 Ml 11 bia- t gia. Tbay U4 tkaea over IM fee I 14 loaiae tk fenoe CMy wt.aag4 , Ul aboou I ail Mmn if IM larf aaJ wt aaty ire p pad "wtur. may lilt" All IMI aaa M and if th feat ti IMI tl was ge4 eaereU t tot all partial coaoenM 1 1 IM Baa- , raaetoUM wM aaap-i4 r the baa, tM rapb. who chased attar the bail; Ik aoorer, wM tried lo chroekU the oeajnpertig in4 IM hlalag and lh faaa, wba tried tl kgt track ef tut It wm ail kuu asvCF4 I LOB AKOELXB. Howard, lb I 4 1 1,4 I Jierger. aa .....4 I i 0 tley. rf I 4 4 I t 4 ILMDialler rf 4 4 114 1 inioa. lb 1 1 4 a I 4 U.tai.r. lb 4 1 1 i 14 14 ill! 4 14 4 4 1.4 4 "t tt II i Cora l prtMik. 4 I f D ni.aiaiaia 1 Roaabaek, lb I I -laala. p Itaiia, Total Madden, rf Bki.. - "f l4k, I I O Rourka lb wan, cf MlUer, lb " h m haa. lb rh. to 1 8 A CRAM ENTO, A B. R. IT. PO. A.E. 4-w 44 4 4 4iia4 4 4 1 4 4 111 tir b . . " '. 'Z I '. '. M ill I Totali :,. II 14 II It 11 I - BCCTRB BY INNINOS.- Loe Angala, .,..4 4 4 1 1 4 4 4 4 I Hit ..4 4 11111104 tcramanto 4 1110 4 1 I 19 Ba . Hit 114 1114 4 411 SUMMARY. Rom run Swain: twa bail hit Cheek; Hit Barg.r. Slagl. Shlnn Williams. Broaa. tiaa on biia-Mjrr Slagl 4. off William 1. off Hall I. lhrttop; Bapplngton, right flId; Ed- Struck out By William 1, by Hall 1. I BMti aia afeA.B a atl m at I . . I munds, field. center field and Rhode, teft L'mDlrea Finney and of garni 1:00. Wheal. r. Time JOHNSON EXPECTS TO WIN IN TEN ROUNDS NATIONAL LEAGUE Ritchie fa Fine Bhipe. '; ' (Taltad rVeai Leea4 Wtral ' Chicago, April 17. Rlohle'e air-tight pitching blanked th Cardinals today. th Cuba winning. to 4.' Thi lurid Hot Springs, Ark, April 17. "I am glad Jack Johnson thinks ha will dafeat Tl m In 10 rounds." said Jim Fin .k- wlnnln''. n:lnr,a Pueblo fireman, at hia eamn haV. TLt.J auowa but rour nit, bl iouis wS. ViTX'Vil1?. l?' nlng thre pitoheri In u Inaffeotuai . . . . "John-on'a Tk m. "bellVv. th Cub ILll. that ha thlnka h'a got a cinch. H will .JlouJi ' 4' There will be no games In the Bank ers' league during th, coming week. On account - of , the heavy work In the bank near the first of the month, the sohedule was arranged so that games would not have to b played during the busy week. WASHINGTON. STATE WINS vmuwTw am can set, aown 10 nonaat train. I Rati art fltaala Wlllla ng again. - m nil Dn Uvlni .too hiih 4 Wlnioi Klciil ana Arcnr ana ne got to nav a clncn to win. I am going to be th toughest hardest fighter that Johnson ha aver been un agalnat and J eel confident that hi will never be able to hurt mi after hi atopa a few of my blow to hla wind." Flynn la working hard at hla oimn hir. H go to New Mexico next week, where b will begin th long grind witn Tommy Ryan that will put him in trim ror the .championship Datua. Bell , and Umplree owana and Brannan. , Two Gamea Poitponed. . -Phlladalphla. ' April 1 7v Brooklyn. Philadelphia game postponed, today in aooount of rain. . . Naw York. April lT,i-jrW Torla-Bca- ton gam poitponed on aocount if rain, f DUAL TRACK MEFT OREGON AGGIES SWAMP -----ww BiMg 1 t si a at iiiaki a ita .. UncMAWA INUIANd, o-u Th Christian Brothers' Business col lege team will meet the Portland Busi ness college team Tuesday afternoon on th Columbus c(ub field. Th Dynamltera and Insurgenta, and the Agitators and Black Hands will be th opposing teams In the gamea of the Sunday Morning league, which will be played on Multnomah field thla afternoon. Salem. Or., today, and first team of that city. Dill flfahnn f Vtak lnna 1 n1av4 v in wuuon. 01 mam wiu with th Columbua club,, stole two bases nut u liv th nnnnlnr cam a at aatnrla laat Sunday. Stepp plays left field for the Silmohbaoks. Th Portland Tlgr would Ilk to hear from Albany. Salem, Beaverton and other fast valley teams. For games writ R. Roerges, 201 East Water atreet The Portland Cuba will play the Van couver independents mis anernoon. The Cubs opened the season at Astoria last' Sunday and were aereateo oy in a acore of 8 to 0. The Baltimore team wishes out of town games. For further arrangements write or telephone Rftuben Kasofsky, 405 Buchanan building. Marshall 4871. The Keystone Woolen Mills team was defeated last Sunday by th Spring- water team by the score or 8 to 1. Heavy batting in the fourth. Inning gave the game to the Bpringwater team. ' .. 'P"lal to The JonraaLl Walla Walla, Wash,. April 17. In a meet heartbreaking from start to fin ish and In which Whitman at first se cured a big lead, Washington Stat col lege won out in the last javelin throw whan Diets hurled that weapon 147 feat. m iwwni iur me acnoots. uiomquiat or Whitman broke his school record in the quarter, running it in 61 1-6 seconds. Whitman won the sprints, ivmaer running away from Cooke, the Pullman man touted to beat nun. xne only run Pullman rat waa th. v. . 1 1 1 - . . t. . . nmii.-iiiiia, uuicn narum annexed. narren 01 wnuman took the mile ana me two mile. Dalqulet took high hurdles, Klenhols low. Pullman won out 1n most of Jumps and weights. Relay sensational event," with Blom- quist or wnuman and Cooke of Ellena burg breasting th, tap, together, a dead heat Tha final score was 71 to 84, there being 16 events, and relay not counting. , A. C. WANTS MATTY TO TIP CURVES TO CASHI0N The Oswego Juniors would "like to piay eaiuraay games wiin iooai; teams. Washington, AprU 27. Clarke Grlf- The Oswega team will play all teams nth showed Christy Mathewson how he return games. For games telephone can pick up 11000 for himself much 1619. Teams between 11 and 14 years more easily than bv wrttt stories or pitching post-season ball in Cuba. The- tin waa Tl),, West Portland team will today Washington manager called - on - the old desired; Salem. Or.. "April 17. In a' hard fought baseball rame here todiv. tha University ef Oregon team defeated th Alan, Idaho, April 17. Today's ra aults: . , . First racPIckanlnny, 8 to i. 1 to i, $1: m!S?'l?g aSM jm ' vlrt t'ara haT HUB Jiaaon and th Tim 1.01 1-6. Scratch John H, She- local boys surprised th visiton. Tha a' -A 1. ,...,1. .... . result of tha game was in doubt fillth Second raci MoUer. 1 to 4, out won; final Inning. - "Tjf-E? v1".? 'aLmtt,"faJ Th featur of th gam waa Mo ?M''-i-wKj;- a V . . 2 I tnnpn-ln th eighth inning, which hird riM Eyiwhita, 8 to 6, to 6, Umbled th WUlamett team to aoor j. i bi.iii m 10 i.--even. I ita luat run.-. , - .second; Manasseh, 8 to 8,. third. Tim. - I.JI. ' - - ' , j ; Fourth rio Pawhuaka 8 to 1,' to I' 8 to 6, won; Tnlr, 14 to 1, 4 to L end; Enfild, I to B, third. Time, 1:11 8-6. in fourth . scratch Cluny and Closer. Fifth ; Jl to 4 to i. third. Time, 1:01 1-6, Sixth rao--flixurd. II to 10, t to 8, out woni Laymlnster, I to 1, even, no. ond: Henry Walbink, 8 to 5, third. . Tim ; 1:41 . 4-4. fitath. Mratch - Ada Mead. I - -.' ; . . Tha cora: Willamette .......t .Oregon -, ' -.n. rb .....I 4 4 4 4 4 1 1 04 I t 10 4 j 0 04 ! Iweeney May Cobb flick. , Ifew York. AVil ITl Thi published report that th poor luoceas of tha th rMa. srren furlonge Chantlcler, I Amerlaan league team hare li du to 1, 4 to 1. 1 to I, won; QUbert Rosa, indifferent work by Russell FoVd nd 'aJ L' co.nd; Tllllnghait 8 to other playera. in an ffort to compel th management to accede to Catcher Ed Sweeney's demanda. Ja denied bv player and managemeaW but - with th Th Arleta baaeball team wlshea lo cal or out of town gamea. Telephone Tabor 1131. ' Games. In tho Archer-Wigging league 1 today are: GUI vs. Holladay; Colum bia vk Lincoln; Western Hardware com- j pany vs., Crescents; Marsnail-Weiia vs. Brooklyn. ,- ; . .. ..... The Lincoln and Jefferaon teams will play -Wednesday afternoon on Multno mah field. Friday afternoon the Port land academy team will meet the Colum bia university nine. Tha" fast Irvlngtofi" team has dia- banded until J.h close of the Interachol- astto league, when an effort win be mad to get" the all-star high achool playera to play with the team. . Thre game In the championship se ries of th Grammar Ecnooi Baseball leaxue will be played thla week. On Tuesday th Lenta and Ladd teams will eross bats. , Wednesday, Shaver and Portsmouth, ind Sellwood and Solman wlU be opponents. . " If was given when play the Wheeler team, which claims I Giants when the National leaxue cham th championship of Washington coun-lpions were here. L5r--,f'ick"on r111. h!,avV for ai? Wt'1 ot P" on my team named ivi uouubi.. io.t ounuay vaa x-ori-1 uasmon. saia urtrriffc "Mo v... .w a. .-j .v. , I . .. 7 , 7 ' iu ""' "w" mo wunwa. I sue. tne speed and' tha stamina you can teach him how tn nttt, - Don Keyes, manager of the Irving- curve ball and how to .mntMi itTn ton baseball team. Is signing new play-i giro you 81000 and think it . k-. i. aM n n ..It ..n,lf a -. I . ill .., ... . . .'e.u. .uu iiw., Ultv.A MJQ SHU Ui lfll IC1IUW lOQKS UK HIS rW 811- tho Interacholastic league season be. rial for a areat clteher it h. for playing again. Frank Tauscher prove to U, I'm going to' make an ou. narrwvn rg iwg u Ul new I Holder OI nim. - AJld 1 11 hlVS Ona of, tha nlavat-ar wl.K th. t.. n..v Ik.-. !.(.. . , . v .uv ' ' o ...ii uvilu i a i it i l l.i a tLl Lli . league. were former memoers 01 ine unworth son; (Special to The Journal. 1 Corvallis, Or., April 17. Tha O, baseball team thla afternoon ahut out t,ia,2,i ,"' ... ---- v-1 Cincinnati a 10 v. im piicnina si -oiveri 01 in Aggie was a feature. Colvert pltohed the last three Innings and did not al low a single hit and fanned flv bat tors. Relbon started on the mound for the Aggies and allowed four hits and fanned seven batters. Scowlolet pitching for the Indians, was hit hard and often. Hi fanned seven of the Aggies. Th soore: R. H. E. Chemawa 0 4 1 O. A. C. . 8 11 . 1 Batteries Scowlole and Lane; Relben. uoiveri ana rnmips. Pirates Make Record. . Plttiburg, April 17. Th Red went to pleees today and th Pirate, irory mothri aon if tham, begaa plHng up run a. it -didn t atop until tne aeon waa II to 4. The Plratea uaad 14 man and th Reds 16, including thr jrttohers. It waa tb record of iha season for runs and hlta. Th aoor: . R H.B. 0 . a a ncinnau ................... a e i Batteriei Camnlta, Simon and Gib- Frommo, trough, iiaraey ana T. arse, MOLiean. Umplrea Johnstons and Eaa on.' STANDIVG OP THE TEAMS Pacific Coast Leagna. , , , Won. Lost Pot Oakland ..................17 . 4 .739 Vernon .' lr Ban Francisco ............ m Los Angeles ............ ..10 Faoramento ,,.,...,..,....19 t'oWland 0 BT n it .591 ".476 ' .455 .455 ,3Uu nPI Ml MAY WPAR w Baai I 4 llin I II asnil I 4kf-ts,a,fla- SAN, FRANCISCO SUITfvte North western Leatjae. 5 - Won. Lost Pet. Derby vteam.-. J The Mt Tabor Middles defeated the Richmond team by the score of 16 to 10. Heavy hitting featured th aim. which waa played last weeky- v , Matty expressed a wllHne-na -o f-T- I f or th J100.0, but thi educaUon process Th Plrat defeated tb Gopher bv 1 the ecora of 11 to 6 on th Weat End I grounds yesterday. : Th featur of the gam was tn hom run by Walker with on man on th bag-a. Tha battari.a TACOMA TO HOLD . . MOTOR CAR 4 'jit: . Tha faat , Gresnf laid Shoe company team will play th Overland nln on the .Irffaraan hlah achool a-rounda this af. denial cornea a atatement that term I ternoen. ' The Greenfield Blnes ar will likely b reached with 8ween.v 1 atrccrer thla eaon than-ver before. and. that ha will join tha team abortl. 'i'Hzgei aid and, aVawman kIU do tha MUTbe Astoria . - 8pcl! t. Tb. Jooraal I - Tacoma. Waalw April Final clan for holding; a two day .automobile race meet ner : Juiy s and 4 wer4- eloaed ft t-W McDonald and from 180 to 850 nWea long, aid ZOOM.-' . ? : 1 . ki L. . . .7 . , 1 i I uiiuio. .. manil W in win- ' I nafl-a - Fntpv Hlank-a h... aM.. . Th Portland Gas A Cok tomnuiT I naV ffaPtwaghl nnHi-atlnai 4 am A a team would Uke to arrangi gm with I A. sanction Waa madi today. SvrJ locaT teama Call McCailey, Mala 6500,1 racing machlnee. with naUoaally known for furthar. arraugamanta. . puota will be brought from Santa Man. ; I) I lc whara similar ar.nt, a r. Kaina- k.ij Th Astoria baaeball team will meet! next Saturday; Taeotna'a nr.a wtti th Fort Stevens team this afternoon. I part t th Moatimira feato June 14 to ciuo oaa maai image-1 July 4. . ' San Francisco, CaL, April 17.. That Flame Delhi, the former Los Angeles pitcher, who has been with the Chicago White Sox this season, . may join the Seals, Is a report that has come to hand. It Is known, that Danny Long has been dickering; With Charlie Com iskey for the lervlcea of Delhi ' in the event that he is to be cut adrift from the American league. An Impression among sporting., -writers of Chicago i that Delhi will be turned back to tha Coast Ha has had two trj-outa, neither of . which were very satisfactory, Un questionably Delhi would add strength to the local club, and since Comiskey gave Berryman in trade for the red. headed t wirier, he , can probably- M handed to :Saa Francisco, . at , 4 ) 4 I Vancouver 6 Tacoma .,.... 6 Seattle 6 4 6 6 4 7 .800 .645 .64$ .455 ,458 .417 American League. ,, ; . : ' ' Won. Lost Pet. Chiea-o Boston ..,7 Philadelphia ,. T Washington 6 Cleveland 6t Louis 6; Detroit ................ ... B New Ytfrk " r 8- .750 ,63 - .418 .541 .600 : '.85 .385 L'A. AC..' SWIMMING I V- t;fXTEAMBREAKS:.REC0RD ti ' ' - . . ' . '- . . r Chicago, April If.-s-ThevIlItnoli Ath- letlo club's wlayi team today roke 4h 400 ' and '500 yard national awlrmtHna- recorda irf - the venta held In conjunc tion with the Central A, A, TX tfhamploB- ahipa. - , ' - ', ..r.j2-.-R.".,.t 4 A. C Rathot f. W. -. WInrna.' 'p.rrv McOlIlivray.and Harry Heboer, In th 404 yard event plowed tnrourh th wa ter in 1:81 1.6, .cllpplag, four aeconda from the record. National League. - . Won. Lot ret. tl 8 S .T27 8 ' .737 .155 .433 ,884 New York ...... ...... 8 Boston 6 Chicago -. ............. .... I pittsbunr 6 Philadel phla ,....... . 4 St, LlOlliB ,r, . -.a i 4 " 4 Brooklyn , 4 BILLINGS BASKETBALL 'V TEAM STRONG QUINTET '; - ; I- - ' ii ' -j - Th Multnomah, blub baskatball teani Ii exnoecting a bard game -with th-i famous Trlpl'B team of Billing. Mr,t Tb elub team la practicing ii r r each-k,;t-a full aiuads b!r- ( ', it each praetlci night - ' The Montana -team Is eonaH-rM or. ( of the strong oulntets tr t v -From reports th. Porter tm-n, v traveled throughout- the ynlt,i t list season, waa defeated bjr t: V. ; team by a cloa icon. . Jtobert Foster was the fifth man add- ' Pler together ana wm iu-!y Fiy, t ed to the team for th 600 yard event Mnunonian ciuo im u crif and tha quintet negotiated th distance In -4:61 I-a. Th old mark was 4:67 flit ' ... . , - : ; - ' ;. .; - CTiehaH "Wins, 9-0. - v ChehaUs. Wash., April 17 Rairf stopped th gam between thetChaha- j Us and Kelso hih achool In He aev- nth Inning with the acor of tjv in! favor o c t shall a. .For tZ2'i' I nev.i i