THE OREGON CUNPAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. SUNDAY MORNING, APRIL tS, Itl. fw4. tM i fui.tniia. lt HUiaiaaA, U; Aitaata. Il; tsae Ctty. !. Cia.aUaa. IMI: fteU ta Clir, lM, rlewate. flM; lei(it, llaa, , la Xw Tak la Uak Hb llt Miul aiaak. lie ekaroa ka a U af Ita. a4 iay a U at 1M Ma ai year bi aovl IIM la rkr aiv4a aa ua hJ at. 4 ia 4iy. H aw at aaua. taaa ria taat iva taaa aba e4e sns la bwuni fr.ra lb t'arta4 iaia la ssakiag aawol aa M'l a bat aa be paaaiag astac aaa aa, aaywaf. Ta tba M af Jaauary tba galeU'tl arvf Ma rwag the wliKdrewal fa trr af .ll.lta ca f KoarMia ta4a to fi atataa, l4irilg ibal Iba Vail4 atalo aaa Ibe Uigaal abrki 4aoaM la Iba W!4, eajaaasKW-'.' jm -i-- saBBaassssssaw'swjaBospai PURCHASES RESIDOiCE Oiaa afio.1 a-r Uti f (v fi l- "a 'i - aia a. 4 wv-t a i 4 llroa, . T- tt4 r". 4 l lfIM b-4 I U r .4 M bavaa. aa4 "' site ej.t iaa-4 i.t a.i tao- la ibo . t ax4tt faa v-4 aa II r ) fija - ' oai4 b-r M A, 1 1 Twai-f a ar. aar M ata. IMaiUtlrtli ! lWrvaljy ', aa4 waa U - IU.M4 RVINGTON DISTRICT V CMlaa K Mrubeit, lae tval o(4l eeoeaiar. ba iu4 aag a ka Hue riao) ta InUiiM TV b M la i4 a Cal nftaat ata4 t kM a4 aiaataa, a4 waa b-l)t br M Mtc. l u l l if itxr. It raoea straciara. brai4 ftoara e4 fiaUb. aa4 ta MU - fU all af I be aaavra (mimmw. Tba UMe lat4 Hie. A. . blaclt.1 baa bge tba arwrtloa af a IH atari buoaataw at Caat Fa Expert Discusses Question of - Disfiguring Natural Beauties and Offending Good Taste It giaW 4W bi bMi b4 f , aa lunta akti. o-i aia a aanboiaaeo tm a iit up rtm a ml est, a aiwa a4 nf sa.urr -Klurat lby Garish Signs DOES A mm pa A ALARM n It ra laeei ani I Jrtan tor I e a ret toward a tUlbof eavrtula- a? ii raaiir Mr uniiM las aeitiral luO. at a tur aa U aa n4 Ik ftaoa teeta ( ifcaweaaaa af lie tmeaaa, by ieeienev verjrwbeta Iea4 af fart. fciaMy calvr1 lff Miili form iba eUa4 mtiu of evervtaiaf from (Mm ta) awl moaiLe. , Tbaea ejeealteae vara racaallf die eueeea full ae4 frankly kr ana af le teat aaverttainf aaanaaefa aa tea Paxurio coeaL Ila not aplf epaae eaadidlr atoat billboard a4ertetea. lg he predict lhal lha ra4ina 4 be Mat publla IU el retail aanat tba placing af advertism la place) fcara eavertlaine; haa llitla value. la erdar la ettear haw far ellibaara aavartteera wilt so, ihla adtertialaa I taaaeaer' told of the efforta of a kuach of rnea to gt control of lha bill tear rrllla la Ooidaa Uala rata. eWui Kranoiaeo, durinf tba avchinlla admtnta t ratio and how thr vary arty ana retdtd In thair M'artoua achate, a 14 4a lac and defame on of tba ftnaot al ttral apota oa tha Faclfla eoaaL liar ara eocae of tbla advartlaieg man a Idaaa oa billboard adtertlalag aad thty ara wall worth reading, at Xxtrwama. "la thara a single tklnr, from a tooth Hk to tbo very blua aky of tba haa van, that la not being ueed for ad varttaetneatar "If tha preeent policy of monay de a Ira contlnuaa, and tha turning of ovary Idaal and every aim Into a achama or for 'ratting' monay, will thara not volution In tha peopia'a foaling advarttalngT A carta In rlvlo enterprise la atariad. Tha flrat thing following Ita organisa tion la tha laauance of a houaa organ, and evary rffort mada to fill It with advertlacmenta. A theatre opana; Ita ftogram la eo longer a program, but IS or mora page of advartlaamanta, with occaalonally a Una or two of tbo caac "A church gtvaa a air. a lodga glvra dance, a concern gala out a bulletin each aold to eome advertleer or adver tleer giving tha moat monay. ."The billboard man care a naught for that fine home, the pride of eome cltl a na, tha arimlrallon o? tha town, but ptanta a whlaky or beer algn on tha vacnt lot alongside. "Tha electric algn man glrea no con sideration to tha beauty of that great building built aa a monument by eome public aplrlted clllsen, but on a one-or two atory etruciure aiongaida erecta a maaalva rye algn. "Ara not many of thaae extreme and methods really 'doing' advertlalng rath er than doing for advertlelngT "If theee thing are carried to the full limit will It not cauao tha public to revolt? And it will only take, aa la al waya the raae, aoma extreme move to bring about extreme regulation and v'bat la mora effective, and eevere, the pbbllc'a opinion. -, . "Would Niagara falla be aa attractive if across Us face aoma great algn could be erected? "I am aura that while theao extreme raaea ara aoemlngly good advertlalng atunta. they would not pay. I'll give you one llluatratlon. "Those of you who attended tha Port land exposition the prettleat aver held will remember atandlng Juat Inside of the grounds and gating In admiration at the beauty of all that lay before you and looking across the lagon to the left of the government island waa a great big sign 'Somebody's Whlaky,' a algn that waa a blot and a blur on tha beauty of, tha scene. The exposition di rectors used every means in their power to get that sign removed, without re sult, and what happened? ' Tha people of Portland got together and did all they could against that whiskey, and .1 waa told that this liquor which had a good sale ,ln Portland, waa abaolutely put out of business. The people re belled. Mounds Alarm. "If tba advertiser and advertising suf fers from those methods, will not the recognized media suffer the greater? "Seriously, am I not within the prov ince of proper prophecy In sounding this alarm? "Are the extremes I have drawn at tention to, advertising as we want ad vertising? I claim it 1b not advertising, but advertising proselyted , "Let ua regard advertising from that standpoint that will raise advertising, that will remove those feelings and rejudlces that are rising and as a re- of proper standards, make those recognlied forma of media, the maga sine, the newspaper, the trade journal, tha billboard, the electric sign, the streetcar, the program, the advertiser's friend wa want them to be, then In 10 ' yeara hence, these legitimate dollar for dollar value media will be stronger in- i trenched in tha people's estimate and : good win." ,t . ji , 11.1,1 ! u it f ; j; Iu(m, -J WlUaaJoy OOHlt, foor HoiT prtot l Flft'aaath 4n4 Datmont. id bjr UaHaf, Taror tad barC Tba bulldtag iu ranUr doablad la ala. Lam- 85 ROOM HOTEL S BEING PLANNED Geo. A. Housman Preparing to Build Hostelry; New Apart' ment House; Notes. George A. Heuaman Is preparing to build a big brick hotel at Twenty-third and Uoyc Plana of lha projected a true tur bare bean drawn, and It la xprtd that tha contract wlU be let la a fw daya. Tha building la to b a four atory brick, TO by 100 faet. and will contain II room a. The Interior la to be of mill construction, alow burning type. aad tha exterior will be of praaeed brick and terracotta. Oa each floor there ara lo be sis private belha. In tha beeatnent will be a dining room with a seating capacity for 110 people. The offtcea, lobby and lounging room on tha flrat floor will be reached through a 10 foot court. Burn conven ience aa a private telephone ayatem and an automatic elertrlo elevator will be laaUlled. Architect a Clauaan Clauaen ara get ting up the drawlnga for a four atory brick apartment house, which la to be erected In the. Nob Mill dlatrlct by a local Investor whoaa nama la tempor arily withheld. The building will occu py a (0 by 100 foot corner, and will be of the mill construction type with a preaaed brick and atone trim exterior. There will be five four-room suites on each of the upper floora, and one three room aolte In tha basement. The usual disappearing furattur. and other mod ern apartment houaa convanlancea will be Installed. ' Meaara. Chambers at Wldmar have let the contract for a combination three atory atora and apartmenta to be erected at the corner of Union avenue and Eaat Couch atraet Tha building will cover a 10 bv ! foot lot. a4 will W laa regftalloa Mll const raet . brick wall Structure. (a tba grui4 floor will be elorerooaia front I g L'aw eveaue. gn4 rb af tba apper floora wlj Ula II twa-rwofa ar-afleaia. Tba mala eatreaoe will ope, froia CoiKb elrL A ItarlMi lobby wltb tile floora. marble waiaaeat aa4 a baa4. earn til flrwptare are feature af tba entrance la the aperlmaau. F. U K!ly will aooa bgta tba arae- tioa of a four sortte flat ballding oa Thirty. fourth street la Weveelelgb IfefiMa It wtl eantala four five-room fiata, aa4 will at approximately noae PLANS ARE DRAWN FOR A $5000 DWELLING r. A. Bwlngla baa plana for a tloOO dwelling which ha will build on ici Thlrty-alghth atraat. near lha Alameda, In Beaumont Tha houaa la to have nine room, and will be of the coloatol type. II Is to have an Interior flnleh of flat grain fir and white enamel, ano win be floored throughout In oak. Richard Martin haa let the contract fnr n alaht room frame cottage, on and ona half etor1e.'to b erected at Oak Orove. The exterior praaenta a pleasing appearance. -Ita eetlmated coat la 11000. Tha living room, dining room and reception hall are to b beamed and paneled. In the living room will be a massive cut stone fireplace. The Provident Truat company naa ordered plana to ba made or rive one atorv bungalows, to coat between 11300 and 11600 each, and to ba built in uien- elyn additional Berthat atatlon on the O.' W. P. line. The houaea will ba five and als room, and will be modern eot tags homee. Shingled roofa ean ba ftreproofed and J waterproofed at little expenee oy eoai lnr tham with hot coal tar and Immed iately covering thla with pulverised brick clay. BANK STOCK IS . HE BEST BET' Rise In Market Price Makes Lucky Holders Rich, Says Expert. Br John M. Oaklaon la Atlanta Journal. Investor In bank atoc-k are tha aria- to-rreey of money makers. Probably no other buetneee In thla country la kept eo rree of adveatarar and crook a. No other, certainly, can bow aa low a per. rentage or failure. eonldrlng Ita wlda distribution aad tha amount of capital involved, la oertaln rltlea bank stocks have risen to dlssy heights of value, and In many other rltlee ih valuea have grma up eo faat that tha lnrtora re turn hat been far above -tha varan. Ordinarily Invaetora don't bu bank stocks baeauaa, aa a rule, the dividend return divided by tha market price rep reaenta a low rate of Income generally close to 4 per cent. What the Investor dora not ronalder Is that bank atock naea In market prloe aa Its atatementa how laareaeee in enrptua account. The other day a few aharea of a Lea Angelas national bank, with a Dar value of 1100. aold for 11000 a ahara and I10J0 waa bid for other aharea. A Ban Kr&ncleco aavlnga and loan bank with aharea of a par value of 111, haa aold atock for 11000. A Phlladelnhla truat rompanya atock haa been auotad at 11010 a ehare par 1100. Other el t lea have made thee records: 8t. Louis.. 50; Chicago, 1496; Boston. $440: Hart- A New Home BuUding Plan Ting Ntw "llomt Contract" o tha OragoA Home Builder. THE BEST AND MOST LIBERAL PLAN EVER OFFERED Puildiof homei on a giganlic wholat baaii "Hial'a tba pUn f lha Oregon Horn Dutldm in a nunhell Everybody know that wn bcutrt can be bail! mora cheaply than one, nd hundrad mort cheaply than ten. Our operation, art on a lar scale. Everything it on a whole.ale ban. Our lumber, hardware, ajtjimbing luppliea. cenjrnl. bruk and atl other building maieriala are lurnuhed at firt cot not only saving the raiddla men's profit but in suring a till greater living by baying in such Urge quantilie. Wa employ our owa architect! and live) the architect and contractor! profits. EVERYBODY CAN OWN A HOME NOW BY THE OREGON HOME BUILDERS' PLAN. Our "Home Contract" Plan enable you to ecur a home of your own detign. without a down payment Simply agrea to py a dol lr, two dollar or three dollars, or whatever amount you on, ch week or month. When ten per cent of the cot of your home hi been paid in. we will immediately build any design of home you deire. Besides, every dollar you pay in will draw interest at the rite of 6 per cent annually which will be credited to your "Home Contract" and tha entire amount applied on the purchase of your home. Tha balance can be paid weekly or monthly in installment that art leu than rent. . Advantages of Our "Home Contract". Plan Save real estate man' commhiion. Home built according to your order. Save by wholeile buying. Everything guaranteed by one of tha strongest companiea in the weit X,'.. No down payment. Term like rent. Save architect's fees. Save contractor' profit. Sin per cent is added to your payment III Investigate our "Home Contract." It will in tereit you. Call, phone or write for literature. Full information upon application. T?Li Q"Aon Hmj RnUdtrgi Corbett Buildlnf Portland, Oregon. 1 .A ha' Ml it i Lw that rStreJi I shit WILKESBORO AND . NORTH PLAINS Both in heart of famous Tualatin valjey country. Reached from Portland over United Railways. Faat electric trains with frequent service. Excellent three, five ' and ten-acre tracts, suitable for FRUIT. BERRY, DAIRY and POULTRY FARMS. Town lots and acreage on easy terms. Many opportunities for small industries. 20 DISCOUNT TO ACTUAL SETTLERS AT WILKESBORO For information, call or write RUTH TRUST COMPANY 235 Stark St., Portland, Oregon Main 5076, A-3774 Justice In England Moves With Speed London, April 27.r English JustlcoJ moves swiftly. On December 13, 1863, a man named Wright murdered a woman In the Waterloo road. Wright waa cap tured soon after the crime, brought up at Southwlck police court and com mltted for- trial. The central trlmlnal court happened to ba then sitting, and on December IS a true bill was found hy tha grand Jury. The following day Wright waa tried and sentenced to death. So speedy was Justice in thla Instance that the murderer waa con demned before tha remains of bia victim bad e bean burled. Pacific Place First vav S M l f 1 PACIFIC IRON WORKS Tmponyma.ii vtczj. BOaUTJIUTUmAX zmOJT Xnunediate SsUvery ortlaai. Of.';.. T I.L E When thinkine about TILE, by 'all means see our NEW EX HIBIT. We carry the largest and most complete assortment in the city.'' ..- .fy-.: , MANTLE," BATHRO O M ' "and ,.4. all JLOOR TILE ;V FalED V. WAGNER 363 Stark St. Phone Main 8330 J 0n Portland BouIevarrJ, one block west , of Penin sula Park. Tract opened ten days. 25 per cent sold. While They Last -50-FOOT LOTS $650 1 10 per cent down; 2 per cent monthly. ;' Representative on ground Sunday. Take "I-"4 Car. : Automobile leaves- office any hour on- week o!ays. .: PHONE MVUN 7108. 301 WILCbX BLDG. SflttdPIIQ WDH .1 . A Splendid Opporlunily Now Offered for Investment DO FIRST WHAT OTHERS DO LAST joME HERE AND SELECT A HOME OR HOMESITE YOU WILL FIND SOMETHING TO SUIT YOU, IF IPS RICH BLACK ONION, CELERY OR ASPAR AGUS LAND, POTATO LAND OR FRUIT OR BERRY LAND YOU WANT, WE HAVE IT IN i. .' I - One to ta Aafc Tracts $300 lo $350 an Acre On Easy Terms ' - V. Also Brand New 4-Room Bungalows with Water Piped lo Houses On One lo Four Acre Tracts $1250 to S2350 Easy Terms Also 50x100 Lois Suitable (or Business or Residential Purposes $75 to S85 Easy Terms SIFTON is located five miles from the city limits of Vancouver, Wash. On the electric line and on a good -macadam road, in the center of a rich farming and fruitgrowing section, 30 minutes' ride to Vancouver and . t a little over an hour's ride to. Portland, with a 30-minute car service. You will find in Vancouver a ready ; market for all your, products. If you work in Vancouver, you should , live in SIFTON. , ,. Just a little each month,v that's all, and at the end of a-few months you will . become the owner of; a fine piece of property in SIFTON. It will increase in yalu'e while you are paying. for' it, and there is JSuhstanUal satisfaction in the expenditure of; money on real .estate, because you can't helpyrealizing a profit on the in vestment if you buy just a little ahead of the march of development. , BE ONE OF THE FIRST. COME OUT TODAY AND SEE THE PROPERTY OR CALL AT OFFICE. , SALESMEN ON THE GROUND ALL DAY SUNDAY. - :rrZ& : REAL ESTATE - .Vancouvef Office. Suite 11 Blurock Bufldinj, Ni E. Cor. Seventh and Washington Sts. ; Phone 610. EIRE INSURANCE Portland Office Suite 426 Yeon Building. Fhontj Main 7525, A-4274. . -