The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, April 28, 1912, Page 2, Image 2

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mum of.
Committee to Prepare for Big'
Parade Wednesday; Speak
irs to Be Sent Out to Cover
; State.
Oavarejer Oeaeie M"t Me nw
tttla It la eiel af k w4 I
awailrea. Tba Itll. Imm aad aerb af
eaiiaty raat.retjr by tb. aaue Jfoa erbaa
II hala iia first Bir.i la the mate.
tira MU af U Oratarttal clve e4
tut ih iuih4 rr 11
Mk ejbirtwiad rapeia la fcn)f af
IM MratMf ewed roA kUia, begUuilag
a wdeavur. Mar 1
Tba diapaainoai r i eaasruKt.aa
r-Malad ta peapere for la bglaalg of
lb raearaia aad Praoe
aeadar ea la -gat busy" at The
rMIIM baeaars raaeiailag af llemr Olytr-sae a-ae e1( hears before Oavfei
Uaarge TV. KMm, I. U lUfte. Jeraee
a. Barer aad T. J. eterlvel, bald I la nr.l
Qoc4 roada ganadroa at aairanca f Commercial club bailatag jaat Ufor orgsatuiloa racial.? afternoon.
aaearpeaeed la snarlae aaaala.
Arthur Cuaaiaahaat, a steward, told
lala todar baw lifeboat No. waa
aeiea? ! ftlafct. It wtU supplement
the banaere alraedy eeewrad and pledged
-with eili.ra ao thai Iba Wedneadar
parade wtU have lie vara eiettactlva-
kML h
Tha raaamlltae M speakers will fli
rt A a tat several aab-oommJ ttere aad
ill aeneaaie an ue ineaiiase pi riera,wU4 iha ear sou 14 tot be need. Of
""I'l apaaaara aw citi- mi eight anas la teat boat, ha said.
laiore a i ma Hfwr r-1 n ve vara raeeued fraaa the w a tar. ba tiled
tiaas at each. hat. the boat bait froeaa aad aJmoat
Ta we BeaC draw ad. II aaid no rira ar Coat drills
TKa eemmlita mnava rauaa rriha baaa baU. aed cbarga4 mat Ua
voluniaar inM th aitoajiU of yaa- J Tluolo'a wbutta raa not blows lo wara
(UT l aiaatlng. C C vran, acuac aaipaaaaarsra attar tba oollUlo. Cva
rhalrinaa. aaka4 haw woch nonar would I nlmham Mld ba otla4 llfa bait aa
ba apaal for Biaaia aja wnaa iom inaiinr. T. Btaa4. tba aalabrata4 Joaloa oar
Iha ranpaJn l o nnanciai laa! Ul, but ar aaw bin bftarwanta.
' foun4aUo pralaa to at a Daaa rori rradtrtrk Ray. aaotbar atawar. told
rtoihina. OUirr mmbra of thla pom-of aaaiDt blajor Halt. Claranea Moor
nittaa ara r. .w. urara, joapn uib-land Frank Ml Hat. of WutiliftHR. at
oj and B. Laa ravat. Idlaarr bafora tba arrack. Ha waa that
Tb a-h4DUt( or tna tra i jina eri waltar.
march, tba aacurlna af tha brokaa kwa I . Ban Wh W1U WUiaan,
wara ia aoJoraoDu.a 101 .!. "Mr. Moora and Mr. Mlllat dlaad to
frr4 from Oravon'- aaauai ll.AftO.00 I vtbr vtlb ht. Clark." aaid
roM ta la op o ina poraaa oommMiaa. iujr. VaJor Butt dla4 In tba raatau
Favaral f tba bualaaaacluba will x baard ba waa wttb tba Wldaa
xioaia in ina paraoa. idbu fnoq roaoaiars
eornmiitaaa win trio w m wiicji caa i -p,a yoa haar from aar ana that Mr.
iar moat dBIUTa., - - land Mrs. Wld.nar vara a dlnnar that
..iaa,ai , r.rar i fn lo jr. m4 Mra. Cartar. Mr. and
.TTaad. cooatUutUiy tha cmnIOa on Mrfc Tharr and Harry TTIdanar, Jrr
ivraopiicon, promiwa uiai in7.wiu jar- laakad lanator Smith.
man oo Mo.oaa oaa ritw. uq uri- . -No. tlr.- Ray rapllad. "But I bar
. r mrn wr inr,""" "i imrj . NmitMBf alnea only aoaatp.
. "" ! Tney aay R,r h. u, Mw Ma,0. -n
that pioturaa win pror oattar inan ln, frora (h, poking room wttb Clar
aay thar maan tba rala of building ,no M6orfc H toId of ,00,,,,
aww i - ia cnua thrown into hla llfaboat.
f ' Mtg to Kaiy. Wa couldn't looaan tha boat front tha
- w. j. ciamana, praaiaant or tna auco i Ueua and had to uaa a fcnlf a." aald
pluh, aaJ4 . at yaaterday'a naatlng:lRy. Thtra waa no ona In charga. ao
Tbarf la abaolutaty no raaaon .whyjwa alactad a fir man aklppar. J didn't
auiomoDiia men anouia not aupporr ina 1 want to row away from tha'Tltaalo,
gooa roaaa campaign ana coniriooia 10- and raruaaa to row for awbUa. but aft-
ward It Oood roada will maka It poa arwarda gar in.:
' albla for tha man who Urea It tnllsa ' Xrftot Soaro of 6ma-gambiaa.
rroapara gaU'an antomoMIa and whan ht .7: XlVL Z
ha dooa ha flndd dlaUncaa ahortanad T noUl,r Uw'0. WT .
wiStt: fcss w'-'JhaV'T
boat and whan prajudlc or Ignoranoa 7 a,tTbl7tl 11, aLiSi J
rau.aa tha fartnar to fight tha a.ta th.' bu? an? t .m
club or tha auto elub to fight tha farm. " I.T", ".I 5." "d i.if
ar. aach I cutting off hla noaa to anna . .. " v
fcii tfZLZ w om olothea. That waa tba laat Uma
' L ... I w althar oftham.
T Oorw Battra at "About aevan mlnntaa aftar tha
Th oo roada aquadron will , not maah." eontlnuad Etchaa, "1: haard
limit Ita afforta to Portland. In Ita nomebody In a loud Vole outalda my
campaign ta aacnra 10.000 or mora alg- door yell: toaa tha watertight doora.'
' htWrI!7,,rf. r9tlT91 or u h,f - Tha paaaengere would not bellara an lea
way bllla It will aand wmmMteea out barg waa Mt unUl an excited man ran
In tha .atata. Jamea .SawhllL aecretary forwant. nirir. nn .
barar I Oewfar afiar a MaMra mmmm
ha it iha na auffldaaily aulbaabla araa bad it. -
lt 10 dialoaa It ta tba raJatlvaa afllkoa.
tba Tiuoic a paaaangara and tba pabllal Ooubaaa auan UfabaaH
Tttea af Xaraiaaa araaaa ASL I Crawford aaid ibai a w.b ih
Amid tha araamlaaal facia tba aeav I aftarwarda laaraaa) aa tba Caaalaaa af
mniao baa baa told taiaa ar karoUm I iaoa iaa uutr ta tba ttfabaai
ba waa la. ead. ataorad iba a raft aaul
tbay war kaokad by
Tba a-tia aald Ibal Captain tailth
lai4 I laa la raw for llfkta bWb ba
plala4 t a Ibaaa, Tbara wara (we af
laaaa. bo retalaaV aa4 Ibay appar4 la
ba tba far ead art tighte af a eiaaeaar,
praaably 10 rat laa 4 la laa 1 Tr4 4aa
Ibay 4iaaptaar4.
r . ' "V if I I
lit I
'n I
a-A trans
No PuWIg Statement I; Made
But Each Member Speaki -
Agamst tPlana
Carrallla. Or. AyrQ If At
la af a ba aa ragaaU af tba Ora
t AgttraHaral avlUia bar today, tba
e aaaeniiaalt or a4aaiua4 ta-
IllMltaaa waa taarmaSly 4laaaaaa4, ail
"-rra yraaaal Mrtlaiaailaa. It veal
lf4 Ibal ua board a-ae aal aaliad aa
If C 4w fNtilal M iaW4Baa) VVl w"W MIJbTJbI
bar at Iba aaeatiag apaka agalaat ea
DauQhter of C. M. Hayt Has
Found, Place for One and
Writes to Oregon Man to
Secure One for Other. ,
w f4 r-a I Vaat
Madfard. Or A ril it Liu
w ir-av 1 wwmm faiar ar lu lata uwumI iha
ait4attea aad erea4 fa.r thai a. Uraad Trvak rTll..r, .ba waa Mwt la
rtll.ral aad ladaatrial adaaaltaa la tba l Tllaale dUaal.r, iaraaif
eteia aald auffar if a aaaga la af le wrmh. baa wnilaa) Ur It
Iba a4Meibaal aytaa aba)4 ba ta- Coalao af Ma4far4 aakUa bb. la bala
Tbaaa braaaat wara J. M. . Waiin.
rare. ralat; K. K. Wllaaa aaarrlaryi
f. ppaaa. aaeir af ka atata
I rraa! U at. AKtrau. MMrtataaaaat
or atwi laetraattoat ra W. OlaatL
laarratary af etaiej Captain 7. T. Aypar-
1 iiawiey aaa n. T. irrina
bar aaeare baaaa kaMLou
of a lliua rraaab bar. ega I aad
0 y re. waa wara tun.! a
by tbaiy faibar a- tha nrt un it.
Tltaala, Mlaa naya baa ara4 a baaaa
for aaa ac Ua bare aad la nmu
plaaa tba tuar wiib aaeaia ta win
air ktai ear aad aiieailu. Taa a.
aaa paraaiag ar Iba br la aat baawi
WiUUaa Barba a fret a Uaa ataward.
114 af Ua fladleg af ta eeea-ere I
aaao4a Ike beat, ailar It bad baaa aal
arr rreca Iba flakUg Tltaala Ona af I aravataa. bat kla mi., ,.,. .rua I rT "".rraaaj waaa waaaa aaaaaa are
Ibaaa aa a Japaaaaa aad tba albar aa aUaioa. Tk wiT.. .wT. I lalapbaaa lra-
iiaiiaa. xi a yui nam ia warn at tba
Parka ea la charga af tbia Ufa
baat aa4 4aalara4 ta) Ua aaaaaailtaa tbal I M (air fbUar bartaba4 wttb Ua akla.
ba waaled ta ratara aa a 1&m
tba wraekL a that ba aaicht ai4 -----1 ."wr" a wt! ba reared arar iba
ha aaw aa watnaa Uft aa tba aaak wbaa
Ma baai waa beware away.. ,
ieama) Waat Aaa Wtag raawba,
ter Metal
Begins at
i "If if i 'vf
15 to 50
Erery Brau and Iron Be3
iha Store ' ' ,
F i !
are now ceinT OlerariOnrtron bedTTTapUr li raail ion.l (A an.
?l-lfortUn(l Not a tingle bed on oar floon hit escaped the prica
cutter! knife. . 'v
REDUCED (tiQ 0 r
FROM $1,6 TO lPO.O-
... V.. r,i,: t J;. r Kton ' ''J the part Maaagar
' 7. . - narawa. 01 ,tna nrra or HarUnAvWoll
. tral Oregon citlea. ' . - Ibulldera of tha. Titan 1 a. tlt imn
i, President Prall of. th g6od roada- aa-Jdlaaater. 7 .Jr-T
boclatlon. Frank C. Rlgga.. and aereral t met A-Tatibont it:."
wthar membera of tba good roada -t - Ir-jjikaia rfniTITfi fl "Ha aaked If I had
Tir i""?-;,"""er T.' , awananod aU of - my paaaengere. He
... wiajru-uoia ma to ba aura and tell them all to
R4aarlarparhape beyond. Thk excur- Uf, belU. which th.r wouia tTr,i !.
'a JVU .t,U,Jhly Way i 19 . thir wardrobea. He didn't aak
rii I,., , T apoaaoro ma to put a llfa bait en him. I did
n llU":ertzJt.' " t Jb ha hand. .1
. -. . , who waa aiaa xryinr to put Jlre be ta on
"i.rfJS?? ?.W!K??? th. paa-enga hat waa tha laatf?
il I. , rTT.C aaw or Mr. Andrews"
muiwi utai me paraaa next 1
J. Bruce Iamaya conduct waa da-
Beginning tomorrow we are
going to cut all Brass and Iron
Beds to such low prices that
you will be able to buy a BED,
LESS MONEY than you usual
ly pay for a BED ALONE.
Massive 3-jnch position Beds
that sold for $ 16 are now $&85.
Two-inch post Brass Beds worth
$20 WILL SELL FOR $1 1.
TO f ll.OO, i atrfking example of what wa are doing through
out our entire line. We term this a monster sale because the big
gest stock ia offered at the biggest reductions erer quoted by any
1 furniture bouse in Portland.
Stylish Dressers
Edwards' "Best of AH" New MLcap
Year" Three-Room Home Outfit at
$2.50 WEEKLY
Wedneaday will be one of the longeat
erer aeen In the city. Many broken
down wagona. many good vehlclea and ,0"i'd Jy '"owa
a lot or automobllea hare oeen prora
.laed. A. B. Cleaveland of tha Fred A.
Jaooba company promised three r la
chines and this la almllar to other
pledgee made. The next meeting of the
equadron la to be Tuesday -t noon.
Continued From Page Ona)
amiwi atianaea a "mUHonalrea' dinner rhr" 7,.
tarty" Juat before tha Titanic rammed 5?"! Um"
. ad practically abandoned tha
"Mr. Ismay waa asatatlnr with tha
falla. Ha waa aaklng the gentlemen to
make a line and atand back, aa it waa
'ladlee f lref There waa no difrlcultr
ai aii aDout getting in the boate a
cm id couia hare atepped In.
-mt. lamay cried out, ' 'tAdiaa thla
way; are there any mora ladlee r
"Then the boat waa lowered awar."
Etchea aald he aaw . one child In boat
wo. t, a email baby boy with a woolen
cap over hiejiead.
'Then I went to boat No. 6 and atood
by tha forward falla and asalated there
aa junaa at noat No. 7. Aftar loadln.
Mr. Ismay called out with a lauA mli..
'Are there any mora la-1
"Mr. Murdock aaked tha same.
Just, then we aaw anotherwoman
thought of bringing Mra. John Jacob JTi . , anotnarwoman
Astor here to teaflfyT Vat rea?t. f111 n Mr. lama called
.i m . r . . . " i to nmr
aaaay oeen accompllahed. with the ..7T
traglo atory yet mcompletely revealed. r.n,,i
Bmlth declared. replied.
The rery latest Colonial designs
just arrived. Mirrors are large and
tinisn tne best Prices:
Oak f 26.00
Maple , f28.00
Circassian fSl.OO
Manogany ....f 37.00
Latest Chiff oners
a stewardess, air ehe
lawe covernlna- wiri... t?"vor niina-you are a womaaf
iratio- .a ut. n Mr- "may torn ner. Take your place:
Smith declared.
i Many new
bperatora. navigation and life-sr.ving SLT
Vlcaa are certain tn fiin. ,. .". JunlP ln-
Tha committee has developed that the Stern of Sbeamer Slaea. .
Titanic ruahed at a 2S-knot gait through "Tho boat waa lowered to thr water.
vast field of Ice. apparently heedlesa w then pulled out from the Titanic,
of warnings. Other testimony Indicates nd 1 aaw aa ita atern rose In the air
tnany, vessels were within a few mUes tblch mass of people on tha decks,
of tba sinking Jiner. but their wireless Tn oo seemed to rise aa though she
""'v'" "' aajeep. Her rockets nS? acoopea up.jne water and then atood
fcJ'1pcn DUl JaTiorea. .'Vlca-Presldent bow down for about 10
etjunu.. Bno men Diunred. head down.
.(iuuie uu aamiciea he beard the
rumor of tha disaster over 10 hours and
received positive confirmation from the
Summer Cottage for Rent
- Beautiful location on river bank, fine
. bathing beach, interurban car service
short .ride from Portland. Owner can t
v unc wu Buuiinar. will lease to dn.
sirable party. 125 par month. Phnn.
A .Mr. "
Main 0S.
fine reignoornooa, cozy rooms,
. modern, equipment, two separate tot
lets and bath, laundry tubs, fine fur
rtaee, lull cement - banraent, "large
tineo 'closet, seVring room witb built-in
conveniences. , Built and occupied by
owner, gooa reason ior selling; have
been holding 'for $5500, but want to
sell ai once, a See the place, then lis
ten" to proposition. Phone C-1944.
794 Wsico at
with an awful roar, aa though aha waa
nam on a rooty beach,
"Mr. Pittrnan, in charga of our boat
ordered that we ge back to : tha place
where the Tltanlo dlsappeajred. The
laaies protested, aaklng, "Why should
we loae our uvea. toor.
"After tha Titanlo had sunk and the
cries wera over I saw. light Some
aaia n was a star, others aaid It waa
a ship. It had everv tBBMmu... r
masthead light. Wa rowed tar it hnt
" irmnta, as we approached, to recede."
Arinur j. Bright, a quartermaater on
tne iitanio also told of aaalna- dim
masthead Hants of soma -.! u.
urea orr distress slgnala, but racalvad
oo answer. -
" Tells af Deatb af Ag-ad rats.
Aiired Crawford, a Steward, ratold
much of hla atory aivea onca bafora tha
committee bearlnsrs ln New Tork. : Im
aaniuon'oe pictured in drarnatlo phrasea
aeam or Mr. ana Mrs. ialdor Straua.
JBhip'e officers refuaad to let hw hnm.
nana enter a lifeboat, he aald.
aira. Biraua XOt out of thara um
steward related. ..-.. , . . .
"Wa bave been toretbar all tha.
reara,' Mra'Straoa arlad.. nintvin. t,..
self la to bar busbaad'a anna.'AJid wbara
Vau ga. I will go.
"i never aaw them again," evneludedi
We have Chiffoniers to match the I
Dressers in all woods. Priced as I
follows: I
Oak .f27.00 I
Walnut f32.00 I
Maple : .....f34.O0 I
Mahogany .............. .f S4.00 I
Settees, $15 to $55
Year Bed
room Outfit
constat of thla beauti
ful Brass Bedr the ar
. tlstically , designed gold
en oak ' or - mahogany
dresser and ohiffonier,
two very attractive
pieces. , Each . has large
French plate mirror,
also plenty ' of drawer ;
space. Tha comfortable
" bedroo m Chair . and -Rockorare
mad to
match-tha-' other pleoea
Tou can -have your
choice of a Rug r 'Car
pet for -thla room. -Wa
furnlah-o u r Sleepwell
Woven Wlrb Spring and
a Sanitary Mattresa with
thla outfit.
13 1
Edwards' Leap
Year Dining
Room Outfit
la' aura to please every
pride. The entire aulte
la made of thoroughly
aeasoned solid oak and
consists of tha follow-
ing pieces: A large
Buffet ' or v Sideboard,
five leather seat Dining
Chairs, with a high,
comfortable back. - Tba -'
table has a large top -
wnen open wm anat
S J?' Jamlly.. Tha
ChlnaCloaet will ac
commodate a e e m pleta
100-piece dinner aet and
la made to match the
other pieces. We t u r
niah a large rug or car
pet ior roi room.
Every man who is in the ttora
trade knows that the Monarch Mai.
leable Range is the best piece of
goods made in this country. Don't
expect them to tell yoa that, they
can't afford ta
But take a look and examine a.
Monarch Range before you boy.
$5.00 Cash and
$5ap0 Monthly
Ig all you need pay
Waxed or Turned Oak
Rockers With Leather
i:-:rScatS;:. : -
l-ate arrivtli -j reasonably priced.
Wood or leather eats. .,
for I
It h U raalleablei
. Fifty stylo- for your approval, aU.
, reasonably priced and may be had
ton easy payments. Prices' $3.50 bs
119.00. . ,- j . -. - -