The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, April 28, 1912, Page 18, Image 18

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CAflADIAfl BAflKER';.'
ie 4eta4 Ma t i .
Merchants National Bank's Handsome, New Modern Quarters Cost $105,000
(. ?e Hwakva. aata4a .
. U . tai, a 4 !
laa aaafce 4 at V aaaire
Una aa.4 Ik, la Va ft. wm 1
UliHi, k(s4 k tUMMrS
StivaV ltaa Tt- tl a twif
ea. a-a a 14 laa ay U- M r
af Oraa4a faa CT-a a4 t
ctlf (wr Ilea m a BhaAe
ri, fyaa
i(Ur ft, Taaaaf. a la.W M !.
taaaa. -aa iaa4 ftaa iaUta
Ii M Ma Tatar, with a Uw la
laiwU M llli taaaiae 4 1114
fa U a aaaaf TM aeaaariy
ae tr-arluaa4 fyeaa i U liarf fve ItU.
fa4we rftala a4ila.e laa
ta ItaJiJI aalir hmi el a a
Number of Purchases of Fruit
l m latat:4 la I t, ..
tatva fr al44 Mal frM
Land In Eagle Valley, Baker,
County Reported; 237 Acres'
Near Pendleton Sold, $7400
K trm EiU Ur l
4 UWitM We.a. rrlirvr
I Hate k4 l.U hifrmiiuilw Mat
1 . i
Ar- . I,,. iiii i.i. . M I , ii iii .ii . i - . a in i n ..e--fc----------''1 ninaX
! ;
. ' ( t , M l
II L. . Mi 6 I I ill A
are a fMM4 lal (v( baaae
..e kaai f iraria wU4
rteMar outer
4 ill I valuable
l BtaMl i-re
laur la tui4hia Hi
Uf taXMlla kill
lnxu la f the :)
llts Kaa fcat.
fee arfofild lh
U W, llual. ho realty told Ml
iBMt h near t'41li. km )el pur I
rka4 n-hf about I! ntUe up hUra '
riMk fru.ii II . tollbaH.aft lfe ot
rilfl Hark. The fares ronwili of T
aerra a ltd he iMieurtlu laid a
I Met j
U A, Run of frlncaion. 111. ha
Just urchanl from W t. Ilafa IS I
ariM hlti i lorl4 on ea4 ana-ha If
mile, north arvt ni af Mr4tor. on'
tea itiriu there rive acre of
alfalfa ar4 fl acr-e of Newlowna oa
U.U mer -
Tl roaJ Mill, firm of W. H Nlcttol
aal lha a: of lb Jnhnann-Kklnnar
aprl rarwii of : arrea In Ilia II'mxJ
tUtar teltty u W H. Kama al lha prlf
af I J. TOO tad wa Mr rerrle had a
4al ni lh W. II Johnaon al lha
lima Mr Ha tuner bouthl tna placa, and
mar Mr. Hklnnar had riolahod lha Jal
Ir. Karrta not iln aatlariM) la am be
la wtaaraaloa uf tha place, renesad hla
f fort a. and auoreadrd la maaln tin
purr lia,
Tli Irarl la considered to ha (ha
craam tf lha valley, whan orchard a ara
fnrnllaned. anj la on of lha moat horu
llk plar.a In lha valley, IcHalod aa II
la on Ota of Ilia ejitl hill, fraa
from wlnda and rommtnrtlni a view
In that aiHllon which la probably not
amr-aad by any other wllh lha
icepllon, namely, tha Van Horn hllL
n. M. Wood ha a bought 10 acrea of
Iba UiVa ranrli. I lullaa down lha North
I'mrxjua. whlrh ha lo uaa aa a
dalr and fruit farm. Tha placa la es
pecially adaptrd for tntroalve cultlva
tlon. aa tha j.rrr borders lha property,
whlrh rnakra lrrlgatta caay.
T. P. Jlodiraon of tha firm of Hod
aon A Nt-laon. rral, eatata daalera of
riaatll. Waah., haa Jual flnlaliad plant
ln 71 acre In lha vicinity of McMlnn
THIr. which t lit-y recently purchaaed
from J. K. Alllnon. to Mavatt and Fran
qui'il walnuta with Jonathan applra for
I'll la makea over 700 acrea planted
to walnuta In that Immediate vicinity.
Hill Creft track of 3S0 aerea. Walnut
Hill No. 1 of 200 acrea and Walnut
lllll No. S or 71 acrea. Churohljl and
Matheua dare en orchard,. ' t 4 rnllea
fouth of 1100 arrea. Tha MoMlnnrUla
aactlon ta getting to be qulta a walnut
center, and aearns well adapted to their I
culture. !
Within the paat two or three year
Poniard a five -national banka hereal
nave bean provided with elrcent new
quartan. The laat of thaae at roof ft
rvanclal Inatllutlona to dlacard the old
for the aaw la (be Merchant National
whlrh laat Monday opened for bualneaa
one j In the beautiful white terra folia build
ing wnirn it Had Juat completed at
Fourth and Waahlngton atresia.
Tueaday from 4 to o'clock p. m. the
nffirera nf the bank held a publle re
ception and during that ttma hundred a
of the bank'a cuitomere and friend
railed to pay their reapecta and lnepect
the magnificent new quartera.
The entire Interior of tha building la
a p lend Id creation of aolld mahogany.
marble and bronae. The woodwork In
lha lobby, tha fixture and office fur
nltura, including deaka, are of the very
flneat mahogany. Supporting the fli
turr la walnacot of California marble
with a bae of Verde antique. The up
per part of the flxturea la all mahogany
and bronae.
The lighting; fixture are of maaalva
bronie, each weighing oyer 200 pounda,
Maaalva Saw Taolta.
To tha left of the main entrance la
a private conaultatlon room and beyond
I the officer quartera, each executive
office having a mahogany deak of the
lateat sanitary pattern. To the right of
... ,,, ..the entranoe la the aavlnga department
1th the arrival of many fumlllea of . room ,peclallv fItte1 up for ,he
'""""I , S D; convenience of women having bu.ln...
... -" Wuh the bank.
county to niuae meir tutur nomea. Th ,,., of th- h.v .
n the
and currency vault opening from the
main counting room- and the book and
necurltlea compar.tment opening- from
the mezzanine floor.
The main vault door la the triple time
lock, couDie combination type and
weigh 14 ton. It la built of alter
nating- platea of crome and Besaemer
ateel and ta believed to be lndestruct
burglar proof. It ia o per
fectly adjusted on tha hinges that It
can be moved with the lightest pressure
of the hands. The entire vault is sur
rounded with net of concealed electric
wires which are connected with an elec
tric alarm In the Western Union office.
The general bookkeeping; and clerical
force is quartered on the mezzanine
county to make their future homea. Th) f , of u fc. ,
and a largo ".un' ot building under tn ma.clve new r,ult of 7n
vt or projected, It appear that the .,k i
year 1912 will be a prosperous one for flfVT'lin ITJZl? LU
Dallas and Polk county, de.p.t. the Z V",?' TJZl'.
fart that a presidential year is popu
larly supported to b a hoodoo.'ot in
several years has the outlook for all
llnea of trade been more favorable than
at present. Business men generally re
port a constantly increasing trade and,
while there 1 no great rush, as Such
thlnrs are popularly viewed, a generally
onttmlstlc view Is taken of the situation
and even better condition are expected i ible aD(1
a the year advances.
SSL - ' . M I
mr ' - .-u-i-. 1 -izr. i tikis i in
r Innl ifl
'ij't,,; -'-'--- --- : II
n n.u III
District Attorney Ad
dicts litnd Dcalertat
Veekty Luncheon;.
ZVtt W aerial AfVaraer fa 114
IW4l IHU4 tUr4.a laa la-
l4a la( ftij-waa fra4 la
neaatratai La la air by 1rra-
a4. iaaJere, we are aet aaaat-
f t taaxa. aeveeaj rn
ttf wiaa aa I aaaa tw la
I a 2etHe1 Attarar ware
iWs. wave ba. kaiwe4 al a4
r aa tare ruraauy rra4
aaal y awa M
igeal Was aral la gr aa
ag. IM reaa law ec laa ekal
4 a4 rM tha
Tfcara la aaar fr4 f aaia alarwai
la ta tta eemaiaairy laaa r ratW.
a efr mitaa' al4 ta ttatii lu
lrt ateey. 14 laa weaag IHa
rwai ta araal It ta eeauatae, a
kag aa Ue La-w aaeartag falaa are.
I aaa rwaaataa aa It la. ear earrtva aaa
4a Mia rag r 4y uaa Tula
Mtw rairtag wmtaa nHim af
rra4 trertar braaaewllaa mM b aaa.
ak04 Ire rrraaatta. a4 vwrr aaaat wae
eraUUa -aJaa ff4. waatker
by writ tea tar r4 reytasaataoaata, v
aaa)l be aaaAa aaaaaabta f Ue. Us- 0 S
A nun may h (tUag of
Mturlijr bt iKat dont tin
him U he fo too Mr ih ;
brink. A fU el Mrity
in real att J4J mT
prove equally dnjrua, in. ,
Uaa backed by a furutd
Ctrtifkatt of TttU.
Call lor boofcta.
Invcstif at.
Founh s
and Oak. A a(vj Triu
Portland, Or.
tend ra yor
(r booklat.
I. C. Emmerson has closed a deal for
the transfer of the Coliseum skating
ring in Dallas to Fred Slmklns for a
ranch owned by the latter In the south
eastern part of Polk county, ponw'HSlon
to bo Klven at once.. It Is understood
that Mr. Slmklns will abandon the
building as a skating; rink and will
open a feed stable and commission
house therein.
Attorney Walter B. Jones of Eugene
'his bought 45 acres of the Roller place
about five miles north of Junction City.
tjoiiBge uroTB reports a uaiuuing
nuRPH.. i nn uik lwu BLury ctnici r.i
brick building of Cooper & Powell on
the corner of Main and Second street
is about Inclosed and will be one of the
handsomest business blocks In the city
when completed.
- The foundation is completed and the"
floor Bills in place for the new Cooper
brick adjoiningr the Lawson brick, and
it Is rumored the old Griffin .corner
opposite Hpray's will be the site of the
next big commercial building for Cot
tage Grove.
Te Robert Henry farm, three and
one balf miles east of Salem, consisting
of 50 acres, has been sold to S. R. Bond
of McMlnnvllle. for $300 an acre. The
farm Is well Improved and is partly
planted to apples and prunes. Mr. Bond
has also bought the property of Mrs.
Westcott on Center street near Sacred
Heart academy In Salem fr $4500 and
will make hla home in Salem while his
son will live cn tha farm purchased
from Henry.
' The fine farm of William L-lnegar at
Wiley, near Forest Grove, was sold
last week to I. J. Hoard of Bock Island.,
111. . The farm is in a high state of
cultivation, and contains 80 acres. The
farm sold for a consideration of $18
000. .
A 147 acre farm belonging to S. VT.
Shumate and W. W. Brown. Just weat
of the Cook place on the McKenzle
near Eutrene. ham h.n tn vr. t r i
Rust, recently of Cheyenne, Wyo., who
ww vwwi w tiiv muio . once. it.
consist of 147' acrea and 1 nicely im
proved and will make, a good home. I
They also sold a good lot In- the Blair
addition td George VT. Lee per, who
has already started a good residence;
also two lot in the same addition to.
.W. P. Barger of Irving, -who will also !
.... Jr , A A. tj-.iu nr n
uuau, nu m ui iv v. crown.
Exterior and Interior vlewa of : ew MercbanU' National Bask building at Fourth and Waahlnrton street.
Lasawell, A. F. Smith and John
floor and la connected with the tel
lers and executive office by an Inter
communicating telephone eystem and
Directors' Boom.
Adjoining the bookkeeping quarter on
the mezzanine floor la the very hand-
aome and attractive room set apart' for
the directors of the bank. Here. Circas
sian walnut takes the place of mahog
any, which was used in the interior fin-
ah of the remainder of the building.
Tha walls are paneled with walnut and
the handsome table and chair are of
the aame rare and expensive wood.
Light cream and gold waa used In tha
Interior wall deoorationa and the result
la that the 'Merchant National haa on
of the most beautiful counting houses
In the weat.
Including tha interior finish, fixture
and vault, the cost of the Merchants
National's new home 1 approximately
1105,000. Recently this bank lncreaaed
Its capital stock to (600,000. The offi
cers and directors of the institution" are
aa follows: R. Durham, president;
M. I Holbrook, first vice president;
W. P, Jones, second vice president;
George W. Hoyt, cashier; A. C. Mourey,
' ' ' According to French scientist lumln-
1 c 1 1 y iuiuhi. ii uu. iv uiuirect Dif-
. datlon of an albuminoid, "Which ho calls
luclferne, br a peroydafc ferment, which
t, U MHlvaa-w-Wa -
. A small open box of unslaked lltne,
kept In a tool chest or cabinet and re
plenished from time to time, will al
iorb exra mofstur and prevent tool
JfuatlBg. J i" - -r
' Tha longest way round I the aweet-I
eat way home for a pair of lover.
BaoBssmmammBaa. m m irwii -maii i ii sas-a-sas-assa-ws
llav you purchased your lot in CLEKELYM yet?
Beautiful view Iota on the Vit Side overlooking the Tualatin
Valley with fine view of Mt. Hood: bearing fruit tree and gripea;
inside the three mile circle, and lie between two car line, twenty
minute to butinen center; no bridges to contend with, no delays;
walks and water included in price.
Thr wiv to make monev ia bv buvinir real estate. The way to
buy real estte to make money is to purchase close in, in advance ol
improvements and growth ot the city.
GLENELVN fills all the requirements. We are building several
nice bunRalows in GLENELYN. We are selling them on easy pay
ments. If we cannot suit you in a bungalow already completed we
will build for you according to your desires.
foot lot, fruit and fine view of the valley, $1800, including improve
ments. Small cash payment, balance like rent. Lots from $350 to
$500 until May 1st only. Easy terms. -:'
WHAT HAVE YOU to show for the money paid to your land-''
lord? Nothing more than a roof over your head during the period of
your occupancy. If you had bought your home on our easy payment
plan, you might now be the OWNER of the property instead of still
paying a heavy premium on the other man's investment, with which he
buys more property to rent. Own your own home. Be your own
landlord. Come in and let us explain our easy payment plan. ' . "
201-2-3 BOARD OP TRADE BLDG. ' -
TO SECURE: An elegant suite of rooms
is offered at ; low rental in the Lewis Build
ing. The suite will be divided to meet the
demands of applicants. No better accom
modations or better terms can be secured
; - in the city
Break away from trie tics that bind you to the heart of the city. Purchase , j ;
an acre or so out where you can be healthier, happier, more V "
... ' ' free from the cares of city life, where you can - : ... ' . ;
Where your money will not be spent, but where it will be. INVESTED,
A pleasant car ride out the Rose City Park and Parkrose lines
" today will take you tois , :,y: ,
re of R. M. Toiynsehd. 823
Electric Bldg.
- ; - i . , -- ' ...... f 'i ' -. . -- , , , - m
Just such place at will give you the benefits you want and need you can
.-v.mU . i v -k - I lt. W1 t Mt - fhMMk '
purchase on easiest kind of terms. Come out today.
Fourth . anH Stark Street
C l-r cf Cc