The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, April 28, 1912, Page 13, Image 13

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Mmicdl Comedy 'The PinkLad H
Yoor .
. Support
V 'ffitZX ''nrUr - - 1 '-''1 .
C'Aichy mdi tcccoloat th b a morbus
I .
..ctj la muafril corner. Tb Pink Ldjr.
appear l the llelllg Ibratr for Mea night commebclog bunda. Mar 6.
itltt of th plc.
rw rP' rln hr 1 perform
inra mi lh ( la lffrC l
Jo will ' dlarar If t mumtf
m rtal Mi thai 11 (xm qitaiitu
taat aurk a cUmpgt lm public plnloa al
Ifca atoniMit U( la ipnBcla
rrarlnf for )u( Ihla rhanc. A an
laalaar lb pbtMmniil ucr of
"Th rtftk lj4r la ctird Ti la plora
t flral iUmi la Juat a aauakal cohi
rdr. with a aona; and alorjr and a bit of
color. Kipling haa blllany outlined
(ranwa la a Urn aa it rum and a-at lo
oana auMla ojualllf of pcraooailly lhal
apaala l hr mala aarb partimiar ra
aa4 bona and honk of hair beromaa I ha
vary aoul of ail ha crarea in lb bly
of mutuant.
Tbrouch tha paat It jara. muakal
comodx haa baa cUmbln up out of tha
field of bndaa poflja To Ita arljr alifa
II bapoli tha reatlcaa aplrit of tha
IIikh In fact, moat ot tha anlerlaln
mania whlfh ra amblf uoualjr da
arrtbad aa muaical corned vrra In ra
lit juat a mlilura of valaty and bur
Iraqua with no rsrd for th unlttaa
and aa Httl rh)tna or raaon aa oould
h pvrmlttad. In Ita tlma, Ihla aa all
right, but gradually lha graat publt;
fall tha n of aomrthlna; moro rohrr-
anl and a Jlltla mora artlatlr Aa th a
nrd 4rlotad, - w found artlata who
ln th aubtl Inflorne of color Itni'.-
Ing thrlr know lad fa to th enlar(fnnl
of I haa airy roliturra of foolary and
froth In aa. But allll w war profraaa
Inv la aplt of owraalvao and avan tlila
color harmony waa no auf ficlant to hlda
th defacta of cOnatrurtlon which, after,
all. la Iba thing that count a upon th
ataf. Thcra war a aartral production
which tourhad th frlng of thla public
yaarnlnf, bul Isx-ooialnad for "Tha rink
I.r to unaarth It. Watch th per
formancaa of Ihla cotnady with muair
and you wll ar why It atanda out ao
dlatlnctivaly. Flrat of all. II haa a atory
to 11) and talla IU WItb a llttla rr.
adjuatment ht-ro and thrrv. Ita book
could b played aa a atraliht fare and
tnact with baarty Intoraat; th Biraa
while on would navcr mlaa th poa
albla aaaoclatlon of a malodloua a-orc.
But harlnf daclded to bring thla atory
within tb conflnta of muaical comedy.
th acor waa aocaaaary and tharcfora
th purpoa waa to tnak It taaantlal
Hut bow rat thla mualc Into th plot
without arrcattna; It darelopmanta? The
muaical number e ar nt Intarpolallona.
bul acrompaalmrnta. They rrllat lha
action and at lltnee aocelarat It aad
alwaya brlghtaa tt up. Not a aong U
thrr almply for lha vocal affect or po
all.lllty. Ita t bar lhay wear Into lha
plot and hurry mailer along and color
tha atmnaphere.
How of tan ha you aaaq a play atari.
Ing with ft atory halted for aome lrrTV
rant remark aueh aa; "Tonder moon la
ahlnlnr awaaUy tonlf hL That uaad to
t called muaical comedy llcenae. Put
tha pubtla, with a keen aenaa of the
rldlculoua. wearied of aucb thlnee and
aapecially If tha remark came In a p.
propoa of nothing and you knew forth
with the tenor waa going to give a very
poor Imitation of a nightingale alnging
lyrlca to ft roe. No ooloa are lugged In
by lb recta a thla daltghtfaj prfre.
aoc The a lory progrewe aturallf
aad unfolda Ita rich and hwmorow P
iblltlle) and tb ooogo accantuata
theaa. By ihla coatbloattoa of book
and aoore, lha place become eitraord
Inar and tha oubllo la oalch lo dt
cover what It waota aa4 know a II lha
Inataat It la revealed to litem. The
mar not know wb or u wdera land th
ubile Influanco which leoda tham to Iho
point of recognition but they alwaya 00
reorxnlao aometblag fl'.rrereni wnen 11
la gieo to I barn and to caal!r. about
for Iho reaaona of "Th link Lady"
remarkabVa vogu Jot watch It cloaely
d ooo wlU ttftderaland Inatantiy mai
lharo lo aa apparent reaaoo, "Tha n
Lady" will apawor at the jiemg ior
aevea nlghta beginning May i. wltb a
Wednaoday aad a Saturda maUneo.
If Not, He Tells It Seattle Wil
.Surely -Fly, to . Commission
wo--'w Government; Present Plan
, No Better Than Old.
K ' tBpedal t Tfce JearaaLI
. ,Pcatt1,.AprH I7-Unlaa city affair
ar condoctcd with greater economy and
. ffimncT; than In tb paat, Seattle will
adopt" a : comrclealon form Xt govern'
' menL " Thla 1a the prediction of Mayor
Ueorg i. cettarlll. In thla opinion ha
. la upheld by Councilman Austin E. Orlf-
fltha, .who haa juat returned from an
extended trip to th oaat combining
' , buslnesg and .study.. Grlf fltha declarea
th ' present systam under which this
. thunlclpatltjr' conduct Ita affair la the
Tery enemy of economy and efficiency.
Both declared; that Seattle' charter fa
bn Its final trial, and that unleaa better
7 resting are attained the people will de-
? mnd, and properly, so, a commission
onn of government,
' Two years ago, when the ward lines
Wore Obliterated and a council of nine
tnemwora : at largro was substituted for
council men from each ward and one at
large, it waa hoped city affaire would
be conducted with greater dispatch and
economy and with better result. This
hnp hss not been reallsod. and many
clfltene believe th former ayetem
preferable to the present. Instead of
working together for the general good,
tha nine councllmea have engaged In
personal rampalgna and In. acrimonious
dispute. Some of Iho members have
espoused radical hobblea until th rou
tine of th municipality waa neglected
god each councilman rode his own. hobby
In an effort to promote personal ambl
The occasion of the warning by the
mayor waa at the first gathering under
me praaeni auminiiirtuun 01 in aa
vlsory board, which Mayor Cotterlll haa
enlarged to Include heads of all depart
menta and the City council. The mayor
waa well pleased at tb . get-together
spirit manifested, and h told depart
ment heads that he will jcpect greater
efficiency from each- With efficiency
must go economy, he stated.
Unless there is marked efficiency
under th present administration, there
will ho a movement for the commission
form of government before tba next
city election. .
ai in nrii or ine year there were
20.60X.OO0 horsea and 4,32,000 mules In
tha United 8tates, an Increase of 231.-
000 of the former and 89,000 of the Ut
ter In a year.
The United States exported more than
12.000,000 pounds . of - dynamite . -and
nearly 1,000,000 pounds of gunpowder
last year. '
Becking conl deposits, the . Prussian
government lias sunk the deepest bore
hole In the world to a depth of 7466 feet.
State Superintendent Finds
Lakeview High Among .
Country's Best.
' (Ralem Bureau of The Jonretl.)
Salem, Or., April 17. Stat School
Ruporlntendont L. R. AJUerman returned
Wednesday from hla first vtalt Into
Lake county. In tha southern part of the
state, and said be met one of th moat
pleasant surprises' of his lifs at Lake
view. ..... -
"After traveling 110 mile by atage to
reach Lakeview, when I reached there I
found a handsome 50,000 high school
building, with th finest high aehool au
ditorium In the state, located on an
eight acre tract of land, and with the
school organised .to .meet almost every
need of the people," said Superintendent
Alderman. "The ocbool Is doing nearly
all the work usually don by a T. M. C
A. It haa fine playgrounds,' and Is con
ducting night classes. It Is up to date
n every way."
Superintendent Alderman also spent
some time visiting the high schools In
Klamath county. He said that at Klam
ath Falls the high school was conduci
ng an experiments.) station in connec
tion with, the county poor 'farm.
Journal, Want Ads bring results.
mm K give
The rectal given by a number of Irr
ington girls Krlday evening. April It.
In the Church of Good Tidlnga. Twenty-
rourtn ana Broadway atreeta. for the
boneflt of the poor children's cot st
Good Samaritan hospital, waa a grati
fying success la every particular.
The excellent program reflected much
credit on the young parformera. and
waa enlnved by an audlencw that com
fortably filled th church.
The randy table, prcalded over by
Mlaa Both Ludlam, did a good buelneaa.
and Mia Jeanett West sold geraniums
at another gaily-decorated booth. I
Th aura of fft waa realised and will
k. ,. am A Ka Kna rvl f I skf ahM I
The young girl a wh h el pod t make
the affair a succcas were: Mlaseo I fr
othy Bliss, Beth Ludlam. Jeannatte
West. Jeannette Wlgglne. Helen 7.1m-
roerman. Conatanc Da via, Beatrice Por.
teoua, Varna Barker, Ioellle Slevera,
Madeline Orady, Jean Mndlay, Helen
Wegmann, Helen Barnea, Irene Barnea.
Minerva Itolbrook. Francta Kingaiey.
Kranrla Wardner and Master Oeorge
Horace Wardner Jr.
For Beautllying the
Yard and Veranda
: The illustration Rliown herewith
will give you an idea. You can
make your veranda a regular bower
of beauty,
We' have thousands of Geran
; iums, Salvia, Lobelia, Heliotrope,
. Alyssum, Petunias, etc.
Talk to us about your Plant
, Boxes, Urns, Japanese Tubs ami
Hanging Baskets for porches and
windows, also Bedding Plants for
the yard. We can tell you what
""-will make the mot effective dis
play. .Our. plants are strong, hardv,
.well grown and free flowering.
.Remember, there is a difference.
Try our plants this year and be
Plant Dahlia and
Gladlola Bulbs Now
Special sale of Dahlias this week.
Our booklet on growing Dahlias
free to alL
Buy Aster Plants Now
URPLE and WHITE for the
" W have grown for you some
Very choice' early flowering Aster
.plants that will flower 'during Elks'
, coivention. Order at once tor our
.supply is limited of this special
early flowering type but we have
any quantity of Giant Crego, Comet
attd other -fall varieties.
30NT NEGLECT YOUR LAWN Rem!mDer. nothing adds a greater air of refinement to
v Highest Quality Evergeen Lawn Grass Seed nives. he morfatisfactorv results. Aool- WILGROWl
1 " W garaen 1,wn '"f- It does wonders. Your money back if you want it
Other Senoonablc Stocks Sr" Sd B.uckce ,.Inclfet?rr ?d
r?A!dJ,f.;.I"sect,c,des etc- Sprayers. Garden Tools and' Supplies of all kinds. Weed .Killer! Lawn
ivuiicrs ana blowers. - - . ,
Strength for the weak and pleasure for the strong is to
be found in every bottle of Whiskey and Wine we sell.
There's not "a brand in our store but what has some dis
tinctive merit. All are well matured, have a rich flavor and
ran be highly recommended for family use.,
Special for the Week
GORDON Dry tf aa
Gin, per bottle. . sj 1 UU
Gin, price per bot
tle is.v.C.!.v. ,
COAT'S Ply-f of
mouth Gin, both aJl.aCiD
DE KUYPER'S G ene v a
Gin, square black 1 QC
bottle, quart V OO
SIR ROBERT BURNETT'S Imported Jamaica Rum, per
bottle , ; . . . : .$1.25
HILLWOOD, Bourbon Whiskey, full quart.... .. $1.00 :.
I MULTNOMAH Pure Rye Whiskey, fuU quart. . . $1.00 -'.
GUCKENHfilMER bot'dinbondRye Whiskey, qt $1.00 ;
5UNNYBROOK bot'd in bond Bour. Whiskey, qt. $100
BLACK AND WHITE Scotch Whiskey, bottle. . .$1.35
JOHN DEWAR Scotch Whiskey, per bottle $1.35
OLD SMUGGLER Scotch Whiskey, 15 years in
; (he wood, per quart. ....,.. . .,. . .c. . ; . ...$1.75
NATIONAL MONOGRAM Whiskey, full quart; . . .75
: r : ; 4 full quarts, express prepaid, $2.75
'CALIFORNIA Sweet Wines Port, Sherry, Angelica, To-!' '
kay Muscatel, Madeira and Malaga, gallon. .$1 to $4
CALIFORNIA Dry Red Wine Claret, Zinfandel and Bur-
gundy, per gallon t . . . . . .,50J to $4.00
CALIFORNIA Dry Wine White, Riesling and Sauterne,'
per gallon W . . . J .75 to $3.00
l ' 't i - . "
' . . . ; ; , a .
FREE DELIVERY IN OUR AUTO, which . carries no ,
' ( , . , ; signs, insuring no publicity on delivery. "
EXPRESS PREPAID on out-of-town orders of $4 or over. 1
For the'
BTm. 9. M. WaUOaTT
The hit htst fraJe of dental skill at the lowest pos
sible cost
Treat all patients with renUeness and consideration,
giving them at all times the best possible service.
Extract teetti without causing the slightest pain
and make plates that fit perfectly and look as well as
they fit
Provide Bridge Work that is as serviceable as your
natural teeth.
Always give the best in every branch of dental
342Va WaaKington Street. Comer Seventh
Phone Main 2119, A-2119
OFFICE HOURS 8 a. m. to 6 p. m.; Sunday 10 td 1
Seventeen Year' Practice in Portland
The jgX
Great nfff
When You Buy the Great
American Lawn Mower
You get a machine that will give years of service.
It is the most universally used Lawn Mower on
the market. 4
We have sold them for the past 15 years and each
succeeding year shows increased sales.
WHY?; Because they have proven to be the best
and in the long runonsidering the number
'.of years of service the chapest Mower on the
market. ' '
Save time 'and save backaches. .
They trim up the rough edges left by the lawn
mower, around flower beds and next to. walls,
fences, etc. , . '
They are only 6-inch cut, making them easy to
handle .Better get one Before theyTe all gone.
i n Fourth and alder streets. .
Main 6499, A-4499.
Phones r
' - '