The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, April 28, 1912, Page 1, Image 1

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tbOaete. e-
4 m f vll
Tlio Sunday Journal
6 Sections 76 Pages
n-s-H-,i xa-
VOL. IX NO, 4,
Stofe Would Cficck
Telephone Merger
iniiiir o nn i
wwx o ru
Suits Red In California to Set
AsL'o Combination of Pa
cific & Heme Companies.
(ft 18 DIE
n ' v
Although Provoked to Greater,
Degree Than AH Others un
cle Sam Lets Cross-Sea
Countries Take Aggressive.
Japan Is Making Ready to
Join V Foreigners In ,
! Demonstration. .
(f ee taeraetaal rrUO .
Washing leeu April II AUrel by
the preeeat crtU 1b Mesieo, the secre
tary ef war baa rushed eenerterx-y ec
ars te every irar recruiting station taleempeey
tfee united inlM, laetraeung ie em
rs la eaarte te enliet mea te the
limit allowed T lew.
otiM weoeas rui XBBB.
Aa dlfrt reeult Of 0 eete1e
Baa rreerina, AaU IT Attaca.r
0erl c. Week, reeUag lae
stale f CaJlferaU . aaa Cliy Altaree
ir v. Laeg. .f....u its mf
aaa ee-Baly ( ftaa rtkl atarle
acme ifr ledey by flUef two eiie
ta Ib Uoel eeperter er t bate eel
mi4i tHe metier af im rteaae Tele
ne M.Hif aad.Ue fulfil T.U-
mB.w.r'.rr thaw reported blown
Tee etleraey geeveraJ aa behalf ef Iaa
people essa ae eearl la Beeure for
feited the freeehleee vaar kkJi he
Meeae TaJ.elioae eaeapeay bee
aratlac 4 (bb IM Iwaifta TUftt
bb4 VBJavko WBBsr B 4JB4
ruUf f BB'tBff im4 tsa Xr-
ci. af fba ItoBa T.UphoB tnr
a4 rrMa ia aaa rttfUaar Ma !
Tka rtlf aiiArAar a eria la
a Bat 4 a Ua aavoaa af lh llama
aaapAAr las farina amar: Ul
To-n of Lugert Wiped Off Map
and Several Other Villages
Badly' Damaged; 100 Arc
Injured. j t
Several Regions Affected Have
Not Been Heard Jrom,
Since Storm.
ITbM rM I mail Wtml
CklBB a City. Otla- AKl If- Tha
uiiariruiiiria tr '"'JTT bbi ibU af Ib aun arl
arjU4 bb4 ibbi Br.i'" 7
uu.i i.t.Miu. ku h.uj l. V..HI W U cbic1 pan r iBa aiaia mm
Lbb FaatTM TiluMik bb4 TL.fcax I ay. cauuial a BocurBUlf t14. l
eamp.Br rrwa Bvtkuc furih.r af I Utf are II Abb4 bb4 Brhap II Ib-
aa Um bbmi i frBBcBUB. IturW. Tha Ui af LaraH wrn w1a4
ta root to Halifax villi maaT
at aa, aad her eommaadar, VBjBBBir ;
With Relish Roosevelt Takes
Bait Hurled From Crowd
When He Reads List off Taft
Allies. ?
mrwt Dirw turn lorni.
Expected Personal Attack Up
on President Not Made by
His Former patron.
Cab! a ttaamaMp Macktf-Ban&att, bow
bodlM of TtlrMe: "Ticttmi, rtoorrd
CApUU T. 1L LArdne r.
I ATch& b rTtaMaat-Tait at ab!nt
'a bimUdi TuaaOay. a ta m1 b war-
alf atttaanB ta M.xlca. but ta ! a
tranaport tnataad. tha Brttlalb Frinck
and Oarmaa rovammanta ara rahn
rralatra mar tha AtlaaUa. Japao
will alaa bb4 warahlpa ta pratact bar
Tba aula tpartmBt taday aAmttt4
kmawladn af ttxia inora.nt af ahlp
Tba bnraaa af aavai lalaUlyvBca ut4
that tba Briuab warahlpa an tba way
ta tba waat eoaat ara tba Bbaarwatar,
Alfaroa t4 rUlnbaw. . Without area
President Taft in
Good Golfing Form
decati rrvMfwa for
aeUa CanpaJfa by AfUTBtfoa
a Uakal
fCatt Pi. tmil
FbiUdpMa. April
aft tba Ma,'aTrl atbar toM badly
dajB4 sa4 tba preparty la vtll
baary. A Kbbbbb aty OrUBt traJa
a-aj rpart4 blova taU tba tfllcb bb4
It Mrtooa fcttlad and 1t Injured, but
tbia la aat eaBflrmad taIrbt.
Ka r porta bava baaa raea4va4 from
tba Uu af Blair. Warrea a4 bfartb
rtara tba flrat rpru aarly la tba
toe ttat thay wara rtrucb by tba atorm.
Tba baartaat daath ran la at Icrt
rully II ara rapartad daad lbra aad
tbraa tlmaa that aanbar Injurad. flf
Dramatic Stories of Heroism
Told by Survivors of Titanic
Descriptions of Gay Scenes on Ship Just at Crash Shift With
Intense Hush to Tales of Death and Suffer
ing In Frozen Midnight Sea.
30 ElfAUBS
fCBltad ft Lmm4 Wlra.)
Waablactaa, April IT. IUrlor wrastad
taaa ara rapartad la boapltala at AItua.bat a maafra part af tha-Tltaalo'a draad
T . ... . -.. t - m . . A I mrm wytvm K
',B " I :r.: J-r.Sr. Zl.Zr.,ZZ.: SI!: Tba aaly k0aa daadar.Vra.Laa aa4 aaarata from tha h.i daptba la a1bt
atump and arala rp7 la parsaa talwbtla baln tabaa rrata ixsrarx ta ajcub. Broraim mnniut wjwuw muiii
Colonal la bfaaaaabuaatta. I aaraa paraaaa wara Injured wbaa thai0"111 Monday. -
Tba bla featura af tba trNMaifi hM kMU .f i.m m..i tbb aya ar wa waa. aaamana w
I m . . . . mhi niiui UMinns Hiii Hm in uia
i ni w nil aari rata v i ni pii nii - b ww-w - - -
I ' V I firtWrl .Mr IUIDL Mn. l WIT lUVWH ! I . . . . . . w . .
.m. Bt Rnuih nnL M. J. If. uid .. . , loniaot. max o unima mm inquiry.
Waat Indian at.tlOB, will ba tba flrat O. B. Cbdlar aak aa Oalaaal Qw 1,, iur ,e Rokr Md half "v v ' f, . . ITT
af tba BrlUab ahipa ta bttIt. aa tba Maray aad T. W. Wabbla, a f I fP Vr Loa Wolf I . MOT tt m-
bfadara rarafotlon landed etartBaa la
BlnaJoa, tba acane af tha praaaat dia
turbaacra. wbaa tba Enrilab
m.nt bamrd that tba property of aa
EnaUab boainaay waa la danaer.
Tha Brltlab omlaar fteiua, on tha
Her deaUnaUaa
aaat coaat of Mexico.
la uncertain.
. . . Jd.raa.aa Aat Barlftl.
Tba aijtloa by Germany waa equally waa c
which tha president and bla aaHtnt I I." .
won nanany. me biit aw i in. - n .RMr
B-h.l ... -rr
olal report la prepared.
hi thai xaaajaaaay u Jnwna
Today neanor waa repieia wun ora-
T I f Ka nut Mr a. .tAM nn.. .Ka AhlKhAHia 1
awlfC The armoraa eruiaar rernn. "---j and ,w,pt northetward throofh
atBtloneTat Baata Domlnao. will take balcony, which waa filled with rielt- . . Jltl.. tha
cart in iha International demonetraUon waitmr for the pr.aioen i to oomei-- ' " ""T " , ",7 ' :i
it Varafcrua. Tba United SUta who Balor. , hi. ai ery fZ?Zit.M&
haa been-tnauited. w-boaa eltlitna bare p-e a w-tK.n . ...ti
I lncnea or ma noja, enaoiius; aim vo i - - r - . - "... I
v, .fAiAat m nA .1.ii.rhtMkrft aflif
nmnartv tutro.d nr annroortated. haa maka tba bole la two ahota.
taken tha waakaat and moat Inefficient
form of Intervention of alL
Taft that any form of Intervention
would be followed by a alauKhtar of
the Amsrleana and athar foreign cltl
tena. Emland. Perm any. Franoa aad
(Contlna aa Pace Five.) -
a ma waa piayea J-n Boe.inw "" t ..i.wwi Tnnr.1 An.
banted aa aa to brinci . .wik I mails . and Important teatlmony. eloa-
wi IB iaa impie nuimtni iwnn v.
aeaman atorlea that gained la their
dramatlo Intenalty becausa of tha vary
crudity aad dlrectneaa or their teiiina.
They told of music, aay dinner paruaa,
happlneaa and Uaahter on that peaoa
ful Sabbath nlaht aboard tha Titanic
There they ahlfted. with hashed ata
ri ee, to tha Ula bf daath and auffating
la tba froaaa midnight sea.
Zavcldenta af "leal iKomamta."
UtUe Ineldanta of tba laat momenta
allTe of Major Archibald Butt. Isldor
Straus, Captain Smith. John Jacob Aa-
ter aad other notables in tha Titanic s
daath llat biased their tale deep Into
It haa.bean pointed out by President Archbishop Hits at
Recall of Judiciary
north of Outhrle, where aaveraj build-
Inf. ware blown down.
Tulsa waa visited by a eevara atorm
tonight and two Inches of rata fall la a
few miautaa. wire a ara a own an erar
southern Oklahoma and accurate b
la bard ta ecu re.
Eminent Cleric Dlaxiaa-aa Frablema
of Democrat at Grant
' ' Oelebratloa.' '
Legislature Attorney.; General
Now Says, . Intended to
Waive State's Equity, K
' ''"'--ii.t U
(Btlem Boreas ef The Journal,! ' -Salem,
Or., April , fJj Completely
withdrawing rrom tna position ba baa
taken all alonr that the state haul an
equity af 200,000 tn tba locka and
canal In' tha "Vvlllamette river, near Ore
gon City, Attorney. General Crawford
rendered an opinion : today which re
veTali-tTcTerto Millionaire Befoaea Member.
tata paying over to the rovernmani
o-thirds of tha amount appropriated I
by tne legislature to ba applied la tha
purchase of the locks by the govern
In his present opinion, which he gavel
In reply to a request , from ' tha eecre-
mjittd Preat tmt Wire. I -Galena.
Ill- Aarll ll-Striklng at the
principles of tba recall, particularly tha
recall ar tha judiciary, ana a wau
Archbishop Ireland apoke today at tha
Grant celebration on "Horoa rroDiems
of Democracy." He said tha recall waa
a peril which must not , ba treated
"But I have steadfast faith," ha said,
"la . tha permanency Of American
democracy, because I have faith In tha
patriotism and good sense of the Po
nla af America. But confidence In the
abiding ability af American democracy
to pass safely through- every storm,
must not beguile us Into somnolence
and apathy while the storm circles
above Its braw and tha peril digs pit
falls beneath Its feet"
Seven Killed la Texas TlUaje.
fnaltee Pra Uw4 Wtra.1 -
wa ViuZl mra lnt-.of the.herc
nine dwallinga were rotauy. aasxroyaa
cyonTVblch .rruclt rldrj Of th. .team..
day or Tuesday. They were bitterly
disappointed, all having testified. Beven
of tha aeaman oooeluded tba session this
artsmoon. Tlea-rraaitnt FT m kiln, of
tba White BUr Unc left for New Tork
thla afternoon, but will return Monday.
J. Bruoe Iamay will remain. Next week
some of tha TltanJo's paaaengera will ba
heard -for tba flrat time Soma bars
bean waiting here for daya.
Tonight Senator flmlth waa tala-
Tltanlc's Unidentified Dead
Will Be Placed In Curling
Rink for Examination by
Friends and Relatives.
vaatee, April trAddraaata twa af
tba Uraaat aaeatuaa ba baa bbbbwb.
I alsea be "threw bla bat lata iaa
rtag." Colon.i Koevelt toeisbt fre!r
admllled thai aoa af bla meat arasal.
aaat aapportsra waa Uorfe W. rarktaa,
formerly of Morgaa A Ca,
Tna aomiaaioa proved a aaaaatlaaal
atdellgbt la tba prepared
apeeca. Tie bad dacUred that ba did
not desire la ladalce la peraaaalltl,
bat that It bad be, aeraaaary ta aa.
swer publicly soma af tha charges made
by bla political spaoaeatc He taaa
read tha list af aaea ba aald were aop
portlBg Pre Id mi t Taft. beedad by Bea-
a lor Larimer ef Illinois, which ka ana da
a featura af bla eat speech, lie waa la.
temipted by a man, wba yelled aut:
"Well, iaan Perklaa suppartlag yoar
Rooaavalt teak tba bait with evident
"ate Oartalalr la," Tells V. B.
"lit eenainiy la," be shouted, wita 4'
great display af bla white teeth aad tha
noted am lie much la evtdeaee, "aad yea
queatlon. rvrtbermore. If a 'man Is for
ma I will not only admit It., but will
not repudiate It later."
Three qaurtara of aa boar before the
(Catted frees V4 BW
Halifax. April IT. Definite word waa
aranhed that ItaraM RrlA. tha a.od I llTa nm lti ataamar Mackay-Ben 1 IS. arena I.mml
wlreleaa operator of the Titanic wlU I n,tt tM' afternoon that she left the I with 10.00 peopb while more than that
aa here to testify Monday. He cava a I scene 01 the Titanic Oleaster at bood I number were turpM away,'. At afechen-
brlef recital, to the oomralttee In Mew I rrlday for Halifax with bar (rim cargo I kail, where ba averrlaw meeting
Tork a week ago. He la being brought an(! wU1 ruoh h,r- Monday, the exact WB hti wr tm P"". B
a broken ankle aad bla other foot frosen. I . . bJn "apeadant on weather " platform at tba arena waa roped In, re-
mementoea of bla narrow eaoape. Chief I uunB . leembilng a prise ring, and when the
Engineer ' Bammla, of the Marconi of-1 Through the white liter officials and I colonal entered some one eauaed a great
noea in New Tork. and William Marconi, I the mourners' committee arrangement I laugh by.-abying a net into tna Ting.
me -wirejeee wisara.- will accompany i ere complete for tha landlnar nf thai manaata Woroeeter seaea.
bodies or the Tltanlo vlcUina. The iden-1 Much of the Roosevelt speech was a
tlfled dead will first be brought to the I repetition of that made laat night at
rooms of local undertakers ta ba nra Worcester. Maea. He said that ba did
pared for sanding home. The nnldentl-1 net care to deal in personalities, but
fled dead will -be taken ta tha Ma. L had to be "frank with the people.
flower Curllnr rink, where a force of I -taa wgni i isit.oougra w answer
Bride. Manager Bottomly. of the Mar
oon! company, who waa asked to come
here Monday, begged off until later.
Baexa Story ef Zzaated Money.
FTom Bammla. senator Smith pro
poses to get details of the alleged money
tragedy from Operator Bride and Cot
tarn, the latter of the reaoue ahlp Car-1
pa thla,
order that there may ba no delay with
the work. After the bodlea have been
properly prepared persona looking for
Next wee Senator Bmlth alaa plans I friends or relatives will ba admitted.
af here at 11 o'clock this morning. De
tails are lacking because of prostrated
Meeaengers on horseback continue to
come Into this place with stories of the
damage and It la feared that further fa
talities may ba reported later. Kol
Camp and wife and two children were
killed when their farm house waa blown
to plecee and Mra. T. C Singleton and
Hugh Kennedy and bla wife were killed
In. a similar manner la., tba demonuon
of the latter home.
Mount Temple.
The last words or the Titanic naahed
through apace to many shlpa, ware re
cited in detail rrom tha wlreleaa "log.
Captain Moore alao told how,' only 41
miles away, ha approached to within 14
mllec only to find himself barricaded
behind mountains af lea.
Befaee bo Xeleeee Crew.
Tonight Senator Smith refused ta re
lease the 16 officers and eraw of the
Tltanlo held as wltneseea.. ;H ordered
them to remain bare at least until Mon-
.w. tnm k. -r .k n.-.ix I ia BmhaJm.ra in in i. I attaoks made upon me by Mr". Taft, but
shall be one of personalities, ao tonight
I will only allude to him to ahow where
be aad I differ. X bold the present con
test te ba more than a mare factional
fight la -tbaeTbllaan -party. ----v-. , ,
, Tt. Made jra Aseaum." r
"Whirs Prealdent Taft wanted ta say
that be did not want tha Lo rimer sup.
port be came to Massachusetts to say It
but when I wanted to declare that I did
not desire any Lorimer backing I want
to unravel the mystery re taring the
ailogedflaril ta a--anrleJ-araaed nubile
or the news or the Tltaahra elnklnc
Aa the .Msckay-Bannett only carried
110 coffins soma bodlea have not been
placed In any reoeptaolc Within the
He hinted at a future sensation- today ockvarrf rtond. th7v will kV in
In hi- examination of ' " PUt
Franklin, when ha aaked if any of the I t. VV.V.
steamship company-a agents or officials ,-," m. V. BrJnV,.!?.,,!. k
had applied for additional Insurance fl-'V-f pr!rei?!ra lfo'!
upon the Tltanlo a few hours before t v. .k. .k...
em balm era be aent out on a special boat
the terrible news of Its loss waa un
leashed. Franklin denied any Insurance
waa sought.
Mrs. Aetov Hot te Be Weeded.
Next week's Inquiry alSO promises the I wireless ta Oanfaln TaMn.- aalrlna- hn
truth af the allegation that Captain J many additional men he could aooom-
to meet the death ship. The matter was
taken up with the White Star officials
who viewed It with favor and aent a
(Continued on Pare Two.)
hip In Exclusive Organ
ization, v
" (By the Intem.tlon.l Kews Pervlce.) '
f New Tork, April J7. Clubdom le
..tiring lnl,M ahAli th. Withdrawal
Ury of state, the attorney general points ,k. sb nr.Ura ttrtn rnarnhAriiriin In
ut that thatate'a equity consisted m tlw Union League club of H. H. Rogers
" - r F.rcoHi . - jr. The withdrawal. It Is said, followed
come from the locks and aa this In
come would' be destroyed. If the govern
the passing of a gentle hint from the
head of that most exclusive club to the
jneni pMcnwea tne iockb, and aaade pas- mend, of tb, young millionaire. In
, ' , - "- I fact. It became known that the. presan.
ernment built other locks and canals ),... nn..r kv ki. rH.nia
v tT ' -"5r"lur" eome montha ago did pot get beyond the
turc when It passed an act appropri-i..iiin., .o.. .Hr.
atlng ItOO.OOO applied by the grov- rt not .tlouette to aak why in
a case af thla kind, yet It la a fact that
the .machinery aet in motion by Mr,
Rogers' sponsors baa stopped ahort and
the . young - millionaire, who , traces his
ancestry1 back to Puritan1 days, is not. to
become a member of New Tork'a most
exclusive club. , '
: " ' " '
Tactfully Sidesteps Question ms, to
Being probable Compromise , -1
ernmen in the purchase of the locks,
must nave intended to waive any inter
est the state bad In the property. ,
rnn!te Prms teased Wlm.t
. Baltimore, ! April 17. Probably the
most Important- discussion at the Demo.
cratic .nauonai committee meeting
here tojJay related to the two thirda
rule of nominating the presidential can
didate. When the committee adjourned
mnltai Vntm Lmbo WlMkt
New Terk. April 87. -'1 am out of
w aa aw "uw . vwauw awsTVUWVU
adopt a rule for a majority vote In the
nomination Instead of the two thirds
tha aurreme court, would make In an
irwer. to questions as to wnetner ne
Mn i , .Miani . t Vi. namfnsHan to. th.
ruie Beginning wixn ine lii convention.! c residency as a compromise candidate
I'niAn.r I on n KimiMw wut v - . . . . , . . .
, Tt , r ... " ' 1 Hugnea, consiaerea oy many mm vim
glnla announced that, ha will present to candidate ln case, lhara .Is a
wi. b"" .i "i"" V m u.uunai win-1 a.adiock on' ibii ana nooseveit, waa
mittea. to be held here early-In June a there tonight In attendance at the ban
concrete resolution calling for the aboil-qU.t in honor of newly appointed Jua-
iwa i m. two loiru. ruie. xnii ina i n- pitnar. Hocnes maaa a aceecn
committee wui aaopr this resolution Is! which contained ao reference to politics.
nrmiy' oeiievea ana u wui then go to
the contention for action.
; If thf national committee sees fit te
Offer eucn a resolution to the conven
tion It will mean a hot fight on' the
floor. The delegates from the aonthern
etatea will eppoae the measure with ail
their strength, while the delegates from
the northern states wui support it.
Appropriation for Broken Levees.
. lUslnnl rrte. Uwnl Wtre.i .
- Washing-ton, April 17. The senate
bill appropriating li.600.000. to- repair
the crevasses In tha broken leveea of
the Mississippi river and Its tributar
ies was passed by the house thla after-
T A I NIX! HO 6TFr)Vr5 fGkl : Vf "' " I . . . ' '
rot or This timeo' rrT7 ' ' rininArTlh
J-a MyaAc?r9j?.r n r:ai rs
v- . Vi x" 3 sr a - a. - - rn ; ; " V.V 'K. asr ) sr M - a. T' . - -. LZ-aav aw aassBaav U w-i - a n SI BM iuxraj
i f : i , s . vv. m. ... .t.xn. . ."r. 7 Ei aril 'i 'j'- -is . . i i
I - r ' ' I I" ' - . V- c- i A,-aTV. f 1 ' I ..-.'..;!',.'. 4 . t. 1- T . T."!JW.: : . I-l
IlinOC irirViC ..SV lJare-Bas - . , . fi .It V fcTK XW r -1
There are now 14 embalmers and IB
assistants who could be sent out to
meet the Mackay-Bennett. If Captain
Lardner can accommodate these men.
they will leave Halifax In the morning
on the steamer Seal. The two ships
would meet 14 hours from Halifax
which would give them ample time to
prepare practically everybody for burial.
Thla would eliminate any delay after
reaching port It would mean that
upon the arrival of the Mackay-Ben
nett, the bodies already'- identified
would be ready for forwarding to tha
homes of their relatives.
A wlreleaa received from the Ma okay
Bennett stated that aha waa 200 miles
east of Sable island at t o clock to
night, which will bring her Into Hall-
Continued on Pare Five.)
University of Oregon and 0. A.
C. Patch Up Differences
Contests Contracts Signed.
Albany. Or. April S7.Ia a meeting
fax at 6 o'clock on Monday morning. I f representatives of tha student bodlea
Major Wlnshlp of Washington Is ; ex-1 of the O. A. C and U. of O. at the
netted her - tomorrow mornlne? aa tha I Revere hotel In Albanv thla aftm-nrihn
representative of President Taft for .the I amicable student relations were, again
purpose or .; identifying me nooy or m'""ow oeiween u two leading ed
Major Archibald Butt
Heir to , Millions, on Verge of
: Collapse, ' . Rages . Against
Lack of News, . 'i
ucauonai insututions of the state, r-hn.
tracts were signed for eonteats in all
branches of student activity bv araii.
pate Managers Geary of the university
and PUkington of the Oregon Agrlcul.
tural college, which, when Indorsed by
the student boards, will become blndtng.
It la the opinion of Professor HetaeL
EV G. , Rice, president of the O. A. C.
student body, and & R, Thompson, who
represented the college, and JU Leon
Ray, president of the student body of
the university, and Graduate Manarer
Geary, who represented the university,
that squabblea In the past : were ' due
mainly to the students of the two Insti
tutions not being welt acquainted with
each other. '" v--h:
with the electric carllne soon to be
completed connecting Corvallla with Eu
gene. It Is expected that frequent visits
to the. neighboring campuses will result '
In the permanent establishment of a
wholesome rivalry- and forenalca which ,
will abound greatly to the advantage of
both institutions, and will remove the -possibility
of the state -again enduring
the unpleasant spectacle of a breach of
friendship between the student boitles,
both of whose ranks are recruited from
Tha meet-
(TTelM Ptm. frased - Wtre.1 '
On Board - Astor Funeral Train.-: n
Route to Halifax, via Vanceboro. Maine,
April 27. Almost . on; tha verge i of a
narvoua collapse, Vincent Astor. son
and heir -or. tha multimillionaire who I within her own boundaries.
went; oewn wun we roar xitaaio, te. ing waa friendly In every way, the man
night clamored for ."speed, , speed." on 1 erera bains- left to thresh out tha ached.
hla way to claim hla fatoer'a body from I ule.
the death -'cargo of the 'morgue ahln I .. rn ta tha football schedule ef the
aiacKay-enneit at iiaurajL- I university next faU containing already
With nothtng but the scanty In forma- In, .uml which Is the mailmum num.
inn. sin. mm j luw nr aim eiar una l her permitted y a racuity regnwuon,
and press dispatches to rely on, young
Astor tonight raged against tba lack ef
news. ..'.,,-,- r -.
Everyone he encountered: . waa met
with the aame demaad. "have you heard
aay newer- , -
Klcholaa Bid die' and Astor'e valet en
deavored to aaaure him that there was
ao question, bat, that hla father's body
bad been found and identified, but thev
could not dispel bis deubta. The young
man la hla grief atrtekea condition in.
slated "there may have been a mistake
ta Mentmcatloa.- , . .
fhe algnlng of a football contract for
next November . waa prevented. JIir
ever. a teotetlr agreement relative to
a . game waa maae, eunjeci i me in
dorsement by the faculty of the uni
versity In thel'r regular monthly meet
ing next Thursday. ' i
The schedule or . eonieeia" arrarj i
was as follows:
. Haaeball tamrt May I snl I at i
gene; b-ay 1 and 14 at Cor : H. t-. j
meet My 10 at Eug-ene. CrUM, t .
year contract, r!rt eoritet ta ti r
ta 11. .
" .. - . ' V - --'