THE OK IX OH DAILY- JOUUAU-rOKTtANP. SATURDAY. i:Vi;N..'G. AI KIL 1515. nmnim nm dmp OFSTATEAREHOV IIEAIU.Y COMPLETE- -i I llnqucst Oivr Remains of Mrs. BelLiln I VMlock Held;- Murder in First Uegnx Ust of Republican Nommeeij for Senate and House Com-, plcte; Partial List of Democrat. r lb HAlwIMk To elk, fp le for te Seattle ne felle4 I tee. Lw eiameal '. 1 e .fi. Tr I Slat t l I .4 (ll4 le .!. u lHUt fvur ef i- re e i l ! l , ! h"' ' t 1 )..' i. - U . fr t lt4 UIM - ' ' ft e f e4: Wl. ' MUl k U Pk.ll4 Wliaeul I-1 ! I kt h44 (UlMMtl N t ta Ir J C. t JtMIlM, l( lM'.lHM I ta taea, eeav, He wee enpnoe4 fer ae ! a 1.1 t m. J. r.ieheeer M h"eneeh. e l4 K. OeUia Cm aad Curvy. Tm feur aeealeaied wttteel reference uianil K. are nr ui t tamhiu. u a ni ud cii, . a u wu r web. InyTM. ae-d r. M. billrbell ef Heber. Orvee s4 attttfcall Ml tll4IM UllMl (been, f . IL (.. hWf f I lie leal ban frees Lee, wbe fHd to pledge hlnetf le r-pr1 leteel Je. 1. defeated by vle. AHMC (! fTOBllneal fecee k 111 b tnleativf U tb houe are W. It X ruoka cf Malheur. Henry MrlCloner of lUser. W. Lair Tbetnpeoa af Lake. Jot ) :HUMPiJfiEYS'CASE ; I PKOCtlJIS nflULY ! I IKK i 10 27 Witnesses Examined In eluding Harris. Who Se cured Confessions. IV iii it (Wvalila, lf . apt 1 1 .Ttr li-ia !, imIi Ma I I OLLII ii as n PortJand Man Elected Tenth Member .of. Oregon Oe!e gatlon. Of ft 11 rir4 tm )Uiy aiy. ia iw ia.iU4i af rtn la ia'F a a .-!.. kun4 M.n.. " " . " ..l ... a Ik. aiM aal lU .l!' ,u 1,U iUI iMt4 l a- Ilia r.k(U4l.u : rIla huwi na.uiioa. aaat . (1m.. t(.ia.kLi kki IKa a;UaaO i trl4 .Tla4 Ikm M "f U uaM la muuiA l aa( kai f4iir4 MR in Mia wai alili ki H(uk.:f alkM4 J fla talaa al.4 f If1 Hfc k..lii( l-r riMi! rf IK. llM '"' a tan nfiM ai 1 llMli. l.iliiil m I. IU - ! ! Afall! rlrw4 larK tf U-J l I, alloruia f.f 'I Ucr. ia aaMKi la III. dra m.. a air la ;... alaa4 .-C allliaf MriMMa .kl i;,a la:MJajr af Ika .fi-a ". aa fcia ' " aaa a ai Ua Wfelilork. ho fniitHt; hr and kltlad XI ra Margaret baiUlr. 4 kla ttctlro. Tka rwdUl iy.f-1 at IXa leua.1 ai4 laia a.tUag it. raia c lira. M.i.r.l lut'.alr. - e.lad la bar aMita,l al 4)1 aWatk alraal t.(d mcinlnj, aaa lhal ah. tana I" t.r ileal h br aiat 1 lni. 1.4 lit lm U hillock, auk nuf d.rowa lit Ian I Mmin.k aa (Ma anaf tunf aii'ta1 aafoia Juda Ta.a.ll Pa a fMi at taurrfar la ll.a fual 4.cra cota) aahlft. T. J MaMr of Morjro UJ KlB h. .,rwl ,MB,MU,B .4 Of OlUlam. W. J. daman r kHo- wtliuk ami maintain. Iba uai It T. Ualfcoap of CVook on A. Jeaolo.M li.plaj jraalanUr a4 4 ttaala of TlCtinwk, All Of Ihoao la- (lra4 voluntarily Tbomraoa a4 Jlullla or aJanraJ aa camlida I aa for tha oaaaia. a4 oihar rP roaaolatlvaa nominated for tho oaoola ra Uaorga Nauoar of IwuiUa, on 4 J. a mlU of Joai Blrta. Turaor Otlor 0f I'cloo. limocfil wmrboraa, waj da raM4 for ranomUatle to too ola. kVatmrma rrootlaoUy Ooaiplo. Koslnaaa ar.ra namad for half of I ha alalo aanata. oo4 Ika moat pronUnant faa (hat will bo mlao4 ara tbooa of Jaf fioorrman. Ban Ballln. N. J. Bin nott. H. R. AJbao. C W. Nottlagbam. . Albert Abraham and W. N. Sarrod, oil of whom rallrad voluntarily, Official ralurna from tha nuta. now trartlra,lljr romplela. mad a It poaalbta t -t a eompiou llat of (ba B.publlran nomlnoaa for both oenato and houaa, and a partial llat of tha Rapubllcaa noral aara. In tha llat (Ivan below tha an ttro ootiata la Included, tha holdover mimbara being InOlcated by a mar. 'omlnted for tha senate: - Marlon. . .. ateyaaUoaa. . i Doatoorat, 'John A. Caraon Jial X. Pattoa I ' zaaa. Milton A. Miller Zamaa. W. W. Calklna i , ? ZAao as! ZAaa. LeuU E. aan Poulaa. George Neuner Jr. Frank B. Walta Jaokaoa. Von der Uellen Joeephiae. Dr. 3. C Smith J Cool and Curry. Ira 8. Smith Hugb McLaln . ,2 an to a and rolk. C L. Haw ley Tamain. V-JL. Hosklna Waabiaffoa. William D. Wood Olaokama. Walter A. Dlmtck Mnitnomao. ieorgft W. Joseph I iKlch d w. AlonUgue Iwnmnr 1. Face ank Schlegel J. Woods hmith IJohn C. Welch clare Ifc.t ha la proud of ofcal be did. ad that he tea prove be k 1114 the woman Ik Xf dfen Uhlllork (alia a elory of Ms raort bin of llarrtn Hallalr. tha II-rear-old daughter of (ha woman ho wae a hot. and over whom (be trouble area. II any a laat lumnir ho aakd Mr. IteV Uir for the hand of bar daughter. Threatened with arreot. however, on a statutory charge, and faced with d- tsaala (e pay the saelber lis. ohUh she tlalnad woe le prtco of aa Illegal op .aiua. Wbilkx-h clala&a bo flrd froaa 11, ralurolag taat w.k. Marb.A boreo. the buelnawe com pan lea cf Mr. Itallalr. la a dyo wuika ( 4!l atark alra.1. drcleree Ibal tha tmldiHu aa4o by Mttlllucb are But trve ard II at Iho auman died ohlle lfuS (o d.f.nd ber daughter from a 'good for aulMeg tramp," . las al- Ietbpia4 to abvae the girl oa aany ac re, lob. could have etept all right laat" llM WhW (Me aaeralag. 'It a dmak man led not hollared all nlgM " WllMn a few mmrnla after being lakrei to detective hredtuarierm, tVputr Il.trlct Altorrtey ntig.rajd Inlarvlewed (ha l' T. aectired a full etatemont of (ha eaea from him otilrh aaa t ran ee r I bed and lata algnad by Whltlo-k. It la not uallkoiy that procecdihga III be commenced ggalnel the pawn t rvk.r. Iteaoumaky, of Tr( and kli'll eon etVtMa, wtio rented Whlllotk the revolver ablcb cauood too death of the woman. lg la I '- uiy ee eiul.ate and lae var Ike Aiimir Jeffi.y will allow all laeilaauay I be aoret 14 aa ivUieti la la bope of eoatiaciag iba Jury ibal It bee been overobtlaeeo wlia t.eil ker ibal could aoi be Irwa. A, tl liarrta, Iba ao li-aperaaaa w ho eeeure4 Iba eoafeaoloa froaa tiaoege tteatpbrey al ItUisbura, aa4 Ike later oaee froaa Cbartee Maakpbrey, baa t..n oa Iba wtiaaoe stand lb greater part f the roraaooa. leetlfyuig lo tka coo vVaetea of Ueerga llamphray aa ma da te - if t'Ulrtcl Atleraey Tongas waa ai peel ed a. a wiia.e today, bat on acoauat of Cannot bo pre. at aalll Monday FRESH EVIDENCE IS PROMISED TODAY . AGAINST FRANKLIN (Continued from Page Ona) ready la II seems AooklfwJ Ibat Iba tola of lbs aiU vector Msaacbaas lead. GRILL WILL REMAIN L1AJ. OPEN Jacksssk. J ' A. Weeterlutid I J. K. ParhduH J. IL Carkla III. I- lArmond Ooagtaa sag Jeeksoa. C E. Whistler I Clarence I Realties Beaten P. O. Honebmke I J. W. Ruslor Polk. K. E. Paddock IVerd lllll XJaeela and Polk, Waller L. Tooa J r. Thomas W. Drunk Yaataill. Ror Orsvas I bam Laugblla I TUlamook and yamaiu. T. B. llaodlsy Jr. I It C Thompsoa WaaalaglOB. John A. Chapman I U. It. Reeves Virgil ala.acy w, ic atapnens B. x. I). Meok V. K. Abrama Olaokaakaa. p. bi. nm i Chrlatlan Schuebel Ouatav Hchnoerr I Clackamas aad ICaKaosBaa. David E. Lofgren I Muitaomaa. Ill) BOAT DIES HELD ON TITANIC Mrs. F. M. Warren Tells of the Catastrophe; George War ren Waits for Body. Benlamln Brick A . .111 Kobert W. Hagood Mark D. Hawaa Martin Kronenborg Krneat Kroner O. K. Lent Elmer R. Lundburg J. O. Nicnois Robert J. Upton Uoorgo U. Wataoo Jack M. Tatea tan Kcllalirr Robert 8. Farrsll 1. N. Day u C- Aioecr ' T. U Perkins Oolombla, Claokantas aad Multnomah. Dan J. Alalarkey Clatsop. G F. Leter Hood sivsr and Wasoo. R. R, Butler Crook, Klamath aad lake. W. Lair Thompson Frank U Young Ollllam, Bbsrman aad Wbesler. W. Ii. Ragsdale Morrow, crook aad Tmatllla. : mC A. Barrett UmatUla. J. N. Burgess Union aad Wallowa. E E. Kiddle John S. Hodgin Ornnt, Harney and Malhenr. Lorlng V. Stewart Jamea F. Mahon Baker. C. C. MoCulloch Zaaoola, TUlamook, Waahlngtoa and Yamhill. William H. Hollls ! dominate ft for Kspresentatlve. Mariun. atexmbUcaa. George W. Johnson C" ... ' . T T . . . I ruiii a. nuKiitsa 1. C. Thomas Ueorgo W. Weeks , James HelUel Democrat. Xiian. C. L. Shaw J. M. Phllpott . F. H. Porter . G. Lewelllng Charles Childa V. p. Klmor Ziane. Alien H. Eaton I : XI. Vernon Pearson Calvfn J. Hurd - " Douglas. Jos. T. Bridges 1 E. V. Hoover Ii. F. Nlchola Rev. J. K. Howard Coos. J. S. Barton P. S. Robinson . ; Ooot aad Curry. -S. P. Pelrca vv. n. Meredith Joaephina. K. E. Blanchard I James D. Abbott C. A. Appolgren L. Q. Carpenter John R. Latourette A. W. Lawrence C. N. dcArthur J. II. Nolta 4 Conrad P. OlsJh W. Irving SpeAcer Jay H. Upton M. C. King M. J. Murnane Clatsop. A. A. Anderson C. W. Mulllaa U O. Bel land I Columbia. W. A. Hall I Crook. Orant, Xlamath and lake, Wesley O. Hmitli I Vernon A. Forbes Morrow and TJ mat 111a. R. N. Stanfleld 11. U Watts TmaUlla. L. L. Mann IA. R. McEwen J. T. Hlnkle IW. If. Skinner Union and Wallowa. John McDonald I Baker. F. B. Mitchell I Abb L. Brown Union. C. J. Forsstrom Harney and Malhenr. Julian A. Hurley I Ollllam, Sherman and Wheeler. W. A. Campbell I W. B. Potter Hood Hlver and Wasco. J. E. Anderson II. V. Driver C. H. Stranahan I SWIFT LEADS AS 10TH DELEGATE TO GO TO CHICAGO CONVENTION NdjGrounds XF CF" ' Made in the Cup Every partklo used. Conceit tratsd coffee) in powdered form. Tkrwevqiiarter teaspoonful aad cup of Kot water makes the taeat daCdooa coffee. Alwaya ready, a child caa make it. For Sale at all Grocer eeit ow nravcer GL WASHINCTOn . COFFEE ; sales ca . f WaB Screw. Hew Tata, Uncertainty still surrounds the choice of the tenth delegate elected to the Re publican national convention from Ore gon, with Indications on the latent re turns favorable to A. V. Swift, the Ba ker county progressive, who, accordlns to prominent Roosevelt men, ia In dan ger of being counted out. Dr. Henry Waldo Coe, one of the dele gates chosen, today reiterated his belief that a plan is on foot to run up the score for Phil ifetschan of Portland, and O. C. Applegate of Klamath Falls, who are standpatters, and to cut down the vote for Swift by throwing out votes for the Baker man on technicali ties. Dr. Coe said that the returns from certain counties last received give an unreasonably large vote for Metschan, and he Intimated that a recount will be demanded In some of the counties if Swift Is not on the list of the success ful 10. The race between Swift, Applegate I and Metschan has attained Importance I because If Swift is chosen the progres I sives will hav at least half of the Or ! egon delegation ' to Chicago, while If Metschan or Applegate goes In the reac tionarles may win control and put I standpatters on the national committee and on the platform committee at the national convention. Aa the vote now stands, official re turns from all counties but Harney and Lake, but Including the vote for Ap- j rlegate in Lake, five Swift 1274. Ap i plegate the same number and Metschan 2260. It is believed that Swift received I a Bumber of votes In Lake, which; would i put bim ahead of Applegate, and that I he received more votes In Lake than , Metschan. Only a big vote for Apple ' sate or Metschan Jn Harney, therefore, would put either of them ahead of flwift, and progressives who have pon dered over the figure express confi dence that gwlft has won, ths fight Tit'-'water of the Pacific ocean Is nearly 10 Ulna we salt aa that of the Atlaatle. s Denying herself to all except her fsrolly and closest friends. Mra F. M. Wsrren. Br., Is resting from her ter rible 'experiences since the rraat at. am. hip Titanic atruck the Iceberg on the night of April 14 when Mr. Warren heroically gave up his Ufa Oeorae vtarren remained In ths east and la now in Halifax, Nova Bcotla, waiting for the recovery of his fsther's remains, Mra Warren would not make a di rect atatcment to the press but through members of the family told of her ex periences. "I do not remember seeing anything In the way of a panic from the first crash until I left the ship." said Mrs. Warren. "There waa great confusion but I do not sea how a panic could have been possible owing to the great size of the nhlp. Organisation In ths rescue was totally lacking and boat drills were not held xlurlng the trio. This Is the first time that I have ever known of no boat drills as la customary on Sunday aboard sHlp. I feel, and It waa generally consid ered among the surviving passengers. that the wreck waa due to excessive speed and lack of proper equipment on the Titanic. As far as I know the fact that Captain Smith waa warned of the presence of Icebergs was not known among the passengers and I dfd not learn of It until I reached New Tork. "Mr. Warren and I had retired for the night and were asleep when the crash came. I awoke at once and told Mr. Warren he had better Investigate We heard a man say the ship must have struck an Iceberg and Mr. Warren dressed at once. He went out and when he returned with a cake of ice which ho had picked up on deck, I was fully . dressed and had gotten out the life belts. Mr. Warren at once reas sured me saying that "with her water tight compartments there was little dan ger of the Titanic sinking. He thought the accident would merely delay us. 'The general feeling prevailed that there was little danger, but sleep was out of the question so we put 'on our heavy wraps arid went to the foot of the main staircase. The report, soon began to spread that water was coming Into the deck just below us and a steward warned us to get our life belts and proceed to the bout deck above as a pre cautionary measure. This we did and an officer aided us in adjusting our life belts. Few passengers had reached the deck yet but among them the only ones I remember were a Miss .Ostby and Colonel Astor, wife and servants. The Astors went to their stateroom before the boat was lowered and the next I saw: of Mrs. Astor was on board the Carpathra. ' "At the moment we discovered a boat being prepared, so; we went toward ft. I stepped In and supposed Mr. Warren had followed -until I turned and saw him assisting women and .children who crowded along Into the boat. .1 supposed that he came ' on with us and it was not until we had floated away from the boat and -he did not answer when called that I realized he had. not come. The boat contained about 35 people and was manned by four of the men 'of the ship and Officer Plttman. Titanic eeok Iba operator on tha Mount Temple awoke him. aaylag that Iba Titanic waa sending out mee- eegee ibal she required ae.l.tanre The rneeaagra said to come ImiaediaUly, h a aid. the Titanic had encountered aa Iceberg. Captain Moore said that he did not reply to the mvaaegaa, aa the operator said: "aha raa't bear ma" lie changed (be eooree of the Mount Temple, how ever. an4 ordered full speed toward tha Titanic The captain eetlraated that the Titanic waa than about miles distant He added: At S o'clock wa encountered lee fl.Ua and doubled our lookouta At 4 JO a. m, when we were 14 mile from I ha Tttanlo's location, wa were stopped oy ma lea. nerore that wa mat a smaJ schooner, whnee lights seamed, to go oat later. Thla vesaeJ was between ua and the Tltaalo on our port bow. J was proceeding east and the achoonar aaa coming from tha direction of the Titanic Ugata adAealy Oe Oat T heard the cooner's foghorn and suddenly her lights want out She waa moving slowly." Captain Moore stated that he thought the "shoot ship" seen by the Titan le survivors possibly was the tramp ateam er he aaw that night bound west He said the vessel had no wireless and waa a foreign ship. Moore stated that ha finally arrived close to tbe spot where the Tl tenia sank. II aaw no veaeel except tha tramp steamer. Captain Moore denied that be or any one on the Mount Temple aaw the Tl tanlc's lights. He read bis ship's wire less log for Sunday night aa follows: Pxankfort GHves Answer. "10:28 Titanic sending 'C. Q. D." Can't read you, old man. Come at once; struck Iceberg. Inform captain.' 10:38 Carpathla ansa era: Tltanlo Announcement Is made today by Pall Metsebaa. Jr, of th Imperial betel, ibal tbe beaeeenie grill of tbe boat airy will b.reafter be opea until 1 o'clock In tha morpteg. Instead of V o'clock at nigh, as heretofore. Tbt change lakes place today. The managemeet baa engaged tbt service of profeealonal entertainer aad tbaaa will give prog ram a every evening betwaea 4 and I and be I ween IS aad 12 o'clock. Opening the regim win be Leone Praneee, the well known soprano and Key Dietrich, a tenor alngr who la known to thousands of vaudeville pa Iron a all over the north. weat. N aeon 'a ereheeira f tiinge4 In- trucnaala will also be a regular fea ture In future. Tbe grill room baa been enlarged aad a new entrance baa bean made oa the Htark street aide, aw that patrons who do not wish to may not hav to go through the lobby of tbe hotel. slocu;. fUMED 'C01IEM184V0IES IV' ffWWl . t wee K4ete4 el tea.' Tt eeeel ! Dr. aeaetl hl-t U4 af III .r D, Jean C ttl f - U aa aea la aikea The feraaer eele4 111! ae4 Ike lei tea- tHt O, It kaeee I Ihlfd wllh Ha, hV bMiiik .! wnb 1114 aa4 Jaaeae C ?e.tuke.l lee I wtlh Jill ( Tbe affinal eeual ee see .iaianve Ikbel fee kjlakah aeealp bee bea ! 14 a4 Kewe lae fWIV4l pel-1 He a teeeiAaiae eeanleeiw4. neeeie Wa fteiieJke. ItTIi; Due & Maaer. ILIIti a rarratl. It I f, I pi tey. It III. a4 tf, T. U pMbiea, Kit Mauee ef reereetltveei-Jitba a lkiourede. 1 1. II; W, trvlag peaea-r. Lttli C. K al. Art her. 1111, I. ii. arpeeler ll.lll, Jatere D Abbell. II.. I. Jay I plea,, a, w. Ieree'e. I.tll, t'eared P. Waoav. .ll, J U Nell. .MIi If. r. p.iff. !lt; at J. Merweae, lit I. a4 C A. peUrea UL . i i 1 .ii i- - A a la CWtldre Mill Wifda. Aa aaiesaebU drtvw by W. It awit enllkd4 yatenUr a ft ere aa a at eel Tblrty-lbUd gtreet sad Itawiberee , aa wtth aa etpreea wag driven by J oka trtU f lit taal hlalh street Tbe wag waa t daaaaged, wa either af the driver, bat the aatomobile wa damaged t fh eitaal af III. Aa ulomoell beJeeglag le CI Uueeey. Waa partially daetroyed bp fir Uel algbi I Caai Teath and Caat KT.rell a treat a GOLDJE DESTCOTT El luiiD mm Coos County Jurymen Acquit Slayer of Bartender Chas. Murray. tewJ he tka aaait hiarebrteee. Or, Apt llThe farf ta tb eaae tf Oaiat tieeteetl Ibi mU reiureed Vrwat4 f bet guilty. The Jeff had Waa out II teer aa4 II e feared beet blfbl Ibal ll em 14 eat as re. tiila tieetretl WeS ladUted fee af- gar la lb eed degree, Oe the mala ireel f haina4d b ebet Cbertee Martay. berteedar. bluiray die aawwt e ea art- Iba aKawtlag. Tb defee teia4 Ike weakaa d4 eel I bill Mertev aa laat lie run aa die- bere4 aeetdeeiatly aad furtbae clalm.4 Ikat Ike il reuae of Mry al wa rv anemia , aad pel tb bulla wey4 W. R. ELLIS EXPENDED $1117 ON HIS CAMPAIGN reefcae l.m. af Tbe iiarail t 9aletn. or. April T-W, Jt mi f Penaietee filed bis eteteeaaet ef earn. paJga ipeaea Ie4ay It oet him IllUII ie tale part ta the race for Iba atepuhlleaa) meentnailaei for eoagreaamaa fur I ha eed diatrteC RESCUE TRANSPORT BUF0RD WILL SAIL MONDAY FOR SOUTH f Continued from Page One.) crew and ef fleer ar on the traaeperl dooh In raadlnaa to he rushed aboard Thla will require about right houra Captain William ll. Rlchardaon of the medical corps will b In charge of tb force of surgeons and nurses aboard. Sailing orders were received -at 1:10 laat night tb war department at Washington acquiescing In Colonel Knight's recommendation that the Bu- ford Instead ef th transport Crook be used, as It would rulr a week at leeat to get th Istter In shape Saford Weak oa Way. It will take th Buford about a week lo reach th first port of call Topolo- bampo. From there tbe ship will go to the following: ports In the order named; Altala. Maaatlan. 8an Bias, Manaanll- lo poealble Acapulco and Saltna Crua Tbe transports Crook and Sherman ar also being prepared In caae they may b needed. Rl Paso, Texss, April 17. Mexican rebels have captured and are sacking Cludad Teplc, capital of th territory of Teplo on the west, coast according to I Information sent out todsy by officers of General Orozco's staff at Cullacan. say struck Iceberg. Com Immediately our position.' No Information has been obtained and 10:46 Frankfort answers the Titan- It ia In Ic, who asks: 'Are you coming: our aa slstance? Frankfort asked: 'What's mat terr Titanic answers: 'Struck lechers'. Sinking. Tell captain.' Frankfort says Will tell bridge Immediately.' Titanic says. 'Yes. come quicav 10:66 to 10:67 Titanic calling 8. O. 8.' 10:69 Titanic working Carpathla.' "11:00 Titanic calling C. Q. D.' I "11:20 Titanic gets Olympic, ssys: "Captain says get your boat ready. She's going down by head.'- Calls Sent to Baltic "11:27 Tltanlo calling 'C. Q. D.' to Baltic. "11:35 Frankfort says, 'Our captain will go for you.' ' "11:41 Titanic says C. Q. D.' Our engine rooms flooded.' "11:48 Titanic tells Olymplo sea calm. "11:65 Frankfort and Birma calling. No reply. "12:26 Birma says ahe'e 80 mllea from Titanic. "12:60 All quiet now. "12:51 Titanic hasn't spoken since 12:47. "1:25 Carpathla sends Titanic 'Are you there? W are firing rockets.' "1:40 Carpathla calling. "1:68 Birma thinks hears Titanic; says 'We're only 60 miles off. Hope you're safe.' "2:00 Carpathla calls. "3:00 All quiet. We're stopped." Movements of Ships Shown. Then followed entries In the logbook showing the movements .of the Callfor r.ian, the Carpathla and the Virginian. At 6:45 a. m., the Carpathla reported that she had found 20 lifeboats filled with survivors. " Captain Moore said he saw no corpse near the scene of the wreck. He had never heard of icefields so far - south. "But," he said, "if t had been warned as the Titanic was, I would never have run at 21 knots." tlmated that Orosoo Is coloring the result of the Teplo engagement which Is known to hav begun Mon day. According to messages received here. the cathedral and practically all pub lic buildings of Teplc were destroyed. Looting and pillaging is reported throughout the district Britain Sends Warships. (Special ta Tbe Journal. Xlexlco City, Mexico. April 27. It is announced here that Great Britain, has sent a warsnip to tn west coast, or Mexico to tske on board British sub jects whose lives are in danger. An other warship. It Is said, will be sent to the gulf coast 7-YEAR-OLD BOY IS HURT BY AUTOMOBILE THE BANK OF CALIFORNIA NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OP IAN PRANCISCa iSTATEMENT OF CONDITION OF THE BANK OF CALIFORNIA, N. A. OP SAN FRANCISCO. Including It Branches in Portland, Seattle, Tacoma and Vir ginia City. AT CLOSE OF BUSINESS, APRIL 18, 1912 ASSETS Loans and discounts Bank premise (San Francisco and branches) Other real eslat Customers' liability under letters of credit ... Sundry bonds and stocks United State bonds to secure circulation .... Other United States bonds Redemption fund with U. S. treasurer Cash and sight exchange Total ..$28.rVi7.0S66 .. 1.169.095:26 480,000.00 .. 3.422.J6UJ . . 4.324.4f0.7J . . 5,037.500 00 .. 285.000.00 250,000.00 ,. 15,651,36274 .$59,456,885.72 LIABILITIES Capital paid in gold coin Surplus and undivided profits Circulation Letters of credit Other liabilities Deposits ..... Total 8.500.000.00 7.763.971.73 4.834,622.50 3,650.78623 288.525.06 ) 3443.980.20 .. .'...$59,486,88S.72 PORTLAND BRANCH CORNER THIRD AND STARK STREETS WM. A. MAC RAE, Manager' JAS. T. BURTCHAELL,, Asst. Manager i Mrs. Iamay Praises Husband. (United Preea $eije Wire. I London, April 2f. "If Americans knew "my husband aa I know him they would not question his bravery or hie honor. Why, he Is always urging; everything that can bo done to make his ships safer for passengers end -for the officers and men who man them. Emil Sanders, 7 years old. was run down by a Mississippi, avenue oar at Killlng8worth avenue and Alblna street yesterday afternoon, sustaining the loss of one leg and the frightful fracture of the other, and Internal Injuries, from which he may die. He waa rushed to St. Vincent's hospital, where an optimis tic report was made this morning.' The lad lived at Michigan avenue and Hum boldt street. He was on the way to the home of a playmate when he was i run down and injured. John Helmboe, a streetcar man, who was run down by an automobile, driven by W. H. H. Morgan, at Tenthn Washington streets yesterday morning, while Morgan was being instructed by S. C. Robinson, an auto salesman, is still In a very precarious condition at St. Vincent's hospital. It is feared that he may not recover. 'Peter Fre burg of 839 East Sixth street north, the, messenger boy - who was yesterday struck by an auto driven by a woman at Eleventh and Alder streets, left the hospital last night E. Henry, a woods man who attempted suicide yesterday by taking antiseptic tablets, will probably recover. SAYS BREWERY STANDS ON UNVACATED STREET The Oivntirinu brewery stands orS -v ti Til i atraat fhsK has i oai VieAn trn. After all this has passed and gone and i cated. This la the opinion of City At Deonle become calmer, - it ' Will be ad- j tornne- Ornnt- who Investigated the situ. mitted that he was in no way to blame." ' ation when the water board asked him This statement was Issued, through ijk it had authority to lay a water, main friend here. by . Mrs. J. Bruce Ismay, f alone- Brook atreet in the old addition of Under Mr. Pittman'a orders we were t wife of the managing director of the Brookville.' It la desired to install a rpwed far enough away to be safe from J Whit Star line, who was greatly j large feeder main to connect wltb the suction. The sea waa clear and thel cheered today by reports that the senate 1 Willamette Heights district and by fay- night, perfect. The boat sank rapidly and we watched the lights and rockets with great apprehension,. - About' 2:10 o'clock la- the morningf -'the Titanic seemed to rise In the stern'and then its lights disappeared, leaving us In tatal darkness. ' Lights on other boats kept us together and .later th -Carpathla cam In view. As tb day broke the wind came and the sea began to roughen and icebergs could be seen in all direc tions. - "We were more , than handsomely treated by the people on the 'Carpathla and too much pralHe cannot be bestowed on them. tur boat- wa the second; pbrked up and many of the others spetnt hours la the Uttl boaU.befur being finally rescued." ,. . ' - investigation at Washington Into the wreck of the Titanic is soon to end. The London newspapers ara featuring; every scrap of testimony which tends filled before he left th sinking liner. lng this on Brook street from Wash lngton street to the Cornell road -the city can save several thousand dollars. Practically admitting that, the street to favor Ismay, giving: prominence to j has nover been vacated, th brewery dl the fact that almost every boat was I rectors have submitted a letter to the 0 More Bodies Identified. . "'" rcnlted Pre Leaari Wlrat Kw York. .April 27-Eighty addition al bodies have been ' Identified' aboard th coffin ship Mackay-Bennett sent out to retrieve the bodies of victims of the Titanic disaster .from the deep, according to announcements today from the offices of the White Star line The company saye that th Mackay-Bennett ha "wlrelesaed"-tnem th 18 name. ciy water board offering to give another street 40 feet wide and nearly 200 feet long lnsfead of Brook street. . The city engineer has stated that the offer of tbe brewery ia Advantageous to ths city, as tbe new street would hav a slightly better grade than the one shown on the plat " . :, . Two ther streets ran' th rough th brewery prortyi namely K! i and Post streets. Jt ii probable that ll brewery company win aek,the couih-.I to order the vacation) of all three strata. - How Detf oitElectric Delivery Service Will Save Money 1. Electricity is the most economical power in existence, everything considered. You use it in your store, your factory, your home; why not use electrically propelled delivery vehicles? 2. No expense for power except when the car is actually running. 3. The "elimination of complex mechanism keeps down repair bills. 4. Of all power, electricity is the simplest. 5. The Detroit electric is easily handled in congested traffic. The various Speeds desired are obtained by the use of one lever. There are no gears to shift or clutches to handle; no engine speed ta be taken into consideration. . . Detroit Electric Commercial Vehicles are designed for the ex clusive use of the Thomas A. Edison nickel and steel battery.. Think what this means; The Edison battery in a Detroit Electric Commercial Vehicle is 300 pounds lighter than a lead plate battery equipment, and at the same time gives 30 per cent more capacity. This capacity is a "permanent one, guaranteed for three years. ' The reduction in weight, is a saving in tire and bearing exoense, and reduces the general cost of operation. The motor, wiring, controller and general chassis construction are designed tontiIl2e efficiently the tremendous' capacity of this battery. . The Edison battery isan investment not a running expense. All the mileage and power for the average day's work is afforded and the car is made to last. It is cheaper to own." 6, COMMERCIAL VEHICLE FRANK C. RIGGS MOTOR SERVICE BUILDING . : vH' Eschisire JEletii-Derrtmcnt ; '. fS:i CORNELL ROAD. TWENTY-THIRD AND WASHlNGf d?TSTS.