The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, April 27, 1912, Page 13, Image 13

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By "Bud" Fisher
JJi n iv I ".v.. . JA7a-r I fTTT f C-W; Jeff- uAVtt
i , ' . ' - - - ' ' . '
Short Stories Tell Delayed News
trm of the KimIi of rrkUf Afwcwooe jm1 Me tit, rr:rpbel for
Senator Chatrrlal.'S bill aaalag that
an additional II MM ba 444 IM
appropriation t.f III. heretofore
granted for lh eorlruc-tlM f federal
building at A I batty. La pee ad lb ee
Repabllraa rs ember of the Null f
raf coramKf ar fraotlag wel
tariff till to report to th senate aa a
eubatitut for I ha t'oderwood bill.
.aaeed by the house placing aa' d e
lorain rata of It pa- cl Bp woo
Importatioea. Tha eeaale eommltla i
bill. II la expected, arlll carry a pclfic
jAiir of II rent a pound upon luiperta
ltions of flrai and soooad claa acoored
Under tha caption. "Aa Mad aa a
March Hare." Colonel Wa Hereon aayi
In Ida PourUr-Journal: "Tha epectacl
of the president of Iba United flute
encaged la an unmly public quarral
ilh an az-prldant of tha V nil ad
hutaa may ba. aa tha aarl" bath It,
aliht for goAt and mm, but from
td viewpoint of tha paopla, proad
riially of their country a dlcnlty and
fHiatr amoni natlooa of tha earth. It la
An aqual aoffrafa constitutional
amendmant la to ba aubmlttrd at tha
neit election In Mlaaourt under tha
Initiative and referendum.
nepreaentatlva Hawlay haa fllad hla
final matement of primary campalirn
expenaea under tha national law. la
total expenditure to ecur nomination
wan tJ. but under tha Oregon corrupt
prnctlres act he report ITt.ll, tha dif
ference being JJ. (0 for printing and
poatage, upon which the report la not
required by tha national act
form af I be Teexweay 111 bail r
mday algal after ke -a4 (Jeyad wit
out eltplrvg tot 41 aoua a4 II Bala-
Dan Tlberklen, a rich farmer ef
Wella ford. Kan., ehot Cbarlea HarV
hired hand, twice In tha bc mday.
when he found Mm at hla home.' Tlber
klen had run Hurt off befora. It U amid,
with a ahotgun. becauae ha feared Hurt
n too attentive to Mra. Tlberklen.
Klamea , originating In tha awltch
bnard Friday destroyed tha old Acade
my of Mualo. for 40 yeara a popular
playhouaa of Plttabura". Pa. Tha loaa la
Wiretappera on . Friday took $71,000
from bookmaker operating; pool room a
In New York city. . Tha coup waa ef
fected by aendlng telegraph lo Informa
tion Into every large poolroom that Su
perstition had won tha fourth race at
Jameatown. Tha daring tneri waa not
discovered until an hour later, when lc,e of Charles W. Wappeneteln, former
' Aa eraMttmtat la enede Ibal the
baartaga twfx'a the eianlor la the
mm f l ha imanatir ault for the
dlMQlutlow of tta t'all4 IUI leJ
corpora I loo will bgia May la w
Couaaal for ft- Oaraawa V. T. ItKh
aao argad Oo racnar Fom Prtday to lay
bafora tha eiaralive cauactl thalr petl
Ilea aakla4t that the aaataara of dath
ba rbaag4 la on a of Ufa Iroprleaa-
Promlneol lawyer of It atatca aa
aetnbled In rttlraga Friday and etartad
a movement for general houaacleanlng
III tha courta of the l'nltad BUUea. Tha
delegataa, who rapraeenlad mra than
tt.otO lawyara. prartlrlng In all allona.
from New England to tha PaelfU? eoaet.
uaanlmoualy choaa Illlnola aa tha logi
cal leader for a national effort lo acur
mora enlightened aad efficient tnathoda
of court procedure- The laaue. accord
ing JO tha agreement or more than a
erera of pakrra, la a substitution of
'common Bones' for archalao English
common law requirements.
Padfle CotMt.
While playing with hla little alater on
tha bank of tha Willamette river near
hla home In Albany Friday, Olhaon. the
I- year-old eon of Mr. and Mrs. A. II.
Oorham, loat hla balance and fell Into
tha water, where ha drowned before help
could reach him.
Touching" a lighted match to a dyna
mite cap which ha held la hla hand, the
II- year-old son of J. It Crosby, a mill-J
worker realdlng In Rlverdale. Wash.,
was terribly Injured by- the exploelbn
that followed which tore three flngere
from one band and badly lacerated the
Joa B. LeMaater, assistant cash ler of
tha Northern Express company, who die
appeared from Spokane last Monday,
waa ahort between lltOO and 11000, ac
cording to Information given out by
persons who have been auditing his
What la aujiposed to have been the
iirat caaa on record or a laoor union
boycotting a prlxeflght appeared In San
Franclaoo Wednesday night when an
embargo waa placed on the Kid George
Howard Morrow match because George,
It was declared, had once failed to
respond to a strike call, whan he waa
driving a milk wagon.
The supreme court of Washington has
denied a petition for rehearing of the
af Ceme af Ike rifte eaaal
efce a taur af t L'ftlia Utai.
Aaeialaal acrlary t lha Treasury
Curtis baa eaes la I ha a 14 at ftp
esaekcrs by eae41ag Ike cueiaaM ra
U i tors hum auiKaris 4uli travel
er I being Into lk L'alte mala free
of duly tare poena of pre fared aanuk
tag Ivttsreo, 1 tie af ike p-erwilited It
cJcare r lt cigaralle.
Tha bomhardmeal by Italia warablpa
f the lMaiwlla fan a weak ago waa
sack hhx aerlexsa Ihaa afflclally ad
milled. Kamkalea fort, at Iba anlrajtr
of lb ftar-daaalle. waa eoeapUlely 4-
atrvyed. IM TvtrkUh soldier blag
killed aad more tluia that number
Ir. W. Ten Wal Chaag. who waa 4-
rld at tha Vnlveralty of Virginia and.
waa aocoad aerretary of Iba Chin I-
gatloa al Washington under pr. wu
Ting Fang, hta been appolated tW
prldeal of the Ottnese foreign board.
II la understood la Parte that the
powers are, conaldrlag the matter of
advising Italy either lo fore the Dar
danelles or definitely sbandon the plaa,
sa her present Indecision greatly m-
barrasses International ehlpplng.
Reporte are recolved from Tungan. on
the coast of Kwantung province,
that srHoue dUtarbanre nave resulted
from an attempt to collect I he llkln. or
transit taxea. Atl traffic ha been au
pen ded.
(Continued From Page One.)
chief of police of Seattle, convicted of
accepting a bribe and aentenced to serve
What Lydia E. Pinkham'a Veg-
StatemenU Follow.
Kormak was known to ba tha real win
Camilla Bauchla, tha Italian musician I three to ten yeara In tha state pent
who started out on Tuesday evening toltentlary. Thla ends tha litigation, and
break all endurance records for con- J mean a that Wappenateln must go to the
tlnuous 'performances at tha piano, fell penitentiary.
exhausted from Ma stool on tha plat- I The body of James MItchcllf the young
man who fell overboard from the gaso
line schooner Gerald C, while the vessel
was lying at tha Elmore dock at Astoria
last November, waa found floating In
the river opposite the Tallant 6c Grant
cannery Thursday afternoon by two Fin
nish fisherman.
Representatives of R F. Keith have
purchased a magnificent site In the
heart of Los Angela for 1450,000. On
this Keith is to build a $600,000 theatre.
Attorney General Webb, In an opinion
tn TVati1r ittnrficv Wftfthhirflf nr KA.
etADltB ComDOtind Did ror I ram en to county, says that California
". rp mj ". rpi . I women are ineligible to act as trial
X I ucir ncuur"" 1 ueir g wu i jurors, weoo says mat tne amenament
to the state constitution granting the
election franchise to women dealt with
their political rights and duties, and
new mooreneia, umo.- il&xe great I Drlvlna- an Indelible lead oencil com-
pieaaurv in tDanking you lor what your I pletely Jnto his abdomen In an attempt
VegeUbletJOmpoUnd al auiciae, uinon uingg. unaer arreei on
haa rion fnrme II "U'1"1' tuunu wniums
I j "y r j 1 on the floor Of hla cell in tha Oakland,
uau ucanujs uown c.i 4alL cinsra- had natientlv bored
pains, was dizzy and away with tha sharp point of the'' pencil
weak, had pains in I until he had made an Incision in his
lower back and could r " " "Z7 .,,., , .
. m A "vi uawu v fc ."viivti, ui iiiiik r n. 4.a
uuwm mjr cfJ I probably will die.
long enough to get a! pave Abecassis. a wealthy English-
meal. As lonr? as 1 1 man, la minus I100O tn Jewelry today
laid on my back- I ,on the ev" ' hls J?Parture from San
WOUM leel Detler, nocturnal visit by thieves who ransacked
but when I would his apartments in a local hotel,' No
tret no those bearine I clue has; been secured.
down pains would come back, and the Tna armorea cruiser Maryland, which
" " ' . . . . .T I was damaged durina- toroedn nrarf ic
doctor said I l)ad female trouble, Lydia I Tt,egday nlght by the submarine Gram
E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound waa J pus near Los Angreies, left Friday for
the only medicine that helped me and' 1 1 ean Piego. The hole in the vessels
Theva hwn o-rowincr stronger ever since I "u"
. 3 A a i ii r L. : a : i T
1 commenceu vo iu uopo ifc wm . fullei.
You can use this letter.'' Mrt. CASStBj Mexico, are rejwtfd aa follows In a
IAjOXu, Wew juooreneia, ciaric wo.,um I special mspaica to a san rTancisco pa-
I per irom an expeaicion or tnree siaii
Iiead IVnat lOlS Woman says; I correspondents: "An extensive conces
o,.v w;m.. nr... t.b. " timoer and agricultural lanaa.
Tha day al the college, they declare moat
Interesting and educational, and they
came home convinced that the college
la one of the greateat aaseta of the
state and entitled to all of the support
that tha board of regenta may se ex
pedient to recommend.
Flae Baataet arved.
The visit aloaed with an elaborate
banquet prepared and served In Waldo
Hall by tha atudenla of tha Dome tie
Science department. In proposing a rla
Ing vote of thanka to the young ladle.
lion I leld aolde lday by ro
ntea f attelne and affair, the tha
laaltlatlea nutl ke.p up with this
reel 4 !- f develapmenL ll tuttat
mwp Ja the lead, for I havt ba Uld
that ao4 wa kftew ibat the future of
Uregea depend upeo the developiaeal
of It aalural rewuroei"
J t Kerr explained ifcal aeveral new
buiUlaga will ba aeeded wllhoul delay,
the gjuiaailum. library aad woman a
durmllory bolng laa1 lo the utmoal
capclty. A mining building la to b
reeled ea. and a domtlo art build
lag will ala berotua a rerelty. He
explained thai the maintenance fund
caanol b reJured wlikout damage lo
ha efficiency vf the faculty, thla In
answer lo I ho, havtng fifgeld la
the past thai a portioa of the malnten
anc fuad could rbpa ie devoted lo
the bullllng fund, which In the paal
five yeara haa amounted to 11(0.000.
Other speaker war Mayor J. F.
Tales, of Corrallls: ll. F. Irvine. John
F. Carroll and II. ft. Jixeelyn of Port
land. Hon. 1L M. Miliar Introduced a
revolution which waa aed unanlmoua-
ly asking for a federal appropriation to
aid tn dlemlnllng Information to the
people who benrfli directly from the
work Of the experiment station operated
In conjunction with the college. Fol
lowing la the reeolutlnn:
SU1 ladon.
""Where, The bill In congrees known
aa The Iver Kxtanslon Mill' or H. H.
11, (Tl, Is now under consideration.
Thls bill provides for an annual ap
propriation from tha L'nltad Hlata
government of llt.OOJ. to be Increased
by the amount of about :)) per year
for tha atata of Oregon, for a period
of Ian yeara, on condition that the
lata make an aqual appropriation to
the Oregon Agricultural college, aald
sum to be used for tha support of col-
rge extension work In agriculture and
home economics; to convey practical
nforroatlon direct to the farm and
home by field demonstration, public
lion, and Otherwise.
Therefore, be It resolved by this
body, the Oreron-Portland Bualneaa
Men'a excursion, that aald appropriatlan
would be of great value to the state of
Oregon, and w would, therefore,, urge
our members of congress to use their
best efforts for th passage of this
Teaterday afternoon William Hanley,
Dr. A. C. Smith. Judge C. II. Carey,
0.-YV. Accepts Route Surveyed
Except at One Point East
of Shell Rock.
I ta The tomnml 1
Hood Blvar. Or. April It. th Uet
obstacle lo th building of th Port
land Hood lllver road around Shell
rock waa removed thla week hen the
O.-tV. IC A N. company accepted the
rlght-af-way aurveyeU ty County Pur
veyor Murray Kay. Only on chog
wa aaked by Chief Kngtne.r Iloachk of
the railroad and the county court Is
prepared lo acquleee In thla.
County Judrt Culbartsun. Mr. Kay
and W. U Clarke returned ymterday
from Portland, where thty attinli-d a
conference with tha railroad official
The only point at which tha route of
tit road muat be changed la al tha slid
ing reck Ju.i east of H It 11 I look. Here
the railroad Insists that the county's
road muat be conetructed above Ita re
taining wall. Which wera conetruoled
at large ex pen to hold back th
muiM vf luoa rock. '1 his change will
entail an additional exponae on the
county of about 12000.
The matter haa been referred to Su
perintendent O'Brien of the O.-W. R. A
N. for final approval. It la expected
thla will be reeelved next week, when
body of ronvlota will at once be
brought to Shell Itock and work etartad.
averJ enema f b fteU la
wh eu la lktr eUae la are
ulta. laal sight laadr4 hla alga.
linn, to lak effect at Ike ead af th
prl Biheel year. Bee Mllllk,
lealruttar In Malory al resigned.
I'tlnrtpal 11m S wba I a graduate f
Val. (laird In lawlgalng that hi rita
aaa lake f,r what b eoaaldrd Ike
goud af Ibe aebool. Htace the effigy
burning last fall Iher has be r-
taiil frtetloa bet we a aom f Ik
1 1 1 i. s.i
etdM body aad th faeaMf, TUl
frtetlo baa tended la lb rsnt 1
of Ik aludeal and realising that tka
e-ol caanet canltaue I Ik bt 4
raatage aader th esletlag eondlileae,
Frtsx Ipal Hark resigns.
H ra be 1U give up tracts Us, ,
Sam Sloan Is a Cigar
Thai aUs for It than It worth, vl
I Try H. a
r T. Qmlfr) m W-v4aiiI hirl.t 4m f- TK a Un eef
man llnea. In the Pacific northweat, tea- President Carl R. O ray. of tha Hill lines
tlfled the banquet the very beat It had u"n' mnu 1 reaioem r. i- irp.
been hla good fortune to attend In the beI1 of ,h fnrverslty of Oregon spoke
past 10 yeara. and ha said he had at- to th luaent body of tha college. Mr.
tended lo many banquets given by th Hanley Invited each and every one to
Domestic Science department a of Inktl- com" n "tay week or two this aum-
tutlona similar to the O. A. C that he
could, not recall the number. And too.
th banquet had been planned by th
J. K. Weatherford of Albany, member
of the Board of Regents, was the
toastmaster for tha evening and Dr. W
J. Kerr, president or the college, was
tha principal speaker. President Kerr
gave a brief resume of the work accom
pllahed by the college since its more
mer on
his Immense Harney county
'Spmlal to The Journal.
Walla Walla. Wash., April 27. Prin
cipal F. C. Heck of tha Walla Walla high
school, whose effigy waa burned by
membere of tha high achool atudent
body last fall, after the expulsion of
In sli. arpolatraeata. aervlr
and fireproof qaallty of the
btidlng Irte leading hotel In
Lwrlland. th Multnomah. Offers
To the dlecrlmlnallng tra Velar
vry enmlort snd iwnvenlegr
found only In th beat hotel of
the eael Nine etorlee of steal
and roncret with 7: room a
and Bull ialatlallr fumlehed,
with ratee from lo par
day, Kuropaan plan. Motor
'tuea meet all trains and
X. O. OWXma, Maaag.
i. SC. BaVOWsTaZX. ASV. lCA.
I tiiteliliUili
The Portland Hotel
A STAY at Th pnrlUnd will render
your visit lo th city plaura;
the location and surrounding ar
not equalled. The comfort of each
gueat la courteously aaaured. Dining
room snd grill are world-famed for
their esealleiw.
O. J. XAUntAJTST, ataaager.
(Continued From Page One.)
permanent eetabllahment In 1S8S and to I I was conveyed to Holloway prison.
itiuairaie lis grow in explained in at.
( ' Jit 7
while the enrollment of student today
Is 2861, eight years ago It wa but 640
Every county In Oregnn, and S7 states
In the union are represented at the col
lege, he pointed out, and eight foreign
countries are represented.
"A fnw months ago," said Dr. Kerr,
"I predicted that Oregon would see
greater development In the next ten
years than during tho past 60, and I
stand prepared tonight not only to re
Iterate thla statement but to emphasise
it with the greatest confidence.
Development of State.
"I believe that tha development of the
atate .will be even greater than I first
dared predict after the most careful
consideration.' And If tha Oregon Ag
rlcultural college is to retain the post
Spanking does not cure children of
bed-wetting. There Is a constitutional
cause for this trouble. Mrs. M. Sum
mers, ' Box W, Notre Dame, Ind., will
send free to any mother her successful
home treatment, witn run instructions.
Send no money., but write her today If
your children trouble you In this way.
Don't blame tha child, the chances are
it can't help It Thla treatment also
cures adults and aged people troubled
with urine difficulties by day or night.
m rsrm nan rival trPtl ar "f v gf K I n ar w crk) t aa
rinnnam escei-iuit) vompuunu cer-1 tno en ilea from Uinnnllii to Kalfna
tainly has done a, great deal forme, ce-icrux. wa obtained through the Japan
V-a. t.Vino- It I raftered with hArlcache I es ambassador to Mexico last year.
, i t,i t I xniriy Japanese sciennsis are now on
ama vuiu j e.v. w -.-. .round makin elaborate survevs.
niar ana i iibu uw "W". amons- them Katsuvo Tun. official reo.
esTeciaITv after periodawl was always I resent tire of the jaDanesnorernment
?rvl art I thoaeit t woald trv vonr med-1 The concession was mada to a private
r iinanain iqjuw wu,F pany. and a wealthy banker."
felt so much better that I got another I That the war la Chin haa not entire.
and Bow I am a well woman. I wiah iy demoralised bualnea la the celestial
more women would take year medicine. fkintdom jMhoby-tii facthat-
hare told my frienda atent it -rs. 1 r.prelentUl(r consolidated chambers
ROBERT COLT, BOX 45, Sotjtb Wliljams- ot commerce of China, haa accepted the
town. ZJasa, - -. ' - - J I Invitation of the AociUd Chamber
Then don't wonder at
yoqr run-down condi
tion. Ydur food is not
being properly,digested,
thus causing Heartburn,
Gas on Stomach, Belch
ing, Indigestion andCos-
; tiyeness. Y o n should
try a bottle of - '
It makes meak stomachs J
s t r o n g and maintains
i - health. At all Druggists. ;-
aang the Marseillaise on our way to
the Jail. We were hurried to our sep
arate eel hi.
We communicated with our fellow
suffragettes by means of brown paper
megaphones, through the window grat
ings. In accordance with pre-arranged
plans, during the first week we refused
to attend chapel or to work. No real
effort was made to force us to do so.
Later I and a number of others did
light work, such as sewing and knitting
tnereby earning a one-sixth remission
of sentence.
Makes Amtrloaa "flag.
I made an American flag from mv
handkerchief, getting the red atrlping
by uaing the dy from a book cover.
and the blue field by using portion of
my clothing. I placed alx stars In the
corner. Instead of 48 one for each of
tha suffrage states of Utah, Colorado,
Wyoming, Idaho, Washington and Cali
This flag waa confiscated by tha ma.
tron In charge of our ward. Th of
flclals considered such prison discipline
reasonable. They winked at hard labor
clauses In some of the sentences.
We declared a "hunger strike" for the
purpose of .protesting against th gov
ernmenis reiusai to recognize us aa
political prisoners. The prison doctor
(narked me as one upon whom forcible
reeding would be put Into effect. For
tunately the government made us con
cessions; tha strike waa declared off,
and I waa spared this experience.
April 19 I received all the letters for
me which had accumulated during my
six weeks' Imprisonment, Including a
request from tha United Press associa
tion for a" statement.
Many Women Faint.
Last Sunday's chapel service waa so
long that many women fainted.
In the meantime my mother had
hastened to England, and sought my re
lease through the United States em
bassy. She was told that she would be
allowed to visit me if I promised not
to participate In any further suffrage
demonstrations. I refused.
The next day my mother applied per
sonally at tha British home office and
was granted permission to see me.
If the United States embassy mad
any attempt to secure my release, I am
not aware of It. I do not wish to Im
pute absolute .incompetency on the part
of the am has, 'hut I muat suppose that
It function consists In defending per
son in the Interests of American voter
only. - ,
The home office offered to release m
on condition that 1 would acre not- to
commit any willful damage In th fu
ture. I refused, maintaining that I had
not committed any damage.
romTiAiro, oxsooir
On of th Most AJ-tlstlo and Bla-
Santly Appointed Hotel In the
orthwest. Embodvtnar Bverr Mod-
ern Convenience. In center of atatall
and Theatre Slstrlct. Bat $1 and
np with Bath fa and up. OrtU In
connection, bus msets AU Trains.
Hotel Oregon
Portland, Orefon.
Wright & Dickinson Hotel Co,
Hotel Seattle
Seattle, Wash,
Wright & Dickinson Hotel Co.
Both hotels centrally located, modern in every respect and con
ducted on the European plan. ' '
liiiiulS. i
The Hotel Bowers
Eaeyenth and Stark tts. CJndrr New Management
offers all th conveniences of a high class he
WU with all the comforts of horn. Europe
plan. 11.00 per day up. American plan, too.
Famous for ft grill, a la cart and table d'hote -service
at reasonable prlcea. tlpeclal rat t
permanent guasta.
Fifth and Washington Streets.
A Hotel in the Very Heart of Portland's Business
Electric Auto Bus.
Cars to and from Union Depot every few minutes.
Give $10,000 for Prohibition.
' Calte trresa lemd Wire.)
Chicago, April 27. Th largeatL, alogla
gift ver received by th national pro
Is 1 bl tlon eomml tt -1 anneuiwed mar
today, the amount belns; fM.000. Tho
donor Is th Rev. W. M. Nicholson Taft
of Saa Diego, Cak, a relative of , the
president - - '
$3.50 Recipe Free
For Men.
Send Name and Address To
day You Can Have It Free
and Be Strong and Vigorous
I have In mv DOKsesulon a creserlD-
tlon for nervous debility, lack of visror.
falling memory and lame back, brought
on by excesses, that haa cured so many
worn and nervous men right in their
own homes without any additional' help
or medicine that I think every man
who wishes to regain his strength
quickly and auletly. should have a codv.
So I have determined to send n. copy
of the prescription free of charge, lit -a
plain, ordinary sealed envelope to any
man who will write me for It.
This prescription comes from a physi
cian who has made a special study of
men and I am convinced It is th surest
acting combination for the cure of nerv
ous debility ever put together.
I think I owe It to my fellow man to
send them a copy In confidence so that
any man anywhere who is discouraged
with repeated failures may stop drug
ging himself, secure what I believe Is
the quickest-acting restorative, upbuild
ing, SPOT-TOCCHINO remedy ever de
vised, and so cre' himself at home
quietly and quickly. Just drop me a
line like this: Dr. A. E. Robinson, J8S7
Luck Building. I Detroit. Mich., and I will
send you a copy of this splendid recipe
in a plain ordinary envelope free of I
charge. A great many doctor would
charge $S.0 to J5.00 for merely WTttlns;
out prescription Ilk this -but I send
It entirely free.
Oregon Greatest Hotel
550 ROOMS.
With Private Baths
Eastern Excursion
Tickets Apr. 25-26-27
St, Paul or
Minneapolis Only
and Return $60
K . A n . a . mm mam , A A , AA
aJ M, o, 1, 3, lu. J. , Af, ay. ,
un l, e, 7, b, is. 1, to. ii. ao, a, au, ax, i, so, rt no, s
July 3. 3, 6. 7, H. 13, 15, 1, SO, 83. 33, SS,' 99, 30 31.
AugnsV 1. 3, 3, , 7, 13, 15, IS, S3. 33, 89. 30, 31.
Beptember 4. 5, , 7, 8, 11, 13, 30. - .
Sa-u - J" TT "i
I . .... - -r- m. m '
Prora Corns, Bunions, Bora or Calloua
8pota, Blisters, New or tight shoe. Al
len' Foot-ae, the antiaeptfo powder
t br hakenintw-thw e-Uoes. will give
Instant relief. It is th greateat eont
fort discovery of th sere Sold ewery
wbra, lac. Don't accept anv subefl
tut. For miZR sample adlresa. Al
len 8. Olmsted. L Bey, N. T. -
Bipivmotr o, , o, ii. h, avm
caiCAOO ATTD ReTTJRIC . . ......
ST. tOtriS AID BETTTRIf . ........................ 70.00
BEW TOSS ABTtJ. RETUKJT. .. . .... 8108.60
BOSTOH AICD BETtJBlf. ....... ..1110.00
BTjrF.bO AlTD BETUBIT.. ........... f Sl.ftO
city, trr. job, XAW8AJB cz-rt. TrriHirxPEO. roBv ab.
THUA AITO a,ETT7KBf ................I i .... . $90.00
Tickets allow IS days for goinr passage, good for return
to Or-tober 31. 'Sood goina or.e. road. returnlngLSBotner. .
Stopover allowed within limit In each direction.
Try the "OatlJBHTATe UaCITED." Leeve Portlsmt t fi. m.
dully. Through 8tanlurd and Torlt , Pleepora Portland to
- Chicago In IS nour without chang. -:-F I t eerrlc firr
. acenery. . Tickets and sleeping car reservation at city tick-
et efflce, Ko. 121 Third street, or at lepot; Eieventn
nd Hoyt streets. " :
K.-DXCxtSO JT, O. T. T. U IM Thlr Street, Portland.
eUpioaasi aaaa a7V v-a38e.
r "