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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 26, 1912)
Till: OREUOM DAILY JOURNAL. rOIiTI-AND, FRIDAY CVCNIHO. ATRIL ti. Jill. Town Topics sCS DELAY WHELP . lUlUOaUs itiM U "Ta JUJ af A l UM 4 t,tl.aa " CiAt UI.CM 0ae tell ae- FtSt A'irs-V.e4t'.! fcMt-hta..ii. A C ! ' ei;! rL t-Lx-a4e4ia rt"- ' fWtUaa a4 atrlall rair llfl et.4 aaiarasr l-kl fra jMir ibi ihi aad V eaMagteev--relr IMtlkl ad awlufa. .JM free! aat. m li.t,. fair lt.M Mlr-dy lie traal laaitbt. M'ttARO v - I'lairU Naeater, coal kUil eei eloica al MUlaiakl fTa tha UitM4 eeteetery. alee a ! 4i . tig. aM NH f Bareee ed a ! M mark n iras tu Ua.a llva astaslaa autril. la la eu ateivte ef a lPH da le lit police 4alaetie Itile mmiiw b C , Bad ftvea t'aflalU Kl Ut- I ihibk oa, ea i witeet aa sfcauld eaela la ika eea "I ae a IbMl Bp. Ut. end I dk l aaaw koi whs! aueae of (ha man Wil4 M)mI U oata ease of Ikia mmn. Ta Hf ae Uavet. II la miklf aretrla." poavdereA Ika caaUIn Ihla ttr ali Tfea fcarea e fcaeuilful animal. slafcled a I Ha Omk stood eontetsrr. imm akoul I let peesde sad 11 year 014. To kufir u iiakt drtvtag n wits lop Bad e,i!jp-ed vi mkkor Urea. 8.0wed Aastllary T. M. O. A- The aaautl meetina" of Ika llv4 Ladlea Aailllary of ll T. M. C A. we bald WMlnavUr la lha T M C. A. butldlsg I (Wllvood. Officer elected kJ4 easua rapona wara roa4. AH af laal roar" ofncara war ra4acta4 aicajylta Iba Iraaaurar. Tta cfflcwr ar: rroal4al. Mr. W. D. Pklmar; flral lc pral4uU Mr. O. D. Hiaalar; eacood vlc praaldanl. Wr. rooorainc aacraiary, M ra. Iraaaurar, Mra. K. E. eorrvapoixiiBff petrr. Tba raport af iraaaurar ahoaaj that 1110 had boon col)a-t4 during lha yr. and It'l l' had bB dUburaad In lha lnterl of lha 8iioo4 T. XI. C A. Tha auilllary now baa an arllva mambarahlp of 144. Ilk katla. a4 II Upf1aa4 a-oaia aa4 fcaaAagaa ika a wo f -xl-o4 f VI bwifl iala. of III ttaiAar, Ika ta- aa kaa4aa4 firokly 44aa off . TIVo aa l la Ika al of air. Ijaota. ka aiU ei fwr ia auo-al balil t fil4. aVaa4 OaakkM a CkaraA Hr ikaa t l, larlai mtr Ir l ckU 4'a. at. I k-a aai4) la Ika afo4 caaial )ua Uik.r ia ho atioa ai laa Tar lor air( alolnad'al toloeooai ravMk. ki adock iuifci a4a ko aoo$4M of laa faritaad Woa a , M'liiakti tlukv A lara wo)MUa for Ika aoraa. fcttk kaa kaa awf o4 Tk a ahr af Ika (korua at ia ka 4raoo4 la luosaa 4lflla kU . oarioua prta Tfca aaaiaia la to tlo aado ika 4ireua of K H Millar af Ik Haaar J4a foraroa-kltoaal tkork. Tna aola. toia r Mra K I. Mtlior. M, U ftov aaa. t I t'uvlao 4 r, U Oa4lar. ID. Hiaalar; ooroo ilarr Mallatl. ro , Mabal UarUll; Ir 'yC Com pal on, and eor f Ura. J. A. Kllpp. FkUa at alctda Tlrd of tha. hum drum of II f. and dNpondant borauoa ha can uol find hla wifa and two chlldron who ara ballvd to bo In Hi la city. U. lianry. a laborar. d II roars, at tmpl4 aulrld Ihla morning by ewal lowlng atx anllpllr lahlolo, at Twnljr aoranlh and Thurmn atiotk. nd but for lha quick work of Patrolman I- Halla who waa ruahrd to lha man's aM wbon tho rnsitar M roporiod lo lha polle hrad.)uarlara. ho would prohably hav sucooedad In hla purpoaa. ii waa ruahad lo Pt. Vlnconls hoapltal whora la Is In a vary bad condition but hopoa ar rxpraaaod that hla Ufa may ba aarod. Ha told tha patrolman that ha had no and waa tlrad of living. ataot to a 4 1 a a riaa Tba a-da lUaal 4fniaal af Ika T, af. C A wnl ka koal la Ika aWandlaavlaas af rvrttaa4 and vlrlalty al a roookllMi la k-a a la lb kkooelaltoa a4!la luas $tur4Mf otaniaa ttttm lo I o'clock. Tko oalarlalnaiaal prl4t aalda frooa Ika a-lal faalura. la a ra4 lag. Tuck Ardaa." ky Mra. C O. T ouag arcowpanlad bf I'arl itwottaoa. orgaalal al Ika VVMIa Towplo. al Ika ktaaa. Tbara la ao - admlaolo sad Iba public ta g an ar II f lavll4. Salktasata rarmltara ooaipaay will r Mbit Ulr hand mad atahogaar fumllur wtada karo In Poriiaad la ikatr owa workahop, kaglnnlng Monday, April II, eeaiiaulng through U wk al lhair aiaro, 411 Aldar alro-t- ror Ihla aiblbl- I ton ihy will sfsia maka a II par conl dlocouet oa all furnhor purchaaod or ordorod, also oa tbalr aow ablpmonl af flnamald blala. Mala Itll. CV Ika HaklVOo wkora lha crowd Naw Uraad thoalr. 11 tilth straal. batwaaa Waablngloa aad Clark. oommanrlng Thuroday, April XI for Ibroo dajra. Oaumool g wookly. all tha lataot naw a af lha world. Boat ahow la too oil for Iba monay. Thra thou- aad foal films ahow a vry shew, rtva conis any aaat flva cant a. Boar Wa daltvor lo ail parts of tba city lha following brand a of brawary bodltng boor: Holnbards Columbia. Oambrinua 0locl. Mount Hood Naw Llfa. Hop Oold, Ed I Brail. Ralnlar, and Olympla, 1 1.7 k par dosan quart a, laas 40 for amply bottloa. National wlna company. Fifth and Stark atrarta. fhcnva Main I4, A-44M. Boom BCaa Drowna Waltar Law, a boom man. waa drownd last night Off his scow, at tha foot of Twenty-third lrt and hla body was found about two hours latnr by V. D. faul and Waller Wllllama. membera of tho colony, who atarted a aaarch aftor tha report waa made of hla dlaappoaranoe. Law had horn married but one weak when drath overtook him. and hla brlda. who was the widow of a boom man who waa drowned several yeare ago. Immediately prophcKlad that her new -pouee had met a similar fate. waa working on his srrw. putllng new logs under It, when It 1k hi-lievtd tliat he fell, striking hla head on a log, atunnlng him. raa oxaaalaed. glasses fitted, no grugs uaod. Our methods of fitting rraa are the laleat and beat. Hundreds of satisfied patrons recommend our ork. Geo. Rubensteln. optician, lit Third alraaL Miss Mary Abbott la now able to see well ss over. Her recovery (s owing to tha glasses prescribed by Lr. Oeorge Rubenstrln, optician. 111 Ird St., near Taylor. teajaer Jssss BarUas for Camaa, Wsahougkl and way landings, dally ss cept Sunday. Laavas Washington straot dork at I p. m. Fast Trip to Oeaxbaxt "lr Sea" to morrow only II round trip. Tickets at North Bank ticket office, also 100 H Fourth street. mm BOARD TO GET BETTER SITE Purchaser of Old Building Will Extend Lease, He Writes Puts New Phase on Loca tion Campaign. . Bsasrre Tickets Bow for Knights of Colambn special train, leaving 1 p. m. tomorrow. fast U Minn tea' Bide from First and Alder streets to Osks rink; skating af tirnoon and evening. W. A. Wise and aseoclatea. painless dentists. Third and Washington, Jeha W. Viodgal. purclaer of Ika realiwi library kultdirg aad alia al rsrk. tiark aM Savekih alraata. kas vrillM a Utter I rraetd! C. H- Me rka af it Ureaier fwrilaM fUs sa actatlan eayln lit I ka will fatrably eobeldar a prvpwallloe) la ailead Ike lawae wblcfc iba library board baa far Ika to Of li e kulldlag attd 4lay Ilia roaatruriloa of ! tumbarmena ra- llonal lank building al in I ! a. If by ae dleg lbs library board caa be ta dared lo aacura a alia for catraj library faclag on of lb lrk block and Ibu ewnrurasiag wktfc the Oraalar forllaod plan ruatutaetar Mrrl-k a414 al lb meal ing of lh aaaocladoo laal Mghl h bad received auck Utter from Mr lllodgat. II puts a sew phase oa ttie rajniwlgn o relocate the library relner than um the block at Tenth. fcUetentit. Yamhill aad Taylor etrtets whKh waa rhoean by lha library board and which la objected lo by the 494 member or lha association bacaua II la bounded by narrow streets cloa ta apartmaal kouaea and lache lha editing wklch. tl Is pointed out. should be given on of tn city's monumental buildings. Last Arrkssaat, Bay MerrUk. Mr. Merrick aald he bad beu told by the library board thai tha reason for hsalenlng work In clearing away lha buildings on tba block already bought was because Mr. Blodgel had demanded possession. Mr. luodgel. he said, nut only dalrea to aid tha Greater Portland plan bul will coins to Mrtland May 10 io give personal attention lo the matter. His homo 1 Grand Haplds, Mich. This la thf lsst argumsnt which tha library board ran make agalnat the re location,' aald Mr. Merrick In a lo cation facing one of tha Tark blocka everything that contributes lo s eight liaise and beauty and municipal pride will be gained. Beatdce this Is an Im portant unit of the plan for building J I'orllaad aystemsucany ana n we mi- our firm unit now -n e rp-ci gain oilier linprovenieiitsr K. U Thompson, Tort land lsnser wno reoently returned from an Kuropn tour, told "How urealer i-oruana i-oon from Kurnp " His adilrrss wsa Illus trated slth colored slides of Fsrls snd lyondon. Of Ores! Benefit to City. Mr. Thompson srgucd thst nothing could benefit 1'ortland eo greatly in a financial way us to closely head the great plan formulated by Municipal Architect E. H. Dennett lor me cny. le suggested thst Instead ot iryma lden ordinary aireeis nrT n '-""' kU uit n rirst rioor winuuwi u j feet, thus pronaing a walk and giving tne enuro vehicles. He urged tha elimination of telephone nd telegraph poles. There should at leaat be, hs said, an ordinance passed requiring ail companies to use the asm poles. In many places, averred Mr. Thompaon, there are so rnmy tele- ar e4 iirb- i la tk way Ik I the? ewewwea ai) kae view. Ike et'aete wkMk ak.i4 tt-e wi4. ke eareeat. Kt4 k Ike) taftial ka4 aw rat Ira'rt srlMta a as la nwai ! llalfJS l(a Ik lae of Ik aI la lis t4a- lf w wli Waaaufy -t-wUa4 aa.4 tU4 lallliaur. awaaiaSa4 Mr 1 ii iii w . sa e'v aa tstpetaa I Ik waa 4sw fViar- iMifautl Ikal will lera rat way Iks I laa ml 44 rewtiaa la tt ire-a (, t Ua4 ka rey a4vasUa "t laMiiwa es4 lltal 4 kawaUaes kwaely aa4 raweak to a have ae4 Ike l Kew k kav IL W kt4 ae It' reevUad Berk as A4'akeg. MaJNk kiadjaak eagiseer of Ike Brwe4ay . bfUse. akawad a a1ea f baa of Ika aid wet U la eauet Ilk Iks atllltarUa afcstetaa nera f Asserloa. Oewrg B, Merar4l. aeaswlilaa egf aaac af Ik Wle eka eaamatlaalea. deaertbed rriUa4 a har ba a4feaia as detailed) la, Ike reeil kailie4 report ef Ike kerb l-aara. Aaweka awmt-ar af aielally pfeaered eildea ke akewed a V1w emphasising kew esuck arewlsr La rar tlaod a irlktary lertl lery Ikaa lb.a of (Ua tTBtla or rUeltta, MICHAEL R. YOUNG APPEARS, FATHER OF MABEL WARNER (Coetlnard frets rge On ) te4 ar -aa ta -vetW4 ls ki 14a aad U al a m 4 Mel fw Ive rw kxa deaitk It hii wl Siraigkl ta kiMMi tskaaj ka Mi kia ea. sr"l lw i ia ti i as I Si tkin. e4 Ikal aa aw4 ta I'kJirae faita, kw ke i,4 aktU ki Mve sa m I ki riwl ke l tel kWee'ai llai ks . k wrata Ute le f-s Aaeattee. aS4iaeag lk i Wael. kl aiaaia. ka aestaisa. 11 ' ia4 la kltav rwa rear k w eike4 lr Ik asa -" hetiaw. aw-e4M . " a fiaea a la li-l f ike Ikird 11 f kiak-el Veaa aa a (karae ef fargery Ikal as UaraA mt ker eaaal iimWii a4 kr leaa figkl la Ika ra l Ik estate tf kla krelker reAarai Overt Ka Bye Irs, Km ettr 4 k Xr k sever e'gaad 4KUsaIS kvrpawtiaa la t-r ka S'.gsklur kui aae'a kla kailtf thai Ike f kia uirs a4 brk. aa k.'ia l law le ike aeleie ml t v Taaek. wxe ka4 arflkaal aelkwflty 111 iaaly. If It I ever lka ky a aarV will IH evaiala Islal- lie al4 dlalawwraa Jael ' lla ef ella win be lake saw. Ml tkaifcar will ear. kul et latinela lial 11 ftJaiel tea'tt taey k J-il. dniaa CAMPAIGN EXPENSE STATEMENTS FILED: S22a90 TO $164.70 FORT WALLA WALLA, V..' .NOT TO DE REOCCUHLO ! 4 rtaatev aeaifl sa4 way a fl la l rwl set. ) taaiiaa teAey kaaa nua HuUa4 Milan' ef lki' 4 pajga Tke awwaly aa4 aietrHI mntvm ar filed wlik Iba Ik wany cteak. walk Ika stele 4) me ae 114 ky Ik aeeew- 4) laiy ef aiale 4 Tfc 4aieeaia ftWd laday 4 as A- A. bviiey, eaadiaele f 4 evvaly raur, 144 10, t 4 H IWm etale seaale. 14 ll ! I. O tarv!'. etale repreaea- i lellee. IT. Jaka M leala, 4 aotaair ireeeeree. III I. W. aV 4 Kaffard. uilre ef Iks paaeav 4 j 114 14 rteken a Parreit 4 li aeevaler. 44 Healaavla 4 , BrUk. etale l.fUlalere, III 4a, tia( e RaaeaHaa. elale rapf ' lallva. Iff I: A U NtaAa. 4 , ail reyeaeeataliva, H4 4l, M 4 A aterejr. elale aeaais lit. , aas l (V feKeisea. cvaatakl. j 11111 4 tkl.. arU 4. --i a ey e Ittity at rt w ut toai. tu a laawr kail Ika akaaAled (xl a l ka seaauwd -4 r ytad. H M M -) f steal k a - fir aa wf U4 la Ik aaiinta far a 4rt4 -. aad -f Ika eH f I eaat U teas, AMI CUES?. ago hla rblldraa ssy Ihey war unaware thai, tha report waa erroneous and claim Ihsy aers su rp r1 aad almael I lh point f larredellty whea Ibay received a letter fmra kin. Upon hie arrival bare ha declared he Onlrra to tterrwH Hllllla. 1 1 altaJ lw WUai lHa-. "U April 14 To m la,a t.f the fallforfil Keilonal iad. the flflk and elgtitk. bate reeaiva.1 or date frvn Hrramiia I recruit le 1 u n ck bd be reety far laBJiel mT ttm. It la believe! that aarvtee In eoaaec lloa HI) Meilran revolullen la cob emplated An Evening In Town i Thi Hrgin ii hsri'ily bf lctt ihc theatre with a !elictout dinner tt Portland Hotel Grill Menu a la Carte OrliKhtful muic trh week day rveninB. 6 15 to 8 15 n1 10 to 12 V) "Campus Moused Turviliy rvrtmu, April .V) and VrlncN!sy aflernonn. May I Mkr rrrrkli"ns now "Jut a lilock frcm ihr I IciIik " O. J. KAUFMANN. Manager. Telephone. Main S342. A-1166. - 1 Boliivan's OnUh Bawer No action wes taken by the "ewer committee of. the executive board yestsrday on inn bldrt for the construction of the two branrhea of the Sullivan's gulch sew er. Only two members of th commit tee wi re preiu-ni, and they disacreed as lr the methixl of letting tha contract. Tho P:iclflc Bridge company Is tho low cut bidder for brsnch No. 1 of tha sower with a bid of 170, OoO. For branch No. 2 the firm uf Jeffrey A Buff ton is tho lowest bidder with a tender of 172.000. The committee will hold a special meet ing this nfternoon to decide on the mat ter finally. Dr. Br. I. O. Brown, Eye. Bar. Marqoam amm has returned Celling bldg. Motorcyclist Injures Woman Miss Klla Newoomb, a stenographer for the Spring- Valley Wine company, who re dden at the Chetopa apartments, Kig-hteenth and Flanders streets, was badly bruised when she was struck by a motorcycle, ridden by a young man whose nme Is not known, at 1:80 o'clock yesterday afternoon as she was crossing Fourth street near Stark. Bhe was picked up by pedestrians and taken Into a nearby store, before going to her home. She sustained several minor outs. Tha rider disappeared. GOOD HIGHWAYS SQUADRON IS TO MEET TOMORROW (Continued From Page One.) Oooparatlr Store Plan A meeting of those Interested In the promotion of the proposed Albina Cooperative store will be held this evening at I o'clock In Voelker's hall, 7S Mississippi avenue. Th reports of 20 volunteer solicitor for stock in the enterprise win be heard, and Councilman G eor Re Baker la ex pected to make an address. According to solicitors' reports today more than 100 persons have each subscribed for a share of stock at 110 a share. Xn memory of Tltanlo Tlotlma Mayor Rushlight thla morning appointed a special committee of the council to draft a resolution in memory of the victims of th Titanic disaster. The cc-mmittee consists of Councllmen Wallace, Mene fee. Clyde, Joy and Wllhelm. Show JClndnss to Dor A stray fox terrier puppy, "which had ' been stoned by boys, was seen limping along Larra bee street yesterday afternoon by Pa trolman P. R. Johnson, and immediately MEN ; WILL PROFIT SATURDAY Special Sale Men's Silk . Hose that wear splendidly Black .-and OC. all colors, pair . . . .aeeJC Fibre Silk Knitted Ties Exact duplicate of the $1.0Q pat- OC terns.. ... . ... .v.. -; . .VaWC B0 MOBJttSOK BTBJBBT Tn House .That QuaUty Bmllt. the road bills are and how badly they are needed "as a first development es sential for Oregon, A number of business houses and Institutions are planning to circulate petitions in whirlwind fashion on Wednesday, May 1. The T. M. C. A. Is first to announce such sn Intention. Two or more men will be given tho duty or going- through the building and se curing the signatures of the 1400 men resident there. Plans for the good roads parade for next Wednesday will occupy much of the meeting tomorrow. All that can make the parade distinctive and unique will be utilized. A special parade com mittee will be appointed. The list of places where the Initiative petitions for the highway bills may be signed is as follows: Where retltloas Kay Be Birned, Journal buslnesi office. Fifth and YamhllL Oregonlan business office, 81xth and Alder. W. J. Clemens, No. 1 Commercial Club building. Home Telephone company, Park and Bumslde. Um den stock ft Larson company, SSI Oak street. Liumbermens National bank, Fifth and Stark. - First. National bank, First and Wash ington. Merchants National bank. Fourth and Washington. Frank C. Rlgg (Packard garage). Twenty-third and Cornell streets. Sig Slchel ft Co., Sixth and Washing ton streets. T - Brady ft Oliver, Teon building. Martin ft Campbell, No. t Worcester building. j Beall ft CO,. SOI Bast Yamhill street Title ft Trust company, Lewis build ing;. Archer A Wiggins company. Sixth and Oak streets. : Eastern ft Western Lumber company. Twenty-flrat and North Front Oregon Association for Highway Im provement, 123 Board of , Trade build ing. 'Signatures are now reaching the of fice of the Oregon Association for High way Improvement at tho rata of nearly 2000 a day. these coming1 about equally from tha state and city. . Many Will Participate Portland Homes Getting New: Pianos by Paying uniy One Dollar. fas-." I U 15 1 - -J J "j af' I MONEY TRUST INQUIRY APPROVED BY HOUSE I Out ted Press Leased Wire.) Waslilng-ton, April 21, 'By a vote of 1ST to II the house has passed tha Pujo resolution calling for an Investigation of the money trust Tha measura em power tha commutes on banking and currency to' Inquire) Into "the relations existing between the national, banks -of New York and industrial and railroad corporations." . ; r . ' - Journal WantVAds bring results. 1 i Nevar before has there been such won derful selling of pianos as now, at Ellers Music House. One dollar down snd one dollar a weeic rives you choice of 40 pianos at Port land's old reliable piano house Un heard of, you say of course It was un Eeard of until it was recently In augu rated by Ellers Music House. No other firm aver made uch low terms. Of course no other firm ever maae -uc low terms because there Is but one Kilers Music House. Nowhere in me t country win yau mm """"""'-, selling In the volume that Is handled here. Nowhere in the country Is there another mfitrtc house large enougn ana strong enough to enter an agreement with seven big manufacturers to sell niinon at teims of l a week. v - - . . t " 1 1 Miiali. TTiiiaA or Nor wouia - any or tnese "a such, terms In any territory oui nortnwest country. Conditions are dif ferent here. Of course a dollar a ween is noi muu. . . rovmont to receive on a high grado piano but where could pianos be placed to a better advantage than in this new country? Just thlnK wnai ii win inean to these makers to have over 600 of these high classed pianos distributed In representative homes. We know that good pianos sold at thes terms will make for us friends that will never forget th cooperation that Ellers Music House extended them In allowing them to get a piano now when otherwiso they would hava had to wait two or maybe three years. This la why Ellers Music House has let down the bars, so to speak, and of fers every Portland home the opportun ity to secure their piano now. Just think of lt pay only a dollar down and a dollar a week. One dollar looks easy it is easy. Remember we don't charge the big retail price that you are expect- , ed to pay elsewnere. You can get a high class, fully war ranted piano at 1233, 1216, 1186, or one j with plainer case ror ito. ememoer too. that there are 40 styles to choose from. No mystifying conditions no red tRDe no advertising to bo done Just pay one dollar down and on dollar a week. You need not now put off ooming on account of heavy taxes or other invest- I menu that you think may stand in the way. Come in today or tho first thing tomorrow and see these brand new high grade pianos that are displayed on five floors throughout the big Ellers build- j tag. Undoubtedly many of your neighbors ; and friends have purchased pianos from Ellers Muslo House and they will tell you what Ellers quality and what Ellers service means. Everything Ellers sell la . high grade and positively guaranteed by ; Ellers Music House. Money refunded . If goods are not satisfactory or as' actually represented, ! Secure now a fine new piano, one you'll : be, proud to own a piano that's a credit : ta your home, a source of unlimited en joyment and benefit 4o- all. On dollar ' a week (or equivalent by th month' If. preferred) does-tt, . but you must de cide now. Merely bring a dollar and pick out your piano we'll deliver your piano at oncarbut It will be necessary to do It , the quality beer Youll understand why it is growing ao fast in popularity. The new cap requires no opener. Saves both time and patience. Standard prices. Delivered everywhere. Bot tles exchanged. Phone your dealer or grocer or Main 708. PORTLAND BREWING CO. A 5325 Ellers Music House, EHera building,; Seventh , and , Alder streets.- - America' j largest music dealer. M9 stores. . "BRAND'S Al SAUCE" The chafing dish, the grilled or roasted delicacy, is made infinitely more tasty and digestible by this fine old English Sauce. Served on request at all good cafes. Sold by us as distributers. L. Mayer & Co. PORTLAND'S OLDEST AND BEST GROCERS 148 Third Street. Main 9432, A-4432. Weekly Saving on Regular Stocked Groceries Van Houten's Cocoa, reg. 30c and 60c, tin..25? and 50 Pimento Cheese, regular 20c, jar .15 French Peas, regular 35c, per tin 25 Button Mushrooms, regular 20c tin, 3 cans for 50 Skinless and Boneles9 Sardines, regular 50c, tin. . . . . .40 Bar le Due, red or white, regular 35c, jar 30 Long Branch Crackers, regular 20c, package 15d Monopole Champagne, regular $2, pint $1.90 Dutch Cleanser, 3 cans for 25 Grape Juice, regular 60c, quart." ..45J All local beers at brewery prices. Just Received, to Tickle the Palate AM sizes Pate 'de Foie Gras, 25c, 40c, 65c, 90c and $1.25 Olives Farcis, stuffed with anchpvies, 40c and ..75J Kimmel Kase (Sheese with Carraway), Cantel Camembert. Vegetable and Fruit Department Get Our Prices New String Beans, French Carrots, Sugar Peas, Egg Plant, Mammoth Asparagus, Large Los Angeles Head Lat-, tuce, 5J each. Extra fancy Strawberries. . We Deliver to All Parts of the City Daily OPEN AN ACCOUNT WITH US MOONLIGHT BAY OMaaarr eaeaiteeaj BM I -llir. ta the Ft'4 ta llonsjr Waalli.r it Ik oS I I - Thai Ci'rrr Hilda TteaaMa l.n Waa tl aad Ton Waie Ml l 4 If Tea Tela ta Tour Blaa Iton'l MaMte air Name Oa! Use Mitsle With Uf fcUete Rum Tuas Tlddle. TaeaaaUe OatalefM Mailed Tf. HEILIG II Trm eaa BM T fee IU0 Add le aaay aa asaa aeaara. Waea It's BTaate ae Flataraa. r whara Ike arreraa f. savoafx m. avnaex co. it waaklarea aHreet Opaa evaalafS tUl 1000 50c Pictures 1 Kc We believe this to be tha arateet alu ever offered In lortlend The Im-ludra nurh famous ul)r'ta as tha Hory, Mother's runs. eln. The moupUnii ara a larh rich rolor snd contain ap trxprlate versa. 8ee them In win CHESTER eV AN Arrow Kotch COLLAR Meets close In front and stays so 15? 2 for Uf , Cluett, Peaboalr A Ov, Troy, N. T. Avoid the annoyance of having the streets continually Torn Up for repairs insist on bitulithic paving, the kind that wears. ItneK EJ I -luu MTo SUCCESS lJ3uiUeri9 of Homes. t MUATMM m tv Ttnaa Mel 4. -v-Uti Tfc Fa evil CaeaeaUaaM May Robson TU avuvTBaaTIOJl or nr hamv Teaaerrear Bis VI aa4 al !ej prim Mallaaa laaavi A BIOIT VT K.Ih,.I . II. T. lee. It. t Tjwioi laa Mat tl. tie, iC t lU. - saart iow nmn HKllJtJ TUsUTB ' Ntil Ma4ar Hf. April fl The Swedish Playen la laa Canved, villi MaaU "The PiBmsl Girls" fr !- tar floor- rtral II reera. Ills, laat t rea, II. Hicmr. first i reae II, aast leer lie, Wei ll ree lee. Oallenr, reaene aa4 aa- ailaaMia ISe. RAKPP ' Set, Sa aaae,ara. TOKIUIIT Teelskt. teraerreer alsfct aad Sat alaL m p wnn a rUTa -T 00111" fly Rs Baartt. Thrilling la aetlae Alaska during the first 14 rusnaa, Cveamt price. II, IK. a kiabsc atau lae lie. est wtl, saarfelajr ireaaar Kai. -Taa bM-b ai Ua Craaa." rUTUT f f Manr a, awiom in. a. j atATiaSB UfXi JrMTIIKATllK l5-5-JO-rj4 Aids Overtea Walker, ZaMreaf, Votle. rare 4, TJ, Jteaa eaia, Begaat It sTalsaew WeitearU. Tea KwmAf, Orcaeetra Vlotaree. aefaa atanaea aT vary Pay. ai? TTniTa ft Oeeuldtaa ranasrLg ffra " meflaad Taaaetia . . , . 1 wnx atmo, ta ) "A ytcl ra aa Bsf. 11 sb aCual Ball," taa Bejat Itatll Troupe, Walters aad rraak, WUsaa aad Ww, afr. aad, era. aTyda? Bey olds. Baa Xleaaos Ball, Orefcestsa. rmuCBI ISa and taa Kattaea Bally ' WIBK AnrZi ta Direct from Bew Tork. The oal Xla." AaraiaateA er chestra, dl recti oa af O. S. Boerta. Tl rare. Brooke t B arris, Carre Brea, M array Beaaatt, raatagaaoop. Orohes. kra. ropniaa prioes. Box ffica opea 19 a. m. to 10 p. m. rhoaea A-aaso, Mala aaaa. Cnrtaim -JO. Till aad Boxes and first row balooay teeerved. LYRIC; TK1ATU ' POUBTI AID T.B Win ATBXL t2 Bxtra, pedal retnrn aa-acama Bdw. S. AUea ta "The Ball of China town," dlrectloa AUea CurOe. rerformancas dally, too, T30 ud 90S. WlTht prices, IS aad Ua Matinees, any seat 15c. ezoept Sundays and holidays, mday night, Ononis OUla Oontast, s BXCBXATIOB rABX ' Corner Vaughn aad Twenty-lotuta It. Portland , ; va. Oakland APBH. 83. fl, 85, 86, 87, 88. - , Games begin week days I P. m. Bun- days 2:30 p. m. IBIBS BAT niOAT Boys under 12 tree to bleachers Wednes aay. TZOXSTfl VOW OIT BAJbS IT Ua THBATBB BOX ORICtl TOM Grand Annual Ball or TBS T. lVfl. Al, AJUCOBT WKt ' -'qgHi" Saturday, April 87, 8i48 p. M. -: - Officers & Directors Thomas Prince Acting President O. K. Jeffery First Vice-President H. L. Keats. ..Second Vice-President M. Peterson..... Third Vice-President W. A. King...... Secretary-Treasurer H. V. Carrington.. Auditor Franklin T. Griffith. .. .Chief Counsel VV. B. Shively General Attorney E. H. Dodge Director C. J. Franklin Director Our :PBOFITSHAW. Investment Certificates areHEAL Moneyllakers KAVB TOU BE8EXTXD rourn TABUS TOB TB38) EVBHUTCI AT IBB ABOaDTdlf OABSBST - - HOTEL MULTNOMAH "Th Restaurant BeautlfulT' The entertainment feature will surprise you by their excellence. Complet program twlc vry evening, from 6:30 to ; 8.:I0 and from 10:10 to 12:10. uxxiro, boss ajts batmobo In tha latest popular songs. ta ATOTTOITA Spanish Dancer XOBSan Violin Virtuoso FBABCO BTXAPOUTAaT svo Serenaders rnxLTjp rsur cobcxbt ob- , ClUlllTBA Or 8QI.018T8, MVXTirOMAX XOTBXt 0O1C ; H. C. Bower ,Marr, ' Send for Booklet Corbctt Bids Portland, Or. Vaa aaaaaaaaaaaaa 1 TZrn 1 h.i!n.i I'.tii' r--" -