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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 26, 1912)
j. 1511. . THK OKEGOJJ DAILY JOUiu.AU rvKiuAnih i nfi'Tfiiiri n i hum1 i i iiiiiniMrOrP r Milium im ii m m n i run nmw me i-w af w giniw - - - mmtmmmfmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmi n ...... a ? COMMENT AND NEWS IN BRIEF ...T - ..... f ki it. turn ml imUuiiU( l iu r-.ri.r.',' i . mmU. . i.u.ku . a iu rr u 41. ! tr!!rAits'iti2t.ltlBW., (v sta4 kar rk O tl - , V-..- .f WkH. IO HIH6H4f ; , l. .,.... -. ta.. .ia, VAT?" ' ikiuioa. ! of Ik k t.MHUI at.na4 I . ....... . J.ilU. . . . ... . l Ltter From tin Pop! !. . miim r- a -.ia k attt. : ' a ft t tat a aa . .-fvi ytfw tb4 ...... m m ,. .r - r-vt-ffil rTr .r.) Tli f4 Jwtr4 Ifc r,Vt!l tt tor u r f H tug i!lUl II tnif - i ku tr itt i Mullr ctfrl4 rr 47 tttOfttt h)Mll.M I ye ik (tt UrtM Htl' Ut l . " A 111 ul diUIIMI ' O- j ! a4 4k f Ik rU If 4 ) M tr ii k' miy Uti ltui lil if ri(. ii-r , kMl I , T 1 tiM ilMi ll-ttl IMlf M-var riacM UM IS w ' " . . IM b...l,.i Mulrll .fcAl4 -- tHl t, Mt" f -' f ol I Wp44 ! fft,!fc nifcirw b4 ti4J Ik (vti 4e-,ittul f k l ill i tuAtifr. Tfcer i . . ' . , . ..... i lorr AVOTIILU i wr il Ik. ulJ in rnllwKJ kill. I . . i m. k ff ftf rrf ' 4 kt4 fklidrttHy rrtki4 Ik dir i rk imm !, 4 lTl frCklr r Af . tv.J ' i 4Jt , t4. wlitla. l4 t frkktkl U tklaf ef lisiM- ki;w WoviAW &. itr-nMu- tt u la i dir. II U ''. ... 'uir f fc ! '. T HIS ttomr ifl l Orf koldtag IMI It rcU uBt- : AtM ililll K! "Vlkkf . ! ti kit. lAftkty U i fii4.1 f U4 twk W nkl M4tM kkf hk H(I, Tl rl rUf r U A) Ik tMlllskM. ! k la k f4 r4 k f I kk- wkr f k ffM 4lkkl kkt l M k- MTkdM m I)! kk tMiUf f k rw4ftk CWki ( If jr tk M' kM. I klJM kk tf It . Tkk krtwk t tk TluU kt. mU i b I !m.f .'4 tir; r4; Irtk4tkk; 4iwlk. Kl la tfrM, Tk rrf (kl:tli kti4 U W JI-ruag. ! fri ckarter of (hat cotoikar Iker Ief1klktkr U Bt ekk!T to'Wfc (t,u ft4d4 nv- Wkl ora(4 j I tee 4rl4 U pl4t4 kiiat U i k-4 ki ltk Tts foril-4 Hr. Wi j n-hooU Tier wf widely lff . j l4 i 4 .if Ior fwapinr frefhU Tfcef tle4 U prfc ., i'tk kT? it. .iJ ! 4 thkt 44 toH R r l t lo IkU folBl. Ifcelf Hort t im. .in l it ( vtiI b wikifal t&k II 0prUr. aad 4ilc tbt ttoM for th Cnxroa rwIl. t A few week MO Ut Uner g e' oral ra4re4 eolema oiloto is blrl belS tbtt !k rt mn4 meat U ot f-eUBf. tbtt faHbet HKUtktioa la Bekrr lo It orrltr, u4 lbU If prBle4 to dt Ibt tHf find la th truok4 r- rt&gemeat to remunerkt It for uch flte rer4t A ladepeadett ttcbliar rompar waou a franchtee. ! It boa fid, or U It inerelr another f la whkb lb fraarhUe will ln the of another tale lo lh rre-B IKMIob eomiMiBr hub aaoiker incr or rvutmua oo Vba lb btber died. tb two ttrle aad a kkH broiler er Urt betra to lb eui. fittl. Ibey ottck If tfterovwrsd tbt tber iu BO Ul. Tber waa BOtbtag bat a farm, beavl) uiortl4. Tber wrr fkoira. SlUI. tbetr lory re mains a rota ru on on. Tim -ldr kiiir a eoturd o txt married. Hut. the waa aol a com- moo girl: ah aa onroiumon; ab oo recall. No, tba QitJoa la, doe tb at i'ould II Mm. (bo aerretary of tat eno"' pront-arBle wartttrk If bona not file tb petlilona for tbo Camer. mhntt,A mnt,,-A . " , .. . t"!fc . . . I ' - w V .( I tDUf narr m -mrW WURlkU Wkf. tB tilt I UfT r-t lrrofclHk. kk th rltr from aaoibrr dlaah- ...r..n nni in .-,. x.i. ir ii-un, iorx cviitm vi v"i"" "f-- -f folntln colurnNi or irrie4 romw- poBed br marriage until atb :lme ;""' I ik ki Wf a t kl fciuk 'U kkUkaJ ik Cknu orkk. kiti4 ufc 4k, ri kitui ie r Tl lie k4 km for IhM k I kiari la llk4. k4 Uo4 k wem Ua i iMtukkrt ef ko rHik, Kr f4 lreikr frr. )f4 kfklhr 4 l kil.r kivthar ktka, r nlB4 ta lt rfcurvh wtik , him thkt kil.l thlr fil kip oi teMil. kkic !lh kkf4 tu4m wim kpnoak, Uul at rr tlakkk ttotVMK 1 1 fil lk. ! 11'Mlm ,f,lllJic. o 4efrav ln ruoerl fMM A frrMtkkkl ftormntr 1 kuwMI ef a kw (, if a krirti TM failwr ef Mn. tl tt V IMhmw.1 a kurrai lukni c ! au't1 e la Uknflk4 Ik tk It kl tttankma I'M a ktac Ika kklwkla. It I kkttM4 tkal Trt t atttar I Ikta beh la kn4 kkoal Tk44r. llul T44r ca oulUik TfV Thk Ulm ruri of Orrco ffttn4 a lplnrlHr by whlrh la rpra Ju.ln Oailowar' luion of Ika V, at X . klaa krfcn loll ail rl manrf, ever OUUjOU ailikUuiil lUktra itv 4'ir ckll tl k.k. kk taltMia kf e a rrva ke I k ail)Iikt4 kl kl ili Lkt ka mi ki4 tk ii kl 4iik k town looking na in kola wrimt ll? Whkl O. gnllmlr. a lav flowlaa lth dkklh. A akk DirMltni kk lalilallta lilli far eankllmiloaal amatidmaal In Ika nwkfir . kupram cuutt- II tn!M tl otlaloo. will bo bow proceed to ro ver bla aecoad opinion? Mr. Cameron want to bnow weather tbla onderoua but laalr eipoarnt ot tba law la going to aland pat on tb preaent optdloo. or will bo flip another, flop? , -.Doulleoa. tb. ec rotary ot etate prayerfollr hope tbat th official; a mov tUl ,h, soaibem 1'adftc legal adrlaer of the atat will not aAm M a detentn of ,u.Jf again Uko up tb recall and go Into, Malnrt th, encroachment of tho Ubor.. for nobody know, what bai,,,,, ceclrlc might bring fortbr. j The south Pacific muet elec- lilt! 1 laUUUl WMIJiviv kakaa-w ! doea electrify. Electrification la or . Idcwd br fato. It la ordained by a KWi chang at4 ha kiil I ul ta lrln la anolhar arunk- j Th Bouthera Pacific waata an-,.,,,! i,rr -Uirr ahnuM t laurod arj on Iha rr link. Then a h I other franchlee. It ahoolJ bate on. iBhv jy bo, frr. gB dld not atrlk ' '" T'l! I . i. .I....M j. ..ii i . . . .... . . . kiin n. iiinlna rwm aad dormitory la ! "l awvu.u kiuiui oi irageay a ib jirnnarui ,ha n..oi of iha old efcurtk. Kcr turn. j 8 he was bot crtiah4. Kb auitle4,li4 it all arho mora kaartfcli do ll clalrua Ita propoaed elertrlflca-'D(j w,, to wor), to Wak tbat farm i 'too ihk tira4 fm uk4r huaar tlon of 1U line, .nterln, Portland p.y. Bh .erw4 to m0M ,B ,h-! aoJS-! aTAliM im will be a gift to thla clly. Hut that nKht Initead of kitting ailll In tfc , ieo roicr.-.intnf 1 Mr la not true. The electrification IH idnrknMii . W'aiii-rm lur Tomaht." "ovar iha ; II Ik vail la rtiMra ina oinfr inai Ihla la a DMIr g"A aorl of a llllla aid worM. aftar all. and Ihkl a allll bUr out liaa hatOnd. a a (Irral amauhlk ef mBfr kra halnc ttad In llooaarall'a hahalf. ft ta chariral P.l no "ilr laar klorfka" tkllar mar avar eom io llaht. a a fiMkior Ilstirtia ta rlrht In hla atala man! Ihkl k rartkln frtnlnn Oraaon nawaratr ka i.aralalanlljr mlarapra kntaI him and Iraalad him unfairly. OSB.TKUMERS 8b put the boy In echool (he altarjc of ber rioter, ah planted ared and barveated rrrt 8h fanilllaiired hereclf with plowa. hurrowa and hoes. Bhe fatunrd plga and rattle and eold tbem. h raised rhlckena and marketed .hem. And. at the nd of two rears, th A'lth i ""rr" "! C'evr Aloaa." aori an- aarej 10 an gaapvi aon ama-pm. out Tfck ial -aklatk ki r.(u a mS k ka i.ri a i ak ( f ikaaal a'kkgkal M a AlUaay Iar: II I aatfaala4 .i A.kim9 Lata k um4 la kwar 4 Ikia any Tk (K..kaa af aikar. fily (. r4 4 klltaxlla. at4 k.k4r-4t(A Faar C It. rll. Ikk kkw. kHlil kaA. ul wvWUl Ixia I k . twill kl .. 7a la MtialtUy -4 mil far ikar a aartwaa ti-w,ia f iakklHtr fkiaU I 'akia. a a Hoawkura Kaaa: Birk lklak 4a kkbuatt. taal kiabl ! fcaa oa aa m aur-krlaa I tar Imu jy. M baa mm H a ka fau4 aUakany MUM kk a kkiftiaa I kMt, Tfck Wamaa'a rluk, ef ll-aod ItlW. Ma fi4 f" lkkarkrr iwary, aaadiea iM'kaiMai al al tU Ikal UltJa ki-I lr. CaMla far k klw lak f koMkiy Hry. 4Jktn klaUamka: Theukaada kf kl l. kth. tru at. 4 hary Ira l-rli.a (eld i Ihi earl tt a'k urtiud A fa y"kra Ifcay i k krudarlnf laraa quanliuaa of Iha moat 4aJWiuu fruil ea tartki k4 Ikk aUela weftd IU la knun- ). a a Kuarna fluard A Ckaaiauqu aa- aorlaluio Mil if In k'ufan tut raer aill ka a a.o4 ll.ll The eoal ef lioldma auh aa aakw-lall lhar ina. ailfhlly or lloO. a a mail mat. lr kud wusM aliy la ha rotrrad hy Ika aU of lltkcla al Vary rektMHUM erlctf. I taml. n Itarordar: Al Ike Junk alao Iten Iha vmcra ef lUndan alii hka a chanr l daclda whrthar Lr not w ahkll (urrbaaa (ha ground in Waal Jtaadua !.oi.ifura uakd for park turpo. for a rmintM elly park. Thara la par hapa no mora Idoal plaea In Oraaon. or kny oihar ataik. for a park. a a Ftanfltld Btandardr If Hlaafiald WMilhar eotild ha htre4 akai lhar would b no quaallon aboul II ftndlna a raaay maraai. inn wi hla amnalhlna atlll uaittr win oa iur (ha aaalarnara to roma lo Wlannahl, vhw. lhara ark many adrknlkRaa ha- aldea a rllmala that la Juat aboul Ideal. 1 cared ly All Set C JfarJi im Ar3 Hfe i.. r aun with mora aaal and aamaal nra thaa by our llxth boa in that , (oid hall. Who ckn aaiimala Iha power ( t of eon la Iha rebuilding of character i , In the hear I a of thaa man. homalaaa, ! frl'ndjaka. nnllak, mlaarahl kn-l I wralrhed. Hut onra In that rlrciv, jkurroundtN by a kplrtl of fallnwkhtp I I hat mnaiik "ljar ya nitk knnlhrr'a bur- I drna." a ptar and real ruinaa to every I co rue.) a leu frequent recur- jblghor imwrr than lh Southern Pa-tfnrm that the father left waa worth T eenisa'nf nreetrfontlkl lrt lona. clflc Traffic la th Willamette val-1 no, 000 clear of Inrumbranr. Ther Tbero la aald to bo a morement ! r demands It, and the Southern j wna aufflclent money In the bank to! 'c fleet man. known form plank lathe national RrPbll-jPc.lflc mu.t provide electrification j MBfy .,, the n,M.da of the broker j ZhT u'?J. ran Dlatfortn.. uropoalnr five conatl-i'0 oruvr o auryi. ana aisier. Anu. wimin mo inonio.i,,, COU, mi that tutlonal cbangoa , respecting such! and slater. But the Boumern raciuc snouia th new woman elortlooB. I Tbey are: 1. Jha term la extended to six yean.; .' ..'. .. ' ,? 2. No person who haa been. presi dent shall be eligible for re-election. i.f. No nomination for a' president or Tice.,pestdflnt shall be made pri or tb theoleetlon of members of tho electoral college. -Prealdontlal electors are to 10', chosen, one from each congres sional, diatrict, by direct. vote of the iopie -.; ' i. The ' president of the senate aball exercise the ministerial func tion of opening: and counting ;ae voter of the' college. We have the preaent spectacle of a president of the United States and the only living ex-presldent of the United States rushing around, per sonally scouring the country In an undignified scramble for votes. The only.two living, , men who have reached! the summit of official po sition la. the greatest nation on the globe are making stump speeches in which, with only a beginning of tho campaign made, they are hurling at each other charges,' countercharges, insinuations and lnuendo, and re sorting to methods .that ill fit most exalted office in. the world hare Justice. It sbould have a fran chise so guarded In lta terms as will be fair to the company and the city. No demagogic attempt should '.e ; practical made to deal unfairly with the cor poration. Just because It Is a cor poration. .TJie city baa legal advlaera. .. It haa a charter tbat la ita guide. It la the people'a charter to the council to do business. Every means h Thar nayar war auch profltaale time In FnflanO aa under Charlre h Second. Ilia court waa kurrounded by noma of tlik worat agahondk In the raklm though thay wrra rlaaaed aa "lords knd Udlek" ef the eourl, who Pkkkkd their time drinking, gambling. Indulging In vlcloua convrraailon and committing every kind of profligate oca a. It haa been a faahlon to call Chart the Second thk "Marry Monarch." and therk ware ao many merry" thing transpiring- during Ma reign that he was well entitled to the nickname. That fharlea waa au unprincipled end alaao ttempted crlmca n.v.r .... ..... '. . . . . . ..... IUIP0D1 Dlt Ol LTVOi. thinsa just wnai you put into mem. "i w""" l" fpi" V"J Zlll in th. latter dui hi part m I ton eometlme aa rowing Into an cceaeary to roo. place, or If needed the devotional eervtce he that beraiikk he waa etit . . . t. i . , I tiiuii. iu sill . . r vn-w i ' ' i villi. when the crash enme. , v,r ,.. .A u The new woman Is rapnble; she la done for him. lla waa not klone for She does thlncs on broad hundred liave been Irknnfnrmed In will bo married to'io conduct tb man to whom she waa engaged r""ia dn l wining; io SEVEN GREAT CONSPIRACIES Theft of the Crown Jewrl. linos. She has the highest kind of i t I.e.. few month and gona out to flM , ;rnarcn n0 n,;iorUn ha at . . ,, . , ... tuai'ful place In koclnty. Won from all 'u,w , .hi. n.i.ti hi. Judgment. Bhe has good -horse m m.., cf ,,,, . f Cultured men from , lny. and "bf u'h hla sense." She knows you g.t out of j college and other prpfea.lon. aJl striv- wcr l.n.K?Jr,.JJL? ..IT0"l.,0-r: h!. i-". rllt Mtemptjn- adventurer known great reserve pov -t. sue ran ne ae-; dtr. need; not addicted to drink, Dended upon In an emergency. She 'brought to the conat by heavy advr- been supplied for the city to be pro- j keeps a level head under all circum- Jtioinr pecting more fayorabik con- U....J ... -II . - ..I I. V.I,. ' ... .11 IU lr,- ll'k.. K. I UlVWim I1U I'-'" "UlVTOV... I u ma . .... w. .. , ............ ........ -- and it is the duty and the high duty boat turns bottom up, she swlma of the gentlemen at the city hall to ; ashore, carrying a veaker friend on sco that the city is protected, and fully protected GIVE HIM JUSTICE T UK Clyde ordinance giving po licemen two rest days in the month should pass. They have no Sundays. Each man is on duty every day, Sundays Included. Of the 365 days in tho year, the only rest a policeman gets is a fifteen days' annual vacation. No municipality ought to exact any such sacrifice of any servant. A rest of one day iiTthd seven falls to tne! most tollers. Every human being In ithe world deserves such a rest. her back The new woman la not common; but, every day her n .inber Is Increas ing; every day there Is greater need for her. Nobody can prophesy to what heights she will yet attain! MEDIATION Those who are agitating a change in the presidential tenure have, in the present extraordinary situation, mighty arguments for their plan. The fathers never intended the presidency to be a prize for which a. president and an ex-president should , "slug each other over the ropes." " A COSTLY SON It degrades labor not to have It. It degrades manhood not to have it. It lowers the life standard not to have it. The minda,of men and the physical organization of men de serve at least as much absence from duty as one day in seven. Most men have rest on national holidays and fete occasions. Not so the policeman. Those days lengthen his hours, multiply his duties and in- NOTIIEIt hercuiOn effort is. on vice. A to set Harry Thaw out of :,Iat- When Portlanders are enjoying teawan asylum. It is suggest-1 themselves Rose Restlval week, how .ed.that the attempt may be (fares it with the policeman? The eiiccessful. - very , thing that makes enjoyment ,It Is estimated tha a million dol- and recreation for others makes toll, lars has been spent in ' the interest worry and lengthened hours for him. of Thaw since, he shot Stanford; The crowds have to be handled, and White on the roof garden of Madison ! they must be handled If every man on the force haa to stay at hla post all day and all night. Portland haa no right to work her policemen 350 days out of 365 with no Sunday and no other rest than a to Square, June 25, 1906. The money baa gone In payment of lawyers and alienists and in the other ways by whieh the machinery of a great de fense Is oiled. The fees for hla lawyers in the fifteen days' annual vacation first trial, covering ra period from I The Clyde ordinance ought February to AprlU;i907, aggregated 1 paSs, because it Is just. $200,000. The Jury disagreed. .. '. :. .u . The cost of counsel in the great trial In January, 1808, which ended ! in an acquittal, was f 150,000. He was committed to Matteawan hospit al February 1,. 1908. In an attempt to get him released in October, 19 08, the, fees of attor neys and alienists mounted- to Sds,-; 000. "A similar proceeding before D organization Is so strong that It can fall to hearken to an appeal from represent atives of the federal govern ment." With these words Chief Stone of the Order of Locomotive Engineers mnrked the acceptance of the appeal of Justice Knapp and Commissioner Nelll to delay the or der to strike In the pending dispute between hi3 order and the railroads. He took the stand of his t'reat order and himself on the side of a legal, and, it Is hoped, a peaceful settle ment. He drew the sharpest line possible between him and his order and the new blown i-oclallsts and Syndicalists who resent control and refuse mediation in any present or future dispute between employers and employed. It seems that there are lour means open for selection when disputes on wages and conditions have failed to be adjusted by discussion between representatives of employers and em ployed. Conciliation. Publicity. Mediation. Arbitration. The first, conciliation. Is defined and practiced by Canadian law. It was stated In j the Canadian commission's that ;all their money, dlficou raged, down and out, found a haven of rest In riagah Home without price. How 1 all thl guntalnedT Hy the contributions of the people. It la God's work to car for the poor,' the downtrodden and the outcaat and he puts It In the hearta of men to give, aome to give money, mm clothing, other food, and altogether the work h been kept up. When the home waa trannferred to Mt. Kcott the number remaining waa materially reduced. The homo enred for from 60 to 80 throughout the win ter, with many that came and went No aalarles are given to Plagah workers. We have now reached another era. We believe It is an Indication of th time, that God ha again spoken to u. to go forward .in our work for him. We Invite the good people of Port land to take a hand in this work so fraught with blessing and share with us not only the burden, but the Joy of having a part In raising up the fal len, restoring them to a useful llfo, and the f onsclousness thnt we have not lived in ' ourselves alone, but our strong hand has been constantly held out to sustain the weak ones. "But we all with open face behold ing as in a grlaNS. tho glory of the L,ord, are changed Into the same image, from glory to glory, even as by the spirit of the Lord." 2 Cor. S-18. PISGAH MOTHER. Eqaal Suffrage. Portland, Or., April 24. To the Edit or of The Journal Surely there is rea son for irreat rejoicing -among tho equal suffragists at the prospective successful paage of their measure at the coming fall election. Personally It wlll. be one-of the events of our lifetime to bo able to see the mothers, sisters, wives and daughters of this state given th civil Justice of equal franchise for their common wel fare a boyhood realization rafter 63 years of the changing season of Ufel. That most every leading Journal in the filatnMs either wrltinsr editorials fav- report 1 orably or criticising letters from unevo- ' out of seventeen railroad dis- ! luted writer scents victory from afar. am colonel uiooa 10 bicui mi Jewel of England from the tower of London. It I supposed he fell In with a achema advanced by Illood to aelie the Jewels and divide with the king the proceed of their ikle abroad. The fact that Blood, though caught, waa pardoned by Charles and rewarded for a crlma that would have cost any common thief hla head, gives color to the theory of the king" connivance in thaattempt. Blood waa well milted to uch an undertaking. He had been an adventur er all hla life, and as a soldier of for tune had been Involved in daring erica nuriaa in Parlous countries. He first came into notice In an attempt to selio Dublin castle and the person of the Duke of Ormond, lord lieutenant of Ire land, in 1663. Escaping, he fled to Holland. He returned about 1664, go ing to London, where he Joined the fanatical religious band known as the "Fifth monarchy men" who, led by Thomas Venner, a former Boston coop er, attempted to overthrow King Charles by force of arms. Blood saved hla neck when Venner and his men lost their, and was next In view in Scotland, fighting wltn tne Covenanters In the rentiana. inang Ing his religious views or his allegiance when convenient, ne cngagea in umer exploits, and in the year 1671 he again appeared in London. Disguised as a clergyman, and accompanied by a woman, lie visited the tower to see the crown Jewels, kept thaa aa avow. In a amall room devoted to their display. Their value waa vary araaL Although iha lower bad many guarda ther waa but one old man In th Jawal room. With thla attandant Blood scraped an acquaintance. HI auppoaed wife, feign ing lllnea. th old keeper, Tklbol Ed wards, who waa near 10, a ecu rod medi cine for her from hla wife. Blood next dny returned to thank. th old man and bring a preaent of glove for Mr. Ed ward. Ha than ald he had a eon he wlahed to marry off. and tha old man. having a daughter, an understanding wit arrived at that th son ahould call. Blood soon came again with aome friends, to whom ha wlahed to show th Jewels. I'tider his clergymen' drea he carried krm a HI companion were alao armed. , They elaed the old man when hi back waa turned, and, throwing a cloak over hla head, gagge and bound htm. On hla resisting, they A stabbed him. They then seised th crown, the Jeweled orb representing the world, and the acepter. The latter was o long that they wra obliged to fll It, and brkkk It Into two parU before conaeallng It. The work took ao long they were In terrupted by the old man' eon. who waa returning from a Journey, and waa accompanied by a friend. The thievee dashed out of the tower, fired at a guard at tha gate, and made their way to the street, where horse were wait tng for them. Young Edwards ana his rnena gave chase, caught Blood, and after a fight threw hlin down. The crown falling from under his cloak rolled Into a ditch. Blood's companions were also taken. A ruby from the scepter was found In th pocket of one of tbem. Little harm had been done except to the old keeper, who had been wounded beyond recovery. King Charles affected to consider th affair aa a Joke, He sent to the tower for Blood, who had been locked up, and not only pardoned him, but rewarded him with money and gave him a pension equal to 12500 a year. Nope of bla accomplices were punished, and Blood became one of the most assldloua oourt lerB at King Charles' court, to the great disgust of all honest men. " f 4a( t4a ! . IU ei4 kkk, ta . mlki 4 kUU aik katag M aj kiftk t Ukta rk fcna Allaau far iij W4 kt k4 Waal a k Vt kvtk . Ike I a al4ttakry wJk4fc kl fn. gX. K4-t4k. adkri4 fwtk, kwivaMntf awia. kar akae k4 ktkgoia'lf lt .a. a uia NatU taigk kMkklMilly f hat 1 , klkff. 44 Ml mt k kif vl.t4 !( 4tkh4, a4 kkaltlteaa kf k.ag4 fk r ktatlf4 frvi ka kkkla- ! kl U aw mt Ik Cliff aa fa I Ikk Vt'gt kwk, UI waltl klka4y ittlla. . 1 u h..t mtiwA I r,ii,k ikk rar" kaaal Ik gray , U mm taruaU I Ik iikaiik) kf la flaw ikal II itvay lm kalka kl Ilia m4 fa lkal kl lk. 1 Ik MI4 4 aaily kajatr-ai4 kifla 11 kk Ifc fail mt lit a trtlarg mm 4owm nk Ik kkirwl 4 ti aikkglakty ff ifc akal.' kU4aj ftwaa Ik kltareakl kf mt Ika tMkar kakatt Ik 4 atik krvvmutallaaik f ll. f I I Ik rg ial rwiiattkir rl4 by ukla. kf Ik tUr mrrm Mk) Ika turn walat tf Ik Ualf irea wkua far kivrta kk tna4e ataj l iai rwa f U mm mm. Tke I IHU tkllar frtM It. It U evkll kwaly Ik44. ikal lb aa fugtM I frakUy Mow f ka 4ra4 f bauf l klralca. a a a Tk rout a f tit TrkkllaaU Ilk a from America prnttm rua fia(. ka dr4 miUa la , a4 tl ta ia at ikkt go aairar ta ifc ft, aff ii kawia track, whlefc ooota l grtaf 4 (tv Ik eal It gruen k&isa, lo klagt month a AlianU Hr. rrwwdad wlik bakkkngara. and fuor lramp alt war lot!) wrecked wlikt 1 kf out aaulher. And our aafcare, ciart ! siaau cikac;-T nufxnnjoua cliff a. life 4ap kalar lo their iafga4 adga. and aipoaad to Ik aweUa of Ik ttymn ocfn. hkv allowed but "nm aai of lb 79 Ikal have baa a wrack ad I bar la the pact 14 yar lo be refloated. Tha crafl oo lb rock I furiously pounded I place by Ik flr hary kaa. a a Th, itegulua. a tramp laamar of Bkar ts tuna, uttarly vaalahad with Iha who! ahlpa company baiwean dark aad dawn, leaving ber propallaK, flxad in th ellff faal bov k tevaj. where It remain lo thl 4k y. HI ram are hare eom o clo lo Ik ellff la lb fog that th flahermao a th heada. uaabl to aao dlkcarn n oat Una of the blind craft have clearly hoard that panto oa th bridge whan tha captain revereed the angina room algnaia knd In thk aaroe braaik oroerca im uie boat manned. Thar 1 no way for a bowlidorwd cap tain lo lake observation exocpt by at tempting to locate tba cpa fog whlatla. L'po approach to Iha Ball lal station tha ahlp wlrelea pleka up th operator aahor knd I kbl to tell how cloae In shore th craft ha run by th khor operator'a report a to th dltlneuia with which th hlp'a whlalla U heard. Th light, vf couraa, I IndlallogulahabU Id a heavy fog. It I a coast to beware of. Th batter It la known, th mora tt I fkarkd. Th kipper of a New Tork-Bt. John llnr. for moment at a lo for a rachonlug la th log. took no chance, but InaUnt ly turned tkll and beaded for tha open sea. where b la? for six day watUng for th fog to llfL It I no wonder tne oeep-e aaippM hake in hi -boot wnn vim ia capture him In a traachorou currant r iK.t rnut Borne of th rutouV hull, of hi forerunner In predloa- ... ...... landmarks for off-ahor yfLhermenand oo th. bw Jrn of th head. In grav mxkd by crosses kindly hand ana Fanugly atowed away xor gw aa.- - monta. 11 in none " " .Tl " men who hav. bea cast up by th m Mr. Harding deaorlbea th Inhabi tant of Cap Box and lolnlty a a remarkably courageous and ofton fool h.rty pwplk Their annUka ax. for h. mo.t part '"rii"'.! i . .rM a treat dkkl Of their Tomorrow Pontiac'a conspiracy. WHAT DID HAPPEN 7 HERE are accounts that Ismay waa picked up by an athletic man and thrown bodily into one of the lifeboats. There are statements that ho boarded the first boat, seated himself , in the bow, and r putes handled, all but one had been peaceably settled as the result of the hearing before the commission, with out lawyers or formalities. In case of failure to settle, then publicity is there the next step. So the power of public opinion is invokedit is one that no party to a trade contro versy cares to defy. The third alter native Is mediation. This is now proposed by Judge Knapp and Com missioner Nelll,' It is It was with much regret that the fe'oclallpt party was compelled to. open ly oppose the measure as it was pre sented at the last previous election. The "nigger in tho woodpile'V property quail ficatlon didn't go down with class con scious Socialist! : " '; . V The plainly stated equal suffrage bill to be presented at the coming election permits of no criticism and, will have the united support of all evoluted elect ors at the coming election. - rr On this election occasion to help along th good work of equat suffrage never looked back. There are aver- Justice Mills In August, 1309. cost ments that he and Mr. Carter of their. acceptance. $50,000. . . j Philadelphia leaped into a passing' bitiation. Ita popularity seems to The-Incidental expenses. Including i boat from one of the lower decks as have .recently diminished. It was luxuries while , Thaw waa la the'it was -descending.., These , Are "but strongly urged in the English rail Olie BLp OB- .. . ,. .ntlnnlll nffl. Wntlnnal yond conciliation, since it suggests organiser Anna A- Maily, who will speak mediators who shall not only for-ion equal suffrage and , Socialism- at mulate terms of settlement but shall I J'fA hm at 8, .p- m" Sunday the exercise all their influence to secure A !!!rsan8 wishing to hear the best There remains ar-J lecture of the season' should not fail to ers pay the taxes, on time sales, o as to exempt themselves from taxation. Tho purchaser should be protected by law so as to pay tax only on the amount paid on the property, and should be exempted from tax on this indebtedness; otherwise he Is paying the tax for the mortgagee. Say that a farm ia sold for J14.000 with 16000 paid down, the balance on a mortgage for five years at 8 per cent. Interest, due in five years, 18000 at 8 per cent, equals J640 Inter est per annum, a nice sure income, and under single tax, exempt from taxation, while the purchaser pays taxes on the 114.000, and , hia income is very uncer tain, being subject to hard labor and pri vation, while the mortgagee revels in ease and comfort, and at the end of five years tho purchaser may lose tho J6000 invested, being swallowed up by a single tax enforcement. The 'only Just and equitable tax is on a man's real wealth, based on tangible values. Al low an exemption of about $300 on per sonal property to a man with a family. This would be a relief to the laboring man of small means and who lives in a rented house. " ELI ALBERT. legislature pass the law allowing them to vote. I would be pleased to hear from you on this suggestion through your valuable paper. H. TO UNO. A Brave Man. From the-Londorf Opinion." Gwendoline If It were but possible in these prosaic days for you to do something heroic, something brave and knlghtUke, In order to prove your love? - George Well, ain't I going to marry you next month on a salary . of 8 a week? . ' . f . Always in Good H umor Tombs, is estimated at 115,000. Sums paid CllffCvrd tridge,-coun-. counts by survivors, of how he left ae! for Thaw, to "keep some pfrsons nulet,.- aro . alleged to a"ggregat 125,000 Tba expense of Thaw'J Smith stood on the bridge, waist mother during the proceedings ara reckoned at l5ff000.; , L " ,: The maintenance of Evelyn Nesbit up to the insanity proceedings ia es tir atd at J30.000and detective t st JlS.tfOfi.- The tost'f Che pres ent jrocivdine for Tna release, three of numerous conflicting ac me snip.- - -,v.' There are statements thsft Captain deep In water, at the vessel toot her last -plunge Into the deep. - There are accounts that he swam with a road TBtrike when mediation , failed. The men would have none of It, for, said they, it means that the decision of one man -the third man or um pire on tbe arbitration-: hoard- set tles the whole question, and this one man power we will not stand. . - .The Canadian plan, of-conciliation child in bis arms to a lifeboat, put followed by publicity If needed, has' the babe on board, and that when 'the record of success. ,Tbe plan, of urged to save himself he - pushed I mediation, now ndered by' Messrs. away from the boat, and without a j Knapp and NeillJ promises well, and. attend and hear this great speaker's dis course. , C, W. BARZEE. Objects- to Single Tax.' ' -Ashland, Or.t April 24-To the Edit or of The Journal-Tour paper-has had: ao many .advocates of single tax. with- j out any proor or amgi tax being rair. Just or. honorable. I have paid a great deal of. taxlnnumiier.,ofatatea.A: my experience ha been verified, that the idea of single tax is erroneous, and there la no logic to otherwise. Ott air average, about' 2-6 of air land property Is sold on time, on land, con tract or 'under the ban of a mortgage. I am acquainted with a number of tneu that make .it life, business "to sell property on tim aad mak th purchaa-J Municipally-Owned phones. Portland, April 24. To the Editor of The Journal Would you kindly inform me whether any city In the -United States owns Its own telephone system? If there are more than one, please name two or three -'of the most important ones. FRANK BARTHOLOMEW. (According to the Pacific Telephone & Telegraph company the only city In the United States where there is a mu nicipal telephone system, is Columbus, Ohio. The system In use In that city" is the Bell or the same that the Pa- t clflc Telephone uses In Portland.) Would Let the omen Decide. Portland. Or., April 25. To the Ed itor of The Journal As oae of your oldest subscriber -and having ma if ids who are jmucn. interested. In our political future and knowing your paper to be Independent I would, make the following auggeationt , ' ' - Why . not call . convention of th woqjen. of the state of Oregon and let theiu vote in convention in ach -county and city or town on the qirestlon of women suffrage. It they vote in favor of woman suffrage, then let our , next 1 . f ; IN ANCIENT ROME. , , . ,v From puck. - -r '' First Ronian Matron What a. funny looking costume on that woman! Did you notice it, too? v , v Second Ditto Yes. 'It cornea from some little barbarian hamlet out In Gaul that they call Paris. ;" UveUhood com from m " "7 rT- Im th. hualneaa of which rt-rr lrv- Um and again, without thinking about "It la not to b aupDOked." h ay "that th. folk wtah vU tc Ui r which go by ?ir. """fM.. iZ: Blsawhor In bleaa pia 'take what th they Joy-1 god prorlda. iul,)r. o Tcoaat lh th world where wr.ckeT.eamen r. reaou wl ; ao great a diregard of danger to th r.cuera! mor ho.pltably recivod. mora. generoualTpltied aid mor. heartily ,p4 on -their way." Pointed Paragraph m. who think he la hlrdi isn't able to feather hi own neat. j ct.-i. ,.iaatr aver had bora ha probably wor, Tthem off buttln. In. . jt mnn ar uoh ohronio knockers they even dl.Uk. to ring a, door bell. , ' Many a man doubles hia ow. strength by taking other weakness.- - tt ta ansler for a man "There'a no place like 'home, is for him to stay mere. w m A email boy pever thinks ther Is much the matter wun n"" '" has a pain in hia stomach. When A Blrl meets a bachelor three times In one day oiythe street ne may fiiink u Is accidentalbut It lsn t. i toVea an honest old farmer to write a letter to a prospective summer boarder, and mak it read like a circus poster.. . - " " 1 ' ;- " to say i than it! I smay A MOVEABLE ROOM. . From the Loujsvllle Courier-Journal. "I don't like'it on the fifth floor. Put me on the sixth floor."' " "You had the fourth floor yesterday," said the proprietor of the summer ho tel. "If you want to change floors ev ery night I'll let you have the elevator to sleep in. .The operators will atop it at any floor you like." ' BUT HE COULD. An uneducated Scotsman made a for tune. Onft day he and an acquaintance were talking. When th. latter said to old Duncan: - ' -j : "Say, Duncan, you don't know enough to go In when it rains. Why, you can't even epell 'bird.'"" "B-u-r-d." said Duncan. . " "I tell you you don't know anything.! Why, if you had to spell to- make a liv ing you'd have been dead; years ago. Til bet you ft hundred dollars you ..can't spell bicd."' .. "I'll ta ye." quickly replied Duncan. After the money was put up, Xuncan said. "B-i-T-4." .,. -. That ain't th. way- you spelled It the first time." , "I wuma betlln thaa.' - ; - irititrllinted to The Journal by Walt Mmton. ' the famona Kn.a. poet. H! proaa-poema are a reenUr fentura of thla column lo Tba D.11 JouraaL) i Men felt their vessel sinking Into the Icy wave, and calmly and unshrinking they gazed upon their grave; no coward: cries of panic the winds of midnight bore from out the doomed Titanic and Iamay came ashore. Tho peasant, ruda, and lowly, sank fearless in the foam, repeating prayers holy, his eye toward hia hnmai the Croesus died serenely and sank to ocean'a -floor, and no one Per- ' -.nMiv Vint Ttmiv etm't Ashora; Men faced their doom as Sttilc face death lrr day of old; oh, human ouU heroic, oh hearts Of tested gold I Tha wild, dark waves forever your requiem., will roar. Your fame will perish never; and Ismay camft aahori--Th brld and groom were parted, th parent died alonev -ana -cmrartii,-inrttu-ii "mi .v,-t only mourn and moan, and dream abouc th faces, the smile they'll see no mor la old familiar place ana Ismaar-camrn" aahore. Ah, ne'er waa auch a atory on poet's- pages placed, the triumph and " the -glory of manhood s nndebased! Ot manhood; atrong and tender, of hearts of virgin ore. of death when death . I splendor and Ismay cam ashOTt . - . ... oprrtrht. iii. hy . (to rat klatttaaw adimlb I-