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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 26, 1912)
Tilt: OliKGQN DAILY QVHUAU 10 UT LAND. FlilDAY EVENING. AJ'lUL 14. ISli aim Morel r'U4 frm, U l a4 af Wmiatia, ka l k 'w at'k. IN THE REALM FEMININE ' i t U cm, WaJka f !Va'aV I te'ie4 la aari CIjW h. fce af , t i4( 4 k Ma'taaiaak. at k U. iklaaU lfckW 4 rka. 1 rf(4 al IM Mu ak. , It K WiUtaahav a -' af va faiM U l la Maita . T. . !. . t(a4e4 al a-a Ml . Oaavg. ft Ha. kuaafrf 4 BWmattataav, la, I tlf4 l IW M tlanaa ax. ' W. i U l Uaatai. af BrUal Vail. Or. la li4 al Ik MaUaauak. I MT. 4wax Ik il ka i r Be. kaa f !. k. Sloe open until 020 5turd7 vtninft, MaJ order promptly nJ cvnfu!If flic J. Eiprcu prrpkl on purchKi mnounting to $5 Of ovtf, vitKln 100 mile of i'ortlani. riiuii'U al I'e p L. . C 1 avMeA. ea wt f T ' a. w al ik Nui C It -, ,ilu Pkea. ZTivii in Society t C t al ik -xl.A a H. k4U.. k'v. af IkmIi k LauLc Home Journal Patterns 10c .ml 15c, rag ta4e al lk rwlat It- V Maenil. 4frtaiM af f- lt I (UU4 Ika t-l4. AMftK'J ilk 4atl ! Ik IMt, Bk4 k kaUf.l affair 4, 11. K ". gvaMM! aaal r Ik l ata tulln l M La. I Ik wtlaa4 A X kW C turn jskt la I. Meania, awikul al aWtlK Mi E, It trak a4 M I rki4 a I lk rraa4 6 MORRISON rtt af Wkta4ia. It C bUlLi k4 trie tw4 la Ik altaiBf K. C tHffkk. rl aaiai 4el a af Ua Aiat, I k al lat Hom Journal StyU Book - 25c k lk r4 k ) raa) V li4 Mi U All. Lt. Mi- nl C Wi!m, Mr hrk4 k(lci aM Wia rHiBt a4.4 ika ark. JW Mr Hharaaaa ItatL Uk. Taa k, Mr. Kini krniik aaj Ma Cart Maaarra ax-4 teaav Mr. -l Kara, Mr. Lm Waaler Hfaak, Mr. J rfk M r4lr MUla) Ut tta at h MlkCk k-t aas ! MltiUf ktxHil lk roa Ml I v $ T Manaranaa, Mr.- MM . t.-la. Mr. WitilaM Warra, Mi kakaatk tk. Mr Hkrt W. lta. Mr frakina Wi Ml I' t' MUU 4 klia Hill. f Kr Tort. kit la.ll Marl. Mmmi Jk 4 lujkar Macktrtsi. Mix Kalkertn MtcMwirr Mia CUaakaik Bryak. Mia Aana ad (ala Bwraa. Iwlll Mm va. Miaa Oatm.allaa lAaabart. M;h ftata aad Mwnni llxaatl. Mill J- aeklaa f raltk a4 Mlaa Laura Cuala Twa kurar4 ruaala alla4 4urlBf llx kaur. CHhr Affair. Among olhar tRtriln( affair mark. It yairaar"a ealandar war th lfctr tia4fc 44lai nBlvrarr f Mr. aM Mr M C Uaariald. caJ.braul at I ha rorUaad Jlalfhi club hou; Ika ln brtJta 1an by Mr a ad Mr Bob art W Wilaoo far Mr and Mr a. R4tn Caawall- th bridi nrrtnn for nlch Mra. Y. II. Faa-arty tavl4 go! and l ha la which Mr Trash E. loor f la EMI Mr W P. Wlfflna. of fcouin Band. Ind . aivd Mr Mfarall tvnpoM, of Hattl horn rajrholof Clb MrtUf. Mr. 1 C. liar !!! t al horn to morrow for lh month and aoclal maal ln of Ih Portland f'trehulofj club from half aat Iwo until flv. at bar honia. it Cartithara atraat. Mrmhar brirtf friend. 'urn Ijithrr" Tonight. Thla availing th Taylor atrat churah will for ih.) Mii.n.) (in r l n.v r-n of a praaantaUod of "gurm lthar Tatlva ytara ago. K S. Mlll.r. under whoaa direction II la now glvtn. pro duced It n th rhurrh lla alao g It fm ki ago in lb Punnyalda Congregational church whr It wg a trman !oua hit Tb horua of CO vol.-ea la trade .p of ma.nt-ara of th Sunnyalda Congrcg ailonal choir and In dJltlun Ihara x m ohorua f ki bora and glrla 1 he coatuma raliraraal waa held last evtrlng and avarylhlng la In rradlntia There are three big erenea cf epclal Inreftat. one where Mor- Uecal apprnla to ih quren to go befor the king and plrad for liar people: an other when the king dnuunccs Haman anJ orderg hi eiecatlun and the third when liaman blda goodbye to hla wife and child. An oroheetra of eight from thr oroheetra union will play under Mr. Miller a direction. 1 ! affair la given by the I'urtland WOmena Willamette lub for the benefit of the Willamette Inlveralty endowment fund. Nuffrfe Krrnls Tomorrow. Membera of the College Equal Suf frage league expect to ecliua .their former efforta with the affnlr they have planned tomorrow evenlrg at the Mult nomah hotel. William Hanlev will be the principal epoaker with addresaea given by Sara Bard Field Ehrgott and Mra. LaRelne Baker. A feature of the niuaical program will be the alnglng of A. R. ljavldaon. one time aololat In All Angela' Eplacopal church. New York. r '' t tatl4 eva4 af Ta, 4 Ka. r l la M.1 ! a a. ( J r. kite l (ke affviai al Ike ba.4 fawaeila rMiaaar, U al lb ewr fr4 b4. Mr 4 at Marwaa. wife f k ealial. I let aa.4 UM 4a af 111 a I 4 lk 'avwei Jab W Miaava 4 wife, af fWle. t Ik eaar Tkr ' U I Ik 4lf, J. A CrU. klM M af A I bear. I ra(tir4 al ika Uwar4 J U 4ae, clrrlf af Vavr. r hV iX. a4 wife. r at tl bewera Jak B halt. boataaa aa af Ckltag. a al Ik iWaua Oearg II Or, k araaalwkl kJ. W. J Bait k kMrtbkl af alav 4 Ifa, are rguier4 l lk rvitiaal H p. Itewart. aalalag eaa e Tra4ll, A !. 4 wifa. are t ia ra'tlaaA. M. trtaaar. af Egg fwlai. i al ike Cawa4tta. TkU lUlrjr M'tN BO IVanU. It elta4 fMB I ii n 4 airal Batik, Pal, AHU I A kaky waigklk II twuwda bora ke II la ika af Alia 4 4aV II. be af ir avaw ker k4 l Ik Hral Ufaal elepbaal r br4 ai4 kr Ik akOlir- all Elhal nookOTftU vi4 vl(B -- nil olbr rBf Utr frtkd bk g(knd taomal U Wh tBfton to lotrl eooKT4ra Is ih caum of ilk 0UMur ruhr cnn who km fllbtJof tbk CWBr of povvrtokU who taalit vro Btkrttat thtr BoUr, flh-crlBf ia tferetgh th fifth I B gTOuadk. Tb flibl 14 k!o tloi md agiiBtt tb itm tkwlfrr. Me ka aludlad wltk BaBtley a ad Wll- Un k4keire la London, k wall a pudley Biaeb and JaeB da Beaaka. Otkar lumbera will k ptas aoia, niaa lu la a ta. and violin ol. lla Eva Well. The rerular wr-ekty iiffTg weatieg 111 be bald tomorrow al I o'clock la be O W. A K. auditorium. IlaT. Mr. lanebard will b Iba epaaker r lb fterBoon. PERSONALS W. n Hhull. hapmaa of Pendleton, la rrgtaterad at the perkln K P. Weir, marc bant of Balara. la 1 regielered al (ha Perkloa, It. U Towell. dealer I karae. of Hood UIar, I registered at the Ir- , klna F K Rowall. a merchant of ftrholla. Or., la regletered at tb Parklna K U Taylor, a real eaute dealer of. Vledford. I a-gueat at the rerklna W. O. Cone, tlmbermaa af Bajr Cltf, Or., la leglateted at Ih rerklna. I)r W. H. Lytla. of Pendleton. I regletered at the Oregon. M. T. OTonnelU tumhrmn of Win- lock, Wanh , la rueat at lha Oregon. A. II. lmue. a newapapar publlehar of Kilama. and wlfa are at the Oregon. I J. C. Reott, banker of Wale Walla, Waah.. la regiatered i the Oregon. William Poiiman. atock buyer of i Baker, la mglaterad at th Bower. W. 8. Pbllllpa, atockman of Lyla. Waah.. la regiatered at th Imperial. C. R. Fowler, contractor of Se attle, I regiatered at th Imperial. J. F. Luce, banker and promoter if Butherlln. la regiatered at th Imperial. H. Von der Hellen, capitalist of Medford, la regiatered at the Imparlal. I fella (Mi,- a 'banker of tJoath Bend. Waah., I regiatered at th Im perial. C. ('. MacOowan. aalmon packer of MacGowan. Waah., I gueat at tha Imperial. Dr. J. A. Fulton and Howard Brow nell, an attorney, and wlfa, of Astoria, are at the Imperial. W. J. Kerr, president of th Oregon yr ' bass 1 m m Even a Child Can Make Good Things light, fine flavored, nour IshinfTiind perfectly diges tible if she uses Rumford. Experienced cooks every where say that there is no .other Baking Powder ki the world to equal MU THE WHOLE SOME BAKING POWDER TV Bcsl of Q niQavGradft IUldaa rowalerB No Aim A LOVER'S WIT By Beatrice Fairfax ON the morning of April 1. Ida Kal a.r, living In ft. Lou la, and 1 year old. ran gaily down the atepa to meet the postman. He handed her an envelope ad dressed In the writing that waa dear- est to her. It wns from the man she waa to marry next month. 8he ran back to her room, or, rather, she flew, for Love gives wlnga to thoae who Tarry what she carried In her hand and who want to be alone while they ; lead. Reaching her room, n!i broke the . neal, and, with heart beating high with ' expectation, read the opening sentence: i "I have married another." Then ah went down the atepa. but not aa she had come up. Croaaing the street to a drug utore she bought a quantity of mercury tablets, returned to her room, swallowed them, and was ' soon beyond human aid. "It was an April fool joke," a young man sobbed to her mother a few hours later. "I did it as a Joke. I never thoi'ght of marrying any one but Ida. I Just wanted to tease her." All his lamentation and reproaches can't bring her back. thought, that there ta nothing els left in life. They must KNOW that there la everything left, that there Is mor to ' live for than before, for now ther Is the knowledge of a fortunat escape. The knowledge that a lover la not ' worth loving Is a painful one, but 1 out of It grow wisdom, a clearer view ! or life, and a happiness that has more stable foundation. SOCIAL FOR SOU THERN The girl who was the victim of tliUi little April fool "Joke" waa fool- - IrIi. Only a foolish girl will decide - that any one man's love Is all there Is to life. Had she been older, wiser, and known men at their right values, her flrat thought would have been gratitude that she found out, his faithlessness be- fore it was too late. Discovering later that he wasn't mar ried, but was torturing her because he thought it funny, she would have been glad to know the man before shu Bave the right to torture her all through life. , She gave up her life, a needless and awful' sacrifice, but I claim that any woman Is better off dead than mar ried to the aelntne sort of man who thinks humor lies In torture. The kind cf men who -think a laugh must be bused on pain; that a cry of anguish v.lthout real causa is the most deliclou Inspiration for mirth: who worry and fret and frighten, that they! may laugh, are the Kind or men for all the world to avoid. They should be penned up together that they may play practical Jokes on each other. ' A man demands that the girl he loves have faith in him. This girl had It. He says she muat trust In him. Thla girl' trust waa Implicit. (VIEIVIBERSOFY.M,C.A. The southern members of the T. M. C. A. and the Y. W. C. A. will be at home to their Portland friends this evening at 8 o'clock in the Y. W. C. A. i auditorium. This will mark the last of the monthly states' socials conducted by associations, and an enjoyable time Is promised. Southern songs, stories and refreshments will be in vogue. fCOFFEg IL Portland Ja fin n . . i? ' I ineDestiLver If any one else had told her he was false,-she would hav .flown to hla de fence with tigerish rage that he bad been go " maligned. But he aald It himself He said h waa to marry another, and, having- the trust and. confidence In hi word which h had 'demanded,- she bellevad him. Her heart waa broken and she, acted harsnly, and without thinking. . Ther la a lesson in the tragedy, and th lesson la for affrls tb learn. A mart who play Joke Ilk this is beyond redemption.' ' ) , ' - -" Th girlg must learn, and know, tlie manner of men t whorn; they glY their heart. Finding ther ha been a mis take, they, must n thlhk aa this girl Golden .Wat Coffee is making dosena of new friends every day. An introduction assures its permanent place In particular homes. Your family and friends will compliment you on your delicious) toffeee - If - you use Golden West Try a tin today. You will Ilk It Immensely. If you" don't, take" If back to your grocer and get your money. Striae? 1 Butted kalr b come daaa mmi Raffjr aftav vsing Vaa tta '- kaaat tka 1 kalr claaaf 50c.-Where) Toilet Cooda Arm Sold-50c THE F..f ATOR C.. K.kMM, . V. , old la Portland by ktlp-Tylor Otng Co Trank JTktt ked Bkidaer Drug Co,1 .1 Wmm. Model Pll 9 Coodlle Prie), Model P117 Batiste $3.00 ' ' Mi , THIS IS THE ONLY CORSET WITH A REALLY PRACTICAL ELASTIC INSERT Modal C116 ContillelPrice, Modal Cl 17 Batiste $2.00 TpHE elastic is in strips instead of one whole piece. Move ment of the lower limbs is easy and natural and the elastic fabric lasts. It cannot become wrinkled Each strip is designed to with stand the correct degree of tension at that point This gives perfect ventilation, prevents perspiration and pre serves the life of the elastic arid therefore of the corset . Instant popularity has been ac corded to this new model. . tigs Tliese Special Offeri: For Saturday Only! . EACH 'TRlCE-CLir IS A MESSAGE OF ECONOMY TO YOU-FOR INSTANCE; BSlBBBBSBBaBPBlBBBSBaJsVBSajBs1MBBS A Ohapming Display of Women's Smart Suits Handsomoly Tailored Gar- ft tf fc? fTh monta. Soli HoC: to (325 at tp J. OoHJHJ' A birffiln offtdnj of Sprlnr ind Summer Salts that vomen of fashion should not fail to take advantage of. The most stHUnr features of these beautiful rarments are the up-to-datencjs of N. stv e and the excellent aualltv of materiaL Materiils are serges, whipcords and mixtures. In a splendid range of colors. AH sizes, and we are positive you'll find here just your suit. De on hand early. Rer ?1 C AA ular values up to 25.00, sale price only 0 1 0UU CHILDREN'S COATS $1.98, $2.50, $2.03 TO $9X Just received two very large shipments of latest styles In children's Coats. They come In sizes 2 to 14 years, and are handsome, well finished garments. Shown In good styles and colors. They come In white and plain colored str silk and cotton pongee, shepherd chcc)ts and mixtures. In gray, brown and tan. Plain tailored or finished with large collar; also large line In the Norfolk style. - CHILDREN'S DRESSES 75c, 85c UP TO $7.50. For tomorrow's sale we are showing a very attractive line of children's Dresses, In white and colors. They come In sizes 6 to 14 years, and are beautifully made of good quality ging ham and percales; also embroidered, tissue, white lawn and marquisette, in an Immense variety of styles and colors. mm by ' .a w a t arv i ft. Jwf v- w vm& in w s im m i bbs m Important Speoi'ls Women's ShoeB, Oxfords and Pumps At this sale you can choose from the most desirable styles In Women's Shoes, Ox fords and Pumps in the most fashionable leathers, in both button anoMace styles and in all sizes. They come in patent colt, vici kid, ffunmetal, tan calf, velvets and suedes. All popularly priced. I $4.50 and $5.00 Values Special at $3.98 $4.00 Values Specially Priced, Pair $3.48 I $3.50 Values Specially Priced, Pair $2.98 $2.50 and $2.75 Values Special at $1.98 Specials InMlsses', Cnildr en's Oxf or do Pumps and Shoes For tomorrow you have choice of a, full line of Misses' and Children's Oxfords, Pumps and Shoes in the most fashionable leathers, In button and lace styles and In all sizes. They come In gunmetal, tan calf, patent colt and white canvas and are priced as follows: $2.50 and $2.75 Values Special at $1.98 $25 Values Specially Priced, Pair $1.75 $2.00Values Specially Priced, Pair $1.49 $1.50 Values Specially Priced, Per Pair 99c M - A Special in Balbriggan Underwear We have the Jersey Ribbed Shirts and Drawers in all sizes and in the best 50c .2 Qsr grade. They are on sale tomorrow at the exceedingly reduced price, each O w In our Men's Section will be found many attractive offerings. Particularly important" is this sale of Men's Jersey-Ribbed Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers, fine seasonable weight garments, in all sizes. These Shirts are made, with elastic neck and faced front, and the Drawers with double gusset, suspender straps, good facing and pearl' buttons; shown in salmon color. Underwear purchased this season to sell '-QQVV for 50c a garment, on sale Saturday for. .OyL $4.50 AND $4.00 SUITCASES, ON SALE SATURDAY AT ONLY, EACH, $2.98 Two Lines to Choose From in Black and Tan Color Fine imitation leather Suit cases in black, made on steel frame with brass trimmings and corners, outside straps, ? shirt fold and inside straps; also embossed Walrus Suitcases in tan color, made on steel frame with heavy leather corners, brass trimmings, shirt fold, inside 'T QO straps and straps all around. Regular $4.00 and $4.50 lines, Saturday at DaWyO We are now showing complete lines in new ; Spring Muslin Underwear Garments that can't be surpassed in beauty and style. See Morrison street window dis play. r';Zlr)Mi''r):y MUSLIN SKIRTS, BEST $1.25 VALUES, SPECIAL 85c These dainty garments are made of very good quality cambric with deep embroidery and lace flounce. All. cut in the latest style and finished with cambric dust ruffle QCp and underpiece. Regular 1.25 values, Saturday, ; .Ouy ; MUSLIN GOWNS, BEST $1.00 VALUES, SPECIAL 75c An extra Wg special of pretty Muslin Gowns, shown in the high, square, V-shaped, or low neck style; ; Made of-verv jSfood quality material in the cambric and nainsook, with dainty embroidery and laae trimmirisrn All well cut made rood full size and neatly finished. . Regular $ 1 .00 f7 C values, special Saturday at. . . .... ",, . . . . ........ lUw MUSI DRAWERS; B 50c A' great assortment of fine Muslin Drawers, shown in both the circular and regular styles. Very good quality cambric ornainsook, with neat embroidery and lace trimmings. All made and finished extra well. Regular 5oc and 65c ':i2Q 1 values, special for Saturday at. ;. v . , . .V. . . . . .0 w Corset Covers for 25c .A very fine. showing of dainty. Corset Covers, made of good quality nainsook and ' neatly trimmed with laces, embroideries and rib bon, all sizes. OC, Special at...'..&ul