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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 26, 1912)
THE OBKGOJI DAILY JOURNAL, 'PORTLAND. FRIDAY EVUNINQ. Al'JUL .Hi HaanfassMBseaasssfasjBSP! mm SEESWUKTOAGL East Side Church Practically Destroyed by Fire; Has Been Landmark 32 Years S EON Autos Whiz Through Big Ar. ; mory and Over Campus: Beautiful Day Makes Trip to Benton. Pleasant. ,) f fa I lalt. I,.. AMI) ?f---AI fWtl bl IW Ke Mailt- NitUll t( II aa.4 fntttead tetea. Hk eatwiaias al Ik tN)k etlr . M l;tl rl(l ! IhmId a4t-ed rasae!: Ufr-r , ftat a.ll l rKii- ete ui it.tiu( rii,iur '-r Mi!lto1!i la flra AfT-ollr .1 11 It aad i alale unlavfell T i rMl.atle !Mfa4t-4 r tv K )ett r uata mli4 tr J, t I Tl. lst'alitll Of Ik rwstulloit l f:w4 amfcr sf brre far it a '. 'a ef ifl.r aad mote eompra- j t - , . t - .t.IlM IhliUMkMl I i el. fc i SUS l ! I ha RMI etUstine end profitable math- U af Uilans er4 rtilUvelloa, Te ,eeurloa treia rasrhed rUWe f al T schwa sad nl al Ihe depot br Mart Crave aad a. del;itos of maa. a ba aaretlad lb f icur- a loo ta I a la I ha Oall festal whara dmaar was rfd. bus Iba bead flared A cart U front af Iba haul br bkatiag land arboola uaaa IN i4 la Iba U ui aT M aTaTJaTaaaTJaiaTaT4Ta- a)4.. ' " r T' ,i-.; V m i - I: MRS.F.EWARREN DFTIIRMFI1 TflflAV I i tih Iba at ila laiaa a ftataab. t a f aa a)it- aaiu af fa la iba a I wi4 l'lirwU. bilw Iba laa aaata. I Mbay ab b ttlHiaW ta alat akA (wkal hty aaUa4 a4 b4 .At ila4 Mai H'l r Iba ira la auaarfa lt-t ia a4al aiaa a aa i-a siavaa taal mm a (II La a babaa ( la4 amoal a a-boaa la Ika Waaa ronianu survivor 01 inanie a .i r i i Wlt4 Wreck, Who Lost Husband, Back Home. Mra. MrMajiUbJ la) TaMtfy. l-a Aa. A4t! II t4rUl Al laaar 'laJMUba aAaa4 laxUy Kal bira wut McMaaljaL aira a im aa f4 4naaaja. baa aoaaaaiaa la A4aMala4 by ba aaafbla M'M.fxaaa la AmUi la ba a alt at.a affc. (aba ak..l In la bja f Iba aiala la Iba Irtal af Cbfaa Tb. ! aab W aa. . a. !( aa a aafaa af banbary. rr4 . iba aartiaia af iba Tiiaai i atrba biaa aii4 ba iba yiia-M falaauvila mtl Iba Sm rJ-.aa iu akfe aJk n. tlart1av far. aintal la NilitU Ual !" I . uM hi t.Ca aaaaal tmr Iba JMtKa blia W'a, ab ta a i-l iallr4 bbf. a4 0F 0lliar. a r la 4I1 b. I. . J ! l'h. lrl rw4ty H4r W aaal a-aa ailh Iba Tliaala. rilaa4 la J Ml am J I'vaa, ba tnlf laaat Ba al4 aba mI,I j " i 1 1 y&aba a alli. lala Iflif aba ba4 tr TttraaaM Of. raic4 a4 ba l't l ra brwaaai.b, Mblaa. A art I J.rii Kal rrat na mmia ' ' , IMr.a in trunava la Aaaifaa a. Ua Itnltl. HHHtk' a.J(afcl fif l a bota aMp lalb4 ! laalkbluai aalnal !' i aKa ilnaatik a It h. . . fhuifla) b4 aavaral alaraa I. iti t,...i kt- Brond flr'lt Churcn; bulldiof com plait ly futted by bUa. Cor III. Or. April M Tfca Tart lana ana uraaw tinrm t rtr4 at Currallla urlaa' Ual ftKM ni aaa tlaoad aUila alraal. Iba eld mam Una af iba KsmUmt l"urU5. Iba asattratotiUia mifbi ba lima aaay walkloa? duiAsea of Iba batal vtaara Iba brvakfaat a acbadulrd. Afirr a day of raia aad a nlhi af aaamblla bbd toraahlnc away f eloada lha ua ram forth la groat aplaaoor I ihia morning Tha "Ttieuroloa Upoelal" 1 Ka. , uadar data af Ibla morning, aaya. I ld you avar la all your lira anjoy a I mora auiirv aiortilna tiuia mur IviH a aulomobllaa aaaaniblad al 8llth aad Jaffaraoa btraata al T.St clock to laka Iba aieuraloolita la Via Julian holal. whara a maaloa eoqnly braak- faat tu aarrad la Iba Han ton county way. Aflar braakfaat Mayor Talaa In a faw ramarka welcomad lha aicuraion to iba "llaart of tba raliry." Tha axrDraloalala raanirrrd Iba aulo mobllaa aad wara whltsad out Monroa alraal ta lha great annory, which iba automobllaa antarad at Iba froat door, t c4rr1lg tha Inlarlor. Tba rawalndar or tna roranoon waa pant at U'albo hail, tha doroaatlc acl- anca laBoratorlaa IU ma agncuuurai f hajla. At II O'clock noon tba aicuralon Mrtv bad tba Dlaaaura of wllnaaalng a ttrli of tha colirga cadat rrglmanl. At 1 a'caock lunch waa aan-ad at -Shap- ard balL lha T. M. C A. ball, by Ua ladlaa' auxiliary of tha Corvallla Com marclal elub. This afternoon tha act' aca halt machanlcal hall, ahopa, dairy building, barn a, ate., are balng vlalted. VOYAGE OF OLYMPIC IS Aa star l,aal1 furnara In lha raar of lha of lha old Kacond UP Hal rhurrb. a frama bullJIng thai baa alood for many yaara on lha aoulhaaal roraar of taal Haraolh and Aakany alraala. aa lha of a flra which aiartad ahortlr afUr I o'clock yaalarday aflamooa and complalaly ru'laj tba alroctora. Thla church, which waa on of tba old landmark on tba aaal aldavf lha riar. waa anlargad and ramodalad about It yaara ago, al a coal af noariy Itooo. Iala yralarly aflamoon, Karl rr- Ban. tha aailon filled lha rumaca anu then went up at Air. Returning to the baaement, h found thai the woodwork back of tha heating apparatus waa ablaie. Utter turning In tha alarm. !teraen worked for iom time trying to eittna-ulah tha flra. which epread to ward the front and. upprr aectlon of lha bulldlnc. Whan tha flramen arrived on the aeene aereral ( ream of wal-r were turned Into the blailng atrucluxe. It waa not until nearly o'clock before lb flame war entirely cxtlngulahed. Only tha ehell of tha building la ataml. In h roof and upper part having baan buraad Including tha front aplra. About a year and a half ago reruiar church meeting In tha plar-a were dis continued. Tha nam of tba building waa changed to tha Iaopls'a Hall and Industrial lloma, work being carried on In tha etrurture under the direction of Iter. Albert Ehrgotl and It Noitina-ham. Bavaral weaka ago Ihla waa abandoned. aad tba alraclur baa not bean occupied alnoa aicepi for a few daya by a Itagab revival worker. All Ih church furnlehlnga ware In the building, when tba flra (tgrteJ, Includ Ing a well equipped kitchen and area a aorta On lb floor of the naln audi. torlum waa a large carpel valued al aavaral hundred dollara. In tha rhnlr i hare w an organ valued at tiooe, which waa badly damaged At the I line fir tha church waa aa It had bn rVft when the ronrregatlon (inlted with tha Central lUptlat ohurcb which waa later given the name Kaet Fid. Ilap- flat church. The property la owoad by Ihe conarexatlon of tha church. Tha building ronatructed about SI year ago. at that time a email on etnry frame affair. About If yeara ago when Itev. M. U. Iawls waa paator, an annex waa built and tha old frame atruc- tiira remodeled. Among lha paator who hav had charge of the church work in Ihe building ar Hv. Ray Palmer. Rev. William E. Randal). Rev. R. C. Ijipham and Rev. II. 8. Black, bealdea Rev. Al bert Ehrgott. Mil COUNTY'S VOTE WILL DECIDE BY HUR T 6Y MO BY VN WOMAN Mr t'arai aa mat a le fll-t bf ear to r' Wa'tem. Jr. a4 Iba faiatlr drove lntnJ lSy I He War fan borne i-4 Hi Clair aa4 I'arfc ttt Mr Wrva i nr raiallte baa Ibal be e teb.a aaay from lha Ti tanic l Ihe arl 4ifbat wMrb lalnad ar. Thar wee r.t aboard fjr m pwla and ehe railed la bar hutad in Jo ber II rfi4 la io a4 l14 bar he would Lata ) another boal after Iba wootea and ehll 4ra had baan UM ff. Tbal Iba lal aba aw ( blav Wbaa ehe aa picked up by lha "nt hk a few beur later aha Ierta4 Ibal ba waa among lha anleatag. gha did not give up bop. however, uatll iba reooue ablp docked la New Tor a. VI laa franc U'arraa and ber brolbe Oaorg left rMtid aa aooa aa Ihey lamd of lha Tltaelc dUaal.r. Oo(e w.rr.n ftmilnal In lha aaal lo await the eutooma of tba Mackay-ttannell ei ndltlon II la al Mat! fa I where in aaarchlna early la acheduled lo arrive laiaame with lha bodlea that Wata reeavarad. It la poaalbla thai Warren a body la ameng them. k.a aca b4 braa. Tba fir aav ( aa ara af a arir by half aula Tba ie aa far will t-e eara I baa :. . SHUT UP I'M BUSY IS REPLY TO WARNING ABANDONED 50 DECKHANDS ALSO QUIT Candidates to Democratic Convention Run So Close Together Result in Doubt. On th reault of the Democratic rote In Marlon county depends whether James E. Godfrey of Marlon, John H. Stevenson or A. A. Kadderly, both of Multnomah, will attend tha Democratic White Star Officials Appeal to '. Ptlirta Pacconerorc TrsnC-. I national convention at Baltimore aa one - l un( , uooi.fevio ..iamw .f h ,0 deleatM from Oregon, farrort In Annthor VCCO The personnel of the other nine dele IOIISU IV nnuilivi iwdum ,.. haen deflnltalv aettl.d bv th. returns. In Marlon oounty, .however, which Is expected to give a big vote to Godfrey, tha Democratic votes have nof yet been counted. As the contest stands today, Steven son and Kadderly are tied, with 694 votes each. Alex Sweelc of Multnomah in next with 602. then comes Bartlett Cole, also of Multnomah, with 600 votes and Godfrey Is next with 6S votes. It Ih conceded, however, that Godfrey Is the only one with a chanc to beat out Stevenson or Kadderly, The nine delegates whone election is certain are A. S. Bennett of Wasco, 262S votes; Will R. King, Multnomah, 1171 votes; Thomas S. Burka of Baker, 1063 votes; Herman Wise of Clatsop, 976 votes; Mark Holmes of Polk, 942 votes; Victor P. Moses of Benton, 817 votes ; James W. Maloney of Umatilla, 872 votes; Daniel W. Sheahan of Wallowa, 678; Frederick V. Holman of Multno mah. 670 votes. f Tatted Praea Leaaad Wlr.t Portsmouth, England. April 28. Two days of trouble, following th demands of stokers on board the White Star liner Olympic for more lifeboat protec tion,' resulted today In the abandonment of the big liner's trip across the Atlantic rorKw JTork after 60 deckhands had Joined the walkout, refusing to work with non-union stokers. L The ill-fated Tltanic's sister ship fl nally succeeded today in filling her hold with non-union stokers, and prepared to tart. She steamed as far as the Isla of Wight, where, off Hyde, the 60 deck hands struck,, declaring they would not work with the non-union men In the bold. The strikers boarded a tug and . left the ship. The White Star officials appealed to . tha Portsmouth police, who arrested the atrlker on a charge of mutiny. The 'Olympic j was then ordered back to Southampton to discharge her passen 'aers, . abandoning the trip. The pas- sengera were transferred to other ves sels. Later It was announced that the Olympic would be held here Indefinitely. until a proper crew Is secured. The trlkors arrested were arraigned In po lice court and charged with unlawful ' disobedience Instead of mutiny. The striking deckhands were re manded, to jail here to await procedure ona mutiny charge. The mail aboard tbe-Olymrlc was sent to Queenstown, where It was picked up by the liner Lusitania. I CRUEL TREATMENT r BRINGS 11 DIVORCES mt - Nina woman anA t.A man nmiinn..4 befofa Presiding Judge Kavanaugh this morning of cruel treatment from their husbands and wives, respectively, from whom, - they were asking Cilvoroe de crees. The women given divorces were f, Mildred Smith from Pendleton Smith, f, Maud Ogden from Samuel Ofrden, Anna M. Herrlca from John Herrlck. Ethel L. Jordan; from Edward B. Jordan, Kffie O. Darling from Everett R Darling, . Uussl Grousebeck from M. E. Grous TAekr. . Maud Cunningham f mm ' I Cunningham, Grace E. Breighthaupt from OScar Brelghthaupt, and Bertha J Burdick from James Burdick. The men I were Hobort E. Wilkinson from Emma M. WllkirBOti "and M. E. George from Daisy George. OREGON P0ST0FFICES WILL CHANGE CHIEFS (Wa.hlnetoo Bureau of Tha Journal.) Washington, April 26. Representative Lafferty has recommended the appoint ment of Shirley S. Graham for postmas ter at Minam, Union county. Postmas ter If. A. Aldrlch of Palmer and - J. D. Stevens of Holbrook have resigned and candidates Hugh . Peeples at Palmer and P. E. Walker at Holbrook are acceptable to the department, which la awaiting Laf ferty s approval. F. E. Hume has resigned at Roberts. G. W. Vanderpool and D. M. Shattuck are candidates to sueraed Postmaster W. H. Staats of Maupin, Wasco county, who has resigned. VhtUle crossing Aider street near Eleventh. Peter Freiburg, 17 years Aid, who lives with his mother at SSI East Sixth street north, an employe of th Central Messenger company, waa struck by a five passenger automobile driven by a woman, who failed to give her name at the hospital. The boy sustained a scalp wound. The driver of the ma chine stopped the car, and with the aid of a pedestrian, the boy. who was un conscious, was lifted Into the automo bile and taken to the Good Samaritan hospital. The woman driver of the machine left the hospital after seeing that the boy received medical attention. She did not leave her name or address. HAMMER WIELDER IS HELD TO GRAND JURY R. J. Hill, a photographer of Monta- vllla, was bound over to the grand jury for assault with a dangerous weapon and William E. Marshall, postmaster of Monta villa wob released by Judge Tnswell yesterday asan outcome of a fistic encountw between the two men in Hill's studio w.hlch occurred when Marshall attempted to collect a bfll of J9.40. After the fight each had the other arrested. Both were badly bat tered. A two pound hammer, which Hill alleged Marshall brought with him, played an Important role in the fight Because Hill struck his antagonist with the weapon the Judge held him. r-idtad Praaa Laaed Wlra ) Waahlnalon. April If. Al lha Inquiry Captain Itrd of Ih Callfornlan in ivtn Gllla teatlnionr aeciarixi tnai half an hour before tha Titanic struck he received tha warning "Iceberg ahead' from Ih Callfornlan. which than waa leaa than 20 mile away. Ma aid when h eanl the Ira warning tha Tltanic's operator replied 'Bnui up. n l.uv. Ruler. In bis testimony, told the whole senate committee that the Titan c'a .dead ware strewn far and near over th waters. He ld tha cries ware errible after tha ahlp sank. Fevers peraona. ha aajfl, per picaeo up aiiv hut died on. the llfehoat In which h ecaped.,Tf we had had aufflclent llfe- ooa a everyone vuum n.v wcu m, I he aald. How Ismay aotea waa toio orieriy oy William Ward, a steward on th Ti tanic. "I heard him eay. 'Steady, boys " Ward declared, "whan the lifeboats were being launched." A possible light on tha fata of Mr. Isldor Straus waa also contributed by Ward. "I saw an old lady refuse to go Into th lifeboat," he aald. "She forced herself back into tha companion way. I am not aura,, though, that it waa Mrs. Straus." BANK CLEARINGS SHOW GAIN OF $2,910,673 The remarkable gain of 2.910.78.1J Is shown by Portland's bank clearings for the week ending at noon today. The total clearings for the week were $11. -99.87I.7o. compared with $10,719,- 200.64 for the corresponding week one year ago. This Is the fourth succes sive week In which Portland's bank figures have shown a big Increase over last year. Itf eawur Ulaaott la LaWtrv ft'. t4a4 CX iiaaoa af the t'alt(liy af Waahrsgie, will saliva a ler( aa "Cttrrtcalaa aad Charadef al Iba hftl Co,atUeaa harrb, Mai faes and t( alraaia. thla avaalag A tort mualral program will be reader ad. krtfltietag al T 46 e'aleca, Taeeaers aa4 It genera.) Public" are tart l ad. IMIIIOK ESTATE FACTIONS AT WAR Suit Brought by Widow to De . tcrmine Who Shall Con , Irof Stock Tba Rasibarsa aatal. g4 al It' els, has be draws Uta bligwtvws lbs aarrwll swsrt. Aallaa ara alart a4alar4ty jr Mift Harb4 L. Haw Ibaraa. wiAow af JVC lUatbaawa Ibal r-awtar . rwuM saas, agalsbl bay -ia. Mrs. M. IX CsUlaa. la dMM. atlas was abeU Uv (aaiiral ef Iff Am t stars Is lha aaisia. which aas II to sJUftd. wa .U4 Is lbs basse af Mrs. 1'wUias wiivul por is biadla sunag lb lifallws sf baa doaor. Mr Hlbn. rroaa b Mt.elalat, l Is noted Ih tale eoaaiale sf lM sbsras, af whim lha w 14 war head ! ah. Mrs Cl lias ff ihar sad Mis. Wbiie.y I bwtas bold 1 1 abaaa, j .r.- aal dartof the tauer part sf lll. be plaintiff -itas tha f sbaras wars gives Vrm..CwUlas, which sssirsl aha was IS aaawJ) si lbs dasih Sf Mrs. 11 I bar as, vk Os Maarb IT. lilt. Mrs. Hawthorne tlagas M. C Collin was Illegally pra. ldni sf the saute, which to sow s earperstioev. Mrs. Hawthorne was raw agalsad sbidB preview is this lima. Is srdfr for lbs Co 11 laa is gala con trol sae Shars sf flack was transferred f ( M'S C. Bf- 14 bar bbbd 44 fc Is ow t-aa, as jaU at. fri lb aa'ai ii.a.a a4 CJ S S'-a-a fla-4 Is 1t ba4 f dl. raft m. sl lb )a av(lk.. b)l IbS aiauliff, wbts salt a-a liiaL Is lbs safaalbata, Mrs tta a i !.. lot. I a-fd abars sf t llatf IS if. kV L Jaabl sad ewe au Is Ai laraty W. lb rltav Tbie fU4 Mis Itawibors. W Jarl. w. i rw. lus sa.4 Mrs. Hot a aa fatla, aa4 Mrs. Ceiiiaa. M- C Cliia a4 bs itiath la lbs at baa faciaws. Twa ttl a'raa sf tiatf 4sa4 Is lbs baiaa sf Mrs Cailia baiag lb aiwh va aHapati. btrbj daraalb4 Iba bsUUacs sf yueal. Afl lbs Cilta faclaas) bad aiaciad UJf Is sttslrtoi lbs btalalUf. aiu was gives Mis Csiitse by M'a. Hawibfte Ual th girt sf all iLr sf ib wsnld be revabad as Iba (rented Ibal If bad be IllMblly Ud by lbs CsllUvs faetJas, i be piaiauir aal IS bar aull Ual Mrs. cauias lafusad is give lbs Ml shsrss he lha sllos. Tl aali sake for a rsstrsUlaf srdar pbJIUUtg lbs Col line latlloa rrwas irsttafarrlag lb atl ahArvs sr eiec. fur as stvotiaiisg. and far ihe naai laiurv i at f a iiaainsina at ine iec- (va bar daugblar. Tal lo Itrtsrm lo Dsy btats. ttattad rwae tam.f wva. Drstbla. JUaaa, April I Chair Kailh ef ihe clly Republloea omaallta nauai:d thla aflarssos that be bad arraaaad far frealdant Taft IS return bare Monday Sight far lbs flbal fpxb of bis MaaashuatU ctaislgs. Asks lUss for UuOSS) XabkaV (VtSbraa gaeaa sf Tba Jearaelt Wtthluiloa, April I. rtaprwaasls. Ilv llawtey saka tba fleh eommiaaloa lo sand bass is sloes. Oesa lake al Lakyvlaw. How Build Today t To Replace the Worn-out Parts a rvP Vnef Atair'rloTr? a Each day thinkers use up cells of the Drain. Each day active workers destroy cells In the nerve centres. If the food lacks the things Nature demands for rebuilding, Nervous Prostra tion and Drain-fa result. Suppose a bricklayer tried to build a wall and the boss furnished brick, sand and water, but left out the lime? Suppose you eat plenty of albumin and take sufficient water, but neglect food which contains Phosphate of Potash? Nature cannot rebuild ray matter In nerve centres and brain without Phos phate of Potash which binds together albumin and water to make It. Phosphate of Potash, as jjown in the grains by Nature, is more than half . the mineral salts in Grape-Nuts. "There's a Reason" for DEFENSE LOSES POINT IN LAND FRAUD CASE Oil wells rich, and rare are described In the literature used by W. H. WTilt taker and others promoting the Lake OH. Gas & Pipe Lin company, over which a charge of obtaining by fraud the signature to a -deed has been placed against Whlttaker who Is on trial be. fore Judge Morrow. Emma Smith and Mary J. Col are the complaining wit nesses. The literature was introduced today in evidence, which represents Note Made by Potum Cereal Company, LtcL, Battle, Creek, Mich. 1C THE HOUSE OF COATS Week-End Sale Specially Priced SATURDAY UNTIL 10 P. M. V , No Official Word. --"f Pettad Press leased Wire.) ' Sacramento, Cal... April 26. Colonel S. S Cannon, chief aide to Adjutant General Forbes, at ted today that while numaro. x -soldiers are daily volun teering for service with the California National Guard In ease of intervention In Mexico, the department has had absolutely no word from Washington en which to ba a belief that th National Guard wtll be called upon. . He said the orders issued lai Saturday for the re cruiting and complete equipment of all State troop were merely designed t avoid confusion Is case say call should com. . , ' v ..-.";-.:;..' GUARD CELEBRATES 20TH ANNIVERSARY In celebration f the twentieth an niversary of the organization of Com pany H, Oregon ' National Guard, the "veterans" m&t last night at the Im perial hotel, where they had a banquet, atii! a short program of toasts and re sponses. Old acquaintanceships were renewed and reminiscences of early days in the guard were related. About 40 charter members of the company were present, many of them coming from their homes la different cities of the coast to attend. English Criticise Senator Smith. (Special to The JooroaLt London, April 28. The people Of Great Britain, as evidenced by views expressed In newspapers and by publie speakers, are Indignant over the action of the American senate's Tltanle jcam mlttee In refusing to release British subject. The opinion seems to prevail that J, Bruce Ismay and survirioe; mem bers of the Tltanic's crew were con victed In advance. Senator Smith, "the gentleman from the wilds Of Michigan,! one paper says, "who possibly; la torn palled by the exigencies' of electioneer ing to be as insolent aa possible to Eng lishmen, la generally criticised. -, ,'. v. iff ' That Nifty Tan ber Slip-on for and women, speciaUy priced Rub-men $2.75 Men's and Women's English I Slip-ons, art plaid interlined ; spe cially priced at $10.00 and. uicu , epc- $7.50 Men's and Women's English Slip-ons, . sin gle and double textures, specially A4Q PA The New English Gab erdines for men and women ; priced at $17.50 and. ji uicii emu $15.00 Ladies' Genuine Goodyear Glove Rubbersr and Gloves 75c OUTLET CLOTHING CO. FORCED-TO-QIHT! qLOTHING BUSINESS PROVES A T7 T ll l CT1 ii-; This is one of the leading Men's Clothing Stores in Portland, but has carried too high a grade of merchandise for the location. Stock consists of the highest grade of Men's Clothing, Furnishings, Hats and Shoes. ' MUST BE SOLD QUICK! Nothing Reserved A FEW ITEMS: UCOPX COMPANY 343-Washmgton-343 One Efoor Above Seventh!, Men's Genuine Goodyear Glove ' : Rubbers ' Sl.OQ $15.00 Men Spring Suits now at No Juggling of Prices a a a $479 $20422.50 Men Suits, Blue Serge.? and Tweeds . $7.79 10c and 15c Sox at, pair . . . . ...... .3c 50c President Suspenders cut to. . , .... ,19c 10c Handkerchief, white and colored 3c 75c Dress Shirts, soft and pleated. 1.23c $141.25 Dress Shirts, soft and pl'ted 39c $3.00 Men's Shoes cut to $1.89 $2.50 Men's Extra Pants at ...... . .89c $1.00 Underwear at 59c $1.50 Wool Underwear at .... . . . . . 69c 50c and 75c Men's Work Shirts at. .33c $2.00 Flannel Overshirts at ...... . 89c $2.50 Wool Sweater Coats at . .... .89c $2.50 Men's Hats at ..... ; .89c $5.00 Boys' Suits at ....... .$1.89 Every article will be marked in plain figures, and in order to turn this big stock into money quick, gtiolrJs'will be sold to the public : wholesale and retail Sale Starts Saturday, April 27, at 1 0 A. M. iiiETiii 201 FIRST STREET, CORNER TAYLOR