The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, April 26, 1912, Page 5, Image 5

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    THi: QUI CO. 'J DAILY JOL'KNAU rOliTIA!'0. ri'IDAY CVlINIJiO. Al'lilt. 2-3. lilt.
Colonel Roosevelt Replies to
Criticism In Harvester
Trust Matter.
Wui li a uiM isa ruii .(
r lk ratlfa (alWa.4. lludta air. 7IV.
CWrl MaoMWIl la alai.ataM I t.
i -tJi TM iiitMi r
fthit M tarfar I teiMMl
la hr(M WWt, ..
-f toon trri)ir in t U.
fcartclar tal raaa !! t lo I all
"I ala4 t tk lint
tbaa )ar aa-4 f Mr 4mlii.
iiu. thrift- til i Ibm, fur lha ia.
! y Ml. femllU. aa uol aUL
I nnuk Ik rlt nl4 tr IM
( turiaT Una paru4. a Mr.
atHft write) . lha ealy laalmelloM
I Mm la rr4 l m rpt
Wr ) Id arjiltl II pre
taliua al lill teal Ion,
( Ihr.a h Jaja4
.im: Mr. TaA ! traaiJaaL Iur-
ffa" IM inUr lima ihm Uliar af Mr.
unh aaa baa In ma off- ( lha i
lot fJ aa4 Mr. Tafl eaaavt
ha foifiMlaai Ik 4abl about II la
t caLlttat mUx hM ha waa
ui.mbar af lb cbint and iar wbio.
ha look tr- lariat lb laraa rs
Mr. Tafl at may lima toulJ haa or.
drr4 1 atlonxr federal la praevd
aaairtftt h tuirir Iruat ia r
((4 u ib rrport, r b rjv4
ii rutnmUttgnrr or erjor4lofi lib
to hurry up lb report or la ! him
lb rvaaons bjr tl intjoii
liufrjr it up.
Sot on If did I not upr aa
(xra coanru4 Willi tba but I
l.M .vary paper an flla lihr la tba
dvrttant ar Juattea or la iaa auraau
of iwpuraUona ami If aorthlnf wrong
bftd bo don Maar to tb jr of ornia-
aiun or cornmlaaUia, lha aJralniairaiioo
ihraa raaxa aal I wo luoatha la
blrh lu rorrvct tba wrong.
Mr. Tafl baa Da ovar inraa yaarw
Ui h while boua. Vuring tbai prioa
l.t, baa bad ample Umo allhr to pub
lieh the facia or la laka action aJnal
Id baralr trual. II Baa lao no
action eicepl tliot oow taken, flva daya
ti inr lha Uujarhutelli primary.
Tha rolunal call llullon t tha
fact that lha mallar waa brought up
in Hi anala by Brnator Johnaion. an
anient aupportar of aWnavtor lxrliner of
ralua on lha hotdtnaa of tha Commercial
Tmat company. Thla valu waa placed
t 1101.000.
On tha around that It would ba of
advantag to th Till fluarant a
Truat company to "partake of all tba
uaual adrantagea of euch an Invaatmant
and all tha advantag of tba reputation
of owning aurh a vlalbla aaaet aa Ita
noma" a flrtltloua ralua of $1000 a ahara
waa ertatod on tha 1108 aharea of tha
Commercial Truat company. In order
that thla might be accomplished tba aura
of tlll.OOO waa ukea from tha truat
funda of tba Title Guarantee aV Tmat
With tha 1161.000 ehare to fha num-
ratc company, b ealaoiianea. io mm aai- b.r of 161 In tha Commercial Tmat
lefactlun of tha fadaral court. Koaa ana l company war purchased, notwlthatand-
Ing tha faot that tha total capital atock
(Contlnuad From Paga Ona.)
In Ita name war recorded In th book
of tha Title Uuranla & Truat company
ml All uf Ita financial tranaacliona
financed with th fund of that com
pany. Th Commercial Truat company
n . i . r bad a bank aocount In Ita own
mime. Should thla fact, that th Cora-
inrrt lai Truat company wu not a aepa-
l.lndalay cannot cap from oing in
n.t.iumtit for tha alleaad iranaier oi
ink from Itoaa and bla dummlea, W
w RiiL Nathan Coy and Loula O.
i'irk which took nlac on February 17
191 i. It la aald. Tba atock af Rae, tt
Mharea. and Uiat of Clark. 20 aharea.
waa lsaued aubseauent to tha appoint
ir.ent of a receiver and waa therefora In
direct opposition to tna oraera oi me
court. Mr. Howard alao denlea that
Rold and Coy var were th real owner
of any atock In fb company.
part of Koia Eatata.
In tha laauanca of the atock orlgl
imlly. ltosa is charged with-unlawfully
Inducing F. C. Moars, at tha tlma re
elver of the defunct company, to issue
the stork without the sanction of tha
court and directly contrary to tha court'a
orders. Ho Is also charged with using
the same Influence In securing the
Khares to Clarke, and it la aald the
Mtock was iHsued that Clarke might be-
' . ... . . . A.
.nm indpmnuiea as sureiir vu m. uuuu
for 150.000. -
The shares which are now claimed by
T.ltwlslpv and which were turned over
to Undsley by Ross last February, were
n part of Ross' estate, if It be decided
that he came by them legally, at tha
time wnen ha made signed statement
throuch tha rewspapers that m consia
cratlon of the guarantee of William M,
I.add that he would make no claim on
the defunct company for the large
amount due him until all the depositors
wero paid. According to this promise
Ross stated that In addition to the as
nets of the bankrupt company he would
turn over all of his personal estate to
tlm receiver to ba exhausted In the
payment of the debts of th company.
This promise waa made on January 3,
Oreate riotlHoua Tama, AUgo.
It is alleged In the petition that on
ine IS, 1U7, KOSS, i. x. uurnnart
ana ueorge tt. nm, uiirtwn uj. mo
Title Guarantee & Trust company, men
In a precarious and falling condition,
held a corporate meeting and resolu
tions were passed creating a fictitious
m) "1
ill i i m I
7 ( ' 'd V
if ; v it
sal i r - l M
I II V ' I 1
? 7- t , v a i
I 1 I a 1 I
I I t - .
i m i if i i
IBS i ' i I I
III I ill
lit II!
Ill V f III
krv -. -sy-' .
BaWaW' Ill Jr K - M m W I
lt 119. Will
N 111
I '-r f II
Ml i i '
1 1 1 1 Hi
It la a. fUmaJ t
r.M'n T ii f iaiil
i a Ui4 k- av.kAfca ir
a, j Mi. tl'a4 M XV
Abova. E. !!. Rolhrock of th Chroa
IcJe, and. below. Charlea Alrk.
who murdr4 blm canalatr.
Aa a "joko" fellow workman of
Aleck, wbo could not rad. ahowed
him th glaring badl!n) of tba
Titanic dlaaater and told blm ba
waa tha aubject Bo Alock care
to Bpokana from a lotting eimp
and klllod tba editor.
of the company amounted to but 1(0,000
and numbered 100 aharea, and tha par
value had never been legally Increased
from 1100 a ahara. .At tha tlan alao
there waa a mortgage of tlIJ.000
against tha property and llabllltlee to
tha Tiu Guarantee at Truat comDanr
amounted to I11M40. Tb raJua ef the
property ef tb Commercial Trust com
pany la given at approximately 1300.000.
Charga Corrupt Seal.
At thla a am meeting th director
voted tha laauanca of 1114 aharea or
atock la tha' Title Guarantee A Trust
company at 1110 a ahara and Rosa pur
ported to accomplish the aubaciiptlon of
tl of th aharea by W. W. Raid and
a ! 4 Ua ta
ft I W. IC
Ts I U i. i t atk iui wag M
ptfta i a fea 4
iv, 4-a imM ef la ajraa r,
aa awa l ai vaaa M lUla
ef tVi eaeryaeJ tr4 a'y
tka lll.ltl jr.a- ! lal
eat Wa ftiV tMtMMUaUtslat
pV Ta May as.1 l(.a
iHy taa a la. ra4 ia U la
f lil. W fc teaanmUl trai M
aff alaak 4 a ara
a4 tuM auli I paaa a
ei. aUUg IUIII I is. iiae of I
a tuts Uaf aala A Trw
Tv ant r aiaa aia saava l r ta
Mra f aaUu Ik IC-I
Omt TVaa Tfli Aaa.
TIs tU4g al Iiuia4 ad Masalag.
Mms lraa(a,.aaa a la
toliaiaa. Baa4 rrwe Wlf f I
aivry i f.r lltl.ll Wy le l-a.
aaarraal t rwM apr. rvi' l J k
t enia lis f laa aarraaaa B
drw aaalaial lae faa af IK THU
Qrwalaa Yn4 I I I
pay t'a'le-e ! Meet True
apy a rM Kustii of ikt !,
bl la. aa4 IIILtl tn m
evil la.
fa aidlU t lata ta uaa f MM
waa pi4 i I U VMitia laai a fra
a etl I lb uira t ef la
fciar ll ia aU4lag TUla
t waa al rav4 fra IK aaaaia
f fa caapr II ka Mailt a ft a
lb raaaivae- waa aprid. UlKer Iraa.
aatta add l tb anai aKrf4 t
la TIU Uuasvnla . at Ttuet Pai.y I
at ftMst'r tha ftotnwerraaj Tmall
iMMf aaaklnaT tola) f
lltttaa ibat l a Tin ukisi
Trual rtsmpaap waa sut. t an or
lb fcxal aaawta ft lha aoftipanr
Tw dark bafer Lb bak failad. a-J
rT41g to lb aaiMiuv IUm lrawarrra4
aanaag thr ata. IINO.froea U
truat funds of tb Till Uaarwala as
Trual apay la tb March I lam
at Trwal epatr tat Oilcaa-o. I Jobnj
F. IMalda, Iruat tfnttf af lb forme
cewpaay. Tal asoeey waa raiarran
la Hi aam and aiKrenny ir id
aooounl f la CoaaanMrtal Trail a-
paay, bj actually ta cover aefvieacla
ta moacra aaai4 i ina di in
CwatsakrrUI Trwat eorapany.
blch rllr t-alongad I Ibe depoalior
aa eradllar f tba Title Uuarmataa
Truat cotapjy.
(aerial I TV. Jrat I
Anrii ll T. Mori Intnna managar of
th Multitnmah track tm ha Just
baan notified- bf OrMusu ejvar
fjeary that th meet between Orafon and
Multnomah will ba held here tomorrow
aa acheduled.
Th track has been draiBM ana win
be In rood ehap If weather continue
fair. Lrunn ba agreed 10 onng nis
Earlier In th morning
decided to call tha meet off.
Warn Kin UswW SrJrd OrW.
Loa Angele, AprU !. Tha erulaar
Maryland and tha oeairoper nipr.
wins at Ban Feoro, win ciaar ion"i
K.n Dlaao under a led orders. Th
mpreaeton pravaiia nara msi m. wr
iKin.' irin la In connection with tha
threatened dlfflcultle along tha Mexi
can border.
n.min to Marrlanda hull by a
A.imm tornado fired by th aubmarlna
Orampua waa rpalra last mini amjj
tha ahtp mad rdy for a. Tb sub
marine Grampus ana -i. ""V'"'
th. tander Fortune, left for Eaa
Diego at midnight
Removal Sale of Brasses
: fwata t. :
j ,"tit7nT'
V. V. 6. O. will
i m p r o v e . your
health and your
complexion. - It is
strengt h enin g
body-building and
blood-purifying in
its action. You
don't have to
take it by the
spoonful use it
in cooking youf.
food where other
fats are now em
ployed, ; '
Removal Sale of Leathers
New tailored Shopping Bags in real seal
double strap handles, good lock. Regular $8.
Removal price $6.00
Beautiful jiew Bags in seal and walrus leath
ers, latest Spring shapes. Regular $12. Re
moval price $9.00
Your choice of the lot Tailored and Shopping
Bags all colors? strap handles, fitted with in
side purse, outside pockets. These Bags val
ued to $2. Removal price, only 68
Odd lot of tailored and imported Fancy Bags,
all different; also lot of pigskin and calf Bags,
regular price $8. Removal price, while they
last, is only. ..,... $2.94
All other Bags in styles too numerous to men
tion, selling all this week at special reductions.
An assortment of over 100 pieces hammered
brass and plain, such as 6-inch Jardinieres, 7
inch Fern Dishes. 4 claw feet and pretty Hang
ing Baskets with chain. Regularly sold at
$1.75. While i they last, each OStf
Brass to be pierced and hammered, Including
glove, tie and handkerchief boxes, picture
frames, plaques, candle and lamp shades, trays
and tie racks in various sizes. Your choice,
any piece 10
FREE With every purchase of the above
brass amounting to 50c or more we give one
complete outfit.
Toilet Requisites
50c Stillman's Freckle Cream.
$1.00 Herpicide at only
Save on Drugs and Patent Medicines Saturday
25c Sal Hepatica .."....t&4
25c Beecham's Pills ..........19
-$1.00 S. S. S. for the blood . 4 . .69
JOc Chloride Lime, pkg.. . ,. .. .of
10c Concentrated Lye, lb...-.
15c Peroxide Hydrogen, bottle. Of
25c Pure Castor Oil, bottle... 13f
10c Sewing Machine Oil, bottle 6f
25c Bay Rum and Glyc, bot.
$1.00 Pinkham's Vegr Comp.'d63f
$1.00 Swamp Root ...63
50c Pyramid Pile .33
75c Marmola Tablets ....... kr
$1.00 Maltine and Cascar. ...74
25c Sloan's Liniment ........16
35c Hospital Cotton, lb 2T
50c Formaldehyde, bottle.... 38
10c Epsom Salts, pkg.... B
Fully Guaranteed.
. . Exclusive" ".
V, Importers . . -
Supply Your Liquor Needs
From These!
Old Oscar Pepper, bond bottled, full qt. .98
$1.75 Sauterne, genuine imported; ... .$1.03
' $1.75 St. Julien, genuine imported. .. . .$1.05
$1.75 Tokay, genuine Hungarian imp. .$1.23
$1.50 Cervera Sherry, Spanish imported. .98
Cpod California Port, Sherry and; Claret,' an
t excellent cooking wine, gallon . . ....$1.00
K California's finest vintage in Port and Sherry,
guaranteed full measure. Quart. .75
j gallon ,,...,..... ............ . $1.3
: GaUon . . . . -j . . . . ... : . .2.50
Some Saturday Specials!
20c Tooth Brushes, in assorted styles... 10
. .Others at comparative, savings.
75c extra large Ladies' Combs .......... 59
$1.10 Oak Bath Tub Seat at.-..'.. ...... .89?
$1.35 White Enamel Seat at ....98
$1.50 Fpuntain Syringe, 3-quart, red 79J
$1.00 Fountain Syringe, 2-quart..... 59
All-linen Towels, for the bath, an excellent
towel of generous size, regular $2.50, $1.59
35c "Wood-Lark ' Playing Cards; . . .. .25
50c "Wood-Lark" Letter Files., . . .. ..35t
w oodard,
jtiairy: we sufcat
txhilit Humljer Ono -tha
only cTideaco that ycu mHI require
our thowing of men'i fins clotHng
for your Spring wearing.
Cathrc J from many i land
was this mighty amy of
fabrics gathered from
looms that1 have yielJed cf
their best ; from all America,
fancy weaves with the glori
ous 'tints of Springtime
woven into them; sturdy homespuns from the
Sualnt oU looms of Donegal; tweeds from
onny Scotland; conservative serges and
cheviots from our English cousins no land
too distant no waste of waters too wide
for this world's exhibit
Designs: end tailored by American
tailor to fit tho American form and
to pleats ths American eye.
We're more Interested In quality than we
are In price. We rest our case on the good
ness of our clothing $20 to $35 will cover
Its cost you'll say It's an economical price
when you see It
TA M0' Sh0p. Emtlrm Mmlm ftr
lnrisoini' Steeeft aft Fiuufftln
East Morrison St.
O Agency Butterick Pattcrni
Leading East Side Dept. Store
That Prices Arelower on East Side
Come tomorrow that we may convince you by price and quality demonstration, how east tide low ex
pense mean big merchandise values. ' : l
Dainty Percale House Dresses for
Women for $1.09
Another .sensational sale of women's $1.50 one-piece
house dresses." Made of fine quality percales all
very neat patterns of stripes and checks. Made iA
both low neck or 6ailor collar styles Short sleeyes
panel back and front Very dainty styles and good
$1.25 Lace Curtains Now Selling
for 95c Pair
Choice new bungalow patterns, 40 inches wide and
2yi yards long. Colors are white of ecru.
$3, $3.25 Lace or Net Curtains
for $1.98 Pair
Some truly wonderful values for Saturday and Mon
day. Dainty new patterns in net lace, or scrim
curtains, in white or ecru. Some have plain cen
ters with lace edge. Scrims in white only, with 3yi
inch insertion and lace edge;. , .
Sale Roller Skates for Boys, Girls
$2.50 Ball
Bear's Skates
Best $2.50 ball bearing,
adjustable skates ior
either "boy or girl.
$1.23 Skates
Adjustable steel skates,
for boys or girls. Best
'$1.25 Quality. Alt size.
Pretty Cambric Muslin Night Robes
for Women 95c
Just 12 distinct styles in three different models and
every garment is good value at $1.50 in a regular
way. Made of fine quality cambric muslin, with
eitner square, round of V neck, all beautifully
trimmed with embroidery edging, insertion or lace.
Short sleeves, every garment made extra long -and
full width. On special tale Saturday and Monday
at only 95c garment . j ;; i
Women's Long Silk Gloves Worth
$1.00 at 75c ,
White or black gloves, in 16 button lengths.-' Nice
fine quality pure silk gloves that fit perfectly and
have double finger tips. . ,
Best 10c Double (Width Percale
for 7c Yard ' :.Y.H
Choice new patterns in dark and light percales, 36
inches wide. Very best 10c qualities at only 7c
yard. Saturday only. -., V, .
On sale In basement toy department
Children's 35c Bloomer Rompers
Now Only 19c
For Raturdav onlv. we dace on sale neat and serv
iceable bloomer style rompers for children, 2 to 6
years. Made of plain and check materials, in most
approved style. Blue, tan and checks. , ,L
Men's Shirts Special at
Only 50c
Golf or negligee' shirts that are
perfect in fit, full cut size and
neat in pattern and color. , Cuffs
'attached or without collar.
Nu Buck and White Can
vas Shoes for Women
White Buck buttons, with short
vamp, best last, highor low heel,
at $3 JO. White camraa button
shoes at $1.75 and $2.50. ;
White, Tan and Patent
Pumps for Girls
f 1, f 1.25, f 1.50, f 1.75, fa.
The season's most popular and ap
proved styles. ; Dainty two strap
pumps, short vamp in patent leath
er, tan calf or white canvas.
Men's All-Wool Tailored
Spring.Suits $12.50 to $15
Choice patterns in the season's best shades, in tan.
brown: grav, navylTailored , so as "to.: fitTand
to hold their shape. . , , i : v
Spriag Suits at
Women's Dainty One- (tV 1 A
Piece Wash Dresses at 10 4) I U;
You wilt find here the most desirable and eJnicf
of popular price stylish dresses. H