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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 26, 1912)
iTHK'OKEGOM DAILY JOURNAL, rOHTLAND, FRIDAY EVEN'INO. ANJIL S3. Hit n k nniMAN ddck pmbwmhi mwbbhs ibi is nnr IN TWAIN ! kbit a Mm BID ONTO IM BV MING SHIP EiQineer Puts Vessel Ahead at Fu3 Speed Instead of Back. Ing; A& Passengers Escape; One Boat Sunk. 1 ti 4 I I 4 . .: M - "J a a. !. ... , j ,m l.aj .J f l. a.., t la la k4a. f It. .J fci.a t alt 4 ( aawJa . alb.. .- Bonus From Medford Is Avail able for Company That Builds Extension. t. i4in Jk r I . I .? It. lUloi.1 f ., I. t. li.vll tJ Ml.ll :t-J :f.. s- j i.m .j.ka i.l l It 1 l'( I J t lt C-vl tatai to TV. a 1 t 4 iv, AMI 14 - nil atvatk.r (( j l.nj ,iir4 ln im nr ! II . ii X1 ' k Ua ! M M t h.ik.1 i,.. kiln bi ;fl li ! Hl: HwAtot It I'M' atlla. ., aW ; -n -. ! U'l : I .!' I, i.it4J af wix is. ..' ' lavk!p -a..". 1 l' (It UU sign "' 11 mUm arta4 . ' ' ' Tk' i ' ; -' U IM atk f ' ' l II M. IK. A I lrtrw lt la fcer -. -i 4. . li II " fctflllk ; r l . e. I.I.I f ' (. . .rf.c . i.J iim n..ui. . ".. mi i i' ' :t.iuu l Hi ( !!.. i r Ik i.i. OOlrt HUf M4aV ammtMf M -, (44t 4 ftetWy Hut lJ M4f4. ur. 114 I i t fc tl CJk K ak4 IM4IIK ' ! fi-i ii tf r lb tl4fw4 IVlUff cakv.r. (IiHl III f 4) UftM Irf C4II tiMiwl l,f4 l 14 Ik. MHtJ-I.V. hhI4 la. Ulll M CM. ialM i (,ir r.ik mH)' t(tl i IIH' WkMI imut.ii .M Mr i IH t f . itiKi rfm i iik iuiumJ rk mi in u 1 ifc k i:J of 1X1 la MJ : ! rx ) j 1. J f ti Ik ikmbi ll.nil iro4 w (' ! ' ! X (M4 I IJ I.M llt.k fimu J. Kiktlil la K. lk tnllt 4tt(lAg Iht nmc t.J la wMtvlil Ik "! la j IK tnllt ajllMii f"l t .. iiliu tm J" : 1 1. la (Kaig r Ik b.oIJ. "! a. t rwMi Ilh 111 tl.l t a U l (.n.ially vl Sl'-u4 II lll off. l.u lo lt4 Ik i4 la Kurk Saul4 lUfnum IMU tU ilrrllnf. TV .i ir..Kc ;. I4. Aiil : Tti tll Uill.ll ( 1 1 o h ef kjt lull ltl. It Miy HM.IIr c-allcg K. I tofc t Jog. Mini; riMir. i" uur t t I'M.lllllr. h.l lla krll fuel ..nit4 lhta f Ji Wlafklt fiam ln .klilll kl4 evil.- Il4.dir4' ll. m)llkg. MrU Mill rutlihui r Inmgffo m c v o EXPEL HEBREWS Two Hundred Jewish Families, Aggregating 1000, Sent From One District (Mm. J T kMll4 J. Uk (ki:i illag lti fc. kt ka mhi kI trvm K la Ik M .! TkUff. rn ftUk4 lk I Ik Jl a HUlMkit M l'l r . tvat iMk ! 1 r IIHIllM lh Milt, HMkl la I k akll ( ktikliuit IJmIl la avCtiiiUsa, ! I kf ,M.lto k- Wmi J M UkilUM ll tm IMMal ut,ki, m ix 4iti. la IM ! U anoklk Ik laiiritM of UlilU(li ! 4,aMl4 Ik rrn vnr uiliii , ki tiidi-' I ak4 alailur o!lirr I kaiKj -w4 ii!r kr U trkaf ef vlk. f awtkfa 4 aiiMini rlii 1 tV la ikvk. f ar 44 4V ! 4 kl h44 ,ik4ltk4T IM 4 4, la i I i44a. kl k kua k4 THEATRICAL MECHANICS , FIRST ANNUAL BALL Tm i i i m fci k444 ait wu f Ika fit. 4 kaat a4 iV liMlllMt" I ! I ! U VlBOr. 1 ik a4k4 CV4k 4A, lmii k (. A t oku kk k. !- M Ut fJ kf awlia o Ik tV t as Ul M a fulj ft ( Mkof kkW il uia kl Iii4 kVarUv l-alatf Ma t Mr. ttr Ma Mxlxl im H4 . aaut4 4 IM ! M4 a4 Ul aK' aa4 U4M (Uu MAM .. IU M rk4w4 Txtdl M Mil all IM U ak4 Mklk ! lo ! ENGAGED TO GIRL, HE WEDS HER MOTHER, WOOED OVER CONTRACT n k4 !- I .i i.4 tia I BM t.. i4u VkiU aVk.U n!4k4 a w.-kw w aoviivg Mr triM. !- U. ak iWa 4 hm rvaitaa. M4) M a4)4 va tUra Uh Mir iM .n M la t4a ll artk44a M Mr U.r lMJi4 M mi. It', M kMMilf ak4a. i4 M4 link! M ft:l4 iU aaMUraiMa fw M aikra k.iaa akUur ta at a ikiii mm w ( i iMIk ct at Itrkiiiltu tiue Tbrwktxlk. , ifkiM ft I i iiol km tt kf (. Ar1l M TM Mum K Wt-ir4 lk rMwiaiiaa I 1 14 l ! t,iMM ftmmt t KiWult 4 a.a4ia l'l lk anaia r ialkra lrAai ! IM Mu all m II Mkar Ma M4 oa rtaff laal Jo4 hlat .W 4rtMl4 r IM rvwil t -Mo Mi4 M-4 IlilM M ft:l4 IU k4tvirlwa fw IM kuaikaTa k.iaa akUiif ta at , Mkia a. itofa IMI Mt M a UMtrt1fl aks artwllMaV alkrta iaii. . a CASTOR I A. for JfiuU ft&d CMUxta. Til HbJ Yc3 Kin Alt j ji ErgU SiXa4v(r of TM l ni, iahrj al4 Hi XmI la tl kiiti far Tall tnl k!.4 BuJJ.nlr h If aiaur aJtol h4 kl lull (J laatrt IM lvlnka . ir.kli4 II atnal II U f ra IM nl. railkj IM Ma ! riwk 4o atxr4 lb AUm4 4" an4 larlrtfl lrOu4k IM atdllt tf IM 4 kl Ibal fcoiol. About J4) rt kltl( ! ark krurri4 la !. lu ohf RECONSIDER ra-j4 i'-m im ! 1 rr ri lor Trt rlalka la ! ei. ULLMVL III a Jo4va A Ol.i.a ik.-. 1X1 ll It 11 I U 4, 4 I- 4- l !' lj,U UUL ,U FRANCHISE ORDINANCE rrraM of IM l'r.rl!r.4 Kity Uifcl A or nif.( la M lh irv.1 rntmllt if ll rllr coukcll rni4r II formr arlloa ra M pra Iw4 ar f;r.!. pt lt eoniMay rr..J nattlr IK a eaminlllM al a vlkl Mulot Ixir itlr 4lltl4 It rfMllloa la rrkl4fr l. l-it.ld.m r I "ulf Allf- nt f T tjrirrllha r rotnpaay ImH I" IM Mjr t'aplata "lfl''WUM .r ltlir l (n lh fimlllM mI1m4 wMI eoailAa hrn 11. I a mar alart4 fork4 rull p4 ll er4tr4 lha (larboard atxher guuktf tfroppa aa4 IM bo l a huil hrirkMt hair kaa4al wkrnlna Hi Alami Ka4ar. bof, rou!4 rxM ba rhtrk4 Hit lor aha4 lbrtua IM roo4a dork aa lhufh ii wra a papr lor, lib lha for lapmaat aa4 forvant rlfiina tvantlnf la a anaaa of vrr-rMc Tha ilatnaa to IM dock la about 1 1 !. Tb Alaoirda bt hrr topmaat. hrr rrlk rigflnc anj 14 f'l of rail n ' IM ror I and 2 ft on th trUjJ aid. Tb Tlraph a alrrn wb'l ataaaa of St sruaa lona Hit built at Kvrrvtt In IfOS. rol 1(0.004 and Waa ovnar lr tti fnlaiM Marlaalloa company. Bha rarrlad 11 men. DOUGLAS ODD FELLOWS AND REBEKAHS CONVENE taaavlal la Tka inaraat Roaaburc. Or . April 3 Th Odd Tr Iowa nd Kabrkaha of Iouflaa rnuntr ara boldlna an annlverliry crlrbraflon of tha order In Koarburc tlay. Thla waa pracaded yeaterday afrtrnoon and avanlna br tha dlatrlct convention of lha Babekaha. A large number ar hcra from all part a of tha county. Tha principal apeaker for th ocraalon la J. K. Waalherford of Albany, paat rrand maatar of IM order. MUa bell llelcher of WcMUidtIIIo. prealdent of tba Rebekah aaaembly of Ortfon. la rrealdlnr at lha Rebekah aenrlrea The oldeat paat grand maatar In the atale, Jodtra - Blooraflald of Oakland, la alio preeent ' Ilealdea tha forenoon and afternoon programa thera will ba a baaket dinner and parade, and tha annual -election of officer will be held. Thl evening the Rrbeluiha will give a program and re eeptlon at tha Commercial club and the Odd Fellowa will confer the flrnt and econd degreea of the order. Thla 111 ba followed by a lunrh at the armory Lat night th Rebekah degree was con ferred by the derrea ataff of the Roae- rr.arf II nlr4 on If qullon or th . -. . I 1 1 ThM Uf 1 IKal ' II ll do no good for lha rounrll la In- .rt a far r(u!Hn tlimi ror In prtpov1 f riw t-.!a. h cotara onljr i fr aiuba and rndi" hn th ramala Irf franrhtaaa row operated by lb city M no aurh prliona ' Tb 'alut and nda mnlload by I!, offli-lala remprtacd about avn mllra of trark ilenlon and at 1at lt.r- mttntxri of the commlilix retard lhm aa being of the graaUat Import anr The Ihrra ar rounrllmen Monk t U I. ... ...IMI . . .. . i a i . i . i I la roniiovnunn vi a niuN irviuiiia that the council may regulate faree on lh new franrbla. Pounrllmrn ur gard. llaker and Iunnlng favored tin requeat of th cqtiipany. Tba commit tr will hold a aprclal meeting neit Monday morning at 10 o'clock, when the franrhl will M dlacuaaed further. Attorney Grtffltha alao obecled lo the common uaer riauaa being Inaaried In lit propoaed franrhlae. II declared that the charter doea not compel th council to put In auch a provlaloa ccpl on commerclar rallwar He held that a etreet railway cornea under a dif ferent claaalfli'Mtlon. Intimating that thrr will be a differ enca of opinion between me company and live city with regard to the charge for the uae of the Dmadway bridge. Vic ITealdent iullr aaked to hava tha portion of the franchise Including tti a. right to croaa that viaduct considered part from the rest. I MAN AND THREE DOGS FIGHT WITH COUGAR burg Rebekah lodge. OLD HUSBAND DESERTS; ..YOUNG WIFE SEEKS DEATH fflperlal to Th Jotiraal.l Hood River, Or.. April 26. Mrs. C. Hi- Allen, - wife of . local insurance . agent, la recovering after having at- torn pled suicide Tuesday afternoon by Inhaling chloroform. Mrs. Allen was found by a neighbor lying; upon a bed with a towel saturated with chloroform ; wrapped tifrhtly across her face. Help wbb aummonetl and a physician called. ,. Mrs. Wilson had been under the drug for about three hours. The causa waa - that her husband left her eeveral daya ago. He is 66 years old and she only 28. tBperlal to Tb Joaraal.l Cottage Grov, Or., April J. Two cougars In 10 days Is the record made by the Hmsll brothers, who live about 1 mllea south of Cottage Qrove. The last one was killed a few daya ago after an exciting fight. In which Rob ert Small, who finally killed the animal. was several tlmrs In danger of being struck by the animal. Hubert Small was out hunting with three of hla fox hounds, two of which he had tied up. The loose one trailed a cougar into the brush and waa at tacked by the animal. Mr. Small, dis covering that his dog was being chewed up, let the other does loose, and a furi ous right began, trie cougar malting aeveral attempts to get at Mr. Small. but being headed off by the. dogs. See ing that the battle was going against it, the big cat took to a tree from which it waa brought down by several rifle shots. The animal was a female and measured 6 feft, 4 y, Inches. One dog was terribly Injured but will recover. The other cougar was killed about 10 days previously try G. A. Kmall, tha ani mal being readily treed by the doga and Mr. Small shooting him out of the limbs. If You Break Your Glasses Phone the Accident We'll have new ones ready when you call. Our lens-grinding plant is the most nodern on the coast. THOMPSON v Eyesight Specialist. 2d Floor Corbett Bldg. Fifth and Mprrison. , y! Portland s. Exclusive . Optical Place. v f RECOMMEND CONTRACT FOR 3 FIRE STATIONS Contract for the construction of a flra station each for the Woodlawn, Kenton and Rose City Park districts was recom mended yesterday by the fire commit tee ,of the executive board to ba let to the firm of Steele & Bertelaon, the bid of that company for the three stations being 123.763. The committee indorsed Mayor Rush light's appointment of Dr. Q. H. Huff man in the capacity of veterinary aur geon for the fire department. Service symbols will hereafter ba worn by the members or the lire de partment. The committee recommended the adoption of a resolution providing that a light blue maltose cross be al lowed for each five years of service. The insignia la to be sewn on the sleeve of the uniform. LONG BEACH MAY HIRE EXPERTS TO RUN CITY (United Pre Iiaed Wire.) Long Beachi Cal., April 26. Manager ial form of municipal government as practiced in German cities is being con Bidemd today by a committee named ts rK-ommenci a governmental iramewom , for Long Beach. The committee will decide between ; the mauagerlal and commission plans. 1 If the former Is decided upon, which j appears likely. Long Beach will be the! pioneer American city to bid for the ,' services as mayor and municipal de- i partment heads of men whose ability j has been proven In other cities or in business fields. Engagement Suddenly Broke. (TDllfd Preu Leased Wire. I San Francisco, April 26. News received here today, through private ; letters from Cleveland. 'Ohio, of th ' sudden breaking off of the engagement j of Miss Martha Calhoun, eldest daugh-l ter of Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Calhoun of 6 Francisco, and Wilson B. ' Hickox. ' of Cleveland. No reason la given. All arrangements for the wedding, which was ta bare been it) June, bad been mad. REMOVAL SALE An Attractive Assemblage of Misses' New Arrivals in Girls Coats $5.95, $8.95, $12.95, $6.39, $4.69, $13.59 A eson was never more joyfully welcomed than this, as it brought styles for young girls of the difficult age not only one model from which others are copied but a variety of models so the young miss can now have just as delightful a time in choosing and selecting her apparel as the older girls. The coats here mentioned are noticeably original and youthful in their conception. The materials are black satin black moire black and white stripe hairline clotri plain white basket woven cloth and the new canvas cloth. Made in the loose box stylet, with large shawl revers and sailor collars, with cuffs to match. These collars and cuffs form the trimmings and are combination materials such as king's blue and white black and white stripe and self materials with new stitchings. Coats in shades of apricot, tan, white, black, navy and browns. Sizes for girls from 8 to 14 years. Jaunty Hats for Misses and Children Styles That Sell Regularly at $1.50 Removal 98c ,For Saturday we are specializing in our Millinery Department 10 distinctive models in Children's Hats at 98c each. Every one of these models sells regularly at $1.50. Becoming misses' hats of pat ent milan straw trimmed with a band of velvet around the crown and finished at the side with a lare bow effect of the same ma terial. Another dainty little model is for a small child. This hat is made of rough braid trimmed around the crown with a band of shirred 'chiffon and held at the side with a rosette of chiffon and dainty small roses. Then there is a charming little poke shape that is always so becoming to the little girls. This model is of a rough straw, trimmed with, folds of silk in many colors. Another little poke hat is of rough chip braid; around the crown is a band of shirred ribbon and small ostrich tips at side. Another misses' hat is of patent Milan straw; is a rather severe tailored style, trimmed with silk. REMOVALSALE and Girls' Apparel at Special Removal Prices Saturday riv Saturday's Removal of Girls Tub Frocks 75c and 85c Wash Dresses, Removal 59c These frocks are most charmingly .made of plain colored chambray or striped and checked percale. Trimmed with bias folds, pipings or bandings of a plain colored material. Made with the youthful long French waist, with side or back openings. $1.50 White Frocks, Removal 98c Dresses for children from 2 to 6 years of a fine white lawn. These dresses are also in the long French waist style, with wide embroidery ruffle forming the skirt. The waist has a square cut neck, finished with an embroidered band. Short puff sleeves ; also finished with an insertion band. $1.50 Percale and Gingham Dresses, Rem'l98c Tub dresses of plaid and check percales and ginghams. Made with plaited skirts, regulation waist style and side trimmings of bandings, bias folds, embroidery, insertions and pipings. Made with high or low cut necks. Poplin and Chambray Tub Dresses Removal $1.33, $1.49, $1.59, $2.15 to $5.75 Dresses of fine poplins, pique, chambray and ginghams. Trim mings of fine embroidery, insertions, bandings, edgings, laces and pipings. Made in a variety of different styles some with square cut necks, others are round and many high necks. The sleeves are short and the skirts are all kilted. Sizes 8 to 14 years. Tailored Suits THREE-PIECE STYLE Removal Prices $12.95 $9.35. $11.89, $7.65 Again we have styles in tailored suits for girls that closely resemble .those for grownups. They consist of box coat and a one piece dress made with kilted skirt The waist haa elbow length kimono sleeves and round, collar less neck. Very effectively trimmed with braid and buttons. Made of stripe cloth in tan, gray br reseda, and tan or navy blue serge, with white serge trimmings. Also black and white check cloth with silk trimmings and buttons. 8 to 14 year old models. MISS WELLS Our new Embroidery teacher, is now conducting free lessons in Art Embroidery every aft ernoon from 1 to 4. The Mens 75c for $1.50 and $2 Shirt Sale Runs Merrily On Arid Little Wonder With Prices So Low The careful dresser, the discriminating man who wants a stylish, comfortable, correctly-made shirt of thoroughly up to date patterns will assuredly not miss this sale. At no time within a year has there been such a sale any where. We can please the most exacting man. We guarantee fit. We state positively that the bulk of the shirts on sale sold regularly at $1.75 and $2.00 some at $1.50 and many at $2.25. m The shirts are all white and plaited styles; others in hairline stripes. The price comparisons are fair, because these shirts are equal to any and better than a great many exhibited at $1.50 and $2 elsewhere. Just think of it ! At the very beginning of the season these shirts are priced at less than half regular. Yester day men took them away by the half dozen and by the dozen. Come early and get your share of these shirt bargains. ' , EVERY ARTICLE IN THE STORE AT REMOVAL SALE PRICES Pretty Bonnets for Infants Removal Prices 29c, 44c, 59c, 85c, $1.49, $1.95 Infants bonnets in sizes of 12, 13, 14 and 15. Of fine mulls, lawns and allover embroideries. Daintily finished with frills of fine laces, insertions, embroidery. Made in quaint little poke styles, revers and French styles. Some trimmed with little rose- buds and satin ribbons. Hats for Little Children Removal 63c,85c,$l.49,$2.55,$3.19,$4.65,$6. 79 Made of fine Milan, fancy and tuscan straws. With high crowns, rolling or drooping brims. Some with rows of lace form ing the crown, combined with straw brims. Prettily trimmed with shirred ribbon bands, velvet bands or bows, flowers and wreaths. ' Knitted Sweaters for the Kiddies For Removal at the Most Radical Reductions 1 Removal 59c This little sweater, coat Is of plaited wool in plain weave. Has a V shape fleck and buttons up the front Also a model in slip - over style with a sailor collar and turnback cuffs. Has two side pockets. In , red and white. Sizes 6 months to 4 years. Removal 98c Seltina Reaularlu at $1.50 All-wool sweaters for children, in sizes from six months to three years. Made in a plain heavy weave with high military neck and button front. Has two side pockets and turn back cuffs. Comes In red only. Removal Sale of Children's Hosiery r 25c STOCKINGS, REMOVAL 18c Fast black, narrow ribbed silk lisle thread, medium weight, fine gauge, suitable for either boys or girls, full in width and x elastic. ... . ,. 35c CHILDREN'S STOCKINGS, REMOVAL 22c Of medium or heavy weight, narrow ribbed, fast black cotton, made with narrowed ankles and fashioned feet. Some have dou ble heels or spliced legs. Full in length and width and very elasiiC . ' ' '.; ... . i.' CHILDREN'S WHITE STQCK1NG& REMOVAL 22c . Of pure White, medium weight silk lisle, fine ribbed and seam "less. They are highly mercerized, look, like silk and wear better. k . '-. ' "V- -i 1 1 x i . .