TJllT OlitGO.W DAILY JOUJIN'AU IQUTLAND. ricJDAY LVL.NING. Al'iilL ti. 1912, CllttlllllllO CZAR'S 'HOLY MAN' SENT TO SIBERIA 1 every man School Childrtn In Each City Bill for LocaJ Government In He Win Trade Places With Will Get Chance-to Learn Alaska Gives Partial Bishop He Caused to Be Banished. Poultry Feeding. Home Rule SUFFRAGE SCORES VICTORY IN HOUSE ME 5 STOPS .V- r4 tit lajartl 14 I'M M!ff 4Muita i r 4irt4 ay im luiki Hutu 4 tie urfa AirtMk ,liJ saauae u arrt'e ia uoe Jlf .e ui Mxiw f(M ri!r4 ai Jay el TM tar will MM it k-M U ll(Mi law as MM !. TM ul fc U cUi af C C .-. mt IM c4Uf NV K It, TtMHt f tmea4. Jealar la rt.e. WaaA af Ike awbllf y aataHiaal. U la lata til - leive) af laa lit. a4 Bee erfeg4 aa lalataallag pni'ia af wr a4 s)aaiea at fwtleMa ,fe laa llaae la ear la la ales la m. Klrel Ikare alU Ik lactate seal 4MMuilflla aat-aclallf far laa atrMl eMMraa. aieb laai from fcalf aa Wouf aa Kaui. follow lag iKat there ill Ma MIf ar Lcmra tot lie rel il4 aa Tliry ra4ia." aa4 laafaaflar laaaa talseaeled will M gtrea liatMiiriUo iM a cKuk la la ai I h ear hibiia. Ar. MIf hour (art era for the gaaaeal publU aa "tloaslag Cntckada" aim) 4 amalrv lloa m at MM af ea soar ar an or rill eioaa im pra-gram. Tkw 1JI M epportuatly far eery aaa la ak a,ulloa.a raaardtBg Iba la Ilea af prebleaaa of I hair par ticular leoalle. a-e MI IM greet! poaalble eatount of prartkel help may M ira la alL mala tupertnieftdaat af ftVheola U R Aldrnaa Ma arranged to Mva laa achael rttlldraa I aaoti lows vol 14 by Iba car aitaod lha laelurea and detnoBeirellona This la la M I day I ear af IM Willamette, L'mpqua and Kogue rivar valleys. ITato4 faaaa la-4 (HI Waaataal, AfU I . . af rraf a Hf nM ikmi tm IM M M Ml b4r aaa4 b VlH faf Meat tafaaxaal a AUaM. faiia I ft. i m toil i fU b4H4tabla laa Haaataa "M fr aaaa bttlM. Kaia. rM I 1 toaa," Ma Mm al la fcu who rea ds this ba'Ual Maa rxla. vltb aaliHNll .l4 1 KiM'Ua laa !rj tM ia. IM liaialat I fraai la IM j Iaa4u af IM Imimt int TM baaar fll4 1 M4 M I twniri httwll. bIU cxakalarabla fltalaa la IK aa- lial. b4 i U aaix atua4 a farlb aWaal la wU U r h4f r, Iba aWialtol tMaUr froa Wtaoraata. arlaf4 IMI aa.!4 a cia I bar 4a ' Ofb. "If ai4. 4 fa Iblab Ifca a14 M baaat IM rai4a Im lbr ' wMa Iba Tliaau aaak aabol tttraaaiall farria af (Ala bema. " 4a." raIU4 HrntUUt bla 411 af WfuaBlec Yr tbr r taora m. ailaal IM PROMISES TO EMPLOY "' lfSwe ar iba rar .Kkwif. vaia a M4 iKal mii ib(wab bia . Ifta r iM bl tltiia M a4 ra iar. rMl ar Kuiulli'l un. vr. liUboa tla.wv. aalaal abjai & ui rMir aioifaja aaa aa-aar-! '- MaUb.4 Ma ba ailanata4 w .itum Vila ika "Tka! raimiif lAiiaalioa af ua a pact, iba raar flaall aua m ia g.i r4 af bin filabaa """l" vaa aa ra-aJl4 rra Ivaa,. labaaaai aa4 !)! M ala a Unwal f iba 9twt4. LOCAL LABOR ON SPAN ORGANIZATION FORMED BY THE HOE CLERKS IV kVili Coba. MRlW af lb brlda vaanniliie af Iba rlly biartillt Mr4. yvalartla r rtal4 tf(lnr llarpa. rapraaoallnc Mo4)aahl la Iba (arrlaloa of Iba CunaLructloa af Iba parairuclur of lha Hroadaajr bride. urriiB B II la llMtl r lari aa nation, amilalad arllh lha M.iia..! wr..r aaaw-lalloii. with baad4af1ra fletala la anplo, lx-.l Labor ao far a lha or.,, holai Urdnaadar lfM ",bl- " mldnUhl Tba r orranlaallea "II b coma to ui." ald Mr. Cohen, alarta out a lib a ...k.r.M. f V: nillaliStf Farmrf Dlm AfM M. aal la TM iaraal I For! Ore. Or,, April 4. Aamual Urara. a preaalnanl farntar of Hlllalda. 4 mil )orthal ef tbla cltf. 414 at hi horn H'4naUr. " T'- Mr. Mara wai bora la Io and mar- rl4 la lb aama lal to Mia Claau I'ooiilock la 1171. Tb m yr lb young eoapl raov4 lo Orgon. locating flrat In Polk county. Flva yr latr thr cam to Waahkngton connlr, and inai irva compaar b proa in mill. lU ntn.tM ui.. . ""'"'"J ' tmm i I rn y jiowavar. It la aaaurad that maay "' imi cwm in oulalda rlflaai Kill waa noi ma raaa. iia aaio inn in m. imimlwri befor man nam. h.i .w.Ut . t . . .... ""' ,w I aitwiing win ta bl4 vrT nrn ana arrrraj o u oia mn aa aiwrma and nnlll parmananl club room I "" awwui wmcn in raiaonan a i ara obtained lli xwi.iio. win .a .nuii triw. mi wmmiiin miinicieq mii araalun al lha arlou hoalalrla tna inimwr o i inivimro aa luinia ncil marling will M hld at thai ina nuraoar OI worarnan ampiojra on in lowr May t llarau of tb fcraak P0- f l nilit ahlfla. lha hour achadulad cnintT arairui aaia nt uq m-ni- ror ina ma-tlna haa haa rtau4 iMi it maoa a Tian io ina nni oi m p m. -j lla Drw aaaoclatlon- chartar I would investigate the merits of Moyer $15 suits what a wonderful lot of them would be worn This message is to tell you that vou will surely save money when you h uy a Moyer $15 suit, simply because there are no others so good at the price. To know all the good points of Moyer $15 suits, you must see them. We'll be glad to show them to you; suppose you come in tomorrow and let us fit you out for Sunday. i V-a-f - '.If Y When you see it in our ad, it's 80 Pennsylvania Wtaal rorepanv at Htal Ion. I'a.. and that tb work of fatrl h.v. rld4 In tbla vicinity vr alnca. Mng ,h, M, for ,h, iirotkiw ,p. n.iara ina wwow, in iviwinB tm.-. nrorlng ranldlr. drrn aurvlr: Walter J., E. A, K. a and Ethl Seara. and Mr. Blanch Kara of Portland. Funeral arrleaa w.ra bald today under tht kuaplcr or th K, of P lodg with burial In Mountain VUw reretry. HANLEY LL URGE An outlln ytem of elrctrlc light waa decided n by th oommlttc for the Illumination of th bridge. commute win alto rerornmtnd that heavy elnal rail b laid acroaa th bridge ao that It will M unneceaaary. to trar up the pavement If any com pany la given a atreetcar franchise aero th viaduct. E OF SUFFRAGE BIG DRIVES WILL COME DOWN SANTIAM IN 1912 (gperlal b Tb Journal t Staylon. Or.. April 14 Word ha raarhad here that lumber crewa are at William Hanler of Burna. Or., ha an-1 nrk fh. timber alona tha nnnur nounred hlmaclf an out-and-out advocate U,,,, preparing for the aprlng log of woman auffrage, and tomorrow drlv. ,t .utd .h.. between i.OOfl.- win be number 14 and It will arrive in time for dlaplay at lha next meeting. At th ronrluilon of th tn Wad- rir.,la night, a voia of thank wa ex tended to tha Oregon hotel minna jn.inienl for IU court. ar In nermlttlna I lie member the uaa of room for thai elon. following ar th officer ehoen: John Kuran. of the Bowera, prealdent; C II. Shafer. of th Imperial, flrat vie prealdenl; P. A. Keynolila. of the I'ort- land. aecond vie prealdent; P. A. lay men, of the Seward, aecretary; Roa Flnnrgnn, of tha Carlton, treasurer. Th board of governor 1 compoaad of th following member: Edward of tho Lenox. Plere of th Be ward. Knight of the Bowera, Hamilton of th Imperial. Waet of th Portland, Mella of the Oregon and Lrii of tha Cor- nellue. night at I o'clock In tha ballroom at the Hotel Multnomah he will ba heard Mibllcally on th question of equal right. The meeting will be field 'undr the auaplce of the College Kqual Suf frage league. Mr. Hanlry's eubject will te "Conaervatlon and Suffrage." Sara nrd Kleld Ehrgott will give an addren on "The Search for Social Bal ance." Helen lallelne Baker wtll talk on the eubject "Women end Freedom." Music will bo furnished by Miss Mi liar! Iiatesnian, who will give a piano solo: Miss Kva Wells, violin solo, and A. K. Davidson, baritone solo. SUIT FOR $245,000 FEE FAILS; HE GETS $4750 (United Pru Leseed Wire.) Ssn Francisco, April 29. Suing for 1246.750. the largest attorney's foe ever asked In a California court, A. A. von Hovenberg Is today obliged to content himself with $4760. The fee waa for legal services rendered Mrs. Marl L. Cone In connection with her famous Il.000.0w0 ranch In Glenn county. Ths Jury decided that Von Hovenberg's senr Ices had been amply rewarded In the 14710 "Which Mrs. Con had already pifld him. Confederate Memorial Day. (Speclsl to The Journal.) Atlanta, Ga., April 26. Today was ob served as Confederate Memorial Day throughout Alabama, Mississippi, Flori da and Georgia. The holding- of mem orial exerciBes and tho placing of flow ers on the graves of Confederate dead program In all .cities and towns where Hie day was observed. In many cities publio offices were closed and business largely suspended. 000 and 7,000.000 feet of logs will be rolled out tbla aprlng, and the flrat drive l expects to pass this place a few weeks. A 8 lay ton la the first town the loggers strike after weeks o hard work In the timber, their arrival here Is an annual event of some lm portanc. First and Morrison rft First and Yamhill 3X TB" tt at taat aw m . , 11 ELjlL FIVE STORES s Second and Morrison Third and Oak 87 and 89 Third Oregon Bettler of 1813 Dies. (bpeelal to Tha Journal, t 8tayton. Or., April 2i. Mrs. P. N, Pennebaker, an aged resident of Marlon county and well known In thrs valley passed away In this city vpsterday morning. Mrs. renneoaser, wno was a years of age, came to Oregon in 1S4S and located north of Salem. She had lived In Woodburn and Mehama and was at one time in business In Jefferson, She Is survived by five children, one of whom, H. V. Pennebaker, is a con tractor and builder In this place. Inter ment was made In the Stayton ceme tery. 20,370 Women Register. fUntted Pre Leased Wlre. San Francisco, April 26. The total number of women registered In San Francisco 1s 26,570, according to th registrar's report on file today before the election commission. The report shows that the women were backward at first, only 314 registering during the last two months of 1911 following the enactment of the California equal suf frage law. Admiral Thomas to Retire. (flierlnl to The Journal.) Washington. U. C, April 26 The navy will Ion a veteron and efficient officer tomorrow, when Rear Admiral Chauncey Thomas, recently In command of the Pacific fleet, will be placed on the retired list on account of age. ALASKA MAGAZINE MAY LOCATE OFFICES HERE F. W. Swanton, president of the Alas ka- club In Portland, Is In receipt of letter from John W. Troy, editor of the Aliiska-Yukon magazine, Srtle In which It Is Intimated that the place of publication of the magaxlne may be changed from Seattle to Portland. Mr. Swanton Is asked to take the matter up with the local commercial orgaDlxa tlons with a view to getting an Idea of any Inducements that might be of fered the publishers If they should change their location. The local Commercial club Is also In receipt of a letter from the editor of the magazine In which he states that the publication, though established in Seattle for six years, is losing money because of Indifferent support by the Sound people. The letter states that the place of publication will be changed to Portland, providing suitable induce ments are offered by Portland people. The magazine Is owned, edited and man aged by Alaskans. The publishers ask Investigation by Portland people, main taining 4hat careful consideration will demonstrate wherein Portland will be materially benefited should this city be made the place of publication. McCabe Is Under Fire Again. United rreaa Leased Wlra.i Washington, April 26. Declaring that Solicitor McCabe of the department of agrlcylture and Chief A. D. Melvln of the bureau of animal Industry knowing ly have permitted the meat packers to defraud the public by nullifying the let ter and spirit of the meat inspection law, Congressman Nelson of Wisconsin has Introduced a resolution In the house asking for an Investigation. This Talking Machine Equal in Tone to Any $200 Machine The Talking Machine Which Has Caused a Profound Sensation r V Was advertised in the Sat- urdav Evening Post for -$59.00. : , Easy Payment If DesirecL Pay $5.00 a Month No Interest or "Extra Charges Superb Favorite Outfit Including Twenty-four Selections of Music j? J VillSIC 10. Graves Genuine Week-End Bargains The week-end Is the busy time for us, principally because we have made it our custom at such a time to put forward a variety of useful articles at genuine bargain prices. Our ordi nary prices are always competitive, but our bargains here is where we loosen up. THE REASON a little profit, your business acquaintance and possible future trade. It's worth your while. "You will find it will pay to buy our way." EVERYTHING IN HARDWARE AND SPORTING GOODS. Reg. Special Family Scales, 24-lb. by oz., with, scoop $1.50 $1.10 Buck Saw, double brace, fine blade 1.25 .85 Lawn Mower, 14-inch, with Grass Catcher complete 3.50 Food Choppers, No. 1 Russwin. 1.50 $1.00 Cotton Hose, -inch, 50 feet... 5.50 4.75 Alarm Clocks 1.25 .85 Rule, 2-foot, brass bound, spec'l .25 Reg. Special Tie-Out Chains, with swivel, 20 feet $0.85 $0.50 Tack Hammers .05 10-inch Ball Bearing Brace, holds any kind of shank 2.50 1.85 Auto Screwdrivers, 3 bits 1.25 .95 Auto Drills, with 8 Drills 1.25 .95 Steel Square, 16x24 inch, good value ; special .50 Floor Scraper, rosewood bottom I.S0 1.10 Oregon Hardware Co. WORCESTER BUILDING. 70-72 THIRD ST., CORNER OAK, NEXT TO WESTERN UNION TELEGRAPH CO. -You Will Find It Will Pay to Buy Our Way" Our Testimonials Speak for themselves. We install all kinds of plants and . : do nothing but --, i Heating and Ventilating The W. Q. McPherson Company. i Portland. Oregon Gentlemen: Pardon ma for not belnar more prompt In replying to- yeur letter . of April 6th (ROM) ; the delay waa due to the fact that I wished to talk with, my tenants before replying. They ax resa morougn s&usraction witn tne eating system, and I am vary tnuen pleased with the workmanship. ' The hot-water heater that you In stalled Is a much neater and more coin, plete Job than I have received from others in the same line of business, t am not disappointed In having glraa the work to your firm. Very truly your, ' W. A. llalslLKiK, Contract Agent. 111. Fourth Street Ground Floor Store Pre Car First and Alder ssI 0 A00 """l X " n. .i . -Jj 100O 4000 IF you can invest $1000 anywhere, with more definite assurance of increasing it to $4000 by the end of the year 1917, than by pur chase of Real Estate in Portland, I certainly would not expect you to invest it in East moreland. Otherwise, L would, . , air rvka ' i simply caa net da nest work vita tlese slean. TneT do aot cut properly' How often harm yoa heard this smtnaeion. Possibly va bav aid th tkinc many times. W har Scissors and Shears that ara tnada ris-ht ma da lor rai wa)k bmtifully a-5ntrn- trad mark U atafflpaj oa Fully W-rTBtl 1 1 GUNNS B. & n. tc:.:c : A aarfaet vltallsr tral raato--., t o all araaaa of tha ttMfr. npi. f from sVa.Bl.'r ha.' ir 7 a k. t"ra ' mil wtr!( f..r Ue. ttaaaaa t a., I lil.lMpM. I a. 1 'V