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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 26, 1912)
THE OSEGOH DAILY JOURNAL. IORTLAND. rKIDAY UVUUlllQ. AJJJIL tS, 1911 f rPATCO Ujl I ! :::::Ez 1 f) u mm wins OraJLa) Pr J tm M--vrt , ' fr4 tia iiH aVaieaa, L,4 . feU 14 Jaakaa) lia Oei-a, tWbaa-. a aiaa ,f 4 boa4.4ax fr a LMMaaJi lailiillai y aaa ! fa 14V Baea Heimi, Boa ililtl a aJa) a-t)aarv & 14. a-4s.g ba aaatoaaeax b bAd r-b4 U aioal.t 4i( ,liil a) IV 44vral f IV aVeaia-oiBi -.r- ila aax-t r- bwaar !-( tlaaaaH wt44 Iba iu -4UM 1 b a 114114 1U l4 bv4 tail sib.M) fiaatrv lb MUa) f ba bKeiiafl UMb Kanaka .WAw-44 llfcTwaV . . la Tia. '-. u . o- lrrn ni PI4, ' . . IVLLI I l lUuLU '" 1 - la. ti. Aa.4 I ,-Coal ba4 W i. r ' ra4 wa --. HIHRBIUrBE raws RACE FOR CONGRESS hi lb a- fa load 4 tt . wllb Several, In Interviews, Say They Win Be Lo,aJ to People's Choice. it., aa, Tw i tun t4. W,la J nm a ' -. , fii ik .,,.n.. f iii.oii j 1 Vwf4 u-ei i e a ; .ay-4 I 4 f ( y. - Ul lie i4 u . i la) rrir -.ilf' lie i la II i two. )yaf V .!. a ,.,. af itM I ... ' a ' a f th ! -.!. -l.Wa.i-. I- ' ! I 1.1 to ':, . J i ' fsiikfottr . i ii u. ' ivii . J ' I .. 1 i la. nti f i a 4a .'! : '. l-a Sa4 , e aafc Tfc.e A. I ele will ! a a ! I .airy IM ulm mt l rl 1 I ti4 trfaJlhg . if lt! ! Hal I l",f tJa4Ir.f. lbee . .1 ii!va l l kM', fo r Wee e.l .1 H I th saea ele-rlaj eBHil lli lor lk p kUr raU I It iele e tr.g I !- r ye4i4ala a iMfcl ! 1.M t' fe.4. Ikl fK,u .. -,! "4 fcAa4 kl'M fti tfk It ix'twil Taft Deleoates in States Where McHarg Visits De tide to Vite for T. R. (M IK htVua : m,ii 4llf kllc dwtarftllii frxxa ItMnu Urt'Mkil. nnr f ! It Fntt!! rnij!f iv. ilo I rt t of Ik Ktib4ka atu Cuing I M I'tstrsgo rvrtlun 1 fcll rcrtaisJf rf rf ul Ik lt- Irvtlkxi f lh lUwlIlra utr i4 fur ttixvl ta la roMtea, MKl "I cttldr lh oalh kltullnc. Jtil aa tialnl N I la blr.4!fc. iJ Will fltf H U Intends! by If clt" tr. ItMrr n-aUo Ca. Rv.!i Mala I Calrafa. ir'"' i.4! Ballon la tu iprrOTii br i allor arat. aa4 a Id h 414 aei Hnt ajr daUcaif alii far on momnf ihiU r tflarir4la h vol of lb tiafl a prMldL It ia alia 1 ) if 1 1 I J i:w. at iv I i ttt it ia1 -. 1 ait aicJ. f.f 1 . 1 i- i.- f. r if c. . . j' 4 l' if I. I- tl ' I! f faiai 7 La aalJia: lt.liiiiiiM lal f ! iaM la l (I a'lk r4 1IJK u. I al.4 I'al IIa affu af II Tlitil . atkt itt I U!i B-fcit huusm.t t!i.4 Hal ! T'iH rw: t r 1 a4 r ftw" aa4 trvm If !f (vM Aaag bf ta ial aalf Otftafi alaaa Ha?' IWx llrtxwtod IUTrl. taM4 hia I n I TvfMla. 0l. April 1 1 W Iraiaa ra pert ra-ttfH al fti MU 114 ala lia 14 J !! Il lb taaadiaa aabla al ia Wit a, al l lb ai4 of U vef n- abia Mabr M-b l ortng I b aa for h analn of lb vtcllin f lb Tliaal dlaaaiar baa r roi r4 lb bo4 of Caafla XI Itaa. tilirl ar lb Qittt Trutl r!iroa4 SAYS CALIFORNIAN IGNORED TITANIC'S OISTRESS SIGNALS (CYiBllooad from Pat Oeat Fraaklla rrfx-al tha iorjr of how ha flrat roclvrt lh nrmm (hat th Tllanle In dialrraa rranklln drnliv! thai ' lh Wblta (lar Mranr lrl1 to n)on llonra and tx-y upon th offlrr. paaaancrra and crw 1 board lh rraru . , hlp ("arpalhla. rranklln ni(d that ho ffavo th nwpapr all lh Infor mation In hi poaaraalon 00 Jfondtf. th day after th wrork. rrrnrot QUI. donkrrman aboard th rallomlan, iatlf1rd bafor th com nut If mat th Callforotan Ignorod th flltr. alirnal ant up with rocket from th alnklnf Titanic. "1 wu on th dock on Sunrtar nlfht ai ii:di o clock, aaia OllL "Th Call- roroian ni drmin th roach tha k flalna with her onglnaa torpM. 1 aaw tha Itchta of blf raal golnc at full . apood on our atarboard aid, about 1 WW away. I want balow and told my liunkmat. Saw Boekata on tartoard. "JUU.ia hour lateral aa a whit rocket on our atarboard and then an other. I aald it muat b a veel In di traaa. It waa not my bualnea to notllr in oriac. ana th ofllcera ther could not hav helped aoelna- it Gill aald that on Jatondar mornlnf he waa ordered aut at 4:0 o'clock and found the Callfornlan to ba ateamlng at top apeaa toward tha Titanic, Ha af terward naaro- tha , calif orjilan'a ond- neera ana. memorra or tb crew telling or aeeinr tn Titanic a rocket and Iorae airnala of. dlatreaa. ' I beard one of them aay: "Why didn't they wake tha wlrelea oper ator,'" continued GUI. "Th entlr ' -rew dlscuaaed the conduct of tha cap t(tn forgot gotng to the rescue. I am aure we were lesa than 20 mllea away when l iiw the rockets, aa I saw the vessel plainly. GUI added that he expects to loae his job as a result of his testimony. Trfiah 04 Irebery;. Kw Tcrk. AttU 1 Offle of lb ltnr rrlnt fa ropertod bar ldr Ikal whtta rlurateg from Europe lhatr wtralao orlor ruht a a ( from an usaaowa ablp aiallrg IKal a doaaa bodla bad ban lgblod buddlxi loaihr oa lh baa of an lebrg Tbl InJlral I ha I Bora of lb Tttaake llm crawled oa aa leaborg wbar lby fro 10 dth STANDPATS MAY CONTROL OREGON VOTE AT CHICAGO rrnntlnaod from Pago On ) - ffc ib. a atalt li .i- I V I oal aHIal t4 ttl( itoLa I - Is tft .,i.4 fcl ali llr -' ! 1. 1 I. ti fw v.i.a al bat Illlltl lh la, a.c 1. .a. it, tb l.iiln fal ll-al C bl.i:i( baa la illg I Ibaaa wHtaa alal ! difla a f 1 1 ' r.4 a 4-aaa a a.i4 ll ? klilta'f wb-a (ai.a m :a llll la aaa Mmfclait f 11, xt a Ilalfi la tiatal lbli Ltc.itiii.M Ilia lb at4 aa4 (via a!i 11 1 L-li 1 k 1 t4 t'ail4 riai aaa t- 11 did a.a Ibaa aak Ha f I am aa.4 a4 all lb i ml ib p-mwiaa 1 wla lJ'alU e a war faa Ibair al4a Sw bletiafg U aaiUM t aaxtlb ' I 1 ttoaaavail M,allr b wa la I b Oarotlaa. Ta dalal al Urg fiaaa lb otal. W T Aadraw a4 J H tr. lalagtaabad la fcaoaaaall hkd4arta la Wblagio lbl aa I bar - lairiaJ f a Ta1 baflo ttall avaBr4 b waa a aU daa. aad lb aiiavaMaa alaaka ba abowa Ikal Tafl raaa b li4 If tvutn'.Aala-d, lbr K r raarbad th oo rlaaloa Ital lbtr duly la rlf aad roanirf dc matxl by BttoulJ vol foe ltoell ni ltotrla V lldao. lb pell ftoall lairxaxalall, oa bare a faw warbs a. ba dratad lhal Mellarg would ! Ij lb rtal la lha pemr f ealeiMigB. aailng Hal Mcllatg would i boar In lha e.-uth Th Mi froia koulta ("aiujitva laJ:rUa ibal hi In dustry I blbf anena ff-. aVoma of Iba Tafl cnan. w bo ortra a Aar M'tlarg. ar how s-otaling I lha rMvrla of Ma rllll la rcxtnallon with lb fultd alleffed ta bav Kn raid for lha ltoall rampalcn by Ufa W Prrkln and ohac man ronnrctrd with lha elect truat and Iba hart eater com Ho Eastern rtt y four Alabama dalagalaa lnalrucat for Taft have j broken la l(uolt. broldea tha I wo from Mouth Carolina aad four other from lh latler atal who were not to atrurled. but bay heretofore born for Tft. aaUy tkaa gisoll axaly I baa ffaem. ft, t eiaau tva Ika baa tMi gio.aieaaJ aalaaiaa la l-a ) MM frwaa MailaaaM W. K. tvliia C-fMrial Mlaltl fiaaa II HaaUab -d -fairly apail flgoeow froaa lea aHbaea. ttaraoy aa) Ui'liaaa, 1a l!u II llll t4a I f fay nila W .! vaaly lb laMai rata f wbub If II all al la tnii. wal4! ba4' b-a bar Mrvgbi ria a, ib fbv ta lb jv:y aa Ital ba M yel ryl4. Ji a f hw. la third la lb ooalaaH tt aaataila, wllb III' IM, 0rga T taxbra raa faw rib. wltb llll raalaa. aad i C Hat! 1 laal aaaa. wit Til ! orflrtal r4 orh froaa ties , llliilaaa and healey Will gfTaol 1 a fiyio ,iy llll'a Jaia t Ull aa -mi D triieeBe!.el iwf fium I laud L l,y ii ra U aitel UK ivlt l llll fal t. a,y TO) THME OMinr "EM lh irataatUii by aaklag that Iba M a.liia) iljewa ttatll a time whoa avptaa f lb fraaabla ordinate Caa rr drafivd, aa lhal ertoJy laUraalad cava fallow lb dlacuoalea lalalllf y ally. Tb ooanmltla dartdad t adora till aaal Tulay BaoraLag at lilt. TV aVoutbara Irlf1e earn ay ofMckal war dJrcte-d io rwraUh prlnlad aoplaa f tha ubatiiai frsjMAtMa la detail. AerlaJ Nary fop IiaJ. iTaHad hw Iaaa4 w baa. i floe, ajtii 11 M iih lh oa lira eons- try oalhualaatM oear lb uocavaa of anll Haly aarwplana aad dlrlglblaa ta tb war la Trlotl, a national popular tub acripiion baa La ooord la praaeat to Ha naliuo aa aatir aerial nary. Tone War IU-ocx-r. It alird rna laaard tr t lkab!and I'al, April li Another out break of the long wara I occupying th altanliM of tha police bar today aa a reeull of tha shooting of Uw Una, a young member of lha fm Tap long, here Iw Koo wa ho Id lh left houldr and will rocoter. Two Hop Mng men ar under arrt aa suapoct One more week and we close our store for alterationa If you want to buy first class goods at far less than their former prices you must come within that time WE WAW Y0U-TIIS1S MKL Goods, the labels of which were but slightly stained by. water in our recent fire, are now on sale at prices that compel you to buy BARGAINS TOO NUMEROUS TO MENTION-HEME ARE A FEW doing what I can to a that h Is not counted out. Th few missing rounttoa ahnuld (Ira him an !ncrat!ng lead." With official return from all but flv amall counties, the rota now stands: Aekaraon 10.111. McCusber llll. Com Till. Bmlth 110. Bynoa 411. Hall 1717. Carey 1140. Boyd llll. Campbell llll. Mttachan till. AppUgata lll. Bwlft llll, J. W. Uinta 1101. ft. a Huston 101, Ftaak Pattoa 171. Dr. T. W. If ar ris 111. a C Jon III and C. II. Try 411. Lettr return cannot change tha r- eult aa to tha alna flrat namad. Tor tenth placa Vetachan lead Applegat by only II votss, aad Bwlft Ib only four behind Appl4,ai. Offlolal roturna from Cooa, Curry, Harney, I.lnooln and Whlr may put Swlfth at the front. COPIES OF ORDINANCE DIFFERENT WORDING All wa coafbsloa at th special meet Ins- of th atrt commit tea held thli morning to contdr th franchise be ing aked by th Southern Pacific for the electrification of tha Fourth and Jafferaon trt line. Th company of floiala had filed substitute ordlnsooea on th t roots, but when th elrk rad th copy with which he had been supplied It waa discovered that tha wording waa not th aame as that In tha coplee furnished tha councilman. Dan Kellaher, representing th Eaat Bide Puelnaa Men's club. Interrupted Beautiful Silk Novelties Are Now Packed With Gold Just makes (Jish-wasMiig easy The uso of a little Gold Dust in your dish-water will make your dishes whiter, sweeter and cleaner than they ever can be without it Unlike soap, Gold Dust does more than clean the surface. It goes deep after germs and hidden food particles, and sterilizes everything it touches. Gold Dust does all tha hard part of the work, without your assistance, fcecause it betfkf to dissolve and clean the moment it touches the water. When you have to wash dishes 1095 times a year, the Gold DQSt method of savind half your time and half your labor means something. WHISKEYS Bottled In Dond-Pcr Dottle PEBBLE FORD $1.00 HERMITAGE $1.00 OLD LEWIS HUNTER 95c J. E. PEPPER 80c GUCKENHEIMER .80c NORMANDY RYE 80c "SILENCE" IS ORDER TO RESCUING BOAT I OVER THE WIRELESS a ,. tKnaeUl to Th Jnnrn.l. a, -New Tork, April 26. The steamship Cincinnati of the Hamburg-American line, from Naples and Genoa, rama to the southward of the Ice, but received an ominous message by wireless from ?the doomed Titanic, which may In the flight to be Shed through future lnvestl Cation prove Important. It may even tend to show offlolal se- HAS For ease and pracc and IU ' SAN Cigarettes 10 for 5c An Important Announce ment to the Smoker, the Da aot aaa boras. . U.I. . - - - L 0 mania.aooa er ker aaene with GOLD DUST. COLD DUST ba all da Sit able cleansing vtliUea in per (aoMy harmles end Uatiag f ana. "Ut tha COLD DUST TWINS do your work " Bodied In Distillery OLD STARLING BOc PRIVATE STOCK 80c GOLD BOND 70c OLD KENTUCKY BOURBON . . . .60c WHISKEYS Formerly sold at $4.00 aiuk') iA now. gallon ) iniJ $4.50, .Including Container. Our regular $3.50 and $4.00 Whiskies, now Including Jug. $2.15 Pare California Wines At, the gallon 45c, 60c, 80c Including Container. 1500 BOTTLES Port, Sherry, ica Muscat and Qaret per bottle An fir I- I5c EXTRA GRADE Port, Sherry, Angel ica, Muscat and Claret, per A bottle, full quart awUC SPECIAL OLD BOTTLING Port, Sherry, Angelica, Muscat, Claret and Bur gundy 30c and 45c per bottle, full quart Special Low Prices on All Onr Imported French and German Wines In Bottles I Pure Food Liquor Merchants! STREETS J Hits T Hits J For ease and prace pnd comfort, too, there is ; nothing like a "HANAN" ' Shoe. Put vour 1, .. - i "HANAN" "are bound to wear. feet in a pair and yon get good You have tried the rest, now try the best that's HANAN'S" Rosenthal's FltA th "The) Shop Th$ Oar nrputatioii for Gooi 3. 'll l' Alrrr!7 Won fj I Retailer and the Jobber TO THE SMOKER: Get the beautiful' Silk Nov elties that come with Hassan Cigarettes. TO THE RETAILERi Ask your jobber to ex change your Hassan Cigarettes for those with Silk Novelties enclosed. FuUcartons only. TO THE JOBBER: Please ship your Hassan Cigarettes to us at once for new goods con taining beautiful Silk Novelties. Case care fully and advise us of return. ' Sdihu BalUmem Latnaal sbK 7Schlt BtHlmor 'Shto PlUmon Schloss Baltimore Clothes Srhlt Ralilmnr rinthma 1 Chltea "ML.. """""VI w wvillfcj I mfUIVM aVailllllVfC VIVIffCS Tobacco Company of California 325 Davit Street, San Francisco, r" '"Ha w Biltlmort Chihii Schhn Biltlmon Bsltlmon fiPetfit'A Huts From Any Good Judgment Standpoint Schloss Baltimore, Clothes Should be your clothes, because) they repre sent the very highest ideals of fine tailoring, exclusive high-grade fabrics and distinctive style. And yet these best clothes are to be had. at the price of the ordinary---- I fiats I H I Kate j w pHlmm aiataftaBVy UBBSSaanT Balflmm "w 40 I Fourth aad Udtr Stretta a rsnn 'QB. 1 ; ChthiaqCo. Sthhn Billtmm jBitwoft ScMmaT Btttlmm Oethttj lend rktgltr. MiMttr t.n.iiiiiiiiiiiim Tit Jl Schloss Baltimore Clothes Schloss Baltimore Clothes 1 1 Schloss Baltimore Clothes fWaWt J v T tfafS I f faff I HmH 1 - a 1 i hi t i al I' T M.i a! 1 , "3r 1 .7