V THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. THUB$DAY EVENINQ. AFRIL IV lHt DEMOCRATIC VOTE FOR PRESIDENT AND U.S.SEWATOR 12 OREGON COUNTIES GO TO VISON; 9 TO CLARK. ANO TIE IN 1 Hdrrr.on Ihs Total Vote of t:67; Wilson's Majority Over Clark and Harmon Is 784. HIKING ELKS NOW aea. kaa UH avaaaf taay ara la (Veal )'. Tka ptopeaal af l J.Laa la a4 m lartalip la Ua lie art t4 r lv4 fa a avMetW! ratt dn iva tana, aauoa ar wiu b-e Mt4 laa n4 U riwai af Bl Jjaaaa -aa a-ti f rwai aHlai 4 It U , Pv4Mb'0 ikal aaogk aw WlU w bag ap a ptla laliat4 aBaay aa4a .! af eea raa p4i Ikean aatiaa tbo Uoal arena 4. ia. Tka IK. JaVaa (( M laaal iaa a giaaa f .ii akX-a Ikal l Ma ba aa4a la fail vaaap f Imiaaaaa KOl M l kiAt Miaa aiaa af Uo V4tM M Wall M a baaviav Ttaaat-ortaala fatrt.nl aa '. rii ae IMat ai llaoa aa 'U. Tho Cory Homa U Ik aleaa ki ' waa g falkla MAKIriQ FAST TIME awSWMBBjagajBawaafap Mia cvfi J k 1 1 eav, k waa aMal4i la lea 1 a IM party a firaac K4. owlag la bka Ureo af i4 Vtktof :. wka left 0kfUi4. Ma Aprtt . ff Ika f4 rw waiaa fVrlla Jly r e t K a va4 ara avaWiaa MaaUaat r I1 ! : i. ill Hi: Til Offrcla! Returns From Twenty five Counties Gives Him 8245 Lead Over Taft. wars GRO I! : li r,i 4 4 III i It i ' 1" H' S i i?t; 'I i It: If ' It : 41 : 1 li I! Iti aad Ptatanaa aiaa aai Vaaa lafl.piik wmp 4lH4i aa b na vaup raial bvae. Ill-Ill ftaa4 t... i: ." , I !' I ii ii a;. if 4 ' " t !: '. ill 1 I. m iti; tin i t ! M H 11 I1 l lt iti 1 1 !l n 1 Hi ! 1 : ! ! ' I u I i. :.... . It. r. H . .' .'..et ! . . k i.M.tth . . J I J Vi.lur Via 1 t VI .. Hi., ii l I Il'.rll- 1 ,li., .. I i- !'.: 1 a f . Il f lti ll'i.'.il ThU Tnlklng Machines Equal In Tone to Any 9200 Machine Mi Superb Favorite Outfit a ' - Ik Ut lt((III 1 tl.t . ka Ills him ..j th.a hKM M 1 V2t4t te lh f I ha rttj-ut..l ee fee ti4t li it I! ..( tkaa tit4c4l Tafl Te ritfr la!. effvl! trVtfB) li tooblUt Sf fc title i4 Ul. ifUUI tent fivnt li cl.ti bin . T?e ltl ! U4 : . . t! ' V in. 14 4 t; rk it. ffw4al flxtM af.lt ) ! in WmIih WllM Ka (wga t. irlU t cieaiL w4l C-t I' mi. la ateva aal let aaa aowaty thai S57.S0 i?. u 1 lit ta k taleot fiM tt. elate, lcl.ig aftkUl 1 tr o.iiIm "ia Ike aac4lxi Vi ! 1 !tl lii Iti 14 t. JMI If J M' i ? 4 i ! I n 4 Ui' 114 ual tr ! t i. ur ! t- l4k(r l?el !. u!Un.ie 1 J f ! 'I f. Iuwel K ktul ' l lit offull tt li... fr l, I II has -errlel ')( l IK rKlic. inluuiUt . . It if Tafl. Mo4 Hlr 1 II o Taft. Joii It !I rvrr 1-a Fnllett. hi la main bf 174 r 1 oulle. Ui.n V 14 of Tafl. TllUnioc'k ly It or l lUtle. lnuil t l4 r Tafl. I'alo tf ll er ! rotUda. Hail lr III aer Tafl. Voe t 11) Taft. Weahlnalen br l r Tan. tlaaec tr l( ctr Tafl. llama r 41 var Tan, Lavae lr a ear Tafl. (irmat br 111 ar- Tati. aianoa fcy III ovr Ian, Malheur by 44 !' Tafl and Cm by 14 aeer Taft. L rtli( wm JnUoa by II aear ' ftowJt and Mallbomah bjr III over leti Tafl attained pluralities of 11 r, MoreU ia IV Ik. 14 or Miwelt la Mnarmait, 110 er Kol 14 1 la Tam hi It lteavelt ran flral wr aeond la all oeuallee) in I ha affinal oust Ual aarrpt . YaJabllt. La Foil!! ran third la Clatsop, Hood lUver, Linn, I "oik, "herman. I'matllla, Wallowa. Wiw, Vahlnf ton. llaker. Uaaton. Ika. Grant. Marian, Malheur ad Crook. UN FOUND EI1Y Tii fti ! iM.'ffT. r;' i hi il or I ftcH!l rljrtt t t: iir 44tt l r? 4: It I !'. VttUUl SELLING WING L EAD OVER BOURNE Merchant Has 5718 Plurality According to Latest Returns. SECOND DEERE rBpariil I TVt JaaraaL) rukar, Ct April Jl. John Irvln. who hot and kltlod J. JL McCraw at Whit-hr-r. lUkrr county, was found fullty of murder In th accond dcrraa. Tha r amlc H urpriaa, an acquittal or dlaacrvrmrnt aa ronfldently npctod by tha prtaonrr and hla frlenda. Irrln shot XlcCrmw, ha claimed. In r-lf dafanao, but Uila wn not proven. Tha trafefly took Mara Fundaykorn- In. I ha day before Me hare bjun hla duilaa tha town of 'tiJ With II counllea offlrlaliy counted. nJ alleJ rtlurni frm aoma othera. Urn Helllnf la holdlnf hla lead about nen over Jniiathun iiourne rfr in n puMlrjin nomination for t'nltad Btatw enalor. On the lateal WorM today baiaa ITU plurallly. and other court tlra will give hlnv mora. With a total of (1110 eotintad. Hell ing haa Il.:44, Iiourn ll.KI. trhan A. Lowell 1411 and W Mlrlon 1417. Tha rot for aenator la abou) 1401 laaa than tha vol on prealdant. Tha only rountlra ranied by Pooma on lh offlrlnl count thua far ara Jack aon, M ulliiuuiah, Urant and Tillamook. Ha wept Jarkann by a vol of better than two to one, and Lowell llkewlae romped In with a two-to-on acora In hla lutnies rotinty, t'matllla. To be a act, Hourne won Jaokaon by 714. Mult nomah by :oS, Tillamook by 111 and Grant by 4 votea, while lowall waa complimented with 70S plurality In Uma tilla. Balling carr' m SENDS 10 I HEUNIEO STATES Price Put on Head by M3nchus Causes Doctor to Accept Foreign Post. 1 lift itl Ita aaa a jaiiii .in r-oili i;n and llateat f :ii ii ramiiii ernilif rt(t4. Cia'k K J cxily m la eaxer f. T ' l m U flalaaav Wllw lrl nul f Iba auien Of) iim tv. I b lla Hlver. Hum aa1 t'in. aal ia a I- ra will Oar la "iM Th vol r-ar44 IITI fa fTU Xn. Till for I nil aad 44f f H mw. Tna total vole ur4 la Hilt, aul af note la ll.oeo la I ha etale. Knuniiailni tha Pacini lea aovarwd far by IKa effuiej vol. Wl rtad CUrltnu r Hi. Olaanbta by 14, Head Klter by 14, Jackaoa by 111. i ,! by 44. Una br ItL lJk br 111. Tlileeaeok ll 1. I'maUU by III, by I. Maahlngioa by II. YamblU by li. on ua'-fMrial r(uma from atallMesah. n 4ffiiri ihtaateg. ha baa 141 plo r:iir tlraat ruaty la a (la batweoi Vi:..n aad C lark Clark rame owl ahead with III pht- rallty or lh Jreywa la Klamath, II la bbartsan. II la V nlo. I In Wallowa. Ill a Maker. II In ( tlop. II la Lake. IT In Malheur, and IT la Crook, 4 ' 1 1 ' ! ' 11 . Ill III , 1 (I irii4 fthanghaL April tl rear of nation If tha Manekua. II wae learned here t r.1 y. waa tha raaaon whloh rauad Pr Wu Tine "rg. who haa be n reaprolnted Chinee mlnleter l lh frilled Hlatea. to aek a foreign poel. Ir. Wu, aay fiienda la eloaeot tourh with Mm. haa never fully recovered f mm th ahork ha received upon terra ins that the Maachua bad offered a re ward for hla aeeaaelnatlon. and eat til hellevt thai China la uneaf hr him. lie waa originally alaied for th mlnie try of Juitlce. but aald ha liked lh di plomatic aervlra better, eipreealng a preferi-n for the t'nlted Htatea, Pwart Ordrrexl to T IVitllulw lw Wulilnifnit, April r. lUnnetl. auariermaaiar. f Tke larall I It Captain I-arl- ua r. iunnti. auanarmaatar. i .arrival In the tailed B la tea will be i eat lo Vancouver barracks for com- -arr d Jty The Talking Machine Which . Has Caused a Profound Sensation Wm tdvertUed In the Sit urdy Evtning Tost for JV.9.00. Eur PftymenU If DcilreA Pay $5.00 a Month No Intereit or Extra Charges Graves Music Co. m IncJufiLnx Twtnty-fotxr Selections 'of Muilc Fourth Street Ground Floor Storo I official repreeentatlvea from every ally and provlnrw of Italy and from prac tically every country In E.uropa, tha nw tampanll or bell tower of the fammia Bt. Mark cathedral waa formally dedl Irxlay. Mark's Taaat Day. chosen for th celebration Y (j the el rained relatione between lean and tha atate. tha rellgloua lata caretiionua of lnaugura- held aenarately. At tha re eremony early today, at which larch of Venice and other high Ugnltarlea aaalet.nl. there waa tba flrat tlma an antlphona or J era of I'ope 11 ua had at to mualo by Maaatro Ulroctor of the fnmous Slatlne Ronga. tPdremony of dedication took vera! hours later. Following ill speeches, tha balls of the Kipanlle were runs; for tha first 1 a salute of g-uns fired from hips In tha harbor Immediately i dedication of tha tenth annual onal Kxpoaltlon Of Klna Arts tied. the prominent Americans who (he dedication was J. P. Mor New York bunker, whose art la among tha most valuable orld. A. void Contofllon Have Your Own gxcluolvc Drinking Cup Another Few Weeks-Then We Move r tha 1 it tha o feclally tlful woman need no letter of ion. at item Jarrh; Ralph Crysler. recommend thla simple, heal septlo Mentholyptua vapor I am so sura of its mer.te tha first treatment falls to ur troubla It will not cost at a ease of chronlo eatarrti whsn you can check It by Lr traatmsnt for only SOo. n also recommend the Men- salve treatment (60c), for hes and heals the Inflamed nd brlnge you Inatant relief rv nrst aDDllcauon. Besides Hair prevents further lnfeo- i our money baok g-oarantaa. pay you to investigate. TBD BTBEZT. PI g mm gf Well Known Remedies Priced Extremely Low 25c Sl Hepatic 15o 25c Beecham's Tilts 4 $1 00 S. S S. for the blood . . . .9 $1.00 Pinkhara s Ve. Comp'd 3 $1.00 Swamp Root 63) 50c Pyramid Pile 33 75c Marmola Tablets 604 $1.00 Maltine and Caicara. . . .744 25c Sloan's Liniment 64 $1 Pierce' Fay. Prescription TOo) 25c Celery King Tea, IB 25c Castoria 201 50c Doan'a Kidney Pillf 35) 25c Cascarets IT 50c Bromo Seltzer ...334 25c Tiz, for tired feet 18a 25c Allen's Foot Ease .....17f) 50c Dioxogen '..33 Jaynes' Vermifuge .304 EVERY REDUCTION IS ONE IN FACT. 'Disposition of our immense stocks will be complete. Your possibilities here for savings are many. I wenty five departments contribute to removal prices that in terest c WB "Cross" Gloves S Chamois Gloves in the new primrose shade. t"l. -i . r : n!. a i rn i lie riuvc iur opinio wear, rutc pair. In Our Leather Section We have an odd lot of Coin Purses and Bill Books, values' ranging1 to $ 3. 00. which will be closed out at once. Your choice at HALF PRICE Fitted Traveling Cas6s Every Traveling Case in stock, fitted with toilet and manicure set complete. Cases are all leather and leath- m. !!' DtS4Ar vAniva C? "3 ff lr rf "X C ff D a-wi alaI Sale, REDUCED ONE FOURTH. EVERY REDUCTION ONE IN FACT For Purity and Economy Buy Your Household Drugs Here 10c Chloride Lime, pkp; 4 10c Concentrated Lye, lb 74 15c Peroxide Hydrogen, bottle. fV J5c Hoipiul Cotton, lb, 2Ti 50c. Formaldehyde,' bottle.. ..38j 10c Epsom Salts, pkg.... 5 25c Pure Castor Oil, bottle. . .13) 10c Sewing Machine Oil, bottle O 2Sc Bay Rum and Glyc, bot 10c Moth Balla, pkg 6) 25c Essence Peppermint, bot. 10c Saisafras Brk. pk e 25c Denatured Alcohol, bot" 10e) 25c Assorted Corks (a useful arti cle), box 19 25c Pure Glycerine, bottle 18 "Wood-Lark" Pura Spices 25c Ginger, can 144 10c Allspice, can T 10c Thyme, can 5 EVERY REDUCTION IS ONE IN FACT IN. J Rubber Goods Rubber Goods for the home should be absolutely reliable. No matter what you may buy in our Rubber Section you are assured of its qua! lty and reliability by our guarantee. $1.50 Water Bottle, ?-quart 79 90c Water Bottle, 2-quart 67 A very large and complete line of Bath ing Caps at prices from 104 to 75 EVERY REDUCTION ONE IN FACT )7 ,astnio e . e w its five for five qu had rwatch it Mnen vou win ywiti head arid benight in 1 9 1 2.' One Vpr.rf'iini-v If niir fnrpciflrni- irac 1 IU1111J At IUU1 lUt VUIglll . TT UJ it as our .retrospective, we homesites near Reed College ;Fng Agent, 819-823 Spalding Bldg. V 7 V; Removal Sale Art Brass Our third floor Art Section is brimming over with handsome and serviceable brasses. Time is getting short, we must be cleared of all stocks quickly, so have made reductions of and more, of which we mention a number. , FERN DISHES Handsome Hammered Brass Fern Dishes, 6 and 7 inches in diameter, three claw feet an attractive nd' desirable piece of art brass. - -v--- - "" Regular $1.90, at . :M .......... -1'49 Regular $1.75, at . ',"'v . . .. . , . .... . . $1.29 FLOWER BASKETS , 12-inch Brass Flower Baskets, with han dles, very artistic. Reg. $3.25, at $2.36 "An assortment of over 100 pieces Ham mered Brass and plain, such as 6-inch jardinieres, 7-inch fern dishes, claw feet, and pretty hanging baskets with, chain. Regularly sold $1.7iL while theyJast 98$ EVERY REDUCTION ONE IN FACT The importance of purity of drugs ap plies to Medicinal Liquors Such as are found in this store, whether it be a. wine or whiskey you may rest assured that none better is sold at the price we offer. ' $1.25 Old Oscar Pepper, bond bottled, full qilart .98c $1 Old Tom Martin, an honest liquor 69t $1.50 Medoc, genuine imported Cunliffe- Dobson Bordeaux 98 Extra fine, California Port, Sherry, Claret, Burgundy, Tokay, Madeira and Muscatel, guaranteed full measure. Quarts 50 -gallon 85 Gallon ...$1.50 California s nnest vintage in Port and Sherry. Guaranteed full measure. Quart .754 Yz gallon 81.35 Gallon $2.50 EVERY REDUCTION ONE IN FACT Bristle Goods4 We offer only that quality of Bristle Goods as will merit your continued pat ronage, $1.50 Hair Brushes, excellent quality bristles in ebony, satin and rosewood backs now 98c $5.00 and $6.00 'Military Brushes, excep tional values. Vour choice at $3.78 EVERY REDUCTION ONE IN FACT Take Care of Your Letters Every person should have a proper filing device for the care bT correspondence. Do this with our "WOOD-LARK" LETTER FILES ; Regular 50c file two days at . , . .35 "WOOD-LARK- PLAYING CARDS Good enough as prizes, souvenirs and fa vors reasonable enough in price of any' TM If. . ' 1 - -. , . one. Fine quality card, scenic back, edges. , Regular 35c, at only ...... .2 lit Fountain Pens For father, mother, brother and sister, the doctor, banker or grocer. A point that fits your hand like a glove. Let us fit it. "WOOD-LARK" PENS AT 98 "Wood-Lark" Self-Filling Pens at $1.25. Largest and most complete stock of the celebrated Waterman's Safety Self-Filling and Regular, also Conklin Self-Filling Pens. Priced from $2.50 to $28.00 Bring in your Fountain Pens We'U clean and fill them FREE. Toilet Requisites Regardless of our low prices on Toilet Preparations, quality is our first consid eration. You purchase with our guar antee. . 50c Camelline-at only. ,29 10c Calif. Medicated Soap, 2 cakes 15 EVERY REDUCTION ONE IN FACT Save That Straw Hat You " can clean it and "make it look like new with the use of "Strawine." Is 25 Cents Open a 1V1 bnthly'-Account - Free Stationery and Deok Room Woioidard, Ckr (TlA NX A U U V", A