The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, April 25, 1912, Page 19, Image 19

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nib!. nu!"j
a ka. eata-a ! tale taat
U .! II It fetllt laM
Shi uk null iUiwi.
11. a-Aa' 4lft-l tlfM'
ait.. Wt a t ,! -.!
a.. fct ta 4 I f li
te g 4 mmm Make t-ifk ..
Flaherty & Connolly
1MI $ uU
Ht aleta af tie kl. J a-l beat lor
! lit MavWs fctralwr,! ridum.
i.bUi ir. it.iuh4 lai
IiMl II ! lie Hume -tk
ClMft Uiim tfcaa l-
he -.bia ataii a a-. f. !:.
Vrawij Ha--jr aaal imI tUU Cor
le laiealfgalluti lfcl4 tkli
1 1 1 . ! M a mill a. IMfik II '
hlaraata . ial actio- kill be twr'
aar. MiJ4 U Wall. N.a-tif. It. or
J r luHllh, III lmf 01 I umm.Rn
- It ItbJ, I f
A flral elae tl-btr ef. la a
li alien, 4l m4 balatt; a- rla
r.-,.iili'; laeao rr ar-ising
It a Itll. ar rail a III VeSHueeU
. faaittauie. ttaima, an ii J"""
r.r Una Tbla a lnrlua gu1
horaa a4 ao, II ttkaa II If lakes
at ! Hurry, wn'y II ran
f. -
i mt of th Mai locallnaa I" IK 'Mr
rhuti tan I. Imm d-lns II U1I
netti kaa Ruud haalar Ml
II tin lit raah r.attl.r If Indty I !' 11 avar jril.lna; fa for
IUV -irre. I
A rllOr ITAOLE and atl iMitlntaa
In tatttra uraon llh frtllaal
field or tipaialM. effara aa otuxir.
lanlliT for lha Inveatitiaol of l-4 l
tl. for trt Uotir "
male la bueintaa. Growing lown In
nblii of Dew-rllroad and Irrigation
artivtl. A do me lalarlor Wafaltouea
a Oraln Co , Vala. Or
Grocery and Market
.Itolni butinoi rt IS day. Rent III laaaa. No eoliclting Uoud. rlaan
lock and future. A mnur maker.
tl9 atll handla. Iuiur)woo1 Mar
l. tilt roalar road. I'hona Tabor III!
TO PARTViho cin lifaat lo lpman"
llfaclirrlnf bualnaaa liO la nol afraid
la work, ran M Inlaraal In btislnvaa ait
alaadr Job Thte ta eo-nrthlnj worlh
Inf Into and araoiutnr n. in mr-
arf ar. UWTIi, too-koi (.ikamuar
Cigar and PooTHall
On bl iranalanl alrrt In rllr. rnl
laaaa, 1 lablaa. C"cxi t'wk and fiilurra.
Ao4n( goo1 huilnc:
tncludaa ll up on
rtra for til IS0:
aa. Talrra. It
"Bicycle Shop for Money
Va rare a 1(00 Ikp can
TiiE ubk'tor At f aKiiw-t. f ta
r'a.twai UbIjw k a nunUl a4
'aa iui tllflaj fc.
"bUi. k ta.k kaa M.
taa aliw a4atiaa a4 .aiu
M4knd 'MW
c-nt. a CT1 aMiipni.
? ! Ilik ai mt i.ti.4m
a. al a ta ! in. miM
Iraao la I titl Iaa1aaa
akM't twinMNk If a tka
"" ii A Dla lava x-
arabiy ia a4aai. l4
A fla it LWliukil m MLl a.J
! talMtu. kill a atfai.M Hi.
. aiarp aat tMaaiiaa , ar.
laiflt naaltiiM; am tiM aa4
iutaiii vt Hval affira m at.i.
Jlr la raa A41raa ' O Lot ll,
l Irftlo lalrar!a
m'ATloa w I.M A IJt
aaia a-MtM
u t
Wa a iMkUI t
-I t-a Mt.n A W U aa.i
lMila a.4Jta tUi r. Uaia
I mf a.4ita
tail I It I I la
tll tiHEVCta k.ik73 alTaI7
aA. ataaia Miua. rkiaa a4
t rAallA ktia lit
M tints
ttOl ak-KI M'lAU tVlAJUkt
.ak4tf i taia a-4
" i la t MHil a Hi., a
M ( l. it K I ia-a.
lata all la 4 t .ia k i. a. (.
" iaa ac kmiliru ir triMw
an a l4,J. afk-aiia
fit ini fr rlirfaar ar rt-allMwaa
INrUad Aaia BtbiMij a, Oara C. lit
Haalitoffba a
AlJcaWUMrtt ha ran al plr.
rur.uun4 and laailor auraiiaa U lar.
rnntuiaara ar hnuaa lo V
i-iuinm.i ita 14 i , bafar I I a m
WaS fl.l -V. aiarnfU4r aolll
iura i a in i rod ura wt
oma lnilmni fur
ora Ircalmanl
romaa Utf
fit AtTli'A L aa. WmI tf rfara,
p.flaaaala kfn4 tba.a -al
utrnvitr v. u-t .r i.r..
Ma hiiiitM l'aia a a a. il
a.'UV'. "f." tUia
' ati a- fa ill, t .
!. M. t i It f-i aki- lit
! a-lta
1 f.rai. t4 t.aatin
f l aad t
laaa-aN t.a l ik a4 lla
kk fe'bAL-u. i a i
til m4lkiiii.S IT ., ah ...: !
A a!.4; .. al iit; U., rat.a
tl a a-4 I'wrtwk-d lUtgbla im-' .. , ,:. . - T . .
Ml'l. aiu.4 .;rf.M Jii" iaaa-I t'l ,1S,i "- .
HotfJ Ford
i'UV.1 i.Mt ii ati II
a. iyJ--.a w-a.l t4liata III
c t k i vrcTiTT.T'fv rg i"Te . i
la k.MtM4t avilra at.r
f.aa4. tk- I I. at.t:M "
llti viua rr n aha.
Ilia a 4 a I t
Maat anr f .aiakt aaa(4
-ala a ika tip. ku alal, a
imitiMt, aMa aaakav
, U.mI k4 f .iAa,
;' c at1 iiitiiwM !.
t i.a .a la all a-la.. la kJata
ittHttJ ASD 01H(14 II
Factory for Rent
Ta riM a a krtra Vall.'Uf hal
.ui4 al n4 til Don !. a.
jiiii i.fca iaf
Recent Hotel
151 1-2 7th St.
Kaatr faialtkad itont ali la
led iiMMa, una !. raaliai, jull
a-tal k!r a4 nihlr raia, rtl't Tic up aaklr Ilk and
p Hun v h'-nt i.i!ra uja
Iiol a) Kl ftt'tci tKMiif
Kr 1IL
.. g"k INMtlavd l-ta. laaiai
a 11 Vut, ft "a r.'iaii' u iki4 aa4 ! ataaa
at, i.i itvuiM r. ii,t.kf.tliU
I al A. I. !. aa at 1 aa JraX
j-i.;tu ah
kii tittk ft-iiJita I '
J It .l -.ltll. I r .4l4. l
k-4 til aafiaiai.4 la .tilt
at" l aMa al a. -cat Itl -
.laait.i a.iki-a d.ala ra it.l-
i Matai aa . :
w.t (ill t int
KINvl IIIUU Af-HTkl-Wla.
l" al
aa iMllinillt atla I
A?. aa aivnlaa III
ti'H HL'ST-Ut b,llllfi, a-ill
atlc f A ..cavKlik fl I4l'
tu'-tji'm or taH lirt ai l. h ika
fHmr ef -itia ptitra
l. cll a MlU.ttte lldtfc. t
la t.a.l M.i.r iuI l.aa Itl
l ll.ii, ! Il.iulii.ii.l 'j1
; . T i. i j i
run IU-H I", w Uv-
aav 4 i.l I lr la. la-
'- ! I i.k. ll k, ..
fi a-a I a l ;i i. l . a.
.T". .:., K '- 14 - . i t
l!l l i. H
"iif i iu. hi ' " " """
t lk rt.. a aa.i f.i,!.a Woal,
l II. a hMi iik
Iti r-iUT ai4. tl a-4
llai.aarr ! a.-a al
-E ia-aa a. a . -Va
aa a.- a. a.-l
4 im4 ii iti
. laf lMM a,
la III tutk a
Hotel blenwood
irttlly rioJhb. loatal islaa la fvrt
It il
Ai.Motr a vp n T
M'KMIIItll kauaaktai lk iit It
Miaaira aaik flu. It a M .ar !ia
rtim rwat aim Itrgt lay :iJ a.
f tataaaakla I T I Ma f I. :' a
S. N , i V il'ililUl Stn
in iij Ija.Kio am 'uitid
S-- rH t, It l...t I 5t t.w .
intha. I i d t.
l.l l lltl I Ul ft A
kitta l!f a .-'"'it
l.-ltt I '.'ill
ice riuri.:ii -.i
Ktalt III i ri, a aHt.l aktluitlr Jlaii :!
f.i.-.i: .1
l.uelf.r.a (.
I'l . I t..
i :i :l
a.i wiJ tur
f l.. ikan t.t II
lUill allh akila
Kum. i . H Y I' I
Wil.I. .r II akila C'lkil Laaa
ait- tf f alialaf t:
Tk. , i ta ai B i.kta tittul aia
iniiri iiik "
A!i t,ta via k Kit fr
iti, m.g i i.r.i. j h, luiinr r
ji. Ii..u a H am i. f- ! r M!mo i'.
. , . . jfrii: rt.ietn .lot. liaM;
o i il of i. .!i.r.t J.t tfi l i; b.kt II ! K4 .
I.Se f..r .ifilil.l ul I II..I I VI It klit lt'ktlda
"i1" ' 6 V hh..l(s i,k. ..aatr U,.
klvr tat flhOi
b. laaadit. Imm a-4
a aallabla Ix
iwutbt, ffa balk, laaadit. kiH an 4 c-o 4
a'.Ki.-a r
i'hS'IeJii.Ti I"h . H k g r a .. .
a. .a p Stair Min4 tlla4
I oulaMa nv'lftl talk (at
rrial .lata I a4 t r.. (uiHli'.f.!
iia-.t in aitff m II llin.
t'a- l!l
Tllrf iKVii.r
t lllll k f SI.H TOIiH T
I'l rlST I Mi HtM'W I SM'II
HStlirti Al'IMf l N'm AI'M.V UN
I HIVilKIrt Kliil hV A I l"N
ViVslfal Apartments
I .K.l l. l
r-iBti tlit l'arllig.
w.IlV.ik fjt!i 'h.
it I rr l aa hiii Jtk lia.
itHd vu ii! in ri-ti-lit kU
i . i i ' 1 1 1 1 i t ii't mi tia imi
txM HKr-MiM aa
1HN f..r rcul Hh It tlt'l.. fir i I ' 1
-f .un inii. ih a. In! bale
ni i-rfiiiif. aii.i r.r. or aiant. i.t ir
"Hi IS I i
.....It .... ...II..
ml.ri d.t i.f
I . p . . . .
" f'"i" an room in a ar 'nwAt-. n . rv--.-i .T- . - rz I I
- , .1 . i , iu. M.l in l. - ill i ai . r.. 7 , 1 1. i j'a I I I'al-a m r-r ttaliiinhl I. .k. IW. of A.ljrJ'Vau. tnt'tliS'ZZ 1. M ARK-" lilji' K Dviratid
Otlallt Mil thl'i iMrim II l.i i :r.- ...!- ai..J I r.llr frnlth.4 l.aat- i
" J-Tj ' - . JX . f , ra..t for III e oaak aid u. tit-. ! h l . l-i! k b-illj n M.--lr f-ir.
ftrmUr: f ' il ! 1 iii'1 AM I P - Eirftnlji fulhl.h.l ' I I iJ .i,.i i atlkli.f dlalan. I Ul -r 1 I in ti.iinuMi (.run. hri.
a a a A ' UUhl 1111. IkaJI UlLlaf IB kAnii. m aaiulat-i nMK Ni Jt v IH ' ...-'.. .". ' - '-" - - I . a a . . . . l.
: . . " - -- ' ' , - -' " II rAt.if uh l.irlir alr...i l...-t.l a---.-.. .....i i
I 1 . roUIA I I nhV llf I - 'iii I -' ' "k - , i - - - . - I I .!... i A i. a i
. ;s - - -'l I V tM iinlln k HlH Ll I flfV a!a-lf U 1 1 r I- lv III I - , . " '
Pb-.,. Mar.VlJ.IIIJ. ,,.r...... tf.l-4 Tlr At, u -hajr" . V.y,'V W MlT l ILiL "'' " hn"" i
WaNTKIi-4 ltdjr aoUrllnra Wlin J J rwiini a.ll t, romrr tih Mrriaon I lltl N' trtr-.i.nil Bn-mrr itlrt WMri-Tt) rn t or room houta.
Ciiaranira- I all aflar a m J an. Hiark ! k tl H.ti to, , t't't " i7.L..Vrf iTZl -, ;: ZJ- Tl f l' nl V II T A l"Tn ' I r'"""-nraa po 1 ar i. "m
.Voilh.-a. .M. cor llh tn ll..n .d irantlTni. a!.... full 110 1 1 . 1 T a I ar Ik i 1 1 r rn r N-!, J rr-im. I '. I a! ' "I ;-"'" I-.'""' f '
K13IAI.K CO IFTH. OAlll.ANFl Trin ir Wa.K J, ' mSrth anJ-iT 'l'anT-a aa- t S. ? S V V .i. 1 "," ' ' l "
.. " . ..-.ri - N- -'. "X'"1 K 'A,.!. ' M " f0Jr!.V4-.'r,c.h,t"l!-i. rnrrn ,,,",,l ,' . Journal
WANTKU-Man arh) wlf. a janitor K-.?--p : : I" , . . . ' I f.AHUIt ?nrtltK. ITouaakraF lr 7Jomt UfU1lt" ' " ' .- " "ill NT Kin. "offlrV auh uaa'of
ai-rimanl houta Affly lo ro..m :!' IU.N T - lirr- nir. altPln rxr-t ( ,a , . , ti-: I I I ltb. :o. too Chamk.r of Corn-
llafiilllon hM K-f t it .. i. fur I or ? aanllrmtn Lrafarrtd. ITI . 7 VAV Mni'l MiLi M.rliLn 1 n,r.
. i
j -niir tia Malri aU
. , a a 1 1 .
. ii.n,aj fivui .l.nti.rl l.i.. Hill.
OU I l.ui I I Itl. br.Ul 1-ltJt
t - " T- - - - . KIl'.l g ti I 111,-41
Kl .iSr lall ml 1 Im-ih r-r.piun , - f,',. , . , J , j, j, ) j
malt l,itl Aa,i.m ha. I t1 , ........ . , - -.
klanrirtl.r l:d. lit, ll tl klti ,l''K rr and luaara IKai
ttl? j U i rat. t fjr It l: CaaliU
i, ra.:ao-T
U V Uii'in I. ana (uaraalta4
'all t! Ill firm"!'.! tl
111 T-
I Jl!a4.
Ji HI.'.
' illliltkt liana- lixk (.
, .'.!. . I.lrt lor 10 K.ll Ilik.
H I I. I.'iwtr'd fluff i"i i firgton. roifc and
, I l-rri H l-hnrta I"
tu'ti.iit i. -eg.-n ! - - .m ".' "".. :""?-
ink tl III il"Hi A.-H mil ri.T to
I Iii Y I ina il"f man, a.! i-puar braada
, f,r atla )i r rg tiTViiil. I H'l
, f t r i,'.hi:rii Amii tat aala
I ''ai. I'lom km I
J IH I.I. Trirur for aalr li 'll.a ti fflti
tl ii.r r lima Io itl al.
E na4 a aala.mao In aarh of aaw
rral riralWvnl Dalda lo aall our mli.
14 nureara alork A Darmananl nlar
ath w kl- and a aauar. flrtn ri-h
fou. Wrlta r0r partk-ilara Waah.'nfton
Kur-arr Ci , Tofpan.ah. Waak
IIKKKrS montf In arihnir our Yakima
Illi tl
F rar ii u i- wain Tin
The Edgar
lllh ard Wath . ntalv f,ir-lthd roira
Pa7I KH bout. ilOV Ald-ral. rutmi
T 3tnd up prr attk. flltara hral.
fria llrtha
l"''WS' altl-t ni. : furnl,1 rifh
piana. Iliona K til Tl f". tul
mot fllllKK nTa furn'th-l hnuiiM-,iia
rrvorrn for man ai d if. I'hcnt V.J.
TWO or wafl" JiotitrVri-i Ing
r.Mima 0 . llitj it I I ii. jjial
f II?
ron nari. cuarantaad ainck Oul. " "r" fi. ' tiwi nr- run u
i 1 1 . . . rniniiiki' wim r v.m -kti mi rw a n - i
I t .-.t --1I . AnrA' v m. r. r I'l I fPt . r H n WraklV alairlv -- r i - -...i-r t -tw-w i - - -
kV hroa-itU.." . K.chan.r.IJaH t.lm. V.ll.,- Nurtir, C... TopiLk l"'""; J ftPO Rint
Htarlr room 300 " iNKATI.V f irnli,M nim II ' wrrk;' I It"! 11' III
' i n ' " Vol H fA.P but mala montf balh. hont tnd ht, tl lllh. n-tr,ln Ornry lltlghla itkt ntt rilr
UaSll DUSineSS eaUIn- ur uartnt-J-lo-a-la-atllt- "alinon. I trk rtr lo irrrg,.ry Mnt i, offlra.
Of lha hlihnl order faya !S war-Vlv ftlon -"x-kfrta outfU: eaah wkty; jTiT i"i"a i i r'ltrri M -rn-' " T :'.! -
Iwva all riirn- A llttl 'Uh pull -rJua!-, tarrttory. Taklma Vallty Fl Il.MS II 1P nfXJSI- JUS , Ml ,, s- t , , ,
?oJ 1 tr .oa...". rnJ I "r ooil' iJlcSm. Kr.-y Ca.. Tor.pi.lah. W-ta. KANT HII'H I block. .nth of llawihom.i aly
I'artlriiltra 07 Wllroi bill. I IIKHT cl!r for kctlilt hat brrn fam:i - -.-.- I ftlnlcl and llnitrl. mrnir 1 t . 9 rnln-
FoTJ HAl.f-' -i, 10 nnd 16 rnt atora,
di'ln a flna liualnma. la county artt
up tha Wlllaini-tta vmiry; iono wn
"titndla tarn.; Ml profit In thla butl
particular freo. d'KVul
)U at.. Iab AnKtlia. ftl.
10"0 will 1 IlHKK to IS a day. money every night
131 South 'THK OA TOP A Modrrn mom a; rhnnt ! ul'" walk to court houta.
1 In room, itearn liet. elac-trli- llghta; ; i!"lPTi"v
eien or; imh ana up. witn Dam. it up. !;o month. I room hnuaa.
(irann ir. anil HiaiK i VIE. month. 7 room hnuaa
Tabor It.
rxirn-i iniia; naw ait rierif
n-; mutt be Bold at onca. Call at 0f I KX FKKTK'N(7Fli acenta ta telPnrTVTar I 1'I.KAf NT front rtKiru. modern cor-, monin. i. room luingtiow.
rw.Hand bldt; ! nnd 1'nll tl ommarelal hM I venlenrea. wiUin dlttanca. rent rea- 1,1 ''' . ' .r:,..'m,.,""-?i',!T- '.""'f'l
tTA NY 7M"v w.1.1. ,. tnd pur- j - r. ---, annable food bo.r.l. riot. by. Irvlnf ton. 1 "LLL" : 'JJ '"J1 ?1'L I
.. hate ii flrat cln lountry hotol. r.iili ! KMI'LOVMEVT ACKNCIFS 5rt J1-' nlf: -. PI rouin co tgt. iff. lvon ire,t. r,rur
only ntlron In town: fun hv f'lll I - Hltj.VI' ruoin. uiuJcrn hmiao. tullahla .C"' ?,''-n yard, and una bio, k
rl-arro of name, but mutt hava (rood n ry I O for ?. gentleuirn prefarred. !0 nt ' "!'. 11 1. f'r J. ." ""rrelt In-
ttandlnr: H0 eaah requlrad Millar.) Ui K. ManSen V U0i I Vn- "'1 Hrondwriy cor. F.aM lit. veitment (o, ttO Ttilrd t-
Hot t'hamber of rommerre r I r i . i . i lViini.-r ...r..-Ki. . k". i . ; r I K mom coltace. nowlv ra Dared and
- - . i i i . ii, i u i '.! r- infill i , rri nnT firnmM , wv'..,.w..n... -, , - - - - . . .
vil, l ii i iiinv.ii.iii ntr . r . .. , . . .. n
I "
Pa'l and tee the Orlerlelah tflt. 1
Crti.d tie , ,-r Klark it'1.ri alth
rl 1 1 la ' u'ft l r.'lt !'( I""
Alarm Apts.
11 Vtrkrt reur llth ttr 4
Jutt o.mm1. f irr.ltl'.i tnd unf urnl.ha 1.
all mo1rn S'o ol Irrliori lo children
1 1 1 if" m r. n l:T i 1 1 f -lTf I, ! n g t n n-ar
t, 1 and room aparlinenla. hard
wirv floora alth mrv ronvenlarice.
ne!y furn'theil rhrtfr.t rrnt In tht
rll ferr-rrca re,ulre1
W.lSTKfi To rent or buy I or J roo-n
l.ou.. trrmt. mat bn f eaaoiiabla. I'
, 1 'i Jourral
1.V !. I . .i I I l T '
t . i i i. . or a nhiurnniini nu
k pi ng r'xinit. g, loia'ion ll-!tl
HH SMI, M I Sf'tC I.I-.1 X KOI ' H 19
iwm Emm
Sew Wlilia i.vlng machlna for half
frde Mutt ba aold bafora lha flral.
13 Johntu
ton it
lull k tala
iioitsi, VKiiu i.i, ktv. m
Horses, Wagons & Harness
For Sale or Rent
TV krn en hand about "0 to SO hMd
' flf hnraaa .. f at t I a.!.-.-. . ..!-. ..l.l .
,J,'A' '.:..A,7 K, -Vh ""e '"''V"' S"' f our work ilmk Any one lookJn. for
No ,, I nl.-a larre furnlth.,1 r.ioma. )hor., d ,f, u, b.for.
,.r..-,- ...n .mi , buyln at every ana knoaa wa guartn
nrii ri qt j lilini
lil aacrTnoa t.arn
horaea. wtlh Jnoo ll,a ; full brolhara.
T an. I i Iran old. Iru. to pull, good
htrniit. 1 1, Inch nifun with araval
l,d Ttk Mt s.otl -ar lo Mr land
titilon fut T?h it.
I'ull IAI t-Near and Mrotl bitl Car
om and porkat billiard tablaa. n4
bowling alleya and aoaaaaortaa; bar fit-
lurea of all klndi, aaay raytntnta. Tha
rlrunawlrk-n.lke-r. r.ind.r Co . I-!
tth it. J'honri Main 7 A-I7I.
f 1 1 V
Mott un So date apart rncnt In north
wett. II. f tnd Johnnon : 4 and i
menu a'l miitlda npfly on premliea.
or rnlllr",l"JL2r'1
The Arcadia, 70l5 Everett
Nlraly furnlth'il I room ar't. IIJ 60
and 1 7 f-: alo y room. 110 to 3S. Mod
ern Muln 'kt. A-7f.Hl
Im-eglora. who wlU luilld with owner
of Iota ran receive food renta. ln-
nulre 6 K. ttl N. -
JAtiY of refinement and bualneta alill-
II V would like 'OBltlon to mnnAKOj
tpartmrnt houno, i yenra' experience.
beat of referonce. Thona Marshall Slli;.
KSTAni.lriHirn it
16 and jt North Id at. Portland. Or.
Woman a Dept, 7th and Waah, ata,
Help Furnished Free
Ban Franrlaoo offlca dot Howard at.
opoaana oriica jii Marnaru at
mlniitea out.
iii Hone
1 . n walklnv It.'. ,,-.. I 1 fl r P
I month 201 Cherry at., corner Ijirrabee. ' " i none uwr nn
I NICK front room with clonet and bath. I I''H KKT " A room houa"eTr"per
110 for ! nli-a rlran oeoule. nrlvata . rnonin. room lor aroen
, homo. 8l Knott . 1
I liO iM In prlvHlt fnrnlly
i tance Vk block from ct
I it. H-I. tur,
lawn ave
walking dla- NIVK room lio in, llth and Moniom -r.
410 Clinton ""' w,,ri furnara. I0 per month.
or write P-104 JoiirriHl.
Hl'TCHK.R ahop doing Aroorl butlnes.
raah lalea from 135 to 191 ntr day
Small rent and irood leare. I'artnerg
miiat dissolve huitneaa. 1'rUo way down.
Call Tabor 29S4.
Confectionery and Hunt grocery, atora
clnaerl, tnKen on account. rrica mr.
Don't fall to ace It. Jordan. 610
liermens hldy.
Rla: harraln: mutt be cold thla week;
nil meat fixture, loa chest, good lease,
rhewp rent. $fi per month; price $160.
K81 Mississippi. Woonlawn 3307.
WANTKD l'nrtv with about J3S00 to
take Vi Interest In general merchan
ilise atore. country town, close to Port
land; will pay 1200 per month each.
Will stand Investigation. O-108. Journal
A. INDUSTRIAL EMPinv '1 you wsnt a ool room In
MENT AOKNCT. I location at a low rate? Try Hoi..
SECOND AND ASH STS. ; Larrwhee. 2'.'7ii, I.nrrsl.ce at. close In.
Hrndquartara ' aLDEK-iIKANIV-Nice clean rooms. 2
for cf-mpetent Ioes-cts. millBen. R. R 1 i u. iir.n.i .
i on. 1 1 Uv i ion men, inrm nanaa. and all '
clanaefl Of aklrA mnA .,allll- I
- - - .... " m.p- n l.i iv. iitiiur, . r
Write, wire, phone or call at our ax- ! rL
A aquare deal to employer and employe.
(,Krd VMlllnma. Main K'B
r T.-. ill tll.'VTll - CI.L'-
rood v , . . :. . i :
ONK nialy furntshed aleeplnir room.
week. I!1: v- F nurnslda.
W4TSIIV THFIlIf J Jtv v r-r
I ' 0 iI L " ' ') : " M J n 5 J
i(jiil. clu.n. four room hotiac; 4 K'
I (irant nar 9th St.; 110 month. Tabor
Ain i.Alr.. A.-snsinnr. located In 1'ortlsnd buslneaa center
New hulldln. new furniture I room g stalls mott all filled with rxiardtrt
apanmenis. service aiing an- : .el,nc lioreca working steady; by tlio
rnu i.--. nionin: clearing; iz&u each month; onlv
AI.HFRMAK1.K. , rraton for relllng Is ill health. For
? and 3 room apts . tlotm heat, phona. t particulars address II-S3, Journal.
bath, walking distance; :Q tip. Fast ! SBVF.S head of" horses welching from
Corner gnicrry wllh g.xd cash bual'
n-se. part rash. rt trarle; reaaon fe
aelline on nrr hat other hustnraa and
ran not attend lo store. 231 Kaal tub.
I'hone tJir14l.
Kult HAl.B -A large, double flat -top
offlre K0. esrirclally aultahla
for lawyer's nffl.-e; will aril for 40 pef
rent of cost price, enquire 1007 Cham'
ber of 'nmmarce. i'liore M. 2.
TYI'FWTU I KRS at prices never before
eoualed! direct from tha manufactortr '
at 136 on the basts of It par month or
130 rsh: rentala i months for IS. Io-
TU- M,,rr,l,., U S M..U n 1 veatlgata. II. T Co. 74 S Ftark at.
Itg K. MM it. rtione K-6J16.
-Phone. I,ot wti.r i bu).,n ,v,r. n kno. w. u
ni'lctc, rant rea- . t. our (,,.., lo give satisfaction.
A VI V ft I f A n"
t In north-
"IT orsesl Oregon HorsesT
A few vounc. s-ud lioraes and
mares, well broki. and readv for service,
weight from lluO to 130J pound.
1p3 Williams tve
TlfRTTT? and 4 room moilern.
4 I '13
or unfnrnl-hed apartments slso plnte
class front store room, rhenp.
Tlli: 1 1 A NI ' It APTS. 4! (lnv st. ITn
der n w inimnci ment. Just renovatcil.
Nicely furnished apts., modern. 116 to
KK EN rooma. modern con vtnlenoea,
American neighborhood, 1 25. I'hone
Hell wood 140.
No charge to employer.
jui cia.-aes or tinscinecl. skilled, pru- I
! TWO larre rooms, water. I; 4 room
! flat. 113. j44U Front St.
GENTLEMAN with means wishes to
meet lady of 45 years, wno has fis
to Invest In big paving business; must
be unincumbered laity, re-l". journal,
FOK SALK Saloon; exceptional chance
to own well paying saloon in town
near Portland. Price very reasonable.
Phone Pellwood 904. B-317.1.
WE WANT clean-cut young fellows
with ambition and energy who are
willing to devote their entire tima to
our Interests; experience not necessary;
hard conscientious work counts; Income
steady and large; if you think you fill
the bill, call after 9 o'clock tomorrow
morning. The Westlyn Trust Co., 1221
Teon bldg.
WANTED Man with small capital to
h represent us In each county In Ore
on and Washington. Great opportunl
r to make money. Address Portland
tora Supply Co., 260 2d St., Portland.
ur- or can.
-'io V-CIII-.I, mm ana isiaie I I HI- HrOKIXIr I I J .... . ....
belp lurnlshed on shcrt notice. IIIL. DnllllLI I Corner Sixteenth
No feaa. ! Rooms with board, also table board
Men's dipartmnt 215 .Id. cor. Salmon, i first lass.
Women a denartment fir. n.i ah it, i.- ... . k . ,l v, -. r . . v.
-- -w . ..WU . , . . , I 1 I ' I 'J I..V.II . . V., II' I, , . II. I 111
Main 86SK; A-6K24.
Butts & Eldredge Emp. Co.
HN. J. at.
Main 8208. A-1tl.
Bennett's-Emnloyment Aeency
!i. N'--'ft vl' ,9 - A-19II. Qulci
erlce. rellsble help to employer frea.
15.60 week up: table board 14.50; meal
tickets 14.60. 284 Main St.
TWO rooms, with good board, sultablu
for one or two In room, hot water,
bath. Fo r parti c 1 1 lars call at hti Clay at.
WlTD board and cara for children In
country. No infants. IS each. Box
77, Canby, Qr. K. t.
(GOOD home for little girl; terms rea
sonable. 6P16 4 3fl avo., S. E. Kern
Park. Mount Scott lino.
A $1200 government clerk In depart- , SPLENDID table, clean, neat, prlVMto
ment of commerce and labor would modern home, all comforts, for lady
employed, near r. v. Main 4 1 4.
A FEW children to noara and care for,
j $10 4 mom cottajra and bath. I. !
I furnished housekeeping rooma Soll-
wood 1 o 1 o.
FOR RENT 1 acre; neat until house.
! furnished. 20 minutes out; Idwil for
chickens. 3 1 1 Corbet t bldg.
I FOR RENT--6 room modern house. o
eated at t!6S Thurrnan st. John Skoog.
76 Thtirman St.
C'LiEAJj fT room cottage modern llfTTo
good reliable tenant. Call 2C,i Knott.
$147 room house, newly pnpered, large
yard. Apply room 3 Wnslilncton bid.
Wril RElffl room biingHlow-; $1.
modern. Phone Sellwoorl 14H9
$7 8V "l c torUT"e f - - " 1 a r g e " b r I g h t7c ean
rooms, riione ( -14ZX.
JfKV modern 6 room house, lflkieadaT
10"0 to 1400 lbs.: all rood true workers.
Small mare, heavy with foal; several set
of hsrness snd three heavy wagons, also
two farm wagons Come look tnem over
n you csn Imv them st a bargain. 247
E 12th . cor. P.. Madison.
10 7th and Morrison sts mont centrally
locsted. 2 and X room apartments, fur
nished up to date; prlvnte hatha.
Th"pT7)RW)N1J i ; M odrn apartment. 4
Ueht rooms gas range, refrigerator,
telephone; COS Flandera St., Nob Hill;
Main HI.11.
THE OAMHRIAN 12th and Columbia,
Large s and s room apartments, naw
snd elcgnntly fiirnlthed, modern, clone
In.! 2693.
?0 TIHAD rheap horses, from $25 up.
t'nlon ave.. ccr. Ash.
2 room suitea. $21.60 to $.5.00; ill mod
ern conveniences, close in. Phone A
262l. ISS 10th st Fannie Tnlbot. mgr.
WE ARB offering a liberal and proflt
abla sales proposition to live agents,
with or without experience. Call after
noons this week.
Portland Hotel court.
exchange with clerk- In Porti.-A aa.
dress M. C. No 6. The Majestic", 1825
huclid St.. Washington. D. c
YOUNG man who Ib a cripple and who
has Just recently been operated on
and supplied with an srtifl,1.1 i
JK"1 I. 8 W0lk of "y klnd- Ole Rood.
ioi iveny mi.
t tfc-U and Hennaed chauffeur
."'"" puBinon. private or taxicab.
city or country; will take care of own
?r- .Address Chauffeur, room 4V4. 225
bnerldan at-
$20 Modern 6 mom house, corner 18tli
and Wygant. Phona Marshall 2671.
MODERN 6 room house, enst side, close
In. $22. Phone Main 7773.
not over 8 nor under 2 preferred: a I
mother s home care. Tanor zoos.
A GOOD room, home cooking, fine loca
tlon. 617 Kearney.
YOUNG man wants room and board,
west side. Address E-l 08, Journal.
WANTED Chinaman to wait on tables
and mak beds in boardtng house of
20 men; salary $85 and board; railroad
fare paid to Eugene; work easy. Ad-
dress box 671, Eugene, Or.
SALESMAN wanted to take orders and
measure for t&llormade clothes; busi
ness well established for years. Call
at 850 Stark at
WANT to exchange a good watch for
. painting, board furnished; want a
competent man. D-89, Journal.
WANTED At once, men to learn ta)
drive and repair atitomobWes. Call at
Hawthorne us rage, 4 46 mwinorne.
MOTION picture operator wants posi
tion in or out of town. Five years'
experience, i-none woodlawn 2973.
i'OUNG man, experienced bookkeeper,
typewriter, wishes position, fair
knowledge of shorthand. R-8H. Journal.
WANTED Position by experienced dry
goods salesman, young man, first
class references. C. B. J care Oxford
A FIRST class carpenter wishes con
traot or day work; new or repairs.
Phona Woodlawn 8064.
' WANTED Salesman to call the tradn
'with high-grade specialty. Call 250
Id st.
BOY wanted to learn copper plate prlnt
lng. W. G. Smith & Co., 3d floor
Wash Ington bldg. -
CHEF headquarters and helpers. Cali
fornia Win Depot, 286 Yamhill, next
to Journal.
SITUATION wanted by A-l grocery
clerk. German, single, good education.
country town preferred. G-281, Journal.
LACE curtains laundered, 25o up; first
class work; quick service. Tabor 817.
WANTED Slashing or. jpowder wor
o-oi, .journal.
WANTED Board with respectable lady
for girl attending school; Ladd dlst.,
light help for part board. Address G
80. Journal.
MODRRN 8 room house, well furnished.
both ranges, fireplace, furnace, piano,
library. 3000 volumes, large grounds,
all kinds fruits, berries, pnrk swing,
gymnasium; rent $(i0 to Oct. 1; refer
ences required. 96 K. llth. I'hone East
DURING May, June. July, at $75 per
month, a 9 room, beautifully fur
nished west side home; grand piano,
hardwood floors; references. Call A
S284. or at 70ff Marshnll st.
Drickston Apartments
448 llth near College, 2 and 3 room
su 1 1 es, s tfl"tly first class. Marshall 57.
VERANDA apartments. 2 or 3 large,
light moms on ground floor: newly
furnished; strictly modern. 654 Kast
THE IlOZANTA. lfl N. 23d St.; nicely
furnished 3 and 4 room apartments:
strictly modern. Hummer rates
ful 8 and 4 room furnished apts.;
wslklng distance. Marshall 3070, A-4425.
A CAR of fine draft and farm chunks,
lust arrived from Nebraska, now for
sale at Kern Tark Feed & Fuel Co.. 8S05
Foster road; age from 4 to 7 years;
weights 1200 to liioo Ilia.; buy direct
from the farmer and savo middleman's
fimimls h Ion. Phone Tabor 1 2 80.
FOR SALE Fine horse, near 1000 lbs..
7 yars old. sound and gentle, work
slncle or double and a good saddle
horse, worth $150; will sell for $85 If
taken soon, as pnrty is leaving the city.
Cull 420 2d St.. S. Portland. '
cash reglaLra, act I -a. cradii
registers, rheeae ',-utlera. coffee mill,
etc.. at greatly reduced prices, a'.ther fOf
rash or payment!. The Fjrtland Stora
Supply Co. $60 Id st Marshall 4541
SEWING machine. $0 machines sold for
storage; drop head snd good aa new;
Singer. New Home, White. Domestic and
all loading- nmkes at your own prices.
2S2 3danil Columbia sts,
NATIONAL Cash Registers. 120 and U.
We buv. sell and repair eaah registers.
W. J. McCatiley. aalta agent National
Cash Registers, $64 Hurmld St.. corner
of 8th.
FOR SALE Cook stove $5. chairs 44c.
dressers $A; Rellsble gas range snd
water heater, beds, carpets, dishes and
many other articles at 628V4 Washing
ton st.
SAFES AND DESKS. top desk, four sec
ond hnnd safes. Cheap for cash.
85 6th st.
FOR SALE SlngeT or New Royal
White sewing machines; renta and re.
pairs. Singer new East Side store, $38
Russell, near Rodney. Ksst 448.
$285 buys team of horses, weight 2800
Ibw., good true pullers any place, harness
and farm wagon. Woodstock, corner
67th st. and r.3d ava. Take Woodstock
car to end of line. Phone Sellwood 1788.
SAFES New and 2d hand, low prlceet
easv terms: safes opened, repaired ana
painted. Purcelt Safe. Co. and Port Ian -Safe
Co. 85 6th st. Main 8309. A-llll.
SPECIAL sale of slightly used Slngera-'
"W. W.." White and Standard saw
ing machines; eaay payment Call 182
E. Morrison near Grand.
JULIANA apt., 40 Trinity place, 2. 3
and 4 room apts., strictly modern, new
brhk bldu.. $25 nnd up.
FINE furnished apartments, roof gar
den, fine view; very reasonable, new
lirlik building. Woodlawn f.lG.
MOIiKKN four room ur-t-er flat with !
alcove nnd attic, private hath, fur
nace and basement. 442 12th.
BOARDER wanted; our stable Is fire
proof and perfectly ventilated, abso
lutely sanitary; we charge no mora
than other stables; use of rig ajiy time
lo rldu or drive free. Kramer) Riding
School, Ifith and Jefferson sts.
Ft I ' It good work teams, welglT-ff om
1200 to 1600 lbs..
one good driving
horse, prices from $150 per span and
up; also one spring wagon. 1 3 '4 inch
wagon. 1 saddlo and 4 sets of harness.
Ftnr RfnMes, 308 Front.
MAN and wife wants a home with
lonely couple or women, in a good
place. H-88. Journal,
CLEAN, pleasant housekeeping; rooms,
completely furnished, very reasonable,
gas, bath, phone, sink. Call after 6. 245
in. istn,
FOR SALE or rent, furnlsheik 8 room
house, for soma cash and trale; one
10 room house; rooms all full, cheap, If
sold before 1st of May. Owner. Main
MODERN 4 room cottage, neatly fur
nished, $20 per month. 1067 N. 26th
st., near Alberta st.
PAN MARCO Apts., K. Sth and Couch:
new brick. 3 rooms, private bath and
phones. $23 to $26. Phone K. 2761.
4 and 5 rooms; modern.
2 FIRST class clothing; salesmen want
ed; no others need apply. Chicago
Clothing co aa ana tsurnBiao,
WANTED A good ' carpenter, bench
- man, fpr planing mill. 1112 Haw
thorne aye :
.WANTED An elderly man to trry an
r advertising banner on the street. In
' quire 695 Front st. Phone Marshall 1198.
WANTED First class sash and door
maker. Phone Tabor 2982.
WANTED First "class presser and re-J
pair man or woman, rnana mmn turn.
Lt'NCH- man wanted at 240 Salmon st.
MOVING picture operating taught In
theatre, only way of learning it jight:
secure positions; price reasonable. 404
Rothcnlla niag.. tin ana wasnington
MIDDLE aged woman wants place as
working housekeeper, rooming house
or private home, city or country, g
87. Journal. '
POSITION as housekeeper In hotel or
apartments: Will eiva nartv tin r,,
securing me a position. Phone B-122 1.
A LADY wants work by day. Call be
fore 8 a. m. or after 8 p. m. Mrs.
Pruitt. Main 9489. " .
NICELY furnished housekeeping; rooms,
gas range, phone and bath; walking
distance. 70 N. 15th between Davla
and Everett.
LARGE, clean, pleasant furnished
H. K. or sleeping; also small rooms;
modern and reasonable. 867 12th St.
CAMBRIDGE bldg., furnished and un
furlshed housekeeping rooms, central,
cheap rent. Room 88. 3d and Morrison.
HOUSEKEEPING rooms for rent; 2 and
4 nicely furnished nouse-eep g rooms,
s, yard, $12.50 monthly. 692 Front.
EXPERIENCED exchange telephone
operator wishes permanent position.
Phone Woodlawn 848.
ELDERLY lady wants housework for
couple or widower's families. N-217,
NEAT, capable woraan wants work by
liny. i m 011. room lvi,
WANTED Office or house cleaning by
the hour. Call B-24S7, room, 33.
NICELY furnished housekeeping and
sleeping rooms, $2.60 pf week and up.
409H Wash, st. Main 2364. .,
COMPLETELY furnished house
rooms. Rose City Park, $46 month-
Tabor 1706,
MODERN 8 room flat, electricity, gas,
porcelain . bath, furnace' heat, furni
ture 6 months old; flat rent $3;- will
sell furniture at reasonatiie price. Ap
ply 28 N. 16th. near Washington.
FOR SALE Cheap. 8 room furnished
house, rent $32.50; income $40. also 4
rooms for family use. Inquire 422
Jefferson st.
NICELY furnished housekeeping suite,
front rooms, close in, cheap. 636
FINE 4 room apartment with private
bath, Marshall and 19th sts. Phone
Marshall 2178.
3 VERY nice, large, modern, sunny
housekeeping rooms. $16 month. 680
2d it,
NICElV furnished housekeeping rooms.
, single or ensulte. reasonable, free
phone, lights and bath. 448 Columbia st.
YOUNG woman wants chamber work In
hotel or rooming house. Call A-1286.
LADY wants sewing to do at home.
G-i09, Jeuroal.
hand laundry.
YOU wanted for government Job.
$80 month. Sent postal for list of
' positions - open. Franklin Institute,
J' Dept. 8 2 4Q. Rochester. .N. Y. ,
- REWARD for Information of tha Md
. dress of F. J. Kernan, last sddraaa
821 7th. P-100, Journal.
, Uncalled for tallor-mae aults, $10 up.
Tsylor the Tailor. 285
: CNCALLED for tailor made suits $19
' m tjT. .... Tail.-. II 1.1
sp. Harvard Tailors. 82 Id.
Woodlawn 2684.
WOMAN wants day. work. Call Mrs.
.-nipion, niarsnau trie.
WOMAN wants day work. Call Mar
shall 4926.
3, FURNISHED housekeeping rooms,
bath, first floor, 8.16. Phone Main
HOUSEKEEPING and furnished rooma.
Gem hotel, (66 1st: steam heated,
new building; rooms $1.26 up.
NEWLY furnished room for lady; priv
ilege or coo King, in Montgomery.
ttur SALK or rent. 6 room firnished
flat, steel range, good location, rea
sonable rent. 125 N. 17th. Zd noor.
Main 2325.
FURNITURE of 6 room flat for salo
reasonable ir ta-en ai once; in gooo.
condition: 1 block from Bowers hotel,
16 llth st. Nv
FX'RNITURE 6 room modern cottago;
snap 11 taxen mis wee-, a-a
Montgomery st.
FURNITURE of 8 room house. $350;
terms; wishing to leave; sacrificing
$300. A-6701. -
ENTIRE upstairs, running water, light.
phone lit a montn. 4gx lotnet.
Good and cheap furniture of room
house: rent $50. 49 N. Park.
HOUSE for rent, furniture for sale or
for rent. 689 Wash, st.
HOUSE for rent, furniture for sale,
snap. 80 W. Park.
II. K. rooms, 2 suites. 808 13th st
Phone Main Tl.
CURTAINS, hotels, lodging houses, ons COMPLETELY furnished. centraLJarga."
price 2,-ic. by experts. W oodlawn 2i8t. , convenient. $2.76 u-. 429 Main st.
LADY to do washing or. house cleaning
qy uib nj( nwa cpqj.
NURSE girl wishes position. Address
- Woojlswn 1227.
EJCPrjRlENA KU lady wants day work.
Phone Tabor J?-
THREE coxy, lurnlshed ,11. K. rooms;
$llvper mo. Iti Pettygrove. M. $428.
NEWLY furnished outside suites, $
- ami up. 164 W. Park near Morrison.
KlCE H K. and sleeping rooms $2 up,
at Washing ton, modern. 2 N. 17th.
BJELLAND I f VtC fid"I)TJoy iUhfUr- f
nished irronij; modern, new brick,
must be seen to -be appreciated, -lain
1867. A-1967. . - .
MODERN lower flat, also tage, C
rooms and basement, nice yard and
The Newcastle
402 H 3d St.; housekeeping and sleep
ing rooms, modern, homelike. Phons
Main 7771, A-1970.
RANCH (earn, mare and horse, weight
about Z'.'nu pounds; true pullers, sin
gle and double, for sale cheap. 3721
3tn St., s. K. Mt. Kcott car to Kern
Park. 8 blocks N. 2 east.
SLiGHTL-Y used casn registers, credit
registers, computing scales, etc.,
boucht and sold. The Pacific Store
Service Co.. 227 Stsrk st. Main TTH. -
FOR SALE The furnishings and lease .'
o' a small hospital, 8 rooms; very
reasonable; nountry town. Address,
H-86. Journal. .
PHOTOGRAPH outfit for sale cheap at
Excelsior Studio. Piedmont car barns,'
from 8 a. m. to 6 p. m., after 8 p. in. at
1170 Omaha ave. -
FOR SALE or trade, old coins, stamps,'
Indian relics, pistols. . swords and
guns. Phone Mam iftfig., a-iiss
VILL sell a Percheron etalllon for cash
cheap; part cash in trade; weight
1700 lbs. Inquire Kerrt Park Fuel Co.,
t.viuh Foster riona; rapor izsu.
fruit trees, block to car. near Holladay.
$22.50. Call 202 Occident st. fiione (.:
143C, East 4409
tlVO new 5 room fireproof flats. Just
completed, walking distance, up to
date, reasonable. K. 18th and Salmon
Main 8596, or Main 2007,
HOLLADAY addition Very desirable
6 and 6 room flats, modern in every
detail, walking distance. 262H E. 2nd
st. N., corner Multnomah; Phone Ef. 294K.
6 ROOM modern flat and bath. $12.00
per month; no children. 729
Williams ave.
$20. 6 roouis strictly modern, walklnir
"distance. 215 Cherry. Phone East
141 5.
ONE of the best flats In -the cltv,
$30; modern; 301. 301 U E. 12th;
phone K. 41,13. Walking distance,
FOK HALE Three year old filley. by
Hal K.. cltv broke, paid up In Oregon
mturitv: also cart, sumey ana narness.
Phone Main 6132.
PASTURE for stock. Ladd's Can yon
Farm, Canyon Road; rates 10c per
day. Phone Marsnan S74. no business
on Sundays. J. A. Putney, Supt.
HOKSlia and buggies ror rent by day,
week and month; special rate-j to
business bouses. 6th and Hnwt.iom
East 78. '
FOR SALE 30 head horses ranging
900 to 1500, young, some cheap ranch'
horses, harness, farm wasons. Inquire
351 2d st. Phil Suetter. Marshall 1412.
5 ROOM Int. cor. E. 14th and Madison;
walking distance, unone ieuwooi (3i.
FIVE room flat, all first class. 454
llth st. Jackson nungaiow.
FIVE room modern flat, all large light
and airy, cheap. G9XA union. North.
MODERN 4 room upper flat, large attic
and aicove. 44z.izin si.
FOK KENT Cheao 5 room flat. No. 426
E. Market st. Phone Sellwood- 669
36 AND 838 Albtna ave.. 4 room mod
ern flats. $14- each. Woodlawn 202.
FURNISHED flat, 4 rooms, homelike.
close In. cheap rent, store, corner Tth
and Jefferson
GRAY mare 6 years old, 900 lbs.; sound
and active on feet, good worker, sin
gle or double, fair trial given; price $65.
Address D. S. Brundage. 451 Goldsmith.
ONfl bay mare, weight 1100 lbs., city
broke, single or double, fine for de
livery farm or surry. 652 Alberta St.
I'hone Woodlawn 669. C-2443.
PANSY plants for sale; large assorted
variety, at 20 cents per dosen. Phone
Tabor 8.
WOODWORKING machinery for small
mill. Mrs. R. Ilolman. Grecham, Or,
R. 1.
STEEL range, good as new and furnt-
tare of 6 rooms, by piece or all. 623 ..
Lovejoy st. Main 4954.
RESTAURANT for sale at a bargain. I
scats about 35; long lease and good)
location. Call 231 Alder st , p
STOVE repairing, connecting; work
guaranteed; estimates given. Mar
shall 3223. 528 Washington at.
FOK SALE or rent. Logging. Hoisting
Engines, Ralls. Cars, Locomotives, :
Railway Equipment Co.. 74 1st St. I'
8 AND 2 -In. Wa' worth ZTi stock. J
cheap; No. 4 automatlo gas heater, w
good as new, $60. 126 llth st. V
CAPITAL JUNK CO.; dealers la Iron, .'r
metal, rubber, sacks, machinery, pipe, . ;
tools . Job lots. 67 N. 1st st. Mar. 1 8$ 9. I
GAS range, steel range, water heater,.
folding bed and bicycle.
name- ave,
610 WU-
ALL kinds house furnishings bought,
sold and exchanged. Star Furniture
Co., $80 HaTTthorjrie ave. Esst 106T.
FOR SALE at a bargain Garage, doing
good business. Call at ITS S. Liberty
St.. Salem. Or.
ONE very old violin, cheap: 8 good ones,
cheap. Make offer. At Wilson's auc
tion house, 2d and Yamhill..? v
MUST be sold at once. 3400-lb. team,
good logging wagon and harness. Call
ror w. rtosier, 1 t,;inn it
WANT to trade ladles' and gentlemen's
watches for horse and light wagon.
D-S7. Journal. -
TRACTION gasoline wood saw for sale
or trade for a team. Neal flwetland,
Lents. Or. Phone Home Lents 8511.
HORSES of all kinds. Madison stables,
lSo-t Madison St. Bridge, west side.
LOTS Sell or trade for motorcycle or
runabout. Mam sjii or iu!. jour
nal. . '
TWO steel ranges, ; rugs. Iron beday
snring and mattress for sals..' 4 Qi
Part- - ' ' ' '
AX MINISTER carpet almost new. 111.
Main 4144. '
RfOTORCYCLK snd gent's, bicycle cb
for cash. 1 81 Msnison. -
STALLS for rent,
bedding and care.
$3 Per month, with
884 Front. .
THREE room flat, partly furnished, $11,
1 blocs s iroin car; oo .Montgomery.
TWO room fla $9; also two 2 room
flats, very reasonable, aaw, clean
Vancouver ave. Woodlawn 1963.
.11:1.1 AKTTE Furnished and unf,,..
nished S rpomi. j Cor. 2d and Mont
?TK, Furnished
2 room . j Cor.
if up-to-dstt i r
MODERN up-to-dat 8 room furnlihad
apartments, reaaonabla . rent. 124
Marshall L.
HOTEL PORTLAND European plan
only 13. 15 day.
BELVEDERE European, 4th and Alder.
SALE Several good horses, cheap, from
900 to 1300 lbs. 893 Water St.
DELIVERY horse, harness and wagon
for sale. Holcate, 41st and Holgate.
SINGER eewlng machine etore. ran
dept.1. 2d hand machines. 882 Morrli
STIR flALlE Alt kinds of
Durham, Jersey ana Jfoistcln.
BE WISE; get mora fo your soeeed
hand furniture by seeing it lo Ford
auction Co.. Ill 1st. Ma'n !. A-1446.
WANTED Flrebe boiler, 2S to 19 hT-
p also engln 1 cheap. Kanyon, 719
Alblna are. Phone Woodlawn 184.
WANTED Two carloada ef ee-p4 hanj
fvirnlturi Knona r;tt enoi.
d. ,T7 00 " J WANTED Moving rlctura ouTfil.' .,;..
-.rr.. ri'.A.i"r ;r'7 1 Ing chatre, etc. v-3' j-iii.
DfUf. -AH1IU IBHiUn. S II IUH C II"'". 1 at 1 -
BARBERS attention: For rent, an ele
i gant location for a first class- barber
shop and 2 bath tubs, water, light and
heat Included-In rent, lone lease. In--ulre
H. , B.' Kudleman, 15 Lumber-
-uln 1 H. B. "u
mens bide. 7
..),. Wnutl... 1400 rea. nhrni. Wiurf. I . an lurnltura, '.'Mli
tswn .2700. ' ! 88 Howthorra s.
LXWOl first clsss cows for sale, 718
Sandy Uoulevard. Take Rose City
car. - ' '
HORSES, cows, hogs wanted;, hava S
acres nice 1 And - near Vancouver lo
trade. Smith, 640 Chamber of Commerce,
XfHWt to trade gold wach for tr.Uk
goats. D-Jl, jourpal.
rl-eee & VI a -f-
CASil paia ror ru,u. u.n.i gVu,i.
!? Ljc,s.',4 c'' , 1
Wii pay liUhatt fr1i' 111.- i .
a hots, I"l (-!'' t. 4
It .s t i-.TTH. ii.r-i.i 'ir., 1 -. !'
tnr. r-'tri-" r - ?'' ',-. c
v lTi f il 7 t . y" ,'," iv :. n.
Ii2 C-i'l.