The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, April 25, 1912, Page 1, Image 1

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VOL. XI. HO. 43.
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'Keep Your Mouths Shut N.
Y. Marconi Chief Flashed to
Two Operators on Board
Rescue Ship Carpathla.
Inventor Denies He Approved
Message but Says Men
Were Free to Talk.
WaahJagtea, April Ik Thi aaw f
tfc slaking of lb Ttlenle wa withheld
from th we rid for aMr la f ur fig
urea "
William Marconi. hed f the Vir-
reel Wree Tle;rih ronptay, ad
C4 today vKllt wtiaae bafor the
la tonmlllH Investigating th
rid f real tat sea disaster, thai kit
company was peehap raapoaelble for
the llne thai tiurt about Ida Car-l-alhla
whll en rout le Naw Tara with
lb Tltanlo lurolmtt
FYom Xc Tort Cottare. tha Oar
rilMi'i wtreleea operator. end Bride,
tha Tltanlca soond operator, ha J gol
tha jrord, "Keep your mouth ahuL
Hold roar alorlaa fur four fleruraa.
OoraoJrte X Spill.
A brea. h between Kanator William
Aldao Ktnith. chairman of tha adnata
ubrommltle which la Investigating tha
Titanic disaster, and hit aaaocial prob
er la reported to hve occurred today
over th queellon of releasing soma of
the member of te Titanic crew from
further detention Chairman Hmllh fa
vor holding every member of tha crew
In Washington until the Inquiry 7a fin
ished, but other member of the com
mittee believe thla I unnncraeary.
Quartermaster lllcheaa of tha Titan
ic, who ha testified before th com
mittee, demanded hi release yaaterday,
but Chairman Mmlth refused to allow
him to leave th city." lllehns then
appealed to other member of th com
unite and they overruled Senator
J. Bmc Ismay, managing director of
ma wnne Btar line, and Vic President
r. j. o. rransnn or in same company
iouay Demanded inelr release.
mall Tu abject of CoapJaiat.
Th officer of th Tltanlo caJled to
Washington to glv testimony, com
plained today that they received only $
a day a witness fees, and that It cost
mor than that sum to live here. They
moved Into cheaper quarter today.
Senator Jonathan Bourn of Oregon
and Theodora E. Burton of Ohio, con
stantly break Into th questioning,
frequently Ignoring Chairman Smith.
Interest In the hearing 1 waning, a
Indicated by the small crowd present
loniy wnen tne inquiry opened.
William Marconi, head of th Mar
coni Wireless company, was the flrt
wltnes today. II admitted that the
New York office of hi company had
ent the following wireless order to
the Marconi operator on the Carpathla:
"Hold new tory of disaster at four
hip Then Off Bandy Rook.
Th message, Marconi explained, was
not sent until the rescue ship waa off
Handy Hook, practically la New Tork
Marconi denied all personal knowledge
or the message, saying that Chief Op
erator Sammlfi of the New Tork office,
waa responsible. Ho Insisted, however,
that the message referred to Interviews
with Operator Cottam and not to wire
less messages sent from the Carpathla.
Marconi declared that the wireless
apparatus at Cape Race station had a
radius of 400 miles In daytime, and
more than 1000 miles at night, and
that It icould get In touch with ships
ft .... 1
B II V V - s V 1 T5
Telephone Enables Homesick It Elected Again to Presidency, Organization to Make Active "Nothing I Can Say at This
Venetian to Listen to Ring- Says Incumbent Now Fully Campaign for Signatures to nme. His Reply; Change
Ing of Bells In the Restored
Campanile of St. Mark's.
Thunder of Guns of Fleet Mark
Closing of Dedicatory
Aroused, Roosevelt Must Be
Regarded as Dangerous.
Road Petitions; Parade the
Business Districts.
PTioto eorrrW! 112 bt Iniraatlnl Nfwi Brrvtc,
William A Men Rmlth, I'nltml Slc) Hraator from Michigan, rhalrmaa
of tb aerial conimlllre loqulrln Into th TlUnlc duMUiK-r.
Attorney General Reverses
Himself; Recall Amendment
Is Self-Operative.
(Continued on Page Five.)
Cable Ship Reports Recovering
206 'Bodies, Among Them
"A, Butt." G. D. Widener,
(United Pram. Leased Wire..
New Vork, April 25. Indications
that the cableship Mackay Bennett, sent
to the scene of the Titanic wreck to
recover the bodies of victims, has found
the body of Major Archibald Butt and
that of George t. Widener, the Phila
delphia millionaire, was received at the
offices of the White Star line. here to
day In a wireless message from the
"coffin ship." The dispatch said 20S
bodies have been picked up. The mes
sage follows:
"Bodies numerous in latuuoe
' north, longitude 48.37 west, extending
many miles east, west. Mall ships
should give this wide berth.
"Medical opinion is death Instantan
eous all cases, owing exposure when
bodies drawn into vortex. Total picked,
up, 205. Drifting In dense fog since
noon yesterday. We brought away all
embalming fluid from Halifax, enough
for 70. With week's fine weather think
we will pretty well clean up relics dis
aster. My opinion majority never. cam
The dispatch correct the list of
Identified bodle recovered, changing
th name of "George Widen" to Oeorge
D. -Widener. and that of "A. B. Att" to
- A. Butt.11 Th latter - la -feHvd -1
mean that th Mackay Bennett ha re
covered the body of, Marjor Archibald
Butt. Utt military aid t , President
(Salem Buraaa of Ta Jnarnal. )
Salem. Or.. April J5. Attorney Oen-
ral Crawford today advlaed 8cretary
of 8tt Olcott that h ahould fll pe
tltlon asking for th recall of District
Attorney Oeorg J. tameron. .
This Is a rveraJ.of the former opln
,ht in reran imenuonni iv
contltutlon ii not self operative.
The attorney general largely base his
opinion on a Judicial construction of
tha recall amendment made by tha cir
cuit court for Multnomah county, which
held that the aentence (K-ylng, "uch
additional legislation as may aid th
operation of this section shall be pro
vided by the legialatlve aasembly, In
cluding a provision for payment by the
public treasury of the reasonable spe
cial election campaign expense of such
officer," wn not precedent and that
tha legislature could act according to
1t after the recall as well as before.
Ha also cites the opinion of the su
preme court which held that the secr-
tarv of slat was not a Judge of the
constitutionality of the Initiative pe
titions, which he holds Is similar, but
must file them when presented In his
Office. t
Recall petitions against Cameron
were filed a few weeks ago by Council
man Magulre of Portland and have been
held up awaiting thls,(oplnton from th
auorney general.
If Craft' Prove Seaworthy Fire
men Will Call Off Strike on
Sister of the Titanic,
(Caltrd rem Leaavd Wlra.t
Southampton. Eng., April 25. Offl
clala of th White Stnr Una tonight are
seriously considering abandoning th
Olympic's scheduled . 'voyage to New
York because of Its Inability to get
stokers to replace the 100 mn who
struck when the company refused to re
place the collapsible lifeboats with
hlch tha Olympic I equipped with
those of the wooden type.
Additional trouble between tha Whit
Btar line and their seamen I threat
ened by It official refusing to com
ply with a demand made by th Sea
farers' Union that the company dismiss
tha 18 stokers who refused to quit work
when the others walked out.
( lt4 ltw. tM4 Kin I
Item. April !t - While lh formal
drdKaliun of lha new antaiilte or bll
lorr if PI Mark a -ihx1ral In
ftMi at Vnir lodtr. Pop llue at
In II. prlvai. artmn In the Vatl-
raa and or a p.U!')r protlded lung
dlalaitc rlrt!xn hrJ Ilia eivrra
tl rlnglDs ot ih lll. iti. fuliitj i
aalut.a and Ilia rhtrng of t li mm A
At tha cluae of Id rvrat, dfclarf
Inmaira of lha Valuan. I he ponilff d.
clar'd It had been (ha l;alpat hour of
Ma Ufa alnr h became th "Vatlran
prlaon.r." nln r an was the
nnaroal fulflllmrot he coulil procure
or Ma dvalte l return to rnlra which
ha ha lunatanlly iprrard since hla
rlerllgn pop, an.l the Inlrnalty of
wnlrh aaaiulnglr culminated during hla
Itlnres laal summer when ha declared
ha would glv two jrrare of ,a Ufa If
h could t prtaent al tha drdlcatlon f
lh t'ampanll which took plar today
In Venice.
Ilia tioltneaa' Inter. at rutinlnated
Jirn the telephone tranemltted in his
ear tha ringing out of the new bella on
tha Campanile, lie cried out with all
the Jnyousness of a hoy I can near
th Marangona I ran tell It among all
lha rret."
Pop Oava Xaranfoaa.
- Th "Marangona" 1 th hell which
Pope Plua hlmarlf presented to the n
Campanile. Originally It waa one of
att of five bells which, as patriarch, of
Venice, ha prraented to th Campanile
year ago. V hen. In 1)02, th bell
tower collapsed, all of the five bella
ware broken aav the "Marangona.'
When Pope Plua, still as patriarch of
YeYitr. laid th-cornerstone of th new
When "Charter, of Democracy'
Failed, Colonel, He Asserts,
Resorted to Personalities.
May Come June I or July 1,
It Is Believed.
Special Committee to Attend
All Improvement Club
(Continued on Pag Two.)
(United Pre Leaned Wire.)
Paris, April 25. Charging fraud,
Jules Vedrlnes, the daredevil French
blrdman, today In the chamber of depu
ties began hla contest of the seat Won
by M. Bennall at a special election at
limoux in March. Vedrlnes lost by
about 600 rotes out of a total count of
Vedrlnes Is tha first aviator -to run
for office. Ha mad a unique campaign,
flying at 75 miles an hour from One
speaking place to another. Alighting In
village street we would gather a'
crowd about him In a. twinkling. He
also flew from farm ,to farm and cov
ered the entire district In a week.
Southampton, England, April 26. At
late hour today the liner Olymplo of
the White Star line, was still lying off
Ryde, Iale of Wight, because of Its
inability to secure enough stokers to
replace the 300 men who struck yester
day Just five minutes before the vessel
was scheduled to sail for Naw York.
Warned by the dlaaster to the sister
hip Titanic, (he Olympic stoker de
serted In a body, declaring that the
collapsible lifeboats Installed on the
vessel were unseaworthy.
When officials of the White Star line
announced their intention of getting
non-union stokers to fill tha places
of the strikers, the crew on the Olympic
threatened to desert, and the plan , was
Although the stokers at first declared
they would not sail unless wooden
boats were substituted, for the metal
ones, they nnaiiy agreed today to give
the collapsible boats a test and if they
proved seaworthy to call off the strike.
A deputatlbn ' of strikers, then watched
the . metal boats lowered, and . If the
metal boats come up to the expecta
tions of the White Star officials, the
Olymplo probably will sail tonight.
Norwegian Craft Reports See
ing Unknown Vessel Disap
pear Under Waves.
iHM wv v T ft - tl.a
Mfrlf f f .11 Macs April ft llllt.f ;, J Kg
dnunr!ll..n f ", rr.r l'fellr t he ,.tr a
df Hwo.( t tt man wr,..m I
pul Into ll Mia Hnuea I Ma r fra-l front If.
lurel I'traldrf-.t T.fla flral appearance
In lie trre-f,i ,-n n a a fSgMlnf
mid, ai.d ti l''iihl forth hearty
rhrm from audience, who fan
,-tr.l l.l.ii In II. al '!'-
PreeioVr.t Tatt declared flatly thai
ha .lletc.t Hart -:(. if araln elw tad.
ould ! almoa: imnoaalMe In dislodge
from lh Wh'ie llouae and II. at another
lerm for the "lttoh T.lder msghl r
ault In a lifetime dlMaloranlp
Bttaa Third Term tUUmisti.
Anaaarliig ..ortnl . tiargea. Tafl
recited tha former praaldenl's lhlrl
term alatement In ami again In
101. If e gave llnoaetell full credit
for electing hint In lt. and then aald:
"Neither In thought, word nor act
have I ever een dleloval to the friend
alilp I had for Theodore llmta velt."
Preatdent Taft went at length Into
Rooeevrlt's announcemenl of hla candi
dacy and hla "charter or dm.cray.
delivered at t'olunibua la ra;illnuvl
Ilia 'chartrr of Uem'tcrscy
effective, and o he stiacaed
ministration and myaelf a.vp
then he has
been abusing th
accusing me. Bo
(Culled Presa Leaaed Wire.)
New Tork, April 25. The sinking of
an 8000 ton steamer about 4J0 miles
north of the position where the Tltantc
went down, was witnessed by officers
and crew of the Norwelgan steamer
Komsdel, which is In drydock here to
day, according to statements made pub
lic The officers say the wreck oc
curred March ?. The lderVtlty of the
lost vessel lias not been established.
Rockets attracted the attention of
the Romsdell to the distressed ship. On
the way to the scene the Ramsflell had
seven holes stove in licr hull by the
great icebergs. After repairs had been
made. Captain Hell said, the Romsdell,
at daylight, was unable to find any trace
of the disabled vessel. The distress
signals ceased about midnight, and soon
afterward the lights of the disabled
steamer disappeared beneath the water.
Oeole Reported Aground.
New Orleans, April 25. The South
ern Pacific steamer Creole, with K06
persons aboard, Is reported aground
near the mouth of the Mississippi riv
er. Tugs have been rushed to her as
K ration and accusing me. no
iy personal feelings are 'onrJJy
oil 1,1 nor hav repnen. out i r. -
the nun of that element of th0".
Mean party which believe In ifX
redneaa of th constitution. Mt,
i . w ..,i, .,t manv lirtneat n.
trii imp. nit"., v. '
kllva Mb rhsraes. The CaO""''
I represent la entitled to dfentt
Answara ooTlt' Chara) .
President Taft then went onM
wer Kooseveu s cnargea. ,i
"He aays." declared th pi
that I favor the oligarchy of,.
or 'repreaent th special lntereij
tTiat my administration has r -nothing
progressive, that I imLi.
tlonary-a-and other charges too.
ous to mention.
Seeing the president for th fpTt.
as a righting man. in rrowa
him throughout hi speech of
nd thirty minutes, which pr-'
anticipated the address he la U
In Boston tonight. ,
'The renomlnatlon and reele
Roosevelt to a third term," sa$
dent Taft. "would be dangers
ha forgotten the atandardtQ
square deal. He says the bOerO
supporting me. His definition c;
depends upon whom the boss
porting. If he Is supporting
he Is a leader If he Is support
ha la a hn " aCt
- "In Sanger of Dlotator.tfje
With his voice trembling wi q
tlnn the president concluded "
warning to Ms hearers that it
velt they are "In danger of a,"
who, once he received the th 1 s
would cling like a lee'ch to th
House and never leave It unf
removed mm. Stral
ni.. I ,t - A A A - "
"I am sorry to say It but P-flu-ls
a man of such strong persoreda
man of such strength of purport.
who has so little regard ror th.,
tution, for legal procedure or ; .
courts, that he is tiot to be trubr"0
the presidency. I am rsorry tiOW
but I believe It In my soul, ancfotir
state my convictions."
Srhmitz Case Continuef jjj
I rrtlted Prens t4e0 W'r.:
San Francisco, April 25. Coriv"
for one week, was agreed upon UOV
rlor Judge Law lor today in the"
former Mayor Kclimitz, whlchV
have come up today. Motions
jfilssal of the Indictments b"
Schmltz are pending. lect
n 1 1 f i m r"rr Hurt nnnrrrrinii i n r-ai r-ii-riiiiri unrm n r- rt mm rn r n r-rnd
DuoiiMCdd mimu rnurnooiuiMHu mcim uii I n uoiHo 1 11 uven inir iu uncu
h !. aer mn("l tha
-adfoB Kaa cna Into at-
n ( 4 ef taa huain.aa men
igar ia'.hr.a that eat a f -
J. (..-! i:,. ! lil,s aubmeilej by Um
rrt.or V rt harmony ron.. elite
Mat II In t.en a. I a II. data aihen
lha U.I ore of lh sratur lo tiul He Mlie on lha tl
Inl fur lha No.nhar ilion mual hue
Un aftured. uhlrlwlnd -m-ala
l.aa lion pUnned
Tha flral rrvrallog of lha il MatB
Mv.adfon lll ta Saturday at I o ! k
In tl.a convention hall of lh Commer
cial clut. (rinluttlon will ba effect
ed and drtalle f the rampalsn d Ided
Nut Wednesday. Wy 1 will altneaa
a good rnaila ,arada throughout tha
bualneaa alreeta Some of tha aagona
that bad roads have broken down will
b in the parude On them banner III
appear: 'We were deetroyad by Ore
gon' annual !.00 000 mud m " AIo
there will he automobiles and good
wagnna and vehicles that laat longer
and 'V! '. '.ivliv reason of perrnaAtnt-
Princess StQ&Cij$Z: X,
Central Oregon Extensions to
Depend on the Farm
!; to
deBt of
1 I la TV. Kul t
rv. If . Abttl Is - ii. KrAiM
"" liuaitieae Man K.ruralon
I'ortalns - "art K Ur. eal
(.'-. Ifi! line in utiDt ledmaJ
ll.e A (' .i unUn Iraln at lh east
aide d.-. afi.r a r front Ml Paul
.!'( I'm., me train ia arhd.
ulr l.iue aa II r.a. r-e-d V.g.iutir, whaal
a dr.ay uf 14 mlnu.ea wai reused by
iruwii... am Hie eladrle lnterk.klo
aaiubias irsirm r"ro lh Nnnn
IUIl dn. Jr jry mad lh run In
an atitomoMie lo lha eaat slda daunt,
where Hie rt.uralon iraln waa held
President iray Mi bean In 8L Paitl
ffr ll.rea s..kt ronferring with offi
cial pf if. a HI!; Hnra. bui whaa askr
Ihi. momma recording the rumor that '
he o;, i. rmilrd 10 at Paul to head
lha Northern whlrtl has pf
alsiantiv t..n iad for several weak,
aid evasively There la nothing 1
ran aay al thla time
V FatU Mr) Tail IV
Whn uked if t,er was any truUi In ,
th rutnnr thai Jamee J Hill, lh plu
naer railroad and empire builder, woald
reilre lha .hani.on,ip of the '
Hill, directorate. President Orav an.
mri I 1 mad.
-""Jy l'fcny announce
jnattvlisx t
m St. Paul.
. V . -. , h-r j han making the
uvu piuiicaa bujjb aiiu (onmaiaiion coimi iutiii arror Bw vy ntia..
iuvcii, arawers ana siirts ana gowns.
The long princes dip ar of nainsook and lonfcloth. M4 with round
neck, lace and embroidery edging, lace and embroidery inaertion, head
ings and ribbons.
The akirti are trimmed with plain rocked ruffle or embroidery and
laca insertion.
Regular prices.... .S1.50, 81.75, SS.OO, 84.00, 85.50
Removal prices 75 88. $1.00, $2.00, $2.75
Combination Suits at Half Price
These combinations conaiit of corset cover and drawers of fine long,
cloth and nainsook. Tha covers are trimmed with lacs or embroidery
edgings and insertions, medallions, besdings and ribbons forming a yok
effect. Embroidery beading to waist line. Drawers have edging or em
broidery ruffle.
Regular prices $1.50, $2.00, $3.00, 84.00 .
Removal prices. .75, $1.00, $1.50, $2.00
Muslin Drawers lat Half Price
Drawers in the regulation style, circular and umbrella cut. Trimmed
with embroidery, laces, insertions snd ruffles, finished with beading
cluster tucks snd veilings.
Regular prices 75S $1.25, $1.50, $2.00 to $4.00
Removal prices 38 63, 75S $1.00 to $2.00
$6,000,000 IN WAR NOTES
(L'nlted free Letted Wire.)
ueneva, April. 25. Anticipating the
possibility or ' an outbreak of war ' in
Europe, the Swlaa National bank has
Juat finished printing 16,000,000 worth
of 20 franc "war, notes." Thla action
was taken In accordance with a federal
law which permits such an emergency
circulation "In extraordinary circum
stances," and upon the report of one. of
the bank's directors, who recently mad
carerui investigation of th relations
existing among the great powers. The
notes ar stored In the cellars of ' the
bank's headquarters at Zurich and will
not be Issued unless war Is actually de
clared. The lowest Swiss bank note at
present Is to franca...
Carver Girl Coming North.
Lilted Preaa Leaeif Wit. '
. Las Angeles. April J5. Viola Carver,
recently released here from a charge of
having; murdered J. Edwin Edge, sailed
today on the steamer President' for San
Franc! see. w hence rt wtll go" a t on ce
to her former home in Tacoma-' Sh
wb, accompanied by her father and
mother, Mr. and Mrs. John Carver -of
Tacoma. . . . .
JjjV ,:trl l'S?iWW!y'l.)! l' w ' - , I
iLV-v lis l'-: M
I : ' A W H s,ti.i.t':X J--r-...I. .Ss..:' ..r . a. .,' JH. ;i,,. y -l- .linn,, I,,
A ttractive Kimonos for the Particular Women
At Prices Far Removed From the Original
$2.50 Long Kimonos. Removal $1.79 I
Long kimonos of cotton challie in fancy floral designs, modeled
in the Empire style, with wide satin bandings down the front and I -around
the sleeves. Has V-shape neck and yoke, trimmed with pip-
ings of satin. The fronts fasten-with loops of cord over satin but- ''
tons matching the shade of the banding. These kimonos come in ;:
darker:!, light blue, lavender and pink combinations.
2 Crepe Kimonos, Removal $L19
rionos of crepe in fancy floral designs in many attractive
ade in a Joose, flowing style; with kimono' sleeves and
polders. The trimming consists of plain colored satin -?wn
the front and on the sleeves. : vv ' ,
p Wear While Working Around the House
gular $1.50 Model, Removal 98c
vtty house dress ol the practical material percale in
Vfect, with dots of light blue, lavender and navy
yith square Dutch neckv trimmed with fancy band-
M necks and turndown collars. The collars,
-r kSiVeea.aw4wy astaTek-w '' " TVi aSa r l I a -m t ' a ' ' 1
shoulders and the skirts are rlatn cr re !, .
vrted plait.' - . - ' ,