a m jii. , . ,' . - . s 1 r-csrV V THE . WEATHER Tho Sunday Journal tostraiasa 6 Sections 76 Pages 4mm immmmm i a . va J " - VOL. IX. no. a. PORTLAND. OREGON. SUNDAY MORNING." APUIL 81. m PHicn fzvi: cents FEDERAL OFFICERS ROOSEVELT IS IDE FLOODS DRIVE MANTf-' " PEOPLE FROMTHQR The State Nominees: GRAB DEPARTIHG 10 DUE iiie i OREGON TO LIST; AH EASY VICTOR OVER OPPONENTS VUr4 I 4i4 te. RpLU-a....TW4ur Itooawvoll DotBorral.... ...Wfto4xow U'ilaua) I . TITAHIR HFFIRFR FOR-LEADERSHIP HOMES IN BIG VALLEY WIIIS CY '000 t'fciUftl axa4 fbmmt. iwmorrat Urrr Uo ' j A SELLING AND LA E I'ILSOfl HPS III ROOSEVELT ADDS RACE inn Lapland Held by Wireless at Sandy Hook Until a Tug Takes Off Quartermaster 'of "Unslnkablc" Monster. ' sives to Have Sept Stato ncf,rr 'rt .u. . ! EtAht Foot Ballot Bad. Nominees to Fisht It Out to See'( Who .Shall .Succeed Bourne, Next November. ' GERMAN STEAMER MIGHT HAVE SAVED MANY LIVES' BOURNE HAS LARGE . LEAD IN MULTNOMAH OmaWa, N.tf. 4(411 I Lai Mt fra lb artmary aWiloa In X.braaas staidly nm th Mfiy riar Ifcat lb pngrelr h lb eu 2Uov.ll U a tar 19 00 wiarn for lb fWfxibikaaa II captured lb tir oi.U M It , CXmrX. tar Ih Itoooorala. WOO ul ia tb. ..,. i rir ih in Multnomah County, Lane tuiw u u ce4 uinv 4jcxs weany rive to une tb noc fought f u Ohio e. , rt,.-. D Ueia. I. vci nuc 1a t"tltt rea oo4 I Roo.vli a I th Kiubllca aouma 4 Tafl M4 v.. Tort. Ami Ta -1 rv-' VT. . . .IjiiV.-L.- i hi Z - I '"r , ,Dl "r ;;:;:.ur. o.r a hiB i, ' ,7niL t Rubu-i uPuiu .a p.r,tie . " .. .uftr-ma IraDortanra I 7 ... ...r r Victor RaaUr. I W ' Nttr.mb.M- b. k.Tb DuaTlrmVr lllcb.na of Uia Bryant aUi cblrroa of (ha eommil- la who will auor Jorvalh imin.a JfliT lakVT from Ida .fo.a Il-r . !. b " " IpUad at Banff " ?OT n . . .h. u.nUhlis aomlnalloa 1 u.m lUlllna tllpl no a bit vol. In tba When 'Vessel Struck ha Was; Being 'Toasted as the "Mightiest of Ships." . But Government Engmee?s Deny Reports That 200 , Havo Lost Lives, . . k" . r. . . ni for olham(a for lltad ita a,naior. Warrta. tlal. ao4 or Multaoataa fta U lllcbana h4 " r! If ,kV t half of tba aai bar4 frotn. aaama mor. tbaa ! ah Mid of IKwiraa oa Iba rVf'T b4 lrt I. ra ib; 5a. laap..uraon-from.HbtoDacaa. hVh.mmlU if if -Taral rorro.f 0.rar tell-r-M tf I. th. ai.U. I Mullftom.al, Bourn. 'a t-rmm I Hrt la Mr. drfaalMI w. n. 1 nornp-1 rui aowo nia dib- laao. laavu mm a SL!iCh!lJ T-lTS U ramal f-r Mrthar U for tba DnoraU wowlaaUoa for pluralltr af l tna atata a a bol. bmd b,".MlBC,tl., 71 i ' ,.! ,. H I th. MnalorhlD. I on tba ota ao far eountai. with only aiamiiiMiifl. Alt a. iiw a a- - ----- . ... . Howard -lUMrtdg. or omtM. wini prx-(ocia miasm in Muuaoman tb. rani pa car ber.. ...mttiiin Attar tna i-awo ... . . ud.A m'iniam AM fi "' T?- r.::r""T.7-. 7i.: M,i-at tba t a Co-raaamao Lo- aouatr. "'Jr :m,;"S. M.Ti bart - In tba rrt... outafda Multnomah th. rrrIaTtharnich.n.tratirr. Tha w1r- . K.turn ara la from aboul half tba totala ahcwa4 IMM for Ballln. JI.TJ7 -CTru 4 an4 ta liplaiid .h.M auea. Tba rlfhl foat ballot U aaua. far Bourna. MM for UU i4 M l ,-" M. V-r"i ifi-V- i. uiii In. a trraat 4wJ of d.Ur-ai.4 ao41aaa I for Morion. Unllba tha vota of all :r,7-. .bi raara aro. wbn Douroa- no.J cut fc.r.bck thri r - - . " H. M. Caba oo lb. la.t raturtii from whtn aba iiruiktha ir. pJi- tM-4 wt.t ,,0, lt1. ut. r.ur. from tba Zamar Oalla o capjlavl. Wbaalla. W. Va.. April !. Twantf- eoantir ra eomlof la for Bailing aod Tha canarolttaa eonclodad Ita haaringa Bf- C0WB of Waat Virginia. TO(ln a-raduallr awalllb hla l.ad. iwiurti. loat la Naw York todar ."Iob,?n , tJ' today on dlataa to tha atata conr.n- , wt).r. hla frtanda thought nruca iiduj ug . . . V 1 1,00 Hunungton mj ia. io.cno..ih- VOuld hava comroriabia majority, Whlta Stir Una to appaar ' "I tha all dtl-gataa at larga to tha nation I many countlea 8aIIIn ran up naaniagtm i -- ".' , l ai ttptiouoan conToiioi, iwuw i .normou. vot. a comparaa 10 that All aJrall.blt gurTlvori f tha Titanic Urt majorltr o.r Taft, lnr-ar hi. ohrtf cononant. will ba allad bfora tha commjuaa. "-linn Roovlt control 6f tha oniwa I Bourn aatonlabad a lwfunbf of ciuamg mrm. 4. w. v-.. mnirai xo pnminn now h. DroDh.ta whan ha toon Multnoman bald Qncl and ralatlraa of all tha T.,t ,a ,n to a for Taft and tha ra- cunty at0 camp. It want thara by a prominent ma who wara loat. uu 0r todara rotlng wUl gira Rooaa- piur,nty of 1T73 ortr Ban Sailing, hot Idembars of tha eommlttaa axprraaad T,t , majority Of not iaaa than 10 -in ,hU waa ny fMbla Influenea againat lha dalarmlnatlon to -call arary rnn, ,h ,ut con.ntlon. Tha tlra con- b, toU turB,(i ja for Selling In tba .woman and child who can tall anything graaalonal dlatrlcte wtU nalact their It auta. about tha dtaaattr.! , . , dalrgatan In a atata-wlWrlrnary to ba with 171 praclncta" eomplata. thara Harold Bride, aaaietant wlraleee p- haid on tha aactmd of Juna. but today v-i,,- m m tha ooonty. Bourne laat ; erator on the Titanic told tha eemmlt- primary ladloataa that Praaldant ; Taf t , h" WM 177 0f 8elltng. Bourne IB. toaa. mm mi ujiium I will no v mvim m wry inarm 1"m vui i . . a.lilnr in IKK- Lowell 1041 fort responded promptly to tha Titan- dletrict. tha flrat. and aran. that I ?d Morton Ml. All throu-gh tha day lo-. dl.tr... riiMl.bittt.l lMM of claims by th. Booa.lt manager, ta- abBM MdyA . ' (Tatted ttm Um4 WVa.1 Ytdabtirg. htlaa, April I. Tba - Forte of grt aaa of life from th flood. fM4 by lha br.H 'la tha ! which hart floodad ItM aquar. mtUa of tarrttory. are daata1 by tha gov rnmn( englnaera aod the relief ooen. mllt.a, but tha eurr.rlog U fraat and tha ealla for aid .many. The aromor of Mt.au.lppl and tha mayor of Ytrao. org bar ieed capita for aid. Tha water from - the Ban lab broai la Uarlng aouthward. rowing a groat atretrb af territory north of hero. ltdr y rail for kelp havo nearly awe-apod tba relief commit!.. jCrerylhlng poa elble la btog doaa to get auppUea to tha towna arfocled bafora railroad cocn- muntcatton la cut oft - All railroad la tha territory will bo ahut dova by morning. Both north and aouth of Vlok.burg for 16 anlleo la either dl rortlon thara bar boon call for gov emrornt aid, and about lit.00 govern aaat ratio a a hava boon nt out today. Tba government boat Nokotni will laav at daylight for upatraarn refugee oampa with auppllea Tbera are iteo nooo aurr.rara balng c-araa iw rt tonignt, ana it.ooo in Despite Fact That La Follette Ran Ahead In Multnomah County, Colonel Took Lead in Other Counties. TAFT BAD THIRD IN MULTNOMAH COUNTY tb "British ' "hip, tha aerraab etearm ra operator a. ked what waa tna mat ter. Ho peraiatently w. thla Inquiry pounded Into tha oar. of Philippe, the Titanic' chirr operator, that ha lnll nantly replied to tha German: "You are a fool." , ' . Oermam JTearer Thaa Oarpathla, - Bride'a tatlmony alao indicated that the Frankfort wa. nearer ' to the Ti tanic than the Carpathian Alexander Gordun, a former engineer of the White Star Una. declared thit I CYCLONE BLOWS AW AY TnJ II 11 II TWO ARE KILLED OVlahooia City, April 10. Several the White Star official knew a. early Idle tl net tornadoe formed within a ra dlua of 20 mUe weat of Oklahoma City about 4:10 o'clock thla, afternoon, ca vorted around for a few momenta, then merged and raced away to tha north eaat. leaving a trail of death aadVde tructlon. Two people aro" known to be dead, many are Injured and tha prop erty lo.a cannot b e.timated. In the town of Hennea.y, Okla.,' about 60 bouaes were . blown down and two people, Mrs. . Mary Holme, a widow, and an unknown woman were killed. Between' 86 and SO bou.oa were blown down In Perry, Okla., and it, la known that many were wrecked, but no death were reported.- Several hou.ee were blown down at Haywaxd. but no deather or Injuries were reported. ' r , . ... The town of Asp. a small village near Hennessy,' 1 reported to have blown away but this cannot be vorlfred. In Multnomah far Bourn and a gradu al Increase- In . hi plurality, but, the miming precinct are not likely to give him mors than 2000 in tha county at the moat, probably leaa. fc r Equally emphatic aa tha vote 1 for Belling on the Republican aide, of the fence wa the compliment paid to Dr. Harry Lane by the Democrats of the tat. Many of the prophet were con founded when ' the return from the tate came in, ahowing that outalda of Multnomah ha waa 'a favorite over hi Continued on rag Two.) There la greet alarm h.ro tonight for fear eevaral Mlaala.lppl and lul- lana lav ortu aaul flood additional thousand, af acre. But all tba dyk are holding tat tonight TELEGRAPH OFFICERS PROBABLY WILL BE CALLED (By tb. latara.Uoa.1 "wi BVrrtr. ) ' 1 New Tork. April 20. -If It shall prov naceaaarr In order to determine defin itely tha tlota-Wblt. 6tar effMale In Now Tork received tha nowa that tha Tltanio had gona down, the aenata oom- mltteo will aubpena the officer of both the Western and Postal Telegraph companies to produce all business thay bandied that dealt with tha aublect It la of record that tha Carpathla flashed the new of th dlsaater to Cap Race In plenty -of time for It. to have been transmitted Jlo . Mew . Tork over land wtrea many hour, before tha White Star officer would oven admit tha pos- alUiMy of th Tltanio being wrecked. AVIATOR STARTS ACROSS CHANNEL; DISAPPEARS fUBltd ftmm La! Wtra.) London, April 20. With no new from hand from D. I. Allen, who started across the Irish channel In an aeroplane Thursday morning. It was considered practlcaly certain here tonight that th aviator had drowned. Eastern Managers for Roose velt Send Congratulations on Outcome Here. Theodora Rooeov.lt baa added Oracoe t3 Ma iiat of elaUa la tha raoa for praald-nt. With laoorapl.tf r.luree front ad but one oonoly In th stale, that being the email eouaty of Whl.r, including nearly compute rMulta from Multnomah. Kooaovtlt baa approilmal ly 40o the U.t of it. d.eplie an ad plurality for Foll.tte In Mull- aomah. Tha grand totals, aa tabulated on 1st. at r.tums last night, gave Room v.lt J4.11T. La KolUtt 20.212, and Tan It,. The president waa a bad third In Multnomah, but carried a ausnbor of counties. Tbe figures by counitra print ed elsewhere tell th. slate wld wtory, and ahow how rlo. waa the ronteet In many of lit. coun(le. with Taft bare and there ahead, and La roll.lt a now and then coming to th. front to com- Wgir an a a. ltrt IU4rirl. ni'uic w, c. imur IWtnorrtt HoUrt a Bulla C'onTTraotna. rWrae4 lMrlrf. Upbtlra S. J. BihBOtt Iimerat ..C C Cr (Wgrewamao, Tttlra IUrWt. Hepabllcaa ......A. W. Ufftrty Itmocrat VI. a Manly tirrrrtary of Htala. ItoputMcaa Do W. Olcott Democrat Joho n. Rfa iaatlow f Haiwrtn I'owrt. RpobUfmn Ilobort Kaktn Democrat -.11. J. UUIor Ikairy (om"Uler. RcDbltraa John D. MMw Domorrat ...WUlUm gctdtmertth lUllffOiMl CVwnllorr. Ropobllcaa .. . .Oyd B. AltebJaon Democrat I ABleron Plurality in State 1493; Ma jority Over Clark and Har mon 9CO TotaJ Vote 6350 Clark's Vote 4872. CHAMBERLAIN CHOICE FOR VICE PRESIDENT Harmon's Total Vote 512 In complete Returns From 25 , - Counties.' EVANS CARRIES flunr 111 BV A LARGE VOTE; JT.'r.br.,ou.t..u,hth rld,r 10 b" '"- Candidate Gains Nomination for District Attorney by Piu KaltaOBUth for X.a Pelletta. Robert M. L Follette proved blmaolf the choice of ih Itrpubll-aiie of Mult nomah county. By a de!a!ve plu rality, which will approBlsaat lfOJ. ha triumphed over Theodore Rooaavelt, while Prealdont Taft trailed in aa third cbolo. 2127 votea behind Rooaevelt. With ITT precinota oomplete out of Wood row Wilson rasjio und.r tha wire a the ebou of Oregoa Deocrat for preatdeet of tha L'nllad Stat by a baodma ploralliy, whkh escod4 the hope of maay of bla frijde. The elalme of tha Cham Clark boomoto want (timavcrlng asder a plurality of Ittl over the Mleaourtaa. and a Ma jority over both Clark and lianas of t. . Tbea 'war tb ngure laat night from air over the stai. showing tn- oomplete returns fro a 24 eouatla. In cluding Multnoaiah county. Clark won la om of tb .a(ern Oregon oounll.. but WlUoa ran ahead In th outsld oountl.. aa a whole, giving hlra a ab sUnUal majority when th wot of Multnomah waa added. Wilson reolvd (210., Clark 4ITI and Harmon 412 from th 24 eountu. Incomplete. ' Th Multnomah - vote. WUaoai gava Wi 22it. n mm al awawt t1 m t a ralitv of 5632 Over Seneca o m and nero o tk I am J Ul OWJt wiwi vhhi uu vot, outsld Multnomah; WUaoa Fouts Cameron very low. Iran ahead with , curb poned mi ruuid wauiwwii iwj kw"'l, j Harmon ram aa a pitiful third. 412 vot.a to hi credit Tk. kf.lnrt. ..r W11M 4 , Itl K UT tne ov.rwn.inun ii . af Ure.rtn la tha aalloaal eon . uaa Mak u n aab ajr-natTa naa n i w . a . wa wn. u 1"'. Al nu.tt. WJwTooalvVll i??4 otb- cwlldat. .van to giv. bin, a name, wera written oa-th rcnooraUo and Tsft 4261. It la expected th ml- rsc. Waller U.' Kvan. gooa aT- k ""7; ' TT"! , . ... , . .v. . - ! I . .ii.t. -n-,in.t tnr aia. I Chambarlaln la bollrved to be th 1...- .... ... I ..... .. .h AAuniv .1 1 nomine Indoraed by Oregon. A. Biun ii ' . " . ' I " . .. ..... I ber voted for W. R. Hearst -luwui.i. 1 tna primary, n.iurn. irum . 01..1... . kii... a v In. T - Vnll.l I- r,..k . IWlla.A I.I.. . . . . m ll ... I " - ' ' - w.v ... .w. 1 inai Rin viae t.i u ii rwviTW w , - ,. . . u . . . ,tt jt t k.1l..J , ...,. f.A . 1 . v. I " Win n li mutt. ui- of hla winning talk wherever he spoke. ,,,ct . . I IKSx JrTHfllS bw thVauo thVir ,1.,- th.. At m..m I br -a ratio 'Of not oult 2 to 1. and (much gratified by tho ucces of their inth. st.t.on. week longer h would roturn. from 114 precinct , lapk only cava won a great victory over itoose-iii vote ot giving Dim a Digger Mmhi.i.. fnn... in nth.r T'ti ' " I than all bid opponent put together. I ...... ihnurh nv effort to concentrate vongTBnuauoBs. I The oompierf vuie ' irviu inna "in Oregon waa strenuouaiy oeniea. Eastern manager for Roosevelt lost I precinct late laat night giv Evan no time in sending congratulstlon. F. I n.292 votes; . Fouts, (241. votes; Joy, w. aiuney, ttooseveit manager in Ore gon, received telegram In the after noon from Senator Dixon, national Rooaevelt chairman, and from E. W. 81m of Chicago, tho secretary of that committee. The one from Dixon read: Copy of telegram from United States (Continued on Fag Two.) as 2:30 a. m., Monday, that tho Tltanio was sinking. If It ahall prov necessary to b bero in order to determine definitely . tho time the White Star officials In New York received 'the new that . the Ti tanic had gone down, the senate investi gating committee will aubpena the of ficers of the' Western Union' and Postal Telegraph companies to produce all th ..business they handled that dealt , with that disaster. f - - ..- . That the scene In, th dining room on Sunday night wa the gayest of the voyage, as has been persistently re ported, was confirmed, late today-by Assistant Steward Thomas Whltely, who told of the dinner, served at seven o'clock at which tha general toast wa "The Mighty Titanic." Much wine was dispensed and' pre paration had been made for a banquet in New Tork upbn arrival of tho Tltanio 10 voiouiaia me rcuviu orcaiung trip of the greatest steamer in the world. The .Cunard line announced that th speed or th,eir .. ocean greyhounds, the Mauretanla . and - the Lusltania. fould not be reduced on account of tho accident, but that their ships would take a more southerly course, thus increasing the trip about ISO miles. A memorial In Washington to the memory of Arch ibald Butt, the president's aide, who went down with ; , the- boat, -will -' bo . started.:; ' ;; -r - -rr Although Vice President Ismay brand ed the story as absurd, Major Godfrey Pouchen, of Toronto, has reiterated his charge that' the managing director! was criminally; negligent in not making an effort to avoid Icebergs. - . 40 Boat for 1400 Pass.ng.rs. Tho Lapland,- which left; New York today for: England, had. 1185 passengers' on board. She is equipped with 40 life boats, having a capacity of 1200 people. The Lapland was cleared as "O. K.'' by the United State Inspection service of the pott 'Of New Tork. . That the Titanic' officers were cog nisant ; that ' three : mammoth " Icebergs menaced their 'pathway and that they were given more than six hours' warn ing on Sunday ; afternoon by the Call f ornlan, wa ono of the Important bit of evidence which" cam out at the Resslon. at the Waldorf 'Astoria today. This was " told by Harold Bride, th second, wireless operator of the Tltanio. Ho declared that as early as 4:80 o'clock the Callfornlan called him with an "ice report." . H said that at the tlma he was busy writing a report and that he Ignored the call. Half an hour later lier heartho CaMfomtan cah Baltic; begging to give her the report He then took it. transcribed it and gave It to tne ouicer-on tne Titanic' bridge. . Styrtery of ICessag Bxplaiaed. The mystery which has ao far sur rounded the message which at 10 o'clock Monday morning was caua-ht -bv the Baltic, giving the first news jtt tha Titanic' fate, waa dispelled today when Thomas lotum, ; wireless operator on th .Carpathla.- was, put orrthe- stand to give his Hestrmony. - ' CoUam had told 4hi;ommitte that ho had sent a message to thev Baltic telling of the sinking "of the White Btar liner. : . ... . - , j , At the conclusion of the hearing to day Senator Smith tamed a formal statement In ' whlt-h he reviewed" the WO RACE SUICIDE HERlt! Farmersvllle, Tex., April 20. -A tor nado swept over Collins county about 0 o'clock tonight and early reporta are that three children were killed in the -rulna of house destroyed by th storm. Considerable property loss I reported in Farroersvlllo and more In tho ooun ty, but reports are meagre because of prostrated telegraph and . telephone wire.. . : , ' . (Continued on Tag Ten.) FIRE SWEEPS TENEMENT; DESPITE PANIC ALL SAVED (TTnlt.4 Pri LaMd Wlre.l" ' New " York, , April - 20, A fir swept east 'Side tenement threatened serious loss of life, hero tonight. Hundreds were penned In the rickety structure by flames that, originating in the' cel lar, mushroomed through" the . build Little 4 -year-old Frank Alesello was found suffocated on tho second floor of the building by the first- fireman i-to arrive. - Hla body was badly ; burned. Samuel ' Kapstein. 69, and his wire. Re- beccai 00, trapped on the' third floor, leaped to th street from a window and both sustained fractured limbs : . and were taken (to a hospital In a serious condition. , Many -others, trapped in the. upper floors, appeared to have, no way of es cape, , , - - Despite a panic among the hundreds in the house the firemen succeeded lh saving all. Most of' the tenants took refuge on the roof, whence they were carried down ladders. 'The flro waa eon trolled after. About an houra work by the firemen." .r . . .-. . t , , LOCOMOTIVE BOILER ' EXPLODES, KILLING ONE peolal t. Tb. Joornal.V - Walla Walla. Wash., April 29 Blown high Into tho air when tho boiler of the locomotive on which he waa .working, exploded. Frank R. Wilkinson' of the construction deportment- of th Oi-W. R. A N. company, struck on fils head a. he hit tie ground and its InstAntlr Wiled. He leaves a wife and two ohtld r.a . -jOrSTm. I -eT'-Ja BJlW'tWKIIffi.'i1'! X; a -v V 'kWj-JeC KT I HI t Js 1IUI rill eVaa- ' I .. V1TllV'r , v M r-. I r - svvx I I . llrvXilTXW. W . mZWf '.: .W . Ill jrT. i- m i artT ZT-- I I t afal I i 1 Ti Imm I . mL V W.'J " 1 1 tj.l.-.- 1 III I I II MIIIM I1 II I I'l I I Ml M II 1 I I I i I i I I I i 1 I Kr atr-a g r i i li aasi iWTn T mm I II I I - " ' ' - . f - - r . ' - It 22tf votea, and George J. Cameron, pres ent district attorney, only 2722 votes. Cameron's poor showing was a great disappointment to hi friend. They bad hoped that the dletrict attorney would vindicate himself at th polls for the attacks that have been made on him. and bla administration, and were confident that he would at least be the runner-up. Cameron Is the tall ender, as shown by return now In, by 478 vote under Joy. , One precinct that went for Fouts was No. 16, which comprise a large part of the so-called . "north end territory. Fouts friend had figured that . h would make a clean sweep in thla dis trict but he carried th precinct by a plurality of only 17, the voting being 27 for Fouts, 40 for Cameron, 20 for Evans, and IS for Joy. . 1 As soon as the first returns came tn early yesterday. It was apparent that Evan would sweep tho country. At noon ha was 2982 vote ahead of Fouts, and each additional precinct to report swelled the total. In one precinct Evans received 219 votes, the 'largest number polled for any candidate for, district at torney. In two precincts Cameron got only .two votes.; FITZGERALD LEADS CLUSTER FOR SHERIFF BY 321 - - aBBBaaBaasBBBaBBjjnBBSTnBaw Still 21 Precincts to - Hear From, However, and McAI- . ; lister Gaining Others Out of Race Entirely. ; -' MONEY POURING INID TITANIC RELIEF FUND fTTnlted Prew LesMd Wire.) New York, April 20. Money con tinued to pour lnto.the relief fund for the Titanic victim tonight At 4 p. m when tho book of Mayor Garner's "' relief fund wre closed ; for the day, 171,877.76 had been acknowl edged. Th women's relief -committee announced that their fund' amounted td about 125,000 tonight. Kuhn, Loeb tz Co. forwarded to the Red Crpsa 15300 which had , been subscribed during the day. -v.;v:- ' - ' .' ' ', --'- : - ? Tho benefit ball game between the Highlanders and the Giants, for which special permission has been given by the city, is -expected tomorrow, to add 126.000 moro '1: ' :. " . : :T: Every church In the greater city will In some manner allude, to th disaster tomorrows, J swish synagogues t today began the services of sorrow which will continue through ttunday. . Bishop Greer of th Episcopal, church announced that a special rnuai oi memorial wiu ;oe used tn all Episcopal churches here. Cardinal Farley has directed masses for the dead In all Catholic churches. -. A monster memorial mass - meeting will bo. held in tba Hippodrome Sunday afternoon presided over by Frederick Townsend Martin, with- William Jen nings Bryan and other as speakers. l- -" i 9prrpw''JQver' England. v s London, April - 20. A pall of sorrow covered .all England tonight for the hundreds who went to the bottom of the Atlantlo .with the Ill-fated; Tita nic.' - -- '- . - In almost very idty of th country subscription funds for the - survivors and the-relatlvea of the dead have been growing with leaps and - bounds,- until tonight half a million dollars waa at the disposal of various committees. Funeral services will be heu thrf'ueh- out th nation tomorrow In memory of he dead and the, admiralty has o.irel th naval funeral eerem"' en jr-v f British-- battlrfrliio? -All f!:iet I i i! empire will l low.-'tJ t l 'u.ast. With only' 21 precinct yet to bear from late last night W. H. Fi tiger aid has apparently won the . Republican nomination for sheriff of Multnomah county. Fltsgerald has a lead of 221. votea over H. C McAllister, bla closest opponent, sna aitnougn MOAuiater na been steadily gaining sine th first re turns came in yesterday morning. Flts gerald's nomination seem certain. The other eight candidate are out of th race altogether. Wallace Holl Inge Worth, present, deputy in Bherlf f Stev ens' office, is third, but be Is 710 vote behind Fltsgerald. ' Complete returns from' 172 of tho 193 precincts in the county gar Fitzgerald 4982 votes, McAllister 41 votes an HolHngsworth 4224. The other candi dates trail in this order: -V:- W. C. North 8609.: j; T. WHaon 2ISS, ; N. H. Bird 1780. Willi Fisher 1402, A. M. Cox 1003 and John M. - McKernan . 849.'-. ' . ' The fight for sheriff ha been spir ited. Early heturns yesterday gava Flts gerald an , apparent -waiaaway- wji 585 votes over McAllister, bat In nearly all th nreclncts heard from yesterday afternoon and iast night McAllister h3 a small lead. HolHngsworth took third place almost from th start and re mained there. FitzrerAld ran strong in moat or the downtown precincts, whll thoo.ln tho suburbs and country districts In many cases returned good pluralities" for Mc Allisters Fltsgerald polled a very heavy onion vote. It 1 ald that virtually alt th union men who registered cast their ballots for him.1 - FUNERAL POSTPONED . TILL ROOSEVELT LEAVE r Little Rock, Ark., April 20. Th-r-wa not a man In this low this aftr noon who-could serve s pallbonrer at the Juneral of William B. Caoipbell bt cause "the .service) bad 'beenannoTmr. ! -for 4 p. in., and Colonel Roosevelt sneclal train waa to stop hero at 5. A a reolt th funeral was potioned un til after Roosevelt s short pecu. irom the rear platform of hits train. - 40 TRAMPLED AFTER FALSE CRY CF Ft?:: (B Oi. tntemiilloMl f-rrf, .") Phoen'xvllle, l'i., April 1'). A f cry of fira caused a.jpanlo in ' tnce of tctat'r. tn n. tiion'-.r .how", h'era -tonight."' Msrr cf't-iftreB-.wt.-r. lrair!it'"l I c roriunalfly no rie 1 nt:iiiu!fed that 40 r : Lhi-ra r-l i'HiS ly. "7v : : : ' ....