The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, April 20, 1912, Page 2, Image 2

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OF 34
State Vote Outside of Pod
land Turns Tide This Year
on More Than One Import-
' ant Office.
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I Imprisoned for Three-Hour
Before She Is Discovered
and Rescued.
II We th etfuatlee tta foflUnd
that gave llae M l'r !
J am l K. llouma, Jarkaan
urt'a atraeghold etio Mullnom.h.
J! but three prttri la lhal count? f
giving klm to 147 for aWIIIng Toe
titers Oragaa reunllta lmol uni
form, r ga. tWI)U major!!, wall
lh wasters Oregon reuail, irtplltf
Jarkeoa and Tillamook. r aim re
tlrelty all for Che Portland
A wee la b aspacted. eaawra or
on nt etroogtr fr Hra and
' rra Oregon b,m vote sfriciotl ,
beary ta bin defeted I-af vui r r
,.lh latlar'a Hi Ia4 In Mulloomait
I'oiht 4rw a bajr oulhrO rf-n
Sola UPt- baatlljr, airnc&
tp othralw would hava bad.
- Out Ida Multnomah county, with ra
Itima prlpa ihraa flfiba roont. oi
"roil bad naarty 4tf majorllir orr
1rlda. Oleotta alUhl 14 in Mullno
tnab rountr aaaural vV-tory for bim
luu bafor nooa. Cottittiea la whlth
Olratl wa aapwlalljr wail known. n-
. tablf Crook; and Orant. waol b.avilf
tor bun. . ,
Tha effarta of Bctiator La FolUtu'a
racant tour through. Orn wara viaiuia
rvarywbera aa ll.a oia cama In. In
aouibera Orrfon. whlrh ha lfl oolr y
Irrdar ftamoon. ba built up ailn.ll4
following, both Jackaon and Joaaphlna.
tha laat counUva la which ha appaarod.
irfTlnf him atlibt majorlllaa. Kooao
vait country maHnua alaawbar
homtrtr. wara aafflrlanl to outweigh
tha WlaoonalB man" unaipacted load In
, Tort land.
I Tha racord Of Clytf Altchlaon on
jtha aUta railway commlaalon gava him
aay victory aar Schulderman and
Kuytoa. .In tha counUaa outalda Port
.'land,1 comprlalng naarly half tha total
nUta vota outalda Multnomah, Altclil
on had MM, Sohuldarbian ltt and
btayton 107.
For eongreaamaa from tha Befond
llatrlct tha rota outalda Portland, ao far
counted to. noon, was aa follow:
jL'orhraa ISO. RooeYlt 407. Slnnott.
: Ruak blt. ElUa 1141. Tha nomi
nation of filnnott- U regardad certain.
aJthough lCllla' lUt Includes completa
aturna from only 21 out of 44 pracincta
da Umatilla, his home county; from
51 out of 14 war completa from Waaco.
,tha boma county of blonotL
. , .......
., Out of 1S4 pradncta In Multnomah
. , county tha nomination of Qua C Sfoser,
Robert Farrell, L N. Cay. Dan Kella
har and Dr. T. L. Perkins for atata sen
ator1 U assured. N. J. Clohesay'a vota
'. was a disappointment to his followers.
... His policy of being- "agin" most every
1 thing was believed to be a wlnnlnsplan.
Following Is tha Vote: Gut 61 Moaer
' 8088, Farrell 7484. Day 6936, Kellahir
8581 Perkins 6500, Hyland S962, Hod
' son 6223, Coove'' 8785, Coahow 4419.
. . Caldwell E410, Clohesay 3666, Storey
6841, Swopo 3840.
I M 4W I - ' ft
! t-vVi r -y I
Wli.'t fa . rtt la Wbllai
at. t '- "t iVartAala. w
tititi i a f4 b M a a
laii ik auiJ.oty ga way. a4
ialtU tia frtgbl fH.4
aa k4 tmmm 4ft i4 la(a f aisi
i ....
St. waa uMt.i la a4 t f tba raa.
Ik4 hi MM llvaa ff tkra bua
kr rrai flaMlly aitrarlad ala
Iim a4 Aivbl r. l.f T gmaad la
k4taiiM4 tr ais'wa tual row-
I '. aS la Ika f!4 rr afal
U tv elsa ff 4i.tukiw la
IK nioa aor wldk ai alkr4 Tb
ttaul aa p.a4f hf wvM a
f IM l h II ga way, bwt II tu
a im lata la lara baa,
Si 0 u
Aged Man Makes Discovery
When Chopping Up His
Furniture. 1
ll.rrl.butg. Pv. April It rradartrk
lUrp. an old man. who llva la a lick-
hanty on tha "anl hill" la Slbla
toan. haa a fortune of III7S. aavol
ihruugh long yeara by Ma wlf from
rrr mrt(r alHvanca for bouaahold as-
pnaa firs, iiarp Old rntly.
Mra. Marp on bar daalhtMd told bar
huahaad la look la aa old battle and I
I not la mi: lh furniture. II found 1141
I :n (old In lb kntla. bul firgot tha In
junction about lh furniture. Ha was
offrred only 76 rents for all tha f umi-
tara In lh house, ao darldad lo chop I
! II op for kindling wood, aa ha we
about to leave bla hone and live with a
In an old touch he found the le-I
malndrr of bis wife's aavlngs. lltCS
la 16 and II bllU.
rolaalon form charter haa been pre
pared but la objected to by many of thai
man who claim lo faror commlaaion
government on tha ground that It la weak. Furthermore II haa
uaea euumiitea in me rorm or an
amendment to the present charter,
which I held Invalid by eoru attorney
An entirely new charlef to which only
IhoBtHoRg loosening the Amtrfrail f'We objection i ha. been made la aUo
io u. v mwA . v vwivra ana 1 1
appears likely that It will ba adopted.
Tha ground found for objection to this
charter la that It delegates great power
to tha mayor. Ita supporters contend
tltftt this Is Ita strongest point ss It
d Inluly places the reaponslblllty for
tha right conduct of tha city's affairs.
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Widow Remembered In Will
by Aged Woman She Had
- .
rni.i4 a m it i4s n. n-
aiMl. a Ui a lib aU tAiil(, u
'mm laia fia af . s a
rwl f biada tbaaa la aire. Vlr
caret Krt attMd. tt ?ra aid. 4arU
ik teat 11 of tba 14 mii
Ufa .
Hi Mc4aaUa4 dU4 eral data
as. -Ilr wUl waa ivUtUJ. M l
aolua !, itiag f U
t-rlty a4 111 la K la Uft
Mia, ItaaalL
Mltk bar t rKiMrea. Mia lloaeto-
tlaet a4 aar 14a iriiiianJ
eral sNiiaa Mr. iaMl
billed tarw yr a ago aa imI4h',
a lane abvb lime the wlJww baa weaal
bard I guamuta bar sis children.
Ona tfay.blr. Mewualand. wkoia Mra.
1miImI bnw bal MMiy, bem
IlL h .194 aloaa. waa without rata
live sad, appaeally. rna4a. ar II
days b ra. rtu ar4 (or bar. pr-
paring eula and baplag tha houa-
elaaa, 1Ka the ad woman died.
leaving bar all ta tb woman who ba I
befriended b
Th monoment was unveiled at
Waiblnston. April 18. Admiral
Ikiwer waa tba ona who nulled
flasa In which tba historic statu
wag draped.
Latest pictures of the flood that bat devastated extensive territory In seven states, Illinois. Kentucky, Mis
souri, Mississippi, Arkansas and Louisiana. The upper picture-shows how tba houses were submerged
by the flood near Memphis, Ttnn., and the lower picture was taken at a point where a auction of tb
Mobile eV Ohio railroad tracks were Inundated nvar Cairo, IU.
(RperUt la Tb mritl ),
Klamath Falls. Or., Aurll 10. A moat
splrt.-d campaign la on over tha chart
er election to be held next Tueaday.
The fight la three-cornered. A corn-
To aava some of tha to per cent of
heat that Is said to ba wasted by a gas
atov there has been Invented a bot
tomleaa oven which can ba placed over
food while It la being- cooked.
Europe averages 6 4 telephones to each
1000 realdents. while In tha TJnlteJ
Statea tha proportion Is about 78 per
I Clark Leads in Mauheur.
(Hpeeial to Ttw JcflriuLl
Ontario, Or., April 20. With 14 of 28
precincts in Malheur county complete
"Clark is leading Wilson four to one.
Roosevelt has 178, Taft 87, La Follette
.70. The contest is close between Kllis,
'Kusk and Cochran, with Ellis slightly
in the lead. Graham carries the coun
ty over Covey. The contest Is very
rclosa between Brooke and Duncan, Ke
publicans. for district attorney. Aker
haa defeated Coead'for the Democratic
nomination , by big . majority. The
Democratic vote for the county gives
Lawrence 136, Richardson 114; ansessor.
Lackey 114, Dearborn 84; commissioner,-Mallet
81, Brumbach 90.
W. F. Homan is nominated for rep
resentative. Kinsman defeated Hurley
for the Republican nomination, lead'ns j
,tn the county 306 to .285. Kinirman
also carries- Harney county. Vote on 1
Republican county officers: Judge
McKhight.309, Grauel 264, Wilson 11C.
Clerks-Graham 281, Morfitt 264, King
141. Treasurer Halliday 309, Weaver
3G0. ; Assessor Hill 257, Kendall 315,
JSutS 247.
. (f
MaJs in the Cup
Pure,4 Soluble Coffee
in concentrated form.
Three-quarter Teaspoon
ful and a cup of hot water
make delicious, coffee .
fyvlanili.l Not ui extract.
For Sale at all Grocers
aaaatf oaj acaocsr .
- T Wall Staea. Kaw- Vark. - -
k AV' fl4y W'V, ' 1
Xf&f V l JiJT4 afS
!7JU v"'rf ai
i N1 ; )?yi.w a.,.. njjj i .J
(Calted Psaaa L4 Wlia.t
1 Washington, April 10. It hss re
mained for a Callfornlan to discover a
practical - use for the Congressional
Record something that tba beat polit
ical brains of our country have bsan
unable to hit upon after a hundred
yeara or mora of reflection. But no
marble figure of this twentieth cen
tury discoverer will be placed In Stat
uary hall neither will he be voted the
thanks of congress. Instesd, he is
domed to snonymlty, for Representative
Kent of California absolutely refuses to
make his name public.
A few days ago one of Kent's con
stltuents penned a brief but courteous
note to the "sage of Kentfleld" at his
Washington address, asking that he bs
mailed a boo rid copy of the Congresslon.
al Record. All of Kent's supply having
been exhausted, he directed his secre
tary to mail his regrets to his con
Today he received the following: let
ter from the unnamed patriot:
"Dear Sir: Yours of the twenty-third
received stating your Inability for send
me a copy of the Congressional Record.
What is wanted is a book suitable for a
scrap book for my daughter. An old
copy would do or any well bound book
of similar slse. If you have any such
which you can spare we will both feel
greatly obliged to you. Tours truly."
Having learned with some little re
gret that at least one of his. constit
uents had no burning desire to feast
his eyes upon the ponderous speeches
in the Record, some Of which had really
been delivered, Kent turned sorrowfully
to his secretary and requested him to
read another suspicious looking missive
that the mall carrier had Just deposited
on his desk. This is what he heard:
"Diear sir and kind friend: I am going
to ask a favor of you that Is In your
vocation In life which if there Is any
for nie. ' I hope you will give your asv ;
slstance in appointing me to some gov-!
ernment position, say where I can draw
thlrtv-flve or four thousand per year.
I am! capable of taking up anything if
necessary, no matter wnere you put
me. I am sadly. In need of a position
ad this Is the first time I have had
the occasion to ask for one. I am an
ardent Republican bread and died in the
wool, and whether you give me a posi
tion or not I shall always remember you
on election day. I hope to hear from
you whether favorable or unfavorable.
I like to get letters from Intelligent
Whereupon Kent closed his desk and
! ment in search of Representative Need
ham to jget the latter's opinion of what
the letter writer meant when he referred
to his congressman as 'an "intelligent
divided among th varloua states, and
therefore reduced proportionately.
New York atata haa bonded Itself to
expead IS, 000. 000 annually on tha im
provement and. It Is hoped, that other
states will follow until the movement
becomes national. New Tork a I no leads
the atates making the greatest progresa
In road building; Georgia la second;
South Carolina, third; Alabama, fourth,
and Florida, fifth. Kxperimenta made
by these states have clearly demonstrated
thst sand-clay highways ran be con-
iruung cunpij wu give general aaiia
(By the latsmittonat few RrTWa.
Washington, April 20. April! 22. is
the dabs Just announced by the reclama
tion service for tha ODenlne- of tha
"fourth unit" of the Shoehone irrigation
project In Wyoming. The opening will
be according to homeatead lawa and
officials of the service expect a greet
Influx of homesekers.
"The unit lies to the north and west
of the town of Powell, and contains
some of the finest lsnd on the project."
saya a etstamenl laaued by. the reclama
tion arrvli-e 'The farm are moatty
16 acres each.
About 100 famlllea are already -tabtlahed
on tha first of tba three unite
and hare built rcada, echool. and
churches. The project lias railroad
facilities, rural delivery, telephone and
there are thriving towna at short In
tervals." Many tndurcmente are offered to
prospective settlera. The climate and
acenlc beauties of the Hhoahone pro
Ject have been described by govern
ment aclentlats as tha moat delightful
of the weat
"Tha Shoshone project Is believed to
ba one of the best sections In the weal
for. general farming." reada a bulletin
just Issued by tha interior department
It la a fine dairy country, me rarm-
era ara now snipping an average oi
UtOO worth of cream to Hillings, Mont.,
Raalna- his estlmste on the last cen
sus and taking Into consideration ail
sorts of conditions and circumstances, s
scientist of note has announced that tha
population of the United States will at
tain the billion mark In a little less thsn
three centuries.
ISrawl.l TVa Jaral
YtiKDuftr, tVaeh, April IS. A rumor
which r- fitly raacbad K. K. Walla of
thla rlly to I ha effect that hie brother.
W. ) Walla, bad baen murdered tti
U.ilco. waa fully verified last nlghl by
tha rwelpl of a 11 lr from another
brother at Loup City, Katx. aho M
that ha -bad bn officially notified of
the fact.
Mr. Walta waa American manager for
the KmrM.a Mining company al cii
lolaL Vera Crua. Mexico, and April 4.
according to tha letter received laat
night, want to visit an America a neigh
bor aU rullaa distent, returning lata In
tli evening Ha waa a bachelor anl
lived alone, a llttl girl.,. daughter of
a nearby neighbor, washing bla dlahea
and doing other light household duties.
On the morning of April 6 aha want to
tha houee to do the work, and found
sir. Walla missing. She reported the
matter to her father, who aent her back
a aecond Urn, and then went hlmaelf
Ktndlng no one, he searched about the
place, and finally found tha body In an
unused patch of ground with the hands
firmly tied In front and a deep wound
In tha left aide.
'It Is thought the murder occurred at
about I o'clock In the evening. A lamp
waa still burning on the table, and a
book which be waa evidently reading-,
whan attacked waa open on tha table
bealda tha lamp. Th house bad bean
ransacked and a ahotgun and raincoat
were mlaalng.
Mr. Walt owned 200 acrea of land
eat to rubber trees, besides a large
amount of atoek and other personal
Out of 147 precincts complete, tha
Democrata have given Wilson a hand
some lead of 1087 In Multnomah coun
ty. Lane's majority for United States
senator Is 1640. Following Ms ths tots I
vote of the 147 precincts: For presi
dent: Wilson, 1931; Clark. 8S4; Har
moo, tl. For United 8tates senator:
T no Vrttt T(r. IK. ri.l.i, ill
---' I - " " i . wwiaww, ....
Journal Want Ads bring results.
The Best Proof
That Coffee Hurts
300,000 MILES OF
Onlld l -rem Leased Wire.) '
Washington, April 20.Three hundred
thousand miles of roadway must be Im
proved before the road system of the
United States can be considered effi
cient, according to Information Just
made public by Secretary of Agriculture
Wilson-. -The improvement-- will involve
,an nvusnditiKg... 4f prilm1-!!t;;,wc
vvirluuv,VVV, .
It is pointed out by thesecretary thst
the roada have long been neglected by
both state and federal authorities and
that only in recent years hss the "good
road movement" gained. in force. The
consequences of the .delay srs shown
by the fact mat there are now but 190,-
47 miles of "modern" highways In
the United States, or about per cent
of 'na total mileage of all public roads.
Improved .or unimproved.
While the amount, necessary to re-
Often comes from those who for-
merly said, "Coffee doesn't hurt me,"
but who finally changed to -
When such persons find relief
from coffee troubles, andthe way back
to old-tima health and comfort, they
have son; e thing to say worth while-
Mrs. Frederick Cv Beach, Whose Millionaire, Clbmun Husband hag
iisum -n at rwnsm 4Va mar.. s w- vit aa. . .a -
v -v.uata ui ocius uio injurious t enjon : w Atiacgca pair the roads, so. thst traffic can be
.Her In the Ftont Yard of Their Winter Residence at Aiken, 8, C, moved throughout th country with
on the Night of Febrnaryr2S. Mrtv Beach lvag slashed About the .".,"'n,, .wr r seems
... Throat and, Breast with a Knife or Some Other Sharp Ingtramept l XTt
, . - , . . - , . . 4
Read letter to
the inffhiri
There's 'a Reasbn?'
"I was one of the kind who wouldn't
believe that coffee waa hurting me,"
says a N. Y. woman. "You Junt
couldn't convince me Its use was con-
trouble J suffered from most all of tit
time." (Tea contains caffeine the same ?
drug found in coffeef and is Just aa
harmful). "My trouble finally got so
bad had to live on milk and toast al
most entirely for three or four years.
Still ( loved the cof-es and wouldn't be-r"
lleve 1 could do such damage.
"Wht I needed was to quit coffee
ant take nourishment In such form my
stomach could digest. I had read much
about Postum, but never thought it
would fit my case until one day I de.
. cided to quit coffee and give it a trial
and J make sure about It. So I got a
rectlops, - 1:
'Soon I btegan to get better and was
able to eat carefully selected foods
without the aid of pepsin or other, di
gests, and it was not long before I was
realty a new woman physically.
"Now I am healthy, hearty and sound,
can eat anything-And everything that '
comes along, and I know this wonder
ful' change Is all dub to my having quit
coffee and got the nourishment I needed
through this delicious Postum in placev
of the dangerous coffee and tea, . 7
; "My wonder is why everyone don'tA
glvsup porree and the troubles that go
with ; It and " build themselves up ss I "
have done with Postum." Name given
by Postum Co., Battle Creek. Mich. -
4.Saxta, lrove by 10 days' trisl of
Postum in place of cOfffcS. " Tho- rwatd.
Is big and worth tha test.
1 Maita by Postum Cereal
real Company. Limited.
Battle Creek, MicMjjan