nin WEATHER Fair icuffH 4 fiunijr. Nor Its, ' COAST TD4pnUTURL f Ik' M. U, T4ft - M MM . ......... 4 'W , ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, WnU , ..,, ,..,,.,..,.,.,. o " r 1 VOL XL NO. 31 PORTLAND, OREGON. SATURDAY ... UVfcWNO. APRIL Illl-nyo SECTIONS-!! PACES, PRICE TWO CENTS VtkV"xtli If SOU CHOICE OF , PICKED BY OREGON DEMOCRA TS OREGON REPUBLICANS' CHOICEhhl Pfi i tun iinsio LA FOLLETTE LEADS lOStlLHAFTIS ,30 III ILIIIiH DEI! OU.UhU.WH10 1 If A IRIIIlTinil rnn ' HIS Mi GUBK (uiiiifiaiiyHfUK - IS NOT PUR Ml i II. S. SEHHE SEAT I I I jv A. A - ,v - i a. , A a II Mrs Roosevelt Probably Nominated ... TV ...... u I I r Dj ncpuuucaiii, inuuyii utf ! Follette Is Running Him a Very Close Race, r TAFT IS BAD THIRD ALL OVER THE STATE Results of Both Presidential Primaries in Doubt Till More Full Returns -Jo. urnuciH rrAT jro- 13. V IUmW Hs lUog. CoAramu: First tHrtcW W. C Hir. Second IHtrlcV-M. I. mnlL ThlrJ rtlrtrt A. W. VaTttrif. 9tt tmrr of muslin W. 01- IV f 0upr-mlVort JuL)e Iobrt rood Ctnmltoor John D. lUUraad CemmUiltwr Orl It AllchlaAIV SSXOCJL&TIO TAT VOMX- arzza rrMoot Wood row Wflm. U. d. nlor Hrrr Lb. Cancrtumin. Tblr4 , PJftrlcV- M. O. Munlr. SmtcUIT t BUt Joh B. Rn. . ruilroad Comm!lonr lw Anderson, rood CommtMtoaar WlUUm 8c h a In rich. t Bourne Ahead of Selling by Over 1500 Votes: Nomina tlon of Uffcrty Seems Vir tually Assured. ,: . ! Bourne's Lead In Multnomah County Is Overcome by th3 Pluralities for Portland Man In Outside Counties. : I 0LC0H HAS LOfJQ , LEAD OVER FIELDS Evans Nominated District At torney Beyond Doubt; Cof fey.Has Safe Lead. Woodrow WUsob. Wood row W!loa U pprrtly th cholc of Oregon IHincrU for prml- itnt, though th Tot for Chimp cim ! heavy In many otiUid countlet. Theodora Rooarvalt I probably th cholc of iho Rpuntlo. but I rl- l.tia la runnlny him aJtnoat.a. nack-ard-nrrk raca. and may finally prova th vlotor. - ; Taft la a- bad ttitM. botft In MulUio- nih county and In th atat at larja. Reaulta of both tha r publk?a,w7Xl Damorratlo proaldantlal piimarlaa will b In doubt until mora full raturna hav tomn recalrad. Th raca bctweon Rooaevelt and 1a rollctt la apactaeuUr. Tha wlaoonaln man haa a plurality In Multnomah coun ty and. aa a ruja, in tn oountiaa which ha covered In hla brief cajnpalrn of apeechmaklna; tn thia atat. Rooaevelt. however, la atrong in the rral dlatrtcta. ..Incomplete returna from - SS outald countlp slv: I Follfftt 1A.ISS HooBOvclt 11.767 Taft .054 In Multnomah county 180 precinct (complete) five: J. Kollette T.7 Roosevelt T,U7 Taft R.0Z2 Keturna on tne unmocra-cw presiuen tlal vot ars coming- In alowly. It ia evident that Wilaon haa carried Mult nomah county by a plurality that will probably exceed 1000. Complete returna front. 84 precinct In thla county give: Wlloon .....1M) Clark ... - 724 Harmon 81 Outnlde countlea five: Wilson 8,173 Clark 8,172 Harmon ......,-..... 62t OVER FIELDS FOR STATE SECRETARY Former Multnomah County ClerkConcedes His .Defeat m Telegram to successful Incumbent at Salem. CRACKERS OF SAFE . GET COIN, JEWELRY Nothing Store Made to Give Up $35 and Diamonds; Ex perts Did Work. Expert safe cracker lost night blew ii eafe In the office of Welnsteln Broth ers, clothiers at IS? First street, secur Inf? J35' in money, several checks, a Indies gold watch, two diamond rings, n bracelet, two gold charms and several plug settings. -.Entrance -was gained by the back way, which was arrived at by descending a ladder used, on an adjoin ing building that Is being repaired. The nafe was soaped in an expert manner, muffled with blankets taken from the Btore. and dampened. Nltro-glycerin was used. The Bertlllon expert, James Hunter, waseent at once to th place with Detectives Coleman and Snow, but all finger prints had been, skillfully concealed.".-. L ' l i With the roqnt eOfnitt from lid of the 111 rHiew in Multnomah eu. ty. Itobart M, jl rollll u In th lad aa Ilia Rvf.ubUran rhol- tor rratdnt by U vole ovvr ftix-.rc!L lrjnl Taft I trallibg a Ia4 Ihlr4 )(l voim Whlnd Im rlltt and tli raiu La- hlnd RcMwavelt. ThwMi r.iurha tiwlud a good entatlon of th out of Iowa traelncta of th county, and naarly all of the vot ing piacaa on th wi tte. Of tb t- clncla not yet haard from or not yet taboHtV nwat r from tha att ld raalitanr dlatrtcta and autlvin nr elncts Tn th eamern part of th county. In th latent returns. Hnuaevelt appear to b gaining elighUy on La rollett, with Taft maintaining about th aam ratio mm a bad third f hf-otigboat. The vol aa tabulated for th ISO prtrtort atanda: jm rollett t!8. noovlt Tilt. Taft 80Jt ottraa m4 aWUUig. ' Jonathan Bourn In 119 precinct cnmplet la Multnomah eounty. bow baa a load of exactly 1817 roi.a ovtr lien Sailing In th ontat for United Btate enator. Th count: Bourn !, Sailing 1114. Lowell lift. Morton 57. Selling Is graAoaily gaining on Bourn, earlier flgura having airao Bourn a lead of nearly 1000. With a lead Of 7(1 vote evar JoAwm C V. Oantanbeln. In 111 pradnet com plete, in nomination of A. W. Lafferty for congress smuis vlrtuaUv aaaured. Latest return ar lncraaalng Laffarty advantage, and many preclneta yet re main to d nara rrom in aaatarn MulU CnAA TVi . ItnmliK. 1 I I., r0."-WTUcn terty counu a eironr- cai bu lliai IYUIIIUC1 Ul UlVcd noid. th rac la entirely batwn Laf- LostWhen i Levees r Break n lAWI DaaaIi OAn. T...- If- I nmsnrng-rar Dchind m that order.. To- Win Reach 200; Towns un-ti giv ayda 271 nd shepherd 07o. in me same preciaci uen uieott, ac retary of stat. ha a laad of 71 vote over Frank 8.- Fields, his opponent for th office. Th count atanda 8111 for Olcott and 7460 for Fields. Svana iromlaatd. Walter 11. Evans haa such a hug 15 DIE IN FLOODS AT f N J ': ' f " ' v " y .. EASTERN OREGON VOTE. FAILS PRESENT SENATOR Many Surprises Shown by In complete Returns Bcmg Received. NT MANY Theodore Hooserelt. A MAROONED ROOSEVELT AND C. CLARK LEAD IN NEBRASKA-VOTE MAY I STAY UNTIL INQUIRY ON Dn Selling I th Republtraa numl. nee for lnltml tttatea .Mtor. He a dafeated la Multnomah fount bf Itoum. but this dvra vet araa inor than cvtrcom by pluralltlt In outU. Icouoiic , , , Incomplata return from eounll.a out. Id of Multnomah gtv th fultotr rulla; Pourn !. Lowell,, JMI, Morton 1141. lllng 11.0(7. . Thea flgur- g:v Kellfrg a lew!. outalda of Multnomah county, of 4145. With the proaiMH-t thai Itnurna's ulur- ltty In Multnomah will not treed ioo. It la cWar that Selling's laad la uv- IcUlva. . There ar maay aurpifM la th vet-. and Selling aaa vletorloua In a nm!er I of counties which had l-eun conflU-nll counted aa In th Ho urn. column, Incomplete return Indlrat that Sell ing rcarrlud Claokaniag. Cooa. ' 0ougla, Oilllara. Hood ltlver, Klemsth. Lam. Linn, Marlon, , tin Inn, Wallowa, Wawu. Waahlngtoa and Yamhill countUa , by decisive pluralities. -liourn received a handsome -pluml- . Ity In Jarkson and Tillamook, but failed todiplay th expected airenih In etrn Oregon. ' Return the far received ar chiefly from th oltlas and towns, and It hi pos. albl that th farmers' vote niay cut down Selling lead somewhit. Selling's Uad la ao.grat however, that It Is scarcely possible that th campaign will duplicate th sensational result In, 1 107. when Bourn finally pulled out victor four daya after th nomination had bean conceded to Cak. . ' , der Water. (United Pree Laaatd Wire.) Greenville, Miss.. April JO. -Fifteen person's met death In. flood wat n..v Bejlblt last nleht that um rrom lead that he Is nominated district at breaks between there and Boulsh Miss tornoy of Multnomah county ' beyond according to report received here to- Pfilble Juht. Evens has 2981 more . . - . . W . ..... I . V. O n a . . t 1 . uay. ji is expected mat tit Insa ' "" um., mn wuniri lire in the flooded sections of Louis iana and Mississippi will reach ZOO. Colonel Carries Every District in "Cornhusker" State; Xa Follette Is Second; Clark's Plurality Estimated as 6000 Tallulah, La., April JO. With Tallu lah already, inundated under from two to 10 foot of water, the waters from th Dog Tail crevasse in the Mississip pi rlter levee continue to rise here today. An appeal has been made to tho relief committee at New Orleans for assistance. Rosedale, Miss., April 20 -With the crevasse in the levee at Beulah now more than 2000 foet wide, and with the ends stjll caving, the work of rescuing residents 'marooned there there today. The watei proachlng Rosedale. rival. In only 1J7 of 193 precincts, 68 remaining to be heard from. Evan polled 7209 votes, more than Fouta and Cameron together. Fouts had 4227 votes, Joy 2272, while the Incumbent, G corps J. Cameron, made the Insignifi cant showing of only 1780 votes In these precincts. With two candidates running neck and neck and a third close In the rear, the contest for'county commissioner is exciting. The incumbent, W. L. Llght- (Coatinued on Page Six.) (United Press Uaaag Wlrat Lincoln, Neb.. April 20. Sufficient votes In yesterday's presidential pref erence primary election had been oounted at noon today to make certain that Colonel Rooaevelt had carried every district In th state. Senator La Follette Is running ahead of President Taft but Roosevelt polled more votes than both of the other candidate. Champ Clark has carried th state by a plurality estimated at 6000. the othor aspirants for th Democratic -pree i rtontial nomination Governor Wilson no M NOMINATED JOHNIME TO Dions GOES NiTED STA TES SENATE MILLIONAIRE HILLMAN LANDS IN PENITENTIARY United Ireu leaned Wlr.1 Tacoma, Waslv April SO. -With his 'moustache missing, which changes his Appearance completely; C . Hiilman, aiillionalre real estate man. reached Tacoma- at -9:30 today 'On his way to the MoNeirs Island penitentiary to ; serve two , and. a hair .years for using the malls' to derraua. - , Hlllman lit tip a big -: cigar while waiting to be transferred to the Steil acoom .car, and seemed to " be oheerf uL He conversed , with . his .brother and Deputy United States Marshal Ander son: ' Safcjfuard for Travelers .United Pr Jjrutnl WJre.l -Washington, April . 20.-A- resolution requiring President Taft to Immediately cooperate with all nations in - securing an International agreement to establish additional safeguard . for ocean pas sengers was adopted by th senat to Ben Olcott, nominated by Republi cans for Secretary of State. i (Bpeelnl to The Journal.) Salem, Or., April SO. Ben Olcott 're ceived this forenoon a telegram from Frank S. Fields conceding tb latter's defeat In the race for the Republican nomination for secretary ef, state. Soutli to Join 'Roosevelt? , I United I'resaLean-d Wire. I ' -Sacramento, Cal., April JO. In a tel egram to Governor Johnson, Senator J. M. Dixon, . campaign manager of Colo nel Roosevelt, says the south may be counted upon t - - break awaz from President Taft and Join the RoosevaJM band Wftgffl ' la". Chicago.. .lie quotes messages from the Roosevelt contest ing delegations in South Carolina to this effect. . . Charge of 'Digamj -Against Slum V . Seattle. fer Mayor of Portland Has I Leaa Over Opponents; Easy Winner, (United Pre. ( Seattle, Wash., April Wendt.vchlof of staff o Society of America wit at Portland, was sen j months to five years in i ( by. Judge Ronald thla Ct . :, 01 V SI ei c in v to him., Her in the dlscov , as - ha was o children Hv- 1 Slashes Restaurant Man.. ' Theodore- Chelakos, . a laborer, last night slashed and severely injured Tom Pappas, a estaurant man at JSIxth and Burnsida streets,, whan Pappae Inter fared In ft fight between Chelakea and a 'strange man. Pappaa sustained a deep slash in the arm. Chelakea was cartured by -several messenger bors who chased uneiaxes to .Fourth and Couch streeta Iatrolmen Mass and Bnnls arrested cneiake. Oldest Army Officer Dies. . , (UnltMl rrvm Lesaed W!r. . San Diego, Cal.. April 20 Lieutenant Colonel Frank Bridgman,' ' oldest armv officer la the mited Statea. died toda; at Corona do. 1 H " was tS rears .old. I Colonel Brldgman had lived for some sv time "with hia daughterr Mr. "Urfel fce-l tc brae, and her husband, th admiral I K 01 M al . .w di. n m 4n . fl " Tuesday. . Wlri-.t - notice Captain Jcted of man ernard. Lagan, til next Tues '3argent at, the -torneys . who n of lntarpoa- .trials- Conboy need today. tt b pt f libbers. . " r Wi.) - -pni so. of- mi armed -with X two bandits currency from 7 Globe Bxprens d. , -The rob rt over their fev.-'-'p-- "r i v - , , '"JL "is 'f ' ! '' ?ll's i- ' a. . ....... ji. . 1 " --leep." , win be the ' - ". Itttc. s ad(Jres - I'clock at Dr. Harry Irfine, nomltmtetl by Ieni ocrats for. -VJiited States Senator. , That I)r. Harry . Lan&-. win be the Democratic nominee . for the Unltad Stales senute now seems certain The Incoraplot' count from the state outside of Multnomah county at 1 1 o'clock this afternoon showed the fallowing results: l.an2U: .Pierce,- 2006i Ooshow. 119. In ' Multjiomah 'tennty Dr. Lane will roll up a heavy-majoiityhat it la cori cedw nnot WeseriousfM affected by losses ,1a other parts ot jflim state.. Ketufns from 121 - precincts .cut of JS7 in Multnomah county this after nm show the foflowing results: Lane, rierce, 401; Coshow, 1SS. of New Jersey and Governor, Harmon . . . . . . .. 1 .LI .UMAA. or unio oeing iar oenuiu. m mo ond district Governor Harman received two votes. Clark getting the rest. In the eastern counties, where J. Bryan Is not In such popular favor, Harmon polled a heavy vote. Adherents of Colonel Roosevelt claim that their candidate polled 20,000 more A'otes than President Taft. The length of the ballot makes the counting very slow and It will be hours before accurate figures can be obtained. Before the election William J. Bryan pledged himself to accept the choice of the Nebraska voters as his own choice. That COlonel Roosc"vclt polled more than twice the combined vote of La Fol lette and Taaftls shown in returns from one fourth of the total number of pre cincts In the state. The count so far tabulated gives Roosevelt 11,896, La Follette 3068. Taft 2972., The race between Senator Brown end Congressman Norrls for the senatorial nomination is close while former Governor Shallenbarger Is leading in the Democratic senatorial contest. The Republicans have renominated Governor ' Chester Al'lrich. R. L. M?t- calf probably will be the Democratic gubernatorial nominee. Champ Clark's plurality over Wilson and Harmon almost equals that of Roosevelt over La, Follette and Taft 2000ARE SLAIN By I Women and Children' Shot ,Down by Fire From Maxim - Guns," Following Uprising., VREKFISREDiEPllilly; Managing Director Had Made Plans to Leave for England but Is Held for Hearing by Second Subpena. MRS. ASTOR MAY GIVE TESTIMONY IN INQUIRY fCmited Fraae Laaaad Wlra.1 New York, April JO. No additions to the list of dead or survivors of th Titanic wreck wars made at the office of th Whits Star Una her today. A revised list as given out by company officials places tha number of survivors at 705, including 208 jn embers of th crew, 20 of the latter being Women. A total of 1635 persons perished, lnclud Ing SS4 members, of th Titanic' crew. HNS ROOFS London. April 20. The Calcutta cor respondent of the Central News today cabled here that Chinese troops, usinsr Maxim guns, slew 2000 women and children in .'quelling an uprising t L'Hasva, the capital of Thibet. WnJnwright Put In Charge. , Montreal. April 20. William Wain- wright,' senior vice . president of tho Grand Trunk., was appointed today "to takef temporary" charge of the Grand Trunk' railway, as successor to Presl-, dent Charles M. Hays, who was amonz th vktluis of tb..,Tita&ic disaster. New York, April 20. J. Bruce Ismay, managing director of the White Star line,, must remain In the United States until the federal government has ended Its Investigation Into the wreck of the Titanic. This much was made- certain hero today when Senator William Al den 6'mlth of Michigan,' chairman of the subcommittee 'appointed by the senate commerce committee to fix re- ponslblllty for the disaster, curtly re fused a request from Ismay that he be allowed to sail this afternoon for Eng land on the steamer Lapland. "I told Ismay,"' announced Senator Smith Just before , th committee met today, "fhat-under no circumstances could he leave vtne ' country now. To make sure that t'jere would be 'no mis take about it' I ordered that Ismay be served with another subpena, com pelling, him to remain in the United States until this Inquiry Is ended.", All Officer Ar Bald. In addition to Ismay, subpenas also were served on 22 members of the Ti tanic crew, including the four officers all of whom arrived her on th Car pathla. These men will also remain Jn the United States until tho Investiga tion is finished. 'Other members of the crew were permitted to sail this after noon on 'the Laplnnd. The big Transatlantic lines announcer! nre today that preparations had been made to change the deck construction of liners so as to permit the Installa tion of additional davits necessary to acrommouate sumejent lifeboats and rafts to care for every passenger aboard. diany jiiies also plan lifeboats to be equipped with automobile engines. Xsraay Trie to Sail. That he had receded positive Infor mation that J. Bruce Ismay .intended sailing for Kurope on the day after the Oarpathla docked was admitted here touay oy senator ismifh. , . "We-had Information." said Smith that the White Star company rlanna uvs'b vi viie Jiwujt i crew out of thn country. Passage, even before the Car. paima amvea, nao neen engaged for them on the Cedrlc, which sailed Thi.w. day, and the Lapland, which la dim tn satl ihls afternoon- I ordered govern ment aeieciives to-sHopeua 23- members or me crew, men wnora i believe can tell n amassing story to the Amri'a pjople" . ; i ' .'-"",, Wireless Operator Harold BririV vn. of the twot operators ...aboard thw Ti tanic, whose feet- vwere badly "crushed In the wreck, was placed in wh-el chair and taken to tbe ValUorf-Astolu where he 'appeared beforf the !nve tigatlng committee. The hearings will continue, it is expected, .( a WerU. ' Kews Sent to Baltic, " The committee Invest iimted the tlclay tn getting" tho iihkh ot the diHfi.V ashore, and th fi!"e rcporfi to hav been iHRind lv the AVI fte 5'r Federal Officers Fear White Sta r t Official Will Try to Make His Escape, . .... , jrnltad Prs Leased Wlra.V ' ! r New York. April 20. Determined that J. Bruce Ismay,' 'th saved from the Titanic" .managing director of th Whit Star line, shall not escape from . the country before the senate Investigation!. Into the disaster Is concluded. Sergeant at Arma Ransdell's men are today keep ing Ismay under close ? surveillance. They are also keeping a close watch on Vice President P. A Franklin, th New York representative of the White Star line. Adding greatly to the publio Interest In the Inquiry, It was declared today that Mrs. John Jacob " Astor. Colonel Grade and. Other prominent survivors of ' the Titanic, probably, would testify be fore the Investigating subcommittee of the senate. Explaining the surveillance of Ismay and Franklin, Senator Smith, chairman of the subcommittee, declared this aft- ' ernoon that the - federal-- government wireless stations had picked up. mes sages from Ismay to Franklin proposing ' that the Titanlc's crew , and., himself should be hnrrled out of the country. Smith said: . t "Wireless on a government vessel . picked up these messages and relayed them to Washington.- That is why the Investigating committee rushed to New York and " met the .Carpathia. Ismay has been eager to get away ever since they arrived." Chairman Smith said that the mes sages were sgncd "Yamsl." (Ismny'a cod signature) and were to Franklin's cable address, as follows: 'Islefraak, NewvYork: Very important you hold Cedric daylight Friday for Titanic crew. Answer." "Islefrankv New Yorkf. Think most unwise keep Titanic crew until Satur day. Strongly urge detaining Cedrlc. sailing nor midnight, if desirable. " " "Islefrank, New York: Unless you have good, substantial reasons for not holding Cedrfc, arrange to do so, Moct undesirable hold ci-ew New York lonsr." , The suh-coinmittee adjourned at 4 O'clock this afternoon to. meet-in Wash ington Monday, when it will resume the examination,1 of Ismay.: Franklin and the wireless operators And officer et . Chairman Smith declarer' 'mat tt-.,. committee . undoubtedly would siimmnn Mrs. Astor and all otlier pnerrf.- who can tw expected to know anything about the disaster. - WOMAN HELD FOR A Colortd woman who civ th ns.Kt of 31r5. C, C. Morsnn. irpc-'i t ' Fourth ami Evrrtrtt irur i. -t i-' , hv T'ltroliTuiP JfM'l-- for t 1 ((.mill ta roll I f nx t, shoreman. Tl e lir , v . woman as- ne :' ' f at'Qli'i.iii M I i i la' ' - 1 1.