The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, April 19, 1912, Page 14, Image 14

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.Man of Many .Names and
Many Wives Not Yet
i ltejl.4 fun Ui Iwi
-ia4. fat. ntl - n It
etiliaa AWtMa," Mae-Met 14 f
! feaeae ee 1hr lUrry weet-M
Ve aad Eraol Mew CV4l.
i m4 lk eeee dart ala Mali la
I4m al rkeefed M
line Ke ttollrd cljr, learned
ke UAr a Wlrfree l la Mr.
. Mr. Ilereaea aliltiralft af Oekla-4.
taraaie of kite Aaae Manlk. Akr.
aaea'e llia wife af . with whm
fee nl RaflaM frwn lata ett. Ak
rakeae Srt4 Ike la !-) en 4
tt. u mil ta euat ( Oary, lad..
K el-
II la eald thai tr retire
era el aMckiMf alma, aad Cfctef
ft liwfai-titae twlera af Oakland
Hamee lk t!lt-e af fexfe New Yar -
lla far aol ptraiaf "lea, ear.
Ikai ka enel4 nee baa arreeied
a New TerU weeae e- lla re"liu
timently U eearlna; lk etaatv tlt
iC .
laalna kM af TV aarml - . '
ftlaa, . April II la rabir t
retueat im4 kr Ika elate board af ca
nal eoenatUaiaeere thai Alloreer Qea
oral tVeaford Uka proper a-Uoej ta
erolec the latereeie af ta alala aad
recover ear raoaer laal enlatit ba dae
it la rofthX-tJoa wttli Ika aala of I ha
CM Wka, Ika altera- Va
ere I baa adrleed the canal mm!floii
er kt a oof .reiM (konld fee bald bjr
ha repr.eea tatleeo af lha elate, of tka
federal lomumMil end Ika canal booh
rnr as determine lha rtahte of each
interact before anr money ba paid var,
' lla at) tr rata that an arraanianl mlfht
ba nada kr which I which U tba
amount af aquliy tba attorsay fanaraJ
rnfnd$ tba alata achool fund haa In
Ika eaaaj and locka, could ba la4 la
bank, aublart la decisis of tba court i
aa ta whaibar It ahould ba paid Into tba
w hoo! fond or to tba Hortlaad Railway,
IJfht A fowar oompaay. wblob bow baj
lit la to tka canaL
ia ! by a oakall bat aaaaU'
u tniiw. Willie rabaw
V4 a tkrva Mikia aaaaat at
lha Htllia Ibwalfa Ual MUX. wllb Ika
aaal af rMarftM, "Tba
rm. bf H4a4 KankUoak, la wblek
lk.a arllal a blmaaif la a ria dif
rrl frM any la wbtrb ba baa aa
aa4 ba be fata
la bta uJily af a aab4iad lmaa.
lal. ravarabam la tairo4atad ta allra
eoM aoclxy C Uaaa aad M la la Ma
t.ltMlarM wklia aala a aa Ualiaa
yriara tbai aa aruaiiy la la far
anaaiy auklly imfn H"!'! II
lruva la ba an lafluaa-a for flo4
tati Ibaa wiib Uatn ba Kaa bn
thtoaa a4 aradaatly anflraa brna
lhat hava brraiafara kM bardanad la
ral loa Ibrautb malact alin a alth
To ata aalilato wblrn wara aa
aarvatly lbaribly arbraclalad by lha
audivara wara thuatr larta la tba
aamruf art and a attar In tba tblM
luat bafara lha ria" ralama" t bla
kl xt woadland. arfelrh ba flooa aftar
wnl(ta tba baarta of tboaa latandad for
ana anatbar.
Ultil avora could ba akad far la tba
aupcjortin aaal. whlek waa hxuUd by
tb eharmtn atraaa, Mlaa Julia Oprs
a4 aarh and arrry no contrtbuiad
lhatr ahara to tha bl
men aada aaliirday lht
l ta TV aati
Hmyr. Or, Aanl It -A rRar
abl amadttlM of affaJra la tfca tia
rartact baa fraaa aal af tba auaxrowt
kaatutfl aeraaaa Ibara tba laal aaootb
yrt wllaaaata ware auMa4 ae
tabaa to lwatUad IbU waaa. Tbaf lacittd
lha wbola alrila baard fr la-
day eriaMry atala) wiib aa aar
llaa, but Ika ieafIUa I eal ljva.
a baa tbraa bUt rar airaa
In tha laal nttiua.
Wara It bat Ibal IbU la tba allaa
alaction tba coualy baa orar bad, tba
Of tba avaara wwl of
miala yatarl M Ma
ttala rad bad aajkaalf aU Ovay
MMy. Thta annul baa b-aa a
aa alaaa Iba ladtaaa war afra
blaed l "lla tba baJaaaa." .Amy
tM aauld att tbo raa a4 aawy
and lb corral Lba India aoia aJwayo
wan oai
t ban Iba UdUaa wara noaaartnaJly
atraoaar. aama yaaro oa im aiMraoi
aaw aaaa tataraallaa ad aTlan aaii
tea- ctaabaa balwoam atvain aokar far
a af tbo aiia rnrt
laeo. Tha atia-
Emma Goliimaa to 8a Dlrro.
(Hattra rtm I aai Wlrat
' Ui Amrlta. April 11. Information
In tha handa of local authotiUaa today
la to tba rffaet that Mta Km ma Oald
mil laft Kaaaaa City an reuta to Baa
iMaa-o, where aha i pacta to takd part
in tbo "frta apooch" fltbt 4 profraaa
- For Infintd md CUldrea." - -:
Th Rind YcaHais Afwajs EocgU
: Boars Uw
L blond otalnod raoer. haan. adarad
rf atabla half a. and abarp bat oh at
ara rnula artdanca of tha Inatrananta
br avblch ald Dtna. tha cannery fora.
anon, mat Ma dantb Uat October, at tha
hand of tha Tjlahblndonk". WonaT Bl
Bam d Vow Boon ara an trial In tba
circuit court for tba erlm. which la
noar eencodad to bo baan oomrnlttad I
by ordar f tha Ho Bin ton ottr OI
Ban, o fair Cblnoaa etn8 mambar of
tba rreat a aura t -ooolaty. . ' 'i 1
. Ol 8m oaa taattflad that tha- two) a
ouaad man oomrnlttad tba crime, 6 he
blentiried the blood atalned cutlery, the
trunk In which the body waa found bnd
the clot ha found In tbo trunk. The. lit
tie woman baa not only told on the
two defendant or "hatchet men."
they are called among the Chlneea, but
he haa related many aerrete of tha Hop
Bint, the moat- powerful and warlike
tone In tb Chlneee tonatie.
For thli Information Ol Ben declare
the Hop fling will kill her. She will
net bo alone at any time, day or nfaht.
She told yeeterday of how the Hop
Blnra mad up puree to protect mem
ber who take life, bow the lira of ob
jectionable mambar are declared for
feited, and how tba Ufa of Bald Btnr.
bar beat friend, waa taken by the ton;.
The tat haa reetad It eaae, and tba
defence will betla Saturday morning.
A machine baa been Invented to re
move tha bark from oorn atalka for na
a aubetltute for excelalor, the re
maining pith being utilised aa paper
lock. -
ie. 4t m Tk liul I
TIHamoea. tir, April IkThe pelltl
oal dIUraaaa of Frank A. Howe, a raa
dldala for the Rapublleaa nominal Von
for tba aula UdUlature. ta unique, Wr.
Hove, who la preeldedt af the Nebalam
Valley bank at XehAleca, ednawnled to
run for tha aomlnaUoa) a Joint rtr
aealailve from Tillamook aad TambUl
counttaa. Tha deflates waa reached loo
lata to preacnt a petition aad have hi
Kew rk-hool BnpcriatcaKlceiU .
fleertel la Tee Jeeraall
Hoed River, Or, April l-rTofaaor
J. OC MeLoug-hlln M aelactad to be
anpertntendent of the ooaoola for
tha neit year to take the plaoe of K C
Coad, raalc-nad. Proffer U' a Olb
on. a high ar-hool taacbar. haa baan
appointed to fill Profeeaor WcLougb-
lln a place aa priaapai.
nam pHatad a tba balleL Tberafare
It waa determined to addreeo a I el tar
la tha votare urging tbelr a up port for
kfr. Ilowe d requMtlefibeaa to write
bU nam lalO tba ballot. Tb letter waa
wrlltea aad aaal aad than It waa dleaov
arad that It felled lo meailoa tha offlo
Mr. Howe eoatM. Ac many caaaty
cfflclala aad federal orftcora are ta 1
nominated bealde the iai ilrhat, I here
la total epaeulatlon among Mr. Ilowe'
eequainUaca aa to what office ba will
get. "
i - I ' I
,yer J am re C. iiaklmaa, omaaa,
often called the t."obor Mayor.
aenved rroaa
May oi
N.K of
niM nf tha benefit ba
Foley Kidney Mile and aayat 'I have
taken Foley Kidney ttha and they have
alvea me a treat deal of relief,
r h Mr-full v raoommand (ham Bkld
trua: Co, main a to re 111 Id ar braacb
tore. Morrison a Park ela
i ii ii vv7 r
A I Te
in the dining rooms of both tho
Ilcrase of Lords and the House
Commons in England,
takes over 2 years of prepar
ation and ageing to pro
duce that full, rich,
mellow flavor.
w ei
aWlb bwi V
lloe any
Oara tU4
aaa. AMX la. Tbat
ateaaca Ite rVrk af
Mit(la ai la 1"ta
fltf t elt (wrM ' U.
aw,ib tM-4 ad fr i '-t 4. e
dMt4d at a um .;!. -t uka
Aa ttnmiii aimo aaa aira(ated
la kee f 1 iUim t iba ltra(ka.
Tke cie af ti-a tWliU are
lt a oaly aat way tala la efi
GOLD DUST Solves the
Give. your servant Gold
Dust to work with and
you'll keep her, by making
ner work easier, ;
Gold Dust clcansos so
jiuickly and thoroughly that
it does the work in half the
time, with half tho labor of
soap or any other cleanser.
A dash of Gold Dust in the
water will clean anything
and everything about the.
house will -leave
it spick and span
Whether you do
your own wort or hire
a servant, the Gold Dust
way of house-cleaning
is the only way.
Da not uae eeaa, nana
laa. Wax, aaia, jBe
aia or kereaaae wita
Cold UBU 'Gold
ZXlBt ha all aealrabV
alaanln fualinoa la a
Maker of Fairy Soap (the oval eaka)
"Let tho GOLD DUST TWINS do your work"
uCl- KIT
I 1
Buaa?r "JnW ft 1 ' aa''anUB-
J A lalaaaaaaaTaaWwataai i J, l,aa
irTszffl&ivts'yy' ........
I'll - -r J. i-riiws rz ur r rvr'
: W 1 IX fAVl y ty a vjx aw m c yAr
Four trainloads (4) of delicious "Sunliist
Oranges from 5.000 Prize Orange Groves
iiffhave just been shipped. One of these giant
Sfatrainsa with its load o golden fcruit, is tor the
families of this city and surrounding tei-ritory.
The California' Fruit Growers ship in great quantities when
the: fruit ripens, and they have chosen this city as a "Sale Point."
A big, -rousing sale, lasting a week, will be held right here in this city!
Perfect Oranges
Ripened on the Tree
Learn the difference in flavor be
tween these tree-ripened oranges and
the others you have bough in the
past. Each "Sunkist" is a sweet, juicy,
Choose From T
Silver Premiums
Get This Orange Spoon
. Special Prices at
' . Your Dealer's
Beginning Monday
just asK ior gentiine
Sunkist," tKc perfect oranges with
the valuable -wrappers.
m j r j seedless navel. Each is tree-ripened.
lamiiy a uciuauus aim j nnj v .JJJ rUU
healthrul treat and provide your table . t?i T.
vth valuable and qms.te Rogers . ef marked Sl,nkist-,,
Silverware. See further oarticulars
luconomical "Suilxist ' .
Lemons -
Thin-skinned, extra juicy, and c)ach
comes in a valuable ' Sun
--- ' .JB ... ...
just" wrapper, insist oa
them, as khey go farther
than other lemons. They
cost no more, and the wrappers
are of tuna value as Sun-
kist" orange wrappers. Recipe
X0uei7reo ppoa request. , TradanarkBaaatarad
Trademark Rcgfatared
At right fa shown
new "Sunkist" Orange
Spoon, actual size.
Genuine Rogers and of
the latest style. Sent
you on receipt of 12
Sunkist" wrappers
and 12o to help pay
charges, packing, etc
For each additional
spoon send 12 "Su n
kist" wrappers and 12c.
Read carefully direc
tions at right.
Send for fan descrip
tion, number of wrappers
and amount of cash nec
essary to secure each
Table Knife Table Fork
Chad's Knife
Bouillon Spoon ; .
Coffee Spooa -;
Salad rorh.
Oyster Fork
x Chad's Fork
Orange Spoon
Fruit Knife j Teaspoon
Buffer Spreader
li- fl
lirT"! I I P : II III
This Fruit
Knife Yours
Made of -special
tempered steel heav
ily silver-plated, same
high quality as the
miums. Sent on re
ceipt of 24MSunkst,,
wrappers and 20c.
For each additional
fruit knife send 24
Sunkist" wrappers.
and 20c
Read This
' On all remittances tip
to 24 centa Mad one-cent
tamps; on amonnta
above 24 cents send poet
office money order, ex
press money order or
bank draft. Do not send
cash. Make money order
or draft payable to the
California Frnlt Growers
Exchange, and address
yonr letters to the Cali
fornIaFrnlt Growers'
Exchange. 192 N. Clark
Street Chicago, 111. Not
responsible for cash sent
through the mails.
' Yon can secure these
U premiums with "Sun
kist" oransre wrappers.
i'Snnklst'.! lemon wrap--
pers, ''Ken Ball" orange
rf.nrura a. X mA Rail'
lemon wrsooers.
'merely send trademarks
cut from wrappers. If yoa
wUl buy onlySunkfst"
and "Red Ball" oranges
and lemons, yon will get
fruit of the finest eating
quality, economically
priced, and you will soon
have enough wrappers to
secure complete set of
tba beautiful tabto silver
: ware. '
192ITcrth Clark Street, Sil!