The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, April 16, 1912, Page 8, Image 8

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SB it-a't- a -
t .... ? .- ""
BIW a '
l ir-i.ot W a "'
r rv ' '
f - J IkUM .. . '' !".
.. .-ta
lrtM Tim 4-9 Be
It aaa tl4 tM ea tana
fte .......SI ajiate .....
'rew -w
.. Be m
IUr af4l e4 eaaall
M4 Baa err
bU4 ft.r XI r, Oicott Ua tky
a Hi tare e-it .!-
Tl M i't of Ita BaoetnO
UrW U Ual IBy fck ft
ale tat .! 8crUrf OUott rr-
Mt tkeraet r It teadct ef
Ika effw T tela aa 4tk
M t air. tHrOtf alo)cUrIi Of
tb bui af erury f (!, tha
aatv U Ik rJ IMI llh
i a . tt u farther taata f
ttri fa ea tiiatt already tadi-
,rU4 tr U fart taal It U folstad by
,UB ad hBfcncft Bead, fcldlea la
the dfk. BB4 laat IC U all ! Tt&l-
V Lrms U usporrtJy Or
' 1 .oa. TOBiltl u ta u tu
rrrif o 44r a fl
ei,t t ut cpr i"1
Ab4 II ! i rlrtJe o(
(Tt iUInn ( IU( to IU f
taoa Mcatr. Ta aJJra aa4 ttta
aodUora UI b a aatabla aitmpU
f tba Uttar tjp ct laaTcaa Kllt-
kal lira.
Eamatar La rIU(U ta aoaarkfL,. o... t art
l enepUr of cUaa atataamajuhtf. --.j
Il U a aaa lia a pnrpo. ia "llriP. ...orner and. bina a Urr la
a aeaator 1la a ab)U IU U u uma ,BM u attoroay
a roaiM axrrat n a wmm. .,n4TmJ u . Urrr. ba woald douat-
NobW arar fltia wara Bnaiorii , .v., a-Brama coart lor a
la rollaaa ataaot ea aar F"'tlaaJ dictum
aiIoa. Ha U allaar ror 11. ori xj.tlla. tha attornay tnral
arfll 10 tnto labor, aJ4 taar will ta
aaojaaJ talaraat to aaa vbat ha vlll
brtsg forta.
UK Canr recall. 1(b nor
taaa o9 alcaatarra. aaa ba
taken ta fUlarn rlitaarr ta
nat tia atteraay fa-al bat ra
4ra4 aa (aloa tbat taa recall
aaiadiaat la Oracoa la not a)f
arttisg. aaa tbat fartbar UaUlatloa
111 b aaicarr bfora It raa b op
Taa attaraay iaral of Oratea
raa, kowattr. rudar auoihar ofta
loa, tfartarlof tbat tha rall amend-
laaal ta aalf-acUsf aad that farther
lefUUtloa la tot aaaaaaary to ntaaa
: oparatlva.
01 coaraa, a a p4atoa by tha
attoraey gaaeral rTraing hlolf
oa tha recall, !gbty aa It would b
would aot b final aa to tha eaaa of
of tho
araJaat It. aad ha takaa U vebtla
f aHy tato hi eoafldamc wttA rafar
a ne to It.
Ha aarar atraddlaar. Ha Barer
aldaatapa, II w aodgaav Ha
aarar dacha to avoid BaalahnaaL
lit tararUblr ataada ap to bo couaU
a4. .vad. If U'i a fight, ha ataada ap
aad return hlow for Trior.
1 rollotto'a whoh Ufa haa ao
a flht- Ila bagaa. aerapplaj aa.a
af ladutir t alUh tha a- IllH mot a day la t ao
tua 4ia 4 V autraetad Utlh hta Mr. aau4 ttif.
Uelr aaoh aad raralatloa. f TVa taiabla pry f WaUa.
Oraat ara tta aatoaa Ml tha'aaah toaaty M d.l.lla. It
I'attad ttaiaa Mfgr. aad airoer 'aa aworooa aiaa. Tha piadag a
aad aUf br far. l'alea ta Ihelr alaa 01 It far purfoaaa cf taxaUaa
il 1 tea aad aria tha half a a aad U a aortao haalavea. Tha bt thtag
(!! eai-uroaa fprtna gradaatiy to do ta to re! tha aanric of hlr
eiuer (lag front tha welter of tha aar tlgtar la tha ataaaaor a UU.
of ritu aad UUr a La II $U atoa
tha Mea ef claaa fcaefit alia. aad
ta atjltag la act la lha aatlua a la
terat ao aettd aaJ aealtay pt
raa roeult. aor tu
lata tha Importaat agn
Lttdrf From x9 People
good which they thould
Aim ! AM mm4 aiMe fr lata e
they JertJop !i.Ml4 M vml M mI, m. tU( .
arte for tha im 4 a m aaia fcr the
ku ....! j I illaca uut Ta aa ui t l-e
ua- a iman 1 u
itaa4. Vwi ta aeM4 aa aa
! vf wj faita.
Ara Taipayera I4 tfaadaf
OrMi nir. Aru ll -Ta ta ra
t The Jceraal-! aar reelr M
rrtUrieaa ia elala aid r4 WUL ta
IIU rewaertraala TVmorrata
sara firao inair aauenai oeia. u fu JeuraeJ f Ua (U NU raa
galea to Goreroor Woo J row j i-urh a her aud ef ar?iaa a.
W tleua Tha powrfal eotnblo
of tha Jlarmoa.l'adrwoo4Clrh
forrea waa aoaMe to wtthetaad tha
Ovara-belBitng Wllaoa aentlment la a
auta la which ha la ao Il hnow
aad tha algalflraara of hta adtala-
Ulrailoo la Now Jere-ey aa well ua-
Tlie ranaaylTanla rfrtery ta a da
I ilcatloB of that la W'laconala. hfra
Wllaon'a raajortir ar Dark, atand-
lag for tha eombloa. waa mora tbaa
11.006. Tha hearleet rarara tha
Now Jeraey gotrruor haa met waa
tbat In IinnoU. tut with IlHoota tha
backdoor of Utaaourt. It la sot aur-
prlatng that lha popalar hllnaourlan.
Ith tha Karmoa ancj rsderwood
forrea to aaalat him, abould hara aa
cured tha chlrf part Of tha delega
Tha oproaltioa to Wllaon ha dl-
vlded up tha field la auch a way aa
to give It rralatanco to tha Wllaoa
aantlmaot tha uttuoat affaetlTaneaa.
rndrrwood la to maka tha raoa la
moat of tha aoathere atataa. Har
mon ta to hara Ohio and other a La Lea
la which there la aa apparent chane
ft (i(m Hf K fh aaf miaaa t r-
- - - m a lava aa aaa a a a a a w aaaeai aa vw v a v aa
I hUrfcaa pjopla ara trying 4nrood Md CUrk to tMt wn((m.
Z. J I BUBM8paaker Clark la to bar tha weat.
aad aereral of tha etatern ttataa.
With auch atataa aa the thr that
control, nooled a rat net Wtlaon ta th
with tha boonda." On one
band they claim admlaaloa to
tha family of clTlUxad. oatlooa, on
HKat are taaa rramera ef tta elate
14 ro4 fclU UWtf le dat Da Ur
tama fhr raa rera llfai.tM r
IT.tM r iaa r-fle e aaaaay aiv4 Ml
a'e Iham aaf eallefaeltoa aMl waal
Ihey are aeta da ailiB lit
ru oa lima kefar the elala wti
a-4 ra4a aoamiii wa ta try aa4
frame thee roo4 road fell la, iha'e were
enaeiiBg katd la airfeiat plaeea te
drlM eema war ef raleina faade te
bM4 I hat rnne tttftierar. bat aH
aa aoaa a ha elate vide 4 reada
reaatlle rut aad taar al IMa elala
aid till rmmad. aavar Bear
aaothar ward about raiata faade
la balld that factfla IMftiwer.
ew, after eeary roualr ta the
atata haa keaa aratded fartn
Ikta atata aid hill aad IMa hat fuad
ef H.eoeet ar aaa keea ra-
aarrad ta baild aersaaaaat roada wltk.
la aecordaaoe wltk the pravtaioaa ef
auction i, m thia aiata aid bill, das't
yuu think that anr aan rua who had
heea keeplna track af thlna aa ha weal
alung would ba Juallflad la aoaoludlm
that (hat arhala rarv fun waa olai
to he aea4 la the eonetrueUaa ef that
Iacifie HifkwarT Aad war ehatild thf
try to cBoea4 tha Irat laUnt ef tha Ull
from tha taapareraT Thar don't need
to think that tha taxpayer are ail dea
head. ICvary oaa that talk about it
eaya that the vbele talent af the kill
la Juet ta btaka the taiparera ef the
atata bulM that rapine lilabway. I
am at ao much apooeed to bondiof ta
ouiia aooa reaaa. tr tha aaeale ar la
favor of It. If the bondlna la done ea
toe euuara, but we don't waat any arart-
In about It But boncjlar la aa -
penalva luiurr. and a rrat manr of
our beat flnanclara ar opDoaad la IL
Itoada tbat eeet IIOSO Bar nil, built
with BOBda, wtu ooet va about 140
toll everr year for every mile. Re-
epeet fully your.
iklAU. Ct4iua.
OtaUaat rtala a a "awaartla" aa
eatr lkrra
e e
Owt ta WuMtHM
e m
X aartr :UUl leal Ika k4g
aa tut m im i t
a a
rlaua raekVaaa akaaaa arte, tat
i4i $ rjawi ii. a
e e
ft weald aai that Bkaay )ara
at4 l-e ta aaUt lha Ua.
a a a
Wkal te a tra aad k kvt e4a
tta l aaaataa' ba aa trMM
Uaa, a a raar44 aad bjmmw
aaakae CUrk laab keaifitlle at fWa.
Be kawa lka ar a at
iar aiieraaa aad Utir aaa ta uua
There ta aa dirfarear wrtk aaea
lutitf Baianaai fa laadufl ftab.
a aaa mm taaataf tuatcul ar
"t I ra ekai.
Far I attr rrl wat and "Vae-
fr Ika I Tattiy rntlaa te tbawi
kl raformailon ef Wajaaaa aalw kauai
rote aarr aiawty,
e a
tjdlaaa'e at ware eirta aa
IkUa ar for Ik ail af takl4:
aad fc It la a ka Mlag aiclar
f llaa. a that awl tal aa ktit
wna aiartiaani.
- a
A Brtv a ltw tavariaklr ta
ara aa edmtaltirailan ml lie Bartr
aad reada oa ef th lbr aarly,
eillrly racardiaa of th a4aialaUa
tton a marl la r rauiie.
- a e
Amaa'teaa wtTt maka a "aaha for the
Norm ltla It uld m that he
al want ta ret la a dl altamata
nd counter awhti. and an )u 7 hi lti4
tut Araila aavtoratloa la a eort af i
Ir. Ttaa ran W. ' well ha Bleaaed
to have you rami bark for aehlle la
Ifcle Ha eileadld Uad. wtthoal a au,
na vim inowiKii ia tnat anee
Id bead all aflr eaaa4. Alwara ha.
for yW asad a rd awora. aad la
your aountry bJ aura kee baleful and
raa apa ana la the daor. eooi and
uia aa aoma eora, a tail aa at leaatl
few t hi nra, Vr. Wa.
Stitc Pr ci oa Urt.'tif J
s a
eraa, I" i ecat ia fk.r ki a.a
aa fria
waa a !. rtM
ia ikta r. , ,
Kka rWavanli Tl aa k-al f-
Ui u Ka Wkue t-ae l.alr
.uf aa M ai 1la
in uat-UraJ ai ika ait. aa rrttta
tar bwai a a
a a
Ora City Crlri Aa Ik ear
elala lel II la r aata
Im. It Me k hv4r-d
uht ll w ma aatMr aaa a
aay ar ika a ana aifc . ,
Pnita C1t fMrttr! 'Alt r Ike
rttr. aiiaaM ear efa4 I It rtir, aa
hu ar tit ua. Te k
af&luiad a i-ut. !.() f 1 Iwr tkia
aity vaea i ewca iaiia, eiier l
m a
fUkar Hawaii I Rakar t k a
l tm (allval aiul Ja'JT .
nrdli f la ,uil f Uavra O '"lr
and witliaot WMa It I Ikair I
l maka Ikl ea aa4 a ad (ia
to itaaar iariiMi eisMiar
k cr4l af -rl4.
kfeattfttil Kee rorlarl Aa aata
trrk. aHk reMejiy ef fur Trdi f
areaal aad aqwlpaaa H a aompihk
allArhataol. ha k rae4 by Ik
ualy rourt. The tMKk Ul haa a
eaod af t aiUa aa kor. . Tha eoet
ta abut ItUa. ,
rUarrr fk Mrro"a -. I-ka
ripiMii Thra ia iifa rm
racardlng th ell BrMallla. Manr
hundra4 at earae af Uad hava b
la4 and th outlavk I good for aa
arty tL hfaay par avaurwd I
anxtaraiand Ik n.tMIa for oil d
Boaita thir.k tk lattlaaUawa ta thl eeo
iaa firaJy gd
klektlnartU Kew Reporter: A eonf
lit from Mektianelll appeared be-
fr h rcxinly court wltk a proposition
I tahUab a aaunir library ea lha
rouolr ground Berth of Ike roartBoua
ioc i I iu in ori aaa in wmm i r
undr advtaamaat The commit t b
tia a lie.aea 4natma oid b ot
lalaed froaa Aadrw Caraaaia.
a e
y T ""uu-. .r .i '.l-.r.TT "77. 1
, rrt p4io r i u Ms f
th kael faaiai f b t)rae r.
laam. 1 1 f.l4Ja all far f fiaad atj
MTpitaa iartu.a prund. rr
i uuriir aad k-wMty la imiaiita It
a1a Ik baala bad r4 b fri ,
IM awtla aad atrfwaa k ir ana
afrda a thai k raa ta j,4
baa ea eleriim day 4 cai hie U.
14 BitAual 4ure er roalraiat af aay
1 1 la a rnaaaur Ma4 by tk
efur a liiir raa4 It It u
Want a Joy for Dlatrlct Attorney.
Portland. Or, April It. To tha Edit-
or of Tha JeurnalThara baa been narh
talk' of Walter Erana i parlance and
ability and Ma ehtef aaeat, aa eut reel
ed by htmeelf and hla aupportera, la hta
experience la the federal court. HJe
experience la that court baa been ohlef.
ly th prosecution of whit alave oaa.
In the Intereat af fa! rata to tha vot
er e Mr. Erana ehould atata. when ra
the afffreaalve, tlralaaa wonk of tha
epeel&I agenta. Aa a matter, ef fact,
whan the white Blare oaaaa are turaad
over by them to the district attorney,
there la little left to do but prepare the
Aa ror AJian tu joy, ha baa been a
practising attorney In this city for It
year. . Ua baa devoted bla time and an-
erglea exclusively to tha practice of
hla profeaalon. He baa bad a wide ex-
Victor IlBtfo'e Reaaa La Part.
1ctor lingo, the moat beloved pot
and aoveltat of tha Ftencb people, araa
hoaarad apea tha aaWrry af hi
cootsoa ry, ea bray It, Hla. by having
the houaa In Faiia, la which be grant
II geere of hla Ufa purchaad through
th active Intereat of laul kiaurliN, and
t askia aa a rnueeutn. klr. Uaurtce
waa aa' Intimate frtand ef th Hugo
family, and thta trtbate- waa sroom
pllahad aftar rar of devoted t dm 1 ra
ti otj and frleadahlp.
During bla lifetime. Tfugo had aeeu
pled many bauaaa la tha French capital,
and It waa bo aaay eholce to aaleet tha
one about which waa cluterd th beat
menaorlea of tha great writer. But fin
ally Mr. ateurtra decided that the Place
dea Voagea residence waa tha most fit
ting one.
Thar ara law pioa In Parle ao
full of Interesting associations aa this.
for It waa onoe th fashionable quarter.
and It waa on this street that the !.
bra tad Cardinal Rlcballau occupied a
houae aftar ha had given tha Palais
Royal to tha king. Because this special
house had been the home of Marlon da
Lorn, Hugo waa attracted to It Hla
first drama, of wbloh aha bad bean
the heroine, had bean a brilliant auo-
Tha opening of the houaa waa made
mnfUatrict attorney. Ka whippad XAJJiS convention. It U clalmod that th.
Ua boaae ta that encounter; aad ha and btrbwte PrVnfJP Md popn.r Now Jeraey man will bo pra
haao whlpplnt th.m arar alnea. It haJU that dUgraco httmanlty. . f th- twa th?rAa
wa by nghUng that ba roe from Tha atracgar that 1 within the ntKNMary t0 nomlnato. If eo. tha
one poaltloa to another anUl b won I gate and haa bo part nor lot In In- deadlock with Ita eontlnned balloUng
all that WbfOOOfla ba to giT, ana lernat frouoiaw ia anppirawa 10 paee wm the outcome
a M m I m a M .a. . a - B .. BwB I
that UC 11 now bacwa mm ror rroeiy ana nnaDBirucioa on uia way. v i, howvr.r. hlrhlv orohw
th graalast offlcw that lha paopl In Moklco. on th contrary, that Wllaon will be eerond choice of
tha Tnltd Stata nave to gif. and traTeier ar tnaae neume or the CTtrk delegatea In Illinois and In
L Toilette ba doaa tb game both oixnl"d ! anllated and f mgny othor itatea In which tha Mla-
rreat work, U tha Repabllcan partyiTagraJti ana orutai yoooery. 0url ,Utenian may bo winner, and
that Mr. Bryan ba don in th uem I won yet botn tno reaerau ana that Wllaon'e positive atrength and
ocratlo partj. -Th dlfferene la that tha lnaurrartoa enllat American eltl- big lead will ultimately reault In hla ferring to hi record, that all of thoaa
fenator L FoUeUa baa fougrht bla gana la their forcea. Both partlea nomination, even If It bo not eoured ' wh,u IaT CM" wer" lnvetigted and
way throagli incoaaalTa offloag and dealr their aerrlcoa. not only for on the flrat ballot- i I) VornnnV ml'wS
t oro4 aeeapUne of hi plan moetly their eonrage but for their qulcknaaa it not good tactlca for other raaponaibia to or under the direction f
by tha IKrwrr of aamwiftratton com-iana aaapucuity in runnery. wnen caadldatea to combine In aa erfort to te district attorney' office, if Mr.
Kin. a with Lhroraev 'while Mr. I auch men nnt on uniform's and jolnLnn an man- nminitixn Th. Havana ta to shins let the Ulumlnaton
v.- vi. imM.a nn hla l.v- n.i.l tnrnm n Aihr iM I emanate from himself and not h tha
uraoi oa "' -j'.--- 1 '7" 'o-"--- , C - poiier pinn. auu uio wjaer pian, reflected light originating In fact with
.parry ua n rumry oy u imay ao not pan wnu wicir Anmiiua i would be ror eacn canaiaate to rely
fore of gdrocacr aMoaa.--oa aaa tlUxoaahlp . ana , auca, jpjoiection aai0n bla own Btreneth. go Into tho con
been aaoceeefu! 'la wlnrrlnn public their birthright carrlea. They take jventlon Independently, and let the
refermat.'aJd through that pref- rials Inherent la snch warfar aaitrons:e8t man win. If Wilson In
eraent ha wof kad out hi Ideals, j prevail In Mexico. Ia them 1 not jgUCh a test of strength bas tha most !forin-l indictment aa the caaea proseout I with very little oeremony, and the pub.
aad tha other baa forced bis party I included wilful murder in case tney delegates, be la the most popular
to accept bla leadership to an extent ar captured la tne act or war, ana candidate and ought to have the
that many of th reforms ba ha pro- by th organised forcea of federals nomination.
, pored hava been written lato the uia and insurractos. Barring a aoiaier The Democrat will need their
of th country. auch Americana are entitled to sol- gtrongest man. Mr. Taffs popular
Both ar wholesome Influences dlers treatment unaer tne accepted majority four years ago was nearly
for th aalragtnf of tha great parties rulo of -wax among civilized aa- ft mimcm and a half. Many a vote
. from eubjectloa to special privilege, tlona.
.Lik Woodrow Wilson, both are Th noUc served by tho govern- out so huge a majority. The Demo-
clean banded, powerful, and unpur- ment on President Madero and oa crata will need every vote they can
chagable.1 General Orosco has come none too ge)t, and will be wise if they put their
r Senator La Toilette was th first ooa. To have regard to posslblll- most popular man to the front,
great prophet of Insurgency In the tie of vengeance being wreaked on The present plan of combining to
Republican party. Hla whole career other Americans, Jin person and In beat their most popular leader is an
bas beea on of political storm and property. In revenge for being held extraordinary Instance of inviting
struggle. Scarcely a statesman in ai-mai wiuuB aereai.
the republic ba been the plumed no doubt needful. To -draw the
leader In so many battles. Scarcely lm when forbearance ceases to be
m itilMmin In tha rpnnhllc haa haan a virtue needs infinite wisdom. But
SO many times a victor. Scarcely a ne t,me to cal1 an cntlr halt on
atatesman In the republic has -aged 8Uch ktrocious dealing wth Amcri-
war bo unceasingly, and. after many c cltlrens is plainly drawing near,
years, ba had his own sttte'eo sol- Dd consequences what they may.
Ho waa not Invited. Thera were 00
Invitatlona seat to a carefully selected
Hat of people, whloh Included five dal-
gatea from the French Academy; aar
aral of tha artists of tha Theatre
Franoalai tba nraaldant of the Sociatv
perlenc aa a trial lawyer and la ree- of Dramatlo Autbora, aome of tha aur
ognliad aa one of tha laadara of tha vlvtng membera of Vlotor Hugos fam
profesalon. Ho haa never Bought pub- ii together with men and women of th
ha to h rhanewd In order to wins " ?"l D poaiuoa (highest literary standing la Franoa.
in Th. PAiinr l fa th. nnl rsrrt tta Mi ... .i . - ,
by M. Maurice to tba mayor of Parla,
and Julea Claratte. a paraonal friend
courageoua and atanda for all that 0f Hugo, dallvarod tha ohtaf addraaa.
mskee for the beat aad hlg beat type of Tha houaea along this f amoue French
cltlaenahlp. What mora oan the poo- ,treet were built In 104. at which time
pla aak or expect from a publtp eervant, lt WM tn. P,.c, Koyala and
eepeoUlly tha one veated with the lm- UBUAliy tha dwelling ground of tha
portant office of dlatrlct attorney. If uv,k .h.immiv if.., t,.
honor, ability and mature Judgment ara Bev.ral otn,r BBme u flnaUy
the auallfloatlona demanded for that I nea th ptoe -M Vp,f, under tha
AS not the whole world warm
sympathy for Captain Smith of
the Titanic, who, after an un-
year prrrlou had married XOIa Foucb
er. It waa ktra durtna th next II
year that be assoaupltoh hla beat
work, which Included th beginning af
lJtm Mleerabl. lie waa mucb IB
tereated la social qutlons at thla time
and flrat aallad thla atory The afaaa
eortpt af tha Bishop.' It waa eleo while
bar that ha waa elected to tbe Academy,
rld to th pearaga and mad a deputy
from rerla.
Tba oonalarga of thla houaa who
had bsld tha poaltloa for 14 yaare,
counted tba tine of residence af tha
Hugo family aa moat momaateua. Uia
goaalp ta full of faaclnalioa. Vho h
waa young ba waa aoldUr af th taath
of th Una, and whan bla aarvlo x
plrd h earn ta thla houaa aa on
olarga and spent tba real of hla life
her. II said that one of Vlotor Hugo's
first rial tors waa JMnce Louis Na
poleon, tha candidate for tba paratdancy
of the republic "Ha came on foot Ilka lh o0,y notice to hla denutlea. at
an ordinary eitisen." aald tha old man. 1 (Ka Mini.-. k.. .-
In Hugo a ailstory of a Crime," be v.M .Th , M tnr ,h...
recounts thla Interview. . n.f.matnr. .
Jerome Bonaparte, tha former atw i
of Westphalia, often earae to pay a visit
tbaaaura atiAigki frut tk iMtblle hrt
aad ekwiM aad r-a tha hiLi
aaartK'n that caa Ua gta Bay taw. It
l aet la aay aana ad Utlr. r
ato,n it . aad ihr I Utii 4ubt 4
thai thar le a etrwng aubll ftllRiaLr 1
ta rawr ar it rrvMiaai,
notwithstanding I haa farla, tta.
rrapiitoua aaraaaa ar fio4ina th
tela with a vielou aad ltbalu aaeay.
awua attach ummi Ha vr. Oicott. .
ratary af stat aad candidate for iaa
aaaiMtloa at tha primary n rrUiy,
lb Ilia. Tk uaslgasd aoenntualeaiioa,
whkea la fl aad autsleadiBg ta al-
ntoi vrr paragraph, la being anl eat
e boot u cBdiar of frank 8
rtatda, a rival af air. Oleutt for the
Boaiae4ia a vUrr af atata.
II la aa paa ad aotorla violation
f tk law, far which a ver paaalty
ta pratldad,
Whathar Mr. nld ha aav Bar-
Mnal eooactlo) Wta thla eeatemptibi
bit af campaigning la al malarial. Tha
a manly and anUwrnl work la baHna
oaa ta hla bahalf aad ba oaanot awcap
IB reeponelblUtr. It I probable that
tba reeatmat of tba voter will take
farm u-a gvily Incraaaad vote for Mr.
Oleott, whleh la tka aataral aad reaaoa-
al reeult to a expected.
Ia hla euiamaat published la tba
atata volar" pajnphlet, rraak & yields,
candidate far cretry of atata. aaya:
1 want t Ull yj Hght her that a I
caadidaie who aasd a letter to everfsw
voter violate tha eorrupt praotieaa aot.
It cOate about lilt for ana lflr Tha I
law allow m to spend TI. and t am
going to stay within that limit I also
want to tall you that tha candidate who
mmjm in rnonay ia oaing epDI oy a
riiend n his behalf 1 Juggllag wltk th
tmth. I ara biassed with aereral good
friends but I do not know any who
would go Into their poekatte i any con
siderable eiteat for ma."
Yet circulars ar being nt out In
Mr. Fields' behalf to voter attacking
bla opponent. Theaa Circular ar in
themselves a violation of tho eorrupt
practice act. which requlraa suck state
ment algned, in that they are unsigned
ao4 anonymous not only Illegal but
oowarvlly. ,
Who 1 paying for the owardly
rlrcuUra. If air. rield lan'tf And If
aonaa friend la, air. Tie Ida la certainly
"Juggling wltb the truth" la bla pub
liahed atatetnent.
Wa know that air. Flelda, acoordlng to
th Portland Talagram. vd aome of
th 67( allowed for expenaaa by Bend
ing out bla election card a along with
high office, tha peopl can ba aura of
Allan R. Joy. CLYDE C. DAT.
a Bur i o.vti, i v - ii.ii,ri.iit'
a combination of thead In th peraon of v: . ht r.artnrt ..nt tha
flrat contribution of money to tba state,
Vlotor Hugo waa only II when ba
moved to tba Place das Voagea, and a
broken career of 38 years In
Idly and unitedly back of him aa has By the outrage on a Canadian lady the White Star employ, unmarred by
wM.. lust reDorted Great Britain will sure- wreck, commanded the luckless ves-
sell to her doom f Aa every few
years found him on the bridge of a
La Follette just reporiea ureat urtiam win sure-
Men Ilka La Foiled deaerv to on tb BCene- ftna- "
- la 11 1 aM aula VVaw
h anafelnAd Th ara to h an- uoe wruiouy win iuiiuw .u. mo
plauded for th conflicts they havel)co la P11" "ith flre
fought .They ara to be commended
for the enemies they have made
-, They ar to bo loved for their strug
gles and their 'personal sacrifices.
The American people love a fight-
, er. They love a fighter who never
ii 1 . . J a - i . . a a . I
.reireaw. wno never turns deck, who federated organization
never surrenders.
! Such is Robert La Follette.
P-STATE newspapers are con
demning the unsigned circu
lars sent to voters in an effort
to beat Secretary of State Oi
cott for renomlnation. The Salem
.Statesman den o'uncea the circulars as
a wanton violation of the corrupt
practices act, and Insists that the per
petrators' o ugh e to be punished.
new and of a larger, more powerful.
and more costly ship, and each pros
pered under his captaincy, confidence
in him grew, with owners, and pas-
P the conference now in-session at sengers," and shippers. Until, to
Kansas city sban eventuate m tbe doubt his safe arrival at the port
federation of the five unions of on either Bide of 'the sreat ocean
railway shopmen, as proposed, the ferry became almost a heresy.
must Wieia Tf vr there could h an nrnnrt
Judge on what should prove a per
fect ship, ia strength', reliability, en
gines, steering qualities, equipment.
this man 'a 88 years' experience
should have qualified him. He pro
nounced the Titanlo thlB perfect
ship, and said that so strong was she
enormous power.
The unions represented are the In
ternatlonal Association of, Machin
ists, the International Brotherhood
of Blacksmiths, the International
Brotherhood of Boilermakers, the
International Alliance of Sheetmetal
Brotherhood of tnat disaster to her passengers was
r woanArl A fVife M nf nna
rr, wtVaI, A 1- . lw AaDywv w a-w w xa VVU
Au nuuiv rcuuuikJUi in u re CO II IB .--1 K-r1 Ao will Via flAAn w
xor pun m eiecuons. i nere is al-
Workers, and the
Railway Carmen.
It Is said that if the present plans BDiendid and costly Droduct of man's
mature 200,000 shopmen, employed genius came into direct conflict, at
oy roriy-seven roaas west or tne lastf wltn the forces of that great
Mississippi river,, wm do com Dinea, nature which he has so often domi
nated the iceberg conquered, and the
"Boosting" Begins at Home.
Portland. April 11. To th Editor of
IrV wi.,!;SntS BOt Bv bean at large to do It
!r-.!m'"?' P.r,"t!aJ.n 'S?. J onca jtgaln. In my opinion a man or
annh. hni.M rra tha nanalt nt
Z?mA ,'rhtn tn. L??n fT ialae in Mirdafaaaa. Zlua In
land if bar own people don t do eoT ,u. , r-Mn Ul T
to tha "Cradle of Romanticism.- a thl
hou waa then called. Among other
dlattngulahed visitor were: Alexander
Dumas, Balaao, Lamartlne, Barengar and
Theophlle Oautler, together with many
notablea of tha time.
It waa from thla houaa that ba atart-
ad. after a baaty breakfaat, oa Dom-
bar t, 1151. to attend the aaaambly, and
read, from a poUr on a wall, tha an
nouncement of tha coup d'etat of Na
poleon III. Ua tried In vain t taar It
off tba wall.
Then tbd conolerge telle of tha ter
ror and anxiety of tba family when
a note cam from Dumas aaylng tbat
a price had been aet on tha head of
Victor Hugo, Tha next day tha police
cam to arreat him. but ha had escaped
and three daya later reached ' Brussels,
Vlotor Hugo did not oom back to
Parla till 1870. Ha apent moat of the
time of bla exile ton 'the Island of
Guernsey. Ha waa elected to tha Na
tional aeeembly In 1171, and apant the
laat years of hla life In tba handsome
house known by hla name on tha Ave
nue Vlotor Hugo.
By unit
Overholt "
Tomorrow Dove
Cottage at Graa-
J!,a21t'S iai Un-raW would dl.Uk, vary much to
" I Ii caplUl punianment aDOJlsnea
Because a atran gar. appears among ua I ' , O, A. SARUE3.
ana ay mai we sito a bmbuiw ojir, I
... . . . . . - i . . .
tnat we nav gooa i.reeicBJ- aerviuo, i v a Rtnnnv Ttnfnnila RamihI
ho .treats ara nlaan. la that aiif. '. A. UtOKJ VeldnOS KOCOIU
fipient reason for some of tha calamity Portland. Or., April IBTo the Edit
howlers to Issue forth and procfklm, aa or of The Journal I wlh you would
the lepers of old: Unclean! Unclean I permit ma epaoe to aay a few words for
Ydu cannot pleaao all the people all myself la re a statement In your Issue
the time. . 0f Sunday concerning my candidacy for
If the ordinances repilatlng streetcar -tou ,anat At tb. tlms x took ot.
had a aeat oould ride, wouldn't thera be100 9 hrW Senator ChambarUla waa
a mighty howl go up to high heaven the dlatrlot attorney, George H. WU.
because wa couldn't aet on thoaa ears liams was eieoiea mayor ana jonn an.
and stand upT Becauaa "wi were per-1 nlng was deputy dlatrlot attorney, after-
fectly willing to a tana." i ward euoceedinr eanator cnambariain.
If tha truth were known In regard I Tha matter of an open or cloaed town
to Mr. Harris and the others who re-I waa thoroughly dJacuesed by ua and lt
plied to Mr, Fleming they ar th kind waa fully agreed that tha question or
who monopolize seating ' room enough I city government abould ba left entirely
for two seoDle on a car and when a I with tba mayor and tbat any action tak-
inconeelvable. But when this most woman with a child IB her arma board; en by him would be bMked up by the
most universal approval of the corrupt-practices
act. As a measure
' for promotlag a free and fair exer
cise of the ballot, it Is equal In ef
ficiency to the Australian billot.
Tbe wanton violation of it by the
unscrupulous gang who sent out the
circular against Oicott ought not
to pass unpunished. If permitted to
go nnrebuked, it can easily be the
beginning of a breakdown of one of
the . beBt law ever passed ta-the
stat. The district attorney' office
of Multnomah county should find the
perpetrators aad send them to jail.
There can be no barer-faced fraud
thaa", the sending to voters of atuff
that the endecJsnn willing. to alga.4
There caa be no plainer ca4 y of
crookedness than defamatory attacks
ma dot on, a candidate by persons who
refuse to ' disclose their Identity.
The average man perfectly under
stands this, aad it Is probable that
th dirk lantern attacks will make
are skilled workers; belonging to the
upper class of union labor, and there
fore may be assumed t be familiar
with the responsibilities attendant
on the power committed to their
the few leaders who may be en
trusted wltb tbe Interests of the five
Titanic sank.
HERB is no known reason why
Mr.( Sigler should not be re
elected assessor. There has
been no public criticism of hla
administration- His experience and
trcdes and will iact together will be knowledge of property values and
prominently in the eyes of the world, the Intricacies of taxation are of
and will bear the burden of their great .value to Multnomah county,
acts towards the third party the There is no reason for dismissing
public which Is brought the closer from the public service ah officer
to them, at more point of contact, I who has proven his efficiency. There
the wider tha 'scope tbat their own is no reason for dispensing with tbe
constituencies cover. It la one thing services of a man because he 1
to receive the trust of cower, to know I thoroufchlr schooled la his duties
the joy of leadersbip--lt 1 a vastly aad entirefy capable la their per-
mfcre-aerloua thing to bear the 4n-1 foraance. In private- affairs, - w
evttable responsibility of at lead-jneVer discbarge a competeat ttan.
ershlp. lt is a steadying and sober-j We bold them aa long a we. can
Ing weight oa any taaaV shoulders keep them. .... ; " .
to be deputized a a leader by two . Mr. Siglef bas never played favor
the car they become deeply Interested dlatrlot attorney and sheriff .outalde of
in their paper and fall to fee her swing, tbe city in tms county,.
Ing on a strap. I I am a large taxpayer In this city
Yea.' Mr. Fleming, Portland la a bang land In otber counties than Multnomah
up place we're glad you ilk It and and feel that X nave tne taxpayers in
vou don't want to mind what a few of Iterest at heart aa much aa any other
th -hmnin kickera say. I man In tba-county.
If all voo have to say about our city I I hava been among the foremost In
la of the same tenor, when you go back. promoting Portland as a Rose City and
why Just work overtime on the Job, J each year glva away thoueanda of rosea
becauaa you have something real to talk to visiting strangera and while I do
about and best of all it la th truth. I not aay tme wiw yi"w io aex praise.
J. Z. THOMAS. 'II do aay lt that th -people may xnow
that while I nave tried . to oo gooa in
a small way I have never trieo to ,use it
The Journal. On the editorial page of
your - paper dated -April a I notlc
letter, dated North Plains, March 10.
and signed by W. H. Black and beaded
hundred thousand men... Not only Je
the good of these mn and their, fam-
lllea to be considered but the great
ltes. He. waa the first assessor In
Oregonjto assess a -ptibllc franchise.
Public service corporatlona ar pay-
- , i ; '-
A aveaiwaaveV awkll-ail TftTaf ofimiiti
.r" "T". .. m a buslnaaa or political aanae.
Not a Single Tax Measure,
Portland. April 15. To the Editor of
The Journal In your las tie of the Ith.
oat makWr Portland my bom In thm I Georsr Hiclnbotham under bead of
near futiira and I wouM resvet mrv I "Sinela Tax Problems" - seems . to hava
much to see th state of Oregon maka j considerable misinformation In a short
the mistake our atate at during tba apace aa to assesamenisunaer meas-
laat session or the legislature by abol-I ure taking more or me wuia aiues ana
leas Of tne laoor Tauuea wnicu ia pro
nosed to th Clackamas people, and
known aa tha --Single Tax measur.
which lt Is not and cannot be for. the
vary good . reason tbat th people of
Clackamas county nave no power to
establish the slngi tax, ana no one
lsning capital punianment. I oaidr
It th greatest wrong ver don our
stat and during tha brief period It bas
been In fore crlm . baa increaaed in
our atata and bare In our city.
Mr. Black tHes to pictur lored onea
who hare -Ron down tapramatar arare
through th loa of lored one by til I oroooaed to them that thar ahalL
route of th gal Iowa, but he failed to I .This proposed measur does not In
plcturej the other aid of . tha, atory, 1 any way chanfte the law regarding- how
take i or instance in recent murder of I assessments shall b made. They win
Georga Haattnga and Donald M. 6 tew- I b mad Just exactly aa they ax now,
art ef th city of Portland. Perbapa If (All th problems ,of assessment would
th man who ethnmttted that dastardly Iba luat the eame aa they are aow. The
act nao rateiTfM ma juai aua Deror, He assessor wouia bav precisely tn aama
duties and obligation aa now. The
board of equalisation would have pre
cisely the aama duties and problems
and kicks aa now, and the results would
ba precisely th aam In the end aa
now ao far aa th aaaeaament rolls are
concerned. When It came to making, up
tbe tax levy, with wbloh tba asseaaor
has nothing to do, then there would be
a difference. The labor valuea would
ba exempt from taxation for county or
municipal purposes; the land valuea
Would have to bear them.. The state
tax levy would ba.upati the total value
of all kinds of property but be paid
by land raluea, franchises and water
Friend Hloinbotham'a Idea that depu
ties would not be sent out to aaaess
property ia entirely In error. He would
bav as many .denutlea aa the law al
lowed and they would maka up tha rolls
and examine th property Juat as they
do now. - , - ALFRED D, CRIDGE.
Declare for Parcel Postv'
Portland, Or, April 16. To the Edi
tor of Tha Journal. What s the reason
there - Is no branch express office at
BellwoodT Whin ona wants to send A
parcel ovtt four pounds It has to be
carried four miles or b at tba extra
expenaa of paying a carrier. It's th
same with the electric line. It has no
warehouse here. Wa ar always talk.
ing anout "Greater , Portland, ' abetter
glva some conveniences to the dwellera
that go to make a "Greater Portland."
I think it Is high time we had a parcels
post ao tbat one can bav soma "great
er" parcels bandied without having to
chop it up Into four sound "chunks' I
at Is cent a pound. Tou men running
for office had batter study th interests
of the publlo In the way of lessening
expanse to tbe oonsumers. -
j s.'t ;.. fiELLWOOD CITIZEN.'-
J Where Are jjhe Health Officers? :
Portland, April To tbe Editor of
Tha Journal. Has tba state of Oregon
a board of health or a human aoclety
or are -these officer confined to the
cities onlyT If the state has either
they would' do well to Investigate con
ditions' in soma- of the camp on tba
Oregon - Electrlo .railroad building from
Balem to Eugenei , I bav aeen horses
driven vry. day J with shoulders .raw
Bay, whan th election I over,
And th world ttle back In
its place.
With the 'mansgers" living In clover.
And once mora w ara whirling In
Tea. when all the ballot ar counted.
And th taxpayera' no longer daft.
And another th Whit House ohalr'a
what'll wa do with TaftT
When alt the mud slinging Is ended
And tbe country la peaceful and
And th gents whom Bill Taft recom
mended Each feela a aad. sickening aualm.
When the kibosh ie put on the talk
And tba warrlora no longer sue
And . one Roosevelt cuts out the balk
bluff .
Bay. whkt'll w do with Ted?
When thla apasm of saving tbe nation
Quite twitching, and peace reigna
When the man in th low, useless
Comes otft of his Socialist dream.
When the "right man" is ohosen aa
-And tha "Mutts" have been more
or lese "Jeffed."
When "repeaters" ara sent to the cooler;
- What'll we do with the guy a
who're leftf
Pointed Paragraphs
tou can alwaye tell a belle by her
e.. e .
1U 1(101 WUV i W . U.ll. U. " .
easily Pleasant,
Physical cultur doesn't necessarily
maka. a woman strong minded.
, A man never oomplalns of hi wife's
relations it aba hasn't any.
: - . e ,,' :
The real thing In honeat men is one
who paya the widow that IS he bor
rowed of the lata lamented Just before
he Uft this vale of tears.
i g ; uc ixuoincr . j
V (Oontribnted to Tbe Journal br Walt ktaaoa,
tba famous Kansas poet. His prosa-poems ara a
rttalar feature of this columa la Tbe Dall
journal.) . - --: t. j.
I wonder why the rooster throws such
fervor T In his tootlngf - At dawn he
breaks up my repose and sends sleep
eallvhootlna.. I- lie and i listen - to hla
notes, and wonder, while Wm waitlnga ,
what sort or weird ecattiio Joys the
rooster's celebrating. T(jt-hls 'hutnble
Journey seems . not worth, "U prune or
prism; what hope inspires him as he
screams? Why all bis optimism Ob,
I can understand a dog that bowls hla
hideous dirges through all the midnight
murk and fog; like me, he Just lnaufg&. -He
eaes so much of ill and wrong, irV.
much j of wda and sorrow, h must; up-f
lift bis grewsome song, and 'hope he'll
die tomorrow',! aynipathla with those "
whOhowViwHh . all, thlagasi
brooding, the--dog, the raven and the.
owl, penned In world deluding. tBut
ah, I cannot understand tha rooster's
Joyous -carol, en anthem In a sombre -land
that has grief by th barrel! He
lives In dark and gloomy pens, where
biddy clucks and hatches; his life Is ,
' with fllllv hTiA AP urfinfn 1K iitem ;
Ii 7i T ,V ,1. - V ""ui" and acratehiea. r To earn hla harem's
their shoulders. ' To se horses down
In tha arum bo hitched ta anrartara nf
almoat an hourly accurrance. : Such
treatment of horees could not - go on
In Portland a half hour till th driver
would b arrested. Why In th coun
try! Ia th nam of Orgon where ara
eur bnman officers or pur health-of -flcaT8
- ' fR, R. MAN. .'
dally bread he's busy as a weaver: and
then at laat his silly head ia whacked
off wltb a cleaver. Th rooster ahould
a cavern seek, a hermit Ufa pursuing;
why glva- a loud, triumphant shriek
when there 1 nothing dolngt t
Ooprrla-tit, Mil, br
Oaersa kiatUiaw AdaaM.
........... s ,