THE OREGON DAILY JOUKHAL. FOKTLAKD. TUL5DAY tVEJilNO. AT ML It Hit IA FOLLETTE 1'B SAtEM AIRE FA VORA B LE TO T- R. Rousing Meeting Gives Hearty . Indorsement to Leader of Proartsslves: Taft Given Hard Jabs. HUGE VESSEL-WOULD EXTEND MORE THAfl 3 PORM BLOCKS Would .Have ; Difficulty In Passing - Through Bridge Draw, With Tow Alongside. ,h .rrvuaiir i4 it affw aU I w 4 . TM UI4 UeoUf M Ikel laa wt . mm Ut. t4 rwU4 4w ft4 IM l K It hw UiH Wwl Wa.leaa, Awll i .kl -rl a aarvy fictaal llf ikl S4 ff (k HIW rw la u ! ef Hmm im i I ! k tkt inwM if ll Ma4 tt '.4M w t m lm i m4; -'- k . V 4 ! MHJ'-4 U k.e a 4 4 A a !' I xwr 4 IU-mI I bar aatlm)! M rtf f IWr ttrwl aaiT. . AM iiw, . awti kAfM Nat a la wm Ik im( vkae n - art IM 4 v m 1 . 4 , U -4tl at iv Ml. Ikat Utal S4 t " I -4 tH ' d IUI im T1i- UU k-M f $mmm tM4 tw lmi VtM 4w Ut fMl life TtVkkA ryXr for i4trtl tmw. X fv, MU1 IM fci i ir t m 4 4tk l 4 IM 4 IM li-MM ltvw-4 ! i wi 4WIC t A4"K t-tM ' t4 IM tilt IU M IM i f pimiMI m im T?ti rur a. flwi im rum t na A r-ui. K4 4. r, ! il t.4 . ii kt M 44 AaV Tk tiJ4 IM ! U.S twi l.lif - Jl t --4 twill I viU M ! ...4 M tM H1 A '4 M H-4 Vote 'Number 117 X Hiwl, i.4Mm, fKil. (r4 If M THU k4 wmm kimiii 11 r.U4 14 ImI. h kutm IM i Ma4 Ul litlul ( Ikk am W TM J f t I tlm. V. lt4MMlf BW- rt M. L l4 4 Ho l tr ! "J-ltM rvr rM I i.t4 W r. n4 MUt NrMI U4 4.lM -' ! Ik r "W M .ik4 r Ut. .r fr- Wf ktorriM bfljpaw U kllH mt Ik , ull k Ml44 aret IM , I aiakUl !((. Trl iri. ul M Mtfjr I MkJti Ikft iki j Passei eri Mini U L h l!Vl kLiiM ht.rrumm milk Mr u- m4 ft,,--L,l?tnk; J k-t. 11 Wk-lfcM brM UH kf . iUHC MIUIM4 Ik mmm ' c r jtwr4w ixnuur wj n ' . . : .... - . ' IM4 cAr rir rm kia mi . - rUtl Ue4 Ik f IM I kbor U 4k. txl fr kl It ff -rrMV4.L Attt Utt i4 4i I Mi lik rL utrl4 1U ma4lUMM ty IM tl TM TlUole ct III. Mi. Ml t tlld. t imch mi, Frtr. Utl t-1 (M r buii uom v ir it. ir Klili tn kit rpri. id inaarmj n tiir L rUii m HlrMel I ml4 It ha pn la in MiHrMo ly Oonf OawM Waal. wM M4 hm! lf f T.MMM.' Aboard hr war eenalin. htm ( Ik Wla kOfl MCttSPMIaa mim I ntoll of 41tJM4t Viu4 kt ll.ttt.ttt. la im epf kNH u4 b4 wank m tttck Mkia. W htl Muitf m FtUtlM wtt ai.i tm TilMtt M4 II water debt team t kinf aiaMpailart ao4 aludriUm. parlatanLa as 4 wm hP(m4 u m 1r il)y MMlrtkabl. liar dtai4emBl wm ion, ar (twat lots- 44.111. miumi ar U Mil af Ik audite nimma hia MM It ftrwlaal. L reliant rnikmi htm If bt wa k tuukdMltar akd ha mti4 Tm-m rbaa thraa tr four Alhart trttM Ut BBM ri4 Utttl haiMla. -Jit a How yw that Tt t attar 1o M atM4paltar." Ha4 Utt tatr. Tat ! b a ttaJklpaltar tad M a l-tirlot. Stand pat an la trtasd at til, rifht or wroctw Cm Um AroarWa po t Ua mi and la lb UutU Pro- r. Tbta lkla (rarrtnr t Iroau 1 rrl, Mr. Ilaarr B. Harrla. Mlaa Jaan and bit bualtaaa) lu ntt It rar nor liiDtxaoh. Mr. John f Ueraboeta. Mr. inL rot eui enatx uw mint r M4 Mr. rt4 U. JI07L klUC liauaaic CARPATHIA GIVES A UST OF SURVIVORS: DR. DODGE 4 SAVED (Coatina4 frtm fa On a.) iindlnf p(, bat taly br rolof a llttl factor thaa tba Imata. kj roiaf fut aaoucb I f a-roaod tba trorit. "Da ywt Mow bow th ttrTa ttMdpat Mrana a Mrt af mmr ajUUJ laaru-a! It wtt la iht aarlr dayt tf trvat aita lion. Joa, Cat a on tat la tba tpMr'a chklr with bit ft en lb tablt Md a rl(r atweb; la bJt fae. - .TM toaaUoa wa put bp it turn, lit aaJd, 'I tui pat.' "Dacax Mtiiit wbaa yot Und pt Can noa ttood ML Aldrlch alood PU and tt aura at yew ar a foot bleb loov!t atood pal. tot." -Thla definition af a aUadptttar vat ' raralvtd with applau that mad th bulMInf ring. Thar could ba do doubt 'of Uvt Uaapar af tM.tudlai Into daiallad tsplanatlon tf . Ktandard Oil and tbt Moran. nteratt art tbt powtr that rulaa tbia tountry. uirougn tif Duamtaaana. . now -tbia powr la centrd In a rrtup tf-aaJy J. Brut laroay. Mr. A. P. Lw4r, Mr. Eratat Una, j Mlaa Mary C Udm, Mlaa O. P. Loorlty.l Mlaa 0orfalU A. MadllU rlarea Mar. aohall. Mr. D. W. Warrln, Mr. XX W. Marrla. Mr. W. K. Mlaaahaa, Mlaa Oatay Mlaaahaa. Olivia Mlddla. Major Arthur Puachan, Mra. Thorn 3. Potior. Mra Otorct Rbalma, Mr. Edward M. Robtrt C Rolano, Mlaa Edith Roa- baum. Mr. Marti a Bothaohlld, Count tf Rolha. Adolph E. SMlftld. Abraham Balamtn. Mra. Paul Sohabert. rradarlck Mward, Mra WlUlam V. 8llr. Colon! Alfonso Blmonlua. William T. flloepcr. Mr. and Oo4a I Mr. Mm Bnvtfar. Mra W. H. Saan. how tha car and maid. Dr. Mas Stepalln, Mr. i II man. tha aoaakar mid A: ""Tha crcarcar ktrugci to'Aibrlan roplt bar trer know a la bow bofoi thfm. Can yon-control thla forn mrotf Tblt bit; . bualnaa tloott praal dant. ' aamaa capiaeta and ftlla th fU In th fnltitd "tataa aonata Thy nama tbt Jud-,. th .Uaitod BUU district attomeya. Tbty kiai tba rortmor. They aama tht apkra of th kooM of raprotentAtlTaa. Tba poo- pia hart utarayy loat, ajraady, otntroi of thlr forarnrrunt ' Delarink- that If ht ' ha4 baaa la RooMTelt'a plfot, wltbln It .minute after hit Inauguration b would bay ant out a auinmona tt tbt attoraty aanaral and dUtrlct attorntya to atttnd a eonftranct tit tht Whit Houa and 'that bt would nayt lnatructed thtn to put aa and to tht 14 trou thit than oxteted, -La Fcflltt yUL "I would hav Riytn tbeka -ly In which to "o it.- at crl, "arKl tf they did not do It I would bay taken the head off of every oat oC .thtm. But tht thing naa grown nowi xtu n to Dt ear- ful. Tou , must b patlant. crttleaJ, claar-tyed. atealdy handed, and a eon atraetlyt ttateajnan. It I no Job for a rougn riaer. I Th apeaktr oondemned tbt proaldent ror making tna Winona apeech, in which bt aald the Oariff bill wa tht boat rr paaaad by eongreaa Ha aald thl peach waa written by th presi dent whllt ht wm tiding tt Winona on tht train. "No president hat any bu4. nest to - My that was tha boat tariff bill unleat ht hat studied . and com pared it." ht said. Journal ; Want Ad bring retulta and Mr. C. E. H. flteofel, Mra Oaorg a. . Buna. Mra rTdrloa Joel Swift, Robert bougta SbddU. Mia Ruth TaUMlg. Mr. Md Mra J& Z. Taylor. Ollbart M. Tucktr. Jktr,vjr Waraenf ot'Portlaa , CX.;I Mra. J. Stuart Whlta, Mlaa Mary WWk. ; Mra. Oeorg a Wldnr and maid. Mra' J. B. Thayer, Mlaa ConatMO WlUard. . Hugh WaUner. MUi Maria Young, Mitt Ida Blp pach. Mra.,WHr aark. Mra. John 8. Cuajmlr.j. H. 8pncr SJlTtrthoma, Mra A. Aubtr, Cbarle M. Mayea. Miss Cornell J. Andrawa. Mr. or Mr. Robert D. Pouglai. W. a Doug lw I or Mr. P. C, Douglas, Mist Eustla. Mra P. P. Kenyon, Mr. and Mra Klball. Mra P. R. Kenyon, Mra.' J. Undstrom, Prank 'D. Millet Added a Xdst. Tha following wort added t tbt list of eurrlvors: Prank D. Millet. J. N. Rogeraon. Mr. Emily R. Arthur, Mia Suaaa P. Arthur, Ryaraon family, Mr. Suaaa B- Mra Arthur, Mr. Kmlly D., MaaUr AlUson and Miss Allison. Groat confusion prevail m to tbos raacuad. Duplication of nam and distortion ar froquent. It probably will be boura perhaps day, before tht complete lltt of th survivors or thoa wbo porlahad can bo given.- MONEY LOSS GREATEST KNOWN TO HISTORY OF MARINE INSURANCE New Spring Footwear a PMMona for txolutlTt tutM Much , of our trade buy good ; ahoM for style' aaka as muoh m Quality's aaka , There' every good reaaon why you should come to Ros enthal's for your Spring shoe. Do. you know that it la th policy of thla ttor to sell th kind of thoea that are not aold In tha average store. an& that la order to do that wa chooe : th vary smartest models that ' tht skill of thla country pro duce f . . -. Our Twin Low Price and Reliable Quality hrt brought us tha largest trade la tht .city.. . .. -.. Our pricaa aa good shoes naka "looking elsewherf a waatt -of tlm..'! Rosenthal . ptrOMCt Mrt KM ftnorav Tht ho rial rttl tht PatC London, April 14. "Wo hav re ceived no accurate news." Thlt wa the - only statement forthcoming her today from Official of tht Whltt Star line in response to the Inquiries of a frenzied and tearful crowd of relative of passengers who sailed' from South ampton last Wednesday on tha Titanic AH day long and well Into th night a long stream of anxious persona be sieged th offices but they were given no Mtlsfactton and. tonight London Is as much In tha dark concerning the identity of the victims at It wm last nlg-ht The Whlta Star company would give out no information, but occasion ally an pffjcial would, step outside his office and announce; "We have no newt yet" ' Financial loss Staggering. Th financial loss to the White Star company will be staggering. Officials declared that when the vessel wa launched It represented an outlay of $1J,000.000. In addition the Titanic car ried a consignment of diamonds esti mated to be worth $5,000,000. This loss, however, Js practically covered by in surance. The loss of the Titanic Is the great, est from a financial standpoint In tha history of marine tnaurance. The ve. sl ltaelf wa Insured for 11.700.000. An eaormou Quantity of bonds also want down with tha steamer but the event ually will be replaced. A trmndou sum la represented In the loaa of bag gaga belonging to paaaengara, th loat from thl sourct alone being placed at $1,000,000. It will not ba known for several day waetnr ins underwriter wbt carry th polio! will be able tt meet their obligations t; ; Tht Titanto oarrlod 1(00 eacka of mail, representing about 10,000,000 pleeea. Protection - Is Dntr. - s WMhlngton, April 14nia tht doty of congress la to protect Amerioaaj aaa engera from danger by th paaaag or amcter iawa ror steamship -entering or clearing American porta, la tht opinion, txpreaaed here today by eon? rreaaman Alexander at Mlaaouri. ahalr- man of th commlttco en merchant ma rtne. Ucuaaing",th wreck of th Tl taala '-, . , "If the Titanto had aboard lifeboat tuf ficlent r to accommodate onl r one- third of tht ' PMsengera,' said Alexan der, -eongreaa undoubtedly will paas more stringent - Iawa. The laws hould prevent th entrance to or clear i ffCar Fully Equipped With Top, NVindsliield, Speedometer, Clock and Self-Starter -ssri N T) W n V LLALLmc4o CHVEN AWAY If IK How to Secure This Hcindsbme CsLr tm We wlfl luue trvHe coupon with erery purchjue marie. TheM coupon are gooil for their ftca nJu9 la rote, at the rate of one rote for erery cent of purchate. The person curing the laxfest number of rote at the dote of thit contest will receive this handsome car absolutely free of all coat The coupon are transferable, so if jrou are not interested in securicf this car for yourself, you can make some relatire, friend or ac quaintance happy by aarinjj your coupons for them. NO PUBUCITY Nomination blanks can bt dipped from thlt circular or on be obtained at our place ol business. Upon receipt of your nomination, you will have particular number astisucd to you. Tha published bulletins of til contttlantt will be by number only, thus avoiding any pub licity to your nama All votet received will at onct bt entered in a voting register, tnd im mediately after tht clot of the conteit tht winner will ba announced snd the prise swarded. ; 8IGM BLANK GET PARTICULARS Now Is tho Time to Get Busy The earlier you start, tht more advantage you will hsvt in tht final count Remember, tht object-of thil contest is to vet businesi. We re going to firt this fin atitorooWle to the person who will accumulate the greatest num ber of votet; therefor it is to the interest of every conteitant to ask their mends and neigh bors to buy from this store. Then the contestant who gets the greatest number of friends to trad here snd giva them their coupons will receive tht greatest number of votes. NO MEMBER OR EMPLOYE OF THIS FIRM IS ELIGIBLE IN THIS CONTEST. NOMINATION BLANK Good for 2000 Votes Plaoa to my credit 2000 votes and notify me whst my number will be. Also lend me full particulars how I can win tht Howard Automobile. Nunc . . . 4 ...-.- ... Address Cot out and mall Rules of the Contest Reed carefully the rules of this contest, as it will make It much easier to understand the methods that are used. 1. No names of contestants will be published. 2. .Every contestant gets a number. .3. Standing of contestants numbers published 2d and 16th of eachTnonth. 4. All votes must be brought in for recording 1st and 15th of each month. '. . 5., Votes must hot be written on, 6V Color of certificates will be changed monthly and must be recorded monthly to count 7 Votes are trrmsferahls before recording. 8. Contestants will not be permitted to solicit Votes within our store ... . ' ...... , 9. Contestant having largest number of votes wins auto. Contest Opened Apr. 15, 1912 Contest Closes Oct. 1, 1912 M GRAY 273-275 Morrison at Fourth Fine Wearing Apparel for Men and Women EQUAL CHANCE FOR ALL No lucky numbtr will win this car.' Simply sign a nominstioa blank snd hav a particular umber assigocd you .and then boost for your number among your relatives, friends snd se CjusinUncea, Have them patronise our itort and save tht coupons for you.. The rules art simple. The chance coitt you nothing. An Opportunity for any hustling man, woman or child to secure prist that will five life long joy and pleasure. r - OBEY THE IMPULSE Getting Acquainted With New Customers We do not expect to recover tha expense of thi contest through a greater per cent of profit, but through a Urger volume of business; wa expect the larger volume of buiineit to more than offset the cost, and it will ba our earnest endeavor to give too even more for your money in the future thn we have In tht fist ' If you are not h) the contest, make some relative, friend or acquaintance happy by saving your coupons for them. DONT THROW THEM AWAY. FREE COUPON Good for 35 VOTES In the Great AUTOMOBILE CONTEST Cut out this coupon and present at our store tnd received 25 votes free. This coupon is good until May 1. 148 Fourth Street y - .1. "iWlodelH- 38 H-P $4000 . A luxurious seven. passen- ; ger automobile without the ' r j weight and bulk usually found f ri 4 in a car of its size. ' The use of SUvertoV Cord : v " . Tires give it a snap not found . ' u" in any other seven-passenger , . . car. . v Braly-DuBois Auto Co. 31 NortKineteenth $L :' Phones Nlain 4880, A881 oiler Go!ng. Oui of Busilne ss I (GAS MANGES FOKCASH v Ordinarily we sell all of our ranges on the easy payment planA We will deviate from thisfldeaUn this one rane. We' offer It special for an unusually low cash price, i It is a ranjje with a rood name. It has four burners and a 16-inch oven. A rular $i8 rane on weekly payments offered now for cash Installed in your home, to be returned and money refunded if it does not live up to its leputatlpn. ; Get bne ; J J Our entire line of Gas Ranges is on special sale at reduced rjricea and on eaav terrna.-- GAS RANCvE SEASON 'I 1 ; f u ' ".,y f i Vykwwiiitat' I - -rr- ing rroca an American port of any thl a m