THE ORECOtt DAILY JOUPKAL. lOhTLAND, SATUJJDAY EVilNlNG. AJ JUL 13, Uit rmA a t a n a ItitlfHilttfltA miriiM'iw im teiM Muij'htMi uf att yr MiM ifU!. ,..TrJ aval a .a. Itiixul Ka.-a, M it4Al. .? .1-. ,W-.l k-.k. --. - ilJ ul k w4 1-0 a.'. - -tWlkfiAW Tfw i -. t4 H ti - Vvi z.'ft anJ Belt 1. tii, k4K.M. a- -l i rci " 'tJl, . a iti a! i - r ;! I t it . k a. k.wi -,. ! v I -n . i l ai ektk .. mf. k m I ! a.ia.a. gj4 . . l-al ! al af --a 4 " H fM of I k. wiMr tit Kiu kj 4llaL !.. l l . tt I' mi i aa. a . a -a -a 1 -- ' 'V-.T,-,rm'ir.f.r'iiiiT II. !: ' kia .a,. taw m mm W r - a p- f W ' - a 4miiK I at 1-1 lilal ' Our ft'e RiteJ tit. t i Mr .t Ui k. ill t M Ifc iww i tf U Itttt i ti ITTTT .v'.tn. T. m"V, ' " --- lAtKi i it head LTrT .. ill- - i.VJ ' . i t u iii . it i Jl'ir? , r-r-r- . '-' t,,,' cah otr it toiuf Lk II " Hl Kll ui u 4 II i dtft, m unit ilir H wJmi l" l-r, Ik. lrliK. mt ik. ..u f. Ik -J" !' 7 " l iiUT ..... .rIU. kM ? l-.M r'V" tt, V. V .TKIM It f WIni bt IW4. Hk t ilk ulil - -- - ki akJ avAif tut 4 .i. tk,.ii. l-mk-t, .1 . ' M" J,.'' IVJi" ik. TTir li- I HITT C'. I Wt.nAmr -1 IK rll K jf U .albilll Of- II I f fcyliui rM.i.auLV!lrijkl .Mt. n. x.'- ljrtViS.i r k,,. l k . -' - - - Ctni t. t -. w, '1 l tt Ttc PcrtliBi 5Iifcwcc4 Co. tilt. t-lHl YTiOfniifTruel r5ck VM&scSm. CW . llr fi fxm l In, bill. rtra rtT.Jtiit kt t-t ( rMr ffv. Ink . tj'i rt-ima woaaa Vr 1 1 t-iUiTt H Mm. i i. T J t . , 1" ' ' it A -J I noinit. rnina. mum traaaa aTAtmra sn iiu Aaaia 'ritAiiu tsj fn tii4Mf. tMp -oo .. -. n.Mii . . . j k- Hi n" m 11 kt I (.. l. ! ! .i..i'. hi..M t Mi lilt tl Ivotlllil t. n. J --. 3 Xtrtva. fhiMU n4 kl :mM rrj ikxtl flln r !' ' luUUm ffo ill IM MkftilK Ml pTrrit- . wwm m4 t kjUrvft. IkM i 4 . UltrMii r ntUl krtmM, ko rr .i i Has if hrru(R oreull lor. 11IH Vl.rk.l (. M.i, ui, Hon.. om. J 4. Hinla4. I'mmi. Mar.baJI III. tik WkJtnClkn.i. aakcaiy )r f --r - i f . ie4 aa ' . krra llw lamia. kM- r. Ma44ac aai yim. Ill rirat U yr At-S' H luwnaryciTTr" All vark fuaranlMli !. alaanlat r4 tra.lrg all ln1. at fin. aahlag. t:t Wllltan.a a K.l HIT. tKVOTtirlau. rui" for vmIio la, kr wk1' II r' ""r lurwl If i fall. Dr. Il.rta Hamady l 'a . HIS kjorrl.oa ti VrF-Tt5o'S ni.-S anj Coiloa Kael kii aura rmaly fr d.lay! rtartada. t hot ar I rx. for ft. by TTUIIi if kakrt mubl. l.h t AO III IV in aa lha raa I raa'l rara PR. tUOUAK. n. c. lit I'nlaw ava S ISinlaivd. Or. ' " I k a. a. alhi i.lnu. rlM it . and lurttff. mioailoaa f raa. Itl M arc ha a t Trnal Ilh ana Wt.nlntian. Main tt. Sula.Si.t'lC Cl'Mh r r. nwiJoSaI bI.I and payrhla troublaa: rival r.ra whn araaarr; con.ultattoo fra. I 'hnfi w n tit. J.TEIC3. t0T.tra4 ah rale lan wlih miii capltaj la Inveal In a paylnf bu.lna.a; ry from IT I' w.ak. H-lt. Jmirnal. SfSLt . Ira ar ttaina: Hanllary Baty fa flora, ttft-tll W.ow bldy. iili.I.INliHr rMaonabla; Tatn.klna-"; brine any old malarial. 1I1H WaaE 1r r inn. nar Id. aulla lit. CQKEjfifira Tonlo T.blata raator oat vitality; H boa; t ki Bttf-'Tvl,r Pmi C.., H Morria at. STlia WOrillA n. SKIP, mental iplrlP ual trntlBt. 10 AllkVjr bldf. Main null. nfiinf -wan, ana m., p. tn. kOMr Uh MnufIa warn utn.r fan. told and uarantt by lha Aa.plund Pma atora. 11 N tih at. Main tip. UaI.M of Klta. fa:iUy for dla.a.aa of i woman. Ill Pavla at. Main HI. J0 llam vlaltlna earaa. 7Ja Walck trint r inr co., 11. Aidrr. Mam or a-ii.i. AVE It to 110 by buying your trunk . ar troltcaaa at HI Wlih, oor. lTth at. Hair work mad a from comblnga; twltrh- . a a apoouiiyr- hi Marion ava., waiw-q lAtIE8' barbr .hop now opn on Sal mon atrxrt bftwr.n tth and Uh. iaADAME KSTELLK. mental and .plr ' Itua) aolentlat, HI 11th at. Main m 1 . FART T eendlnr Invitation card to J. iC pleaas phone. Important. ' v.vt f?rro7!n rTf .-.hi la lb iMalttri rvir ef ke tfaMad Plate. r h. I'l.lflrl ef - la Ik. HMtur of rrafb A TuHH. tkbrvft. Ni la haakf u-t-y Kvik. 1. ii.fTtir ' '' " th Hlh Oar t Akfti. A U !!. rraaa a lull a if I.miI. r .it. Mma ara. banhruKl aad t.l ta fif.l rfiMltn of bl. rrrlitora alii I- I'M al IM office of fiixt.ral.tird ratfa Itl J J. fm- ton building, fortiatxl lrH. on Ih ilih rfa of Arril. Itl). at 1 1 a. m . al hlt h lima k!! rivjimi iir kllna. roa rlalraa. -xlil a Iru.lea. amlta Ih. bankfuil .! --na.rl aurh aihar hn.tfMaa aa may prr"ly rom. bfnra .aid mrvilna- Claim mu.l b trnt-d In fnrra r. qulr4 by Ik bankruptcy art. and aworn to Tba arhedtit. f1t4 dlarloara aaaaia amounlinf till te llirjtTr.n ti hi rnii, llfifcfoa la Hankniptey. TatA Anrtt 1? ltll EUaUH Jill'U atlll b rc.la4 ky Am- Ity InHia No 17. I T. until pril 1. Ill, for the ronetrurllon nf n.a? i.mrla at Anilti. Or . Md oa plumbing and brallng plant mual t rw.larrd erraraie from blda on build ing: plan, and apartflratlone may ba en at Roth lima l.umbrr '., Amity, (If. after April It. III. rrtlft4 rhack for I pr rant of bid payable la .r-rr.tarr nm.t irroniMor all propoaala. Hulldlng rommltlaa rce.rvte tba rlgtit to rrjix-t any ana all mo t- Hain, aarratary butldlna; rommlltaa. rxiralK4 Mlr4 ata alikwil - rurtl mtafMiiKM ft. lay dvlaa af .lonlM. rta-wi r 1 . a 4 meal private ttn.1 n -wrt:nA ir apaiaiaa k'ta ta lft'Tntx cm rrt-r m on. lha' UnruM UnV"?"'tlii ta .'aJr y a. VaU duly aitiuKfaU-i kal tk. Lmi 0. tit I ake BUSINESS DIRECTORY ACConwTAaTi mua III H'tfmlif H" Mkla dlf AvaaATua Wrt lJI a rnotrmtTKU aaaayara, aa. Iyltf tbamlal lH Waah M I IM tiri:JTAVi"... y"ffu"UV.taTafy" aa laalla Marahall IH I. Mawiaa. ATYomva aT a. n coDrrn. Aiioray at o. fl prartlc; . b. tc 1 . .i.raiaaa. na la Itlt-llll Taoa aid. Maia ITI; A-ITI. n it s i c, a y. u i fir. LKji imxrrt lawyer. Al'alrarla aiamlaad. eollaa- tton. Ill nnibf of I'ffim.rr ft . w ! ta ki to laa II.. k,.i at... ..-' aaA ail A.-. 4 l.k .-fci vial Ar4tr '' US blM tuil Waia ll IT laHKr- kihiHHATm a- Ul lli It al Li ka aa.A ktail a.i Alia. Vital. Id ateA klkltlM, llMI. la. kl awlal Aaartag lkl aily; .itt aa4 ltii ituiiiMl a ff I kaa Mktf aaat fulif . .1 l. l I It. flv.4' F hi- akal'f" A.lriaVtTia at aa4 tU.tkwat a... 1 1 IW Aav aaA Tkay i. 4 M. ale l.ieaai kr r t- Tkr Htl firXutXR li" rkl, "e'aaa A "kiraiaj laarvUa tiUf 111 af.maaa e. Marakatl III uru fiiti mvim faCk. Ml Id. at. at Imimi a-tt. , t.palra, Wki kat at ia .ft nl I ml aataav aaiaauM COOS BAY LINE tAa aaaAaw AthJk aVr. fiva Al..avJk Imt rni I a aa. t IhimMii, i. 1 - al iiulNit aw-, k Aai.y j ! (. f. . Iwa. ana. a III, -. mA v II lul aa a I . tktil .rfu mm'ii aVk. fWMl Mai IH. A-lllk- Dorsey B. Smith 4 tl.taiilla Al. AU uji a aavsva. oTaiaa Tailff4 Ikf.fw.ii) akw t trirtm an, toatuitv vkki t-a. akii4 Jt. A-lltA. ANCHOR LIKE STEAMSHIPS h t. r I a Ml l ni-i ISU ilUbW', t .f. talAAMJ tHl. HIHXA A lla,fa tva ! . W ana kifaj t a 4 a;i A-..v a.... i w . ( !.aV4 aa4 kt Ju . fw a.ot a -. a.1 aVa rW A i.aaitw a. n 11 1 .. k J ( 4. I kHtaa A f r-0 fcaa.4.a fa fc. Illtl l"4l tiul I a -. FS 4a llnka. al iVi "v."',' ' ..! A C. AkaTfkaAOOi rrkiu tTtiutAi rn Savq Francifrco ami Loa Aa relet kv ItlfH'f t HtHUtt a. aw cr. a a. aa, rl If (aa) rta a rWa.4 V tk (X TV.k4 Off la I a VMta k aavA aav aV-taaa. atar la hVftaat tb. el a ff U11 Wti laovcAtit aao rtaraai.a tl IJTTKJtNATIOkiAl. lalrU.e Afky, aula a4 fran.. atttri.'y hl.. nal. rfHHiia ft trrw 111 i kf HU klala till 1 II e K a IC CkMaat lin C, .! fivaia, i-f affxa rikloa kw r III la,f in C lilt W C hvt. MAUiCrokj "uUja; IktV aA l. Waxapl tlUlM, aaia a.l at Wiaia I aak t tli) aSi-A mt .taiy tfaa-llkUoa, a .. kr aaA it fit lar tavaJ. ta ar. T l .iu Mrg (V TlJOiUITARiHAlX'kTirfiC k at4 id ekoacaata, raklaaia tf tat irtn. n.tarva lit tVata. Mil. A aiaa am a aj v c Avas a RIAPTP KrcDimnz Wilbelni, Tocsiay. April 16 I lf fa! 1 Jjl Oa-rr WayaldaClakS, TtaaJLt. Annl IB. - , kaO t lUtaias II. TtA, Af M T1 LONDOiN-PARIS-DREMEV rTv'Vt piKtvr ooKXEtTiokia ro all roRTt ij cxjrriKtxTAi. tnor aib Boa a KoarrrAA a-Aii nall i mi i in, a mi. DBAAaMAElaO tVCBOOB VAt-rHTf-rA tfftfa af rati Ik k. lak- karieg ta4 Iniir fa 141. OaAMATlO rtxinrvra nok-rMAN-rffxiaaa ya l.m ar aipfaaalon d r . ma 1 1 art. .14, Ulfnrta fclakl H tnarWnApta KBuoarxoa-AXi rvaTBH a hlLiaKM-tngaa. Ik. tap. af iawa.1 BX -tiaa rvat aaal aiga la a tar la Ik. af Ikwaat. AV VJ C arM at till II H ltll raiWAua LIP READIKO laabt pf?i rard af rWrlng deffxHa of r--ri rrra-ai. r Ml rnalbod ktua aaain Kin. 1.1 ann.i Main II ntalory. ril.r Mda- 7" i Mala IM blbctb-io atoroaa HXANCIAL 1 ritH pim ron mortoaocb Or mUri afiolty la .oatrart af aale on ma I aetata la wa.htngtofi e ur.goa. M. K. Nnale. hiog.. uoaaa. R'K WITt nolra, rnntrar. mort (-.. aH'iltl.a Nleofi Uroa.. Itl Iawia Mi LOANS WAJSTED SO WANTED 1101 on ll0. T room houae, ena Tear; will pay ' Pr rant, flrat niortaaga. tlteO. Owner. T-41. WTNTED In of l0. or I yaara, l00 ancurity. Will nay par cent. Alb rd ttablaa Alb.n, Or. MONEV TO IiOAN REAL K8TATB ' 27 NOTICES 20 Js'OTICK or FTLIN8 AND RmiSTER i ISO OF TRADE MARK. ' Notlra g hereby grlvpn that the . American Safety Powder company, . whoa principal office and place of bual ne within tha atata of Oregon la In the Yeon bulldlnir. In the city of-Portland, la the owner of a trade mark. I'onaUUnjr of the word LI0N1TE. which Is to ba placed upon and applied to the , folio win a; article of merchandlae, to wn,' a hlnh ezploaive compound. v That bv reason of nrlorltv of tha adoption and uaa of aald trade mark, the aid corporation clalma the rlft-ht to tha kola ana exclualv uaa thereof within tha state of Oregon, and heretofore, and on the iSth day of March, 113, filed Ha application In tha office of the aec retarv of the atata of Oregon for tha registration o said trade mark. In ac cordance with tha requirements of tha laws of tba stata of Oregon, which ap plication was granted, and upon tha data last , mentioned said trade mark was eiuly registered In tha atata of Oregon. Dated March 29th. 1812. AMERICAN SAFETY POWDER COM PANY. By A. W. Hendricks. " . ' it rreaiaant. Ml mada Immadlatelv and oonnd.n tiallr on real estate, furniture, piano. auto. Ilv.atock. storage r.celTta, room ing boua and all kind of aacniitla. TJ. a REAT. ESTATE BROKERAI1K CO. Ill Hamilton Bldg. Main I0IA 111 Id afreet . I I I I I I t Will Loan You Money On your furniture, dtsmorde or real -lata; lowest ratea of LTtiraaL oa ma flrat. J, E, Nichols II Teon hide CiniTVTfin?!lON a WATrn!! gattaral prartlr tll-tlt Yoa btA4. W!"."KtVOrll. g.n. prartlr. aTflracI itimlBNl it. I r.nion t M M. I'll Itot'OMT. eid. rtf rrlr4 oil I. Walk.r M aatle Kl Wka. let I'Hf batvi abd awianaaao Portland Bwlmmln balha. lib Tarn MIL Im. !am tub, ahow.ra. tin. aucroxva aB-PAXBXvo BICTfl.rtS, molareyrl.a. bought, aald. repair,. Med, K.p. "liB. Ill Maaiaon. BlaAJTat BOOK MLAKXKa HOWK. PAVI8 COMPANY. IM l mt Blank oob ni'fg : a g acta for JaeW aniovad Loa-Lr !1gr.: aw taa B.w Krraha I naif. A-llll. Mala III. BV OAJUa WARRBJC CONBTRCCTJON CO. BtrJ paving, aid. walk and croaalngs. II B.k hide tfi rTB a KCrRAa7TiXf.r PAHS!3 6fX Portland offlra. n Elaclrlc Mflg. OA KX AVA 8 XXOaT-AaTOaS. KODAKS. caT.ras, wanted. Camera rachany. 146 Morrlaon. Main till. OAJiriT czJXAjrzva JOTC1C BROS , Electrlo Cleaning Work a, carpets cleaned and laid, refitting our spoclaltT. K. HI, B-1MI. IM R 1Mb N, OAMTXT WBATDrCr aacATATiao ajtp otAPaio. Al klad of grading, .icavallng, a tlmal.a given: reoahl roL H Ma rt. I t Tburm n M I nil It. rTBjrzTvajf) B.arAxajjit Kitci'zER ca. iiiuii uvt TArtoitB. We are t. la'lofe for v paopia Ar yu ti ting r f a!, iiaiakr a. at 111 Ilia airt i.a Waablagta and Plat .wrarta Ai-t hlLV if .iluiK. 4i LJ aidtula aaA tVe.hlnatoai Pull I ardtr. iCoHTMWf rTATiiKa mH t-afTiTi AMU I.I.ST'.rWKN I s ith a?. TAixoaxao aoHOoav KieaTERa ladi..' fallarlag lain tfiatnitliii anoftn. Itlk, 1 1 1 f TAxzssaaaaT PAt-jrir i-oast taxiiimy oa TTTl JLiLVLJLfl t. Mt" UOWKrt A PAKSONa. formarly wtta Tuli a Olbba. furniture rt rafinlabarl. parked. .Mr-ad IMlj rroat. M. tttA aRTA and trraf elp fu mlture ra paJrad. r.ftnlhd. parka.1, upliol.tar lag Mar lltl. Tth and r Under R.f. OASOuaa ciidii STATIONARY and raartna. alartrlc. q u ; launch. aoreon. wholaaala and rvull; angina rvpalrlag. Rlaraoa MacWflafy Cfc.. ?t MpttH a. CI.EAy tow. la a.tlr. rorab. bruan. soap. Towel durrly Ca.. Ith and Court ata. II pof monin. porlland 1 v rvd ry C PttonM lib A-44IA GEMAR1 CVaia la Uka TUt titaa rwnu BREMrM fTaly imU Art U IM Kt4f AtV May Ik Oakiia AUytfata Oataa t lUkrk fW aa4 Caaraaaa rafM orvoA AtU MA t May Bat rrtITru T THE MEDITERRANEAN UItin.tI.TAR. AlAftCJlA, X.ULI3I ASU Citl.XOA. B ALTTVOBB-aiail BTBB7 air Claa) W mm aV tY T ITta lUIOabta raa.ayav) WgaiMJUII M M h i 1 OELRICIIS & CO Ccneril Agents I J ,11 V III aaoASWAT airar yobs ' 4 w vr Bebr rpvU. AV A. P. 0U AM l-wavaO On talks BC rreAaia Kvkal. a. W. Ow IV at AgfjaLa. ooosa FX B VET B HANEBUT. taadlng wig and toup makerai fluMI .kock of human hair good; hair drlng. asanlpurlng. Oca aad scala traatmantA 147 Tth. near Mor M. III. AT CLBAYIBO TmAjiarr aatp btob-aob C. n. PICK Transfer a storage Co.. of. fir and rommcdloua i story brVrk w.r.hnuaa, wfh part Iron roon.s ni rirapronr vault for valtigblM w nor d and P'n. ata Pi. roe a I furnl rnra movJ ind narked for .hipping H part. I raa mad. on rood la oo thmn.h rar. tn all dwn'lo and foralga point Main A-l"l Oregon Transfer Co. Prt.bll.hed IMt, Tran.f.r and forwarding tyenta Bforfit-. fro trarbas. Offleaa and 474 Ollaaa traf. romay ith and phona. v.H A-ll'l ronTr. AVD Van and Rtorag Co . Tnr . ror I Ith and "ta moat mod ern alor.a w.rehoun. In rltv: our low . .... irlr" Ir-mirsne rats prfof of this FT yentrmrng m','.nT tr.-ktge: moving, racking, .hipping: Panamaa bleached without In- f.,l er.i.v,i V. I.. Z ,..i.m rL- l'.'""..tL'r in hrough ran. to and from tha Or at manaTi tr(l for TOU. Li w.l. iawa a iha I gatrut O'll", n-IDa.. LAIJIEfT. blocketl Jurtoua ehemli notice. Our Out of town order carefully attended. Royal Hat worka. til 1st. Main 1441. oaasa bouobtt ajtd boxj fORTirWE8T RUO WORKS, rugs from Itl I nion ave., near h Morrison, OIXiNIAL. art euuaree. rag carpet and rugs, ltll Falton ava. w oooiawn tir. $7000 $7000 $7000 Would Ilka to place thl on one or two good 7 per cent flrt mortgage loans. Ren Watt. Ill Iwlw M1g. IF you wlnh a mortgage loan upon your real estate, see ua. HARTMAN A THOMPSON. Mortgage Loan Department. Chamber of Commerce bldg. THE following amounts to loan on east or west siao improved property; tJ"". 12600. 13500. 16090; Interest 6 per cent: describe, property by letter; no tele- phone Information. P-4 8. Journal. $200 liP Dwelling houses; principals only, no brokerage. Attorney, 210 AH'"' blrtv f 100.000 oil mortgagee, city or farm property, fire Insurance. McKenals a Co., uernnger oiag.. za snr Aider. MONEY to loan, large voans a specially. building loans; lowest rates; fire In surance. W. O. Beck, I1H-IH Falling. NOTXCK TO CREDITORS In tha dls trlct court of the United States for tha district of Oregon in the matter of i-'eter KJeeman. Bankrupt: no. ivy. in banktruptcy. Notice la hereby given that on the tth day of April A. D 1912, Peter Kiaeman of Portland, Or., the can Km pi aoova nimea, was auiy aa judlcatd : bankrupt; and that the first meeting of his creditor will be held at tha office of the undersigned, rooms 401-2-1, ronton Building, rortlana, Or., an tha J Id day of April, 1112. at 10 a. m.. at which time aald er.dltora may attend, prove their claims, appoint a iruai, tiamini ins oannrupi. ana transact , such other business as may properly -coma before aald meeting. Claims must ba presented in form re quired by the bankruptcy act, ana worn to. The schedule lllsd discloses tlmated assets amounting to J 16 00. i t CHESTER O. MURPHY, I Referee in Bankruptcy. rn TlataA Inrll TO 1.1 SEALED bids will be received by F. S. . ifieias, county cleric, court house, iPortland, Or., until 10 a. m. on Monday, 'April 29, 1912 for furnishing supplies Tor MUitnotnan county rarm, at xrout tlal, Or. Supplies to be delivered at Multnomah county farm. tples of supplies may be had at tha afflca of the county commissioners at the court house. No bids will ba considered unless ac companied by a certified check payable to the order of thar county court, for nt least 6 per cent of tha amount of the told V Tha right to' reject any or all bids Is expressly rassrVed. . , f v - r. JT. . J. CLEETON, i . . County .Tudga. v " W. U LIGHTNER, ' r' County Commlst5loner. ' k D. V. HART. County Commissioner. OFFICE C. Q. M Chronicle bid.. Ban Francisco, CaL. April 10, Ilia. Sealed proposals will ba received her nntll 11 f . W t A 111 l.LI " j l , iui jiui nxaiiinu wooa, roke. charcoal, fuel and mineral ol). and faeoline. required at poata la Wcriirn itvieton during fiscal year commencing July 1, 1 912. Information furnished on -application here or to post avsrtermas lera. , tn(i ouirtermnteri at Seattle, AVaah Portland. Or, and Honolulu. H. T, and bids may ba reeelvad by -post a uartermamar and 'quartermaster, Hon- olulu, H. T.. until 11a m- Pacific time. May 10. UIZ. - - 1 F. Von 8CHRADFR, . .:.. w. M. MORTGAGE loans, in anv amount: Liberal terma; mortgages purchased. Henry C. Prudhomme Co.. Wilcox bldg. 16000 or any part to loan. Inter eat 7 per cant. Tabor 771. WILL loan 120.000 or less real estate. Farrlngton, 41S Commercial Club bldg. MONEY to loan. 6 to 8 per cent. W. H. Belts ft CO., 1Q sapiaing Diqg, oxmnrr woke ajtd rLAa-rrm CEMKNT work and plaatarlng. Phoo Eat 1114. evenings. tmXOPODXSTB DR. OLIVER O. FLETCHER IOdy Expert Assistant. I0S Allaky bid;. Id and Morrison. Main 1761. Treats all Ills of the foot, without danger of Infection. Corns, bunions. In growing and atrophica nails, flat foot and bunlona a specialty. All kinds of horsaa bought, .old. x- changed. 747 F.. 11th. Eaat ITTt. rjaoBAjrcB HIONB ua about your fir Insurance, Main 4SIS. Mallory a co Jnc, siw Wilcox Bid. J A H. Mcl. WOOD CO., all klada Inaur- aa-c. eurty bonda. Railway k,. Blog. PACIFIC STATES Fir In. Co.. home office Portland, Or,. Ch. of Com, bldg. McCaROAR. Bates A Uv.lyTToi Yeon bldg. Every form of Insurance, bonda. JOHN KER Insurance, aurety bonda. mtg. loan. Hit Yon bldg. M. IIH. CITY Hall Transfer A Storaga Co. trt fnrnltnra and piano moving. 1 trunk lOo each, additional ISe. M. TOII. A-47t4 PORTLAND TRAN IKKH A DELI V fcrt T CO., 191 Wash. Store, piano, fura. movln. Matn Alt, A-1IS4. rVORTHWFflTKRN Tr.n.f.r Co.. 14-H ZaABDPOAPx aAuErrjra MARCH ANT At DICKEY Hair good, switches to order, scalp treatment, fa cial; cnironoay. 701 Rothchlld. 4th-Wash, DR. U. S. O. cjid Mrs. Fletcher. Painless chiropodists. 72 Selllng-Hlrsch bldg, CHIROPODISTS DR. MARGUERITE CHAV, FORD, chl ropodlrt. Formerly 6th and Washing ton. 614 Dekum hlrlg. CBXBCFBAcrno PBrrraoiAir HAVE given thousands of adjustments; tz.fto weeK. Matn ornoo zd ana wain CXTBTESB BOOTOJUi QU'CK loans on all securities. 8. W. Kl ing. 46 Washington bldg. Msln 6100. ilONEY to loan on Improved real eatatax A. Aa Whit. 701 Belling bldg. MORTOAGE loans. 6 and 7 per cant, Louie Salomon at Co.. 229 Stark at. MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATB. A H. HARDING. Ill Chamber of Com, SHORT TIME LOANS. 100 - AND UP. 07 ORBGONIAN BLDO. MONBY TO LOAN CIXATTEL8, SALARIES 07 MONET FOR SALARIED PKOPL15 Women keeping housa and oters fur nished without security, cheapest rates, eaaiest payments. Com and get money when you want it, and pay aa you can. Offices in all principal cltloa. D. H. Tolman. 817 Lumber Exchangee SEE FRANK LANE for a loan on pianos, household goods. auios. nvestocK, siorago receipts, mort gages, anything of value: it will cost you ie. ana net our prices. ou owtji- livna mar, otr. ana wneniniiDn. t DR. cfc MRS. S. K. CHAN, Chinese medi cine cures men and women, new loca tion, 133 . 1st, oor. Alder. JINO WO CHINESE MED. CO. curs men and women. New location 3 86 Morrison at., near bridge. , DR. J slclan for men, women L. LONG MEDICAL CO., phy- Alder. OOUECTTOirS WELLS MERC. AOY.. EST.-108. CUR RENT, DELINQUENT ACCTS. COL LECTEp. M. 8775. 701 BP. OF TR AUK PHYSICIANS' AV Dentists' aoot., general collections. 201 Medical bldg. M. 6167. COHTBA.CTOBS ABS BTJXLDXTAUI HIGHEST grade carpenter and cabinet work for banks, stores and homes. O. H. Hammond, 186 Madison. WILLIAM FISHBECK. carpenter and builder, lobbing and contracting. 4th st. Main 6241. 206 IF you have residential grounds to beautify, consult our landscape expert. C. P. McDougall, 1J years' experience In Scotland and eastern cities. Now la the time to plant. Advice free. Phone Main silt or write tn uregon nursery Compnny. Orenco. Oregon. KODAK DEVXOFXBw ROLLS developed free; prints, 80 upt msll orders solicited. 206 Merchants Trust bldg. XiXATXXB ABS rXBDZHOh! CHAD. U MAST1CK AV CO, 74 Front Leather of every Jescrlptlon; tap manufacturers, findings. atAOKUTEBT B. TRENKMAN Co.. hydraulic and special pipe, smoke stacks, oil tanks, mining machinery, all repairs. 104 N. 4th. Front. 0ner1 transfer and atoraa. Main .14. A -4441. IPD VPT rlellvpi-tea all nart pit. I Dawson. M.ln 7t1. A-H714 141 Tavlor. RAOOAGE A Omnlbii Transfer Co. Fa tahltshefl Hi;. Phones M. MHO. A-Mtl 16 for 8 months rents the best typ writer made. Remington Typewriter j o . -a ."Kst. A 1.1, msKea rented, repatrorj. sou. ;ua nlngham Co. f atsrk Main 14AT. Typewriter a Puppii co Rebuilt, Id hand. 142H 2,1 at Mar. 411. UTKOXiSTESEKS CARTWRIOHT CO.. 118 Madison, up. bolstering, fumttur repairing and mattresses: work inr.rsnted Msln 8311 TACrTTM OXiEABBKB Oolden Rod Vacuum Cleaners. 216 Com- monwealth ndg.L.A.Amlck. Mgr.M.4010 TSTEKUTAJLlAAi MODERN veterinary hospital 418 E. 7th, cor. urant. ixigs, csts treated, board ed. Pr O. Tf. Huth.nan. B-1fl6.r B. 1847. WHOLZSALB 70BBBKB afOTOBtrroxB cmntnto REPAIRS of all ktnda; alao bicycle sup pllaa and repairing. 18 Burnslde. AfTSZO TEACKXKS E. THIELHORN. violin teacher; pupil flevclk. 900 Marouam. A-4160. Mar. 1621 PIANO, new. rapid method. Hawthorne sen 00 1, zsi is. via si. . EVERDINfl As FARH4L.ii, proJuc and commission merchants, no Jfrotii st -ortiand. or. Fhone Main 17. M. A. OUN3T ft CO., DISTRIBUTORS OF FINE CIGARS PORTLAND. OR; WaDHAMS A CO.. wholesals grocers, manufacturers and coffee roaatara. Ith and Oak sts. MORGAN WaLL PAPER c6., .30 id St.. between Salmon and Main. ALLEN ft LEWIS GRoCfcRIKA B '810 OHOOIjS. RAGTIME piano taught 16 lessons; ex pert teachers. Players command good salaries. Room 17. 886 E. Morrison si, OSTBOFATXZO PHY BIOTA IM E. GEORGEFF, carpenter, builder, store i. front and stpre fixtures especially, glaaVig. 29iK Anketiy. Warshall 2861, MONEY IN ANY AMOTTNT. Contracts, mortgages, eaultles. chat tela, diamonds and real security: SDe elal servioe rendered. LAWSON-BROWN INVESTMENT CO. 1809 Yeon bldg. Tel. M. 8947. PRIVATE PARTY LOANS, 810 TO 1100 Furniture, storage, receipts, etc, Strictly Confidential. WSV HUillUCJ J11I.IIHU.0 U . - ., Open Monday and Saturday until 8 p. m. .iTICB heretofore given partnership iMtween Harry t Reaa and ander 'gned has ben dissolved ApHl 11, 12. And I will not bo responsibls for any J'Mi enntraf-ad In the nam of Pacific JUkity Co. aftw thia dat. , z. e. rtrxtkx. -. MONEY IjOANED, JWLRY, DIAMONDS, SILVER,-' WATCHES. PIANOS,, ETC. PRIVATE OFFICES. EL BY COMPANY, 118 LTTMBEH I" CHANGE PLPq. DO YOU WANT MONEY? You can have a loarf for the asking. I loan oo aiitos. clano. furniture, eto. Strictly confidential and no delays. Low rates. M. Maiden. C06 Swetrand bldg. MONEY, MONEY, For ealarled people, Strictly confldenflaL J -,um,)r Exchange. PRIVATE party has money to loan on 800 Chamber diamonda and laaralrv . t iommerce. , - . - LOANS on diamonda, jewelry and oth.r - articles at H ususl Interest rate; coa- noenfiai. zit railing oiog. MONEY sold on Installntantj conflden. tlal to salaried people. F, A New. 1 iirr'ry n Juaj. COAX AJTD WOOD BORING WOOD & COAL CO, East 3138. Country slab. Tabor 1742. B-26S3. Block and Cordwood. B-2629. Main 3709 A-73o PAC. SLABW00DC0 Green slabwood, big and small Inside block wood, planer frlm'gs., cordwood. MrrD jP. CADD Wood and coaL A-l iNt.rn tii rnnn dry wood. 4 foot or sawed to oroer. irompt oeuvery. (Ut nter st. wain tag.. A-tt, Dr. Smith, graduate Klrksvllle, Mo., 1898. postgrariiiate 1U7. lizz-wcning Diag. OBTEOPATHIO p rSISZAATB DR. Catheiin C. Gates, 11 years' expert. aiice threatlnr; nervous and cbronlo diseases. 807 Abington bldg. Mar. 1141. Hrs. 10 a, m. to 8 p. m. UH. Li L-EBELLE PATTERSON. P clalist on nerves, acute and chronlo diseases. .08 Kenton bldg. Main 8961. TmAJTE OKTATIOIT COLUMBIA RIVER ROUTE ' O.-W. R. A N. steamer "Karr .li Qnaan" leavas Portland, Ash- Street doeU. dally except Saturday at t V m., arriv ing Astoria 6:80 a. m., connecting with str. Nahcotta for Megler and all North Beach points. Returning leaves Astoria at 6:80 a. m., arriving Portland 6 p. m. Call at city ticket office, :id and Washington sts.. or Ash street dock. PAXHT, OIX. ABT OlfABB V. E. BEACH ft Otk, Pioneer Paint Co. 186 First st. Malnl334. A-7048. PORTLAND WOOD YARD. TTM An1- a miV lnh-fnAA B-rl anal a it. waai moii, mm wwa gaitva wan Wreckage. 9th and Gllsan. Main 8368, A-ZZH3 If you can ship A-l fir cordwood now call or write to the Edlefsen Fuel CO, JffiaSl ZU3, C-Z30I, ,y Main 77. F 4 foot dry wood. Nat Fuel Co., 887 Water at Marshall 960. A-9645. DELIVERED L PROMPTLY. J. EVERT8, -Ft. Curry st loan money on good business ar row 714. in- counti lag bldg. Ivabl. St row Yamato Wood and Coal Co. EAST 818. B-lin. ALBINA FUEL CO. All Kinda of gr and dry wood. Rock fiorlnara and liib dota coal. i . . STANDARD' WOOD' CO.. box plan.r and cordwood. 841 E. SUrlc East. Ill; B-1696. -- v COAL and alP kinds ojf wood, pbona noigai roei co-, p.iiwppq . CI1Y MARKET Wood Yard. Cool ft man. Id and Clar. Main 8141. . A -41 II )Oti T burn money. Phon East 152? HAbML'S3EN CO., "Hlgti Standard ". paint, no. cor. 8d ft Taylor. M., A-1771. PAIMTIKO AAD FAAKIlfO ORCHARDS sprayed on contract; buildings and docks whitewashed. Woodlawn 1970. 834 Peninsula ave. R H. P1CKAKD; falntlnK. tintln- pa pering; satisfactory work. Phone East 1866. ,, . FOR BEST work, prices right, call P. A. Doana. 104 Union ave. Eaat 106. TINTING 82 room up; painting, papar hanglng. C. A. Barnes. Main 1334. FATIBT ATTOBVE YB PATENTS obtained; trademarks, copy rights registered in all countries; boo it -leta free; consultation without charge. Peter Haberlln. 32i Worcester diqj:. U. S. and. torsign patents procured by O. & MARTIN, , 409 Chamber of Commerce Building. PATENTS procured of J. K. Mock. At 1a.....1jT 1 - 1 A 9 Tf O T3,lnl nf. , IVI ll.J-.t-MI.. 1.1. V. Jt 13. . .1CJ11W1. Ire: book free. 719 Board of Trade bldg. R. C. WRIGHT, U. a and foreign pat- gnts; infringement rwn. ,404 Dekum. rAwnaorca IINCLH METKBS rOM.ATFRIT. RA VTf tor dry board wped at pl.SO ta f 1.18 years la Portland. 71 6th, Main 110. KEEFE I publish my own fmotograpn, - personai y conduct and man age my own orrice and have no connec tion with any other practice. I am legally qualified to 'practice my protession in tne states of Oregon, Washington, Califor nia and Nevada. Prac tice limited to the scl entiftc treatment of special ailments. Every man calling at my offl't la assured of my personal and Individ ual - treatment until a cur is er f ected. Ba sure - to consult me be fore treating elsewhere. NEW GERMAN REMEDY FOR BLOOD POISON My Method of Administration ts Ab . . solutely Safe. Corns to me if you have any of the following disorders: .Enlarged Velrfk. Pimples, Nervous , Debility, 'Nerve, Blood and Skin Plsnrders, Bhadder Trqubles,J Blooa I'oisons, .ruption, I "leers, Special ; Ailments, , Piles or Fistula,. : . ' ,. - - - ; to, 6 T to 6 Dally; Sunday 18 to 1, ''Examination Advice Frea J.:X KEEFE, Pii. G. M. D. Rooms 1 1-1 S Iiafaretta Bldg. tU W A f? n INGT ON ST.. rUKI I.A1M), UK. - la tfrherfu erol and rlella. It la f rpri.r of praoi. It lavs rnltarr, di.Lgur.tlon and bUstad llva la Ha path ay All form.r mtho-l of lilra.nt hold It only In rh k and rontlnually r. rurrln y iptnm. raralnd you I ha I lh TAINf I yi in year blood. A a leag al fSK SYMPTOM rm.ln. h vlru la atlll Ihar and n . bid raa tall what day or aom other fatal rompllratlon will d.v.lop. Hlxxit) POIHOS vfi Is fb mlldeat rake. I ala)S a r o.t a.rlous dlaa. pi iK.Nrr. has al la I dlsroverrd a CKR TAIN Cl'RIC and It la criminal n.gtart on your part ir you reruae to savs yogr.lf now. Don I dany yenrwalf health and all th happiness an.l frardjm that PURK HliOOD nrtna. ir you have v.r had Bpaelfle niooa t-uiaon you n4 thla Wstdirful Discovery. THE GERMAH REMEDY It Is the dra of eanturlaa com tra. Ttks ONE HOUR off and let m administer thl elbralad Iraatmant. It la- prfally r. aad poaltlvaly will not lay you ap on hour. You ran laka It rtlv and your cloaeal companion naed not know that you hav laavn ii, proriaw ii ia given tn tight your pr..nce. and then nalnlct I , '. - - - I C K. HOIJMAN. M. D. Tha pbotagrapb whloh I publish above is a prft !lkna of ni I do sot hlda under a faJa nam nor pub lish fals pletur aar make a fals statement f aar kind. N way. I will open the tub prpr It in your pra.enc. sna men nainlcsalr me aa longaa you live, Waus It will rur a. I aiv w honat blond administer It, Tou will b thankful to J- 'r",ri 10 n.rov; ou ar euid. Ii is belter to com to mt than to an ln.iprlne.d 7hylclan. 1 Intrtxluo It IlRIOCTLlf IiTn Till-' BLOOD by ,h INTRAVENOUS nTpr7pa7 method Of au mlnUterlng it. and tha on tcommndd by Prof. Ehrllch hlmaelf. I Offer Free Consnltatlon and Advice T InvJUr to com to my off!. I will arplaln to you my trtment for Enlarged Veins. Hernia. Neryoua Dblllty. Blood Dlaord.ra, Pile, Flatula, Bladder. Kldny and all Men'a Disorders and g!v you FREE a physic rxamlnat on. Eveor parson ,honid tak, adranUga of thla opportunity to learn their true condition. My name has always elood for th HONESTY. SINCERITY and the IIIOljEST DEGRKB o profoaslonal akllL If you ne.d help do not he-ita'2 one day longer You now have a chanc to get cured at your own terms. You may depend upon the greatest prlvaoy. Out-of-town men WRITE for Information or my Symptom Chart Hours 9 a. m. to 8 p. m. dally; Sundays. 10 a. m, to 1 p. m. 221 Morrison Street Comer Flrat St., PORTLAND. OREGON. m IaAwaaUkaa ' ' Don't fall to eon suit with th Modern First A Aider Sts. Phon Main 4485 Entrance 111 Alder There's No Pali no poisoiois Consulting Specialist. 133 First St J25Alder at Dr. . a- Chan Mra Dr. Chan Th reliable Chtnaaa Doctors. 8. K. Chan with thalr harmless Chines medicines of herbs and roots, can wonderfully cur all kinds of Internal and external sick nesses wnen others fail. Chronic ail ments successfully treated. NO OPER ATIONS. Examination for ladles by Mrs. Dr. Chen. Call or; writ to 8. K. CHAIN CMIJNiUSIfl MJSilCINE CO.. 133 H ist Bi., xm. w. corner Aiaer. roruana, or. drugs do operations His Cures Are Effected by Using Nature's Remedies LT.YEE'&80MS" The old. eminent Chinese doctor spent a lifetime in study of herbs, and gradu ated from several univer sities in China. cures all diseases of men and . women successfully. No matter la. I,n V. - t tf-kW cur If -curable. Call. or walawrlta to X T. YEE ft SONS MEDICINE CO., 23014 Yamhill. S. E. cor. 2d street. Portland. Or. . . mm C aV; C. t : ' v " " ryp"' CHINESE MEDICINE CO. . Hav a full line of wonder ful Chines Herb and Root Remedies that will cure all kinds of diseases. Men or women sufferers with any kind Of chronic dis eases can -come to our or flc and hay a free con sultation with our Chines doctor.. . ' ' . 185 1-2 florrisoa Street TVt end of Morrison St bridge. " J Portland. Oregon. . Quickest Results" Are Obtained by Want Ads in The Journal THE CHINESE DOCTOR He has mad a life study of th cura tiv powers of Roots, Herbs, Barks and Buds, and is giving to th people of the northwest the benefit of his years of research. It Is by simple remedies that ha can cure such diseases as Catarrh, Asthma, Stomach, Lung and Liver Troubles and also private diseases of men snd women. Consultation and Examination its H ,s able .to diagnose your case and tall you what your symptoms ar. N neea or your explaining what tha mnt Is. Opn Byeniags and Bundaya If yon live out of the tAt: Inclose cen t s In ..tAmpgand get f gymirt l blank. Fill it out ahT'wKen he diag noses your case you can begin treat ments. C Gee Wo ChlneseMediclne Co. ltti FIRST ST.. CORNER MORRISON. PORTLAND. OR. : . j -.1. . t "n . . j niooa troubles land ail ( - - lungs, ) Uverj y Stomach, ! - 'J kidneya When - fclier y mr... fbave given you up, con- C irU i',or wrft- B,n B1KG CHONG Chinese" Doctor. Ills Chines herb and root medicines cure Removed to 233V Wash corner Id BV