The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, April 10, 1912, Page 7, Image 7

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mo wateb nrans
fWk aMlf '- Ut aala li
at a, u kM f t4
tvta) wir lua
AiMwa BaaataJ Cm
)-, . af TV kwai
Ar- U v.t.,.
0wm luu k k4 lk
aj .! M wl M f
Ik a-iil kAf Arr. La 4
kaa WkM l.wiiMlm ,a t.44
la krtisata. ka a U e a
i ik i w. u r. k
tUm lka H 4i ka u I k
(tal4 ak kk4ltakai ,aka aatUa. a
ikal ka a Im ky wm4
r-u4 b-ky ik kk lk k n
kMM aaa44t $w0 k.aali HU (w
aMt kJ lk rai aa Ik I tt
a lLiak uaa tk4 IM ml
aik4 Kia4iUUlM Ik k k
ami k-k a-oul lt-4 ivf ka 4 ik.
k cka4 a tk kiiAi la w I m 4
lk kala 4 Hktasai lalUk k I
fk k Mtitf k kiinal a-ay
ixtck k M ktaskai. tVM kk k
ka k ka kkiiia1 kkk
kawMf WW Ifcra naiaikiii k
I b jakiala4 k4 Ikas ka fie r
ka Ilk aUtkiia, ikaMky kt'
k mmiImUji atka kk k-J H
D!u8 Mountain Grange Petl
Hen j State Doard to Sur
vey Grande Ronde.
Kings VaHey Residents Con
fident That Road Will Ba
. , Built Soon..
Eren Candidate fcr Port Com
mljsloner Finds He Must
Deslcfute Politics
fa) IrWkMk k fWt kin.
cm r tin w i
flLltk4Wkia. kll I TV avaMBiltak
CaaraalUa, It . aa II A telgvas
ralUl kaa ItatlWl M kwkl
failawaf af Ik k la naaatk aaaaia
C, L. rJMli stla ka4 lt.
t lk C. it. k .14 tx.a
kikka Ikal Mr. La fWWiia cava m a ka
ikakxi bwv 4 TV toiwl I
kWa, u. A w4 l la mhm
ks wil hhu f" k kikJ
. IU eele kf4 a -M4
4rt4 I I . leie lk
t. lk tUJ ttA !, I
-. '. 4mSV ! f fvi4 !
l ckt.Ui alLfa. I a--
MlvikfUMI e-f flail Wttk 4.
ISwarfel ta KwmII
W as TV
x. AyU lk- 4
tVrvaJu fa atw k-k ) aaal Ma
4y WkUe Ta.l k artwaaiir ta lk
tlfl llt aU tar l-..
( ( Ik (kvaklf mhHI4 Ik kt
Var U lk wliir af Kiaa
(U aryiag K mt raitay
Ikal U U I a IKa ft k kU l Uakw Ml
i.a t-uBirr, it ta rc4 kr
a. k fw IMik Ma kaiaia u I. k
tarl 14 r IW k HmI
ttlMl kr aadkal
f mii r tan x Ik
af iva rn TuvBi mm th
aU k Mk aaaa ka4 Ik .
saary bal UWI kWlaa4kg l
Mrtr - elUaa At-f Uakatwl
Crawf4 kak a4a4 Ikal tk law U
vary fkaia ka U iiIiimi K4 k
avtatatv atekOaa I !y fa aarly aal.
ka IM MklB. k4 Ik Waamaall
a f I a arrwt aa4ata
Klaafk k4 kHrr la liiOw mttvri
la akfuM 4trnlit. T kiiw a
aaaltAgaavrr la 4UkLs Il katr aaa.
441 wtU ta vr Tan t lk
a auiM. ii aa
I ka liaa ttig U,
kf H a rataway a
ttOMia. k
kMtUMl lka Ik Mkr nl
aaan tkaa la ir' raa I bat
i. I a WimiimAk anil anil a mt fairaa.
k taka k la.l.. a mt4 a It kk k
tk Um aiul rvk fa la4M4a
a ralUy. ( la &,
la to!?. a4 frNlt im
Ikair 4aak4k k4 k -. 4
' mm a aa W i..
atrtk r4. IUri tU Ik
M awk kl Ik ffiaakl U I L" " '. " V. . i a L.' Z . "
u, uht iu u i r IM
' mimwi tnm I IM la.
Ik k kaalaraar kaf (Mljltl
ktnv far
iietl iuu la tk Qa4
rt4 i:
I , kvkMa4'
, af )!
RxU i:jr Ut Ik j It U
Ikal aW Ik kaJaOU.
av. A. . ail
I kair 4aaka4k k4 a Pakaaa4
Ilk Kl vU. tka I ItMaia. I atria krrt4. (Uaeaawkteil kf Ik I
Ik iumi k kk af lit k-t.
k lai'.UMo f Ik
k klf4i 4 kr. -
1U kallliaa tlM llltaaJ Ikal lttf
tl"l ela IM Oraaa Kae4
UK crt k4 eTfW4 l Ika a.
! n ik . ike 411 af
fcUk Un Ik MIltaMl kf I Km nl
I r. kclUa ita ckl iHI
Ifc.k brr.
Aktk S;U, a krte4 ! tk
-.lltle. khuk MtN k4J4twtto) f
lb ! rkie trr, (. u ! rujl
kofbi ky tk itUM cur wmui .
kar ail lb mi af L Ureai fa
ua far tatarfarta- alia (a
Nar' alar riskl, aktok; sail! la
w kel4 I k tfcraeiaaiag I !!
a tlnii alt lb rlgkt klaag lb
l'rol ic Gr4
(fa! TV laaraall
CarvkUik. Or April Ik. A ktrc
f1h la prabkkl la lli npubllk prt-
B-aru for I v komlnadoaa. Tfc t-
l4 aoiiioM ar ealf akrtf( ko4
Ikl rpraaalailT.
Tkklk U kkrlif tl Rtaaj Ikk) l4
l4r. TWa 4 ml a 4 for arf yauaf
k47r ri4 r Ik rfe kf t 4k
aakllalk kf tk 4r. k4 tU kffakl
Ik itMt( fk f fkntMitl kaalraaC
fa kU k oka fa Ik) tka frwat Cht)4
Ukr taa k4 IM wort kf IK Okrrr
aW(r tk hv Yotk Utk kfrarik4
Lk kklrkl kf iXk mt kf MI4 ktr.
kJlkMflk la kkkk cmaaa lfcr kaa ka.
pr4 ina pr46r at lkk Urt la
ma I aaaertn- kkrt, ff la tlUaolk,
Wkkkkekukkllk, LuUUk ka4 ktbar
atalak lhal aoaUlk tie part aat ktUak
rrt 4 ikaklrtcal klkkaotkl, rk4ukr
kara U rart l kit aortk af ablr
fCaa I kkB tkk larkklraJll) kf tk
Uk atikk t9ra faciarr cbllir ka4
ar k uia44 la taUrfark Kk th
vU ar4 for ItiUk a af taa iui,
TWm klaa ka alt4 fartk th Ul
at potr af )ruUl. kk4 aawrkl kk
4krJk4 talk) aetare ko4 kiriak af
kramlkk ka4 tremtaaoa. On rkeaJla
tka aama af TUk MkitiB. tb rk
ki 4a y baakltfu tacaaaa. wfca m aaa
kf Iba prHlj alkt girl kf fw yaar
I; Vlelat llamlnf . wkk Ml 4lok4
klBtaal Ikl (taking wktnaa, kA4 Vt-
klk ! Okerga. who la a full D4gk4
Lar. mw pUrtag at tba Italllg tblk
kkafe La lUbaxt kf Boaaf brock rum.'
will ha i no raadMala'a aam ea lh
prinud ballot, but It Ik ntmkr4 thr
will writ th aama of aama aoaalbla
candidal on lh ballot kl thk prlmrik.
Th conical for thk Republican non
Inallon for rpratatl la b t rn
P. o, lloixbrkka. Uiumbat. aad W. P.
Laffartr Mr. Laffarlr 4cl4a4 kalf a
far daft agk tk kr th raoa.
Supporter of Mr. Lkf'crtr kkrt that
Mr. iioibrkkk abould a of bk ralurnad
to thk UgtkUtur bcua h Inlro
durM into Iba lkt Ifflalalurk a bill au
thorizing ka Incrckk In tb kkUrl of
varlou rotinty offlrlala of Baoton
count jr. Mr. tloaabrak aaavrt bk la
trAdn4 thk bill to mart a gnrl com
plaint that county kkiaru kr not
rlghtlr kdjuatl. with apaclal rfrno
to thk achool BUDrtntndnt and aa
aaaaor, whokk aalarlea kr kch
pr month. Th bill earrlad a apaelal
prorlalon for k referendum to thk rotrk
of th eountr knd. will b otd on ai
tha NoTmbr lectlon.
CorTkllla. Or April It. Th Baton
County fruit Grower a aaaoctatloa. or-
ganlakd k few weakk ago, glvaa areml
of becoming a vary auccaaifu ooncarn.
During th Ikkt Ihra or four waaka
fher baa ben ordered by tskoibara ef
thk kaaoctkllon kpproitmktkly t,M0
amaO fruit plant of Tkrlouk kind. Of
Uiea th grcktcr part kr ioganbarrl aa,
wlill a Tkrtety of thk red raapberry la
acond In popularity. Bealdaa tbaaa
planta many ordered alaewberk, and thk
total number ef plMl aet out thla year
la bkllatrad to b oloaa to lOO.kOO.
(Rom-IiI (e Tk JonrnaM
Hood River, Or.. April 10. At the
etHlona of tha city council Monday
evening It wkk voted to locreaaa thk re
corder salary to 7( per month and
tha treasurer waa voted k aaJary of 40
pr month.
An ordinance waa paased providing
for paving thk buelnrta aectlon of tho
city knd It waa propoaed to oil tha
principal atreeta leading Into thk coun
try A protcrt waa filed with the council
from the owncra of th property that
lias been uaed by the city for a dump
ing ground for the paat yaara and tha
city will be restrained from ualng thla
ground' for thla purpose.
City Health Officer Edgington ad
dressed tha council relative to th un
sanitary condition of aome of the clty'a
meat markets and th health committee
waa Instructed to take Immediate atepa
to abate the unwholesome conditions.
Play Ta Inatnf Tla.
Vklk, Or, April It. Th Vklk aad On
tario teams of thk Oracoa-Idaho laagu
pUyed a It Inning tlk gama here Bun
day afternoon. Tha aeora vrma 1 to L
Th Trgtn-Idkho laag-ue eeaaoa wlU
open neit Sunday when th Ontario
team plays In thla city knd thk Bol
team playa th Nempa nln In Bole. It
I thought thkt Wei ear knd Caldwal
will Join thk lekgtik bkfor th kaaaon
etarta. -
Rheumatism Advice.
Prmlsnt Zoc tor's Boat rKkuilp,
tlom XaaOy aCxkA at Soma.
Dig Told Storage riant Begun
Hood River, Or., April 10. Work wak
bexun today on the ku pern true tur of
the large chemical cold storage plant of
the Davidson Fruit . company kt the
M$St place and when completed will be thk
largest fruit storage plknt in thk ktate.
,,i. .Indications p'nt to a crop or apples
mhtu will total 1,200.000 boxes thta yoar.
Woodburn, Or., April lO.-rThi olty
has a municipal water plant, having
completed the transfer of tha old sys
tem "during the week. Th work- of over
hauling the plant and making exten
sions will, be taken up it onoe. Al
ready the contract for the erection of a
structural- steel tower, with a conical
Rteel tank, the bottom of which will
' be 100 feet above the surface, has been
let and will be completion. A
mile of water mains have been pur
chased to be used In making necessary
Grocer Shok and Robbed.
Saiy Franciaco, April 10. Police are
searching tho city today for two high
waymen who shot and painfully in
jured Demetrluk Liapla, a grocer,
robbed his store of $65, and escaped
sfter a pistol duel and an exciting pur-
by a large crowd or citizens.
"From your druggist get ono ounce
of Torts compound (In original aealkcT
package) and - on ounce of syrup of
Sarsaparllla compound. Take these two
Ingredients homo and put them Into a
half pint of good wlitakey. Shkkk th
bottl and take a tablespoonful before
each meal and at bedtime" Thla Is
said to ba tha Quickest and best ramadv
known to thk medical profession for '
rheumatism and backache. Good re
sults come after the first dok. If your
druggist does not havk Torls compound
In stock he will get It for you In a few
hours from his wholesale house. Don't
be Influenced to take a 'patent medicine
lnstekd of this. Insist on having th
genuine Torls compound in the original
on ounce, aealed, yellow' package.
Hundreds of the worst cases were cured
here by this prescription last winter.
OVanraj Improved XJver
PEOPLE1 havinc lndiceatlon. blllaua
spells end headache, with bad complex
tun vr luiiijjira. uiu uo curea wiin mesa i
vegetable pills. They driv out thk
cause or sicxnesa ana clear thk com-
lexlon. you look better knd feel bet-
er kiier usinw tnem. una ror a doaa.
SS cents at druarlsts or by malL For
samnie write ur. homiiks i:o.
: Glass before Breakfast
tones up the stomach, clears
tho head and does you good.
f i
. VJatiew
Quickly Believes -.
Ill L. UM W r V7- l 7, JUL r V II
III I W-4M t i t i r l X I I II i
III I l J - VVi V V I ' 1 1 I . LlIb I I I I I I r-w I II
II i i i . - .
III .,J-- I!
ih rr-' - .v -
I SB 4
4 Qa
1 1! I Ji'xik
H fiH1 WJHK''
mm. -feserfwsaftv' - itmsi
Hundreds of lot buyers, home seekers, arre hunjrjy ones, on Sunaay
last visited the new tjwnslte.
Inrcjtors and home seekers quickly realized the peat - opportunity
that Pleasant Home offers for business and homes.
Pleasant Home is surrounded by teres and acres of finest land, rich,
friable shot loam, the best fruit, berry and vegetable soil adjacent to
Portland. Here for the price of a small dty lot. you become the owner
of an acre, .
Pleasant Home Is on the new Mount Hood line but 12 miles from
Portland, Ideally situated for suburban homes. -
Get away from the troWe3, uncomfortable dty. from crampecl
apartment house life, from dty living in a small house with little or
no toutj3. "
Enjoy, health' and comfort iri )C aellghtfol kulnrxban hoMe with a'
en. berry patch, little family orchard, creed lawns. Give the chil-
pure ' air, outdoor life and country sports. Raise on - your ' own
land the fruit, berries and vegetables you are now paying high
prices for. Put in a poultry yard, have your eggs fresh and cheap,
make the cold storage chicken a memory. Secure happiness,
contentment, independence and health on a place of your own.
There are no risks to be calculated nor chances td be ad
justed. If you do your part, success Is certain and satisfying. ;
The opportunity is here and will never return.
Special Train, Sunday, April 14
It Clears the Head, Nose and
Throat Instantly and Makes
You Feel Fine.- .
' " No matter how bkd your catarrh, how
much your head aches, or how miserable
you are with cold In lb-head. nostrils
stopped up, awkng ? spitting, bad
breath, you Jtfwayj get lmmedikt r
- lief by uaing Ely's Cream Balm, ; -
" Don't let your entire aysteni be polk
i '4ned by tb deadly catarrh germ which.
sooner , or later, cause complete decay
of bone and tissue. ' The continual drop
ping or , tn germ infected discharge
down tb throat leads to catarrh mt
th stomach aad bowels. -
Get a to-cent bottl of Ely's Cream
Balm from your druggist today, and
you will get relief a few minute after
using It. Tour, beadach and cold will
vanish, and In abort tlm you will b
completely rid of catarrh. Qivk It to
th children for colds and croup. If ta
perfectly harmlee? Special agent. Th
Owl Drug Ca ;.: , ; . . , .
To Pleasant Home and retiirn. Reduced fare
25 cents. Leaves from First Streetbetween
Alder and Morrison Streets (temporary
terminal). 1:00 P.M;":Lunt canbe'8ewed'
on new townsite. To secure tickets call
at office of Umbdehstock & Larson
Company, 286 Oak Street, or tele
phone for reservation Main 6719, A 7374. or mail coupon at once.
Investigate Pleasant Home, see What the fertile Powell Valley has to offer
you,- see what others are doing with a small tract, compare Pleasant
Home surroundings with your present cramped city situation.
Forward m
ticket for special
Pleasant Home Ex
cursion, Sunday, April
14th. Price, 25 cents per
round trip ticket. -
Name '.
Business. Address V.
Residence .
To u::rDnr;3TOCi: & LAr.r.0:: c
- J S a - w - -. - .