eVI i I THE OKL'OON DAILY JOURNAL. I'OKTLAND. TUESDAY AI'KIL. lilt. 4 LORD LONGBOW HE IS DECORATED FOR SERVICE TO ROYALTY rfitt4, tut; w. V is ;' rv finer 1 ,f . 'iff " " y " J I . X 1 jM3 I al. jk I i i i i i i - i . i i - x rr i ii i Oae. valla) Ike cl M eelertetatai. ft em!i rvl ffi, a t Uio. eppeJi Ue a infi nite I give U fciffcM. m bla iiUfcf Mip U t-kelr a ear bum wile, lUM drapery, jo 4raa4 JU st4 ! amoalsf and readtaf the aeeispepara. 4 (mHh sleepy 4 U4 Me cur pe ib r ead drM4 off Jat ft lh ifer eaaikt fir t lt setae stand (h4 a otiebe4 boUle'of cbttfei Deadly dreeing me relr. I flr4. "8o the ea tttt U rfcaintee 1-ouU ( Is "time. Tne reHii foifeiitt of f.u ei ot ()!!'.- f jlibej lt fir kA4 tbiuttlu4tr Me4 U hlfce from frUMfol fl4 tbi He ( ut, ttc4 o4. irrlr!n look a ll lUtUak l "(tlortlr nt4. ( U u(li(lH ( it rfftl tliUtM. 1 m fortfctiir 4rl4 lift (K U tr of U Ur4r f lft Hft(ft. m I krU fttbofti o la tk. 14 " BRAINY AND DROWSE THEY 'WANDER INTO CELESTIAL FIELDS - II 171 W I tt11 iWi VJ UT ui) iAuirftr iCMir ntci 71 rr- (hv tftjLor j; . r. (?) j FSCS ( Sill That r TiCntTj (?) ii.ii.ml -.! q ' 71 .ii I.-nI .! II I lWl LUHM Monday's Delayed News Briefly Told !ttim of World Urprlf IlwlTd ltm o'(1ok VrrrUf Aftmooa full 8 otlodi ThU Mornln-. Otnfrrlal. Th workman' cotnpnl1mi cl. framed by Iti tr1 mplojrarv' blllty iomiullon and rcomnjmlrd by Hi senala JuJtrUrr eominltlMi, fm up Monday In lh anat for th flrt iini, whfn Senator ChtnbrUto of Or- rum. HKk In ilTK-cr of II Th trJ of dmlrl ind vlco ml- ral In tl nay will b lbllrii of a bill lntrodu4 br npraalall Halrr of rennaylranU. Rrpubllcan. Tha bill would Inrlud In lh actlva Hat ana admiral and four loa admlrala. The houaa public landa commlttaa hrld anuUirf martini Monrtar. but nr' Irrird to onldr tha tffrtr bill for tli r-llrf of Innorant ptirrhaaara of Or- ra-on and California railroad landa. Tha bill aDDronrlatlna 1186.000 for flahllna tha Mlsilaalppl flood amanded In tha houaa to maka tha tnonay alao apply to oparatlona on Mlaalaatppl rlvar trlbutarlaa. Jamra A. Conroy. director of tha Port of Boaton, appeared berora tha commu tae In oppoaltlon to tha propoaal In tha Panama government bill to dlrorca rail roads from ateamihlp Unaa. Tha agricultural commlttea Hatenad to arguments In faror of a bureau of market! to Investigate methods of mar keting farm products. Tha house oonttnued debate on tha Indian aproprlatlon toll. The Judiciary commlttaa of tha een- ata ordered ravoraoiy reponea m num (nation of Oeorga I Townaenq Sm j to ba United Btalra marshal ef Delaware. Assistant Secretary Wtlaoa of tha slat dapartsnenl told the aenata finance rommlllp that the frea aagar bill wuuld mean the abrogation of the re ciprocity agreement with Cuba, for 10 per cent preferential. rolltJceJ. Nominations aent to the senate Mon day by President Taft Included Edward M. baloter of Missouri, commlaeloner of education of Porto ttlro. and Earl 1. Hunter, postmaster at Juneau, Alaska. . Oovernor Hooper has announoed tha appointment or Newell Handera as United tatea aenator to suceead tfi late Ben alof rtoberl I. Taylor. Mr. Bandera la a manufacturer of Chattanooga, i years old, and tha third Republican to aerva Tennesaee In the United States aenata, tks last being Y. V. Hrownlow. eiecieo: in lift. Kqual auffraare scored a victorv the Arlaona assembly Monday whan th house, II to 4, passed Assemblyman siocra s diii granung women the full right of auffraga. Tha bill Immedtate ly was aont to the aenata. where tha leader announced public heatings would Da held before any action waa taken. The Arlaona aenata has passed the recall amendment to the constitution. who only two negative votes. Th measure bad previously paased the bouse. IT I No More Distress After Meals Because STOMACH BITTERS prepares the stomach to receive food, assists di gestion and assimilation and keeps the bowels open. u VOIT SHOULD TRY IT t6dAY l ias tern. Appropriate civil and military honora will be paid to the memory of Major General Philip Kearney of Clril war rams, upon tha removal of his body thla wee rrom tbe family vault In Trinity churchyard to Arlington cemetery Id Waahlngton, where a flttlna; monument la to ba erected through a 110,000 appro. priation or the New Jersey legislature. After telling hla landlady he Intended to end hla Ufa, Oeorga Carlson, a Chi catrc printer, purchased SO bottlea of wuiakey. Later he waa - found uncon acioua bealda elrht empty bottlea. He waa fined f 18 for attempting- auiclda by annum tne liquor. Women of Exoelslor. Minn., are clan ntngjeif necessary to keep the village ary," to purchase the saloon licenses at 11500 each. Tha formation of this plan cornea as the result of tha recent election In Exoelslor, which went "wet" alter several years of prohibition. While the town of New Madrid. Mo, waa overflowed by the Mississippi to the depth of several feet, votera went to the polls In skiffs, motor boats, launches and rafts and voted the town "dry" by suo majority. Dr. Charles H. Greene, lecturer In the Harvard Medical school, has mad the discovery thtrt women talk too much. In a lecture on tha "Hygiene of Wo men," he declared: "Yea. women talk rar too much. They would be better looking If they listened more. They are nervoua because they do ao much talk' log. The energy they use up In talking should be used for other purposes." Governor Woodrow Wilson arrived In Syracuse, -N. Y:, Monday and immedl ately purchased a ready made dress ault WHEN YOU HAVE G33Q5KM5MBDi 4 REMEMBER (SDCtY EIGHTY EIGHT) nrrkibMnuf Rnttl .CnW in tha Northwest last year Drove that it is doinff whit people expect If it JidVt they would get their money backr XXSS THAR 7" PEOPLE Kt I UKALU BOTTLES bbbbbbbbbbV Wms Now b Oor Free Booklet Containing lalocantioa Tee Oagat U Have " '. JIATT. JT. 'JOHNSON CO SAINT PAOL tOU Wii S DifTfcuU, Ditfitm las DrftmUt last TrmH Bach assT f lo replace tha one atoleLby burglars al C'tiliaao airs Aaara Ha-lia. mother of It chil dren, rather haa continue In bringing children Into tha world, attempted aui clda In New York. Ileforo she could acccmpllsh bar purpose medical aid waa al hand and her life waa saved. Mr. Ilarllla la a railroad laborer In Jersey City, and Mrs. Itacllta saya ha has al ways bean good to her, but she Insists she does nut want to continue bearing children. Hhe la 41 yeara old. Colonel V- nton K. Jamison, for many yeara one of tha beat known bankers of I'hlUdelpbU. died Monday near Salt burg, Pa. Colonel Jamison waa 71 yeara Old. An emphalto "yea" and not a amlle or a mere nod of the head must ba given by tha maiden proposed to or ahe can not recover damagea for breach of promise lo marry, according to a de cision In the circuit court In Ken sea City. Kdna M. Cooke -feat a autt for 110 000 acalnst Oarrett H parka becauae flliarks' attorney proved ahe had merely nodded br head when flparka proposed. another International romance has been ahattered by the filing- of a dl mroa suit st Chicago by Counteaa da Beauvort against the Count de Beau-I vort The two were married in ionaon In 1109. The counteaa la the daughter of M. 8. Kllgallan, a wealthy Chlcagoan. Major Oeneral Fredenra ieni unm, rr u a. commanding xne eastern vision of the army, with headquartera on Oovemor-e Ialand. who for weeks haa been abaent on leave, will not return to Oovernor a Ialand - sums command or tne oivision. w...w.. next to the position of chief of staff In Waahlngton and that or omi.on mandei In the rniuppinea. is -" .v.. mn.t resoonalble command that an American army officer can hold. Army frtenda admit the general haa Buffered an mAII rOmD CIB JOI fvw. - " In the Chinese province of Shea F1. where many Mohaitiinedana hate been masaarred. acc-ordlng to a news agency dlapalch from Tien Tsln The prooe al of lelrphonlng la the pope.eouuds of the bells whtrh will b rung at the Inauguration of the newly constructed Campanile, has ben aband oned on ordera from Dr. Marchlafava, the physician In attendance on hla hall neaa. Dr. Marchlafava feara tha amo tion which would be caused to the pope by the Bounds of the bells would affect hla heart lo a dangerous manner and Increase hla depression due lo homesick ness, which haa been lately very pro nounced. Beven women and children were killed at Laveanee, Franca, In a rush to the doors In a concert hall, following an outbreak of fire Fifteen other women and children were Injured. Pacific Coast- State Horticultural Commlaeloner A, J Cook, of California, nas -,-niine- from Poatmaster General Hltcn- cock. whereby the aendlng through the malls of small trees, sups na ,i.h mi.hi h carriers of fruit-tree peats will ba prohibited unleaa they bear the atamp of a atate or federal of enii nr Cook saya a recent white fly peat waa brought to California In the malls. Hood River housewives and the man agements of the Uirrereni locai n . find great difficulty In securing girls rvlc. The hotels mm so much trouble that Uiey can scarcely .iiri riri to serve in the dining rnnma. and it is almost impossible aa a 1 1 ra th m for nrlvate famillea. Cable communication with Alaska, which was severed last Saturday night by a break In the aubmarlne line be h,..ki and Sitka, may not be restored for aeveral weeks. The govern ment cableshlp Burnslde is oot of com mission, and no other vessel la avail able to repair th break. Runchera in the vicinity of White Salmon are complaining of cattle run ning at larira in that community to the detriment of youngr treea of orchardlats. One man had 15 acres of treea badly damaged, b'o many new orcharda are being started in the White Salmon dla trlct that it is thought It will be neces sary to abolish thai, free range for cat tle. The bodv . of Robert McD. Grant, who was drowned by falling overboard from the Flavel wharf on the morning of March 17. was found on the beaoa near Hammond Monday. Mr. Grant waa 63 yeara old and was born at aea when hla parents were emigrating from Scotland to America, A town row of long standing which culminated in a disturbance In th council meeting of the Sprlngdale, Wash., council, February 19, at whlcn time revolvers were drawn and blood shed seemed Imminent, resulted In the conviction in the district court of J. W. GUUngham, Wlllard Taylor and J. 8. Fellows, prominent cltlsens or 'Spring dale, on a charge of rioting. A. Ia Balnane and P. T. Cedarhohn, both old pioneers of the northwest, died suddenly in Spokane Monday. Orders were received at the Mare Is land Navy yard Monday to place, the cruiser Annapolis In full commission by May 1. It la thought the Annapo- lia will be sent either to Central Amer ican waters or to Alaska for seal pa trol duty. Attempting to escape Monday from the Folsom, Cel.. prison, Monday, Man uel Roderigues, a Mexican, serving one year and a half, was shot and killed. The convict with others was working en the wall being constructed oa the nortA side) of the priaoa. '--u ; - MUctll&atoiia, For the use of the patented TJe Bangs Gas Check." on Ha cannon In tha army and navy, the United Statea gov ernment has been held liable by the supreme court of the United Statea to pay flSI. 000 to the owner of the French Invention. Western coal haa been found unault able for tbe uae of the navy except al abore planta and on tuga and other vea aela which would not ba expected to take part la battle. Comparative testa held aboard tha cruisers Weet Virginia, Colorado and Maryland have convinced naval offlcera that It would be unwlae to give preference to weatern coal. which, it la said, producea excessive amounts of aahea and soot, tending to clog tha tubea and gratea, and havlnc a certain destructive effect on the boll-era. Representatives of Catholic and Pro testant organlsattona were heard Mon day by Secretary Fisher of the Interior department in relation to the recent order Issued by Valentine, a commission er of Indian affaire, forbidding . the wearlna of rellrioue ererh bv teachers fn Indian schools which receive govern ment support. This order was suspend ed by order of President Taft. Secretary Knox arrived at Kinaston. Jamaica, Monday on the Cruiser Wash ington. Lieutenant Colonel L. C. E. Wyndham, the governor's private secre tary aide-de-camp, accompanied by the United Statea conaul, escorted Mr. Knox on Shorex MERGER OF LIGHT CONCERNS HASN'T day afler the signing ef each a eon tract aa ha prupoavd to give to the city As matters stand ldar. I be Wrtlaad hallway. I.laht A fower company ia AIDFn WnODBURN -'"' e)si.m oi arr. al ita owa (Continued From 1'age One. ) system company COTERIE OF LOCAL MEN INTERESTED IN LIGHTING PLAN (Continued From Page Oiii.) a complete Incandescent throughout tha city. The thereupon refused to deal with the roun rll eieepl by renewing the contract for the are system The old are system was so entirely unsatisfactory that the city refused to renew tha contract, at en at a lower fig ure, and kept after tha lighting com pany for a new system, which finally brought out a propoeltlon for the In stallation and maintenance of one hun dred and forty 10 candle power Incan descent lamps, for which tha power company proposed to, charts the city 114.40 each, per year and submitted a contract to run 10 yaara Thla con tract was promptly rejected by the city of Wood burn and waa referred hack to tha lighting people for elycllation. In the meantime the Urhtlng and power Interests of Portland had eon soli dated, which was to result lln a greet reduction In lighting ra tea. The Portland Railway , Light tk Power company .however, refused to deal with the city at the prices named, except on a IS year 00 n tract, and quoted a new price of 11 20 per lamp per year, on the 10 year basis, or aa In crease of 11.80 per lamp per year. The city council Immediately aerved notice on the company to discontinue all arc service within the cHy, and a petition waa circulated by the citizens asking a special election to provide bonds to Instsll a municipal plant- Thla action brought Oeneral Manager Hlld of the Portland Railway. Light at Power company to Woodburn. where he conferred with the council and attempt ed to ahow that the city could not pos sibly operate lta own system and pro duced . figures to prove that hla com pany would actually loae money every eraj proposals under advisement. wlLi an arul-aMe settlement apparently as far away aa II was l yeara age. The s - afllaeaa are aex ef the aodl and eay tbey wUl gladly ge witheail aay eireet lights rata- than be tied ea aay each eoalrase aa te UghUag leas paay effere, aaeasBi BBsaBBaaaBi bbbb sasa TTe average wweaaa aoaldot keep a aeeret by petting It aa tea. it 1 Eastern Excursion rhtr-iG Tickets Apr. 25-26-27 St. Paul or Minneapolis Only and Return $60 May ,., 10, 11, IT, la. , M. Jaae i,t. . U. 14. it. T, it. It, tO, tl, H, , fTJ M, taV. aly . 1 T. 1U . 15, it. tO, M. 11. W, tt SO, ti. Aagasi I, f, 1 "i , U la, le, ta. ta, . to, tl. taptambar cauoaoo rr. lout a ajtd mETtrx.Br IW YOB at Ajn BITVU'A BOTOBT ajTl BalTUBBT turriLO abtd m mtu mar TO. 00 lOeXM 110.00 city plant Is $500,000 and- the estimated annual maintenance cost la 130,000. The company agrees to furnlshe elec trical energy that may be required by the city for lighting- purposes at the rate of 2 cents per kilowatt hour. Olty May Take Over Plant. The franchise specifies that at the expiration of Its life of 26 years the city may take oyer the plant and sys tem Inside the city, limits. The franchise ordinance will be in troduced In the city council tomorrow morning by Councilman Tom N. Monks. Oo slow at the start and eive your speed for the finish. . Foreign. "; President Manuel Bonllla, of ' Hon duras, la opposed to the American loan, coupled with the proposed treaty , now pending before the united Statea senata It la said the treaty will not be ac cepted and the Honaurana will not ac cept tha loan; . -- : A nil-foreign rlota have broken out Asthma Catarrh WHOOPING CX3UGH CROUP BRONCHITIS COUGHS COLDS aW . . ! trrastieHie tare k tleisle, safe sa4 ef etie trestaeat fef krea cBial troeslee, witheal deelag tke stenick WUk inn. Uss4 wIU success fsrUlrty yean. Tbe sir reeesree streagly aarlMyUe. iasslref wits every breath, atakes breatklsf eety.-eeatkes tks sere tereat, ass steps lha eeath, SMariof reek hi alikta. 'fmelcas at Uraluable fe saetben wkk yeaaf ekudrea aa4 a fees (a safferers frea asthma. . . . .. . ... aeaasaaaetstiw aaulres aessm. ALL DRUGGISTS. Trr Creaeleae aau srstlc Th real Tablets for Che Irritates1 threat. Tin are aJaeie-eeeca. ive aae aatleevne. Of .rearararftaterfreaaa. loc la Kaaisa. Yspe CreaeleM Ce. al Caftlasat at R, T, . Ask Your Doctor Stir up your liver a little, just enough to start the bile nicely. One of Ayers Pills at bedtime is all you need. These pills act" directly on the liver. Made for the treatment of constipation, biliousness, dyspepsia, sick- headache. Ask your doctor if he knows a better pill for a sluggish liver. Then fol low his advice. JLr aT. PA TJE, MIjraTBAPOUat, SVLCT X, O Mil A. BZOCTaC OTTT arr. JOB, alllaj CXTT, WIBBZyits. rOIT AJs- THUB ASTD BkTUM , QjOO Tlckcta allow 1 days for going passage, rood for return lo October tl. Oood going one road, returning another. Stopovers allowed within limit In each direction. Try tha "OaMJITaX UUtlTBD." Ieava Portland T p. m. dally. Through Btandsrd and Tourist Hleapera -Portlaad to Chicago in 72 hours without change. Finest eervlce and scenery. Tickets and sleeping ear reeervatione at city tick et office. No. 12 Third street, or at depot. Eleventh ana noyi streets. M. DICXBOsT. a M T, 1, 123 Third treat, rortlaakd, Talaphoaaai Marsh all Bon, Aaaa. Greatest Nerve and Blood Tonli No. 2 I have giveo per tonal inspection to the working of M. I. S. T. on the human system, and must aay that it entirely meets with my pro fessional aanction. D. H. LOOMI9. late Demonstrator of Anatomy, Philadel phia Mdloal College Goodnough Building AT FOR WOMEN ONLY Dr. Banderaoo'a - Camponnd av!n and Cotton- Root' Pllia. The best 'and- only reliable remedy for DELAIID PEHI- ODS. Cure the most obstinate caaee In to 1 days. Price tl bv drurelsts everywhere. -Addreos Ti J. per bos er three bosea fS.ee. Sold Morrison st. PIKKCK. Room L Itltt Portland. Or. . ; Public Auction On Monday, April 22. 1912. at 11 o'clock A. M.. in front of the County Courthouse, I will sell at public auc tion, the quarter block at Fifth and Yamhill streets, in Portland, Oregon, oa which stands the 6-story Good nough building. Terms. 1-3 cash, bal ance due in one year. DAVID S. STEARNS. Referee. I. So To 22 gmm A jfm-- m:j& yf Mrs. sTV i UVM k'll.ll Ifc V" WL J aa Every Woman; Is tntereetsd aa snirmfl kaow about tbe woaaariol MAXVELVliiHinfSpny What IVo Guaranteo U.I.S.T. flo.2 Will Cure Ataxia. Spinal Trouble and apparently foeo. 1 ' 1 a itn aVeniat 1 i If fee mnnol aeeeta tha M4RVCL arcrst ivearall artters and due L Baas tBTilaa,aia ta laejea. w Baaru eo, at asst sm aa. aa loax. IW aaa fcr SkldsMe Pr Oa We taarae ue. aaa tmvmn- urea ta" i isas as. itena. RHEUMATISM, no matter how, tons standing. Any ease of inflammation of the Bladder or Enlarged Prostata Gland, no matter If the pa tients have been for veers forced to ese a catheter. BLOOD POISON IN ANY STAGS. ANY CASK OF" DIABETES. ; , , . It ia no stimulant, lta effeeta are permanent and lasting. Will cure any ease of Stricture without loeal treatment. Will reaaova entirely from tne system Cancer and cancerous Ofrmi In addition to. the above, M. I. S. T. Nov I aaa cured many easea or Paralyala, Locomotor hl. i4.'.m.m Af ih. fiareML dlaT. baa bees oa the market tt ever S years, and baa cured thmwaoas o( sotTerera I is preaerlbed by iesdina physicians all over the country. It la pleasant to take and absolufi r aafe. It never IncreaaJJ or diminishes the action ef tbe beart. If jourare suffenea from any ekroaie diase Joa are oryed to wrtia v as, o matter bow many doctors Or fc!nd f medicines von have tried without relief. V it GUARANTEE TO CtBK UU. I 3-' I r t 1 Address 11. L C. T. CO., To Tkr asa la Portland by t?r.1 TT FUT, K-'.. 3" Oak aT. Konra 9 a. m. to 6 T- ' u I se J i ' la ra. Oar xne.uclue iva;i i i. V e oai m : . i t That yon ay Jn1e of tbavaluef tbeOreat f rc",- ' " 'elf. we will send yoa one weW- trimt-ri t-t nly asking that waen eurtsi voursp.f ft.a I i- to others. Write jenttdenliailr n tin u , . giving ar in puma. Il per bt-i. cr t. ,s a (! U c:.